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Winds of Fate: The X Factor (Teen Titans)


Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2002
I guess I would have to say....
Cassandra (soul calibur 2)
Sophitia (soul calibur 2)
and...uh...I can't think of anything else....
I don't want to reveal reasons (I, am, if you must know, NOT a pervert.).

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
I'm absolutely clueless...

Yes, I suppose i'm a bit slow when it comes to upcoming game releases. I'm don't surf the net wildly looking for interesting future game releases. I prefer magazines, suprisingly.

See, if I found out about a really cool game 8 months before its release date, it would taunt me! ;)

You seem to be having several computer problems, DS. Just goes to show you; backing up your work can save your butt big time. ;)

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
EP, you don't GET IT- that computer IS my backup!!

That's the only computer I really use to type on, too! Good thing Golden Sun 2 and Superstar Saga (both are REALLY SWEET) are keeping me busy, though.

I prefer magazines, too. That's where I get most of my juicy information.

You didn't answer my survey, EP. :rolleyes:

And up there, you...Cassandra or Sophitia? How old are you? *shrug* Meh. Just curious, because I would feel weird dating them, they're a bit old for me. Not that age matters when it comes to true love, but I'm not talking true love, now am I?

Don't want to reveal reasons? Why? :confused: if you're not perverted, then what the heck...?

Oh, well. :p

OK, then. My turn, I suppose.

As you may or may not know by now...

This is...'me.'


Look familiar? This is the character that, for whatever reason, I have chosen to be 'me' in this mess of things. Why? I don't know. But I did. His default name is Isaac. He's the main character of Golden Sun and plays an important role later on in the 2nd one.

As you can see, 'I' am an Earth elemental person. *shrug* I'm actually going to make him specialize in both Earth and Fire in my fic, as I think I am both.


Then there's Jenna, another important character. She's been best friends with 'Isaac' ever since they were little.

Anyway, it's hard to tell, as to this point the two have spend almost no time either eachother throughout GS1 and 2 (I just got 'Isaac' in my party very recently) it's implied that they 'like' eachother.

But whether or not this is true, this is the way it will be in my fics. 'Isaac' will instead be 'Eddy' and I will try to put my own personality into him.

Um...So where was I...?

Oh, right! ^_^'

Jenna is cute, sweet, and very caring. And yet can easily defend herself, be it in combat or in an argument. ;) Although I'll admit that's a bit of a weird getup, but I love the hairstyle. Yes, love it. Good color, too. I love that dark reddish-maroon whatever color. Be it in someone's hair or on a wall of a bedroom. (Meh. Her hair looks a bit more red in the games, instead of brownish. Whatever. :p) OH! And she's a Fire Adept, and Fire is my favorite element, too!


Anyway, yes, it would be her. And so, lucky me, I get to put myself in my own fic with my own romantic situation. Hehe...How amusing. Only I have a good feeling this one will work out, as my ones in real life have failed pathetically this far.

And, uh...

Oh! Ah.

Here's a good pic.

Yea, that guy she's tackling is her brother, Felix. Then you can see Garret and Sheba and Piers in the background and...Hey. Is that from the game...? I wonder...*shrug*

Anyway! OK, you all need to play Superstar Saga...Or rather, you SHOULD, because it's AWESOME. Especially if you loved Mario RPG and Paper Mario. The battle system just keeps getting better, baby.

It's a good blend of realtime and still time. Instead iof blocking damahe like you do in the other ones, instead you try to dodge them altogether, and even counterattack in many cases while you do so. ^_^

Anyways, excellent show of sound and graphics. Very nice, I must say...


Well, I can't promise an update anytime soon, so I won't.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Ah, I like the new signature, DS!

Well then, so you shall be Isaac. I mean Eddy. ;)

Fire is your favorite element?? I thought it was Ice.

Oh well... My favorite element is Poison. Either that or Dark magic.

