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Winner Winner Turkey Dinner Results Thread (NO MK)


Smash Journeyman
Jan 13, 2009
Thanks to everyone who came out to play. The community bs'd about mk ban causing a big attendance number in tourney haha. It was really interesting to see how the tourney played out with no mk. I personally had to play DDD, Snake, Diddy, ICS and got ***** lol.

1: SilverDoc
2: Cruxis
3: Kingace
4: Culex
5: Nickcam
5: Mikey
7: Raidos
7: Tippr
9: Jasuke
9: fool
9: sauc3
9: RyanFw
13: Dimmy
13: Illiad
13: shifu
13: Deegs
17: Thai
17: leafy
17: Penguin
17: skylersilver

99: AvariceX( u scrub u posted u would come for sf4 and brawl but no chatham in site. GJ for missing an mk banned tourney)


1: DoctorPhil
2: SSJ3
3: Cartlex
4: UnholyAllies
5: TipsNTrix
5: Team DiltLock
7: RyanFw&Fool


Smash Champion
Nov 30, 2007
London, Ontario, Canada
I knew I wouldn't be able to make it for a while actually. I ended up winning a local Brawl tournament (won $12 and a shirt rofl) and placing 2nd in a Starcraft tournament the day before this. I didn't want to post that I wasn't coming though because I know how fickle our attendance is and I didn't want to start a chain reaction.

I did however mean to PM you about not being able to make it but forgot to, and for that I apologize.


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
The main point of this tournament was to prove that MK mains won't place as high without mk, I think I just proved that statement wrong.

Ggs shoutouts later.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
Doc: wasn't about proving you wrong because you don't actually main MK you always counterpick

Point was:
-MK mains that backed out: Hype, Joe
-Not a free payday for Kingace, he still got paid but had to work really hard for it.

But yo I called kingace getting top 3 thats all I can say lol

ggs to all

Special mentions to Raidos - for ****** my shiz in round 1 lolz, hes definately pr material now
Also to Culex. Culex + America trix = too goodz. should also be on the pr

Good stuff to Tippr for making it out

...everyone else yeah ggs and thx for coming out

I can't keep up with you wifi people anymore : (


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Iliad shoutouts. Lol.

1: SilverDoc - Good **** as usual Jules. My cap falcon kneed the **** out of you. I see that Hamilton falcon training paid off against Ace in that Falcon ditto. :D Also i'll take your advice about my main to heart. Though I -really- wanna keep using Marth.

2: Cruxis - Next time I'm going falco on you, even if it was just an off day for you, it was a ****ing terrible day for me. And hopefully a falco that is aggressive and doesn't just lazer spam and side B continues to throw you off.

3: Kingace - You did really ****ing well, but I'm surprised you lost to cruxis in losers finals man. Even without nado you still manage to gay people, like on japes lmao. You're an inspiration to us all. And holy **** you actually finished a cigarette this time. You're movin' up in the world Phil.

4: Culex - You sexy spanish beast, mi corazon. LOL. Next time win the whole ****ing thing, and go falco when I tell you to go falco. You could have beaten Cruxis, he was having an off day against falcos man.

5: Nickcam - Yo, aren't you 14? Lmao. I predicted you 2nd, wtf. GJ regardless, you weren't all that stoked about the tourney and you still took 5th, ****.

5: Mikey - See Nickcam's shoutout. Only, I predicted you in fifth and you're not 14.

7: Raidos - Good ****ing job man. I wish I had the chance to play you, we know how that woulda went :D Or do we? Beating Jaske in IC dittos, you're making that your like specialty.

7: Tippr - Good ****, reppin the marth. I was genuinely ****ing shocked you beat sauc3, I'll be honest. You were having problems with Shifu's ICs, and i thought Sauc3's ICs would run right through you and you held your ground. Good ****.

9: Jasuke - Lol melee ***

9: fool - I hate you more than you can imagine. And by hate, I mean I love. Lets have sex next tournament, k? Also. Our matches are getting stupid close. You beat me down 1st match, I styled on you clutch style 2nd match, and then 3rd match was just a ****ing nail biter. One of these days I might actually beat you. Aren't I like 0-5 in sets with you now? You ALWAYS ****ing eliminate me. <3 Joe

9: sauc3 - You lost to tippr, wtf. Too much melee you queer.

