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Wofl Q&A/Social


Banned via Warnings
Aug 28, 2012
:wolf:'s shine is invincible. It is really good and beats out everything except superarmor'd moves and shields.

:wolf:'s jabs are highly versatile. Jab 1 can lead into several reads and has deceptive range. Jab 1>Jab 2 can lead into a read smash attack or dash re-grab. Jab 1>Jab 2>Jab 3 is good for putting characters in the air/above :wolf:. This is especially good versus :metaknight: whose options are actually more limited when all 3 jabs are being used (Unless he SDI's).

Kain does so-so vs :zerosuitsamus: due to matchup inexperience. I don't think any :wolf: has had sufficient :zerosuitsamus: experience. I've played a few a long time ago, but I don't have any recent experience except vs Snakeee from a month and a half ago.

Really love your thinking Joe:) I still believe you guys still haven't understood, and have mastered Wolf's shine In a combat manner. When I up throw someone. I would throw Wolf's shine at once, and If they air dodge, then I'll forward air, and continue on from there. I don't know if it would work on smart players and such. You think canceling Wolf's flash step cancel Is useful, or is just a fancy tool to preform? I believe it's useful in my opinion.

@ Gheb, you could just jump and Wolf shine:/ would that work?

Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
Really love your thinking Joe:) I still believe you guys still haven't understood, and have mastered Wolf's shine In a combat manner. When I up throw someone. I would throw Wolf's shine at once, and If they air dodge, then I'll forward air, and continue on from there. I don't know if it would work on smart players and such. You think canceling Wolf's flash step cancel Is useful, or is just a fancy tool to preform? I believe it's useful in my opinion.

@ Gheb, you could just jump and Wolf shine:/ would that work?
I think the people I'd consider closest to mastering :wolf:'s shine in a combat manner would be McPeePants and JJwolf. They seemed to have the most use for it. Unfortunately, both those players retired.

In the air, if you input a jumpshine to an opponent, it can true combo into bair or fair if you connect with the shine. It's ultimately based on positioning. I wouldn't risk it unless my opponent was offstage and I wanted to make sure to bair him. I have evidence of it true combo'ing in one of my vids vs Omni from a long time ago and vs Raptor's :yoshi2: on Frigate. I think both of these videos are on youtube.

Canceling :wolf:'s side b is actually really useful. I suck at doing it, but I've watched Kain and Choice do it consistently and it has helped their recoveries/escape bad situations. I'd recommend learning it if possible. I have tried on a few separate occasions and can do it semi-consistently grounded, but never aerial. :wolf:'s side b is weird in that it has 2 cancels on the ground and air (And all the timings are different @_@).


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
@ Gheb, you could just jump and Wolf shine:/ would that work?
I think it's best to not challenge it at all. ZSS' frame data and mobility give her a lot of opportunities where she can follow-up with another move after hitting somebody. You can try to read and challenge these moves but with dash attack, uair, side-B and dsmash she is almost always the winner and the reward she can gain from these moves is pretty huge. It's much safer to just retreat and reset the situation to neutral - a lot of characters are even with ZSS in a neutral position, slightly advantaged in an advantaged position and strongly disadvantaged in a disadvantaged position. Wolf is certainly one of these characters, which is why a lot of people falsely believe that ZSS generally beats or even ***** Wolf when it's actually much closer to even. That's also the reason why you can **** weaker players with ZSS - it's much harder with her against opponents at the same level of skill.


Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
The main reason people think :zerosuitsamus: ***** :wolf: is because of a bad habit players tend to have vs her Dtilt at low percents. People get hit by it and instinctively just airdodge back to the ground because the knock-back is low, rather then just jump away. This leads to them getting Dsmash'd. Unfortunately :wolf: can get locked at certain percents so outsiders see this as a HUGE matchup advantage. Of course, free damage is great in any matchup, but it isn't something someone who has :zerosuitsamus: experience will generally get hit by in the first place.

I wanna play Salem...Or Zero. Zero wouldn't play me ever and we were at the same tourney like 6 times!!!!!



Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
I feel I do well vs ZSS.

When I grew up with the game, there was a ZSS main would would have to switch to Falco to beat me.

When I was in NC this summer, I spent 5 hours straight or so doing Wolf/ZSS vs their main.

Then I beat Legans ZSS in Pools in STL.

I then went on and watched Lux 2 stock DOMO's MK twice in a row, and then I proceeded to 2 stock Lux's ZSS twice, losing the middle game to SD's trying to show off.