Didn't you say that, for some reason, all the romantic stuff in your fic comes true in real life?

why is it that all the stuff in my fic happens in real life?!!
See, you did say that. ;)

Well, just be careful what you wish for, a'ight? It could come true! :eek:



I forgot what I was going to say... man, I need a nap... :(


Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2002
Hmm, interesting choice....
Anyho, what you got up so in M&L:S Saga? Im just beat that mountain, (just got it 2 days ago)n only 30 minutes :(

PS: I had to use the game speed up thingy :rofl


Smash Apprentice
Jan 25, 2003
I would give you her Email, except she dosn't have one.... infact she don't even have a computer. Shes a horse person, sorta like myself... we spend more time outside then infront of a screen, thats why were generaly healthier.

Anyway, she was released from the hospital and she's back to her old self, I'm glad.

Oh do I have to particapate in this poll? OK I would have to go with Mario or Fox, why? Their both fun loving, loose , adventurers and generally caring guys. They both have likable personalities and carriers. I would say Mario is higher though, because you can't go wrong with an italian accent!

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Ah, is that answering the above poll (WHICH EP HAS YET TO PARTICIPATE IN...) ?


Here's a great question. Pertains to the topic before us.


OK. They have to be a character from a video game. (or a show based off a game or whatever).

If you had to pick a Girlfriend or Boyfriend from a video game, who would it be?

Mind you, this can pertain to only personality. (Although the one I've decided happens to be a human, which works out niceley...)

Ahem. *sweatdrop*

Odd question, no?

I'm wondering because, as you know, I myself will be making an appearence in this fic. Yes, this TT one, remember? Actually, some of you may recognize me from a game you've played, because I will take the form of a certain character. Anyway, I also had to think who would be my romantic interest. (wasn't too hard)

So there's an odd question to ponder to keep you all busy.

So tell me who and why.


I guess it is.


And as far as my position in M+L:SS goes...

OK. First off, if all you guys think you know the storyline, you DON'T, I assure you, unless you've played about 10 hours or so into the game...Ten-ish or so...Whatever.

I have activated about...ehh...I dunno. 7 of those Warp Pipes...

If by chance you don't want ability/location names of the game ruined, DON'T READ!!

I know 8 Brother attacks (6 of them are Advanced, though I don't know what that means) and I have

High/Cyclone Jump
The Ultra Hammers
Small Mario/Luigi Dunk
Fire Brand/Thunder Hand
Those two 'tickle' techniques...
And I can turn Luigi into a Surfboard. :p

I have way too many items that I don't need, a good assortment of Badges and pants...

And some accessories I received from a surprise guest. ;)

And I only have one drink at Starbean's Cafe to create that I haven't yet.

Which reminds me, if you don't know what beans are, DON'T TAKE THEM FOR GRANTED!

Beans are you BUDDIES! You blend them to make coffees that up your stats! Very nice.

Ahem! I am now crossing the Oho Ocean toward Joke's End.

There. I could go on, but any more information would ruin some stuff...

Needless to say, the storyline has been awesome so far. Complete with twists.

Oh, yea...I need to be Golden Sun 2, don't I...?

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Uhh... Is participation in the poll mandatory? Because i'm absolutely clueless as to which video game character I should pick.

Caba: Mario? Fox? Does this mean...

:eek: Oh, now I get it!!!

About a month ago, Caba, when we were talking about girlfriends and such, you said something like "I don't swing that way". And you also said that that was some sort of "clue" about you.

So now I know what that all means... ;)

...Not much going on, I see.

*goes to FF.net, only to find out that nothing new has happened there*

*goes to fictionpress.com, only to find out that nothing new has happened there*

*goes to create-games.com, only to find out that nothing new has happened there*

*goes to poop.com, only to find out that nothing new has happened there*

<groan> This is boring... =/

*sips some coffee*

Anywayz, how's the next update coming? Is it at 25% completion? 50%? 75? 99? Just wondering...


