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Winds of Fate: The X Factor (Teen Titans)

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Um DS.... If you thought I was gay... why did you countinue to respond to my posts? Why didn't you tell me to quit reading your fic? Why didn't you tell me to quite responding all together?

Thats the way I feel about gay people, I don't let them near me, and I discrimenate agianst them. Because Its agianst gods will for these unnatural occurances.

Luckily the number of gay's and lesbians are low here in Aussie, but I hear in America theres a profusion of the sick little *******s. I also hear america is tring to get them the normal rights of normal people.... This is an outrage! If gays over take America, this behavior will out break across the globe!
Now Ds I think your cool, and even though me and you don't think alike or have alot of the same intrests or opinions. I'm a tolerent person and these differences don't bother me.

Am I the only one confused here?

YOU started this because YOU started being mean and discriminating. You talk of gays like a cult, which they are not.

At least they aren't prancing around, declaring what is 'truth' and acting high and mighty, looking down on those not like them.

Organized religion, especially around where I live, is much more like a cult than anything. Sad, really.

Religion is self-expression, it shouldn't be creating zombies. :o

But the point is that you agreed with me.

'Bad choice.'

BIG difference between bad choice and wrong, silly.

Bad choice is OPINION, wrong is FACT.

That's like saying this:

The answer on your test was wrong, just as your love of horses.

See why that's so mean? It's as if you're God, and even then so, I doubt God would call people's life-styles wrong if they aren't hurting anyone.

Now how about you talk with your cuz, hm?

Ask him how he became gay, go ahead. Ask him if he chose to do that, and ask him for me how the **** he managed to manipulate his hormones. THAT would be nice to know, the scientists would love to hear that. :p


Anyway, I'm about done with all this, so long as there's no more discriminating of any kind.

If anyone still wishes to debate, bring it on, PM me.

"Are we cool...?"

"Frosty. ;)"

I said that already, right? :p

Um...Progress on the next Chapter...?

Squat. Same place I was a week or two ago. Working on my Golden Sun fic right now.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
:chuckle: Sweet! I love your new signature, man! With Mario and Luigi dancing around. Shake what yo mama gave ya! Boo yah! :rotfl:

Well, anyway, it's been 15 frickin' days since someone replied to this fic.

So, let me be the first to say...


(And a happy new year, while i'm at it.)

Y'know, Christmas isn't just about presents. It's about joy, jolly-ness and caring.

It's also a time to recognize one of the greatest cartoon villans ever created...

The Grinch, of course!

The movie starring Jim Carrey was boring; I liked the cartoon version better. In fact, at my home, it's traditional to watch "How The Grinch Sole Christmas" every year on Christmas Eve. We've been doing that ever since I was 3 years old.

But the cartoon version was only a half hour long! :crazy: Oh, if only they made an extended version of the original Grinch; that would be awesome. =/

Hmph, but I digress...

Let's just drop this whole "gay" thing and enjoy a jolly Christmas instead. HO HO HO!!!!!!!

(sorry, I couldn't resist ;) )

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
What gay thing...?


Hop here, go to the Teen Titans bit, and you can hear the theme song.

She also has up some audio clips of the first episode- Obviously a Raven fan.

Wish she had one of each character, but...Oh, well.

Yes, yes, the next Chappy for this is in the works...



I found MORE!!




Smash Apprentice
Jan 25, 2003
Thats not the brothers getting down, this is! Now thats dancing.... and talent on the guys part who made this......


DS I nominated you for two catogorys, so will you please nominate me for most artistic?

They didn't have a best writter catogory so I nominated you for best name and one other thing.... I told all my friends to vote for you when nominating ends.

Just think about it K

I can't read your update now... but I will.


Dec 19, 2002
Uh actually that person does the voice of Raven, she's not a huge fan.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.

Yea, I found that out AFTER I posted and left Smashboards...

Her career has ranged from Dill Pickles to one of BOWSER'S KIDS!!


Anyway, I can think of the perfect place to puse those...

Anyway, I've already SEEN mack-Daddy Mario.

And that's not fitting in my sig, ya know?



I have completely and utterly NO CLUE what on Stellon, Mobius, Weyward, or WHEREVER what the frick you're talking about...:confused:

Anyway, sorry it's taking so long for this...The new season begins soon, that'll give me inspiration, I hope.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Mack Daddy Mario RAWKS!!!!

Well, it's about time people started replying!! Holy shiznik! How come people didn't reply during Christmas break?

Bah, never mind, the important thing is that everyone's back.

YES! New Q4D chapter over at FF.net! I'll go check it out later. For now, I have to eat my Big Mac and fries.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Allrighty, folks, new Chapter! Well, actually, only new to you guys that AREN'T on FF.net...

And with all these new rules, which might restrict the expression of my art...I'm becoming a little less happy with Smashworld. Besides, I'm not gettin' much reviewin' here, either.

Ah, well, we'll go with it.


And if any of you don't know much about the Titans, THIS is the place to go...


Hm...I linked some MP3's here, but...They MAY not work. Sorry 'bout that...I didn't add them in the FF.net version, but I decided to try them here. If they work, sweet, if not, oopsie.

<-{--[*<Begin Transmission>*]--}->

The Q4D! Saga...

Winds of Fate: Teen Titans- The X Factor

Chapter 6- Worried

{OK...We gotta get some work done today...} Robin thought to himself as he paced through the halls, which were slightly illuminated. {Let's see...It's about 8:00...So we should get to combat training at about 10:00...}

As he made his way to the huge living room, he could definitely hear music floating through the air. But it wasn't their jazzy 'theme song'...No, it certainly sounded more like an 'oldies' tune. As he walked onward, the sound of it got louder and louder. And he could begin to hear and comprehend the lyrics, too.

"He sits in the treetop, all day long,

Rockin' and a-boppin' and singin' this song.

All the little birdies on Jay Bird Street

Love to hear the Robin go 'Tweet-tweet-tweet!

Rockin' Robin!

Tweet! Tweet, tweet!

Rockin' Robin!

Tweet!...Tiddly tweet!

He came upon the large room that overlooked the city. The big couch before the giant TV was shaking from that raving red-capped lunatic dancing about. Beastboy, meanwhile, was shifting from one type of bird to the next, chirping and squaking every which-way possible. Cyborg, for whatever reason, was doing 'the Robot'. Sonic was standing off in a corner of them room, tapping his feet to the tunes, but staring solemnly at a bracelet fitted on his arm.

A grin crept across Robin's face as he saw them all. Mornings were certainly livlier now, weren't they?

It was interesting, indeed. Raven wasn't meditating, she was leaned up again a wall adjacent the door Robin had walked in. She didn't look irritated, angry...She looked calm. And a hint of a smile was on her. A little creeped, Robin avaoided looking at her and scanned the room. Just about everyone was there, weren't they...?

Just then, the cheerful emerald eyes he knew well appeared before him as Starfire glided over.

"Good morning!!" she cried merrily as 'Rockin' Robin' played in the background. Robin was smiling, a little surprised at everything.

"Yea..." he murmured. "Looks like it. Good morning."

"'Bout time you woke up!" Cyborg cried as he came clomping over. "Mario said he's gotta show you sumthin'!"

"What's that?" Robin inquired, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Over there," Cy bellowed, motioning Robin to head to the small table in front of the TV where (much to everyone's amazement) the remote sat.

"'Sup, Pelican?" Mario greeted with a smirk. he was laid back on the couch, relaxed, tapping his socked feet.

"Thanks for the tune," Robin said with a smile. "Uh...Cyborg said you had to show me something...?"

"OH! Right," Mario sat up straight in his seat and begun to dig in his overall pockets. His hands sifted around the denim until he found what he was looking for.

"Here, man," he said, giving a small envelope to the black-haired Titan. "I found it right here-" he tapped the coffee table briskly, "-this morning when I came downstairs."

With a curious face, Robin muttered, "Thanks," and pried open the envelope, which had no writing on its surface.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Link was laughing at Tenochtitlan, who seemed intent on cooking a half-decent breakfast, at least for herself.

She was still in pajamas, which she had decided she liked a lot. She had no memories of pajamas...And Starfire had let her borrow some of her own. They were fuzzy, covered her whole body, and were a light pink color. many people her age would argue they were 'childish', but Tenochtitlan could care less, and she wasn't used to people telling her what was 'childish' or not anyway.

"Does that look OK...?" she murmured, unsure, staring at a few pieces of french toast that she was attempting to make.

"See? MAN, what did you do your whole life?" Link snickered. "Did your parents cook for you the whole time or something?"

Tenoch was ignoring him at the moment, paying much more attention to Tikal's advice.

"Hm...Well, they look fine. You should flip them over and let the other side cook..."

"A-Allright, thanks," the dark-skinned girl mumbled, her eyes purple. Tenochtitlan was feeling very uneasy. Her dream...What had it meant? She felt so odd, out of place...Like she didn't belong here, she wasn't supposed to be here.

Sonic came walking in, perplexed and silent. He didn't run, he didn't smile...He just walked in, staring at the ground. Tikal noticed this strange behavior within a second, and immediately rushed to his side as he went to sit down on a stool next to Link.

"Sonic...?" her gentle tone inquired. "What's wrong...?"

Sonic glanced up at her, and blushed in surprise. He hadn't noticed she was in the room. He crossed his arms over his chest hurriedly.

"I, uh, well...I dunno, nothin's wrong..."

Tikal read him like a book- or more like a bright, red flag with neon lights- and placed her hand on his shoulder. She leaned on him gently, putting her other hand on his chest.