9: RyanFw - GJ against Ace, Phil said you gave him trouble, and Phil doesn't just praise people unless they're actually good. We didn't get to play outside of doubles, but GGs regardless bro, and come more often.

13: Dimmy - How did the must scrub MK, who couldn't even play his MK, get the same spot as me? You totally rigged the brackets, my word. LOL.


13: shifu - You're good, gotta find a main that you can focus on. You're playing too much counter picks. Find one char you're good with and FOCUS on him. Otherwise you'll be good with all your chars, but there won't be anything special about them, they'll just be typical standards for how each char plays. You can easily place higher than this.

13: Deegs - Didn't play you, haven't heard of you, which leads me to believe this was your first tourney. GJ on the placement buddy.

17: Thai - Didn't play you.

17: leafy - YO! My word your snake is beast, but you just gotta work on the grab and grenade mindgames more. You were taking my marth to 1 stock each time, you could have beat me a couple times. Keep it up, and keep coming out.

17: Penguin - Didn't play you.

17: skylersilver - Solid kirby, but you need to be careful you don't use that up+b from the ledge onto the stage the way you did, it's incredibly punishable. Also. More aerials man, Kirbs is all about those aerials, he gets like 6 jumps, so no reason not to abuse some Bair, it doesn't outrange my marth, but sometimes it can outprioritize. GGs though bro, and keep coming out.

Tin Man

Smash Hero
Jan 31, 2009
Belconnen, ACT, Australia
In MK banned tourneys, counter picking is such a b**** to watch out for, and Ace still placed high without MK, I think I may like tourneys with MK in them more, never knew Falco would b so over used.


Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2009
1: SilverDoc (Various)

2: Cruxis :snake:

3: Kingace (Various)

4: Culex (Various)

5: Nickcam :wario:

5: Mikey (Various)

7: Raidos :popo:

7: Tippr :marth:

9: Jasuke :popo:

9: fool :snake: :falco:

9: sauc3 :popo: :kirby:

9: RyanFw :samus:

13: Dimmy (Various)

13: Illiad :marth:

17: Thai (dunno)

17: leafy (dunno)

17: Penguin (dunno)

17: skylersilver (dunno)

shoutouts later
i fukken hate fukken falco after this tourney


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
London, Ontario
Go Go Shoutouts Ranger

1: SilverDoc - got what you came for

2: Cruxis - these snakes are gunna be the end of me, next time ima go d3 and run your **** (maybe lol) seriously tho amazing snake good **** placing second

3: Kingace - no mk ZOMG u didnt win, i dont even remember who you played but still placing without your BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB

4: Culex - so like, i love you in every way, just in case you didnt know. Who the **** did you play at this tourney and holy **** you came 4th lol, ownage. fun friendlies thanks for the snake practise, ill be sure to let you know if i come back to the hammer

5: Nickcam - why the **** have we never played in tourney? like srs you'd think it would eventually happen, good ****, ive heard good things about your wario (but ive never played it sob sob)

5: Mikey - i wish i had a beat tippr so i couldve gave your falco the business lol, awesome placing as usual, glad you could make it out even with school, im guessing that will be your last one for a while, which makes me sad cuz we never really played,

7: Raidos - thanks a lot for the ride, DOUBLE ICs are gunna rep **** it future we just need to figure it out, and should we lose, RAINBOW CRUISE with toony and kirbeh. fun friendlies aswell work on those chaingrabs, u are already ot good at gettin the grab

7: Tippr - grr marth, **** u and tipping my nana, she doesnt know any better :(, i want a rematch so next time i see you be prepared to face my marth slayer, ... who is a character yet to be named.