Smash Apprentice
Jan 25, 2003
Good for you EP you finally figured it out..... I'm a girl..so there.(secrets out)

By the way EP you still didn't answer the poll....

MarioandLuigi: Superstar saga souds cool! But I don't have a GAMEBOY :(

Anyway, things have gotten slow around here latly, where is everyone? Anyway, I have to get back to the horses...so

Later, oh and happy thanksgiving! Mates....



Aug 12, 2002
Chugiak, Alaska
Hmmm... for the poll, I'd probably choose Fina from Skies of Arcadia. Or Mia from Golden Sun. Or Zelda XD

Anyways, this is a greay fic, DS! ^^ Sorry I havn't been replying much... I just keep forgetting to ^^;

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting

Obviously, I MEANT to spell it wrong. There are six shades of red/orange available, and if I included the "H" in "Thanksgiving", it would have turned out uneven (i.e two "orange letters").

And if anybody asks, this is NOT spam. Shame on you if you think Thanksgiving is spam!!! :mad:

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Wow, once again I beat EP to the punch.


Yea, I figured some while ago that Caba must be either a girl, or...Well, yea. *sweatdrop*

I myself have been accuses of being..er...different...:crazy:

Example? Well, apparently, somebody told my friend Cirrus I was a GIRL...So when she found about my girl problems, uh...Well, she put it together and assumed I was a 'lesbian'


THAT was quite embarassing for both of us, wouldn't you agree?


Um...Well, for some reason I'm happy now that I know a bit more about some people...(though I obviouslt delved much more into the 'why' aspect than anyone ELSE, but...)


Oh, by the way, I've beaten M&L:SS and am 2/3 the way through it a 2nd play, only this time I haven't changed pants at ALL- that's right, keeping on only the work pants through the whole game.

After I beat it THIS time, and I master all the action commands and Advanced Commands (I'm close) I'm going to go through it a THIRD time, only not ever changing my pants, and not ever wearing any badges!! MWAHAHA!!


Anyway, what? 25% complete? Oh, no...

More like...um...:eek: 5%...MAYBE...?

I haven't been ABLE to type!! :( I TOLD you, my vom crashed, and any other time I could be typing I'm too compelled to play Superstar Saga, or Golden Sun 2 (which I finally beat yesterday, last boss took a good hour or so...Or at LEAST a half hour...) and now I'm back in school, and...BLECH.

Let's all give out Tanks, then, shall we?

But I will work on it when I can.

On the rare occassion I DO have time to type and WANT to, I can't decide WHICH FIC to type towards..

Oh, well.

Tell ya what- when I have a decent bit done, whould I post it all up, instead of waiting until the WHOLE CHAPTER is done like I USUALLY DO...?

And EP, I agree...

I think you flopped. So there. :p

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
I'm telling you, I did it on purpose!!! :mad:

Oy... I guess I really shouldn't make a big deal about a little thing like this, so, uh, I give up... =/

While you, DS, are FINALLY in a happy mood, i'm starting to grow UNhappy. :(

"Energy can neither be created, nor destroyed. It must be transferred from one party to the next."

Most of it has to do with school. I'm not doing too well in Spanish class... Well, 3/4ths of my class is having the same problem, so at least i'm not alone.

You beat M&L:SS already?! It can't be THAT short. Did you spend all of your spare time playing it? :p

If I had the cash, i'd buy it too. Lately, i've had a strong craving for Role Playing Games. Since September, i've completed about 6 RPGs, each taking about 8-15 hours to complete.

And what makes me angry is the fact I can't make my own RPG! I mean, I CAN if I wanted to, but it takes too long. A good RPG takes YEARS to make, unless more than one person is working on it. Besides, i'm already working on my next game (one at a time, right?). I should have a new banner in my signature soon...

