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Winds of Fate: The X Factor (Teen Titans)


Dec 19, 2002
ok first people say I have sex every night and now, during cross country, they call me homosexual, or gay and that is getting annoying:grrr:. y can't they just shut up and make fun of themselves. even 6th graders call me a weak person and so do 2nd graders. almost everyone thinks I'm the most dumbest person and some people even say I don't exist when they see me at school:grrr:. This is the first year this ever happened to me. Some were even my friends and they forced me to make a who to kill list which is really a hate list. I don't even know what to do now. I don't even think you have the same problem as mine and I think my problem is the worst one that ever happened in an entire lifetime.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
It would appear that this has become a psychology class more than a fic. I'm down with that. Our lives are ANYTHING but 'off topic.'

Anyway, I DO have 3 done (though the end's a bit bland) and should have it up very soon.

OK, OK...

'Only then could I live the happiest life.'

EP, you're insane. It is impossible to have joy without sadness. Utterly impossible. You would merely be ignorant.

You can't expect to live a life on the Light side witout ever seeing the Dark side. Jave I NOT stressed this enough in my fic? It's a realy big theme.

With the capapbility of love is also the capability of its opposite- hatred. You need to learn to control them both.

Of course we all have problems. I never said I was the only one. Psh. If I was, it'd be a little less embarrassing.

Caba, I still have no frickin' clue what the he** you're talking about, so...:confused:

And I don't see how you have ANY RIGHT to define 'most girls' when you, I'm fairly sure, are not 'most girls.' :rolleyes: Therefore, you cannot say how they think. Even I know that by now, and I know very little to those ways, methinks. You're also not 'most guys' either, so I don't see how you know all they want a girl for is sex.

'If you want to win a girls heart you have to come striaght out and say you like them, and if they don't like you...you'll know, because they won't be so quike to sign on with you, thats called reluctancy.'

You're wrong. BOTH girls I know did not let me know yes or no when I came out and told them straight. One of them (Crystal) told me she didn't want to date ANYONE quite right now, in short. The way she said made me feel like I had a chance in the future, but...It turns out she lieks some other guy who she won't even be able to see soon.

Then there's Lacy, who sorta ditched me for somebody else before our relationship WENT anywhere. She totally broke my trust for her. But I eventualy forgave her and now we're best friends again. However...*sigh* As it turns out, this whole time- 6 months, not really too long, I guess- she says she HAS had 'feelings' for me. Now that she realizes things with this other guy aren't working out, she came out and said that.

I will admit, I think she DOES have a 'list' she signs people up on, and I've been 2nd for some while. No idea where I am NOW, though...

What you might not realize is that I haven't broken anybody's trust. I have been completely honest, pretty straightforward, very supportive, kind, caring...I've been ME, and ME doesn't seem to work very well with the girls I actually LIKE that I'm FRIENDS with, so I don't see how it's gonna work on OTHER people...-_-

Anyway, I'M the one who's had their heart busted. I can't see a da** thing I've done wrong so far. But still, nothin' works. *shrug* I'm not the only one, I know. But it doesn't mean I can't be upset about it.

Anyway, I don't see where you're going with your little 'pieces' and I honestly don't care to figure it out right now. If you have something to say, feel free, I'm listening.

And MM2002...

I can't quite I know what's going on, but I can't say I DON'T know what's going on, either...People, in general, can be VERY stupid, especially groups of them. Just don't let 'em keep ya down. Always get back up. Tomorrow's another day, and eventually, things will get better.

If there's anything I admire Crystal for, (both of them, actually) it's her ability to get back on her feet, even if her shoulder just got messed up, her ankle is in sever pain, or her HEART is in need of repair. She just needs to learn that sometimes getting up by herself isn't quite so easily accomplished.


And I'm still puttering with the nest update for Q4D! Blue. But it's gonna be a while. It's long, anyway.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 25, 2003
Guess you guys don't like riddles...... Thats ok. No I don't mean to sterotype but thats the way most girls act here in Australia, I don't know how it is anywhere else.

Darn, I thought you guys would figure it out, oh well. Guess I tell you eventualy.

DS: You need to try to find other girls, shop around

MM2002: I can't help you, sorry. Just tell them that when they say that kinda sh*t about other people, there doing a thing called cross_reflectioning.... putting events in their lifes on other peoples backs to make them feel better, just tell them to quit using you to confenscate(spelling?) for their own stupid problems.

EP: Ds already said it, thats ignorance

Now why everyone isn't up to anything else, how about checking out my art? The link is under my banner, the art goes all the way to page three, just scroll for it. I need people to rate it, its imporant.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
'You need to try to find other girls, shop around.'

Easier said than done, mate. :rolleyes: (sorry, I don't like making fun of australian accents or anything- matter of fact, I love the stereotypical accent of them. I love Austrailia, and I've never been there before!)

It's not easy to 'shop around.'

Maybe you don't get it fully...

These two girls are my BEST FRIENDS. They both seem perfect for a girlfriend in ways, I just don't know what it is they want themselves. Whether I'm going to be a boyfriend for one of them or NOT, I want to make them happy anyway, and lately it seems I'm not succeeding, and I have no idea WHY.

I can't just go, 'Oh, I'll just forget the girl I'm in love and find someone ELSE, even though that's hard because I'm already attached, AND I live in the middle of nowhere, AND there aren't many other girls I can even PICTURE myself dating, let alone go for.'


Thank you for the advice, but I don't take it lightly. I can't just 'shop around' for love. I want to date someone I LOVE and who loves me as well. Not just someone for the he** of it. It may seem like I DO, but my problem is that I DON'T want to. If I wanted to date for the he** of it, I'd probably have a girl by now that I didn't really like too much. *shrug*

Bah, anyway...I DO have Chapter 3 done, it's only a matter of getting time to POST it.

