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Winds of Fate: The X Factor (Teen Titans)


Dec 19, 2002
Poor Cirrus. Looks like lfe for her has gone bad because of the dog. I dunno how to help her so I think my post is useless.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
No, actually...

It's because of her LONELINESS that her life is so crappy right now. She got a dog because she was feeling lonely. She just moved to a new house, and her boyfriend broke up with her, and...She needed a reliable friendship, I suppose. Dogs are good at providing those.

I haven't heard from her in a while, but I usually don't. She said she'd try to mail me as soon as she could, and I hope the response isn't quite as depressed as the last one.


OH! Just one more scene I need to write now, folks. A good Robin/Starfire scene...*sigh* But...I'm having trouble with it. I might save it for later, but now is such an ideal point.

I also am getting more into the Raven plotline, too, and having an interesting time with it.

Then, of course, there's BB and Tay. It's amazing how I just came up with a setting and let those two personalities run rampant for a little bit.

Well, I'm really pushing for either today or tomorrow.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Ahh...With every passing trailer, Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children is looking better than ever...*drool*


But I came here for a purpose...

A BIG purpose...

It's lacking a scene or two, but...You guys get to read it before the FF.net people do. :p

<-{--[*<Begin Transmission>*]--}->

The Q4D! Saga...

Winds of Fate: The X Factor

Chapter 8- Happy Blorthog

The beams of morning pierced her eye lids, beckoning her emerald eyes to face the world.

They sprung open in an instant as she tossed her blanket off eagerly.

She paused a moment, trying to remember.

{There was something of dire importance today...But what was it?}

It smacked her in the face like Robin and Slade smacked eachother.

"Blorthog!!" she squealed with glee, tossing her arms. Her excited eyes darted around her adorable room. She had done a bit of Blorthog preparation over the past few days, finding gifts for everyone. She was looking forward to a day of celebration and friendly togetherness.

{I have been eagerly anticipating this occassion for a long period of time...What shall we do first? Where shall we begin?}


"Aw, MAN, It was fun. We stayed up pretty late, too..." Beastboy told his colleagues.

"...What did you DO?" Cyborg probed. "Were you naughty...?" he added devilishly.

Beastboy shoved him over as they paced through the halls, his cheecks flushed.

"'Course not! We just...Hung out, ya know...?"

"Oh, I KNOW," Cyborg chuckled.

Beastboy huffed and replied, "I'm serious, Dude. Nothing happened."

The morning's atmosphere was bright and cheery, though Titan Tower was a relatively dim place.

Complimenting the warm feeling that morning was Tenochtitlan, with her bright smile and enthusiastic eyes. She bounded through the halls merrily, grinning a marvelous grin.

She slipped through the hallways in a clumsy yet merry manner, when she happened to come upon exactly who she was looking for.

As she met up with Cyborg, Robin, and Beastboy, she grinned playfully and waved sweetly.

"Good morning, guys!" she cried in a cute voice. "Sleep well?"

Robin was amused at her cheerful demeanor. Just yesterday she seemed so down and depressed. What had made her so happy all of a sudden?

"You bet," Cyborg replied.

"Like a baby," Beastboy added. As the two of them locked eyes, there was an awkward moment of silence, and they both blushed. Tenochtitlan, after a moment's hesitation, spread her arms out like a great bird and wrapped Beastboy in their warm, soft touch. She embraced him gently, and he was taken by surprise by her sudden display of affection. His cheeks were flushed, and he felt his legs get weak as he placed his arms around her in return.

Her head on his shoulder, Tenochtitlan murmured, "Thank you for yesterday...I'm really looking forward to tonight," she added in an even sweeter voice. As her eyes met Robin and Cyborg's awe-struck expressions, her face flushed red, and her pink eyes turned orange. She let the green teen go quickly, brushing bangs from her eyes hurriedly.

After another shy smile, she scampered off down the halls of Titan Tower as suddenly as she arrived. Beastboy was left dazed and giddy.

"...So, uh...What KIND of nothin' happened last night?" Cyborg inquired, intrigued.

Recovering from his shock, Beastboy shrugged, smiling dreamily.

"Nothing like THAT..." he muttered.

Robin crossed his arms.

"Oh, you're saving that stuff for tonight, I see...?" he questioned slyly.

Beastboy laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well, wasn't PLANNING on it, but..." After a second, he cleared his throat and explained.

"Well, after the movie last night, I took her up to my room, and we worked on hers a bit, and...Well...We got down to talking, ya know..." He was beginning to trail off, both physically and verbally.

Cyborg stepped up ahead of him, smiling.

"Aw, no. You're gonna tell us..."

"OK, OK..." he mumbled, blushing.

"Well, see...I asked her out on a date," he answered simply.

Cyborg's human eye widened, and his red light eye blinked, as if his computers had miscalculated. Robin, behind the two of them, had an impressed smile.

"...Say WHAT...?" Cyborg managed.

"Ya KNOW," Beastboy eased, tossing his arms. "A date...I'm gonna make her dinner, and then we're gonna go out for a stroll on the town, know what I mean?" He raised his brows up and down devilishly. "Then it's all up to the Beastman. Just gotta swoon her with some of my natural charm..."

"Oh, yea," Robin chuckled. "Tofu really sets up the romantic scene..."

Beastboy shook his head and waved his index finger triumphently.

"That's the thing- she likes my cooking."

Cyborg's jaw dropped to add to his previous expression.

"...Say WHAT?!"

"Exactly!" Beastboy squealed with delight. "Aw, man...It's gonna be great..."

Robin wasn't so sure about it, though...Who knew what a romantic problem could lead to...?

"Well, congratulations, Beastboy," he said. "Now...Can we go get some breakfast already?"

"...Oh! Yea..."

"...She likes tofu...?" Cyborg muttered in amazement. "But I will admit, she's real pretty, B. You're lucky."

Beastboy nodded wildly. "Don't need to tell me, man...Can you say 'curvelicious?' She's as hot as a geyser..." As Beastboy drooled a bit, Robin sighed and patted him on the shoulder.

"Interesting phrasing there," he admitted. "But seriously, I'm hungry. You guys babble on if ya want..."

As the young man vanished down the halls, Beastboy regained his senses.

"She really is a great person, too, don't get me wrong," he quickly defended himself, as if Cyborg was judging him- though he wasn't, of course.

"You lucky dog, man..." he muttered, shaking his head.

"Every dog has his day," Beastboy added cheerfully. "Today is mine."

"I guess...Good luck, B. You're gonna need it, yo..."

"Yea, thanks...Hey!"


{Glorius...All is ready...}

Starfire quickly scooped up a group of strange necklaces. These necklaces were made of odd metal balls that jangled like windchimes. She removed them from her dresser drawer, which was packed full of wrapped gifts for such an occasion.

Wearing them on her neck, arms, and hands, Starfire sped off down the hallways like a chiming torpedo. On her way, a dark figure came into view, and she ran right into them. Two female cries of surprise echoed through the hall as Starfire and Tenochtitlan tumbled to the ground and rolled a bit. Tenoch's head smacked against the wall from the force, and she lay dazed for a moment, moaning.

As Starfire regained her bearings, she got up to her knees, rubbing her head. Every movement was accompanied by a cheery jangling, though. She gasped in shock, realizing what had just happened. She reached her hands out to Tay's arms, helping her friend get up.

"Owww..." she whimpered, her hand still stuck to her head. "What was that for...?"

Starfire spoke quickly and apologetically.

"I am truly sorry, dear friend. Please forgive my foolishness. I was merely-"

"It's OK, I'm all right," Tay assured, checking to see that she hadn't lost any body parts from the fall. Her eyes had flashed from purple to orange as she stumbled to her feet, grasping her staff.

"You are not angry...?" Starfire probed, her hands clasped.

"Oh, no, of course not!" she replied warmly, yellow-eyed. "But why were you in such a hurry...?"

Starfire smiled nervously as she hurried to collect her necklaces.

Tenochtitlan was immediately caught by their beautiful sounds.

"You see, I am very excited, for today is a great holiday."

Tenochtitlan was puzzled, so she asked what kind of holiday it was.

Starfire giggled sweetly and draped a jingling necklace around Tay's head.

"Happy Blorthog!!"

Her eyes brown, her expression confused, Tay couldn't think of a response.

Starfire grabbed her by the hand and began to pull her through the halls, heading for the main living room.

"WHOA! W-W-WAIT, Star!!" she yelped. She was forced to adapt to the speed quickly, and as she jogged, she asked, "What're we doing?"

Smiling brightly, Starfire answered, "Why, we are going to begin the festivities, of course!"

Utterly lost, Tay decided to wait and find out what on Stellon the Tamaranian was babbling about.

As they neared the living room, they slowed down, as Starfire realized she might accidently slam into someone else.

She noticed the orange coloring of Tenochtitlan's circlet and eyes, and questioned her.

"Um...So, shall you join me in celebrating such a grand ocassion?"

Tay nodded slowly, but Starfire felt there was something else on her mind.

"What ails you? Blorthog is no day to be upset. Please, do tell. Perhaps I may be able to assist...?"

Tenichtitlan blushed slightly and shrugged, going to a pink color now.

"Well, see...I sorta already have plans for today, but..."

Starfire frowned slightly. She was hoping to get the whole group to come together for the day.

"What are these plans? You will have time to frolic with us and sing joyous songs of bonding, yes?"

Tay giggled. "Joyous songs of bonding, huh? That sounds like an offer I can't refuse. Sure, of course I can celebrate...uh...Bargglehop with you."

Starfire smiled, shaking her head. "Blorthog. It is the Tamaranian Festival of Friendship on my home planet."

"...Really? Like, a day to celebrate...your friends...?"

Starfire grinned a big smile. "Yes! It is quite glorius!" She paused, realizing why Tay had seemed to confused.

"You...You do not have such a holiday on this planet...?"

Tenochtitlan felt a pang of hurt once again. This planet? What did she know about this planet? She wasn't FROM this planet...

"Well, no, where I come from there isn't really such a day...But-" She leaned over on her friend's shoulder, smiling. "There's certainly nothing wrong with us having it today!"

Starfire wrapped her arms around Tay and crushed her with a strength not demonstrated by her arms appearance.

"Truly glorius!"

As she let the dark-skinned teen breath, she probed a bit more.

"What are your other plans, though...? May I join you?"

Tenoch laughed. "Well, you could, but...It'd probably be best if you didn't."

Starfire felt hurt by this comment, and when Tay realized it, she quickly explained.

"I didn't mean it like that, Star. It's just...I'm going out on a date tonight..."

The emeralld eyes of Starfire glimmered like the sun.

"Delightful! Truly! Please, I must know everything! You will tell me the details afterward, I hope?"

Tenochtitlan turned pink yet again- both in the eyes and the cheecks.

"Sure..." she murmured.

"Would I happen to know the fortunate male you shall be spending your evening with?" she asked slyly.

"Hehe...Well, I HOPE so..."

There was an awkward moment of silence as Star stared at Tay expectantly.


"See, Beastboy asked me out..."

Starfire was struck with surprise- but not the bad kind.

"Truly?!" she demanded, excited.

Tay nodded shyly, her soft bangs flopping around.

"I am enthralled, dear friend! I congratulate you. Beastboy is...unique, no doubt. I believe you will make an adorable couple."

"Thanks...Today's looking up, isn't it?"

"It certainly is! Now all we must do is break our night's fast without an argument...I must prepare. I shall see you shortly."

"All right, Star. See ya..."


"Got any Kings?"

"Go fish..."


"Yo, Sonic!"

"What up?"

"Gimme a seven, baby."



"Cy, you got a three?"

"Naw, man. Go fish..."

"Mario. Do YOU have a three?"


Mario slapped his card on the table, passing it to Link. The blonde scooped it up and added it to his hand, then placed two threes on the table before him.

They were in a very laid-back looking room, very different to the normal design that much of the Tower had. It was a warm, semi-dim room, with black walls and some lights dangling from the ceiling. It was a sort of recreation room, complete with a billiards table, air hockey, ping pong, and dartboard. The card table, fit for five, rested near the entrance, while the billiard table centered the room.

Sonic eyed Beastboy suspiciously, who was on the other side of the room, showing Tikal how to play pool.

"So, Link, got an ace for me?"

"Go fish-"

Robin whipped into the room, swiftly as he realized that this was where mostly everybody was.

"There you guys are," he said casually. "Breakfast's up."

Beastboy glanced up with concern.

"Got ya covered," Robin assured him. "I made plenty of scrambled eggs, and Raven dished up some pancakes."

"Aw, yea!" Cyborg cried, leaping up out of his seat and dropping his cards.

Playing cards were slapped to the table as the gang of hungry teenage boys prepared to digest the first meal of the day.

Tikal knocked the cue ball smoothly, and it sailed across the green surface, elegantly tipping the yellow 9 ball into a side pocket. She hopped with excitement.

"I got it in! Beastboy, I-"

She suddenly noticed that she was the only one in the room. After a moment of tranquility (which she decided to enjoy while she could) she gave in to her own hunger.


"Dude, where's Star?"

Robin shrugged. "Got me...I haven't seen her at all yet...But she'll come when she's hungry."

Beastboy nodded in agreement and dug into his pancakes with full force, using his hands in place of utensils. Tenoch, who was sitting beside him of course, held back giggles with her palm.

"Well, she better get her *** here FAST, 'cause I ain't leavin' any food behind!" Cyborg declared, chomping into some eggs.

"Awww, very nice," he murmured, food muffling his voice. He gave Robin a thumbs-up, who simply tossed his hand.

"Wow, Ray, these things are pretty good," Mario complemented, scratching his nose.

She sat next to him, a shy look about her.

"Uh, thanks..." she answered with her raspy tone. Naturally, she was seated beside Link, though not necessarily by choice.

"Could you pass the salt?" Link muttered to her.

She froze for a moment. Her fork, which she still hadn't touched, began to jangle a bit on the table. Her plate slid slightly. Her eggs did an short little dance of sorts while shrouded in a black veil. And finally, the salt shaker came under her control. She eagerly sent it soaring toward the blonde, who nimbly caught it in his sculpted hand.