Seagull is right, ZSS think we are bad so all they do is just charge D-smash waiting for us to Roll/airdodge into it. So you just **** their faces with bair/shine/blaster for being stupid.

Also no one plays the matchup right. You GET AN ITEM BY AIR DODGING SAFELY, and then remember, Wolf has a Reflector!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you have pieces we have more potential to **** them with Blaster/Shine and then wait for them to misspace and throw it at them, the pieces are stupid strong/ do damage. Keep going. If I'm committed enough I can keep a piece for 4 alive for 4 minutes.

Take the pieces and throw them down and shine while inside if it's safe. Every ZSS I have played now throws them off stage, but WOLF IS FAST ENOUGH TO GET A PIECE ON MOST STAGES!

Also I just hosted a 23+ people tournament at my house yesterday. I BEAT MJG IN TOURNAMENT 3-1 AND 3-0 in low/mid tier tournament. I am now 3-1 lifetime winning low tier events, when I placed 4th in KS losing to an actual Link main AeroLinkSoulMaster and Holms. And this is the first time MJG says he has lost a mid tier or low tier tournament.

FYI, this proves that when I list Future as good win, he is. He has been and is again one of the best players in the Midwest, and for all of the people who said he wasn't a good win worth noting is ********.


Edit: Side-B ***** ZSS who like to spam D-smash, too. Especially on Lylat.


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
I didn't use Wolf though.

Wolf isn't mid tier.

I used Luigi and Link. I have pocket............Bowser/Ness/Samus/Mario/Lucas/Jiggs. And my PT is okay, squirtle is broken but not as broken as someone who ONLY uses rocksmash and grab reads.

Allowed Characters for Brawl (13)

F: Yoshi, Ness, Pokémon Trainer, Luigi
G: Lucas, Mario, Samus, Bowser, Captain Falcon
H: Jigglypuff, Link, Zelda, Ganondorf


Banned via Warnings
Aug 28, 2012
Nice Mega! You saved the matches? @ Gheb, I see. Well, even if Zero Suit Samus knows you will jump. It's better than taking a butt load of damage. Instead of a down tilt to down smash, and you can preform a chain of down smashes (if you have prefect timing). Also, It's not just Wolf, but everyone. Seriously... who the heck air dodges these days... we aren't In 2009... I only air dodges when I'm coming down the air. Other than that. I jump, and attack, or jump, and air-dodge, and roll back, and step dodge. So what I'm thinking about Zero Suit Samus's armor pieces Is you grab one, or air dodge to grab one, and shoot with your blaster while you have the armor piece in your hand. Then wait for a change to glide toss, and continue on from there. You could also preform a reflector, and continue on from their. What do you guys think?


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
This guy is ****ing brilliant.

Nah I didn't save any matches, probably should have saved my sets vs Future because they were some of the most hilarious matches ever. Both of us SD'd at like 0 in the sets and came back and won the match because of divine intervention or something.


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
This place shuts down from about 1:30-6 or 7 AM MST. :/​
Holding power suit pieces can be useful. Fsmashing with them is also useful but almost no one takes advantage of that except Link.​
Is blaster good for jab cancels if they DI out?​

Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
This place shuts down from about 1:30-6 or 7 AM MST. :/​
Holding power suit pieces can be useful. Fsmashing with them is also useful but almost no one takes advantage of that except Link.​
Is blaster good for jab cancels if they DI out?​
No. You would be blastering someone right in the face so unless they choose to not shield :wolf:'s slow laser for whatever reason, it is not worth it.
Nice Mega! You saved the matches? @ Gheb, I see. Well, even if Zero Suit Samus knows you will jump. It's better than taking a butt load of damage. Instead of a down tilt to down smash, and you can preform a chain of down smashes (if you have prefect timing). Also, It's not just Wolf, but everyone. Seriously... who the heck air dodges these days... we aren't In 2009... I only air dodges when I'm coming down the air. Other than that. I jump, and attack, or jump, and air-dodge, and roll back, and step dodge. So what I'm thinking about Zero Suit Samus's armor pieces Is you grab one, or air dodge to grab one, and shoot with your blaster while you have the armor piece in your hand. Then wait for a change to glide toss, and continue on from there. You could also preform a reflector, and continue on from their. What do you guys think?
:wolf: doesn't have a glide toss. He has a Dacit though.

Laser camping after catching an item is actually a pretty good idea and I haven't thought of it before. Make sure to be at max distance though.