I guess I have an update of Q4D! Blue, and if I get time, THAT will go up as well.

You seem very pressed for people to check your art, and I suppose I owe to you, except I barely have enough time to post this right now. (I need my breakfast before school, ya know.)


Dec 19, 2002
all ya have ta do is find out what they want, buy it, and give it to them. 'nuff said. oh and dun ask them or they will expect it and it will not work. find another way to find out.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Da he** you talkin' 'bout, boy?!

What on Stellon do you mean?! Buy it for them...?

Did you change the subject or something?


NONONO!!! You don't understand it! I don't want to BUY them something! What I want is something money can't buy. What THEY want is also something money can't buy, I'll bet. If it is, then I don't know them as mch as I think I do.

It's all emotional stuff, nothing to do with material. Though me getting Soul Calibur II very soon will help me feel better...Still, it's not as important.

And how am I supposed to NOT ask them and find ou what they want?! That makes no sense ANYWAY!

I just ASKED them in an E-Mail what they wanted, EMOTIONALLY, not physically. They both are really confusing me, because it seems like they're mad, bt I just asked Crystal about an hour ago, in the hall, and she said she wasn't mad at all...

Then how come she doesn't seem to want to talk with me or even LOOK at me?

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
<+--->*<Begin Transmission>*<---+>

The Q4D! Saga...

Winds of Fate: Teen Titans- The X Factor

Chapter 3- Up and At 'Em!

The living room of Titan Tower was alive with the vibrant sounds of rock organ, electric guitar, and singing. The energetic tune that blared from the surround sound speakers made sure that everyone was awake by now. Breakfast was still being prepared in the kitchen by a nervous Tenochtitlan, whom Mario had assigned to complete the task.

Cyborg had just finished scarfing down his meal and had plunked his plates in the sink eagerly, ready to 'get down with his robo-self.'

Link stood calmly, his stomach full and happy, and he watched the girl before him struggle to get Raven and Starfire's food prepared.

In the living room, Beastboy and Mario were jamming like maniacs to the music that filled their ears, singing the lyrics in first person. They were dancing in their socks, Mario on the couch and Beastboy on the table. They were wild, swinging the arms around as if they were playing invisible instruments haphazardly.

"When there's trouble you know who to callll...TEEN TITANS!!
From our tower we can see it aallll...TEEN TITANS!!
When there's evil on the attack- you can rest knowing we got your back.
And when the world is thrown out of controollll...
Teen Titans- GO!!!"

The grinned silly smiles and screamed the words loudly and proudly. Robin was leaned up against a doorway that led down one of the Tower's many halls, his arms crossed and an equally silly smile slapped upon him. He hummed along with the up-beat music calmly, but he was very excited with these newcomers to the team. Or, at least, he thought it would be best for them to be on the team...

"With our super powers we uniiiiite...TEEN TITANS!!
We never met a villain that we liiiiiked...TEEN TITANS!!
We got the bad guys on the run- we never stop 'til the job gets done.
And when the world needs heroes on patrooollll...
Teen Titans- GO!!!"

The two lunatics hopped crazily from their stands and dashed around the livingroom, trying to get the others to join in.

Robin laughed at them and shook his head, while Sonic complained that he was still eating through the eggs he chewed. Cyborg, however, chuckled and got up, attempting to play non-existant drums.

"We never know who we'll tangle with neeeexxtt...TEEN TITANS!!
All we know is that we are the beeeesssttt...TEEN TITANS!!
We'll set 'em straight and tell 'em what is right- we'll strike 'em down with all of our might.
And when we're done we'll all head back on hoooommme...
Teen Titans- GO!!!"

Off in the kitchen, Tenochtitlan was sweating with fright and worry, whimpering all the way. Her eyes flashed from orange to purple in quick succession as she tried to flip pancakes, eggs, and bacon- and doing horribly.

Link finally noticed how much trouble she was having, lost in his own thoughts, and rushed to help her out.

"Geez!! What the **** are you DOING?!" he cried out, noticing that the food was in danger of becoming un-edible.

Tenochtitlan jumped back out of his way, her eyes watering.

"I-I-I don't know!!" she cried. "It's not like I've ever COOKED before!" she defended shakily.

Link huffed and revived the situation, while Tenochtitlan realized what she had just said- how did she KNOW that? But...Now that she thought about it...She had no memories of using a stove, a frying pan, or being in a kitchen such as this...She felt confortable, yes, but at the same time, it felt very unfamiliar...

"Well, you're gonna have to learn to cook, then," Link snapped back. "Why did Mario leave you in charge?!" Link didn't sound angry, really, just annoyed that his food had almost been burnt.

"O-O-OK," Tenoch quickly stammared back.

Link sighed deeply, feeling that it was safe to calm down his arms from flipping, and turned off the stove slowly.

"Listen...Could you go and find whoever's up for food next?"

Tenoch nodded and hurried out the door, wishing to make up for her mistake.

As Link brushed back his hair in relief, he glanced at the mystical wooden staff leaned up against the wall beside the doorway and sighed at the dark blue gem on its tip.


Her eyes burned with annoyance as she paced through the empty hallway, the noise slowly increasing in feriocity to her ears. What were they DOING...? She was not ready to commence her day...How could she meditate properly with this racket going on that could be heard throughout all reaches of Titan Tower?

"Good morning, Raven," Robin shouted with a sly smile as she paced by, her cloak on, hood and all, as if to hide herself from the morning's warm rays.

"Not quite," she murmered, not loud enough for Robin to pick up.