9: Jasuke - Port Chester Chris, i wanna be the very best, what a wonder phrase, nuthin whats a motto with you, and etc. your gettin awesome at melee, lookin like a pro, just get those mindgames down and u can earn your bolderbadge

9: fool - how did we place the same lol? did all that training in the mountain peaks pay off? great snake

9: sauc3 - i have nothing to say to you

9: RyanFw - ? did we play lol

13: Dimmy - awesome tourney, kinda weird how you'd ban your main lol, but the rest of us appreciate it, how did experimentation go with random characters lol,

13: Illiad - isnt it one "L", not two? also look how well tippr place, and where did you place? I'm not sure i cant remember where you placed, but the smart money says its below tippr, he has the best marth in the land, until you challenge him in an mk slaying duel, each of you has to play 10 mk mains, and whoever wins the most matches has the number one marth, between you and him lol.

13: shifu - ? did we play?

13: Deegs - ? did we play?

17: Thai - keep workin on that falco, needs more spam, falco is by nature a spammer, less rolling more hopping lazors

17: leafy - how was riding in the back? lol, enjoy melee dude, learn the metagame so we can play at the next tourney, let me know if you need help with anything (melee wise lol im useless everywhere else)

17: Penguin - ? did we play?

17: skylersilver - ? did we play?

to everyone, WHY THE **** DID YOU LEAVE SO EARLY, we never did crews because 8pm is apparently to late for you all. This makes kurtis angry face. next time we better do crews.

but fun tourney guys sweet venue

xLeafybug =D

Smash Master
Mar 22, 2009
Brampton, ON, Canada
My preformance yesterday was pathetic. I just woke up, so here are some shoutouts.

1: SilverDoc - Grats on winning. I had no doubt. Fun friendlies.
2: Cruxis - You are the Jim Jones of Smash, lol. Grats on second, Ace Gayed you hard on japes, but you got him back.
3: Kingace - Grats on 3rd, you proved that even without Meta, you're still an excellent smasher.
4: Culex - Mad fun in Raidos' car lol. I CALL SHOTGUN NEXT TIME. Brawl+ doubles with Iliad and Tippr was fun. Grats on 4th, keep it up.
5: Nickcam - Didn't play you, or really talk to you, but grats on 5th.
7: Raidos - So fun riding in the trunk of your car. Tim Hortons was hilarious. No hot chocolate or french vanilla...fawkin ridiculous.
7: Tippr - Mad fun playing Brawl+.
9: Jasuke - Melee was soo fun, almost as fun as Raidos' car.
9: fool - Didn't play you, and therefore, nothing to say... Sorry.
9: sauc3 - Thanks for the bootleg Melee disc, saved me money on DVDs =).
9: RyanFw - Didn't play you, and therefore, nothing to say... Sorry.
13: Dimmy - HOW THE FUCK DID I LOSE TO A RANDOM META SCRUB LIKE YOUJust kidding =)? WARIO IS GAY. DEDEDE IS GAY. I should have just gone SSJ3 Marth on you. Thanks for hosting the tournament.
13: Illiad - Is Hamilton really as bad as Raidos and Culex make it out to be? If Meta was allowed, I would have ***** you in our matches.
13: shifu - Didn't play you, and therefore, nothing to say... Sorry.
13: Deegs - Didn't play you, and therefore, nothing to say... Sorry.
17: Thai - Didn't play you, and therefore, nothing to say... Sorry.
17: Penguin - Didn't play you, and therefore, nothing to say... Sorry.
17: skylersilver - Sorry about forgetting you. I had just woke up with a serious hangover when I posted this originally.

Special non tourney shoutout to JPOBS- Melee BEAST. Hakuna Matata! So fun. Nice to meet you.

SFIV People - Your scene is so much more hyped than ours. It's insane. It makes me want to learn SFIV.


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
13: Illiad - Is Hamilton really as bad as Raidos and Culex make it out to be? If Meta was allowed, I would have ***** you in our matches.
lol. Bad in smash? Or bad as in a place where you can get stabbed in the street?

And no you wouldn't have xD. I'd rather face a metaknight than a snake with my marth, I'll be honest. We'll find out if you come to scarborough. No MK ban there my friend.


Dimmy. Needz moar bracket images.