:zerosuitsamus: armor pieces are tricky in terms of what a player should do with them. It's like :diddy:'s naners in a way. Either throw them away, throw them back at the player, hold it, or throw it downward. It all depends on how good your opponent is at catching items. I would rather throw them away or straight down at their head from above.



Banned via Warnings
Aug 28, 2012
No. You would be blastering someone right in the face so unless they choose to not shield :wolf:'s slow laser for whatever reason, it is not worth it.

:wolf: doesn't have a glide toss. He has a Dacit though.

Laser camping after catching an item is actually a pretty good idea and I haven't thought of it before. Make sure to be at max distance though.

:zerosuitsamus: armor pieces are tricky in terms of what a player should do with them. It's like :diddy:'s naners in a way. Either throw them away, throw them back at the player, hold it, or throw it downward. It all depends on how good your opponent is at catching items. I would rather throw them away or straight down at their head from above.

Oh, so It's called a "Dacit." It's like doing Link's bomb sliding. I see, well I learned something new today:) I don't know Seagull. It actually might help you. You could instead Z drop it, and attack, or actually do a Dacit up throw, and knock her offstage, and you grab the armor piece, and throw it at her. The better thing about Wolf's blaster; compared to Zero Suit Samus's Armor pieces. Is it has more knock back. Which means you can actually gimp her, and players like Salem know how to recover perfectly. Always got to fix the points. Never let them go. Find ways to make it work. That's how I see it. You might disagree with me, but that's how it needs to be fixed. You have an amazing mind to your character. You actually impressed me, and that really never happens. Reason: people believe you can't change things, or improve your character to that much technique skill's, and power mix-ups. That's what I'm fighting with in the Yoshi boards I'm afraid-_- Well, I hope this gave you some sort of idea on how to fix up this match-up or at least gave you a new idea in general. Be blessed Joe~

Edit: @ MegaRobMan, Aw:( Well, at least you wrecked him. Good stuff! Thanks, I just learn from the mistakes, and adapt from there.


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
Rob you're probably 3-2 life time in low tier events given the low tier event you lost to me at in loser's


Banned via Warnings
Aug 28, 2012
Just saw your matches vs Raptor. Ha ha xD Good work. Maybe Raptor will change up his style... God I hope so. Your Wolf Is beyond deadly. So fast, and tricky... the shine to bair at the end made me smile:) That was too good Joe<3 I remember you told me that you were just messing around with Raptor. I didn't believe it:/ I'll eat those words, and swallow it with water. Well done! Yeah, like I said. You guys need to find ways in adpating Wolf's shine into your gameplay. I truly believe that's going to help you guys a lot. Esepcially offstage. By the way. Does anyone have trouble gimping Ike? Is It a hard match-up for Wolf by the way?

One more thing, now I'm no Wolf main, but I learn my information, and experment. What I've seen is Nado destroys Wolf. Well, why don't you just use Wolf's reflector? It really works. You could also run a few steps, and get some distance, then do a Breversal Blaster shot. I'd do it all the time when I'd verse MetaKnights. It really works. Doesn't Wolf's Down smash stop MetaKnight's Nado as well?

Fish Tacos? Nice;) I actually make those homade. I flour my Fish, and get it nice, and cunchy. I also buy the organic ones you can only find them In those special stores. The ones you get from the local stores are yucky:/ They also smell really bad when you leave the the box sitting outside for a couple of minutes. Then add my secert spices. I like It spicy. Because It gives a lot of favor; spicy is good for you, and good for the heart. Then I pull out a white tortilla, and throw it on the Panini. Take the tortilla out, and then work on my Fish. After It's floured, and marinated with secert spices. I put It In the frier. I only use Omaga 3 oil when I fry foods. After It's done. I grab my cunchy toasted, with the burnt lines on the tortilla; grab my floured Fish, and put it inside my tortilla. Then I'd insert it in the Panini one more time, but this time It's with the Fish. Then when it's done the burnt grilled lines will be on the Fish, and the tortilla. I then make a small Salad with Olive oil for a nice healthy, and plenty of texture in the food. I would drink a little bit of Wine. Just a little. Mostly It's Orange Juice xD Ha ha xD can't get enough of my Orange Juice;) Apple juice is good, so is Grape. They're all good.