"It's all right, you can tell me..." she whispered. Sonic was now feeling VERY uncomfortable...

"Aaagghhh..." was all he could manage.

Tikal's eyes glanced over Sonic's shoulder to see Link's smirk.

"Here," she muttered, motioning him to stand up. "Come on."

Sonic reluctantly followed her, trying to hide his arm as best he could.

She was almost pulling him, and he finally gave in.

"A-All right, I'm comin'..."

As he wandered into the hallway with Tikal, he stared down at the jangling bracelet on his arm. The glowing yellow fragment on it glimmered more than usual for a moment, or so he thought.

Tikal's investigating eyes read Sonic carefully.

"Something's wrong," she declared softly.

"Wh-what are ya t-talkin' about? I never said something was wrong..." he stammered in defense.

Tikal wrapped her arms around him and said slyly, "You don't have to say something's wrong. But...If something is..." Her tone had shifted to being concerned and gentle.

Sonic was running his hands through his spiky hair nervously, when Tikal noticed the fair bracelet wrapped around his arm.

"Oh!" she cried in delight.

She brushed back some pale, orange bangs hurriedly as she inspected the cute trinket.

"This is so precious," she murmured in awe. "Where did you get it from?"

Some drops of sweat trickled down Sonic's neck as he stammared his answer.

"W-well, I, uh..."

Tikal could immediately tell something was up, and Sonic knew that SHE knew as he stared at her sympathetic blue eyes.

"OK..." he moaned. "I had a dream last night, but...It felt so REAL, so right..."

His eyes had wandered, and when they came back, Tikal's eyes were wide with wonder, her jaw was dropped, and her grip on Sonic's hands had tightened.

"You were blue...And spiky..." she whispered in awe. "...Right?"

"Yea..." Sonic muttered back, perplexed.

"It felt like...-"

"-It was really happening," Tikal finished.

After a moment to reflect, Tikal asked, "So, someone gave that to you- in your dream- and you woke up...With it on...?"

Sonic nodded, his brows furrowed.

"You think...the others...?" he mumbled thoughtfully.

"We might as well find out..." Tikal concluded solemnly.


Robin had disapppeared suddenly, and Starfire- as always- became instantly worried.

"Cyborg?" she inquired the relaxed Titan. "Have you seen Robin...?"

Cyborg shook his head calmly. He paused, pondered, then lifted his index finger.

"Uh, yea, Star, actually he was here just a second ago, I think..."

Starfire's pretty green eyes scanned for her handsome little hero, but...He wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"Yes...He was headed for his 'Slade' room," Raven muttered to her minutes later, trying to meditate.

Starfire's heart sank as she remembered how Robin always seemed to act when he was in that room. As thoughts flooded her, she soared through the halls.


{Robin and I are drifting apart...} she thought sadly to herself. {He is so...alone lately...I wish I could make him happy...} She drifted there, in front of that cold, uninviting door. Her head was bobbed, and her left arm was gracefully latched onto her right one.

{Perhaps it is my fault...} she worried to herself. {Maybe I have let him down...?}

With a deep sigh, Star let out a little whimper as she pushed the red button on the wall, causing the metal door to slide.

She was greeted by the dark room she had come to despise. There he sat, at his desk, hunched over something. That dim, yellow light barely covered Robin's desk, as usual.

As the metal door slammed behind her, she was almost overcome with nervousness as Robin didn't seem to notice her. Perhaps now was simply a bad time...?

Shrouded in darkness, Starfire slowly let herself fall to the ground, landing lightly on her feet. She stood a mere few feet behind Robin, trembling a bit. Was he angry? Should she leave?

She took a deep breath and swallowed, preparing to reach out for him. She opened her mouth to speak and slowly reached out her arm, but before she could say a word, he spoke.

"Hey, Star." He sounded perplexed as he turned around to face his good friend. "What's up?"

Star was a bit surprised at Robin's relatively calm attitude.

"Umm...I-I was just worried you were...-" she trailed off, noticing he understood.

"-Trying to figure out Slade...?" He smiled a little. "No, that's not on my mind right now..." He sounded a little concerned about something, however.

Starfire couldn't fully see him because his back was to the light, so she swiftly glided around the table to face him- so both faces were bathed in ample amounts of light.

"Is something wrong, Star...?" Robin inquired, sensing the uneasiness about her. He stared at her deep, troubled eyes. They were innocent, caring...Robin sometimes wondered what the group would be like without her...Would it still even be a group...?

Starfire fiddled with her hands for a few moments, unsure as to how to respond. Her eyes, avoiding Robin's, caught sight of an envelope on the desk, which had a letter on it.

"Is this what you are worrying about...?"

She scooped it up quickly, scanning the symbols written on it. She was pretty confident in her reading skills, though she was from another planet.

"Dear Titans," she read aloud. "Congratulations on the new additions to your team. But I also understand that trouble is brewing. I haven't seen you out fighting crime these past few days, but I assure you that bad things are coming. I plan to meet you all in person before things get too crazy. I hope things work out for the best...But I can make no promises. Things are not going according to their original plans...I don't mean to trouble you so much, but you really must be careful. Best of wishes...-" Starefire smiled as she read the name. "With love, Destiny Smasher..."

She placed the letter down on the table as she remembered what Destiny Smasher- Eddy- had said. He'd said she should talk with Robin about her feelings, hadn't he...? She was still...planning on it. But planning and doing were different things.

She glanced back up at Robin warily. No...Now was not the right time...

"Worried about it...?" Robin finally wondered. "Well...Not about the letter. Just...These new guys..." he sighed.

Starfire's eyes narrowed.

"What do you mean...?" she murmured, a tone of fright emerging. "What is wrong with our new friends?" she demanded calmy.

"Nothing," Robin replied quickly. "It's just that...I think they're here for a reason...Ya know?" He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "They don't remember where they're from, they just..showed up...And this Destiny Smasher guy...How does he know what's going on...?"

He frowned in perplexment, resting his chin in his palm, his elbow on the table. Starefire stared sadly at him.

{There is surely some way I can help him...}

"Why, Robin, do you worry so much...?" she asked quietly.

Robin sighed, shaking his head. Still staring at his desk, he answered.

"I'm a leader. A leader has to take responsibility. Everytime something goes wrong, I feel like it's my fault. And I just...-" He huffed, his eyes glancing away. "I've screwed up too many times as it is. You...and the other Titans..." He looked up to face her with regret on his expression. "You almost died...because of my mistakes. That's not going to happen to these new guys...That's not going to happen ever again."

Starfire's eyes were glazed with sorrow as she leaned over the table to stare at him with concern.

"Robin, do not say such things!" she scolded him. Her voice was still sweet and soft as usual, but firm as well. As she went on, that tone got sadder.

"Things are not your fault! We are a team, and when things go bad it is not anyone's fault! It is not your fault when we are hurt...It is the crinimal's fault...You fight to stop them..."

"Then why did I BECOME one?" Robin growled, not at Star, but at himself. He really was like Slade...wasn't he...? No. No, he wasn't. Nothing like that creep!

Star paused, trembling with emotion.

"Everyone makes mistakes," she declared shakily. "Even after what you have done, I still care about you Robin, as do the others...I care so much..." Her last sentence was a whisper as she retreated from Robin's gaze.

She was too embarassed to look at him for a few moments, and stared at the dimly lit papers on the walls. Photos, news articles...All about Slade and his crime...She felt disgusted by it, and bobbed her head to look at the floor instead.





Some memories of the mess flooded back to the two of them for a minute or two, until Robin broke the silence.

"Star...?" he murmured sadly. She didn't turn to face him, so he stared at the back of her head. "Could I...? Could I have some time alone...?" Star frowned at the comment, feeling a needle puncture her heart. Why did he always want to be by himself...?

She bobbed her head and answered firmly, "No..."

Robin looked dumbfounded for a moment, and when Starfire turned around, Robin saw her despair.

"No, Robin," she whispered, watering at the eyes. "I will not leave you alone...Not now, not ever..." Her solemn eyes pierced through Robin's mask. He felt something he hadn't felt for a long time- he felt loved.

"You are my best friend, Robin." A tear slid down her cheeck. "And I will not let you hurt yourself. I will no longer let you sit alone in the dark. Not anymore..." She was letting her tears come out, wiping them away briskly.

Robin felt guilt pounding at him viciously as he gazed into her anguished face.

"I...-" He couldn't speak, though he tried.

Starfire hovered to his desk and spoke apologetically.

"Robin...I am sorry..." She sniffled, looking down, away from him. "I...I know you work hard to protect us...But you are...'too hard on yourself'. I...WE can help you, Robin. We are a group...I will do ANYTHING to make things easier...But I do not know what I am doing wrong..." She collapsed onto her knees, sniffling.

Robin got up and placed a hand on her shoulder, kneeling next to his best friend.

"Star...None of this is your fault. It's m-"

"No," she wailed. "It is not you..."

"It's not YOU, then, either," he confidently replied.

Starfire gave him a small, wary smile.

"It is...no one...?"

Robin grinned shyly back.

"It's just the way things are...You haven't done anything wrong. You're always trying to keep us together..."

She blushed a little.

"It is not I, it-"

Robin rubbed her shoulder affectionately, causing her to freeze up with that mysterious warm, fuzzy feeling.

Robin stood up slowly, while Star floated upward without realizing it. (Joyful thoughts trigger her flying, remember?)

Her face as red as her hair, Star landed on her feet. But her joy vanished as quickly as it came as those pictures, articles...visions of Slade met her eyes.