She steadily stepped forth, past the psychotic boys, straight to the stereo's controls, which lay near the big-screen teleivision.

She promptly reached out a small hand and pushed a red button. The roaring sounds were killed instantly, and she almost smiled with satisfaction and relief.

"Wha?!" Beastboy cried.

"Yo, Rave!" Cyborg demanded. "What're you DOIN'? We were listenin' to that!"

"Exactly," she answered cooly, walking right past them as if they were shadows. "I'm trying to clear my mind, and hearing our pointless 'theme song' is infuriating me..."

The two Titans frowned dully, while Mario simply stood there, staring at her back as she paced off. He had a thoughtful look about her, and a hint of a smile.

"Ah," he mumbled. "Figures you have one of those..."

"What's that?" Beastboy muttered.

"Ya know, a...Er...Well, one of those dull, gothic people that want to huddle up in a corner and die because the world is so mean..." He spoke as if it were nothing amazing- which, to him, it wasn't.

"Dude, I don't CARE," Beastboy snapped back. "We live here, too, and we wanna listen to some tunes."

"Majority rules!!" Cyborg declared, raising a finger.

Mario shrugged slowly, beginning to leave toward the kitchen.

"Whoa- where are YOU going?" BB wondered. "Aren't you gonna hang out here with us some more?"

Mario paused and answered carefully, "You guys do what you want. I'm going to get my OWN breakfast- I've starved."

Beastboy froze as his stomach gurgled, as if on cue.

"Yea..." he mumbled. "Come to think of it, I didn't get enough earlier..." He looked up and chased after his new friend, crying, "Dude! Wait up, man!" He promptly shifted form to that of a hawk as he glided away, leaving Cyborg to ponder what to do next. He decided to see if Robin wanted to go a round in 'Soul Calibur II,' but he quickly noticed that Robin had vanished, as well.

"Aw, MAN!" he moaned, tossing his arms. "Where da he** did everybody go?!"


A somersaulting young man flew into the room and nimbly landed on the tile floors of the kitchen, a knee and a palm on the ground. He hopped to his feet and spun 180 to see Link sliding some food onto some plates.

"Eh?" he mumbled, surprised. "Link, where'd Tenoch go? Wasn't she supposed to be cooking?" the kid asked.

"Cooking?" Link moaned incredulously. "Is THAT what you call what she was doing?"

Mario frowned as he walked up to the stove, smelling the warm aromas sternly.

"What do you mean?" he mumbled curiously.

"Mario," Link spat out, eyeing him like he was a nut. "The girl's never COOKED before in her life...She almost burnt everything..."

Mario tossed his arms.

"So what?" he shot back casually. "How is she ever gonna learn if she doesn't try it herself?"

Link paused, and nodded slowly, seeing his point.

"Guess you're right," he murmured.

"So where'd she go?" Mario questioned suddenly, scratching his nose a little. He really needed to shave there, didn't he...?

Link huffed. "Oh, I dunno. I think I scared her off," he answered smugly. "She went to go get the others."

Mario nodded and grabbed himself a plate of food. He fumbled around a few drawers, looking for the silverware, and found it on his third try. Not bad.

As he pulled up a stool and sat at the island, he couldn't help but feel at home. This was his kind of place. Very roomy, kind of public, yet plenty of private spaces. Reminded him of the good old Academy of Magic...Hmm...Magic...Academy? The phrase sort of slipped on through his mind, but...Now that he thought about it, he couldn't quite grasp it. Oh, well.

The screech of a bird of prey rang through the halls, and moments later, the two teens were shocked to see a green hawk change shape into Beastboy, landing before the stove. His eyes were glazed over at the thought of more of those mouth-watering pancakes flooding into his jaws. A little drool dripped on the floor, and Mario chuckled.

"Whoa, whoa, buddy," he said, shaking his head. "You'll get your food."

Beastboy grinned. "I KNOW," he cheerfully answered. "I'd better," he added slyly, his eyes narrowing.

He suddenly froze, his eyes wide and sad.

"Hey! Wait, where'd that one chick go...Teekonoqu-"

"Tenochtitlan," Link grumbled with a smile.

Beastboy blushed, his emerald eyes wandering. "Right."

"She'll be back," Link answered. "Went to go get your red-head pal."

"Oh," BB nodded in relief. "Allright."

"Why do ya ask?" Mario wondered, having just swalloed some bacon.

"Oh, well, uh..." Beastboy fiddled with his hair a little nervously. "I just...We started talkin', and...-"

"Yea, she's pretty cool," Mario told him. "You should get to know her better. She can be a little melodramatic sometimes, but...Meh," the capped crusader shrugged calmly. "She's one of the nicest people I know."

Beastboy smiled at that comment, but he suddenly looked very curious and thoughtful.

"Where are you guys from, anyway?"

The two sighed and shook their heads.

"Not here," Link responded dully.

Beastboy scratched his chin roughly, baffled by the whole concept.

"Yea, Tekila...Er, Tenoch...titlan...Yea, she told me you guys might be staying with us..."

Mario nodded, gulping down some scrambled eggs.

"'Bout the size of it," he agreed. "At least, that's what Robin suggested."

The green monster was intrigued. If Robin wanted them here, then it was fine by him. After all, they all seemed cool enough. As he thought about it more, he got excited. More Titans to the team? Wow. This was big! It would totally change things...

He suddenly jumped with delight as he heard that calm, lovely tone ring through his ears. The one he was waiting to hear.

Tenochtitlan came dashing into the room, giggling along with Starfire. The two of them had beaming smiles on their faces, and were eager to eat.

Beastboy stood idly by as they both picked up some food and sat down at the island alongside Mario.

"'Mornin' there," the young man greeted cheerfully.