Okay, 5%. Just make sure you don't take TOO long. ;)

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
OK, I TOLD you, I've had block lately, AND I can't even type when I FEEL like it!!

I am deciding on starting another Winds of Fate fic. Of course, all the Winds of Fate fics tie in with eachother.

Remember 'Eddy' calling the TT?

Ever wonder WHY?

Hehe... :p

Anyway, hopefully today or tomorrow I'll get SOME time to work on it, and probably write a little more of this, too.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Well, I played the first Golden Sun for a while, so I do know that Eddy, with the help of Ivan, can read people's minds. Perhaps Eddy called the TT's because he sensed that something was going on... could be something bad, could be something strange, but SOMTHING is up...

Hehe... The Video Game Awards are on Spike TV this Thursday. Can't miss that... :D

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Ah, I see someone HAS caught on to a bit of something.

That's a very good point indeed. However, I am sorry to say that although this is true, that's not what happened. Boggles the mind, doesn't it? *snicker* The answers will come.

I'm much more in a Golden Sun mood than a Teen Titans mood, and so once I can write, I'll probably mow down my kerboard to finish the first Chapter or so. But have no fears, once my inspiration is back, this fic will have it's time. I'd say we're almost halfway through it.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 25, 2003
Um DS.... If you thought I was gay... why did you countinue to respond to my posts? Why didn't you tell me to quit reading your fic? Why didn't you tell me to quite responding all together?

Thats the way I feel about gay people, I don't let them near me, and I discrimenate agianst them. Because Its agianst gods will for these unnatural occurances.

Luckily the number of gay's and lesbians are low here in Aussie, but I hear in America theres a profusion of the sick little *******s. I also hear america is tring to get them the normal rights of normal people.... This is an outrage! If gays over take America, this behavior will out break across the globe!

Anyway thats the way I feel, I guess its OK to make asumptions...Girls afterall arn't common on these boards :)

But ya......


Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
-_- :pow:

Sadly, no smiley I have can give justice to the expression on my face right now. But it's like a dagger glare, only more like a sword instead of a dagger.

'Um DS.... If you thought I was gay... why did you countinue to respond to my posts? Why didn't you tell me to quit reading your fic? Why didn't you tell me to quite responding all together?'


:mad: :beezo: :grrr: :starman:


Deep breath...



Love to hate, hate to love...Why are we born? Why do we die?

If we were all meant to be the SAME, then why didn't God MAKE us that way?

Being the SAME is BORING!

Now I can assure with all my heart and all my honesty that I myself and not a homosexual and don't want to date one, or anything like that.

But what you said is very offending to me, just as offeding as if you were to say that Africans are scum, or Irish or scum, or 'Yanks' are scum!!

It's like all you people care about is what's DIFFERENT from eachother.

We're all HUMANS, are we not? Just because our brains, our skins, or our reproductive organs work diffrently, WE STILL ALL HAVE THE SAME HEART!

EVERYONE is entitled to their beliefs, their opinions. I don't care whether or not someone is gay, or wicken, or practices voodoo. So long as they don't hurt anyone, there's no harm!

Mabe if people stopped looking at what's DIFFERENT, and started looking at what's the SAME, then MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, the world would be such a better place.

But I guess that's too much for most people to muster, isn't it?

Did you know that if you're in the military, you can't converse with your enemy? Wanna know WHY?

Because if you did, you'd realize that they'r more like you than you think, and you wouldn't want to kill them anymore!

Legends say that in WW1, in the trenchs of France, on Christmas Eve night, the Germans and the Americans joined to hum Silent Night, and played soccer, and other things like that. But then their leading officers started SHOOTING anyone who conversed with the enemy.

Whether or not that's true, it IS true that we're all PEOPLE, aren't we?


Are you God? No. So where do you get the right to say what's RIGHT?

You don't. I don't care whether it's written in a 'holy book' or not, but if He doesn't want us to be OURSELVES, why did he put us here? To be someone we AREN'T?