"Robin...?" she pleaded.


She sniffed, drying her tears. Staring at the masked crusader, she asked a solemn question.

"Promise me, Robin...Promise me you will no longer come to your 'Slade' room..." Her expression was desperate, her hands clasped over her chest gracefully. "Please..."

Guilt overcame him, and her graceful, beautiful eyes captured him- they were full of sorrow, frustration...and hope.

"I promise..." he said quietly. "But...Can I have an hour? Just one...To...Clean everything up."

Starfire was smiling weakly, sniffling. She nodded slowly, feeling relieved.

"After that...I promise I won't come in my...'Slade' room...anymore."

He felt so foolish saying it like that...but it was what the place had become. Wow...A room, dedicated to crime, evil...and Slade.

Staring into Starfire's graceful, compassionate eyes, Robin smiled weakly. He suddenly realized why she'd asked such a question. Because whenever he came in here, she had to see him dark, serious, and depressed.

He was caught off guard as Star, her eyes glazed, reached out for him. She glided at him gentley, wrapped her arms around him, and embraced him warmly. She squeezed him tight, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Thank you, Robin..." she whispered. "And do not blame things on yourself anymore...I will take blame if I must...But you do not deserve it..."

Robin, although nervous and uneasy, returned her caring hug.

{You don't deserve pain more than anyone I've ever met...} he muttered in the realms of his mind.


End Transmission


Well, uh, yep. That's about it. Hope ya like that Chapter, the next one is almost done, I'd say, but it's not all TOO great, I guess...MWAHAH!!

But the Chapter AFTER that one...haha...THAT one will be amusing...


Smash Apprentice
Jan 25, 2003
Great! Wow DS I can't believe this fic only has four stars... it deserves more!

Anyway I got Final fantasy crystal chronicals today and I must say, Its cool!

The multiplayer mode is awsome! we were each a different kind of character... any way the game has a good story line and battle system as well.

You should all get this game!

I like the yuks the best, but the lilytans are fun to play as too. You can even choose your family trade and each character has food prefences, what heals basicly no HP on one character, might completly heal another!

You have to carry around a bucket, or Mog can carry it, and you need to get three drops of meyrr(spelling?) every year or you lose.

I must say its pretty challenging even for a seasoned gamer like me.....

You travel in a caravan and there are alot of animated cut scences along the way.

The point I guess is to try and stop the fog envloping the land called the Maisma.

Oh and about my RPG its not an RPG I just call it that because I made it on rpg maker 200, the best and easiest rpg making software.

I'm working on a real RPG called Super Nintendo world, it will include all your fav nintendo charaters.

Later for now!

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting

At last, an update. Thumbs up.

What exactly did the 'Slade' room look like? Was it an "empty" room with only a table and pictures on the wall? Or were there other peculiar pieces of furniture?

Well, my "Lunar Magic" craze is starting to slow down (FINALLY). Now I can get to work on my other computer game projects!

So, Caba, you make RPG's? Sounds like fun, although, in my opinion, RPG's are one of the hardest types of games to create. They're time-consuming, but very rewarding in the end.

I wonder why Smash World Forums was shut down last week...?

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
OK, I just finished the latest Chapter, but give me a little bit to polish it and post it.

The 'Slade' room was featured in a VERY important episode of Teen Titans earlier on entitles 'Masks.'

In this episode, a mysterious villain called 'The Red X' was stealing data chips to give to Slade, and he could take down the Titans like THAT, for he knew all their weaknesses. Robin stayed behind teh whole time so he could research more on what Slade was doing next. There's a couple of very emotional scenes that take place in that room, in that epsisode, and in my fic, as you've seen. The 'Red X', of course, turned out to be Robin- he pretended to work with Slade so he could find out his plans. But in the end, he got nothing out of it but shame.

"Why, Robin...? Why did you not tell us...?"

"I couldn't. If you guys knew it was me under that mask...You would have held back. I needed to fool Slade. But right now, he seems to know everything about us, and I know NOTHING about him..."

"That's not true, Robin...We have found out that you and Slade are...similar. He did not trust you...And you did not trust us..."

Anyway, that whole mess sort of trickles into the last two episodes of the first season, during which Slade manipulates Robin into being his apprentice. I don't feel like explaining all of that one right now, though. Teen Titans is a great show in the fact that it has everything I could want. I like all of the main characters, for one. It can be hilarious when it wants to- using freaky methods of animation here and there, anime style. It included plenty of good action scenes, and it can also be emotional and serious when it wants to.

All in all, it's a very good show and I'm glad I started watching it.


Which reminds me...The newest epsiode was SO AWESOME. If it wasn't obvious BEFORE that Starfire had a thing for Robin, they made it SEVERELY obvious this last episode.

A guy named 'Killer Moth' sent a bunch of nasty moth creatures on the city (damm, do I wish knew the name of it). The Titans couldn't beat them, there were WAY too many.

But the Moth had a purpose. And that purpose was that his daughter- kitty, a normal teenage brat (surprisngly, as her dad's a mutant moth-guy) had no date to her junior prom, and was going to rip her daddy's head off if he didn't find her one. Go figure- out of all the guys out there, she wanted to date Robin. Why? To make her ex-boyfriend go 'wild with jealousy.'

So...Well, Robin was forced into very icky spot that he didn't want to be in.

"What do you want...?"

"My demands are quite simple...You will give teh city to me, the Titans will surrender, and...em...You will take this lovely girl to her junior prom..."

(Kitty pops up on screen)

"Hey, ROBBY-POO!!"


"Who is this girl, Robin =/? And why does she call you, poo...? :grrr:"

Needless to say, Starfire was NOT happy in the LEAST.

"This...'prom.' It is a duel, yes? Robin eagerly accepts!"

"...Uh...Star, a prom isn't a duel...It's a...date..."

" O_O ...Robin DOES NOT ACCEPT!! This is atrocious! How can you-"

"We're gonna need a minute..."

For some reason, I actually thought for a moment there would be some emotional scene, but...:D Nope. Just Starfire ranting in the background, steam pouring out of her head, and Robin telling the other Titans he was buying them time to track down Killer Moth.

So Robin is forced to date this jerk Kitty, Starfire goes completely insane and scares the living daylights out of just about everyone there...(She goes to the prom as well, to 'thoroughly examine' the girl. 'Besides, you might need my rescuing. What if this 'Kitty' is a slime monster in disguise? She looks ugly like a monster, yes? :mad:"

And, well, one thing leads to another, and Kitty's ex-boyfriend, Fang (who is guy witha GIGANTIC SPIDER FOR A HEAD) comes around. He shouts at Robin and bats him away with his big appendages.

"Keep your hands off my girl!"

As Robin lands twenty feet away, in front of Starfire, who replies, "Keep your legs off MY BOY!" *zort*

After some hilarity and fighting, etc., they win. And then, somehow, Robin and Starfire get chosen as this prom'sKing and Queen, even though...they don't go to the school and it's not their prom...:confused: But, then again, they're superheroes that everybody kows about...*shrug*

And then just before they start dancing, the episode ends. -_-

And so, after...Like, 15 episodes, they've had plenty of times where it almost looked like there'd be a romance scene, only for there NOT to be. Which is fine, as my fic will have plenty of that very soon.

Matter of fact, all three of my fics I'm working on are classified as 'Action/Adventure/Romance.' Go figure. Though with Golden Sunrise it's reversed to 'Romance/Action/Adventure.'

Well, eh...There's a post for ya. I gotta go, school calls, unfortunately.

But for the record, the next Chap of this is basically done, and I finished up the latest Chapter of Golden Sunrise during the weekend or so...So once someone REPLIES to that, I'll post THAT up, too.


And the Slade room is essentially this- I believe I pretty much described it earlier in the fic.

It's just a room with a black floor and black walls. A desk sits in the middle, with junk all over it. On the walls are various newspaper articles about crime scenes, etc. There's no other furniture in the room. A dim, yellow lightbulb hangs from the ceiling, just above the desk.



After all this tension rising for weeks...After us completely and utterly ignoring eachother for MONTHS...After her boyfriend- I mean, FIANCE- threatening me for 'bothering her' though I haven't been even LOOKING at her for months...After spilling my heart out to both her AND her fiance, desperately trying to get them to realize that all I ever ****ing wanted was a friend...And after being ignored and looked down upon some more...

I'm a nervous wreck again. *sigh* 'Course, the effects will only be temporary. I hope. Problem is that it's not up to me when all thsi crap ends.

All Crystal has to do is look me straight in the eyes and tell me thats he wants me out of her life, and that THAT will make her happy.

Whatever I have to do to make her happy, that's what I'll do my best to do. But unless she has the courage to say it to my face, I can't be sure of what she really wants...

I just got an e-mail from her- the first in about 3 months. I'm afraid of opening it, my guts are queasy. As much as I hate to admit it, I can't not care about her, though it seems that's what she wants...

Oyyy...I can only hope that she has the decency in her to give me a proper 'good-bye' if that's really what will make her happy. I'm missing closure, and without closure, the lid in my mind containing all this crap is still open...

Hm...Now is she going to be swearing and yelling at me, or she going to be understanding and ending all of this...? I'm not going to hold hope for the second, but who knows...?

I don't know whether to read it now ro later...Grr...

Sorry for the rant, but now you guys know where I get inspiration from. ANd trust me, not all the romantic stuff in this fic is going to work out nicely. Oh, no. Not at all. But don't have a fit yet. For things that don't work out nicely...Roads that are rough can still lead to heaven, or...something like that.