Smash Lord
Aug 5, 2009
what can i say about this tourney

as you can see, lots of variety in the results, everyone said "LOL IF MK R BANNED THEN SNAKE WILL DOMINATE" but as you can see, only one snake main made the top 5. I saw these people bring out a ton of characters.

I fucking hate falco now. i dont know wtf happened. im usually so good at that matchup, its weird, i was just slipping so hard against falco during this tourney. i was totally off, playing so terribly against falco, and i dont know why, im normally so much better at the matchup. i guess there always has to be SOMETHING to fuck me over no matter which tourney i go to, its just my garbage luck you know. ah well


1: SilverDoc - your falco is gay, and **** you for not using diddy

3: Kingace - omg never ever ever play japes against you ever ever again
ggs though, now all thats left is taking out your mk. you placed higher than most ppl expected though, good ****

4: Culex - awesome job making it up so high, great games

5: Nickcam - ggs, you were just off against me i could tell, and i was playing pretty gay lol

5: Mikey - wtf man i didnt get to play you AGAIN

7: Raidos - ggs keep working on the snake matchup, RAIDOS IS THE NEW AMBROSE

13: Dimmy - gj hosting the tourney

13: Illiad - use falco next time ;) lmao


xLeafybug =D

Smash Master
Mar 22, 2009
Brampton, ON, Canada
lol. Bad in smash? Or bad as in a place where you can get stabbed in the street?
The latter(The second one).

And no you wouldn't have xD. I'd rather face a metaknight than a snake with my marth, I'll be honest. We'll find out if you come to scarborough. No MK ban there my friend.
I don't know if I can make it out to Scarborough. Sorta far for me(40 minute drive, lol). Well, not really, but my parents sorta have a problem with it. My game was off yesterday anyhow, but the 5 minutes in Raidos' trunk made up for it =). I'll show you next time.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 25, 2008
Do I smell a mid tier side event coming up?

It was cool to see everyone again, although we all got bad, lol.
I prolly wont make it out to many more tournys. I have lost my mindgames =[


Smash Apprentice
Nov 25, 2008
First Time I've ever done shoutouts here on the boards LOL! So here goes.....

1: SilverDoc- Good **** winning, I mindgamed myself SO HARD the first round we fought XD. None the less great diddy, finally played your diddy.

2: Cruxis- great snake, imma work on that DK Snake matchup, man i should just gone falco maybe i woulda won ;). My heart actually broke when I watched the japes match (W).

3: Kingace- good **** getting 3rd place, i'm still afraid of your MK but none of your other chars ;). I'll just go CF!

4: Culex- learn to not mindgame yourself and get ***** son!

5: Nickcam- i figured you were gonna own my falco with all that Mikey experience, ggs none the less, i shouldnt have gone DDD, i shoulda just been CF and knee your Wario right in the fallopian tubes. AND SHHIIIET your 18 bro!? WHAT THE **** IS JUICE?! ....FEAR MY CF =)

5: Mikey- Ganon takedown 1$ mm LOL :). I gotta admit, i shoulda got grabbed that last stock but for some reason i gotta away like a smooth criminal XD. DAMMN SON, you actually broke my heart when you told me those hurtful words. You haven't played Super Metroid OR Mario RPG!? Thats a instant takedown to me =(. Next tourny i see you at, i better here all about Super metroid and SMRPG and all there epicness and how mistaken you are in how bad metroid is, cuz if i dont hear all about it, there will be a consequence..........CF. ....Just be lucky Carter doesn't know that you havent played S.M XD.

7: Raidos- Good **** on your placing, and thanks for the ride to the tourny, you are now a part of Hamilton =). Snake practice anytime you want bro...FEAR MY CF =). Good **** mindgaming that car and not getting all of us owned before picking up Kurtis and Tristen up :p.

7: Tippr- ggs in brawl +, was the 2nd time i played it, and **** man, it's so ****ing fun. I gotta friendly you sometime in brawl though.

9: Jasuke- UP B...all that needs to be said ;). I <3 you, thanks for coming out even in your sickness.

9: fool- ggs in doubles, you owned me with the Stinger F smash =( LOL.

