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Wolf O'Donnell for Brawl: The only good choice for a starfox villain

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Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2005
How you can skip Star Wolf? If you go to Venom 2, you have to fight them in the surface. And you have to beat Bolse first if you want to go to Venom 1.

OK, what's the trick?


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Any guys of u think wolf should have a diferent victory song? I mean metaknight will have kirbys songs but more rock-based, I say wolf should have the star wolf theme, dont ya think??

Tough there should be a Star wolf lvl, maybe lik the base wolf has in assault? and it must totally have the SW theme in the bg...


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2006
as far away from you as possible
Yeah the wireless adapter thing...
Wait, for your computor, or Wii? The Wii is already Wi-Fi, and you don't need an adapter for the computer, just a wireless airport.

Edit: and yeah wolf is awesome enough to get his own theme song. See if you can create a wolf stage. That base idea is good, and I've got an abstract idea of what it could look like, but I'm no good with paint

Deleted member

Wolf and Krystal would be the best representatives along with Fox and Falco. Slippy and Peppy, as described in the games, aren't fighters.


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2004
PEppy was a fighter but not anymore. Since we have never seen Peppy as a younger character we will not get Peppy as such. Older Peppy wouldn't work because of his extreme brokeness with his single move "DO A BARREL ROLL!" Which would cause 999% damage and have extreme knockback. So Peppy as such is very unlikely.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY

strfox fits the 4 character layout perfect

Hero: fox
2nd hero: falco
main female: krystal
villian: wolf

kind of like the zelda thing

hero is link 2nd is y link
and so on


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Not really, rite now its:

Hero: Link
2nd hero: Midna
Main female: Zelda
Villain: ganondorf / zant

Zant can also be part of the roster XD


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2004
Zant could have a small chance... Realistically it is VERY unlikely. Character-wise Zant is a possibility. Midna on the other hand....No chance. There's no moveset that could EASILY be made for her... At least Zant has a few moves...


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Like it was easy makin a moveset for GaW, Falcon, fox, and so on?
It would be quite challenging I admit, but her fan base is over the roof, she is very likely, not to mention being the one with the biggest role (second to link) in the game, not to mention she has a bigger role than all the other helpers in the other games...

Zant can be easily in brawl, in TP trough 3/4 of the game u think zant is the bost to beat, when in reality ganondorf is, still the guy was merciless b4 fighting game, and when u think he would be a merciless fighter, he goes al psycho and twisted, having a lot of moves that could easily be implemented in smash...

And im not emo numa believe me, also, u say they dont have a shot? they have a huge fan base, unlike ur rudy the clown and happy mask salesman...

sorry for offtopic-ness, needed to posted that...
Wolf FTW!


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2004
Mark that for spoilers...

Midna's moveset would be harder though. Better to just give us Wolf Link if you ask me...

Anyways.... We have to get back to Wolf before we go completely off-topic if we haven't already...


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2004
Boulder Creek, CA.
I am firmly in the Midna (on wolfback) groop.

Wolf will definately get in if Starfox is deemed to rate 4 characters. If it's only three, I can see some argument over whether Wolf or Falco get the dump.

Deleted member

Falco won't be removed. But if it's between Wolf and Krystal getting in... I hate that *****.

And I still don't understand how Fox was eighteen in '64, Wolf was 19 and Falco was also like 18. They seem nowhere near that young.


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2004
Boulder Creek, CA.
Just keep telling yourself the clone will return with a new moveset, as they add another character, an archrival from the same game, same profession, with the same bodyshape/build.

After all, with both Falco and Wolf returning, they would have to make 2 entirely new movesets, and have only one game (Assault) to work off of. (Fox already took the Arwing moves as attacks, which covers most of the games.)

Krystal has an entrely unique potential moveset, pre-written by the makers of Adventures. It's not very Starfoxy, but it's unique, and well withing the scope of Smash Bros.

(If SF had 4 characters this wouldn't be an issue... All three of them are important enough to be included)

Deleted member

And you think they'll change Falco's moveset why? It's most likely they'll change it very slightly so he's more of a luigified clone than a normal one, he doesn't fight on ground much and it would make more sense just to alter it slightly.


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2004
Boulder Creek, CA.
Hasn't everyone said that there won't be clones in Brawl? I seem to recall that being a near-motto of Wolf and Dark Samus supporters...
EDIT: And Blaziken supporters... musn't forget them...

Deleted member

I'd hate if they made new and good characters like Wolf and Dark Samus clones. People like the Doc, Roy and Pichu don't matter, their existance is almost useless anyway. Top priorities should be to get the characters like Wolf and Dark Samus/Ridley in as best as they can.


Smash Journeyman
May 15, 2006
Hasn't everyone said that there won't be clones in Brawl? I seem to recall that being a near-motto of Wolf and Dark Samus supporters...
EDIT: And Blaziken supporters... musn't forget them...
There has been absolutely nothing said on clones in Brawl by any official source. Nothing.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
kaid,falco does not havbe to change much for one reasonFOX HAS CHANGED TOO.his gun is out at all times wich would lead me to think that his basic A moves will change and so will some of his grabs.

Falco can get the homing launcher instead of that stupid blaster,he can get his rating from assault wich would make him lighter faster and jump higher,but less power full,wich he preety much is that exept for he is slower in ssbm.

Wolf can get speed wieght and power,but he should have lag.he should have his machien guns like he does in the victory pose on assault.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Im not diggin the machine guns really, I just want the SF character to be more diferent...