If there's anything I've learned from all this, it's something I developed a while ago...

Everyone has two sides. A Light and a Dark. It's just a matter of whether you Love one more than you Hate the other...


Dec 19, 2002
Er maybe you should read it. It's good to read or you wil be WONDERING ABOUT IT FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE:crazy:!!!!! Sorry for doing that but I just think you should. I read messages even if I know they are bad. Sorry but I'm not sure if you read it yet so I said it.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Oh, of course I was planning on reading it. It was all a matter of WHEN. I decided to read it right afterward, naturally.

And it was just what I thought it was- another yelling. Go figure.


And I have her friends threatening me now, too, even though I've been TRYING to 'leave her alone.'


Anyway, update, yes, soon...Wait, this is my Teen Titans fic, right?! Yes, OK...

I have Chapter 7 done...

And Chapter 8 I just barely started. Happy Blorthog!

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Scaredy cat. :/

Well, whenever I send something (like an article or a game) to one of my friends, and I get an e-mail back, i'm ALWAYS hesistant about opening it. Is it a good critique? Or a negative one?

Then I say to myself "What the h3ll, just open it already!". Then I squinch my eyes and double-click the mouse button.

Now you try it. ;)


So, her friends are THREATENING you?? Geez, that's not good. I remember a similar incident with my big brother.

You see, about a year ago, he hooked up with a girl. However, she had an ex-boyfriend who was insanely jealous. Some of my brother's female friends were also friends with this ex-boyfriend. They kept threatening him in school. One day, one of them said to him on the internet, that if he didn't break up with this girl, he would be attacked.

Eventually, a group of about 5 guys came up to him in the school hallway and started beating him to a bloody pulp. Luckily, the "leader" of the group was charged for assault and punished, and my bro didn't suffer any major injuries.

But anywayz, that was a year ago.

Just... don't say anything stupid. Don't threaten them back. And if they EVER threaten to use physical force, tell someone!

Relax. With time, this dilemma will wear off. ;)

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Um...Everyone ELSE has been telling TO leave it and ignore it. To not talk to those people anymore, etc.


I can now officially say that I'm not Crystal's friend anymore...She's too stubborn to get the damm point anyway...Her own insecurity has done to her exactly what I thought she didn't want- to lose friends.

It's not fun, but there's nothing I can do, really. And now, sadly, I'm afraid of most of the girls in high school...Doesn't that just beat all?

Hm. Well, I guess now I can update...Just not quite yet, I'm in school...

And I have a good Golden Sun update done, but no one's been replying to that one...


Dec 19, 2002
Hmm if you updated there and I didn't reply then it's weird cuz I didn't get any notice by e-mail.

Well sorry to hear that but mines is sort of different. I'm becoming shy around girls due to the fact that I go to an all boys school but for some reason I don't show it. Also people still think I have a crush on this girl that I used to have a crush on that lives a few houses away but then I don't anymore. No one listens to me and everyone thinks I'm a liar. Also I'm starting to hide my feelings more and show ones I'm not feeling. I don't express what I feel unless I'm writing it. I don't talk as much plus people are starting to HATE me. They think jokes about me make me laugh but then it annoys me and yet I don't show it.

Hmm maybe yours is worse than mines but I'm starting adolesence so don't mind me. Well I know it's harder to do stuff than saying it. It happens to me these days. Well if you did tell her what you told us and she doesn't listen and more girls hate you then I feel sorry for you. I want to help. It will be hard to ignore and I don't know if it hit you hard but then things will change in the future. Maybe in a short time or maybe a really long time but maybe never. A "friend" of mine told me his dad died and he just got on with the fact and didn't worry. He wasn't even sad about it. Well I know it might not work for you because you are a different person and my "friend" is immature by making bets and taking my money from them or borrowing money wthout returning but then maybe things will change. Maybe you may change too but then you don't think so. I think I'm gonna regret saying these things later like I always do.

Back to the fic. I thought Beast Boy loves Terra and she loves him. Now it'll sort of ruin the plot if Beast Boy likes Tenochtitlan(er or however you spell it). Well, it's your fic so you decide but that's a little advice unless you make a triangle like thing that Beast Boy loves both and they like him but he can't decide which he likes more. I also think my ideas suck:p. This maybe the longest post I had ever done outside of my fic or stories.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Yea, that WAS a big post for you. 'Course, you've been gettin' around here, haven't you?

OK, first of all...Yes, the whole incident has hit me hard. Real hard. And I'm glad, because then when crap happens LATER, I'll deal with it better.

"I don't talk as much plus people are starting to HATE me. They think jokes about me make me laugh but then it annoys me and yet I don't show it."

Don't say that. I've had Crystal and her fiance tell me they hate me. They don't. People throw the words 'love' and 'hate' around wildly nowadays, not even knowing what they're doing.

When a guy tells a girl 'I love you' today, it makes the girl feel awkward because the word 'love' somehow automatically means he must want to marry her, and marriage is a scary thing, even when you feel you're ready for it.

That's why I'm worried about Crystal and Jerry. But there's nothing I can do, really, to help.

Point is, love is caring about someone. It means you'll do anything to make them happy, you'll be their friend forever. Least that's how I interperet it. When you say, 'I love you, mom,' does that mean you want to marry her...? I hope not...

Hate...Now hate is really a strong word.

Hate is when someone kills your brother, ***** your sister, murders your mother, cripples your father...

Hate is when someone completely ruins your life, or someone you care deeply about. THAT is hate, I say.

A random idiot at school CAN'T hate you, because they don't even KNOW you. Only when you know someone well can you truly hate them.

Here's a life lesson I've learned.

Teenagers are IDIOTS. They don't know what they want, they don't understand who they are yet, and they're afraid of the world. Of course, not all teenagers are like this, but on AVERAGE, that's the way it seems to be. At some point in their lives, everyone goes through this phase, even if it's short. Some people STAY in this phase, sadly.

If someone is picking on you, I'll tell ya what- they're insecure.

In other words, they feel bad about themselves. Duh. That's the whole point of bullying.

However, friends do pick on eachother for humor, and that's different, because they don't mean to hurt you. If your friends are picking on you, tell them to STOP. If they don't stop, then they might not really be your friends...

Unfortunately, in the past few months, about 50% of the people I thought I could really depend on as friends turned into people I can't trust at all...And that's the way it is.

I hope I helped some. A lot of adults tell me that I'm more of an adult than most people they know...*shrug* I don't know how to respond to that, but...They tell me I'm not crazy, everyone else is because everyone else isn't quite matured yet. Whatever.



And for the thirtieth dammed time...

PLEASE stop telling me what to do in my fiction!! PLEASE!!:cry: I am so annoyed of people telling me what to do!!

You guys DO realize that at any given time, I have the main ideas of the next month-worth oif writing planned out, right? I know what I'm going to do FAR before I do it. Sometimes a cool idea will pop into my head, and I'll use it.

And I hope you realize that I've had a BB/Tay relationship plotted out for two months now, at least...

And once the Terra episode aired, I decided within a day or two how it would play out. Don't give me advice on plot, I've got that ALL COVERED.

And as much as I'm DYING to tell you how stupid you people sound when you give me suggestions, I try not to.

Yes, Beastboy and Terra have a thing for eachother- duh! I KNOW that...:o And I know what's going to happen with them in my fic, too. I'm sure it'll be amusing, too...

In the Chapter I'm working on right now, a LOT of stuff is gonna happen, and the main plot will begin to take effect...

Anyway...Here it is. I posted it up a little while ago...

<-{--[*<Begin Transmission>*]--}->

The Q4D! Saga...

Winds of Fate: The X Factor

Chapter 7- Breakin' In

"Ugh, you idiot!" Mario moaned with a chuckle. "You just LET him pass you!"

Cyborg grinned, flicking away at his gaming controller.

"Yup! This way, I actually might have a CHALLENGE..." he muttered cockily, sticking out his tongue. Beastboy frowned back. Within the course of three seconds, he'd turned into an anteater, blown a raspberry, and turned back.

Robin walked in, a small and sly grin about him. He greeted them casually.

"Hey, guys. Remember, meet outside in an hour for combat training. We need to break the new guys in," he added with a smirk, glancing at Mario.

Rubbing his fuzzy upper-lip, Mario smiled devilishly back.

"You mean, we'll be breaking YOU out."

"Well, I'd like to see that."

As Robin passed through the halls, he came upon a nervous-looking Sonic.

"Dude, have you seen Tay?"

Robin lifted a brow and muttered back, "...Tay?"

Sonic realized Robin didn't know about Tenochtitlan's nickname.

"Oh. Uh, yea, Tenochtitlan?"

"Nope, sorry, Sonic. Haven't seen her. But when you find her, be sure to tell her we're meeting out front in an hour."

Sonic flashed him a thumbs-up, gave him a 'thanks,' and whizzed onward, coming upon the entertainment room.

"Yo, Fly-Boy," Cyborg greeted with a chuckle.

"Yo," Sonic answered, glancing at his game for a moment. It seemed to be a sci-fi racing game, of course.

"Whatcha playin'?"

"F-Zero GX, man," Beastboy said with a grin. "It's the bomb. You should try it."

After another glance, Sonic tossed his arms.

"Nah...It's too slow for me," he said with a devilish grin.

"So, uh, you guys know where Tay is...?"

Beastboy, as if by instinct, spat out a reply.

"She's up on the roof, but...I don't know why. She looked kinda upset, but I think she wanted to be alone, sooo-"

"Allright, thanks," Sonic answered, ignoring the doubt in his tone. "Mario," he added, just before he zoomed off.