Hope you'll enjoy Fish Tacos Joe. They're really good; as long as they know how to prepare it, and use the right olis, and cooking temperature. Then they'll turn out great, and yummy

Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
Just saw your matches vs Raptor. Ha ha xD Good work. Maybe Raptor will change up his style... God I hope so. Your Wolf Is beyond deadly. So fast, and tricky... the shine to bair at the end made me smile:) That was too good Joe<3 I remember you told me that you were just messing around with Raptor. I didn't believe it:/ I'll eat those words, and swallow it with water. Well done! Yeah, like I said. You guys need to find ways in adpating Wolf's shine into your gameplay. I truly believe that's going to help you guys a lot. Esepcially offstage. By the way. Does anyone have trouble gimping Ike? Is It a hard match-up for Wolf by the way?

One more thing, now I'm no Wolf main, but I learn my information, and experment. What I've seen is Nado destroys Wolf. Well, why don't you just use Wolf's reflector? It really works. You could also run a few steps, and get some distance, then do a Breversal Blaster shot. I'd do it all the time when I'd verse MetaKnights. It really works. Doesn't Wolf's Down smash stop MetaKnight's Nado as well?

Fish Tacos? Nice;) I actually make those homade. I flour my Fish, and get it nice, and cunchy. I also buy the organic ones you can only find them In those special stores. The ones you get from the local stores are yucky:/ They also smell really bad when you leave the the box sitting outside for a couple of minutes. Then add my secert spices. I like It spicy. Because It gives a lot of favor; spicy is good for you, and good for the heart. Then I pull out a white tortilla, and throw it on the Panini. Take the tortilla out, and then work on my Fish. After It's floured, and marinated with secert spices. I put It In the frier. I only use Omaga 3 oil when I fry foods. After It's done. I grab my cunchy toasted, with the burnt lines on the tortilla; grab my floured Fish, and put it inside my tortilla. Then I'd insert it in the Panini one more time, but this time It's with the Fish. Then when it's done the burnt grilled lines will be on the Fish, and the tortilla. I then make a small Salad with Olive oil for a nice healthy, and plenty of texture in the food. I would drink a little bit of Wine. Just a little. Mostly It's Orange Juice xD Ha ha xD can't get enough of my Orange Juice;) Apple juice is good, so is Grape. They're all good.

Hope you'll enjoy Fish Tacos Joe. They're really good; as long as they know how to prepare it, and use the right olis, and cooking temperature. Then they'll turn out great, and yummy
Lol thanks. Raptor beat Logic's :olimar: and then I told him it was the end of the line LOL.

:ike: is an even or +1 matchup for :wolf:. Essentially, we can gimp him every-time he has to use up b. Check Kain vs Mr. Doom (?).

Nado is fast and we cannot always shine/react to it due to human error or :metaknight: spacing it well. None of :wolf:'s smashes can beat nado. I do the b-reversal grounded laser or RAR lasers all the time as a spacing tool. If I get lucky enough to beat nado then that's great, but I use it more for spacing then beating out another move. I like to just avoid nado through jumping, attack it from the top with nair/bair, or powershield it and hold shield.

My fish tacos turned out well for the first time making them, however, next time I'll marinade them for at least 8 hours to soak the flavor in better.


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
Rob you're probably 3-2 life time in low tier events given the low tier event you lost to me at in loser's
That doesn't count I was drunk.

/I forgot about that.

/because I was drunk.
:wolf: doesn't have a glide toss. He has a Dacit though.
I had a sweet Dacit to d-smash kill vs fragger.

For those of you who are wondering, I learned how to Dacit because it's the same as "Bomb Sliding" with Link.

Where the hell is Rizen, anyway, did he not see I won a low tier tournament featuring MJG and I played Link in 25% of it?

I figred he'd congrats me before gull.

Best Link, Best Luigi.

Top 5 Wolf.

By the way. Does anyone have trouble gimping Ike? Is It a hard match-up for Wolf by the way?
There's a video or 2 on ultramegablobman's account of me vs IKE and of me vs YOSHI. I haven't lost to a Yoshi in tournament since 2010 and I've played a few good ones since then, Hadesblade name search bait to name 1. I have never beaten a good Ike before, I am 0-1 vs Kirk and 0-~5 vs Mr. Doom. Beaten every other one I've played though.

Are you sure you aren't DEVI from Omaha, NE? You have the same typing speak, he's just now trying to get into smash again, and he "mains" Yoshi but really his best characters are Wolf and Lucario and then Yoshi.