Starfire's eyes widened in surprise as she realized who it was. She'd known that Titan Tower had new guests, but...This one wasn't entirely a stranger! Her face turned red as those mysterious blue eyes of his captured her.

"You are the waiter that served us last night, are you not?" she inquired slowly, in a murmur. A smile crawled across her face.

Mario nodded. "Yea, that was me. Mustard and mint frosting, eh?" he gave her an odd look, but proceeded to eat his food without a second thought.

Starfire shrugged, a little embarrassed, and decided to eat some before she continued her conversation.

Beastboy had let Link fill up his plate, and was chomping it down at a steady pace, not even looking at it. He was too engulfed by this new girl, Tenoch. He couldn't hear what they were saying, he was too engrossed by her beauty. Her eyes...They were pink at the time. They were the loveliest pink he'd ever seen in a LONG time, so he thought.

Finally, his fork stabbed the plate directly, and he looked down to notice there weren't any rations left on it.

Link gave him an amused glance.

"Wow...You love eggs and bacon, don't ya?" he noticed.

Beastboy's brows furrowed and cocked as glared at the blonde boy.

"What are you TALKING about?" he grumbled. "I HATE eggs and bacon..."

Link's eyes widened, and he let out a laugh.

"Oh. Forgive me. You just ate five pounds of 'em!" He chuckled as his head shook slowly.

Beastboy's eyes darted to his plate to see the shreds of yellow and brown that remained.

"BLECH!" he cried out, tossing the plate into the sink nearby as he made a dash for the bathroom.

Link jumped in shock as the green kid came whizzing by, and sighed deeply as he picked up some bacon from what little was left and chewed on it slowly, savoring the rich flavor.

"Oh, geez...Yea, THAT was quite a mess..." came Robin, who had overheard their conversation as he entered. "That Mad Mod was a MORON...I sure as **** hope I don't have to go through anything like THAT again..." He frowned and began to grumble a little, shaking his head.

"Sounds like fun," Mario mumbled, scratching his chin.

"How is that?" Starfire questioned, puzzled. "It was not very entertaining at all..." Her brows furrowed a moment in thought when Mario snickered at her, messing with his hat's brim a bit. "Oh," she moaned. "That was your sense of...sarcasm, correct?"

"Right, Star," Robin chuckled, patting her back a little.


"Whoa! Hey, BB!" Cyborg cried from the coach, a small device in his hand. Beastboy was slowly wandering through the room behind him, looking slightly unwell.

"Check this out, man!" the machine-man yelled, gesturing Beastboy to have a look.

The green kid decided there couldn't be much harm in it, and groggily shifted himself to lean on the sofa's back, eyeing the screen in a half-asleep manner.

"Look at the way those **** fish rip that thing to shreds, yo!" Cyborg was clearly overjoyed at watching the bloody mess before him onscreen as chunks of flesh and blood spewed out everywhere. Beastboy squinted, not sure he was seeing properly.

"Dude..." he murmured. "Since when do you watch Discovery Channel...?"

Cyborg's face froze, his eyes wide for a few seconds. He blinked, pushed a button on the remote in his hand, and asnwered quickly, "I don't..." and turned his head to see a football game.

Beastboy paused a moment, too dazed to realize what just happened, and proceeded back to the kitchen slowly.

No sooner had he left the room had Cyborg clicked his button again and cheered on the array of pirahnas.


About a half hour had passed. Everyone in the kitchen had chatted away, everyone had eaten breakfast, except Raven, and Robin had rounded everyone up to have a meeting of sorts in the briefing room. It was incredibly large, and rested just beyond the living room. A large screen was against the wall, with a control panel to match it.

"Allright, guys," Robin announced. "Time to discuss business..."

His eyes wandered around to make sure everyone was present, and was slightly irritated to see Raven still gone.

"Gah," he groaned. "Where's Raven?"

"No idea," Beastboy shrugged.

"I thought she went to do some more of her **** meditatin'," Cyborg muttered.

"Raven!!" Starfire called out, hoping the caped crusador would hear.

Mere seconds later, she was standing behind the lot of them, only her cold face visible. Vapid, as always, she murmured, "You called...?"

"OK, good!" Robin cried out, his hands forth.

"Guys, listen up! I know this morning has been real hectic. We have some guests, new faces...We're tryin' to get to know eachother here..."

Surprsingly, they were all silent and serious.

"The reason we're here is because I have a proposal...I have hereby invited these new friends of ours to join the Titans. Now I have to ask you guys if you're allright with this...What do you say?"

Raven's eyes bugged out in shock for a moment as she scanned the group, trying to absorb these faces in that she had yet to know. How could he be so hasty in something like this?

Starfire's eyes lit up with enthusiasm, however. What more could she want than more friends?

Cyborg grinned devilishly. New groupies, huh? That meant more people to kick in video games, more people for target practice, and more people to carry the work-load!

Beastboy was overwhelmed with happiness. Two new girls...One of 'em was taken, but...The other was all his!! And he was set on trying his luck.

"Count me in on that vote!" he gleefully shouted, raising his arm giddily.

"**** yea!" Cyborg agreed.

"I concur!" Starfire cheered.

Raven had been studying everyone's faces, trying to decide how annoying they would be. Then, she met a blond-haired boy with a sharp face and sharper eyes. She felt her insides melt, which didn't happen very often. She fought to prevent her face from turning red, but to no avail. A grin even seeped over her, and she felt...kind of happy...?!?! What was going on?! Her eyes, if only for a second, became brilliantly glazed and joyful.

"Wh-why not...?" she mumbled as everyone stared at her in perplexment, struggling to maintain her dullness.