"What's-a matta fa you?" he inmpersonated casually.

"Uh, Tikal wants to talk to you, OK? She's hanging out near your bedroom, I think..."

Mario shrugged, tipped his hat, and scratched his nose.

"Right, then..." he mumbled, flipping over the couch and pulling off some backflips before walking off down the hall.

The door to the rooftop was blasted open by Sonic as he plowed through. Fortunately, it was already open a crack, so it swung wildly from the rough winds flooding past it.

"Yo! Tay, we're...-" He trailed as he saw her sitting, hunched up. Her braids of black hair dangled over her shoulders, adding to the sad aura that surrounded her.

"Um...Tay, are you all right?" he questioned cautiously, hoping not to trip on an emotional switch.

She glanced up at him with dark blue eyes.

"I'm OK," she mumbled. "Don't worry about it."

Sonic paused for a moment, then let her in on the meeting.

"I'll...be there...Just give me a sec..."

"All right..." After a moment of uncertainty, Sonic made the choice to leave her alone and headed to his destination.

A few minutes passed, though Tenoch didn't notice. That is, until the door opened again.

"Tay...? Youuuu OK? What's up...?" Beastboy inquired shyly.

She turned her head to meet his quickly, her eyes a shade of dark blue.

"I'm...-" She fumbled a bit, then decided to be honest.

"No...I'm not all right." She bobbed her head back down as Beastboy walked to her side.

"Dude, it's OK," he assured her calmly. "You can tell me what's going on...I can keep a secret..."

Tenoch glanced up at him hesitantly. Staring into his innocent green eyes, she felt comfortable enough to explain. With a sigh, she began.

"Well, see..." She searched for words as her green friend sat down on the cement beside her. "I just...I don't feel right here...Ya know? Like I don't belong..."

Beastboy frowned sadly, trying to come up with a remark to lighten the mood.

"Yea, I understand. Afterall, we ARE a bunch of freaks."

He'd managed a small smile from her, at least for a moment. And that was all worth it.

"No, I mean...I don't know. I just feel...like I'm not...me..." Her voice was drowned in confusion and despair.

"Aw, Tay, don't say that!" Beastboy said, elbowing her. "That's just stupid. Of course you're you!"

Tenoch smiled a little again, but it was short lived as well.

"I know...I didn't mean it like that...I meant, like, I'm not supposed to be here. I can't explain it."

Pausing to reflect, Beastboy fumbled with the thought...She thought she wasn't supposed to be here...? What kind of idea was THAT?

"Well, um...You're right," he answered calmly. "You AREN'T supposed to be here...You're supposed to be with the OTHER guys..."

Her eyes popped open- she had totally forgot, and it had only been a couple minutes! Orange-eyed, she lept to her feet and hastily scooped up her staff from the ground.

"Geez, you're right! Sorry, I've gotta go..."

Beastboy sighed and waved farewell. Just before anything could click, she had to leave. Figured.

"No prob."

But just before she left, he burst out, his insides urging him to do so.


She slid a bit, skidding to a stop. Pushing her hair from her face slowly, she glanced back at him.

"Hey, uh...Later on, ya wanna...hang out...?" he questioned shyly, his cheecks a little pink. "I mean, whatever. We could eat, we could watch a flick, or...anything you want." His tone was slightly shaky.

"I..." Her eyes had shifted to purple. "...W-Well, sure, why not...? I mean, I don't have anything better to do..." He couldn't tell, but small pink spots had formed on her face, too.

After a moment of awkward silence, she turned and sped off down the stairs.

Beastboy was left with a silly grin.

{Purple, huh?...Lemme see...I think that means she's nervous. Hehe...Ya still got it, Beastboy...}

The green Titan had already been getting aquainted with Tenochtitlan's eye colors, and what each one meant. He could only guess on some, while others were obivous. Pink was DEFINITELY happy and 'laughable,' while dark blue was surely depressed. He hoped he would keep those beautiful eyes pink that night.


Robin's foot tapped the ground slowly. A breeze swept over the river, cascading past the Titans playfully.

"Where did you say they were?" Robin asked patiently.

"They were talking about...uh..." Beastboy fumbled. "Well, I think it was about a dream somebody had last night or somethin'..."

"Well, wherever they were, they're here now!" Cyborg announced, waving to them. They were exiting the tower hastily, making their way down the hill to the rest of the group.

Sonic whizzed along, performing all types of flips and such as he did so, simply for show. Tikal glided through the air behind him, just as Raven and Starfire were capable of doing.

Link just dashed behind them, swiping his sword through the air eagerly.

Tenochtitlan nimbly bounded about with grace, almost like a beautiful Tarzan of sorts. (Weird description, I know.) After performing a somersault, a cartwheel, and backflip, she landed on her feet beside Link- though she almost fell shortly thereafter.

Mario was still waiting at the tower's door, a good fifty feet or so away.

He waved at the group slyly, and took a few steps back. After charging forward for a couple of seconds, he pounced into the air at a breakneck speed. Higher and higher he soared, until they couldn't see him.

"Holy crap," Beastboy muttered. "Talk about thunder thighs..."

As he flew through the air gracefully, Mario took a moment to suck in a breath of fresh air. Having admired the sun, which was almost at zenith, he scratched his head. Then, he began to plummet. As his speed increased, he flipped himself upside down, his face facing his friends below. For a few more seconds, he flew like a missle. Just before impact, he somersaulted, rotating back to an upward position. As he smacked the ground harshly, a loud 'thud' could be heard, and the ground shook. He was perfectly fine, of course. His landing position, with one knee to the ground, as well as one hand, would later be described by Beastboy as 'undeniably awesome.'

He stood up slowly, straightened his hat, and spoke to the shocked crew.

"Air's nice up there..."

"I can imagine," Robin mumbled.

"Oh, he is correct!" Starfire put in. "Very nice. It is as refreshing as a cold glass of kermbob!"

After an awkward moment of silence, the masked crusader carried on with business.

"What was the problem...?" Robin asked curiously, his hands folded over his chest.

"Oh, well..." Mario shrugged. "Nothin' big. We just..." He let the subject go, tossing his arms. "Don't worry about it...We just had a little problem, we took care of it."

They all looked nervous and embarrassed about it, whatever it was.

{Something is DEFINITELY up,} Robin concluded to himself.

"Whatever you say," he murmured, changing pace. "Anyway, I set up a combat scenario for you guys yesterday..."

"So THAT'S what you were up to," Link noted with a smirk. "Bring it on, then..."

"Awww, man, you guys are gonna LOVE it," Cyborg added with amticipation.

The original five Titans arranged themselves on the 'sidelines' of what would quickly become a battle scene. The clearing was of a decent size, with a few shrubs and bushes here and there. Robin stood at his control panel, eagerly awaiting to see these five in action.

"Countdown initiated!" he announced. "Good luck guys..."

Mario tipped his hat, smiling that smug smile of his.

"Thanks, Blue-Footed Booby!" he called. Robin shook his head and let out a grin.

Beastboy felt uneasy as he saw Tenochtitlan's upset expression. What was bugging her so much...? Maybe he could do something about it...

Before he knew it, her graceful body had flown into action to avoid a stream of bullets being fired at her by the cannons that had been set up.

As she landed, more soared at her, and she twirled her staff around at an insanely high speed, deflecting them all away.

One was flattened to a pulp as Mario came slamming down into it, while Link had swung his blade clear througyh another. Sonic had taken out a couple by rushing past them and delivering some swift kicks. Tikal destroyed the last one by holding out her hands- the bullets were reflected right back, causing the machine to explode.

By the time the cannons had stopped, another threat had emerged. The bushes and shrubs had all shown their true forms. They were insect-like combat machines with round bodies and long, skinny legs. Their eyes fired red lasers at their foes.

Mario easily lept into the thick of their midst, and tried to grab their attention. As they all took aim at him, the others prepared their attacks.

Link attemtped to hack at one, only to find that his sword was repelled by their thick armor.

"What?! But this is the Master-"

"No, it's not, you idiot!" Sonic grumbled. "That was the whole point!"

"What're they talking about...?" Raven mumbled, confused. Starfire, who was gliding beside her, could only shrug, just as puzzled as she.

Sonic slammed his fists at high velocity, but his efforts were lost as well. He easily escaped being fried, but Link had more difficulty. Just before a beam singed him, it was stopped. Tikal had neutralized the blast with a forcefield of orange energy.

Mario, in the meantime, was performing amazing maneuvers in order to dodge the blasts of these robots. His hands began to ignite, and in the middle of the air, he launched balls of flames at his opposition.

Much to his disappointment, the flaming orbs barely scratched the surface of the metal spiders.

As he landed firmly, he grumbled, "****it. What did that metalhead make these pieces of crap out of...?"

"Beats the **** outta me," Link replied.

But they'd forgotten about Tenochtitlan, who was a short distance away. He eyes were closed, and her hands were folded on her chest. Her staff was floating in front of her, rapidly rotating in circles. She was muttering words that were unrecognizable.

"Alakaht eeshna noo toru teela, ahsh kot misa noom..."

"What's she DOING...?" Beastboy questioned, baffled.

"She's chanting," Raven muttered, intrigued.

"Aztec Sun, hear my call," she whispered, grabbing her staff. It was halted quite suddenly, and she pointed it at her foes. As she opened her eyes, they glowed a fierce red. The circlet and staff-tip complemented that red. Within seconds of her burning stare, the spiders were melting into sloppy puddles of metal.