"Whoa...Hehe...Geez, Raven, nice show ya put on there..." he mumbled with a chuckle. Raven grouchily glared at her eggs and pancakes.

{Idiot...It was just a SALT SHAKER...But no, you had to fumble around and turn it into some ridiculous-} She suddenly noticed that her pancakes had jumped on top of her eggs. With a sigh, she decided it would probably best to eat as quickly as possible and spare herself further embarassment.

As a conversation picked up concerning team tactics that could be used in the heat of battle, Raven noticed Starfire sneak into the room. She looked hilarious with all the odd, metal necklaces around her. They jangled with a lively ring as she flew toward the table. Waving her arms about, she shouted at at the top of her lungs.


Everyone had the wits scared out of them, and they all swerved their heads to stare at the hovering alien.

Each expression seemed more bewildered then the next. Starfire paused with them, slowly checking all their faces of pure confusion.

Her arms sagged down with disappointment. She whimpered to them, throwing her hands a little.

"...Blorthog...? Do you not know of Blorthog...? The Tamaranian Festival of Friendship...?"

"...Um...Well, we do NOW," Beastboy mumbled. "So...You gonna eat anything, or what?"

Starfire sighed, bobbing her head. How could none of them know of Blorthog? To her, it was just plain crazy.

"Yea, Star, if you don't take those flapjacks real soon, I WILL," Cy said with a grin.

Starfire frowned irritably as she glided around the table. After a moment of thought, she came to a conclusion. If they didn't know about Blorthog, she would teach them how special it was.

So, she started at Beastboy, and hung one around his neck. He froze, a syrupy mass of food about to reach his face, and waited until Star had removed her arms. Without second thought, he continued his feasting. Tenoch smiled and stared at his gobbling face. He was so cute...His bright, beaming eyes, his pointy little ears, and his shiny smile all caught her attention. She'd noticed them before, but...Now he was different. Because now she felt she was allowed to admire him without guilt, she supposed.

She playfully smacked his spiffy necklace, and the silver balls jingled merrily. He swallowed, then blinked at her in surprise. With a grin, he slapped hers back.

Starfire draped one around every one of the Titans, but none of them really seemed to quite unerstand why she was doing it. They were all too concerned with breakfast and their random conversation.

Starfire took her seat, inbetween Robin and Beastboy, and waited patiently for an opening in the dialogue around her. After a few minutes, Cyborg and Sonic began to feud over who should get the last of the scrambled eggs, and neither was willing to back down. Everyone else began to excuse themselves, all heading toward the living room. Starfire had wandered off in thought, trying to plan out the events of the day. She suddenly awoke, realizing that Cyborg and Sonic were poking at eachother's hands with their forks.

"Oh, oh, bring it, ya sack of hair gel!"

"Fine with me, ya lump of rust!"

Starfire gasped in surprise as Sonic's fork was stabbed at the table just before her as Cyborg dashed around her chair. Their fork fencing took them down the hall, and Starfire jumped up from her chair, preparing to scold them.

As Sonic gave Cyborg a few vertical swings, forcing him further back, Starfire flew inbetween them.

"Why, may I ask, are you dueling with culinary equipment?" she asked firmly.

"Because he's a jerk and won't even split the eggs with me," Sonic grumbled.

"Hey! I need my protein!"

"What?! You're half metal!! What good's protein gonna do ya?!"

"PLEASE!!" Star cried, pressing her palms into their chests to pull them apart. "Refrain from this quarreling. Friends do not fight this way over food!"

As their utensils clattered some more, pushing Starfire out of their feud, Cyborg complained some more.

"Well, maybe if this cocky little noobie gave me some more respect, I wouldn't have to put him in his place!"

It was an odd sight. They were fork fencing, using all types of nifty techniques, and their bell-like necklaces jangled beautifully. Fretting over this event, Star pondered how to resolve it. Before she could figure one out, Sonic nimbly hopped over Cyborg's head and went speeding off down the hall, snickering.

"Yea, dat's right! You better run!" the mechanical 'man' cried, giving chase.

With a huff, the Tamaranian pursued the pair, which led her to the living room. Of course, Raven and Robin were having a dispute about how loud the video game was.

"I only turned it up so I wouldn't have to listen to them!!" Robin defended, pointing at Link and Beastboy, who were wrestling around on the ground.

"Give it BACK, yoy jerk!" Beastboy demanded.

"OOO! Who's got your belt?! I got your belt!!" Link whipped it in the air briskly, and it happened to smack into Tikal's head, who was trying to read one of Raven's old books. The force of it lashed at her square in the face, and she yelped in pain.

"Link!" she whined, rubbing the red spot on her face as she dropped the book in a fit.

"BE CAREFUL WITH THOSE," Raven growled as she threw out her hand, preventing it from slamming into the ground.

Starfire stood in anguish, petrified from the events around her. How could such chaos break out on this day?

Naturally, Cyborg and Sonic entered the room, slashing their 'weapons' around fiercely, adding to the mayhem.

As Robin told Raven to chill, who complained to Tikal, who was whimpering to Link, who was taunting Beastboy, who had shoved into Sonic, who had stabbed Cyborg in the eye, who wasn't willing to back down, Starfire trembled with fury.

{How dare they mock Blorthog in such a way?} she asked herself, beginning to bubble up with anger.

And then, something finally broke her self control. Cyborg threw his fork to the floor and grabbed Sonic by the neck, ripping his necklace off of him. Star let out a gasp as it came colliding with the ground, each ball of metal bouncing about with a ringing tone. Her eyes welled up, her fists balled up, her teeth clenched, and she exploded.


And it was as if she had frozen time for a few moments. Everyone had froze in place, staring at her in fear. Cyborg's arms were wrapped around Sonic's neck, Beastboy was climbing up Link's shoulders, Tikal was defending herself from Raven's wrath, and Robin was trying to hold her back.

Panting, Starfire glared at them all. After a couple seconds to catch her breath, she ranted on at them.

"Why do you argue like this? Friends must NEVER fight like this! Especially on Blorthog! This is UNACCEPTABLE!! Do you wish to bring the Reckmahs upon us all?!"

After some blinking, the Titans removed themselves from eachother and stared at the broken necklace on the ground with guilt.

"I have been looking forward to Blorthog for many 24 hour periods, and I will not accept this feuding between my friends, old or new."

"...What's Reckmahs...?" Tikal meekly mumbled. Star sighed, bobbing her head. She answere sadly and slowly.

"The Reckmahs is when close friends drift apart, farther and farther, until their friendships die..."

Robin assured her, "Star, don't say things like that. We're still friends..."

"Yea," Beastboy mumbled. "We're not...Reck-whatever-ing. We're cool."

"Mm hm," Tikal said with a nod.

"Just because we're yeling and, well, bugging the **** out of eachother doesn't mean we HATE eachother," Sonic added.

Starfire sighed, still not so confident.

"...Why do you not apologize, then?"

After an awkward moment of silence, some mutters and mumbles rang out as everyone said sorry to one another, realizing how immature they were acting.

"Oh, come on, it's not big deal," Mario boldy proclaimed, casually strolling in with Tenochtitlan. "People piss eachother off all the time, even best friends. ****, you think me and my brother get along peachy all the time?"

"You...Have a brother?" Robin questioned, surprised.

"Well..." Mario paused, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Yea, I do. Or...At least, I think I do...Somewhere..."

"So...I should not worry?" Starfire timidly mumbled, not so sure.

"Well, not really. I mean, come on, we're all pals here, right?" he outstretched his arms, glancing at everyone in the room, who agreed with him. "Yea...It's just...You'll always have fights and such. I guess having ten people living in the same house can do that, anyway."

"'Sides," Beastboy concluded, "We're TEENAGERS! Duh! It's like, some sort of supernatural instinct to get on eachother's nerves, ya know?"

Starfire didn't quite understand what he meant. Did that mean she wasn't normal?

"We shall stay friends, then? Through all troubles that we may pass upon...?"

"Of course!" Robin immediately answered. "We'll stay being friends, don't you worry..."

"...So...We shall end this quarelling for today, at least...?" Starfire hoped aloud. "Today is a day of great bonding and friendship. Shall we...go and play various games in the room of recreation, perhaps?"

And then, all at once, there was a beeping throughout the room. A little ditty played from Robin's communicater, and he briefly scanned it to see what the problem was.

"Togther-ness time is gonna have to wait," he said solemnly. "The city's museum of archeaology has been broken into. Let's move."


A guard fired his pistol at the intruder, who merely chuckled as a laser came flying from his shoulder. The red beam smacked right into his weapon, and it went soaring about twenty feet or so, clattering to the ground.

The guard, standing in the dark halls of the museum, grabbed his pain-ridden hand.

"Oh, please...Do you honestly believe your prehistoric 'weapons' will take care of me?" a snobby tone came out from the criminal as he leisurely strolled by. He had a skinny mustace, and wore gold-colored armor, including a helmet. A large, smooth stone was fitted into his chest. He looked quite strange, indeed.

The guards around him all attacked, but their weapons proved useless, and he disarmed them in moments. As they attempted to fight him physically, he singed them with his laser cannon, easily dispatching them.

"I come from the future," he announced to the battered guards. "Your old ways are quite pathetic, I must admit. And now, if you don't mind, I'll be taking what is mine..."

He stepped forth, gazing at a clear container that held his treasure. It was a clock. A very mysterious clock, surely, but a clock. Sheilded by its dent-resistant casing, one might think the robber would have trouble opening it.

But all he had to do was reach out for it- his arms went clear through, shrouded in a strange field of energy.

"Ahhh...At last, the Clock of Eternity...Valubale in the past, priceless in the future..." His eyes sparkled as he removed it from its case. It was quite a beautiful piece of work, and now it was his.

"But for the present, you'll keep your filthy hands off of it," came the stern tone of a teenage boy from not far away. The man turned to the balcony above him in this dark museum to see a boy with black hair, a cape, and an 'R' on his shirt.

"Ah...The Teen Titans," he murmured expectantly. "I've been waiting for you to arrive. I've read all about you in the historical archives..."

"Archive THIS!" Cyborg cried, blasting his arm cannon. The thick blue beam missed him as he backflipped out of its way. As he landed, he shot out his shoulder cannons at the balcony, blasting a section of it apart. The five original Titans came down a level and began to square off with him, while the remaining five waited above, out of sight.

Robin had given them orders to stay back. It wasn't because he didn't think they could get things done, persay, it was more that he felt he could catch the enemy by surprise by making them believe there were only five Titans at first. He'd give them the signal to jump in.

Beastboy pounced into the air, transforming into a hawk. With his new form, he dove at this mysterious man's face, jabbing with his beak and talons. The man waved his arms and blasted his lasers haphazardly. A beam batted Beastboy into a wall off in the distance.

From above, Tenochtitlan gasped in agony, aching to help her friend, but Mario stopped her firmly.

Starfire came flying at him, with Raven beside her. She flung blasts of green energy at him, which he absorbed with relative ease. He smashed Starfire with a quick punch, and she shrieked as she sailed in the air. Raven held up a sheild to reflect his lasers and Robin and Cyborg prepared to attack from behind. Raven was pounded by the man's attacks until her black sheild gave way. A couple beams singed her arm, and as she began to fall, he grabbed her leg, swinging her to the ground behind him.

Cyborg came at him with full force, ready to land a nice punch. He side stepped it, and spun around to face Cyborg. His opponent already had a nice plasma ray heading at him, but it only managed to take out one of his cannons. The gold-plated man gave Cyborg a round-house kick, and followed up with a few zaps to his chest, shocking him.

Robin swiped at him with his nifty little metal staff that could retract. The theif laughed as it hit his side, cracking in two.

"I come from the future," he announced. "All of your weapons are useless."

Robin growled and hopped into the air, spin-kicking at him. He reached out his arm, deflected Robin's kick, and smashed him with the other arm fiercely.

The five Titans lay on the ground, dazed, and so the man decided it was time to leave.

"Ah, you've been too kind, but I really must be going back to the future..." he said arrogantly, waving farewell as a portal sprung from his chest jewel.

There wasn't time to wait for Robin to signal. It was time to act. Starfire, however, already realized this, and was ready to pounce at him.

But before she did, Mario landed roughly in front of her, halting her with his hand. His palm was sticking out at the robber, who stared at them, dumbfounded. A ball of flames appeared in that palm, and Mario raised it above him slowly, charging it up.

Starfire watched in amazement as he throw his arm, flicked his wrist, and sent the energy careening at the theif. It traveled so fast she hardly saw it, but it certainly hit, exploding on impact with his face. He stumbled back a step, dropping the artifact, which was scooped up swiftly by Sonic, who came rushing in to take it. Before the man knew it, Link was in his face, slashing at his tough armor briskly, though not causing even a scratch.

The man hurriedly kicked Link in the face, slamming him to the smooth, marble floor.

"Who are you?!" He demanded, readying his cannons to shoot Sonic down, who had paused a moment to taunt him from about twenty feet away.

"We're the rest of the Teen Titans," Mario said smoothly, who lept at him with full force.

He ducked, narrowly escaping the blow.

"W-What?! Th-that's impossible! I researched this date thoroughly, and there were only FIVE Titans!" he growled in surprise and annoyance. {Although,} he added mentally as he shot at Mario, {The sixth one joined shortly after this, I suppose I could've miscalculated...But she isn't here, and there were certainly NOT ten Titans, I was assured there were only five!}

Mario expertly dodged shot after shot, and he laughed as he did so.

"Must not have done a good enough job on your homework," he jeered.

The portal was stil lingering in the air, and the time-traveler realized that his best plan would be to take the relic and escape.

He could make out a blue blur speeding about all around him, trying to throw him off whack. And then, a dark-skinned girl was in his face, slamming at him with her staff. Her eyes glowed a fierce red, but he wasn't afraid. He threw a small, disc-shaped device at her, which she blocked with her staff. Too bad it exploded on impact, blowing her into the air. Beastboy, who had regained his senses, immediately went to save her, turning into a gorilla. As she came toward the groumd, he opened up his huge arms and caught her, trying to be as gentle as he could. He morphed back to normal, and her body leaned on his shoulder.