Banned via Warnings
Aug 28, 2012
Yeah you destroyed Joe:) Good stuff<3 Let them learn the hard way, or at least experiment. God they annoy me. Well, I'm happy your Fish Tacos came out well:) I didn't know you were going to grill Fish at home. Ha ha, well if you like a mid Taste with a Zesty taste. Then try some Lemon, and some Teriyahi sauce. Get the homemade one. A little more price-er, but changes the Fish, and gives It a taster flavor. Seagull, you really are an amazing dude! So smart, and you listen for a change. You don't say "nah, doesn't work; moving on." If people were more like you, then there would be a bunch of low tiers that would be mid, or even High tiers. You have my word on that. I actually love Link. Mostly because he's a technical character, and I bleed technical;) I quit Yoshi. Just viewing how my tribe is lazy, and never encourages me or understands my horrific life just breaks me to have no soul or love towards them. I main Link now. Very technical, and unique in my ways of using Link. I will one day join the Link tribe... But for now... I'm staying with my discombobulated tribe. I still wish I played you when I had my game-play Joe:/ you'd understand what Yoshi's are missing. Of course its to late now. I haven't used him in so long that I forgot how I use to play with him. Don't have the motivation to strive again. Actually enjoying Linking, and he's so fun to use:D Link, and Wolf are the most I use, and they're my mains actually. The rest are sub mains except Peach... She's weird to use:/ Bomb sliding is so useful<3 another thing Link mains need to use more often. It will give you space to get your camp on, and follow up with strings, and if you have that mind to know when your strings are set up. Then you can do something like back air to Dacus, or whatever the case might be. I hate to sound arrogant Joe.. I really am serious, but you need to have better reflexes:/ I'm not going to say that I'm amazing or anything like that, but I will say is I actually have have really good reflexes. Ah.. Just don't take it the wrong way.. As long you continue on with, then you'll be preforming it like second nature:D The reason why Nario is so different, and unique is because (excuse my foul language) HE DOESN'T GIVE A ****!! He will strike, and attack anytime the **** he wants to. He doesn't listen to bull ****, but learns by himself. The man trains with Cpu's FOR GOD SAKE! I do the same thing, and I actually learn on adapting to that unnatural shield game the cpus would use. Lv.9, throw a hit, any hit, and watch them block it like it was a slow attack. They even power shield all three of Luigi's jabs, and Ikes. Talk about DANG! Sometimes you need to **** it, and do your own thing. Learn from how you want to learn. Embrace it, and continue on from there. That's how you'll be making money, and getting your character's respect, and a higher tier. You have no idea how many times people would tell me this. " Yoshi is a character?" I'd sigh, and tell them I'm different. When I'd destroy them. The first thing is they would blame lag, and say I couldn't do that offline. Now, I know Yoshi can camp online, but if it's laggy, and I'm a technical Yoshi main. Then how the funk! Can I even move if that lag is in the process? It was a Snake by the way and a Meta-Knight, and many more. It just shows you how people are embarrassed to get beat by Yoshi:/ That's why I push my lazy tribe to strive. Even If I'm just a "WiFi-er." I know ****, and more than those "veterans" will ever know. Veterans are suppose to know everything about their purpose, part, or thing. Yeah... they haven't learned a dam thing:/ not until 2009. Hah! Did you guys know that I can gimp any Snake In the world? I'm a hundred percent sure. Don't believe me? Well, You guys play me verses snake,and you'll got nuts at how I know how to gimp Snake. I've been teaching Nikes on how to preform It. He's an Australian brawl player that mains Yoshi. He's going to go far.

Edit: Sorry for the long read:/ I always get carried away once I get that vibe... I should've split them up. I also apologize for my rude language. That's not me anymore, but some times you need to show some more emotion to that subject. Even if It's offensive, or defensive. It still sends a mark. Now does it? Of course It does. Be blessed~

@ MegaRobMan Ha ha, don't know if that's a complement, but If he's amazing then it's me:D Ha ha, kidding. No sir it isn't, but If I had the time to go. I'd go; I just have a hard rear end life, and pray it gets better. Not money wise, but family situations wise... My girl friend just passed away a month ago. I don't know why I'm telling you this, but maybe you guys will understand. If you don't then leave it. Take It or leave it. That's how I see it. By the way, I checked YouTube to see if there was matches of him:/ There isn't. Is there a different name for him? Maybe he'll impress me. I doubt it though


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE

So Disaster Master is Tyser

GoldenYoshi is Devi. You called me "sir". And you type like Alex DeLarge from Clockwork Orange.

You main Link that's ****ing awesome. I used to spend a lot of time working on mine, it's good enough for a low tier tournament at least, but I would go Bowser against Mario. tbh my bowser might be better since I can consistantly beat certain IA players MK's with my bowser and futures ROB with it.