"Wow," Robin said to himself. "That's something you don't see every day...What's her power?" he turned to Cyborg. The mechanized human shrugged.

"Got me, Robin. Nobody's filled me in."

"Whatever power she possesses," Starfire concluded, "It will no doubt aid us..."

"No kidding," Beastboy moaned, surprised.

Cyborg suddenly lit up, and hopped with sheer excitement.

"Give 'em the surprise!" he demanded.

"No problem," Robin responded, pressng a few keys.

Rising from the waters of the river their island rested upon was a robot. A robot in the shape of a man. He was tall, strong, and was moving at a very stealthy pace. He looked almost just like Slade.

Starfire gasped in horror, retreating to Robin's side.

"It is SLADE!!" she cried out. "Quickly, we must-"

"Star, chill!" Cyborg rold her as he grabbed her and firmly set her on the ground. "It's just somethin' me and Robin have been working on..."

Seeing Star's perplexed state, Robin explained.

"We took one of the 'Slade' robots I disarmed and modified it. We kept the same combat programming in it that Slade originally created, but we toned it down so it wasn't set to kill."

The face wasn't exactly normal, but resembled it.

It immediately went to trip Link with a round-house kick, and it succeeded. Sonic was immediately on it, tossing whirling blades of wind from his hands like shurikens. The Slade bot took the blows with ease and went to nail Sonic in the head, only to miss, due to the teen's agility. The blue-headed wonder smacked him with a flurry of fists, but they all bounced off. With a ferocious punch, Sonic was sent spiraling away.

"Sonic!" Tikal cried, soaring to his side. But the Slade imposter dashed for her from behind.

Mario lept in to intercept, stunning him with some flaming balls. And then the machine drew an extendable staff from his back (just like the one Robin has) and twirled it expertly, deflecting fireballs. Swing a fierce vertical blow, the Slade fake was taken by surprise as a beam of pure, white light smashed intpo his back. He twitched a bit, getting over the shock the attack had caused by the time he'd turned, Tenochtitlan was pelting him with her staff, though the hits weren't doing much. He swiped at her, but she nimbly dodged all his attacks with ease. A horizontal, a few vertical spins, a diagnol strike...No matter what it dished out, she avoided it and countered.

"Wow..." Beastboy murmured in awe. "She's got you runnin' for your money, Robin..."

"So it seems," Robin muttered back, impressed.

Just after a swift hit to the head from Tay, the bot was shaken by Link and Mario, who rammed it from the back.

In a fit of artificial rage, it spun its staff all around wildly, knocking them away like pins. Mario and Tenochtitlan landed on their feet with ease, while Link was slammed on his back. Sonic was back in action and had zipped around the Slade wannabe to Mario's side.

"Wanna give him a Sonic Boom?" Mario asked slyly, cracking his knuckles.

Sonic smiled devilishly and replied, "I've got the 'Sonic' if you'v got the 'Boom.'"

"**** right! Let's do this," the leader of the group said as he pounced high into the air, his hands above his head as he charged up energy.

Sonic balled up his fists, and spiny, blue orbs of power formed there. He made a dash for his opponent, just as Mario's huge ball of flame came crashing down. He swiftly somersaulted over the opposition, and landed facing them. He whipped his energy into the air, and it collided with the orb of fire. The ball exploded as it hit 'Slade', and Sonic's wind energy cut clean through him.

What was left was two halves of what used to be a weapon.

"...****," was all Cyborg could manage as the dust cleared.

"Yea, they're not bad," Robin added honestly.

"That it? That's all you got?" Sonic gloated, chuckling.

"Hey, we put that together in one day!" Cyborg protested.

"And anyway, where did you guys learn to fight like that?"

They all paused to reflect on that question.

"...Experience...?" Mario hypothesized. The others nodded, clueless to the answer.

"Well..." Robin began. "All I can say is that you guys have some real potential there...Now all we have to do is learn to work our two teams as one, and we'll have everything in the bag..."

"Indeed," Starfire put in. "I believe that together we could..." She paused, trying to find the right phrase. "...We could...'open a can'...Correct...?" She didn't quite get where the term originated from, but she was fairly sure that phrase fit.

Robin chuckled, shaking his head. "Yea, that about says it," he said heartily.

Beastboy was already at Tay's side, congratulating her eagerly.

"MAN! Where did you learn that stuff?! That was awesome!"

Tenochtitlan smiled shyly. "Well, it just...comes naturally."

Raven was even impressed, for she could sense the potential the girl had after seeing her in action.

{Go ahead, you need to get to know them better. After all, you're going to be living with them from now on...}

"So, uhh..." she began, uneasy. "How about you and I meditate sometime...? You could tell me how your powers work, maybe we could teach eachother something, or..."

{Just let it go, you sound like an idiot...}

Tenochtitlan's eyes were orange, and she nodded quickly.

"Oh, sure! That sounds great!" she answered.

"What did I tell ya?" Link said to Cyborg, wiping oil from his blade.

Cyborg cocked his head and admitted, "Yea, you guys know what you're doin'..."

Link glanced around the group, smiling.

"Yea, it's weird. I know I've done stuff like this before, but...I couldn't tell ya what it was I did..." He noticed Raven was staring at him, and once his eyes caught hers, the large, purple eyes flew away, and she retreated from his gaze, hiding within her cloak.

As Beastboy and Tenochtitlan began to walk by, Link asked a question.

"Sooo...Why does she always wear that thing? I mean, she has the whole goth thing goin'...Does she have HAIR, even?"

Beastboy chuckled and answered, "Oh, Rave's like that, man...Nobody gets her, really. 'Sides, she's as pale as a ghost, and just as creepy too..." He gave Link a comical grin and strolled off.

"You were GREAT out there," Tikal said sweetly, nestling her head on Sonic's shoulder.

"Thanks. You weren't too bad, either."

She shook her head, not in agreement.

"I didn't really help much..." she mumbled. "I just...I don't like violence...I mean, even IF they're just robots. I just don't like it..."

"I know," he said with a sigh. "But Tikal, not everything can be solved the clean way."

She nodded sadly. "I certainly know that."

And all of a sudden, a beeping sounded interrupted everyone's coversations.

Robin flicked out his Titan Com. After inspecting it for a couple of seconds, he announced the situation.

"We got a bank robbery in progess, guys. Come on."

"Yea, our first crime as a ten-some," Beastboy said with a grin.

As they raced off to their cruiser, the green hero asked, "So...What's up with robbing banks, anyway? I mean, they ALWAYS get caught..."

"You'd be amazed at how moronic people can be..." Raven replied calmly.

{Yea, just like YOU...} one of those voices in her head grumbled. {You're so messed up that you can't talk with people without feeling stupid. Social anxiety freak...}


Having battered some foolish robbers with cloaking capabilities into the ground, the Titans had returned home. After some more training as a group, as well as the usual hanging out, the day was done with.

Raven retreated to her room as the usual 'get together' time the Titans had commenced. Things were so chaotic that no one seemed to notice.

Not too much crime lately...But she wasn't complaining.

Her room was so lonely, so cold...Why did it seem so cold? She came here every night, but...All of a sudden, she felt so lonely. She got an idea. Meditation. That was the ticket. She could dive into her mind and not worry about the darkness of her room...Or maybe...She had a better idea.

She walked over to her dresser calmly, trying to keep all her jambled feelings barred up inside herself. A struggle that took place every single day...She slid open an old wooden drawer and scooped up a very mysterious mirror. This mirror was quite interesting in the fact that it was a portal to her MIND. Now whenever she looked at it, she was reminded of the time Beastboy and Cyborg were accidently sucked into it...What a mess that was...

{That mirror is a portal into my MIND...NOT A PLAY THING!!}

She held it up to her face and stared at her reflection for a few moments...She slipped off her hood so she could see her whole face...And, for the first time in a LONG time, she wondered if she looked...'nice'. What would a guy like Link think...? Would he find her...'cute?' She hadn't dared to remove her hood while he was around. What if he thought she was ugly...?

{Sooo...Why does she always wear that thing? I mean, she has the whole goth thing goin'...Does she have HAIR, even?}

{Oh, Rave's like that, man...'Sides, she's as pale as a ghost, and just as creepy too...}

She knew Beastboy was just kidding around, but still...It hurt a little bit. He didn't have to say that to Link.

Staring at herself sadly, she felt that he was right. Her skin was practically white, she must look like a freak who hated sunlight and who wasn't interested in a social life...

{Why would he like me at all, anyway...?} she asked herself dispondently. {He probably thinks I'm not very attractive at all...I can't even TALK when I'm around him...No doubt he thinks I'm an idiot, too...}

As she sighed in despair, she realized she was in her mind now. She was standing on a chunk of gray rock, hovering in the middle of nowhere. A dead tree was hunched over on one corner of this rock, and many other rocks like it drifted far off. And various parts of her persona were standing around her, if it weren't odd enough. But this was her mind at a strange, physical-like level.

"That's right," one growled. "He thinks you're a moron. Don't even THINK about anything between you and him..." It was in a red cloak. "He's a jerk, anyway. He doesn't give a **** about you...

"You don't have a chance..." another moaned sadly, this one in a shade of purple.

"What are you DOING, anyway? You're getting all worked up about some silly boy who you don't even know! Geez, you're letting all this crap get to you! Stop it, it's not like you!" a brown-garbed Raven scolded.