It's not like all 'gays' kill people or molest children. I have a gay uncle, he's not a bad person at all!! (My parents are a little worried I'll turn out like him, but I can't see myself turning gay overnight and SOMEHOW reorganizing the way my hormones work.)

I used to get the snot beaten out of me when I was little. WHY?


Now is that a good reason? NO!!

It's one thing to break someone's heart INTENTIONALLY and play with their heart lik a toy, but it's a different thing when you are being YOU.

I'm not a FOLLOWER. I'm a LEADER. I live my life, trying my hardest to be generous and kind and caring. But if I get sent ot **** when I die simply because I don't read the Bible, and I don't go to church, and I'm simply not a real Christian, well I guess it would prove that God is just as prejudice as EVERYONE ELSE!

But I don't think he is. I think he knows what really matters, and I don't think that's whether you're gay or not!

So, to answer your quesion, Caba, I still talked wih you because I have an OPEN HEART AND AN OPEN MIND. Because I would like you no matter WHAT you believe in or what you were like, so long as you weren't a jerk and didn't hurt people.

Maybe it's too late, and it's alreadbeen drilled intp your head by other people what's right and what's wrong.

But I say be YOURSELF. Do what your heart tells you, not what a preacher tells you.

That also means you don't have to give a rip about what I'm saying, either. I don't mind, you believe what YOU believe. So long as yo realize that NOT EVERYONE AGREES WITH YOU, I'm fine.

NOW, I apologize for that, but that just really pisses me off when people are so narow-minded like that.

I'm sorry for yelling, but hopefully you learned something you didn't know. Hopefully you may now realize the world is not all like you, and jus because you think it's right, that doesn't mean it is.

I don't care how much you KNOW it's the 'truth.' The only single being who knows the truth is God himself, correct? You ain't God, are ya? Even if you 'know' that he told you what's right in writing, that still doesn't make it true. No written paper can make something true.


Whoa...There's a half hour of my day which I was PLANNING on writing my GS fic, but...

Thank you for your time.

And I am sorry Caba, you ARE entitled to your opinion, but you treated it as FACT, and not opinion, which is what it is.

Do what your HEART tells you to do, not your mind. You'd be amazed at how much of yourself you'll discover that way.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2002
I'm not old as you all, so Iwill just ignore all the posts....

And , finished M&L: SS? Geez, I'm stuck on that university with dr mario viruses and laser snifits....
Also, did you use a faq?
Also, how many hours a day you play, i only get like 30 minutes.
Also, you don't have to rush with your update, heck, I haven't updated in 3 months:bee: !!!!
Ehehehe... did I say that out loud?
And I think Im missing something here....

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Oy, what difference would it have made had I posted a speech like that in my fic? (Which probably will happen when all the junk on Mobius picks up) And what does age have to do with it?

Anyway, it's been a stressful week.

I did NOT use any faqs of any kinds, M&L is way too easy to need faqs, except MAYBE on, like, where to find every single bean or something, and even THEN...

I got the game about...10 days ago. I have beaten it twice.

I have played it a total of 35-40 hours, and proud of it.

The second time I beat it, I wore the Work Pants throughout the whole game. That means that by the end, I could basically be killed in about two hits. But the only person I really had any trouble with was the final boss.

Anyway, my ours a day vary. And I've also been playing Golden Sun 2, a bit. I guess I'd wager...Um...

Well, on average it would be about 4 hours a day, I suppose. Considering a week of that was during break, and I had nothing ELSE to do...

Anyway, as I have said, I'm starting my Golden Sun fic, already have the prologue written...

But I'm not going to ignore this one. Just moving on to something else until I get my inspiration back. Afterall, I can't quite think of anything good to happen next! I had the beginning and the end down good, but not the middle.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Aye... that was quite a bit of "yelling" you did up there.

