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Wofl Q&A/Social


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
My new hat:
I like it

Vid of Semifer vs T that everyone should watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBtxrCkGXtU
I personally have a huge interest in this match up but I watched the first match and was really unimpressed, out camping D3 the first life like that is pretty easy on BF and he just made the same mistakes I do from there. I almost didn't watch the 2nd one but I did, and I'm glad I did, some of those mix-ups and ledge games have given me a few ideas on improving my own game. But what I said immediately after the tournament is true here as well, especially at the very end of the video.

Outside of those semi-scar to side-b to the side to side platform, against D3, there is no real way on stage safely. Even jump shining. Even getting back on the ledge during a laser ledge camp session can be tricky.

Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
Semifer needs to use more Dair's, especially on BF. I wouldn't recommend the telestepping constantly on Sv unless D3 is not near you at all because it's very punishable by anything if D3 is close. Semifer used it right most of the time, but T had opportune moments to punish Telesteppin and didn't capitalize.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2009
Omaha, NE
I'm playing support based Alistar. Cuz no one likes to tank so I might as well fill the role. Teams of all ranged are pretty bad. D:
If you're low level, why in God's name are you playing a tank? Pick a carry and roll all five of your enemies while your team watches.


Ah, depressing. Lost again. Worst part is I don't know what I did wrong except for 1 thing. Never try a pulverize headbutt combo when Garen is around. Still, not sure how the hell I can hold bush even before that. I keep losing it.
Feel free to fall back to tower and last hit under there. It's extremely do-able once you've had some practice, and it keeps you fairly safe from harass/ganks.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia

Only reason I put no thought into downloading it before is because my internet connection was pretty bad for about a year (It used to disconnect a LOT) but it was just finally fixed this week.

Edit: Fuuuuuuuuuu- as soon as I typed out that message my router disconnected <.< Nevermind then, that sucks. It went almost a week without disconnecting at least :/



Smash Lord
Dec 15, 2008
Kalkaska MI
Are you using AT&T? I am at a friends house babysitting and they have AT&T and when I went to play WoW earlier, I got disconnected like 20 times...

Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
Going to a tourney tomorrow. Kinda nervous cause I haven't been to a local since March (Our scene died). The tourney has every PR member except Junebug (My kryptonite). I think I can get top 3 in both events as long as I don't play Logic early on. Though we shouldn't have to play till semi-finals based on seeding. I'm teaming with him too. Wolf+Oli so good...It's why Wolf+Fox is good for Choice and Trevonte. Except Oli can kill with grabs and Usmash so it's even better. As long as he doesn't get gimped...

I'm going to a smashfest tonight with wifey (Tiger). I'll get the rust off =). Though I went to training mode and all my tech skill is up to date:
-RAR Bair/Laser/Js/Fair
-Ground and aerial B-reversals
-Consistent Bair wall with FF included
-Sh Bair>Js>Retreat/Bair
-Stand still Dacus
-Walkoff double Bair (very easy to do)
-Planking with lasers
-Going under and over Bf and Sv
-Double Uair and Uair with Bair in one Fh
-Bair spacing
-Removal of Fsmash from game almost entirely
-Parasolic shine bombing
-Usmash OoS
-Full retreated Fair Oos
-Platform canceling
-Angling all up b ways

There is lots of things Wolf's should be able to do consistently. What I stated is about 95% of those.


Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
I use At+t also. It has random moments of bad connection, but otherwise I see nothing wrong with it. I don't have a droid or iphone. I just have a regular text phone.



Smash Lord
Dec 15, 2008
Kalkaska MI
AT&T in Texas has been experiencing a lot of problems recently and yeah it has random cut outs. That is why I changed internet services because it would cut out whenever I am playing something. But I thought they might've changed it over the months that I didn't have it and I went to a friends house that had it and it got me disconnected every 10 seconds. Sad faces were made.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 11, 2008
EDIT: Stupid patch followed by the usual unusual amount of logins stuff. Sigh.