"I-I know," she stammared. "I can't help it..." She sounded genuinely upset, unlike she did in the physical realm. "I don't know what to do...Whenever I feel anywhere close to this, I just...ignore it, and it goes away...But I can't get this feeling to go away forever. I don't know what to do..."

"OO!!" cried a pink Raven merrily. "Like, why don't you go ASK HIM OUT?! That would SO totally ROCK if he said yes!" She jumped over and pleaded to herself, hopping merrily.

The 'normal' Raven shook her head quickly.

"Are you crazy...?"

Another version of herself, the purple one, replied.

"No...You can't...He'll say 'no'...What if he says 'no'? You can't take that...You can't ask him."

"Oh, stop being a wuss!" a green shade snapped. "It's no big deal! So what if he says no? It's not like he'll be a jerk about it! Just go and do it, don't look back."

The real Raven nodded slowly, still doubtful.

"Right!" the pink one chimed. "It would be TOTALLY cool!"

After a few other portions of her personality agreed, Raven felt a little more confident.

"A-All right...I'll ask him...Sometime..." She trembled a bit, nervous. She didn't want her friends to see her like this...If she asked, and he turned her down...Gah. She had to risk it.

"I can't let this bother me anymore," she decided, staring at the other versions of herself. Many nodded, while a few rolled their eyes or shook their heads.

Having come to a decision about the matter, Raven exited the strange world of her mind, finding herself back in her room, on her bed. She placed the mirror on her nightstand and got up, contemplated about when and where to ask. What were they all doing right now...? Watching a movie, no doubt...She couldn't watch a movie right now. What if she BLEW UP something. by accident..? That would be real smooth...

Raven was a very sensitive and VERY emotional person deep inside. But she had to control those emotions, or else her powers would wreck the physical world around her.

She decided to go and watch whatever freakish horror flick Beastboy had set up, and consider MAYBE talking with Link later on. Tomorrow...Yes, tomorrow would be much better. She'd have a whole day to figure out what to say.

Raven's self-esteem was VERY lacking, especially lately. She never really reached out for support from her friends, and often didn't give any either, so it was no wonder. This was a habit she would have to break very soon, or else she'd be getting very miserable very fast.

{If it weren't for my friends,} she pondered as she walked down the hall, {where would I be...?} She sighed. {I don't know...I can't even imagine. I need to...thank them...somehow...}

She let out a small grin as she reflected on this. Ever since Link had shown up, he'd helped her realize things about herself she still didn't quite understand. She was thankful he and his friends had shown up. Where would the roller coaster of her mind take her next...?


End Transmission


By the way, didn't mean to yell up there, just...Stressed out a bit, ya know?

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
"F-Zero GX, man," Beastboy said with a grin. "It's the bomb. You should try it."

After another glance, Sonic tossed his arms.

"Nah...It's too slow for me," he said with a devilish grin.
Too slow?? But F-Zero racers travel at speeds over 500 miles per hour! I'd like to see Sonic run THAT fast... ;)

Oh well, maybe he was referring to the frame rate at which the game performed on the Gamecube...

Anyway, it's good that you've finally made a decision about this whole "Crystal" thing.

Now you're afraid of the girls at school? Oh geez...

Just... don't worry. There are a lot of people out there who are having worse problems with girls... like me.

I'm starting to get really lonely. I'm almost 16 years old and i've NEVER had a girlfriend. EVER.

Okay, you may remember a long time ago that I said something about having a girlfriend. I was "lying" in a way. She was actually my BEST friend, not my girlfriend. But that was a loooong time ago, and at the time, I didn't know wether or not people would tease me for not having a girlfriend.

And ALL the girls i'm interested in are either 1) already dating a guy, 2) having emotional problems because they just broke up with their boyfriend, or 3) in a mental hospital because they tried to commit suicide by slitting their own throat (believe it or not, that happened to 3 of the girls I liked :eek: ).

So as you can imagine, i'm REALLY lonely and discouraged right now. And lately, i've been having these feelings... no, not happy feelings... anger... hatred.

Since i've never had a girlfriend, i'm starting to distrust the girls in my school. In fact, i'm starting to distrust women in general. I just don't understand them!!!

And lately, i've only been thinking about the bad qualities of women...

They think they're so smart. :mad:
They think men are stupid. :mad:
They think they know EVERYTHING about men. :mad:
They think they're the dominant gender. :grrr:

If given the chance, women will stab us in the back and rip our guts out, and while the tears flow down our cheeks, they'll laugh in our faces. :(

I know that long, long ago, men used to abuse women, but that does NOT mean they can abuse us!!! Revenge is not an option.

I'm just glad that I haven't gone through all that emotional junk yet... :(


Dec 19, 2002
As I said in the e-mail, great update. At least there are no girl problems for me because there are no girls in my school. But then I do know some.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Well, yet another peek into the life of EP.

"Too slow?? But F-Zero racers travel at speeds over 500 miles per hour! I'd like to see Sonic run THAT fast... "

In just everywhere BUT the VG's, Sonic can break the sound barrier. In my fiction, when he really tries for it, he cn do that, too. But it's not nearly as easy as he can do it on the show, persay. Besides, he's supposed to be arrogant. That's just Sonic.

"I'm almost 16 years old and i've NEVER had a girlfriend. EVER."

Join the club, buddy.

"I didn't know wether or not people would tease me for not having a girlfriend."

Dude, there's no reasonto tease you, everyone has those types of problems.

"In fact, i'm starting to distrust women in general. I just don't understand them!!!"

Umm...YAH! Why do you think I've become afraid of them?!

"They think they're so smart.
They think men are stupid.
They think they know EVERYTHING about men.
They think they're the dominant gender. "

OK, now YOU'RE being mean by generalizing women. Even though I'm afraid of teenage girls now, I know those words don't apply to all of them.

"If given the chance, women will stab us in the back and rip our guts out, and while the tears flow down our cheeks, they'll laugh in our faces."

Not all will do that.

Lacy did, however. I know exactly what it feels like.

And yet, I just talked to her sister last night...First time I've called her house in four months...

And her sister told me that when people found out what she was doing, Lacy told them she was sorry and didn't mean to be such a jerk to me. :mad: Too bad she forgot to tell ME about that...She also told me...During a prayer session...thing...In front of a bunch of people, months ago, one of my best friends stood up in front of everyone and said that one of his best friends was having relationship problems, and he hoped that everything worked out OK. Apparently, Lacy stood up afterward and said that she was the person causing those relationship problems, and that she was sorry...


And now, of course, she's dating some other guy and seeing about two more...-_- I swear, I'll never understand her...

Her and I need to talk. SOON. If she wants to totally throw me aside, out of her life, just like her cousin Crystal...-_- I might as well find out now and be done with it...

So, er...

Yea, I'm working on this Chapter, don't worry...(I should hopefully get some typing done today, if Fire Emblem doesn't suck in me in the whole time...)


Smash Apprentice
Jan 25, 2003
Talk about stupid!

You can't sterotype women like that!

Were not all the same!

I'm not any of those things, I respect other people and am nice and trust worthy and don't think anyone is dominant over anyone.

My friends are the same way, why would any human think that they are dominent to another?

EP you have never met very many girls, obviously or you wouldn't come to that conclusion.

This is the reason why females are considered so inferior to males. Well let me tell you were not!

Some girls just can't controll thier hormones and you never know what their going to do. Its not womens fault they go through so many mood swings, although I have never been affected by them.

Crystal sounds like she is one of those people who just can't make up thier mind, or like my friend Missy is to scared to get close to somebody.

She could be afriad that if she's allows herself to become to close to somebody they will just end up hurting her. Emotionaly or physicly.

I think that she told her friends to threaten you as a way to let you go, with out actually doing it herself... it must have been to hard.

She's afriad of you DS.. she dosn't want to get close and I see this behavior far to often.

You did the right thing by letting her go, her stress will begin to ease and she might come out of her fear.

Had you continued to try, she might have gotten much worse... mayby even to the point of.... hurting herself.

I know these things, I had to councle Missy out of her fear and she still won't let any guys into her life.

As for me I'm waiting. I have no desire to get involved with anyone... in till I find someone that I think is the one, the right guy... I think I will know when I find him.

Until then I choose to travel solo......

Oh and EP not having a girlfriend isn't a bad thing, it'll give you more time to mature... and um be you. Girls will want you once your at that point, trust me.

And as for being threatened I would take it slow for a while if I where you.

My sister Ann was threatened once, but thats a long story, I might tell later. For now just know that its best to avoid the threateners... Theres a good chance their not serious... but don't chance it.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
To be honest, I wasn't really jumping to conclusions.

I know for a fact that both genders are equal, but sometimes (like when i'm really angry, or i'm in some other kind of emotional funk), my heart says otherwise. I hate to admit it, but I seem to be directing my anger towards a certain group of people, and this is something I need to fix, pronto.

Ironically, all the girls who know me (in my school) think that i'm really nice. It's just that i'm so quiet all the time. I'm one of those people with cool, calm attitudes, who "bottles up" anger until I eventually "explode". And trust me, you do NOT want to be around me when I explode. :demon:

Anyway, do you really want to know what I think of gender equality?

It's just that... men and women are the same in many ways, and yet, they are different. And those differences between men and women are what stimulate anger, and frustration.