And WHOA... that was a really good speech. So you're the Leader type? I'm more of a Follower type due to my irresponsibility (everyone has a flaw, right?).

The only type of people I've ever hated are Confederate scums who believe that Slavery is essential. Because of them, more people died in the Civil War than any other war. :mad:

But anyhoo...

I see you've started another Winds Of Fate fic based on Golden Sun. However, I don't think I can read it since I haven't seen the ending to GS2.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 25, 2003
DS I can see where your coming from, and I don't have a problem with anyone, wether they be different colored, come from a different country or race or speak a different language or share a different religion........ As long as thier not gay. I have my reasons to despise gays, I just didn't think I'd get that kinda reaction, everyone here agrees with me, I have never met anyone that dosen't.
Anyway my gay cousin is the main reason I hate gays. I met the freak when I was eight!(can't get into that now)

Oh and you don't have to read the bible or go to church to go to heaven, you just need to not sin or be forgiven of your sins.

The bible is all true! God wrote it through people, and he don't lie!

By the way I don't go to church either, its a waist of time. Just a place where people worship together.

I do think people should be themselfs(but gays are just phycotic) as long as your not sinning in the process.

So are we still cool?
I hope so... I really don't want to get on anyones bad side, I'm a very likeable person...really.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
That was all a da**ed WASTE, wasn't it?

You STILL don't get what I was trying to say...

Unless you've met EVERY GAY and know all of them personally, you have NO RIGHT to declare them as ******* or psychos. Don't you GET THAT? That's being narrow-minded, they neverhurt anyone! If they DID, then sure, call them psycho. But my uncleneverhurt anyone- quite the contrary, people have hurt HIM for who HE IS, and I HATE THAT!!

'everyone here agrees with me, I have never met anyone that dosen't.'

Yet again, another very foolish thing to say. You aren't everyone, so you don't know. What?You asked EVERYONE ON SMASHBOARDS what they thought? And even so, did it ocurr to you thats ome people may just tell you what you wantto hear? Some people, those that follow, might simply say, 'Oh, sure, I hate them,' simple so they wouldn't get into a conflict with you.

Being 'gay' is no sin in my book.

And you STILL didn't get my point on the Bible. The Bible, unfortunately, is taken WAY too seriously by some people. They live their lives by a BOOK, and NOT BY THEIR MINDS AND HEARTS!! Just because a BOOK says something doesn't mean YOU have to say it!!

If God says gays are sinners, that's nice!! Why does he make many of them gay?!

And if you're going to tell me they 'choose' to, that's REAL funny. Since when can you CHOOSE to RE-ORGANIZE YOUR HORMONES AND HOW THEY WORK?!

If so, then I'd LOVE to see you turn leezbo overnight, just for a day, and then ask forforgivness. You can do that, now can't you? What's that? It's hard to control the way your body works? Ah, I thought so. Evenn IF I CHOSE to, Icouldn't become gay, because that's not how my body was designed.

And if your cousin isn theproblem, stop taking it out oneveryone LIKE him!

My dad hates blacks JUST BECAUSE somewere jerks to him, and he's convincedthatblacks are just about all dirty. That's being narrow-minded.


I need to eat.

You hate getting people mad? Then why do you discriminate?

Teen Titans Quote:

'Are we still cool? :confused:'

'Frosty. :)'


Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2002
*Covers EP's hole with dirt and cow poop after he gets in* where was I. Ah yes. Can someone explain what's happenin?


Smash Apprentice
Jan 25, 2003
Sorry I didn't specify, when I said everyone, I met everyone I know agrees with me, family, friends, teachers, students ect.... well all them except my gay cousin patrick.

Oh and god dosen't make anyone gay, we have the right to make our own choices in life, and some people... um... make it wronge. You do choose to be gay... because if thats your attraction, thats your attraction...but none the less a choice.

I don't feel like disscussing this anymore.... We have the right to our own opinions afterall. No one of is going to be converted, right? So we just need to let it go.