"You OK?" he demanded.

She shook her head slowly, still dizzy from the blast. With a cough, she choked out, "I'm all right..."

Starfire took another shot as Mario shouted something to Sonic that neither her or her opponent could make out from the noise. Green explosions battered at his suit, and he guarded his face with his arms. Star decided to charge up a huge blast to throw all at once. As she did so, he unveiled his face, and prepared another bomb disc to throw. Her wave of green energy jolted into him shortly after he threw his weapon, which traveled clear through her energy and sent her spiraling. But Star's attack had suceeded in sliding him right next to his own portal. As he stared up at the scene around him, he could see Robin and Cyborg grinning at Sonic, who hid his arms behind his back and blew a raspberry.

"You pathetic little-"

He reached out his arms and grabbed Sonic's thin body, shaking his viciously. Sonic's arms waved about in the air, but the didn't hold the clock.

"What?!" he growled, tossing Sonic aside. He frantically searched the room, only to see Cyborg charging his beam, and Robin drawing a small boomering-like device.

Just then, a dainty little hand poked his back, and he spun to see Tikal's innocent little face smiling with glee as she presented him the Clock of Eternity. His eyes sparkled with glee and he reached out to swipe it from her, but his hands belted the orange forcefeild she had created. As Tikal giggled, the man frowned irritably, clenching his teeth.

"YO!" Cyborg shouted, catching his attention.

He whirled to see Robin's device smack into his stone, cracking it.

"GAH! NO! My vortex!" he shouted in despair. A large, blue beam shocked him, forcing him backwards another step. Tikal eagerly waved him goodbye merrily as Mario landed right in front of him and gave him a good, solid punch. The blow blasted him into the portal, and in a dazzling display of lights, he was gone.

After a few moments of silence in the dark, cheers rang out from the team.



"**** yea..."

"**** right..."

"Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about..."

Starfire rushed to Raven's side, helping her up. Her left arm was bleeding some from the laser she had received.

"Raven!! You are injured!" she cried with worry.

Raven squeezed her arm, which ached severely, though she his this fact.

"I'm fine," she mumbled. "It's just a little-"

"You are being drained of your vital bodily fluids! Dreaful! We must give you aid posthaste!" Star reached for Raven's shoulder to help comfort her, but the pal girl threw it off.

"It's nothing," she growled firmly. "I can take care of it..."

Starfire bit her lip as Raven continued to let blood ooze from her arm.

"Whoa!" Sonic cried, noticed her. "Man, what happened to you, Goth?"

She groaned, turning away from him.

"Nothing, I'm fine."

Robin called out to them, waving.

"Hey, you guys ready to head home?"

Starfire sighed, and turned to face Robin.

"Raven has been wounded!" she cried.


The rest rushed over to see what was wrong.

Raven hid herself under her cloak, drifting away.

"Raven?" Cyborg called to her back. "You all right?"

"YES," she hissed. Cyrborg froze from the coldness in her words.

"What happened?" Robin asked, approaching her. She ignored him, forming a barrier around herself.

"Her arm," Starfire murmured with concern. "It was damaged by that villain's lasers...Her bodily fluid...It it seeping from the point of contact."

"Say what?" Beastboy growled, supporting Tay, who seemed to have a limp.

"She's bleeding," Robin muttered simply.

"It's not serious, is it?" he checked. Starfire winced.

"I-I believe so."

Robin huffed and attempted to approach her again.

"Raven, what gives?" he demanded with worry as he noticed a small puddle of glistening crimson forming beneath her hovering form.

Suddenly, she spun around fiercely, flashing out both of her arms. Her left one now had only a bruise where the severe wound had been.

"...It looks fine to me," Robin muttered, confused.

Starfire frowned in thought. Raven must have quickly tended to it herself with her powers.

"It was nothing, just a scratch," she insisted.

"Whoa, OK," Robin said, backing off with his hands up. "No big deal, then. Let's all get back home..."

As they all began to pace toward home, Link whispered to Robin, "Is always this weird?"

"Yea, that was kinda freaky," Mario added quietly.

"She's always unpredictable," Robin admitted in a murmur.

Raven kept floating as Starfire drifted beside her. Tikal was placing the Clock back in its proper place- or least close to it, as the case was still sealed tightly.

"Raven..." Starfire mumbled nervously.

Her friend ignored her, simply rushing away hurriedly. She moved smoothly and silently, like a shadow. Starfire sighed deeply, very troubled by her friend. Something was wrong, and she wanted to help...

{Why do I always find so much trouble in my attempts to aid my friends...?}

Raven was indeed in need, and Starfire knew it. Something was amiss, and she intended on helping her. It was Blorthog, and on such a day there was no excuse not to help a friend in need.


"All right, let's see..." Beastboy mumbled to himself, scanning the note in his hands. Something written on it caught his attention.

"What? I am NOT getting you bacon, Cyborg."

"Come ON, BB! Ya know I need my bacon!"

Starfire, hovering over Beastboy's shoulder, called out.

"Do not fear, Cyborg. I shall retrieve your strips of pig meat in Beasboy's stead!"

Beastboy rolled his eyes and folded up the list, placing it in his pocket. He turned to Starfire and waved his arm.

"C'mon, Star. You ready?"

The girl floated gracefully in front of him, smiling.

"Oh, yes! Very ready!" she cried merrily. "We are to retrieve sufficient rations to meet our requirements, correct?"

"Uhh...Yea...Basically...Grocery shopping"

"Then leave we shall! Quickly," she grabbed his arm and began to fly off. "We must waste no time!"

"Wah!" Beastboy yelped as his arm was yanked. He suddenly realized what he was getting himself into.


Beastboy tapped his foot thoughfully, trying to decide what to get. He stared at the dairy section, pondering what he should buy.

"Yo, Star," he called to his friend. "What else do we need?"

Starfire, who manned the shopping cart, quickly pulled out the grocery list and referenced it.

"Um..." She scanned past the checked products and found what she was looking for.

"Your purchase reminder list says that we require lactose liquid...Milk?"

"Oh. Yea..." He grinned with embarassment as he grabbed a couple gallons of the white drink and plopped them into the cart.

"What else?"

Star nodded, noting the paper again.

"And...That is all...Oh, wait...It also says we are in need of...Chocoloate...Ah! Glorius! That is the brown confection that-"

"Yea, uh...Amost forgot..." Beastboy mumbled, dashing for the candy aile. Starfire grabbed the cart and pushed it along with him. They rushed through the store, almost knocking over an old lady.

"Sorry!" Starfire called behind her.

Beastboy had skidded to a stop and had grabbed a heart-shaped box. Starfire took note of this, and realized that the chocolate was not for her to eat.

"Ahh...I understand," she mumbled. "Perhaps this is why 'Tulips' are also on the grocery list...?" she said slyly.

"GAH! I totally forgot those, too!" Beastboy cried, throwing the box of chocolates at Star, who caught them in surprise.

After a minute or so, he returned, panting, with a bouqet of purple tulips in hand.

"They are truly delightful," Starfire murmured, picturing Beastboy handing them to Tay.

Suddenly, she froze, lost in thought. Beastboy reviewed the list and realized they had picked up everything.

"Yea, that's it," he announced as he began to push the cart along. After a moment, he realized Star wasn't following.

"...Uh...Star? What's up?" he asked quizically.

Star snaped out of her trance and floated over to Beastboy.

"Um...Beastboy...May I ask for your advice...?" she mumbled nervously, poking her index fingers at one another.

"Sure, what's up?" he wondered curiously.

"Well..." Starfire bobbed her head, embarassed. "You see, I...Your courageousness to ask Tenochtitlan out to court with you...It has inspired me to pursue my own wishes, but...I do not know how to go about my operations..."

After giving her a confused look, he muttered, "What...?"

She sighed, shook her head, and dismissed it.

"Um...'Nevermind'...? It is...not important..."

Beastboy shook his head, and as Star drifted by him, he caught her shoulder.

"Whoa, whoa...Star, it's not something to be ashamed of. What is it? You like somebody...?"

Star blushed and grinned sheepishly.

"Well, I...I like many people..."

"You KNOW what I mean...Go on...What, you need advice from a MAN'S point of view...?" He puffed out his chest proudly.

"I...suppose...It is..." She huffed, finding trouble trying to say what she wanted to.

"There is...someone...who I care for deeply. I wish to express my true feelings for them, but when I try, I cannot make them come out...I am afraid..."

Beastboy patted her back lightly as he chuckled.

"What's there to be scared of? I mean, it's just a date. You ask them out, and...if they don't want to, they'll tell ya, and ya go about your business..."

Star shook her head, avoiding his gaze, her cheecks red.

"No, it is...I am fearful that I may ruin what I have with this person...I do not wish to make them feel uncomfortable, I truly wish to make them happy, but...I do not know HOW..."

Beastboy smirked as he fit things together. It wasn't too hard to tell who this 'someone' was, and he understood where she was coming from. He didn't quite seem like the 'dating' type of guy.

"Listen. All you have to do is tell them exactly how you feel, and what you want. That's it."

Star looked up at him, trembling.

"But, what if-"

"Don't worry. See, that's the thing! You start asking yourself, 'What if-?' and you're gonna lead yourself to trouble. Just think of 'what if' on a positive side. Ya know, like...Instead of, 'What if he says no?' ask yourself, 'What if he says YES?'"

Starfire smiled meekly, still uneasy about it all.

"Listen. If you never take risks, you can't expect to gain anything. Every good thing you ever can get has a risk that was taken behind it. So just let it all go and talk about it."

He placed his finger on her forehead.

"Stop letting THIS decide for you-" he moved it to her chest, "- and start letting THIS decide..."

Starfire grabbed her chest slowly, as if absorbing the statement. Something she knew fully well she should do, but...She had to be reminded of it. Yes. Tonight. Tonight was the night she would talk to him. Blorthog, her favorite day of the year. It was perfect. Hopefully, things would work out.

She smiled cheerfully and squeezed Beastboy lovingly.

"Thank you, dear friend! Your words inspire me further!"

"No...problem," he choked as he tried to return her friendly embrace.


"Soo...What's this crap again...?" Mario questioned doubtfully, poking at his plate with a spoon.

After Beastboy has served up dinner as he had promised (though had hoped he could be alone with Tay), Starfire had eagerly prepared dessert, and Tenochtitlan had helped her. The result was a strange concoction that resembled jello with strange blobs of fuzzy objects drifting in it.

"This is Tamaranian Blorthog Bragnark!" Starfire exclaimed with joy as she placed another plated of it in front of Beastboy.

"...Mm...Yea, sounds great," Sonic mumbled doubtfully, staring at it in fear. Tikal frowned and elbowed him sternly. He huffed and slowly scooped up a portion of the substance.

"Made with real Globbalike Fungus!" Tay added cheerfully, slurping a decent chunk of it merrily.

If Beastboy weren't already green, he would've turned it at the sight of her gulping it down.

"Well, if she can eat Star's food," Cyborg muttered to him, "Then she should have no problem downing YOURS..."

As Starfire eagerly took her seat, she paused, noticing the empty seat beside her.

"Ummm...Where is Robin...?" she mumbled. Realization struck- both of the seats beside her were empty. "And Raven?"

She glanced around the room to see everyone else shrug simply.

Starfire frowned sadly as she decided to find them.

"I shall retrieve them. Please, enjoy your meal," she said as she flew out of them room thoughtfully.

No sooner had she left the room had Cyborg jumped out of his seat and made way for the trash can.

"What're you doing?!" Tenochtitlan demanded angrily. He froze, just before his jelly-like substance had slid into the garbage.

"I, uh...Well, er...I just remembered- I'm allergic to those, eh...Fungus...thingies..."

Tay eyed him suspiciously (brown), then decided that he was lying. Regardless, she knew she couldn't hold it against him.

"The least you could do is ask if anyone ELSE wants some," she responded bitterly.

He froze, eyes wide, and slowly raised his plate. It wobbled, and he almost dropped it from his dish, but caught it carefully.

"Mmm...Actually, I'll take summa that," Mario called, raising his arm. He swallowed some, patting his stomach. "Tastes like...Sushi mixed with ice cream...Distinct flavor...I like it. Good job, Tay. Didn't know you could cook..."

Tay blushed, squinted her eyes.

"I COULDN'T cook, but I've been working on it."

Beastboy slid his plate in front of her, and she lit up with joy.

"OO!! You don't want yours, either?" she asked excitedly.

Beastboy rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"No, uh, see...It looks good and all, but...If you really want it...I mean..."

Tenoch grinned and gave him a quick hug before diving into yet another helping of Bragnark.

"Actually, uh..." He stared in disbelief as she swallowed bites of it whole. "Um..." He glanced at everyone else in the room, and they got the hint to leave.

"Actually what?" Tay mumbled, looking back up at him.

"Nothin'. So, uh...Where do ya wanna go tonight?" he muttered shyly as the kitchen room grew empty and quiet.

Tenoch paused a moment to think, her eyes orange.

"Hm. How about you surprise me?" she said cheerily.

"Sure...OK..." Beastboy mumbled, standing up, her took her hand, like a gentlemen, and pushed her seat in.

"Ya know, you don't have to be so formal," she said with a giggle. "It's not like you..."

His eyes widened.

"OH! Y-you don't like it?" he quickly questioned, removing his hand from hers.

She smiled, shaking her head. "Oh, don't worry so much. Just be you." She grabbed her arm and placed his palm back in hers. They both blushed meekly.

"No prob," he answered, sticking out his tongue at her. She blew him a raspberry back.


It burned like mad, she couldn't stop it from hurting...GAH! Such an irritating little injury, and yet it wouldn't desist!

She sucked in air between her teeth as another wave of pain flashed through her arm. It wasn't bleeding, but where the gash has been there was now a blackish spot on her arm.

{Look at you...} A voice penetrated the physical agony. {You didn't help a **** bit today. You got herself hurt, and now you can't handle it...}

{I have it under control. It's NOTHING...} she snapped back.

