KingKong, do everything we can't. Know that we all love you.
I was playing on the ladder the other day
, and I use Dedede because WiFi sucks. So, match 1, SV, he uses Snake. 2 stock, no big deal. Goes to this MK on Delfino and I lose because I suck. Match 3, I switch to Falco and go to FD, realizing he's literally all downsmash. Easy 3 stock.
Here's the funny part:
him: "dude, do you main falco??"
me: "oh God no. I hate falco. I main Bowser." (I really don't hate Falco, but I haven't used him in so long. Like he used to be my pocket character. lol now it's Dedede)
him: "no...seriously"
me: "i'm 100% serious, I main Bowser."
him: "looooooooooooooooooool"
Sam_The_Freshest has left the room.