Fox has his blaster out all the time, so we can expect some diferent moves maybe
Falco should have better jumping abilities, I think he should keep some of the stats, and im not diggin the rocket launcher
Krystal with staff, nough said
Wolf should have a merciless claw-based moveset, not only would it fit its personality, but would make him pure melee-based, which we lack in SF characters...

Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida
Like it was easy makin a moveset for GaW, Falcon, fox, and so on?
It would be quite challenging I admit, but her fan base is over the roof, she is very likely, not to mention being the one with the biggest role (second to link) in the game, not to mention she has a bigger role than all the other helpers in the other games...

Zant can be easily in brawl, in TP trough 3/4 of the game u think zant is the bost to beat, when in reality ganondorf is, still the guy was merciless b4 fighting game, and when u think he would be a merciless fighter, he goes al psycho and twisted, having a lot of moves that could easily be implemented in smash...

And im not emo numa believe me, also, u say they dont have a shot? they have a huge fan base, unlike ur rudy the clown and happy mask salesman...

sorry for offtopic-ness, needed to posted that...
Wolf FTW!
Popularity doesn't mean ****, importance to the series is the most important aspect and Vaati and Skull Kid are both much more important than Zant and Midna.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Rite my bad, Vaati has obviously more of a chance cause hes way more popular by beeing only in handheld zelda games, and midna who TP entire story revolves around her makes her a minor character...

Oh and dont get me started on skull kid, lets totally add the character with the mask from a now 10 years or older game, whose fan base has now delcined with his lame appearance in TP, instead of the only main boss apart of ganondorf to appear on a home-console zelda game...

Deleted member

Midna has no chance as a character. As a background character in a stage maybe. As a Midna w/Wolf character she may get in, but that position would be better spent on a recurring character.

Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida
Let me tell you something you arrogant little prick, Nintendo does not play favorites with their games. They will NOT add a character that is important only in TP over a character that is important in three games just because they are handheld. Let me tell you something about Zant he is just a one timer villain just like Onox and Veran. He is an unimportant character to the series as a whole while characters like Vaati and Skull Kid are actually important to the series as a whole because they keep making more appearances. In short TP is not the only place they will choose characters for Zelda no matter what the character model for Link is. I wish someone would make a total Zelda character lineup thread.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Look like I pissed u off, to bad...
If u would know TP correctly, let me ask u: Who did ganondorf see b4 diying? Zant, he took the chance when ganondorf was inches of death to give him the final blow, and not only that, for 3/4 of the game he was the main enemy, he brought the twilight realm to hyrule, he is by far an important character to the series...

True he may be a one-time, but since we dont know the bosses-enemis of the next zelda, hes rite now important, just like shiek was when melee was released, rite now shes a secondary character to the entire series, but we still dont know if zant will have a major role yet...

Midna can fight by herself, could u really imagine GaW, falcon, fox, falco, peach and all of those fighting in melee? midna has short arms and feet, yes still she mainly attacks with her hair, transforming into a giant hand, and spikes as well, she can use also shadow magic to her advantage, u cant say she cant be in brawl without wolf link, because she can fight by herself, the reason she was with wolf link is cause she knew he was the chosen one, and that he would help her bring peace to the twilight realm...

Ok last offtopicness, someone look fot the zant or midna thread, or a LoZ TP characters thread or something...

Wolf ftw!!

Numa Dude

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
America's peni.... I mean Florida
Look like I pissed u off, to bad...
You are an arrogant ***.

If u would know TP correctly, let me ask u: Who did ganondorf see b4 diying? Zant, he took the chance when ganondorf was inches of death to give him the final blow, and not only that, for 3/4 of the game he was the main enemy, he brought the twilight realm to hyrule, he is by far an important character to the series...
That makes him important to one game not the whole series stupid.

True he may be a one-time, but since we dont know the bosses-enemis of the next zelda, hes rite now important, just like shiek was when melee was released, rite now shes a secondary character to the entire series, but we still dont know if zant will have a major role yet...
Exactly as of now there are characters like Vaati and Skull Kid who are more important to the series as a whole unlike a currently one time deal like Zant. If he makes more appearances then yes he could make it into another smash but as of now he is just as important as Veran and Onox.

Midna can fight by herself, could u really imagine GaW, falcon, fox, falco, peach and all of those fighting in melee? midna has short arms and feet, yes still she mainly attacks with her hair, transforming into a giant hand, and spikes as well, she can use also shadow magic to her advantage, u cant say she cant be in brawl without wolf link, because she can fight by herself, the reason she was with wolf link is cause she knew he was the chosen one, and that he would help her bring peace to the twilight realm...
Are you talking to me because I said nothing about how she would fight?
Ok last offtopicness, someone look fot the zant or midna thread, or a LoZ TP characters thread or something...
I think there is a total Zelda character thread but it doesn't have pics and details like the FE one has so someone should make one with pics and details.

Wolf ftw!![/QUOTE]

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Calm down Numa Dude, geez.

I get what you're saying, but I do think Midna deserves a spot. And how can you say:

Numa Dude said:
...Zant he is just a one timer villain just like Onox and Veran...Skull Kid are actually important to the series as a whole because they keep making more appearances.
When Skull Kid has only been in one game with any level of importance?


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Exactly, he may have 3 appearances, but only in one he was important, in OoT, he was just there playing the flute, in MM he had the biggest role, and in TP he was just there to show u the path to the temple of time...

Wow he TOTALLY deserves the shot...

Deleted member

He's been in all the 3D Zeldas, so he holds as much ground as Dark Samus.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
But dark samus is the main enemy in the prime saga, skull kid aint, he had just ONE major role, while dark samus (who is also metroid prime) had the biggest-enemy role in the saga...

Not to mention hes more popular, and has far more moves that can easily be implemented in the game...
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