{Why does it not feel so good, then?} a sadder tone questioned. {It should have gone away by now...}

{The more I concentrate on it, the more it's going to hurt...}

{You DO know why it hurts so much, right?} a stern voice muttered. {It's not the arm that's really hurting you. It's your heart that hurts...All day, you've sat alone, hiding from your friends. Why? Because you feel rejected. You feel out of place.}

{No matter what I do, they'll never really accept me,} she defended herself. {There's no point in getting upset over something I have no control over...}

{But you ARE getting upset about it...Weren't you going to show your friends how much you really cared about them today? What ever happened to that plan?}

{I...I've been distracted...}

{Of course...}


Raven jumped, scared stiff from the pounding that echoed through her dreary room. After a moment, she realized it was her door. A sweet and concerned voice penetrated it and called out to her.

"Raven...? Raven, are you well? It is Starfire! Um...I have prepared a delicacy of my home planet for you, do you-"

"Not hungry," she growled.

Starfire stood outside the door, her eyes sad and frustrated.

"Oh...Well, perhaps you wish to-"

"Be alone...?" Raven finished.

"...May I...'be alone' with you? May I partake in your meditation?"

"No, just go away," Raven groaned irritably.

Starfire huffed, clenching her fists. Why did no one ever accept her help?

Just then, Raven noticed her dresser rattle. Some statues in her room began to tremble. Her books slowly began to fall off of their case, and her bed began to shake slightly.

"Raven...? What is going on?" Starfire asked solemnly.

"N-Nothing, I just..." Raven trailed off, realizing that her powers were going out of whack. She hadn't been meditating properly lately, and in her emotional mess, she was letting her powers go a little wild.

{Let her in!!} her screamed in her mind. Not any of those other voices, but heself. {You know you want some support right now, and you know Star will give it...}

"Raven, I am concerned that you are upset. Please, if I may-"

"All right, all right..." she mumbled, bobbing her head.

Starfire eagerly opened the door and flew in, seeing Raven huddled up on her old-fashioned bed, hiding in her cloak. As the door slid shut behind her, Star landed softly next to Raven.

Noticing her shadowed face, Starfire reached out and arm. Raven froze up for a moment, but let Star remove her hood to reveal her face.

"There..." she said with a slight smile. "I wish to see you face-to-face..."

"Why? What's so special about it...?" she grumbled, still looking away.

"Your face? Oh, Raven, your face is very special. Your eyes, they...They open a portal to your soul..."

Raven's lip curled, almost smiling, but not quite.

"And Raven, my friend, your eyes tell me that you are quite troubled. Please...If we are truly friends, then...You shall tell me what is hindering your happiness on such a day as Blorthog..."

Raven glanced at her, but quickly retreated again.

"It's nothing, really."

"I do not think so," Star answered calmly. After a moment't thought, she offered a deal. "If you reveal your ailments to me...I shall...inform you of my own. Does this sound fair...?"

Raven was a little confused, but this somehow made her feel more comfortable.

"Well...OK...If you really need to know..."

Starfire clapped her hands briskly with joy.

"Glorius. Now, please, hold nothing back. We are friends, you have nothing to hide. I promise, I shall not tease..."

Raven gulped, feeling all her emotions welling up inside her, ready to burst.

{Go on, just let it out. Just...pretend like she's not there, and just talk...}

She cleared her throat and closed her eyes. She bobbed her head, letting her silver hair hang low, and mumbled. Starfire leaned over to listen.

"I'm just real stressed lately, with all these things going on...We just got five more roomates, and it's not easy to come to grips with all the new faces and noises..."

Starfire noticed Raven's arms poking out of her cloak. The one that had been attacked earlier now had a black spot on it. She gasped in fear.

"Raven! Your arm, it..."

Raven's eyes snapped open, and she yanked her arm back into the darkness.

"My arm's fine, just bruised..."

Starfire inspected Raven dubiously, seeing through her. She looked nervous, and paler than usual.

"Raven, please...Do not lie," she asked sadly. "I am your friend, are I not? You know I would never..." She trailed off with a sigh, dropping her arm.

Raven's eyes darted around the room anxiously.

"You're right," she murmured, huffing. "Listen, it's fine, really. I fixed it up myself, but I guess it still needs more time..."

Starfire cracked a smile and let it go.

"Thank you," she mumbled. "But...Something else ails you..."

Raven nodded slowly, feeling somewhat better about the situation. With a deep breath, she continued.

"I don't know, I guess I feel...less wanted. Like everyone's judging me."

Starfire shook her head, but Raven went on.

"Maybe they're not, but it feels like it. I feel so out of place. Everybody can be smiling and...and laughing...And I just sit there by myself. It's not like anybody would enjoy my company anyway, so-"

"Do not say these things!" Starfire urged, staring Raven dead in the eyes with concern. "Raven...You are wanted. Perhaps...Perhaps we may not show it sometimes, but...We are afraid we may anger you..."

Raven's eyes widened.

"You're afraid of ME...?" she mumbled.

Starfire shrugged, bobbing her head.

"Well...Maybe the others are not, but I am...on ocassion. I do not wish to endanger your happiness, and Robin always says that you wish to be alone..."

Raven paused to think on this for a moment, frowning in perplexment.

"...Well, Star...I'm afraid of YOU guys...Just...Some part of me always says that I'll never be accepted. I'm too...'out there.' So I get over it."

Starfire gave Raven a pat on the shoulder.

"Dear friend, do you not think that I feel same way? I am from another world, too. But I have learned many things here, and I do not let my differences halt myself. You must never feel afraid to be with your friends..."

She made sure Raven's wide eyes were locked with hers as she spoke firmly.

"We are your friends, Raven. We would never think badly of you...All you must do is open yourself, and then we will all understand you better. But we already accept you..."

"...Really...?" the pale-skinned girl mumbled hopefully. "But...I can't. If I let my emotions get out of hand, then my powers will go crazy...So I meditate every day to clear my mind of everything..."

Starfire contemplated for a minute or two of silence, then came up with the solution.

"Raven, you meditate to forget your own emotions...But...This is unhealthy, it is why you feel so scared and...unfriendly...Is it not...?"

Raven narrowed her eyes as it struck. Maybe she was getting on to something.

"I believe," Star continued, "that you hide your feelings so much that when you cannot ignore them, you lose control over your powers."

Raven nodded slowly, recognizing this fact.

"...Perhaps if you stopped hiding your emotions and let them out more often, then..." Her eyes lit up and she figured out to phrase it right. "Yes. Raven, your feelings escape you in one fashion or another. Either you destroy them within, or they come out in the form of energy...But if you let them out willingly...Maybe you will not have to worry about ignoring them OR losing control..."

The purple-eyed teen stared at the ground thoughtfully.

{Maybe she's on to something...I never really tried that...But...I don't know what'll happen...}

"That's not as easy for me as it is for you, Starfire," she mumbled quietly. "You're used to being all...open...But I'm not. I can't just change myself so drastically."

Starfire giggled.

"You are correct, Raven. But you are not changing yourself. These feelings...They are already part of you, are they not? You just must let what is inside out..."

Star gave Raven an encouraging smile as she stood up.

"I must depart. Robin is missing, as well. No doubt he requires cheer. But I hope I have aided you in your troubles."

Raven meekly smiled back, her cheecks pink with embarrassment.

"...Thanks, Starfire..." she mumbled shyly. "I, uh...I'll think about what you said..."

Starfire hopped merrily, clapping her hands.

"Glorius! Then...You shall join us? There is still time left to frolic on this glorius Blorthog!"

Raven nodded slowly.

"Um...Yea, I'll be there in a little while. I just need some time to think first..."

"Of course, friend. I look forward to seeing you soon."

As the door slid shut, Raven gazed out her window into the cloudy night sky. The lights of the city reflected in her wet, violet eyes as she thought deeply.

{...She's right...This is what must be holding me back. This whole time, I've been...Not being ME. I've been hiding myself INSIDE. If I turn myself inside-out, then maybe...Maybe I'll start to feel better. It's worth a try...}


The crickets chirped their song of solitude peacefully as a slight breeze played with the blades of grass and the leaves of trees. The sky was a golden color, the clouds all around it bathed in a glorius light as the distant sun slowly sunk into the horizon.

A couple of teenagers were walking hand-in-hand up a hill. One was a beautiful dark-skinned girl with soft braids of black hair. The other was green with pointy ears and short, messy hair.

"I still can't believe it..." Beastboy mumbled to himself incredously. "How old are you?"

Tenochtitlan shrugged, not sure as to how to take Beastboy's surprise.

"I'm eighteen..." she mumbled. "Is there...something wrong...?"

"Oh, no, that's fine..." Beastboy assured her. "It's just...I can't believe you've never been out on a date before..."

Tay tapped her chin thoughtfully.

"Well, I don't remember much, but...I KNOW I've never been on a date. Tikal's been on plenty, though, I know that. She used to tell me all about them..."

Beastboy shook his head. How could such a wonderful girl in physical beauty and emotional beauty spend her first eighteen years without a single date?

"Well...Are you happy...?" he asked her, cringing with worry. He hoped he'd provided a good example.

She smiled, her eyes pink, and rubbed his hand softly.

"Of course I am. I've had fun."

Beastboy sighed of relief inside. Good. At least she had enjoyed herself. He couldn't ask for anymore than that. As they reached the top of the hill, they could see the sunset quite clearly, and its glow bounced off if their lively eyes in a stunning manner.

"HOWEVER," Tay added slyly, narrowing her eyes. "Something's missing..."

Beastboy froze up. Missing? What was missing...? He hadn't forgotten anything, had he? No, no...They'd gone everywhere he'd planned.

"...What's that?" he asked, wrapping his empty hand in her other one as he stared deeply into thye brilliant pink jewels on her face. They glowed with happiness, and her cheecks flushed the same color.

"It's missing a kiss," she said simply. As she playfully tugged on his arms, she added, "Did you honestly think you would get through the night without having to give me a kiss...?"

Beastoy's jaw was dropped.

"A...A kiss...? F-from ME?" he choked out in excitement.

Tay giggled.

"Well, if you really don't want to, I COULD go and kiss that squrrel over there..."

Beatsboy suddenly shrank in size and stared up at her with cute, black eyes and a bushy tail. This caused Tay to laugh even more.

"BB!! Stop it!" she snickered. "I want to kiss the REAL you..."

Beastboy was back to his normal form, grinning wildly.

"Well, here I am, feel free!" he squeaked.

Tenochtitlan paused a moment, trying to figure things out. She carefully placed her arms around Beastboyboy's shoulders, causing him to tremble. His hands found their way at her hips, and they inched closer, until their faces were inched apart.

Beastboy braced himself for the worst- or best, rather. He closed his eyes and waited a moment as her face approached his. Suddenly, he was caught by surprise as he received his kiss- an ****** kiss. She rubbed her nose against his lovingly for a moment, giggling sweetly. He couldn't help but laugh, too, and he returned it. As they removed their heads, their faces were bright red, their eyes conveying their enjoyment.

"Ya know," Beastboy mumbled devilishly. "That was great, but...I was thinking something more like...-" He trailed off, slowly moving his lips toward hers. And, once again, he was caught off guard as he puckered up too early- he'd hit her fingers. She'd held them up to stop him, and was waving her other index finger at him.

"Ah ah ahhh..." she said playfully. Beastboy was disappointed and confused, but that ended quite shortly. "You're doing it all wrong...Like THIS..."

She lowered her fingers slowly and gazed at him deeply with a very relaxed and, as far as Beastboy was concerned, arousing expression. Ever so carefully, her lips softly touched his, and Beastboy felt as if air from heaven escaped her mouth into his.

It was over as suddenly as it had arrived, but it was well worth it.

He couldn't say a word. All he was capable of doing was standing in awe, gazing off into the air dreamily. Tenoch grinned with laughter, but managed to hold it in.

"I guess I know what I'm doing better than YOU do," she chuckled. "So I guess experience has nothing to do with it..."

Beastboy took a deep and slow breath, then said quietly, "You SWEAR you've never done this before...?" as if he still couldn't believe it.

"No, I swear," she cried, giving him a small slap on the shoulder. "Why would I lie?"

"Well, you're pretty deceptive, playing all innocent on me," he replied smoothly, blocking the next smack that was given to him.



Well, eh...There's that. Like it?

Hope so. There's still a scene or two left in it, though...Still workin' on that.


Dec 19, 2002
Great update. Yay it mentioned Terra, but I think I've heard that name before I read about the episode. Dunno how I have heard it. Wow it mentioned the first episode of the first season but instead of Starfire going to the future, the others appeared. Can't wait to hear the Starfire and Robin scene. Beastboy and Tenochtitlan sitting in a...*Beastboy smacks me*...Ow.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.

I started writing that scene last night, but it's just not coming out right...I just can't quite fit the initial scene together right, but a lot of the scenes AFTER it should be easy...

Huh? Terra?! Did I seriously mention Terra's name somewhere in there?! :eek: That's not right, because Terra's not HERE YET!!

I don't remember mentioning Terra about anything...-_-



NOOOO WAAAYYY!!! :crazy:


"Wow it mentioned the first episode of the first season but instead of Starfire going to the future, the others appeared."

VERY GOOD!! *sweatdrop* We're actually making some progress here! (I think you meant SECOND season, though...)

Hmmmm...Now, let's see if we can start to piece other things together, too...

"W-What?! Th-that's impossible! I researched this date thoroughly, and there were only FIVE Titans!" he growled in surprise and annoyance. {Although,} he added mentally as he shot at Mario, {The sixth one joined shortly after this, I suppose I could've miscalculated...But she isn't here, and there were certainly NOT ten Titans, I was assured there were only five!}

HMMMM...Now, maybe, just maybe, that might be something to bear in mind...

I don't randomly write crap here, people! (Although that last BB/Tay scene was pure randomness...So was Cyborg and Sonic fork fencing...)

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Fork fencing is fun fun FUN! :rotfl:

Sorry I haven't replied in a while...

So Raven is going to be more social... That's hard to imagine, but we'll see what happens. After all, it was Blorthog.