Haven't seen you on again JJ. :(

If you're low level, why in God's name are you playing a tank? Pick a carry and roll all five of your enemies while your team watches.
Well, I hate farming and carries require either lotsa farm or stupid feeding opponents. Usually both. With Alistar I have an excuse; I'm letting my lane partner farm while I try to zone the opponent. Unfortunately, that really requires that I have bush, else I'm just a heal bot.

Also, teams with no tanks will straight up lose against melee heavy opponents. When I played other roles with no ability to keep allies alive, it was brutal. They just rush in and stomp all the squishies.

I also learned a bunch about the mid and late game as a pure tank that I didn't as other roles. Ganking (so much stun). How team fights work (forces me to pay attention to everything when initiating). And so on. Not an expert by any means, but I had a bunch of AHA! moments.

It does require that I have decent allies and an opponent near my level though. I can't really kill anything by myself, and opponents way better than me in lane just feed off me. Riot matchmaking has been meh at times, but I am over a 50% win ratio at least. I'm due for a bad losing streak soon though, I just know it.

Most importantly, Alistar is the first character that clicked with me and thereby the first and only one I have purchased. I love his simplicity (no strange mechanic with his moveset, a clear goal with his moveset) and his complexity (Headbutt can be used in so many ways). I love how position based he is. I'm a Terran player and I freaking love positioning. Barracks in front of Tanks filling the middle of the map is a Protoss nightmare.

Feel free to fall back to tower and last hit under there. It's extremely do-able once you've had some practice, and it keeps you fairly safe from harass/ganks.
I know the theory. Melee ones require 2 tower hits + 1 of my hits. Ranged requires my hit, tower hit, my hit. Thing is, minions and a laning partner really complicate things.

Even when I do hold bush, I'm still trying to be able to figure out which minions that my partner can't reach in time to last hit.

I also hate how every laning partner I have autoattacks. If we win bush, they just push to enemy tower and there's almost no chance of ganking barring a risky tower dive. I'd rather exp and gold deny than watch as my partner slowly chips away at the enemy tower.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2009
Omaha, NE
All of this is good and means you're actually learning how to play the game. Keep it up! However, I'll address everything that actually matters as far as improvement is concerned:

It does require that I have decent allies and an opponent near my level though.
This a million times. If you main a tank at your level, your team isn't going to know how to use you. The enemy team, which is probably built with more tanky DPS, is going to have it's way with your team. Try champs like Renekton, Xin and Udyr. They can absorb a beating, and therefore help keep their teammates live, but they also deal a fair amount of DPS, and have decent pushing power, so you can kill the enemy and push to tower afterwards. The bottom line is that very few people at your level of play will be able to use Ali to his fullest abilities. He's an amazing tank, but he needs a team that knows how to play with him.

Most importantly, Alistar is the first character that clicked with me and thereby the first and only one I have purchased. I love his simplicity (no strange mechanic with his moveset, a clear goal with his moveset) and his complexity (Headbutt can be used in so many ways). I love how position based he is. I'm a Terran player and I freaking love positioning. Barracks in front of Tanks filling the middle of the map is a Protoss nightmare.
This makes me think you should try Xin Zhao. His placing is somewhere between Ali's and Yi's. If you go tanky, you can shift around the front line and take enemy pokes, while waiting to dive through the team to get to the carry. If you go DPS you can snipe anyone in the game off, as long as you get them alone, and if you dive in at the pivotal moment you can swing entire team fights by yourself. His abilities are also very simple, yet they syngergize well together.

I know the theory. Melee ones require 2 tower hits + 1 of my hits. Ranged requires my hit, tower hit, my hit. Thing is, minions and a laning partner really complicate things.
The main issue here is practicing. Try to keep track of how much damage your allies are doing, and focus on last hitting around them. Zoning is all well and fine, but if your ally isn't last hitting, go ahead and take them. Ali built pure AP can pack quite a punch, and drop giant heals on his allies every 3 seconds.

I also hate how every laning partner I have autoattacks. If we win bush, they just push to enemy tower and there's almost no chance of ganking barring a risky tower dive. I'd rather exp and gold deny than watch as my partner slowly chips away at the enemy tower.
If your team happens to have a jungle and their team doesn't, AND they push you up to tower, holding down a 2v1 is easy. Other than that, yeah scrubs suck.