After a moment of silence, the sound of an explosion rang out. They all spun to see the large screen behind them cracked, and sparks spewed out of it crazily. This only added more to Raven's embarrassment.

[Control, control...] she told herself in thought. [You can't be like this, gotta stay calm...] Raven's powers were kept under wraps by her dullness. They were powered by emotions. If Raven got too emotional, she couldn't control herself.

As they all looked back at her, Starfire giggling, Link utterly confused, the control panel promptly ignited in flames, causing them to all cry out in surprise.


End Transmission


There we go...

Yea, I know, kinda icky at the end there...

But I've been dispondent, leave me alone!

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Dis-pon-dent? Meh, i'll check the dictionary.

About all that stuff I said... You guys are more experienced at these types of things than I am.

And the whole "wishing I was dumb" thing; I threw that in as a "for instance". I mean, not all creatures know how to love and hate. Do dust mites spend time thinking about relationships? No (well, I guess not).

Of course, I could always turn into an inanimate carbon rod (like my sister, that lazy bum ;) )

Meh, whatever. Just... well... i'm sorry if my statements conflicted with yours in an unintended manner. I won't say anything else about this for a while. Count me out.

On to that update. Fabulous! So they're joining the Teen Titans...

Although, I was a bit perplexed for a split second. I mean, Tenoch went out of the kitchen a nervous wreck, and then came back giggling with Starfire. That was a suprisingly fast mood change...

Well, it's not major, so ignore me. Great update. :D


Dec 19, 2002
heh nice update. Raven liking link, to me, is strange for some reason. oh I'm gonna put my problem in almost exact quote except replacing censored words with stupid or taking them away and putting the mad smilie.
originally posted by me
well now I can't rly trust any1 cuz like guillaume made stupid rumors and Ken and Jake joined him. they started since beginning of school year. oh if ya wanna know da stupid rumors which is sooo not true then ya must, I repeat, ya must not tell da stupid rumors sayin it's true. first they said I have a crush on dis person I dunno but I only know da name den now dey said I had a crush on both her and Kao and dis is sooo not true. I dun even have a crush on any1 rite now and dey go on tellin dis stupid rumor to other 7th and 8th graders and dey blieve dem and not me. den dere's lots o ppl hating me. oh and Guillaume and Ken keep hitting da back of my head real hard and it still hurts:mad:. ok dere's definately no1 I can trust cuz of ppl telling stupid lies. I definately need help. sum1 plz help me with this stupid problem.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
:( :eek: :dizzy: :cry: :grrr:

O_O :skull: :freak: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Yea...That's how I feel...

I don't understand Crystal, and she does not understand me at ALL, either.

She's getting HOSTILE toward me, and I don't know what I DID.

She says she HATES LOVE, and she DOESN'T LOVE ANYONE!!!


She doesn't love her parents, her friends, NO ONE. Now I know she's mad at me, when I never did anything MEAN!! :mad: I don't GET IT!!

She doesn't WANT my help, she doesn't want ANYONE'S help, and I know that sooner or later, all of her bottled up emotions are going to HURT someone, maybe even KILL someone- and it's very likely that someone will be HER...


Why does my life have to be so much like my FIC, da**it?!!

Don't expect any updates for a while, until I can sort all of this sh** out, allright?


Smash Apprentice
Jan 25, 2003
Raven and LINK! O_O

I don't think crystal would hurt or kill herself, even if I don't know her, most of the time people have to be badly hurt inside to do things like that. My friend tried to kill herself resently, I talked to her and we got through that together..... but she was really hurt inside........ Thats a long story though.

I like writing that reflects the way people feel, its real writing. It's good to be able to do that with your writing.

I'm out of this disscusssion, I'm with EP.

By the way, I still need people to look at my art and rate it, click on the link in my sig...... I won't ask anymore after this, so if anyone goes, click the links and scroll to page three to find my art.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Caba, she IS hurting inside, and a whole he** of a lot, I KNOW IT. I can FEEL it inside ME!! :(

But she refuses to talk about it, wants nothing to do with me for the time being, and is angry with me, though I did NOTHING MEAN AT ALL.



Just because I have Raven like Link, and Young Link like Nana, and Beastboy like Tenoch...IT DOESN'T NECCESSARILY MEAN SOMETHING WILL 'HAPPEN' between them, so stop having your fricking fits about it, people!!


And I DID update Q4D! Blue, you were prestering me about it, so go read it, if you care.

I'll be honest. There's so many frickin' thoughts running through my head right now that I don't give a flying frick about your art, or my fic, or anything like that.

But I'll give it a look-see, since I have time to try and calm my nerves.


Aug 12, 2002
Chugiak, Alaska
DS, I realize I'm not you, and I don't fully know what's going on in your life... but in situations like this, all you can do is be as kind as you possible can and try and support her as much as you can, EVEN IF SHE DOESN'T WANT YOUR SUPPORT. Just do what you can. In the end it'll be her decision, just try and and scoot her towards the right one.

And I realize you're going through hard times at the moment, but just try and be really kind and nice, even if she keeps turning you down. Just try your best to lead her to the right decision.

Now, to the ficcy! I'm really, really liking this so far, the grammar and engish is really good, all the characters' personalitys are very well done, everything's very well done. Just keep it up, cause this is a very excelent ficcy. ^.^

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.

How can I be nice when she completely IGNORES me? No...

Everyone I've asked who knows her IN PERSON has told me that I've been being TOO NICE, and I should give her some time to sort her own thoughts out.

She doesn't WANT me to be nice to her right now, didn't I say that? If I try to be supportive at the moment, it'll just make things worse. I'm just going to wait until she talsk to ME, THEN I'll start being nice to her again. I'm not being MEAN right now...And if I was, she wouldn't even notice.