Although, that fork-fencing scene where all the heroes started to fight with each other.... I mean, I can understand the fact that most of them are teens, but normally, they take their crime-fighting jobs seriously; it's just wierd seeing them fight like that. But, it's one of the many twists and turns that make this story fun to read! :D

As far as Beastboy and Tenochtitlan goes... Whoa! I can see the sparks flying. :chuckle: If there's no outside interference, there's a good chance that their relationship will grow, if ya know what I mean. ;)

Man, I am SOOOOO happy right now. Check this out!

One of my latest games, "Astro Dude: part 1" has won the Daily Click Game of the Week Award. It's a minor award, but i'm still pretty excited about it!

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.

Um...Outside interference...Yea...I guess that's what you could call it...*sweatdrop*

On the show, the Titans often argue about stupid things. After all, they've gotta be really stressed out sometimes, ya know?

Besides, thing are going GOOD right now...Later on they won't quite be arguinga bout such minor things, and forks will be put aside for fists...-_-'

Hm...Astro Dude? Ah ha...Well, that's great! :)

Now, eh...Yea, I'm liking this BB/Tay thing...But...I can't promise you how it'll turn out...-_-'

Then there's Star and Robin, and well, THAT'S just amusing, too. !!!

Oh, right! Forgot to post that last bit up, eh? I'll do that.

The next Chapter- Rough Around the Edges- will be done...eh...later...I barely started it...

Yes, I know that seeing Raven more social probably sounds weird, but I've seen it done, and it worked. It's not like she's all happy and Starfire-ish all of a sudden...It's a gradual thing, for the most part...

Hm...I'm miffed, because my cool little design thingies get messed up when I post them...

Ah, well...

Starfire sighed deeply as she drearily drifted down the hallways. Suddenly, she bumped upon Tikal, who sat gracefully, reading an old, brown book with thick, wood covers. Its pages were yellowed and old, with an ancient language written upon them.

Star gazed curiously over her shoulder, and she turned to face the tanned girl.

"Oh, Star...What is it?" she asked calmly, slowly closing the book.
Starfire fiddled with her fingers nervously as she murmured with worry.

"I cannot find Robin anywhere. I wish for him to join us in our celebration. Shall you come, too?"

Tikal nodded happily, placing the book on her hip.
"Sure, I just needed a little time alone. Robin?" She tapped her chin, glancing down the hall.

"Yea, I saw him go into that room over there," she mumbled, pointing out a door near the end of the hall.

Star nodded briskly and zipped toward it, waving farewell.

"Many thanks!" she called out.

Suddenly, she froze up with fear and gasped in horror. She now realized what room this was...It was...It was the 'Slade' room...

"No..." she whimpered. "This cannot be right...Robin, he promised..." Water was beginning to form in her beautiful eyes. Robin couldn't break his promises, he just...he just couldn't!

She faced her fears and pressed a button, opening the door. But her fears were quickly recognized as the room sprawled out before her. The darkness, the dim light, and the papers on the walls...It was all like before.
She gulped and trudged in, her legs feeling weak.

Robin was hunched over his desk, just like before, staring at something in his hand. As Star approached, she felt her stomach get queasy. She stopped, unable to get any closer. How could Robin break his promise? How could he continue to hurt himself like this?

And then the masked crusader spun around in his chair to see Star. He had a warm grin about him, and was almost chuckling. But then he saw Star's destroyed expression, and he froze.

"S-Starfire? Wh...What's wrong?" he muttered, confused.

Star simply frowned at him with disappointment, and squinted her eyes shut. She crossed her arms over her chest firmly, and bobbed her head.

"Wh...-?" Robin got up as she began to hobble out of the room. He grabbed her shoulder firmly, and spun her body around.

"Star, is this about the last time?" he asked slowly and nervously. Starfire simply gave him an almost angry glance, then looked away.

"Star," Robin tried to convince her, "I know what I promised. And I haven't ignored it. Look..." He rose up what he had been looking at to her face. "Look at this..."

She reluctantly opened her eyes to see a picture of five teenagers, all lined up in front of their new home.

"Do you remember that day?" he said slowly, smiling fondly. "When we finally became a full-fledged team? When you joined us...?"

Starfire's eyes now glowed with memories, her expression full of awe.
"I do..." she whispered. "But..." She blinked in confusion. "What relevance does this photograph have with-" Robin had eased her further into the room, where it all began to make sense. The desk, it had pictures on it- pictures of the Titans. It had an old prototype communicator, and some of Robin's old devices. Upon the wall were various articles of how the Titans had 'saved the day,' as well as other various pictures and things from their past.

"...I understand..." she murmured with a rising glee. "This is no longer a Slade room...It is a...friendship room!" She finished with glee, hopping a little. "Robin, this is fantastic! I find it truly appealing!"

Robin nodded, glancing around the room.
"Yes, I thought you'd like it," he muttered. He led Starfire to a small couch he had placed next to the desk, leaned up against the wall. Another small light hung above it, but Starfire left it off. She enjoyed the dim setting. He could see his face fine, and he could make out hers.

"So, uh...Did you need something?" he asked as he sat down and admired a black helmet with pointed ears that made the centerpiece of his desk.

Starfire suddenly froze up. This was a perfect opportunity, wasn't it? They were alone...It was Blorthog day, of course. Nothing could go terribly wrong, correct? She had made Raven spill her heart out a bit. She should start 'practicing what she preached,' as they said it.

"Oh! Well, I..." She twiddled her thumbs nervously, her eyes wandering. "Everyone else is waiting for us so we may spend more bonding time as a unit, but..." She cleared her throat as it was becoming dry. "There is something of importance I wish to speak to you about beforehand."

Robin nodded slowly, staring at another picture Cyborg had taken- without permission, of course. Using his hand, he had snuck in a picture of Starfire and Robin on a ferris wheel together. They were both laughing about who-knew-what, but...

"Shoot," he answered calmly, continuing to gaze at the photo.
"Um...Well, I know I still have many things to learn of the peoples of your planet...And I am still studying, but I believe this matter does not require much study...I am...not well learned in the ways of courtship in your world, but I might guess that perhaps they are quite similar to those of Tamaran, and..."

Robin was staring at her in perplexment now, trying to make sense of her rambling.

"Forgive me and my incompetent mumbling," Star whispered, embarrassed. Her cheeks had become bright red- as red as her soft, shining hair.
"No, it's all right," Robin answered smoothly.

"...I...I..." Starfire couldn't manage her words properly. {How do I explain such intense emotions in words? Perhaps I should just let my question burst outward...}

And so, out of nowhere (almost), she muttered a question. It was very clear, very solemn, and pleading.

"...Robin, if you don't mind my asking...Would you wish to...'go out' with me...? On a date...?"

Though she had paused here and there, her voice had not wavered one bit. She was showing as much courage and confidence as she could muster at the moment.

Robin gave her a completely puzzled look, and she felt that courage begin to crumble. Robin scratched his chin for a moment, contemplating such a question as Starfire froze up. And then, quite suddenly, he glanced back up at her expectant eyes, and he let out a light smile.
"Why wouldn't I, Star? Of course."

Starfire's eyes sparkled with joy, and she grabbed Robin's hands excitedly.
"Oh, glorious," she whispered, grinning a huge grin. "Thank you dearly, Robin...You will no regret your decision. We will enjoy a lovely evening, I assure you!"

She scrambled up from her seat, bringing a blushing Robin up with her. She squeezed his hands tightly in hers for a moment as her mind wandered from place to place.

"We must arrange our plans posthaste. Where is it you wish you go? What activities shall we participate in?"

Robin let out a small laugh and shrugged.
"You're the one who though of the idea. We'll go wherever you want..."
Star's next action was to bow to Robin elegantly, letting her flowing red hair fall over her shoulder. As she rose, she took a deep breath and attempted to calm herself.

"...You are truly generous, Robin...Might I suggest we go to a romantic restaurant to consume our evening meal...?" She tapped her cheek thoughtfully as she paced a little, looking upward. "Aaand...I believe it would be delightful if we visited the carnival that is in session this week. Yes, that would be glorious..."

As she glanced back at Robin, she paused, her face suddenly being humbled by his smile. She returned the warm grin that he displayed. It was so unlike him, but Star knew it was him, all the same.

"So...At eight, then?" Robin asked casually, though he looked a little nervous. Star nodded quickly at him in the adorable way she often did.

"Yes, that would be very sufficient," she murmured. "But...This night is still young...Do you wish you partake in the rituals of Blorthog? Everyone else is waiting for our company..."

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," Robin said in a warm, quiet tone.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
"So, uh...Did you need something?" he asked as he sat down and admired a black helmet with pointed ears that made the centerpiece of his desk.
Sounds like Batman's helmet. But, it probably isn't. Batman wears a mask, I think...

Welp, it looks like our heroes are generally having a good time. They're opening up and solving some of their personal problems.

But, there's no doubt in my mind that something will soon go horribly wrong... *EP's eyes glance left and right suspiciously* Bum Bum BUUUUUUUM!!

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
You're reading my book like a...well...a book...Sort of...

Hehe...Just wait and see. You'll be in for a shock, I assure you...

Anyway, shut up! A mask normall covers the face, doesn't it? Not the whole head...Of course, I was half-asleep at the time, n'...Whatever. Doesn't matter too much, just a Batman reference, of course. Bit of foreshadowing, kinda...sorta...No, Batman is not appearing in this fic...I really don't like Batman al that much. But obviously Robin respects the guy, and I can't deny that.

Anyway, I'm having a little writer's block, kinda...Trying to introduce Birdo into Q4D! White, n'...Haven't written in my Golden Sun fic in a WHILE, though I have the next Chapter down in my head.

And then there's this fic...I have a portion of this next Chapter done, it's basically about Raven at this point, but it involves the others, too...Ya know, like Terra, obviously...^_^ Oy, I just realized I have two Terras, now, too...


Dec 19, 2002
Great update. So you don't like Batman all that much but you want to show Robin's respect for him? ok uh I think Robins cool but NOT Batman. God why is TRaiwan going to show Teen Titans and not Japan:mad:.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.

Wow...Taiwan, eh? Poor Japan...They'll sing the theme song but not air the show...

Dude, if it weren't for Batman the Titans wouldn't EXIST! I have to show some respect for the guy...I think Robin (In TT, at least) is WAY cooler, but...Batman was like his DAD.

"You can call me 'Father' from now on, Robin..."

"I already have one..."

So there.


Dec 19, 2002
I say stupid stuff a lot:chuckle:. Huh they 're gonna sing the theme song in Japan:confused:? Or do you mean they sang it in Japanese sometimes for the show? Japan is evil because they don't show certain shows...even though they are cool. Hmm Robin does seem a lot like Batman. I like Teen Titans because of the style it's done. So now I'm on Spring Vacation in Taiwan and my little cousin that is 2 or 3 yells ALOT. God I won't be here by April 4th when they show Teen Titans here but it's in Chinese and Starfire won't talk the way she does in English.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Um, eh...

Yea. When a show is put into another language, the characters tend to not sound the same...*sweatdrop*

What do you mean Robin seems like Batman?!

DUH!! Robin's original purpose was to be Batman's SIDEKICK!! Please tell me you know that...-_-'

But Robin grew up a bit, and decided to do things his own way- thus, the Titans were born.

And then, well, he turns into Nightwing when he's older, 'n...Yea. Sweetness.

Um...About Japanese singing...

Puffy Amyumi (Might be a bit off) sings the Teen Titans Theme Song- both versions of it. The English one, the Japanese one...oh, and the credits music, too. Yep.

Um...Well, I'd say I'm about half-way through teh Chapter...maybe...It might be another big one...Afterall, I AM introducing Terra...And so far, I haven't introduced her yet, and I've been typing it for a good hour or two...


Dec 19, 2002
You spelled Puffy AmiYumi wrong:chuckle:. I already know the part about the theme song but for some reason there is no sign of Teen Titans in Japan -_-'. Nothing mentions it. I'm looking forward to the next update. BTW I don't feel like discussing batman right now because My cousin is sitting on my shoulder trying to mess around by ty ping any random thing because he is 2. I have to erase all he did.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Good, 'cause I don't feel like talking about Batman, either.

LOL. I can't wait to write about Starfire and Robin's first date...^_^
I can't wait to have Raven's emotions explode...
I can't wait to create bitter feelings amongst the Titans because of an event that doesn't happen 'how it was supposed to.'


Of course, I really need to work a bit more on my OTHER two fics...

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Speaking of your other two fics... For some strange reason, my computer won't let me go to fanfiction.net. Every time I try to go there, it says "This page is unavailable".

It's been doing that for months now, so I guess I can't read any of your FF fics unless I use a relative's computer. Even so, I only leave my house 1-2 times every month.

Curse this fluctuating weather! It actually SNOWED today. In the middle of spring! What is this world coming to? :o

Welp, I've been stuck in my room all day for the past 3 days playing Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance (it's way better than Soul Calibur 2). But i'll check back here periodically to see if you've updated. ;)

Daniel Miller

Smash Journeyman
Dec 30, 2001
drifting down Akina mountain
'Sup DS. Nice fic! Be happy to know that I watch Teen Titans too, so I understand everything. :D But... Raven and Link?? I can't see that. And isn't Beastboy only 4 1/2 feet tall? Ahhh, anyway, great fic. Update soon.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.

OK, first of all, Soul Calibur II is better than MK:DA. Yes, my opinion, but I also see the game has a LOT more quality pu tinto it, the battle system is fresher and not the same-old same old, and everything about the game just flows nicely. MK:DA just bored me after a while. Sould Calibur II is also simpler to learn other people's moves, yet not difficult to pull (most of) them off.

In MK:DA, you have to go, like, up, down, down-right, x, o, triangle, left left, blabla...Gag me, please...:p

Secondly, I never SAID Link and Raven were going out, cool your jets. :p Raven's allowed to LIKE him, isn't she?

As for Beastboy's height...Umm...What about it?

I don't believe I ever said he was 5.64 feet or anything like that...

The next Chapter is about 1/3 done.

Terra will be coming in at Chapter 10. I WAS going to have her come in in 9, but...I have too many other plans...