Anyway, you're obviously on the right path. Alistar is an amazing tank, and can completely destroy entire teams if your team can use him well. Just expect a long, cold winter before you get to that point :(

If you want to play some matches, look me up. My name's Vijaya. I mainly play push comp teams (which Ali is good in), but I'll go team-fight teams sometimes (Ali is also good in these).


Smash Apprentice
Oct 11, 2008
All of this is good and means you're actually learning how to play the game. Keep it up! However, I'll address everything that actually matters as far as improvement is concerned:
Thanks for the advice! I'm not that good though. Hell, I'm not familiar with push or team fight compositions yet. It's just whatever people pick, which tends to be 4 carries.

I talk a lot since I'm the type who prefers understanding the theorycraft before I apply it rather than learning on the fly. It's what made Starcraft, which requires a ton of theorycraft, come naturally to me. Unfortunately, LoL guides are really lacking explanation on a lot of concepts and there is no replay system to review games, so it's difficult to tell if the conclusions I reach are correct and when I actually get better. Winning doesn't mean I got better; it could mean that my opponents were just horrible.

This a million times. If you main a tank at your level, your team isn't going to know how to use you. The enemy team, which is probably built with more tanky DPS, is going to have it's way with your team. Try champs like Renekton, Xin and Udyr. They can absorb a beating, and therefore help keep their teammates live, but they also deal a fair amount of DPS, and have decent pushing power, so you can kill the enemy and push to tower afterwards. The bottom line is that very few people at your level of play will be able to use Ali to his fullest abilities. He's an amazing tank, but he needs a team that knows how to play with him.
I actually tried off tanks before I played Alistar. Off tanks/tanky DPS need a lot more farming than I'd prefer to be useful damage wise since most rely on Trinity Force and other expensive items. Most guides recommend solo top so you get all the last hits, but the chance of a team at my level having a good jungler/roamer is pretty low, far lower than having a good mid carry.

There's also how I'm always gold starved. Unless my laning parter refuses to last hit, I tend to leave minions to them and zone while camping bush. After I get my boots of mobility, partner permitting, I tend to spend more time attempting a gank or rushing to hold a tower until a teammate returns. It gives me little opportunity to stop and kill minions again, especially if we kill their first towers and there's no safe way to farm without overextending. I guess there's jungling, but even then I find that I'm much more useful when off helping allies in group fights. I don't scale that well with uber items anyways.

This makes me think you should try Xin Zhao. His placing is somewhere between Ali's and Yi's. If you go tanky, you can shift around the front line and take enemy pokes, while waiting to dive through the team to get to the carry. If you go DPS you can snipe anyone in the game off, as long as you get them alone, and if you dive in at the pivotal moment you can swing entire team fights by yourself. His abilities are also very simple, yet they syngergize well together.
I'll try Xin Zhao when he becomes free. I've laned with a bunch of them. I'll totally miss Alistar's headbutt though. I'm actually eyeing Singe when he becomes available because the flip is hilarious.

The main issue here is practicing. Try to keep track of how much damage your allies are doing, and focus on last hitting around them. Zoning is all well and fine, but if your ally isn't last hitting, go ahead and take them.
I do try to last hit at towers. I like how Alistar's attack animation is pretty damn quick, so it's a little easier to hit from under there. The hardest part is the combination of multiple factors making it hard to decide if a last hit is even possible. I need to determine it early so I can move Alistar in position to last hit; his movement speed is slow as hell without boots. If I guess wrong, I'll not only miss that but also be out of position for another last hit.

Ali built pure AP can pack quite a punch, and drop giant heals on his allies every 3 seconds.
I build support Alistar, little to no AP. Support Alistar fits me better than pure tank or off tank Alistar. Teams aren't good enough for me to try jungling, much less roaming, so those aren't options right now. I tried a bunch of guides and support really fits me best. Mainly because that way I won't feel completely useless standing around if initiating is a bad idea at the moment. It helps that support Alistar has plenty of mana regen for a reasonable ability spam.