Anyway, I'm feeling somewhat better about that right now, and...Hmm...

Update? Blech.

I haven't even started Chapter 4 yet, so...

Don't expect it for at least a week.


Dec 19, 2002
one week:eek:. I can't wait that long...wait I can but the long posts usually get me late to school.


Aug 12, 2002
Chugiak, Alaska
I didn't mean try and start conversations with her or anything. I just mean, if she ever gets near you, make sure to just be nice. Because really, the only things you can do now is wait and be kind to her.

But yeah, I hope everything turns out okay for you and her. ^.^

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.

You don't understand. There's no point. Even IF I tried being nice, she wouldn't notice- she refuses to even LOOK at me, for crying out loud!!! I don't know WHY, I've done nothing MEAN AT ALL, she just...is totally closing me out right now. No one I've cared about this much has ever done this to me...(OK, well, I guess the other girl did, but I didn't go to her school at that time, so I couldn't see the look on her face...)

I'm just going to leave her alone unless she reaches out for ME.

MM, I hate to tell ya this, but regardless of my emotional issues, I refuse to start writing the next Chapter until next week.

Why? I guess you haven't been watching Teen Titans lately.

This last episode was VERY important, and VERY story-line shattering. It actually needs a second episode to continue what's going on.

I've come to the decision to wait and see how it develops, then choose an option.

A.) Have the fic start right after Robin passed off as the 'Red X' (coincidental name, huh) and everything that happens afterward is an alternate reality compared to the show, while still keeping in mind what Slade's interests seem to be.

B.) Have it take place shortly after the current mess at hand and incorporate it into the fic as a source of angst.

Anyway, bottom line is- not only do I need time to clear out my heart, but I need time to clear my mind, too.

However, I do think I will be typing some Q4D!. Maybe a little of both.


Dec 19, 2002
I told ya there's no teen titans here in Japan. People just try to make it like Japanese anime but it's not.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
MM, I don't CARE, it's Amercianime, allright?!

It has a lot of Japanese influence, and half the time they play the theme in Japanese. If you can't watch it, that's not exactly my problem. I never said you did, I said I DO. And there's sme PRETTY interesting crap happening right now. :o

OK, OK...

Robin has been trying to figure out who Slade is for some time now, and also what Slade wants.

A couple episodes ago, he took on the role of a villain named Red X, who knew al of the Titans' weaknesses. His goals were to fool Slade into thinking he was on Slade's side. Ermm...It didn't work. And the rest of the Titans weren't all too happy to know that Robin didn't let them in on his plan.

Anyway, in this last episode, Robin was being haunted by everyone around him noting how similar he was to Slade.

"Don't you EVER compare me to him!! He's trying to destroy this city- I'm trying to protect it!!"

Naturally, Slade called in, and threatened them with a bomb that has the capability of exploding and freezing time within its radius. In other words, the whole city would be stuck in one moment of time forever.

The rest of the gang didn't think it a good idea to let Robin come along.

"Listen, man...When it comes to you and Slade...Ya get a little worked up," Cyborg explained. "Let's not forget what happened LAST time..."

"I KNOW what happened last time...That was a mistake. And I don't intend to make it again...I can handle this, I promise."

Of course, as soon as they located the bomb, Robin went psycho and kicked the crap outta everything in sigh before the other Titans could even touch one. (Which ws kinda cool, I'll admit)

The bomb was loaded on a ship in the sewers and sent off. While they chased it, Robin got captured by an odd guy clled Cinderblock- one of Slade's creaions- and told the others to keep going.

He destroyed Cinderblock to discover the robot was holding a device that tracked Slade's location. Naturally, he took off.

The Titans, in the meantime, managed to stop the ship and prepare to diffuse the bomb.

Robin and Slade met at Slade's location, and talked, after a bit of fighting, of course.

"Where's the detonation?"

"...There isn't one..."


Apparently, the bomb didn't really stop time, and didn't really have a detonation device.

While trying to diffus it, the bomb blew upwith a minor explosion and sent them flying into the sewer water. Everything seemed fine.

Hehe...But it wasn't...

"I was hoping by now you would have realized my goals, Robin. This isn't about your friends," Slade explained. "This is about you. It's ALWAYS been about you..."

Robin was a little taken aback, and Slade revealed that the bomb had sent a strange type of machine- nanoscopic, at that- into his friends' bodies, and with the push of a button, Slade could kill them from the inside out.

"You see, Robin...I've been looking for an apprentice...Someone to take my place when I'm gone...And Robin, I chose YOU. Congratulations."

Robin, of course, protested.

Slade threatened that if Robin did not follow his orders exactly, wich included not ever speaking to his friends again, he would kill them.

So, Robin is stuck at the current moment as Slade's slave. And, well, the next episode should be interesting.

I just want to see how that mess develops, and make a decision afterward.


OK, then. Gotta jet.


Dec 19, 2002
O_OI can't believe it. Robin was supposed to be batmans apprentice so why would he choose Robin instead of the others. That is sooo evil I mean Robin is my fav character.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.


Maybe I shouldn't have explained it...

It seems unless I go right out and explain it in FULL (and even when I do) people just don't get it...


Perhaps you missed the part where I said this.

Slade threatened that if Robin did not follow his orders exactly, wich included not ever speaking to his friends again, he would kill them.



Dec 19, 2002
I didn't miss it:rolleyes:. I just want to know why Slade would choose him instead of the others. Is the next episode the last one of the season???

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
"You and I are so very alike, Robin..."

"I'm NOTHING like you!!"


Actually, I can't say for certain. They've been pounding us with little implications that Robin and Slade are very similar. Robin has been going psychotic, so I guess if Slade can get him to go psychotic for HIM...I dunno.