For example, it's a scientific fact that boys take much longer to mature than girls. It's painful for most boys to admit it, but in the earlier stages of life, girls are simply more mature. However, women are a LOT more social. It's not uncommon to see two girls screaming and hugging each other in the hallway as if they haven't seen each other for years, when in reality it's only been a few minutes. :rolleyes:

All the time, we witness scenarios on TV, in books, and in real life, where one gender strives to overpower the other (a.k.a. battle of the sexes). But the truth is, the Battle of the Sexes is a never-ending battle, and it will NEVER end, as long as human imperfections exist in the world. :o

There are still countries out there that discriminate women, and do not give them equal rights. I can understand the religious motive behind this unfair treatment. But they didn't CHOOSE to be female, did they? They were born that way. I mean, what do those countries want women to do? Have sex change operations? Or do they simply want them to pump out as many infants as possible until the long years of their lives are utterly spent? :crazy:

If there's one thing I learned in my life, it's that the human brain is a scary thing. Our brains are larger than any other creature on earth, thus, they have the capacity to develop complex emotions, including unneccesary prejudice against a certain group of people.

I know a lot about people, and I understand why they do the things they do. My brother says I should take some psychiatry courses next year when i'm a Sophmore. If I do, I won't have to pretend to be smart anymore, because i'll know that I AM smart! ;)

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
See, told ya not to generalize women...

OK, FIRST OFF, Crystal is NOT afraid to jump into a relationship. She has- numerous times in the past year, mind you. She sure as **** doesn't seem afraid to get engaged to a guy she's been dating for two months, she's friendly with just about everyone ELSE- just not me, and there's no good reason, damint, I've treated her with utmost respect and caring.

Yea, psychology is pretty interesting, and the human brain is a very scray thing.

It has the capabilities of so much evil...And thus, it is also capable of so much good.

"I think that she told her friends to threaten you as a way to let you go, with out actually doing it herself... it must have been to hard.

She's afriad of you DS.. she dosn't want to get close and I see this behavior far to often."

Too hard? How the **** can saying goodbye to someone you completely ignore and act as if you HATE be 'too hard?' Dammit, I have been straight-forward and told that girl that so long as she stayed being her, I would never stop being her friend. Then, she stopped being her, and still I was her friend. Now I'm not. Now, because of the pain she's INTENTIONALLY brought me (even IF I somehow hurt her, it was an accident. She KNOWS that ignoring me hurts me a lot, but she does it, anyway.) I'm not her friend anymore. I'm glad when bad stuff happens to her and fiance, and I hate it all the same.

"And as for being threatened I would take it slow for a while if I where you."
:confused: The he**'s that supposed to mean? How do you take something slow when you aren't taking anything at all?

"I'm not any of those things, I respect other people and am nice and trust worthy and don't think anyone is dominant over anyone.

My friends are the same way, why would any human think that they are dominent to another?"
~ Caba

"Luckily the number of gay's and lesbians are low here in Aussie, but I hear in America theres a profusion of the sick little *******s. I also hear america is tring to get them the normal rights of normal people.... This is an outrage! If gays over take America, this behavior will out break across the globe!"
~ Caba

Hm. :o Well, what do ya know...? For some reason, people DO think they're dominant over others, simply by religious beliefs...Wow. How utterly irritating. Reading that short diddy almost makes me want to puke...:o

So...Either you learned something from me, or...Gays aren't included in the human race...-_-

But, of course, you contradicted yourself. You said that 'everyone agrees' with you, but you also said that gays CHOOSE to be gay. LOL. You DO realize how stupid that plays out, right? If everyone agrees with you, AND you choose to be gay, then...How the **** will the world, or America, for that matter, be overrun by gays? Yes...I thought so.

"DS I can see where your coming from, and I don't have a problem with anyone, wether they be different colored, come from a different country or race or speak a different language or share a different religion........ As long as thier not gay."


Now, see, eh...I COULD start that whole mess over again, but I guess I'll leave it alone for now, I think I got my point across.

Simply put, if EP has no right to look down on women, then YOU sure as he** have no right to look down on gays and generalize THEM, either.


Now, back to business...

Chapter...em...8, is it? 'Happy Blorthog' is being worked upon. It's already a decent length, and I have so much planned. I have a feeling it'll be a while 'til I post it, but that it'll be fairly long.

A lot of emotions being thrown about, especially all those romantic ones. :D A few odd surprises, no doubt.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Oh and EP not having a girlfriend isn't a bad thing, it'll give you more time to mature... and um be you. Girls will want you once your at that point, trust me.
Hah! I took that into consideration, but I think my maturity is growing a bit slow. At least i'm more mature than most of the guys in my school :p (even the seniors; they're terrifyingly childish!).

Girls will want me? Well, when that time comes, I hope they can see my inner beauty. My skin is pale, and my eyes are red and bloodshot. I eat :hungry: and eat :hungry: and eat :hungry: , but i'm still only 102 pounds (must be the metabolism).

Oh well, my pet cat is all I need to keep my company... for now.

"Happy Blorthog"? That name has "calamity" and "silliness" written all over it. :p Looks like an amusing chapter. But until then, I think i'll go chow down on some crisp, salty home-made french fries...


Dec 19, 2002
Hmm maybe it's the fact you eat too much. I'm just joking but I'm not sure. Hey no girls want me even if they know me:p. It's just they don't really know me or the other guys tell bad rumors about me to them. Happens.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Yea, or the GIRLS are telling eachother bad things...

Anyway, this is very depressing.

No one knows of Blorthog?!

Geez, do any of you watch Teen Titans?! The Blorthog episode was certainly one of the best ones, methinks.


If none of you watch the show, then none of you are going to fully get the main plot of the next few chapters...-_-

Well, I can't quite say how far I am into the Chapter, but...It's fairly long so far.


Dec 19, 2002
Blorthog is the holiday to celebrate friendship? Ok I cheated. You already told me. How could they tell bad things about me to other girls when I go to an all boys school and they go to an all girls school? They don't really know me well but they already like others. Hehehe school dance for me next week on Friday. Me thinks that my life will just continue being miserable from small things.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Um...Then how, exactly, are the guys telling them bad rumors about you which they then will spread?

VERY GOOD, MM2002...:o I already TOLD you what it was...

Well, I think I might actually divide the Chapter up and post parts of it at a time, just so you guys have something to do. Not that anyone has been giving me feedback lately ANYWAY...


Dec 19, 2002
They have connections...cell phone numbers and they meet a lot. On the other hand I don't so they believe what the other guys say.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Well...If you don't think they believe the bad rumors, then...Why are you semi-worried about it?

Anyway, er...

Yep. Still workin' on it, don't worry. Bit by bit every day.


Cirrus is going through a lot of crap right now...:( Her boyfriend proved he didn't really care about her as much as he should, her rent just got raised another $100, she just got a new dog that cost her $500, she's struggling a bit financially, she recently moved into a new house, and she's no doubt stressed out from college as well...:o I just wish there was some way I could help her, but she lives all the way in Texas...

But...At least now she knows she has a shoulder she can cry on. Hopefully, she has other ones, too.


Dec 19, 2002
You didn't understand what I just said. I said I have no contact with them except a few on msn so they wouldn't believe me if they told the lie and I told the truth.

Uh who's Cirrus?

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Gosh, i'm in a really good mood. The moment I smelt that fresh spring air this morning, it felt like I had gained 500 brain cells! :pow:

On a side note, i've finally started re-writing my fic, which I have re-named to "D-Nova". However, i'm not going to post it on the internet this time. But when I write enough chapters, I might let you guys look at it. :D

But anyhoo...

If Cirrus is struggling a bit financially, then why did she buy a $500 dog?

Meh, doesn't matter. She'll just have to make a few minor sacrifices. For example, she could cut down on junk food purchases a bit. She can also shave a few $'s off her electric bill with some proper energy preservation (i.e. not leaving the TV on when it isn't being used).

It doesn't give any significant cash flow, but it helps.

Speaking of Cirrus, when are you going to continue your work on the main Q4D plot? I mean, I like the fact that you've spent most of your time on the Teen Titans branch of Q4D!, but i'm just wondering how much longer you'll spend on TTX before doing some Q4D.
(that was a mouthful. =/ )

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.

I'm making very sufficient progress on my TT fic, and I have much more interest in writing THAT than I do this one.

Even IF I'mm not working on TTX right now, I'm working on Q4D! White or Golden Sunrise. The faster I catch up to 'The Fall' on Q4D! White, the easier it will be to write, because then both versions blend into one.

I'll probably develop the Geno/Crystal/Blaze/Cirrus/Luna/Sparkle/Euphoria storyplot a lot more a lot earlier than I did in this version of the story, considering there's plenty of background you guys don't know about.

This fic...Well, if I were to get the MAIN stuff down and finish this Chapter...

Hm...I have a two big fight scenes to finish...(Though I could cut it down to one and save the other for later...) And then the scenes that tie in this is with TTX and Golden Sunrise...And then I'd be done. But I wouldn't feel compelled to go on until I've completed TTX and Golden Sunrise. *shrug* That way I can be sure I don't miss anything or change anything later, ya know?

Be patient, hold your Ponytas. I'm workin' on it. I've been trying to get some extra typing time in, too. This next Chapter is pretty big, I'd say I'm almost done with it. About... 2.5 more scenes to write.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
2.5 more scenes equivilant to about another two hours of writing, which very well could be done tonight.

My next Q4D! White Chapter is about halfway to completion, and I started posting Q4D! Black (Which is actually quite different from White) on FF.net, but with no response quite yet.

Oh, yea. Cirrus is having financial trouble BECAUSE she bought her dog. Oh, and well...She wasn't expecting her BF to break up with her (for stupid reasons, might I add) and she wasn't expecting her monthly rent to be jacked by by $100.


Point is that I wish I could help her, but I can do is mail her.
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