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.

You make Raven out to be an emotionless drone who's not ALLOWED to have feelings for anyone...-_-

Quite the contrary. It's Raven's emotions that have caused her to become who she is. If she had not been through so much as a child, and if her emotions had not gone wild, she would not have to bottle them up inside.

Chapter 9 is about halfway done now.

Daniel Miller

Smash Journeyman
Dec 30, 2001
drifting down Akina mountain
Originally posted by Destiny Smasher

You make Raven out to be an emotionless drone who's not ALLOWED to have feelings for anyone...-_-
No no no... I mean I can't see her likeing anyone as in a boyfriend-girlfriend type of like, not being completely emotionless. She has the other Titans as friends, right? You like your friends, but not in the same way you like your boyfriend/girlfriend. BTW I need to ask you, who is Tikal? I remember hearing that name somewhere before, but I can't exactly place it. Could ya help me?

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Welcome aboard, Daniel! :D


*Looks at DS's signature* So that's what Starfire looks like. Funny; she looks almost exactly like I imagined, but I imagined her skin had a light blue tone to it.

As far as the Raven/Link scenario goes, I believe that DS has a right to "bend" Raven's character. After all, it's HIS fic, and he can do what he wants with his characters.

But, if you're going to make Raven more social, do it gradually over time. Try not to make her social transformation too sudden, because then it will feel awkward.

Well, i'm currently spending the week at my aunt's house. She has a computer, so I finally got a chance to catch up with Q4D White over at FF.net. I was also able to buy "Beyond Good & Evil" for the PS2. I love it! :D In my opinion, BG&E has THE most awesome and addicting storyline of any game i've played. It's bizarre, but in a good way. I was (and still am) completely blown away. :love:

Well anywayz, get that chappy done. I'm anticipating the debut of Terra in chapter 10. :)


Dec 19, 2002
EP, Starfire isn't THAT orange. She has red hair...I think plus her suit is blue-ish.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Yes, I COULD have made my title longer. I really call it 'The X Factor,' but it's part of the 'Winds of Fate' saga, etc...

Usually, I just say TTX. :p

Um...EP...You seriously haven't bothered to see what the Titans look like yet? O_o

Um...Well, that's a very good pic of Starfire's face in my sig, but yea- the color is WAY off, or did you now guess that?!

Caba, I can't see whatever you posted up...^_^'

At any rate, I'll find soke good pics right now...


OK, first of all, Raven is not incapable of having a crush on someone, I'm sorry. Secondly- DUH, of COURSE I make the change gradual! :p I'm not a moron. Matter of fact, she really only shows it around Starfire at first, andslowly begins to interact more socially with the rest of them.

Ya know, after I find some pics, I'll post up the decent bit of Chapter 9 I have...ALMOST done, but not quite yet...

There's a good standard piccy...A little TOO 'superhero-ey'...

Hehe...Some random dude took a pic of his TV...

"And that, Robin, is the secret to traveling at the speed of light!"

LOL! Now THIS one is amusing...It's advertising the 'Teen Titans: Go!' comic that recently was released, based on the show, as you can see.

As you can see, a little messed up, but funny.

Anyway, you could always go to www.teentitans.com

Or go to Google, but...Most pics you'll find are kinda weird lookin', OR they're the many older versions of the TT, which, honestly, creep me out...

Um...Or, ya know, you could watch the show...

It's coming to weekday evenings at 6:30, right after the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles- the new ones. :p

It's going to be on Monday-Thursday at 6:30 and 10:00...

And it's still going to be on the weekends at some point, too, not to mention WHENEVER they play it on WB...So it's all over.

Oh, yes! Tikal is a Sonic character...But remember, all the VG characters in this fic don't quite look the way you might know them- I hope you're all keeping that in mind. I did describe them in the beginning, so...

GUYRG!!! CURSE the curse-blocker thing...I type da**, and it comes out ****, or he**, and it comes out ****...

Kind of annoying, because I want my readers to know EXACTLY what they are saying. No 'F-Bombs' were dropped in this Chapter, mind you! Though...I'm sure there'll be plenty later on, unfortunately...^_^'

<-{--[*<Begin Transmission>*]--}->

The Q4D! Saga...

Winds of Fate: The X Factor

Chapter 9- Awkward

"Mmm...It was just...I've never experienced anything like it before..." Tenochtitlan murmured dreamily.

"Your lips came into contact with eachother...?" Starfire whispered with glee.

Tay nodded, smiling weakly, her cheeks flushed.

Tikal rapidly clapped her hands in a quiet fashion, beaming with joy.

"That's delightful!" she said merrily. "You two really make a cute couple, I think..."

"Thanks," Tay managed out, still captured by that moment from the night before. That kiss...It was so perfect, so right...She'd never had any experience like that before.

{I feel so guilty,} she thought to herself. {It's like it's too good...Like I'm not supposed to be doing that sort of thing...} She found her own thoughts comical. What was she to complain about? Everything was working out great! She was learning to cook, she was finding out what dating was like, she had new friends...And yet...There was a HUMONGOUS empty space amidst it all. She ignored it, but it was still there. No happiness shecould have here would get rid of it. If only she knew what would fill that gap in...

Raven was walking behind them shyly. She hadn't said much since they had began their trek through the tower that morning. She just felt so unsure about trying to open herself up. But she was gradually working on it.

{I just need to let the real me out...} she kept telling herself.

She glanced at Starfire's face. It was elated and excited. Nervous, even. She could feel all these mixed emotions coming out from the girl.

"...So, Star...What's up with you...?" she managed to croak out.

Star paused in surprise for a moment, and she turned her head behind her to see the hooded girl. She slowed her pacing slightly so that the two of them were side-by-side, and looked at the big, purple eyes of the Titan. They were ready to explode with emotions. Just like her own were.

"...I-I...-" she fumbled as her hands fidgeted with one another. "Wh-whatever do you mean? There is nothing wrong, I am feeling quite fine..." she answered with a slight shakiness to her. In a playful way of trying to forget her nervousness, she threw Raven's hood off her head. Raven was taken aback for a moment, and it almost seemed as if she would frown irritably. Instead, she let out a small giggle. Yes, a giggle. Though almost unnoticeable, there was no denying that it was a giggle coming from Raven.

"You don't need to hide anything Star," she said, smiling slightly. "We're friends, aren't we?" She gave Starfire a sly and warm expression, and Star remembered their conversation last night.

{"If you reveal your ailments to me...I shall...inform you of my own. Does this sound fair...?"}

Her own words from the previous evening echoed back. Of course! She'd forgotten to express her own fears to Raven. After a weak and embarrassed smile, she began to mumble her comments.

"You see, Raven, I...I have been having a very strange feeling as of late..." She realized her own mistake and corrected it. "I have been feeling this way for quite a period of time, actually...And I could no longer hide it...Therefore, I...I have asked Robin to partake in the ritual of 'dating.' We are to 'go out' this evening..."

Raven's face was shocked and joyed at the same time.

"...Wow," was all she could mutter at first. "Th-...That's great, Starfire," she said with a tone of happiness not common to her usual self. "I-I hope things go well...I always thought that would happen sooner or later..." she added slyly with a smirk.

"...It is...that obvious?" Starfire whispered in terror.

Raven chuckled casually, showing her teeth in a humorous grin.

"Yea...It's that obvious," she answered, holding back more laughs.

Starfire's face went beet red, and she looked away for a moment. After some hesitation, she asked Raven a question slowly.

"Raven...Do you wish to aid me in preparing for this ocassion...?" She half-cringed with fear from the answer. She was really hoping that her good friend would be able to help her with this matter.

Raven noticed the worry and fear of rejection on Star's face. She really wanted to impress Robin. Although Raven believed that one shouldn't go out of their way just to impress someone to be liked, she realized that this was a date- impressing your partner was often have the fun.

She squinted her eyes and smiled. She answered, "Of course I would," in her raspy yet excited tone.

"OH! Can we help?" Tenoch cried in glee with a loud clap.

Tikal elbowed her and said, "I think it would be better if I helped YOU. Besides," she smiled at Star's blushing face. "I want Starfire's look to be a surprise."

Starfire giggled back, nodding.

"I can assure you that it will be," she squealed.

As the other three conversed about their plans, Raven zoned out. Her face lost its glow.

{They're all so happy...} she thought to herself. {They all have a boyfriend. I'll bet they must have a lot of fun. I just wish I knew what it was like...I feel so left out. Tonight they all get to go out with their 'guys', and I'll be alone. But I guess it makes sense...Why would they want to spend time with me, anyway, when they have that 'someone special'?...} She sighed inwardly, wishing that she had their beauty. Of course, Raven did not give herself enough credit. Her self-esteem was a wreck, it had been for the past while. She wasn't nearly as ugly as she thought she was- many a guy would find her attractive. But who cared? Even IF a guy thought she was pretty, what personality did they have to love? Just a...fake, dull, depressing one...

{I have to get rid of it,} she declared to herself. {I can't expect to find good friendship or love if I have a wall set up that won't let them IN...}

"-something to eat?"

Raven snapped awake to realize she was in the kicthen, and Tay was attempting to whip up some food. She had been asked a question, but she hadn't quite caught it. She answered it with a blank look and silence, trying to get over the shock of having no recollection of getting to the kitchen.

"I'll take something to eat," Link announced as he entered the room with Cyborg.

"Count me in!" Cyborg agreed.

Tenochtitlan was flattered by their trust with her at the stove.

"Y-you actually want to let me cook?" she muttered in disbelief.

Link, who had been picking on her for the past long while, leaned up against the wall next to the stove and answered casually, "Why not? You're not half bad. Ya need some more work, yea, but ya won't get good if ya don't practice, right?"

"R-right!" Tay exclaimed eagerly. "Don't you worry, I won't let you down!"

Raven had found herself inching toward the opposite side of the room since the blonde had entered.

{...Agh! Why do I have to be such an idiot...?}

Raven suddenly felt her arm tense up in pain, out of nowhere. It locked up a bit, captured by hurt. She froze in shock and let out a cry, snatching it with her other arm.

The others gasped in surprise and rushed to her to see what was the matter.

"Raven!" Star whimpered with worry, noticing her clenched teeth. "Is it your arm...?"

Raven nodded quickly and squinted her eyes shut as another wave of pain surged up from her arm. It was a burning, but from the inside. An icey cold burning. The feeling you get when you're so cold it hurts. She couldn't move her arm out of her cloak to show it, it ached so.

Starfire immediately opened the cloak up, and let out a shriek of fright. The black 'bruise' on Raven's arm had grown to about twice its size since the previous night, spreading out. The center was even darker than it had been, and yet the skin itself didn't appear to be damaged in any way. Everyone around her gasped in horror at the sight of the inury, backing away slightly.

{Just perfect...Now I look even scarier than I did before,} Raven complained to herself, her body tensed up and rigid.

"W-we must find the others quickly!" Star exclaimed. "Surely Robin will know what to do!"

Cyborg stepped to Raven quickly, and motioned Link to help him out. As Starfire and the other girls ran off to find Robin, Cyborg began preparations on analyzing the wound.

"Yo, get her on the counter," he commanded, nodding his head toward the nearby island counter.

Link nodded solemnly, and inched toward Raven.

"Don't worry, Ray," Cyborg said calmly as Link wrapped his arms around her. "We're gonna figure out what's up, a'ight?"

Raven's eyes were shut tight in agony, and she cried out in pain as Link scooped her light body up off the floor. Link was a strong guy for his looks, and had little trouble lifting her up over the counter. Raven's eyes opened slowly, for she felt more relaxed with his arms around her. Her pain died down somewhat as she blankly gazed up at his serious face, though she was dazed. As Link gentley set her down back-first onto the cool, marble counter, Cyborg was pressing buttons on his arm and pulling out a long, thin cord from one of his fingers. At the end of the cord was a suction cup-like tip.

Raven tried to relax, but she was having trouble doing so, especially with Link hovering over her while she was sprawled out on this countertop.

"Thanks, man," Cyborg muttered to Link as he focused on attaching the suction pad to Raven's arm in the middle of the area where the dark spot had grown. "****," he murmured with worry, shaking his head slowly. "What happened...?" he asked quietly as his strong hands firmly stuck the pad in place.

Raven, her arm numb from the pain, groaned out her reply. A whimper carried through her words as well, which seemed very out-of-place for her.

"I-I don't know...It was fine before, I took care of it, but...-" She trailed off as water began to form in her eyes from the constant burning. Cyborg had to rip her free arm off of the injured one, and he commanded Link to pin it to the table beside her. She grunted and struggled slightly to remove the arm from its grasp, but to no avail.

Cyborg had a serious and thoughtful look about him as he waited patiently for his results to come in. After carefully inspecting the small screen on his arm, he shook his head in awe.

"I don't get it...I'm pickin' up some strange energy signature..." he muttered dubiously. "Whatever it is, it's no disease...And it ain't just a bruise, either..."

"What IS it, then?" Link questioned with worry as he held Raven's arm down, who had given up and seemed about ready to pass out. Cyborg nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

"No clue," was all he could say in response.

Robin burst into the room in a rush, and scrambled with the others to the table. They were all chattering to eachother quietly as they all seemed to gaze down at her. She felt like a lab rat in a cage under their watchful eyes.

"You OK?" murmured Beastboy with shock.

"You don't look so good," Tay mumbled nervously, staring with worry at her injury.

"I'm...all right," she managed to groan out between clenched teeth.

"What's wrong with her?" Robin demanded with concern.

Cyborg gave a frightened expression as he answered honestly, "Beats me. I can't figure it out. I'm getting energy readings, but otherwise her arm seems fine..."

Robin's gaze shifted to his aching friend who was sprawled across the table, his masked eyes showing suspicion.

"Raven, what happened?" he asked calmly.

She huffed out air from her mouth and glared at the ceiling as dully as she could, the intense burning of her arm dying down so it wasn't unbearable.

"I'm not sure," she whimpered, squinting. "I can't think of anything...The laser, it...It wasn't a big deal, I took care of it..."

Robin nodded slowly, believing he had figured out a possible solution. He turned to Cyborg and gave out his hypothesis solemnly.