Last episode of the season?! Psh. Doubtful. This is only, what...? Like...I dunno. Somewhere around 8-10, I think. A season probably wouldn't have only 10 episodes.


Hm...I've written a little more Q4D!, including a crucial part that explains what WATERFALL is, how ir works, in general, and what happened on Paradise when Flame was murdered. Though it came out a little bland...oh, well.


Dec 19, 2002
but on this teen titans site it said that a 2 part episode is part of the end for the season:crazy:. It says one episode tells why Slade would attack teen titans and you just said the reason.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2002
I just started reading this fic and like you said, us readers dont hAVE to read you other fic...

Either way, the plot seems to move along so clearly, you captured all their personalities. The only thing wrong is that the Titans dont curse in English as far as I know (but you know...)

Raven Like link... hmmm I wonder why, Im not trying to kill any of your Ideas but I think it needs a tad more info, but the fic just begun so....

Either way, update soon, and dont fill the topic with the relationship stuff, Im not trying to scold but you know what might happen if a mod comes comes here, and. Sigh, I may be over acting.

Seeya untill your next chapter.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
This is a forum.

A forum is a place where peple coem to talk with eachother. This is my thread. I don't mind people talking about their relationsip problems. It's on topic to me.


OK, first off, just because Raven was blushing doesn't necessarily mean they're gonna go out, for FRICKIN' CRYIN' OUT LOUD!!!

GAWD! I'm sick and tired of people whining about that, dammit...\

Ya know what? Beastboy and Tenochtitlan WILL be 'dating', THAT I can assure you. So get all your whining out of the way first, OK?

Did I ever say you were supposed to know why Raven likes Link? I don't think so...:rolleyes: Did it ocurr to you guys maybe you don' know yet, and I haven't said why?

As of right now, all Raven knows is that Link is cute. Enough said there.

Actually, both of them share some things in common. They're not all 'let's go save the world because it's fun!' They're 'Fine...Whatever...'

They both act a little too seriously at times, but they can both be relatively nice once in a while. They both would also rather be alone than with their friends on numerous occassions. Notice how Link wasn't around at first?

Although, concerning BB and T...

Tenochtitlan has never DATED anyone before...So she kinda doesn't know what it's like...Which means BB is gonna have to show her...:crazy: Heaven forbid. Who knows what'll happen... :eek:

Oh, so the Titans are supposed to curse in SPANISH, then?

'The only thing wrong is that the Titans dont curse in English as far as I know (but you know...)'

Ya know why they don't curse? Because they're on a G-rated show. Er...PG, I'll bet. Point is, it's not R.

You may notice that Robin and Mario basically only use he!! and dammit...

And that Cyborg can just go crazy sometimes. But he usually never means it as an offense to someone.

And then...Oh, right. Sonic, too. Yea, but when he starts swearing with those really naughty words, it means he's mad.

And I don't really think anybody else swears, really. Maybe here and there, once in a while...

Well, whatever.

By the by...

No, you don't HAVE to read Q4D!, but...

I'll warn you, the ending will leave you REALLY hanging, because it cuts right into Q4D!, and you'll have no idea what's going on...Hee hee...:chuckle:


Dec 19, 2002
uh where is the Q4D? I need to read it so I know what's going on.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.






Geez!! What do mean, 'where is it?' It's only right here on the Creative Minds, forum, about five topics DOWN from here!!


If you're going to read it simply so you know what's going on, I laugh, because I haven't even written the TT in yet, and I won't until I finish this fic.

It will be an insanely long time until you even get to the point where I've written in it, too.

But feel free to read it, I'm sure you'll get caught up in the mess of things.

Just remember that I started it a year and a half ago, and my skills sucked back then.

If you go to my FF.net version, you can read the re-written (and what I'm now considering official) version of the fic. All of Q4D! Blue starting at Chapter 13 and beyond are base themselves off of the changes I've made in Q4D! White- though most aren't noticeable thirty Chapters later on...

Whatever. Go ahead, read it, be merry.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting

Oooh, boy, MM, if you're gonna read Q4D!, you have a LOT of reading to do. I'm talking about 7+ hours! :eek:

But gofer it! :D You'll be glad you did.

But whatever you do, DON'T print the whole fic! It's a waste of paper. You'd be killing a LOT of trees by printing that enormous 100-page fic. ;)

Of course, you could also read the high-quality "white" version of the story at Fanfiction.net, like DS said.

DS: A Conker avator? :p

Anywayz, i'm off to visit the other sections of Smash World Forums in an attempt to promote my games/your fic.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2002
I was wondering if TT had a Japanese verion, and if they cursed in that, and DUH I know its a forum smart ***, and All I did was make SUGGESTIONS . So if your gonna be all pissy bout it, FINE.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Ay, why is it that once I treat people back with what it seems like they're giving me, I'm the bad guy?

Dude, chill. Ask everyone here, I don't try to be a jerk.

If you're gonna dish out complaints, be ready to get some back, OK? That's all.

Hey, EP, Conker's Bad Fur Day rocked! Albeit, not as cool as other games, but enough humor and fun multi-player mayhem to boot.


'100-page'...? *chuckled evily* I don't think so. MORE than that, I'm afraid. MAYBE only 100 typed pages on the Blue version, but highly doubtful.

Yes, don't print it unless you plan on printing ALL OF IT.

A waste of trees?!


And I suppose all literature is a watse of trees, then...?

(See, VAK, that was me snapping back at EP, but not in a manner intended to be rude)

Yea, go read Q4D! Blue, EP, I think you'll like the last bit. (Nevermind, you did while I wrote this)


Oh! Right. I switched to Conker for a change in pace to be oddly random yet still find my avatar as cool.