After the massive nerf to his AP ratios, the general consensus amongst the guides I read was that building AP was now useless. Following that one mobafire guide, I focus on CDR, Health (armor/magic res don't synergize nearly as well with his ulti), and auras that help allies. With 40 CDR, his ulti is enough for tanking since it lasts just long enough for me to get one last pulverize/headbutt off (ulti lasts 8 seconds, 40 CDR pulverize has less than 8 seconds of cooldown). That will either catch a fleeing opponent if we're winning, tip the scales in our favor if it's close, or save an ally if we're losing. I just pop the ulti when I hit around half health.

Following that one guide, I actually open with Mana Manipulator. So, I take care of my partner's health and mana regen during the laning process while attempting to zone to deny enemy last hits. If the opponent overextends, I go for the kill. If not, I try to find opportunities to Headbutt harass while their partner is out of position to punish me for it.

Anyway, you're obviously on the right path. Alistar is an amazing tank, and can completely destroy entire teams if your team can use him well. Just expect a long, cold winter before you get to that point
I've been doing ok so far matchup ratio wise. It's more important to me that I learn after each game rather than grind my way to 30 quickly. Although playing a tank has given me more insight into the mid and late game dynamics, I'm still worried about the early game. From what I've observed, doing well as a tank early game builds your team's confidence in your ability to initiate, which means they're more likely to actually follow in a team fight later.

I've learned stuff the hard way like never initiate in jungle unless your team is more melee focused. Ranged squishies get destroyed there. I've learned to never initiate if I don't have a good idea of where the enemy team is. Being too far deep initiating while the squishies are flanked is bad. Doing the flanking myself is a given if my allies are grouped together and chasing. I've learned to check to make sure the primary carry is committed to a fight before initiating since I really need kill power if Headbutt isolation is going to work.

I also rely on Shurelya's a lot now for initiating and/or chasing. It has the lowest cooldown amongst my three options (Shurelya, Ghost, Flash) so it's much more spammable. I just make sure that I'm out of combat for 5 seconds for the boot speed boost, which combined with Shurelya gets me enough speed to close in range suddenly. Doing a bunch of run back and forth earlier masks the movement well enough. I forgot to check if using Shurelya's and/or Flash activates Trample. If not, I'll need to start casting Triumphant Roar right before so I can run through everyone.

I've also learned to be more aggressive with my 3 initiate options and my ultimate to the point of tower diving if the opponent is around half or even 3/4 health for squishier opponents. I hate having to use summoner spells and my ulti to escape instead of an initiate. It's better to try for a kill now, at worst forcing the opponent back to heal and opening up the possibility of a tower push, which also gives my initiate options time to recharge since I've delayed the team fight with that pressure. How aggressive I am usually depends on the team though. If I'm not confident in my team's ability to kill an isolated enemy quickly, then I won't initiate and instead will hold back my spells to save my allies in team fights. I still remember that nightmare game where I would Headbutt isolate an enemy Katarina and my allies were unable to kill her off quickly. So, she pops her ulti and kills half the team. Ugh.

There's also the Alistar specific stuff I'm learning. Deciding on whether to use a summoner spell to get in front of an enemy -> Headbutt -> Pulverize, or using Pulverize to set up a Headbutt possibly with a summoner spell first to land the Pulverize, or using the Headbutt Pulverize combo.

Deciding who to focus I'm still learning. Between an out of position AP carry who isn't that well fed versus a well positioned and fed AD carry parked a bit further back, which is more important? Taking out the AP carry is practically guaranteed, but then I risk the AD carry destroying everyone while my CCs are on cooldown. Taking the fed AD carry means I might need to pop another initiate just to get behind her, and even then it might not push her out far enough for a kill, but killing her means that my team is more likely to win the fight. It's the same with a Healer on the enemy squad. Is it worth targeting the healer in case the healer is too good at clutch saves? Or is the burst enough that healing doesn't matter?

There's also figuring out when to save CCs and which ones to save when initiating. My general thought process is that if my team kills fast enough, I'll pop my CCs on initiating instead of interrupting channels. If channels are that big a problem, I'll just use Pulverize and save Headbutt for the interrupt. If there are multiple channels...