"You think that maybe that guy's lasers somehow did this?"

Cyborg shrugged as she slowly removed the data collector from Raven's arm, which caused her to flinch and suck in air between her teeth.

"About the only thing I can think of," the robot-human asnwered with a shrug. "That guy was from the future, right? Maybe he had the technology to do this kinda stuff..."

Starfire had glided slowly over to where Raven's head rested and gently massaged her friend's forehead, admiring the small jewel that was placed there.

"All is fine, friend. You will be well soon enough," she comforted the girl.

"I hope so," Raven grumbled, realizing that the pain was dying down gradually. She glanced down at her arm hopefully, but much to her dismay, the darkness had not receded a bit.

"Raven, you just sit tight," Robin advised as Cyborg lifted her up with ease in his powerful arms.

Raven nodded drearily, but she was losing conscience. Before she knew it, she was in the living room, her body laid down on the couch on its side. Her head was propped up on a small, velvety pillow. A soft cloth blanket of black was nestled around her, and she snuggled with it, embracing its fuzzy texture. Her cloak was draped over the couch's spine, but she couldn't see it, as her head was facing the outside of the furniture.

She paused for a moment, confused. Trying to figure out what had ocurred, she was surprised to see one of her fellow Titans pace into the room quietly and carefully. At first, all she could see were two brown, smooth, bare feet with bracelets dangling the right one. She glanced up slowly to make out the mysterious outfit of Tenochtitlan, who was carefully carrying a ceramic bowl of thick tomato soup. As Tay genlty set the soup down on the cofee table, she glanced over to see that Raven was awake. Her orange eyes turned into yellow as she gave Raven a friendly smile, pushing the hair that had fallen over her face back.

"You feeling any better...?" she inquired hopefully.

Raven slowly sat up, keeping the blanket wrapped around her. She would've felt bitter cold without it, though she couldn't determine why- it was perfectly warm in the room. She smelled the food's aroma, which made her salivate. She gazed into the soup in a bit of a daze and murmured softly, "Mm...I'm better...Thanks..."

Tay rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly as she gave out a piece of information.

"I hope you like the soup...I made it myself. I heard that tomato is your favorite."

Raven cracked a smile and nodded slowly. She brushed away the starnds of her light-purple hair that had stuck to her face or been moved in her sleep. Her big, purple eyes glowed with appreciation up at Tay, who felt touched by them.

"Thanks, Tay..." she whispered shyly, her cheeks getting slightly pink for a second. They went back to normal as she immediately wondered where everyone else was.

"Something came up," Tenochtitlan explained. "So I volunteered to stay here and take care of you. They should be back pretty soon, it didn't seem too serious."

Raven's head bobbed up and down a little as her hand reached out for the metal spoon that had been placed beside her bowl. Her hand was trembling, and she didn't understand why. Noticing the blackness that had grown from within it, she quickly pulled it back in and sent out her right arm. She began to slurp up the thick, red liquid eagerly, giving in to her hunger. Tay chuckled heartily at the sight- Raven, hunched over a cofee table, a blanket around her, sucking down soup like an animal.

"Don't choke!" she giggled out, shaking her head. Raven swallowed her latest bite and grinned slightly.

{This isn't so bad,} she thought to herself peacefully. {I feel great...besides my arm, at least. Maybe Starfire was right, this seems to be working...}


Robin ran his hand through the cripsy, singed grass carefully. A circle of blackened grass was all the hard evidence the Titans had been left with when they arrived on the scene in the city's park. The others searched frantically for clues all around Robin. Beastboy was inspecting nearby trees, Cyborg was scanning bushes littering the area, but not one spot of raw proof could be found except this patch of toasted vegetation.

Robin' perplexed face glanced up to see Starfire, who had just zipped up to him with news. As he gazed up at her, she paused, frozen in embarrassment. Red splotches formed on her cheeks, but she tried to be serious.

"Nearby witnesses report that they recollect the vision of an interplanetary transportation device flying overhead."

Robin nodded slowly, crumbling some of the burnt plant in his hand and letting it float down to the ground.

"A UFO, huh...? They weren't trying to attack, that's for sure. There was nothing here to attack...But was there no ONE...?"

Starfire shrugged slightly, puzzled.

"Tikal, Sonic," Robin called out, waving an arm to them. Sonic was at his side in a quick blur, while Tikal hurried to glide to him.


"What's up?"

Robin tapped his chin thoughtfully.

"I want you to go to the police office and see if there's any reports of missing persons...This event happened not too long ago, but...There's no harm in checking..."

"You bet!"

"Of course."


24 hours had passed, and there was no sign of any kidnappings, amazingly enough. Robin had concluded, "Whatever they came here for, they got it," and decided to leave the matter at that. There were other crimes to worry about, after all.

It was about three o'clock in the afternoon now, and everyone had wandered off to do their own thing.

Starfire was eagerly preparing for her plans with Robin that evening, trying to avoid him at all costs. This way, he would be surprised.

She had been 'clinging' to Beastboy and Tenochtitlan for the past few hours, trying to see how they acted around each other. She was also asking for advice in little tidbits in their conversations. At the current moment, she was off getting changed into what she would later wear that evening, while Beastboy and Tay were hanging out in in BB's bedroom.

"It's about TIME she left us alone," Beastboy sighed after a couple minutes of peaceful silence.

"Oh, B," Tay huffed, shaking her head slowly as she examined his sloppy dresser. "Don't say it like that...Star's such a sweet person, and she's been so good to me..."

Beastboy was staring at his ceiling from his bed thoughtfully, sprawled out on his back in a disorderly fashion.

"Sorry," he moaned apologetically. "I didn't-...Don't get me wrong, Star is awesome. It's just that I've been dying to get some time with you alone, ya know...?"

Tenochtitlan's eyes turned pink, but she didn't face her newly-found boyfriend. He WAS her boyfriend, wasn't he...? Well, maybe not OFFICIALLY, quite yet, but yes, he was...She was still observing the articles of clothing that were loosely hanging out of his drawers. She was trying to give his room a little more order, but not too much. She knew he liked his messiness. Just the other day, Tikal had arranged all of his horror movies in order of release date (she'd been a little bored) and Beastboy went insane.

{My movies!! They're...They're in ORDER?! How am I supposed to find anything?!}

"I know," she replied to him in a cheery whisper. "I've been looking forward to it, too, B. But we have other friends, you know. We can't just shut the rest of the world away..."

Beastboy continued to reflect peacefully, blisfully unaware that Tay was tidying things up slightly. As she picked up a pair of leopard-patterned boxers off the floor, she let out a giggle. Fortunately, Beastboy seemed too concerned with something else to worry about it. He merely shook his head and blushed.

"I can't wait to see you in THIS," she cried humorously, snickering.

"You're gonna have to earn it," Beastboy answered with a sneaky tone, grinning back up at the ceiling.

Breaking through their comical moment was a rapping at the door. It was rushed and slightly urgent.

"Hello?" Beastboy called out, slightly surprised.

"Beastboy?" It was Starfire. "Tenochtitlan? It is I, Starfire. I seek your opinion on an important matter. May I be permitted to enter?"

Tay saw Beastboy's expression wince, and she shook her head with a smile.

"Of course!" she sang out sweetly, sitting down on the bed beside Beastboy.

The door slid open quickly and shut as an angelic figure crossed into the room. She was very noticable, with a dim pink dress of silk, though it had no intricate patterns upon it. Her flaming, shiny red hair cascaded down her shoulders as if usually did, and her green eyes glowed with excitement. Her dress had no sleeves, but she wore smooth satin gloves that ran up just past her elbows, their shade a bright pink. She wore elegant high-heels as red as her hair, as well, and she was surprisingly comfortable in them.

Beastboy's jaw had dropped in awe as he gazed at her from head to toe.

"...Am I...strange...?" Starfire questioned dubiously, confused about Beastboy's stare.

"Ga...N...N-no, not at all," he stumbled, rubbing his eyes to see if they were deceiving him. "Y-you look GREAT, Starfire!" he murmured in awe, impressed. Tenochtitlan smacked him on the back of the head swiftly, shooting him a sly grin.

"B-but you look great, too," Beastboy quickly added, defending himself from another blow. "VERY great..."

Starfire looked at herself with a lack of esteem. She wasn't sure if it was good enough. It was kind of plain...

"Yes, Star," Tay added cheerfully, pleased with her look. "You look very pretty, I'm sure Robin will be taken off his feet!"

Starfire smiled meekly, trying to picture the thought.

"Thank you, friends, for your opinion," she mumbled, her tan cheeks turning pink. "I hope Robin finds this as sufficient as you do..."

"Oh, I wouldn't worry, Star," Beastboy responded cooly, tossing an arm. "I mean, he's a teenage guy, and...Well...you're...-" He rubbed the back of his head awkwardly as he trailed off.

"You can say it," Tay whispered in his pointy ear.

Beastboy knew as well as Tay that Starfire could use an ego-boost, so he decided to admit it.

"Star, I think you're lookin' pretty hot, honestly..." He glanced away quickly, feeling far too embarrassed to look either girl in the face. He couldn't help his hormones! It's not like he was a lustful pig or anything...

Starfire's expression changed to a very confused one as she hovered an inch or so off the ground.

Tenochtitlan giggled and rubbed Beastboy's hair affectionately.

"I do not feel that my temperature has-"

"That's not what he means," Tay snickered, her eyes pink.

"...I do not understand," Starfire muttered, feeling like a complete idiot. This term seemed to be common knowledge, and she knew she had heard it before, but had never quite understood it. She often felt foolish to ask in the middle of a conversation what a phrase meant, pr to ask at all. Imagine going up to someone and asking them what that term meant- quite embarassing, perhaps?

"It's OK," Tenoch said, calming down, but still beaming. "When someone says that, at least in the way he meant it...What he was saying is that you're very pretty. You're...attractive..." She rotated her hand, hoping Star would get the idea. After a moment of analysis, her eyes popped wide, and she gasped.

"...Attractive...?" she sheepishly squeaked. "When the hormones of the body- in this case, testosterone- arouse the reproductive organs-"

"ALL RIGHT, that's enough of that," Beastboy almost shrieked loudly, his voice trembling and scratched. "Nevermind I said it, no big!"

Starfire paused and saw his nervous grin, and it made her smile. Did Robin think this? She could admit she felt the same about him...But it was far more than that, just as her friendship with Beastboy was far beyond the fact that he thought she had a pretty face.

"...Thank you, Beastboy," she said, bowing her head down slightly. With a giggle, she waved her hand to her two friends. "I apologize for bringing such an awkward situation upon you. If you do not mind, I shall take my leave and prepare for this evening..."

"You sure?" Tay asked with a slight sadness. "You don't have to leave so soon." Beastboy was wincing beside her, and Star could sense he felt degraded enough.

"No, I am fine, but many thanks for your offer...I know you wish to be alone, as I will be with Robin this evening." She smiled as brightly as she could, and floated gracefully out of the room, her mind stuck on what Beastboy had said.


Raven's eyes slowly scanned the hallway, making sure that no one had followed them. Starfire, still in her graceful attire, came soaring into the room ahead of her as she checked. The results satisfying, Raven stepped into her room, pressing he button that closed the metal door.

After a moment of silence, her curious purple eyes gazing at her friend's excited emerald ones, Raven spoke inquisitively.

"What is it...?"

Starfire was smiling sheepishly, and she had her arms behind her in an innocent pose.

"I-I was wondering if you could enlighten me regarding a few matters...?"

Raven lifted one of her brows slowly, and nodded toward her bed.

"Well, if we're going to talk, the least you could do is sit down," she announced quietly. Starfire nodded eagerly, and floated over to the bed, sitting herself on the black blankets carefully.

Raven, her cloak cast aside, gently sat herself down. Her arm was looking a little better than it had been earlier. She'd recovered fine, but was still feeling a little lethargic. A twinge of pain shot her heas- brief, but it shook her. She grabbed her forehead in a moment of agony. After she opened her eyes, she realized that Star had her hand on her shoulder, checking to see she was all right.

"Raven? What is wrong?" Star demanded with concern.

"Nothing, just a little headache," Raven muttered with a deep breath as it melted away. After a pause, Star let her gloved arm drop to her side and asked another related question.

"Have you been ill all day?"

Raven shrugged, staring at the cold wooden floor.

"I guess you could say that," she admitted. "Whatever's wrong with me, it's been hurting all day, in waves. It comes and goes. Don't worry, I'll be fine." She gave a weak smile to her friend, who returned it.

"I know, Raven," she replied warmly. "You have friends to help you; of course you will be fine."

Another few seconds of tranquility passed, and Raven tried to focus on the point of their meeting.

"So...Why did you want to talk to me...?" she inquired with great curiosity.

Starfire blushed wildly, brushing off a few dust specks from her pink dress.

"You have not guessed?" she asked, a little surprised. Raven shook her head, puzzled.

"No idea."

Beaming, Star proceeded to explain.

"Yesterday, in the evening, I was able to arrange a meeting with Robin tonight. We are to spend our first date together."

Raven nodded calmly, as she could recall hearing about this that morning.

"But...Why are you here? What's wrong?"

Star paused with a slight nervousness, and answered, "You see, Raven, I do not wish to ruin my evening with Robin. I was wondering if you could lend me advice, perhaps...?"

A smile spread across Raven's face, and she felt touched that Star was seeking advice from her.

{She trusts me,} she realized. {She really looks up to me enough to ask me about this?}

Her cheeks flushed red with embarrassment as she tried to think of something to say.

"If you do not wish to speak, I will understand..." Starfire said softly.

Raven shook her head quickly, her purple eyes darting to her friend.

"No, not at all. I'm just a little...surprised, is all."

Starfire shrugged and said, "I do not see why you should be surprised...Afterall, did you not say this morning that you would eagerly help me to prepare...?"

Raven muttered, "Mm...Yea, I remember now. It's just that...I've never BEEN on a date before, so...I don't see what I would know..."

Starfire gasped slightly, and whispered, "You have not ever 'gone out', as well? Ever?"