Dec 19, 2002
I won't read til Friday cuz of an overnight trip:). duh I know it's old and I never printed any fics. why would I be crazy enough to kill trees:******:.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Right now, printing out all of my Q4D! Blue so far would be a waste of trees. When it's finished, I don't think it will be, because it'll be a frickin' huge and COMPLETE novel. I'm sure as he** gonna print out my work when it's completed. Gonna take forever and a day, but I'll do it.

Well, then you do that...

Hm...Soul Calibur II is frickin' awesome, now I need to buy it...And maybe Viewiful Joe while I'm at it, if I have enough.

And then see some of my friends and hang out this weekend... :o Hopefully one of them will be one of the two that I now entangled with. I wish I had time to talk with both of them in person, one-on-one. I'm sure things could get sorted out quite quickly, actually.


So, let's see...

Blaze develops a plan to break into Star Haven...

Project WATERFALL if revealed...

Crystal gets word from Geno and has a breakdown because of how lonely she now feels...

Our pack of Chocobo-riders gets attacked...

What else...? Hm. Ah. Yes. The Highwind.

Where this Winds of Fate story will end. On the Highwind.

Right, then. Oh!

And I have to type up a section featuring my silver Dragoshi using at least 50 of the vocabulary words we've been studying. Ya know, some of those ones that caught you guys off guard and stuff. I'm doing it for English, so it's going to be packed with 'em. Be warned, EP, be warned. :p

But I think the main theme of this next Chapter is simply going to be trust.


"You discovered that you and Slade are both similar, Robin. He did not trust you, and you did not trust us..."

But...I need to wait until at least Saturday, maybe longer, depending on when I catch it.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Ah, so NOW we're using the big words, eh? The fic you write for pleasure is now being used as english homework? Meh, it's a free country...

Me? I'd be too emberassed to show my personal work to an adult.

Yes! Me and my bro want Viewtiful Joe SO bad!!!!!! Of course, my big bro HAS to get Smackdown 5 :rolleyes: , so it'll have to wait until Christmas-time.



*cough* ahem, zorry...

I haven't read your Q4D update yet. It's friggin HUGE! Gonna take me 30 minutes at least. Meh, i'll find some time later today.

"Blaze develops a plan to break into Star Haven...
Project WATERFALL if revealed...
Crystal gets word from Geno and has a breakdown because of how lonely she now feels...
Our pack of Chocobo-riders gets attacked...
What else...? Hm. Ah. Yes. The Highwind.
Where this Winds of Fate story will end. On the Highwind."

You spoiled the suprise!! :eek: :mad:

:( How dare you! =/

The Highwind is Riku's wimpy little raft, right? Or is it the Gummi Ship? :p Probably the Gummi ship. I mean, why would they take the raft in the middle of god-knows-where in the middle of a giant ocean just to get lost and not find land again and I guess that would be a bit wierd so i'm guessng it's the gummi ship that they use to meet up with somebody else who's in Q4D and that's where it all ties in and when Winds of Fate ends and you start focusing on Q4D more and explain to everybody who DIDN'T read Winds Of Fate what happened to the heroes during that whole time they were with the Teen Titans and all theHUUUUUUUHHHHH!!!! (takes a gigantic breath)

Okay, sorry 'bout all that, i'm just very hyper today. :crazy:

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.

PLEASE, stop trying to guess what will happen, EP, you only make yourself look silly! At least to me. I'm telling you, barely anyone has ever guessed right on something like that.

For STARTES, EP, do you know how many Highwinds there are?!

Pah! I barely ruined a thing! You have utterly no idea what's going on!

You THINK you do, but you DON'T!!! BWAHAHA!! I LOVE doing that to people!

Rest assured, the explaination will make sense, but it will catch you off guard.

Trust me, TTX and Q4D! Chapter 15 DO tie together nicely, you just won't understand a damm thing until the end.

Ahem. Well, I'm off to play Soul Calibur II, purchase Veiwtiful Joe this weekend (hopefully) and...Oh! Right. See Lacy for the first time in a LONG time...Well, maybe Monday I'll start the Chapter, OK?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2002
DS is right, there ARE a lot of Highwinds....
Originally posted by EvilPichu
The Highwind is Riku's wimpy little raft, right? Or is it the Gummi Ship? :p Probably the Gummi ship. I mean, why would they take the raft in the middle of god-knows-where in the middle of a giant ocean just to get lost and not find land again and I guess that would be a bit wierd so i'm guessng it's the gummi ship
So Im guessing that you didnt beat Riku in the race at the beginning, you didnt touch the gold thingy and make it back huh?
Guess what, the real name of the gummi ship is the Excalibur, if you WON the race....Then again, I havent read any other Q4D fics, so who knows what it is called.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Meh, whatever.

Anywayz, i'm so HAP-PY!! :D

My big brother went to Game Craze, and traded a few old GCN/PS games for a brand-new X-Box!

What does this mean? I have ALL THREE major systems! GCN, PS2, X-BOX!!!! :rotfl: Muhoowahahahaaaa!!! :demon:

Anywayz, not much to talk about. Update ASAP so we DO have something to talk about. ;)

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.

Gamecraze...Right...Next weekend...Viewtiful Joe...



Why the he!! are we talking about Gummi Ships? Gummi Ships have nothing to do with thsi fic whatsoever, and they never will. I guess maybe indirectly, but...

Anyway, I do believe whoever said Season 1 was over is right, which means I'm back on track. This fic begins about a week after Season 1 ends. OK?

4 is on teh way!


Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2002
no Gummi ship? w00t, I didnt like em anyway :p

I just hope you finish youre update soon *crosses fingers*
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