I'm sorry to hear about the g/f, what happened? Sudden? Long term?

Also Ultramegablobman is the youtube channel. MegaRobMan is my tag. If you are intersted in megaman or good music (videogamecover/metal/jazz/punk/rap/moremetal) you should check it out.

I don't have many legit videos of me really trying except vs Mr. Doom recently, no one runs infinite replay and my wii doesn't play wii games, and I'm scared to take out the melee disc that's in it because maybe it won't work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (that's what happened to a few peoples wiis I know too). The matches vs Hadesblade are decent but I didn't wanna camp him since it's yoshi wolf and it was for a dollar.

I think what you need to do is use a paragraph type form instead of full stream of consicousness, it's really hard to read THAT MUCH TEXT but I don't care, do whatever you gotta do man.


Banned via Warnings
Aug 28, 2012

So Disaster Master is Tyser

GoldenYoshi is Devi. You called me "sir". And you type like Alex DeLarge from Clockwork Orange.

You main Link that's ****ing awesome. I used to spend a lot of time working on mine, it's good enough for a low tier tournament at least, but I would go Bowser against Mario. tbh my bowser might be better since I can consistantly beat certain IA players MK's with my bowser and futures ROB with it.

I'm sorry to hear about the g/f, what happened? Sudden? Long term?

Also Ultramegablobman is the youtube channel. MegaRobMan is my tag. If you are intersted in megaman or good music (videogamecover/metal/jazz/punk/rap/moremetal) you should check it out.

I don't have many legit videos of me really trying except vs Mr. Doom recently, no one runs infinite replay and my wii doesn't play wii games, and I'm scared to take out the melee disc that's in it because maybe it won't work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (that's what happened to a few peoples wiis I know too). The matches vs Hadesblade are decent but I didn't wanna camp him since it's yoshi wolf and it was for a dollar.

I think what you need to do is use a paragraph type form instead of full stream of consicousness, it's really hard to read THAT MUCH TEXT but I don't care, do whatever you gotta do man.
Wow! Such nice words<3 thank you.

It's private if you don't mind. The fact you asking means so much to me. What gives me some relaxation, and cooling down is games. When I'm upset I do bad things:/ I have a temper, but not rage or anything like that. I lose hope, and begin to look at things my way.

Link's amazing:D I love to use him. Bowsers amazing as well. Hadesblade huh? Why would you even camp Yoshi? Who the heck camps Yoshi xD Well I camp Yoshi's some times to just pull some cool combos, and to give them a chance. Other than that I go in. I see, I'll check your You Tube channel some time:) I'm not Devi xD I type like him. Lmo xD WOW! That was a good movie<3 Even though I hate you guys. All really, because of past issues... don't let me explain... I call you guys sir for a little ice break. Breaks the ice a little.

Be blessed Megacoolguy:)

Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008

Edit: Also out of curiously who was the best Yoshi you fought? Or at least gave you a tough challenge. BAH!
Deltacod or Oh. Oh. was insanely aggro and great at reads/had the most practice against :wolf:'s because of one named lykeios. Delta was just hard to hit because he camped the living **** outta me lmao.



Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
Where the hell is Rizen, anyway, did he not see I won a low tier tournament featuring MJG and I played Link in 25% of it?
Great work :). Post on the Link forums too, lol. Including videos if you have them :awesome:

Sorry, I've been busy. I skimmed the text. All of a sudden the thread gets a jump start and rises from the dead like Frankenstein's Monster :003: .


Banned via Warnings
Aug 28, 2012
Deltacod or Oh. Oh. was insanely aggro and great at reads/had the most practice against :wolf:'s because of one named lykeios. Delta was just hard to hit because he camped the living **** outta me lmao.


Who's Oh? (0)-(0) WHO'S OH! Is there even such a Yoshi!? The only cool name Is GYK;) Kidding

Delta-Cod has a pattern.

Pivot Grabs,egg throw, Yoshi bomb

Egg throws pivot grabs, Yoshi bomb

Egg-lay, egg throws, and pivot grabs

These are his patterns. Study them, and watch how they fit exactly with his matches.

Oh, at some times he throws a bit of back air. He sucks on strings though-_- his Di makes my eyes water... It's just that bad... I have good Di, but I always wanted Di as good as Poltergust.

I miss my discombobulated tribe:( I kind of do, and kind of don't... I have nothing against them... they're just so flip-pen lazy. They talk about Colleges... Yeah. I learned my Wolf match-up from XXD, and S2H.