I'm still trying to remember to glance at my team's portraits before each initiate. Headbutt isolating an enemy to my team won't mean crap if it helps them chase a low hp ally down, which I've done several times. Headbutt isolating an enemy is also dumb if my allies have no mana.

I still haven't figured out when it's advisable to travel through the jungle to get to places. I've gotten ganked there more times than I like, forcing me to waste a summoner's and/or my ulti to escape. Part of that is not knowing when to buy Wards. I know to buy Invisible Wards against Evelyn early, but beyond that I don't know when it's a good time to ward places. I've been meaning to try purchasing them after I hit 35% CDR, but I don't go shop often enough. I'm usually wandering out there, making sure that my allies don't die needlessly. Maybe I should buy some right after boots (can finally move around) or Shurelya's (most important item after boots since it's my 3rd initiate). That way I won't have to make an extra trip to the shop. Hrmm.


Smash Lord
Dec 15, 2008
Kalkaska MI
I might be able to play in a tournament today. Hopefully my graduation gets out on time >_> But if not I guess I will practice and learn more about tournament organizing when I am there for my tournament next week. So wish me luck ^_^


Smash Champion
Sep 21, 2008
Critique for T: You should use more inhale. The move is stupid good. And in match 2, why didn't you punish the telestepping with a move like Dtilt or Ftilt? You just let Semifer use it over and over to hop around.
Inhale is pretty mediocre and far from a necessity vs wolf. I would've used it more (and primarily only use it in this situation) if Semifer pressured my landings more.
I didn't directly punish telesteps cuz i didn't wanna get semiscarred. Plus, most of his telesteps to landings didn't work out well.

Semifer needs to use more Dair's, especially on BF.
Dair is like borderline bad. I know you mean usage of it on a platform as I've seen you do it vs I believe coney, but honestly, it's still not good if dedede just doesn't stand under the platform; ie. horizontal spacing. Platformcamping on SV is, of course, usually beaten by platformcancel.

I'd respond to rob's comment had I been able to figure out just what he's saying, probably something like needs moar camp on semifers part.

Btw, so much LoL in this thread. Never played it, I've watched ppl play it occasionally, definitely doesn't look appealing to me. Just really gay. Like, MK overusing nado and doing at least 30 uairs at the ledge before AD'ing back on stage gay.


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
way too much lol, not enough bottled wolf.

I'd respond to rob's comment had I been able to figure out just what he's saying, probably something like needs moar camp on semifers part.
Sometimes I re-read my posts and laugh because I don't even know what I'm saying. I blame it on the clean living or the fact that I just type out my thoughts instead of complete sentences.

Basically, I was saying that D3 is a stupid match-up, and once he gets you to the ledge, it's near impossible to get back on if the D3 just stays in shield. Honestly, watching semifer reaching the platform safely a couple of times on SV was the highlight of that match for me. Probably needs moar camping too, but camping is tough against D3 because of that stupid grab range and the fact that he can deflate our camping with waddle-dee's in the way or with Gordos killing at random.

Also, inhale is really good against Wolf if you want to swallowcide, Tyser does that every time he gets a lead.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 11, 2008
Gah, trying to figure out when and where to ward. Found http://b.imagehost.org/0169/wards.jpg but there's still so much I'm not sure about. The obvious ones are warding early in the bushes between lanes to prevent ganks, or inside the enemy based if you're pushing their towers. Beyond that I'm really not sure where I should focus on warding.


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
Shpongle Falls
Inhale is pretty mediocre and far from a necessity vs wolf. I would've used it more (and primarily only use it in this situation) if Semifer pressured my landings more.
I didn't directly punish telesteps cuz i didn't wanna get semiscarred. Plus, most of his telesteps to landings didn't work out well.

Dair is like borderline bad. I know you mean usage of it on a platform as I've seen you do it vs I believe coney, but honestly, it's still not good if dedede just doesn't stand under the platform; ie. horizontal spacing. Platformcamping on SV is, of course, usually beaten by platformcancel.

