Updated Wolf Moveset: Version 2
Editors Notes: This is Version 2 of my original Wolf Moveset. Made a few changes based on suggestions people have made. I completely changed the B^ move, to better suit Wolf's overall style. Also, I made some of the descriptions more specific, to cause less confusion. I hope you like it!
Wolf O'Donnell
Power: 4/5
Speed: 3/5
Jump: 3/5
Throw: 5/5
Attack Speed: 3/5
Size: 3/5
Weight: 3/5
Shield: 4/5
A - Low Kick: Kicks forwards at a low height.
AA - Mid Kick: Kicks again at a mid height.
AAA - Side Kick: Pivots on left foot and Slams right foot forwards.
Tilt Forward A - Quick Jab: A simple, quick jab forwards.
Tilt Up A - Uppercut: Swings his arm upwards, hitting whatever is above him with his fist.
Tilt Down A - Sweep Kick: Sweeps his leg infront of him, attempting to trip whatever is before him.
Smash Forward A - Fist Hammer: Brings his arms behind him and weaves his fingers together, then steps forward and slams it down before him.
Smash Up A - Backflip Smash: Jumps into the air, while doing a backflip. Halfway through the backflip, he smashes his feet upwards, hitting whoever is above him into the air, then lands safely on his feet.
Smash Down A - Helicopter Kick: Flips himself onto his hands and spins while holding out his legs.
Aerial A - Flying Kick: Kicks forwards, hitting whatever is before him.
Aerial Forward A - Double Flying Kick: Does one Flying kick, then does a full 360 and finishes with another flying kick.
Aerial Up A - Drill Kick: Flips upside down and spins himself like a drill with his legs straight out.
Aerial Back A - Donkey Kick: Tucks in his legs, and slams them both back behind him.
Aerial Down A - Jackhammer Kick: Raises up his right foot, and slams his heel down, spiking the person below him to the floor.
Dash A - Shoulder Thrust: While running, pulls in his arm and holds out his shoulder, then leaps frowards and thrusts his shoulder forwards.
Neutral B - Ricochet Laser: Wolf shoots a single, blue laser from his gun. The shot is able to ricochet off of the stage, and off of crates and barrels. Only 3 of these shots can be active on the stage at a time.
Forward B - Pounce (Chargeable): Wolf slides one foot back and holds his arms out past shoulder length. He now looks like he's ready to pounce. When released, Wolf pounces forwards, and spins like a drill. If he makes physical contact with an enemy mid-flight, he will grab them and carry them with him a little bit. Wolf will then throw/slam the enemy below him. This move has large lagg, preventing spamming, and also making it risky to use for edgegaurding.
Up B - Jet Boots: Wolf will stop in place and slam his boots together. His boots will start to charge and send a powerful stream of blue flames out from them. The flames propel Wolf upwards at an amazing speed, and you can bend the direction he moves in. This move will do damage to anyone hit by Wolf himself, with medium knockback. Although, if you are caught in the stream of blue flames, you will be dealt tremendous damage, with no knockback. The move can propel Wolf to a maximum height of 3x his normal jump height.
Down B - Counterstance: Wolf Leans back on one leg, and holds his forearms before him, one slightly above his head, and one at chest height. Wolf is now in his counterstance, and when struck by physical attacks from infront, below, or above him, he will slam the top arm's elbow into the enemy, then pulls back his other arm into a fist and slam it into the enemy, sending them away from him. This stance can be held like Fox's deflector, but during the stance, Wolf can be harmed from behind, or from ranged attacks.
Grab - Reaches out to the enemy with a confident look on his face, and grabs them by the collar.
Grab Hit - Rams his elbow into the enemy that is firmly in his grasp.
Throw Up - Tosses the enemy slightly into the air, then rolls back onto his hands and slams his feet upwards, smashing the enemy upwards.
Throw Down - Lets go of the enemy and almost instantly slams elbow into their back, smashing them into the ground.
Throw Forward - Steps forward and hurls the enemy forwards with the hand that is grasped onto it.
Throw Back - Grasps the enemy with his other hand, and pivots 180 degrees. With the momentum, he hurls the enemy forwards.
Standing Position: Stands there With both hands on his gun, holding it above his right shoulder, with a confident smirk on his face. If left immobile for long enough, will flip his gun into the air and expertly catch it in his hand.
Walk: Walks in a casual manner with his gun still being held over his should with both hands.
Run: A speedy sprint with Wolf slightly leaning forwards, and still holding the gun over his shoulder with his hands.
Taunt - "Too Easy": Wolf rests his gun on his shoulder while slightly tilting back his head and letting out a yawn into his free hand.
Final Smash - Wolfen Assault: Wolf pulls out a small communication device, and seemingly gives an order to strike. Suddenly Wolfs ship "The Wolfen" flies into the stage, and for some reason, just flies into the distance and fades away, leaving enemies with a false sense of content and safety. Suddenly, the ship will zoom in from the distance and begin to bombard the stage with its lasers. It flies around the stage, shooting its blue, twin lasers at the stage, then flying off and disappearing in the distance, only to come back and shoot some more lasers. It's possible to be struck by the ship is you get too high, and if you are you will be dealt a whopping 75% damage. If struck by the lasers, you will be dealt from 20-50% damage, with medium knockback. The Final Smash will last for about 30 seconds, and when it's over, The Wolfen will fly out into the background of the stage, and shoot three bombs onto the stage. The bombs will leave large explosions that linger in place for a while, and if you are hit by a bomb, you will take 50% damage. When the Final Smash finally ends, The Wolfen will turn around and fly out through the background of the stage, fading out of sight.