Plus I have another question: Do you live in America?


Oh and I'm about to read your other fic, even though I hate golden sun, You have talent for making things I hate... like Sora, Into stuff thats really interesting to read, I don't hate your version of sora.

I'm also proud to see thiers no gays in you fic.....

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Well, to be honest, i'm not a big fan of gay guys either.

I mean, I don't HATE gay guys, but i'm AFRAID of them. I'm Homophobic. It's in my blood. It's a feeling I have no control over.

There are a few guys in my school that act like they're gay. They walk around touching people's rear ends and tackling them to the floor and humping them. They're disgusting people who should get suspended. :mad:

But i'm not narrow-minded. I know that not all gays are like that. In fact, there are lot of gay celebrities out there.

Well, I guess I agree with Caba. Perhaps we should drop the subject. We are all entitled to our own, naive opinions, uff da. :p

Caba: Of course he lives in America. Actually, him and I both live in New York; the good ol' empire state. It's funny how we haven't bumped into each other yet...


Oh yeah. There's something that slipped my mind earlier, but, did you watch the first-annual Video Game Awards on Spike TV last Thursday?
Here are some of the winners that I remember:

Best animation - DOA Beach Volleyball
Best action game - True Crime: Streets of LA
Most addicting game - Soul Calibur 2
Best sports game - Tony Hawk Underground
Best racing game - Nascar Thunder 2004
Best fantasy game - Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Best fighting game - Smackdown! Here Comes the Pain
Most anticipated game - Halo 2

Ironically, not a single award went to a purely-Gamecube game (unless you count SC2, but that was on all three systems). I guess the award show was more directed to Teen/Mature games.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2002
TY for posting some winners, my mom forced me to go shoping :(
And I better lock my doors cuz Im in NYC too

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Ah, NYC...Still need to go there..



'Oh and god dosen't make anyone gay, we have the right to make our own choices in life, and some people... um... make it wronge. You do choose to be gay... because if thats your attraction, thats your attraction...but none the less a choice.'

WRONG! That single word, right there!


That's the whole bloody point, you totally MISSED IT!!!

See? You ARE discriminant, calling other people wrong!

And if that statement is true, EXPLAIN IT. HOW do you become gay?? I just don't get that.

I don't know about you, but I don't CHOOSE to be attracted to every girl I am, if I could, good golly that'd be nice. My body reacts the way it does. Sheesh...You must be gifted with the ability to manipulate the hormones within yourself, lucky you...

And the reason why you say your opinion won't be changed is because you aren't open-minded. Only people with open minds can change their opinions. Once again, another detail you jumped over.

I'm not saying you have to change your opinion, I'm showing you that I think it's stupid to say other people's life choices are wrong! That's me.

Now, killing people, or ****** people, etc...That's morally wrong, I think. ut it's their life choice. Now, since they are damaging other people's lives, to he** with them. You do whatever you want, so long as you aren't hurting anyone.

And ya know what? maybe I SHOULD put in some gay characters, just to see if you'd keep reading...

But I can't qite think of anybody...Oh, well, at some point or another there's going to have to be ONE character, at least.

And goody golly, Caba, lemme tell ya, there's a lot of people in this world who are messed up. People who are straight that **** innocent people. (matter of fact, an incident like that happens in this fic at some point or another, at least to one person...:(...) Don't judge a book by its cover.

That's like judging Wind Waker by its screenshots, as many people did.

From the sound of things, those VG awards were dumb.


Chapter 1 of my GS fic is done, just need to post it up later...

Oh, and as for a lighter note...

Crystal and I are no longer friends because she wants ot be such a stubborn prick. I have tried and tried, and been so patient. I have apologized again and again, and tried to fix things...

But she has not ONCE apologized to me, and keeps bashing my hopes into the ground, for whatever reason. She still won't explain. I personally think she doesn't even KNOW.