I'd respond to rob's comment had I been able to figure out just what he's saying, probably something like needs moar camp on semifers part.

Btw, so much LoL in this thread. Never played it, I've watched ppl play it occasionally, definitely doesn't look appealing to me. Just really gay. Like, MK overusing nado and doing at least 30 uairs at the ledge before AD'ing back on stage gay.
youre my goddamn hero


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Gah, trying to figure out when and where to ward. Found http://b.imagehost.org/0169/wards.jpg but there's still so much I'm not sure about. The obvious ones are warding early in the bushes between lanes to prevent ganks, or inside the enemy based if you're pushing their towers. Beyond that I'm really not sure where I should focus on warding.
there's no science to it really. just ward the places you want vision

Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
Inhale is pretty mediocre and far from a necessity vs wolf. I would've used it more (and primarily only use it in this situation) if Semifer pressured my landings more.
I didn't directly punish telesteps cuz i didn't wanna get semiscarred. Plus, most of his telesteps to landings didn't work out well.

Dair is like borderline bad. I know you mean usage of it on a platform as I've seen you do it vs I believe coney, but honestly, it's still not good if dedede just doesn't stand under the platform; ie. horizontal spacing. Platformcamping on SV is, of course, usually beaten by platformcancel.

I'd respond to rob's comment had I been able to figure out just what he's saying, probably something like needs moar camp on semifers part.

Btw, so much LoL in this thread. Never played it, I've watched ppl play it occasionally, definitely doesn't look appealing to me. Just really gay. Like, MK overusing nado and doing at least 30 uairs at the ledge before AD'ing back on stage gay.
Inhale is ****ing broken.

I got 3rd at tourney today guys (In both events). I lost to Omni in Winner's Finals. We did ditto first match. Then I won on Rc in dittos. Then I lost. Then I went Wolf on Delfino. Game 5 I lost in dittos on Frigate. Died at like 80 from a flip of the stage. Ffffffff. I lost to Neo game 5 as well. Beat his Marth round 1 on Sv. Lost vs his Marth on Sv. Cp'd halberd and lost to Neo's Mk. Won on Yi vs his Marth. Then lost to his Mk last hit last stock on Bf.


Mother Wolf
May 20, 2008
Land's End (NorCal)
Inhale is pretty mediocre and far from a necessity vs wolf. I would've used it more (and primarily only use it in this situation) if Semifer pressured my landings more.
I didn't directly punish telesteps cuz i didn't wanna get semiscarred. Plus, most of his telesteps to landings didn't work out well.

Dair is like borderline bad. I know you mean usage of it on a platform as I've seen you do it vs I believe coney, but honestly, it's still not good if dedede just doesn't stand under the platform; ie. horizontal spacing. Platformcamping on SV is, of course, usually beaten by platformcancel.

I'd respond to rob's comment had I been able to figure out just what he's saying, probably something like needs moar camp on semifers part.

Btw, so much LoL in this thread. Never played it, I've watched ppl play it occasionally, definitely doesn't look appealing to me. Just really gay. Like, MK overusing nado and doing at least 30 uairs at the ledge before AD'ing back on stage gay.
Dair gets ***** by D3's utilt. Stupid utilt ;_; I prefer dancing around on BF's platforms and using dropdown bairs. Thankfully, Americans aren't that good with platform cancelling :p And why are you worried about semiscarring? Dtilt at the ledge would trade with it anyways, the reward is far greater than the risk imo.

Semifer could've used more fancy lightstepping tricks imo. He did some interesting stuff though, and as usual his control over Wolf is top-notch. Bair is safe when spaced properly on top of D3's shield, but he did none of that @_@ although better to just avoid any grabbable situation, I suppose.

EDIT: Good luck in tournament rsr2, and nice work Gull!