I remember my old self of losing it at anything. I brought every person from each tribe to visit ours. Ha ha, made them famous. Now they're back to a three star. Before It was a four and a half. Funny how people say they hate drama... when they rate up... well... I hate drama... but when you want it... you'll get it. Yink? I believe was the one that banned me. Thought it was Terran... RIP BEST MOD EVER<3 *salutes*

Well back to Wolf. What do you feel about a shine offstage to a foot-stool? I do it all the time, and they really can't do nothing. I believe It freezes you for about a millisecond. Not sure though. So, that gives you an advantage to gimp someone. Like Ike:) he's my favorite<3 Though I heard Ryo has a beyond different style than any others. He's definitely the opposite of San, Ha ha

Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
I mean, I beat Deltacod 2-0 when we played, but he was just more difficult to fight lol.

Shine offstage to footstool is an auto kill and never comes to my mind because if I shined someone once I'll usually kill that character unless they have a godlike recovery.

Ryo throws out moves in ways they are scary. San power walks and jabs. I think San's style is better.



Banned via Warnings
Aug 28, 2012
Sheesh you guys are fun to talk to! Had no idea I wrote so much comments xD So Ish Is the Senator? Cool! I watched Ish's Wolf. Really creative, and that's what I love to see<3

K.R.D is a Wolf main! Really! Wow! I thought you were a Sonic main? Sub? Meh, do what you got to do.

@MegaRobMan, watched your matches verses Seagull. WOW! I loved it<3 Seagull just to scary with that Wolf<3

@ Rizen, I liked your idea about Forward smash with armor pieces. This will be a good mind-game. Just tried it on my friend. He's like a second Salem. No joke! He does the same thing Salem does. He's a Wario main though. He did a glide toss, and I air dodged to catch it. Preformed some blasters, and he got close. I slide my finger to the attack button, and then c stick. Hit him; he didn't know I was going to do that;) Then did a forward Dacit, and it connected. He was offstage, and I caught the armor piece again, and threw it again. Now he had to use his super jump, but it bounced of him, and stayed In the air a little; so I caught it, and recovered with Wolf's side B... but canceled it;) and threw it again. GIMP!<3 To good! Thanks for the idea Rizen! I always do zair to bomb with forward smash with Link, and it does wonders. Now this will be helpful. Try it out guys:D See what you guys can receive from this. Ryo's Ike doesn't have fancy tricks, and he's just throwing out fairs... I do that, but I actually Slide B single, and double side b reverse to get more mind games in. Wonder if I'm more different. Though I know how Ikes get when you test them... Not a pretty sight. All you get is no sympathy:( meanies:(

@Gheb do you by any chance have videos? I just need more studying to do. Watch all you guys, and see if I can learn more things in my game-play. Maybe some unique strings I haven't preformed before. That might be possible.

@Jumpman You're an amazing Wolf! I like your Wolf<3

So, anyone know who this D-Rock guy people keep mentioning every-time a Wolf main plays against another character.

@Seagull Joe I have another idea. You might like this. This can be for any Item. You grab an item. drop it, and then preform a Dacus to pick it up. Then do whatever you want to do with item still In your hand. This might help a lot with Zero Suit Samus's armor pieces. Who knows. Maybe those pieces might be the Kryptonite to Zero Suit Samus. I truly believe that will destroy the match-up verses any character.

So far we got.

Rizen idea= Forward smash with armor piece. WORKS!

GYK idea= blaster while holding the armor piece, and reflect the incoming ones; while holding the other armor piece in your hand; drop armor piece or any item, and pick up the item with a Dacus. Lastly Dacit with armor piece, or any item.

Don't forget there are five ways to Dacit.

Wish my tribe was like you guys<3

Be blessed~


Mother Wolf
May 20, 2008
Land's End (NorCal)
Thanks for the compliment GYK, although all of my current videos on YouTube are super old haha. Gotta upload some more stuff, in time...

I was playing Orion this weekend, Wolf vs MK. He got me offstage and proceeded to gimp me with three dairs, only to get spiked by my sideB while returning to the ledge and dying before me. The thing is, I planned that spike after the first dair and hard DI'd the last one to space it lmao. Only the best.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
@Gheb do you by any chance have videos? I just need more studying to do. Watch all you guys, and see if I can learn more things in my game-play. Maybe some unique strings I haven't preformed before. That might be possible.
I don't really play Wolf anymore. I've dropped him for a while to get a "creative break" and now I can't seem to get good with him anymore. I don't know why but I can't.



Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
^Mega Man 11 will happen; don't cry. The series still has potential ($$$).

Thanks GYK. I have 'R' set to attack to make it easy.

Lol, Ish is devious with Wolf's recoveries.

It's humbling to play really good people for each character because you realize no character is free. Although some MUs are just hell. 'Free' is what someone calls Ganon (any low tier) before he murders them, 'bad' is what they call Ganon before beating him.


Banned via Warnings
Aug 28, 2012
I don't really play Wolf anymore. I've dropped him for a while to get a "creative break" and now I can't seem to get good with him anymore. I don't know why but I can't.

I see, believe me I'm having that same issue lately, but only with Yoshi. He's my main... now I main Link. It just happened, but I still have all the knowledge of Yoshi.

You need to find your foundation Gheb. Even if you're frustred; don't give up. Some times new things will grow.

"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant."

Robert Louis Stevenson~

All it's saying is to not see it as a waste of time. Go back to and find your proof's on your old game-play. Saved replays; learn from those, and adapt from there.

Problem with me is I was the old Yoshi in Aib... once I left, and choose my fate. I quit brawl for a good year. Came back (expecting in my pride that I still got my Dino king..) Nope... nothing... couldn't even dr anymore. (That requires another full month) The way to see how I use to play... is if one of the many opponants in AllIsBrawl has saved at least one. I doubt it though. Who would want to save a match of themselevs getting *****? Well, I don't really care. As long as there is some sort of amazing kill or technique to kill or whatever.

You'll come back very soon. You got good friends, and an amazing tribe<3 that care, and will help you. You will be amazing once more<3 YOU GOT TIS CHAMP!

@ Ish, yeah, yeah, uhh huh. *takes notes*

Ha ha, MegaMan will never end xD I promise you that game will never end. It has a fan base, and It's over 100 million, and more I believe. Don't know.

I liked Megaman 4. I don't know why, but I enjoyed a lot more than any others. They're all fun to play though, but I love that one more.

Making a man cry is mad cold... not right. MegaMan11 will come out Rob. I'll do some research on this. Plus I have a friend that lives In Japan, and another that lives In China, and at the moment my cousins are at Hong Kong on there vacation. I'll ask them and see whats going on. One was born in Japan, and the other Is China (in order) I met them In Bakersfield. We grew up as best buds. They then moved back to their countries; I'd alwas chill, and talk with them any time. They love MegaMan as well. So he'll know whats going on;) GYK got you bud.

@ Rizen, I only have my X button set to grab, Y button set to jump, R button set to jump as well (for wave bounces) L button set to sheild. Then the rest Is all defult.

Be blessed all~



Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
^Blizzard Wolfgang, MMX6. MMX6 had good potential but several things did not work right :/ To name 1, the Shadow armor could not double jump and this meant forcing a game over if you entered some secret areas.
This is sad because it's when they got X and Zero's unique playstyles down well (X has a saber but is more limited and Zero has a buster shot and learns moves from bosses).

There is a Link forum for Link stuff, you know :rolleyes: http://smashboards.com/forums/link.144/


Banned via Warnings
Aug 28, 2012
^Blizzard Wolfgang, MMX6. MMX6 had good potential but several things did not work right :/ To name 1, the Shadow armor could not double jump and this meant forcing a game over if you entered some secret areas.
This is sad because it's when they got X and Zero's unique playstyles down well (X has a saber but is more limited and Zero has a buster shot and learns moves from bosses).

There is a Link forum for Link stuff, you know :rolleyes: http://smashboards.com/forums/link.144/
Thanks for that Link brethren<3 Ha ha yeah... Blizzard Wolf wasn't perfect:/ He was awesome though<3 love that Wolf<3 Be blessed~


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
I just played Wifi for the first time in a long time. It's been so long since I've played against decent people. I've almost completely forgotten how to play oiaehfpeaohfalei;fhta I wanna go to another Brawl tourny eventually though, just for fun.



It's ya boy
Jul 15, 2012
I was playing Orion this weekend, Wolf vs MK. He got me offstage and proceeded to gimp me with three dairs, only to get spiked by my sideB while returning to the ledge and dying before me. The thing is, I planned that spike after the first dair and hard DI'd the last one to space it lmao. Only the best.

oh schnap outplayed so hard, gg
How about this guy?
Jinouga <3

I dislike that he still sucks lol.
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