SO, well, I said, 'to he** with you, ya obviosuly don't give a crap about me, you won't LET us be friends again, screw it, bye.'

For the past few months I have been her friend. But I am realizing that she has NOT been mine...


Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2002
Well, now that I get what your saying....

It all depends on how much porn a teen looks up on a computer, also, the influence of the parent figure also effects the future of the offspring.

One may not have had a girlfriend in life.
One may have had a gene disorder.
One may have given up.
One may have ghey parents.
Also....well, they're just like that....

It's not like scientists know why they're g a y. That is why people bring defense tools with them.

And if your cousin is g a y Caba, haven't you told your parents? Have you tried kicking your cousin's gentials? You have to do something....

Lastly, DS makes a point....


And with the Crystal thing, I'm really sorry. Then again, maybe as she grew up she was revealed to many other boys, duh,you should have said something when you had the chance,unlike what I did, then maybe, she would tell you she liked you, who knows? Prick huh, maybe... she might think YOUR the prick, ever thought of that?

Ciao, and wee my 1st post that forced the box to scroll down w/o any fanfic related stuff in it.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Bah, s'OK.

Stories are the essence of our literal lives in creative form.

What happens in my lifeis reflected in my stories.

Therefore all of this is dead-on topic.

Anyway, uhhh...:confused:

What are you TALKING about, VAK?

I told Crystal how I felt MONTHS AGO!

But she obviously didn't care!

And for the past month she has been COMPLETELY IGNORING ME. And I feel so STUPID in doing it back!! So I've tried to figure out WHY she's angry.


Of COURSE I thought she was mad at me!!! That's the only explanation I could come up with! The only problem is that I had no idea WHY, and I STILL don't. I've done nothing wrong, at least nothing with the intention of hurting...And when I apologize, she doesn't care...


Ah, well...

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
So you aren't Crystal's friend anymore? Good for you.

You shouldn't try to befriend somebody who's constantly hurting you, either physically (bully!), emotionally (heart-break kids), or economically (i.e. "friends" who force you to give them money every day).

I think we've made our point about the whole "gay" thing. Maybe we should drop the subject before Caba starts feeling like a total heel. :(

Stories are the essence of our literal lives in creative form.
BINGO!!! :eek: I can't believe I never thought about that!! THAT is the reason why I didn't enjoy writing my story as much as you; because I ran out of ideas quickly.

Perhaps next time, I should base my story according to events that happened in my life, then probably, things would run more smoothly.

Geez, DS, you know a lot about what's right and what's wrong. Perhaps I should start calling you Mr. Perfect. ;) Or Gandhi. :chuckle:

Well then, I have a feeling that I shouldn't get involved in anything right now. I'll wait until the dust has settled.

(EDIT: Added the link to Q4D! White in my signature)


Smash Apprentice
Jan 25, 2003
lets be friends!


I go through enough of this listening to my cousin patrick, geez.

And as for 'there is no wrong choice!' Thats crazy talk DS... If you choose to do something stupid that you know will kill someone like bombing a house just cause your friends are doing it... that was a Bad choice.

If you do something that gets you killed, that was a BAD choice.

I have made many BAD chioces in my life, so I know how to detect them.

Now that thats over, to me it sounds like for some reason crystal dosn't want you around her. She probably dosen't want to be seen with you. Sometimes people get to obsessed with staying popular. Are you Popular in school DS? If not I'm probably right... she dosen't want to be seen with you.

This has happened to me befour, I'm not popular... sigh... and sometimes people throw me off to keep from being seen with the normal people.

In this case its good that your not her friend anymore.

Careful decsessions need to be made when droppping a friend its almost like being married, you have a comentment. Only things like your situation should break.

Now Ds I think your cool, and even though me and you don't think alike or have alot of the same intrests or opinions. I'm a tolerent person and these differences don't bother me.

How did that 'gay' dispute get started anyway?
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