Smash Rookie
Dec 28, 2009
Atlanta, Georgia
You guys got any tips for the Sheik matchup? I have some offline tourney on Sat and hopefully I can have it down by then. A few things I was wondering were...
How do you DI out of the ftilt or get out of it or is it a 0-Death? This is my main problem ;-;
Should I constantly space bair or do I have other options to avoid ftilt?
Gimp options? Shine -> Buffer Shine
If you guys already have a thread on it can you link me to it? I'm kinda new here and didn't find the Sheik MU in matchups thread ^^


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
How do you DI out of the ftilt or get out of it or is it a 0-Death? This is my main problem ;-;
You can't. It's not 0-death either, it starts somewhere around 24-25% (I've never bothered to check exactly what percent) and after that, yeah, it's death as long as the Sheik buffers her Ftilts and reads your DI. I know Seagull said that if you SDI down then her Usmash at the end won't kill you, but if you SDI down then she can Dsmash and because you're DIing down, it'll send you at a bad angle that will probably kill you.



Mother Wolf
May 20, 2008
Land's End (NorCal)
I thought you could somehow shine out of the usmash? That's what someone said, somewhere, idk, part of me wants to believe it but idk lol. For SDI, I think I heard somewhere that you should SDI into Sheik and up? SDIing through Sheik just means she has to turn around though, if they don't mess up I don't think SDI will save you :x KRD knows more about Sheik than I do though :p


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Pretty sure you can DI out of the ftilt lock. I really don't think it's 25% to death.


Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
It's really easy to stay out of Sheik's Ftilt range. She isn't godly at range. That's one of the things that holds her back. If you DI down then you will love, but eat a lot of damage. I don't think most Sheik's would suddenly switch to Dsmash and you should notice based on how Sheik's body/sounds are when she initiates it.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
^That is true. For some reason most Sheiks seem to use Usmash no matter what. At least the ones I've played against have. I'm just warning about the Dsmash cause I know I can't be the only Sheik that will do that is smart enough to throw in a Dsmash in the middle of an Ftilt lock when I know it will kill instead of just continuing with Ftilts to Usmash.

Edit: @ Gheb: You can DI it if the Sheik doesn't buffer it. If she does then you can't DI out of it. You can try to DI towards her to get out from behind her, so that she'll have to turn around to continue it and from there it becomes a game of Sheik having to read Wolf's DI, or some Sheiks will just end the Ftilt lock with a move right there if they don't feel like they'll be able to read you.



Smash Champion
Sep 21, 2008
When u get usmashed by Sheik at high % just do whatever it takes to get hit by both hits, cuz the 1st one kills a hell lot earlier than the 2nd hit. Usually this means SDI down (does DI down really work??).
AFAIK you can't really DI out of the ftilts, your best bet is to (S)DI inwards in the hopes that sheik messes up the ftilting direction (much like vs marths uthrow cg in melee)

I agree with gull btw that it's doable to not get hit by ftilt.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 16, 2009
Omaha, NE
there's no science to it really. just ward the places you want vision
^ This

You also said you roam a lot. Pay attention to where you move when you roam, and assume that the enemy is doing the same type of movements in their own brush. You can also pay attention to general movement patterns (do they go after dragon a lot? Are they ganking your noob Ashe bottom a lot?) and ward accordingly.

Generally when I ward, I drop them whereever I'm going. I play a lot of pushers (TF, Nid, other high mobility champs), so generally I drop three or four wards on an entire area while I'm pushing. For example, let's say my top front tower is standing but theirs isnt. The creeps are at river and I want to push. I'm going to drop a ward in front of Baron and at the Y shaped bush intersection, then start pushing. Once I get a little deeper, I'll drop a ward at the bush between the lane and jungle, then once I get to tower I'll drop a ward underneath the tower in their jungle. Wards go down before I start whacking minions at each respective area, and the entire time I have my eyes on the mini map to keep track of everyone I possibly can.

PS - If you play support Ali, pick up two Phil Stones and that should solve your mana problems.

PSS - Watch the live-stream/recorded videos going on today/yesterday. That can tell you where to ward/what to build/how to use skills/so on and so forth.

if I have my top front tower, the creeps are at river, and I'm going to push their top back tower


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2009
I've been starting to play Melee more that Brawl lately. It's a pretty interesting game.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
i suicide so much with fox/falco in melee. it's like i walk off the stage and i dont have enough time to UP b
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