9: sauc3- Snake vs IC's all day bro, next time you come to ghetto steel city, hit me up for some melee and brawl :D.

9: RyanFw- We shoulda had friendlies :(, your ZSS is too good.

13: Dimmy- Great tourny, with MK banned and all=more fun for me and no MK johns. I'm happy to know that your all bout SNES like me ^_^. We shoulda friendlied though.

13: Illiad- your gayer then richard simmons and elton john going on a date! Untill you stop getting 13th, and placing higher like you should, all i gotta say and do till then is "Balls smack"....i heart you XD

13: shifu- Man i got you shook when i picked CF, i know you fear the CPT :). EPIC face you made, and you didnt believe me etc XD. Oh man i **** a brick laughing when i thought bout the face. Shows that ppl fear the cpt. But ggs and all man, i hate to play gay against IC's but getting grabbed was out of the question XD.

13: Deegs- we didn't play did we =(

17: Thai- Can't remeber you either sorry :(

17: leafy- lol all the jokes in Mikes car, and tim hortons not having H.C or anything. and jokes riding in the trunk lol, see you next tourny.

17: Penguin- we didnt play

17: skylersilver- we had some friendlies, to bad we didnt have more

**** mid tier tournament, there should be a CF and Ganon only tournament. Only manlyness is aloud.

Also, to everyone who left before crews happend, yes FEAR Hamilton :3.

Other Shout Outs

Carter- Sick team, i know you envy my power beard :p to bad you had to leave bro, but i understand, hoes before brawl, I've been in the same position XD

Tristan- Your ****ing howles bro, your too sick, come out to more tournaments and we'll play melee but
since you got that sexy accent, go get ME some *****es. TY kind sir.

By the way, for this tournament, i used, CF (YES you read right) , DK, Falco, Rob, Snake and DDD



Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
I see some names in here I haven't seen before, can someone contact them and get them to my tourney? And haven't sauc and ryan confirmed for mah tourney!!


Smash Lord
Apr 17, 2008
Mississauga, Ontario
Doc: wasn't about proving you wrong because you don't actually main MK you always counterpick

Point was:
-MK mains that backed out: Hype, Joe
-Not a free payday for Kingace, he still got paid but had to work really hard for it.
That was the point lmao...that even less people showed up.

To anyone wants to suggest that mk mains would do worse at an mk banned event: of course they would. Along with anyone who wasn't playing the character they practice with. Understand that Phil did worse than usual not becuase he wasn't playing metaknight, but because he wasn't playing his main.

I really hope no one was expecting to prove anything with these results.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
It proved that you 2 wouldn't show because you have 0 chance of placing well without MK

When we all wanted MK banned in gtan thread, you 2 should have picked up new characters and you guys can learn them in no time with wifi

Less people showed because Brawls just dead, no other reason


Smash Ace
Apr 27, 2009
Toronto, ON
honestly though if brawl's just dead and were not going to get attendance we might as well allow mk...hype and joe (<3 nohomo) mean more to our scene than 10 noobs so like... bring back mk...

and just as an aside joe was going to come but failed...he was mad training fox all the time up til this tourney


Smash Lord
Apr 17, 2008
Mississauga, Ontario
it didn't 'prove' anything.

I don't even care about how well I would have placed. I didn't show up out of principal, I shouldn't have to learn a new character. I didn't show up becuase it wouldn't have been fun for me. And I didn't show up because I wanted the tourney to fail!

Yes, I wanted it to fail. Everyone was acting like banning MK would help our scene. It wont. I wanted to make sure everyone saw that. Dimmy got pressured into banning MK for this very reason and it's ridiculous.


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2008
London, Ontario
I see some names in here I haven't seen before, can someone contact them and get them to my tourney? And haven't sauc and ryan confirmed for mah tourney!!
i would totally come but im hosting my own bi-weekly on sunday, and comin back to hamilton for a day isnt worth it, sorry, unless someone is willing to drive me to and from london on the saturday?

sorry i have to miss this one but my attendance has been pretty good, considering im in ****ing london.
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