Raven shook her head slowly, her head bobbed.

Starfire smiled warmly and gave her a small hug.

"Do not feel ashamed, Raven. For you are not alone!"

Raven cracked a smile and returned the hug.

{This isn't so bad...} she thought. {Maybe Starfire is right about all of this, I really do feel a lot better.}

After their friendly embraced had been broken, Starfire went on to ask her questions.

"So, Raven...Could you possibly inform me of what actions I should or should not take...?"

"Well," Raven rolled her eyes with playful grin. "Like I said, I really don't think I'm an expert at all...But..." After a few seconds to think, she drew out more information. "Where are you two going...?"

Starfire's face went blank, as she hadn't quite figured that out yet.

"I see," Raven slyly said.

"I was hoping YOU would tell ME," Star admitted meekly.

"I'm not really sure. I can't quite say where Robin would want to go, you know? He doesn't strike me as the type of person to 'go out' at ALL..."

Starfire frowned with fright.

"He will not enjoy himself no matter where we travel?"

Raven sighed with a smile.

"I never said that. First of all, the main thing you should probably work on is calming down. The more hyperactive you are, the more tense you'll feel..."

Starfire nodded quickly, her eyes wide.

"I understand. I am just very excited, I have waited for this day to come for so long, I-"

Raven's index finger poked up before her friend's face, quieted her immediately.

"Um...Just so you know, that's NOT being calm..." she said with a small laugh.

"Starfire...I...-" She stumbled, unsure about whether or not to give out such information or not. As she gazed at Starfire's curious, caring, and loyal eyes, she decided there could be no harm in saying it.

"I know how excited you feel, Star. I've known for a long time. I've seen it in your eyes." She stared deeply at Star's emeralds and nodded slowly, her feelings confirmed. "I can see it right now..."

Starfire's face was red, and she smiled weakly.

"You really like him, and...You want nothing more than to be by his side..." Raven felt very confident in saying these things.

Starfire's head moved up and down in embarrassment.

"You are correct..." she whispered shyly.

"I understand how hard it might be to just...slow down, and take things one at a time..." Raven said with a slight shrug. "...I'm not saying you have to."

She let another warm, friendly smile meet Starfire's blushing face.

"But last night, you made me realize that it's better to do what ME tells me to do and not what OTHERS tell me to do...If your heart tells you to be open, excited, and happy, then...Do it...It's what makes you YOU, Star, and I, for one, wouldn't want it any other way..."

Starfire's eyes were glazed with realization as Raven's words blew through her like a breeze. Raven really WAS changing, and for the better, wasn't she? Maybe 'change' was a bad word. Raven was beginning to act the way she had felt the whole time. This was 'truly glorius,' and Star felt even happier than she had before.

"I thank you, Raven," she whispered merrily. "You inspire me to carry on. I agree. I will not worry about such foolish things as what others expect me to do. I will do what STARFIRE says I should do..."

Raven beamed as she felt the bond between her and Starfire grow. Starfire was no doubt her closest friend, and she felt that their relationship had grown ten fold within a month's time.

"Great," she declared. "Then you have nothing to worry about. So where are you going to go...?"

Starfire tapped her chin thoughtfully, her hands getting slightly sweaty within the soft gloves she wore.

"I believe we shall traverse to a ration-serving facility..."

"What kind?" Raven questioned, finding Star's phrasing humorous.

"...Um...A facility that serves...pasta confections...?" Starfire muttered doubtfully. "I feel I know of a place that has the ambient I desire..."

Raven nodded slowly. Italian restaurants were nice, sure...

"Then I wish for us to journey to the carnival near the bay...Yes, I have seen their ferris wheel..." Star's eyes glowed with anticipation.

"You love ferris wheels," Raven remembered aloud.

"Correct...Yes, I believe that will be sufficient enough for the evening..."

Raven's head was cocked to the side as she tried to imagine it. Not with Robin, of course...With Link...? Well...Maybe. That would be nice. But she felt she didn't quite know Link well enough to be able to picture such moments as vividly as Star could.

"That sounds pretty good," Raven said, still smiling. "You guys will have fun, no doubt."

Star nodded quickly, burshing one of her sideburns from her cheek with a dainty elegance.

Raven contemplated for a moment, then proceed to make her request.

"Um...Could you...tell me about it...afterward?" she mumbled, very awkwardly.

Star was a bit surprised at first, but she bounced on the bed's cushions playfully, yelping, "I would be DELIGHTED, dear friend! Do not fear, I will not spare any details!" She floated up to her feet and squealed out with joy, "I must prepare! I am so very enthralled!"

She flew to the doorway and pressed the button that opened her exit. Raven began to scramble to her feet and catch up with her as she waved good-bye and called, "Many thanks to you, Raven!"

But just as she turned to leave, Raven reached out an arm, barely tapping Star's shoulder.

"Wait," she muttered, but with a slight desperation. Star spun around to see Raven's wide and pleading violet eyes.


Raven's cheeks turned pink, and she quickly scanned over Star's shoulders to see that the nearby halls were empty. She whispered out to her good friend nervously.

"I-I just wanted...A good-bye hug..." She looked ashamed to ask for such a thing, as if she felt she didn't deserve one. It was as if she thought one had to earn a hug, and she done nothing to earn it.

"...Of COURSE..." Starfire whispered back, a tear forming in her right eye. She let Raven's tired, trembling body lean against her.

{I have never seen Raven quite like this...} Starfire realized. {But I see the joy in her eyes...The same longing I have for love...She wants friendship. And I possess a boundless supply to give to her...}

"Thank you..." Raven barely managed, feeling that mutual support she craved.

"Raven..." Star quietly murmured, her eyes meeting Raven's arm. The black spot upon it was about half as big as it had been when she had arrived. "Your wound, it is healing..."

Raven blinked at it, still pink-faced, and shrugged it aside. She could care less, she felt wonderful.

"I...I must go now, Raven, please forgive-"

"It's all right, I want you to enjoy yourself. You have to get ready," Raven replied quickly, straightening Starfire's soft silk dress.

"You look great. Knock him dead..." she mumbled with a grin. Starfire's face radiated with excitement as she drifted off down the halls. There was still some time left.


"Aw, yea...You got NOTHIN', baby!"

Mario huffed back at Cyborg, flicking his controller with great precision. His eyes were determined and fierce. He wasn't about to lose just yet. And yet his demeanor was calm and collected.

About three seconds later, Cyborg's jaw dropped in amazement as his character was sent soaring into the air, only to be battered and bruised while falling in a spectacular combo attack that ended with a flashy finisher. The letters 'K.O.' were splattered across the screen as Mario tipped his hat.

"...****..." Cyborg murmured inb awe. "You've NEVER touched a Gamestation before?!" he demanded, not able to believe it.

Mario shook his head coolly, placing the controller on the carper lazily. "Nope. The controller's not incredibly efficient, though. I like the Gamecube better..."

Cyborg let out a huge sigh as these words hit him. How was he so good so fast? As Mario slowly stood up and shifted his overalls, Cyborg asked, "Whoa, wait up. Another round, man?"

Mario shrugged casually, scratching his nose.

"Meh...Don't really feel like it. That game's too simple. Soul Calibur has more depth to it..."

Cyborg's eyes slowly wandered back to the game, which he went to switch off.

Robin was pacing in the back of the room, left and right. He had a nervous expression on his face, too, and he was dressed in a tuxedo. A black vest and pants, as well as a white shirt with a small black bow tie.

When Mario noticed this, he simply grinned and let out a chuckle. Cyborg's already baffled face, however, grew ever more confused and shocked.

"...Robin? What're YOU doing? What's with the get-up?" he asked, wide-eyed.

Robin jumped like a jack-rabbit and turned to his two friends puzzled faces.

"I-I'm just waiting..." he muttered with a sheepishness not usual to himself.

"...For what...?" Cyborg questioned fearfully, coming up to his side.

"W-well, it's just..." Robin scratched through his spikey hair nervously and grumbled out, "I have a date tonight..."

Cyborg looked flabbergasted for a moment, but it soon evolved into a devilish grin.

"With WHO...?" he asked slyly, elbowing Robin.

"...With...-" Robin stumbled, as he was still somewhat doubtful about this whole situation. "With Star..."

Cyborg's brow lifted up with amusement.

"REALLY?" he checked cheerfully. "No kiddin'?"

Robin nodded with embarrassment.

"She asked me out, and...I couldn't refuse her, ya know? It's not like-" He began to pace fretfully again.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. CHILL, bro!" he cried, stopping him dead with his huge hands. "You look like you're SCARED or something..." he noted humorously.

"I AM," Robin snapped back.

Mario and Cy exchanged baffled glances and turned back.

"Of WHAT?" Mario demanded slowly.

"I...I dunno. It just doesn't feel right..." Robin admitted. "I didn't really think about it when she asked me, I just said, 'Sure,' but now it just doesn't-"

"Robin, you're crazy, man," Cyborg laughed, rubbing his tense shoulders. "Sure, Star's a bit outta the ball park-"

"Try outta the planet," Robin broke in with a grumble.

"Well...Yea. So what?" Mario asked, his arms stretched out. "She's a real nice girl, Robin. She likes you a lot, or haven't you noticed?"

Robin sighed and groaned out, "I've tried to ignore that..."

"Why?!" Cybrog demanded. "What's so bad about it?"

Robin shook his head slowly, trying to put it into words.

"I have a responsibility, Cyborg. I can't just abandon my duties for a little fun. Besides, what if...-? What if that kind of relationship interferes with our job?"

Cyborg was a little confused, and he let his arms drop to his sides as Robin continued.

"Slade might still be after me. If he finds out about something like this, what do you think he's going to do?"

"...Kidnap Star and use her to get YOU," Cyborg admitted with worry, rubbing his chin.

"Besides," Robin added, his voice a little shaky. "I might...screw something up...I could get her mad, and maybe she won't talk to me or something..."

"What are you SMOKING, Rooster?" Mario snickered, giving the frowning Robin a punch on the arm.

"Teenage girls are unpredictable," Robin advised sternly. "At least in these kinds of situations..."

"Starfire isn't your average teenage girl, Rob," Cyborg tried to convince him. "She's not that stupid."

After another moment's contemplation, Robin let out a big sigh of relief and dropped the subject.

"You're right. I should just enjoy myself."

"There ya go!" Cyborg slammed him in the back so hard he fell over on his face. "...My bad," he muttered meekly.



And that's that for now. Chappy's not done yet, almost...I can't quite write the date scene properly, but...Then again, it's SUPPOSED to feel odd up until the end...



EP, there IS always THIS site, which I believe I referenced EARLIER...


Geez, why was I even LOOKING on Google?!

THIS site has plenty of good pics, lemme tell ya! Oh, yea, I can't directly link them...


Well, there you can see pics of Robin and Star in their formal clothes, I guess...It's the episode, 'Date With Destiny.'

How ironic it has such a title, as this episode is BIG for my story's purposes...


Yea, enough pics for ya? ^_^

Is Raven striking you as a bit differentthan before...? A little desperate, perhaps? :p It's no assumption that inside, Raven is afraid of HERSELF. Heck, the official WEBSITE says so...

I'm trying to portray Raven as a little desperate. She's beginning to feel what being more social is like, and kind of getting addicted to it, as well...^_^'

Well, gotta jet.

I gotta jet!

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
"Meh...Don't really feel like it. That game's too simple. Soul Calibur has more depth to it..."
:chuckle: I see where you got the inspiration from. It's not like i'm willing to argue about MK-DA being better than SC2. We are all entitled to our own opinions. So let's just leave it at that. :D

And speaking of games, something VERY significant has happened to me in the past few days.

You see, over the years, i've been studying and analysing every video game I play. Why? To learn what makes a video game fun and addicting, and what to avoid when making my own games. With all my gaming experience, i'm finally ready to begin my greatest creation... my 2-dimensional masterpiece that will show everyone just what i'm capable of. It's going to be called "D-Nova", and it will be an action/platform/adventure game. PM me if you want the inside scoop.

:sleep: Oh! I seem to have wandered off-topic...

I have one question about the upcoming Robin/Starfire date: will it take place during the day or night?

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.

Good news for me...

The end of Season 2 is set to air on May 5th and May 6th...

Four new episodes over 2 days- big news! And these new episodes promise to be quite amusing and dramatic...^_^

Hm...The show is slated for four seasons, though they're considering a fifth...

They are also considering making a 'movie' type thing, directly to DVD/video...They're not sure what to do on this, exactly...

The origins of the Titans? Maybe.

If you watch the show, you'll realize that they try not to focus on their backgrounds very much- we know a little about Raven and Star, and that's about it. Robin with Batman?

Well, yea, but only if you bother to look up on it.

The creators, obviously, are making Robin a totally new character, in case ya haven't noticed. They say they aren't planning on mentioning Batman a single time.

Now to answer questions, and such...

Slade? Oh, don't fear...He's around...Matter of fact, he shows up in Chapter 10, which is also where Terra shows up.

Kinda like how Terra showed up in the same episode where Slade made his first appearence of Season 2...Hm...:rolleyes:

This whole chapter, named, 'Awkward,' is quite amusing, and I think the longest one so far...

I have it finished.

EP, I hope you have analyzed Mario Bros. 3 and Mario World seriously in your studies. Many consider them the best platformers around, and as far as 2-D gaming goes, I totally agree with them.

Well, here we go!

As far as when the date is, I believe if I didn't already SAY that, you should read and find out, huh?


"MAN, Rob, you worry too much!" Cyborg declared as he eased Robin down the hallway toward the main door. "Settle down, yo, it's no big..."

Robin sucked in a very deep breath, trying to calm his nerves.

"Dude, it's gonna be OKAY," Beastboy attempted to convince him, patting his left shoulder. "You're gonna have a BLAST, man!"

Tenochtitlan giggled as she messed around with Robin's hair from his right. "He's right, Robin! You'll be FINE, just RELAX..."

They reached the main hallway, which had a few chairs lined along the maroon carpet that ran through the middle. Starfire was standing beside Raven, far off near the door. He could see her waving to him, and it looked like she was dressed in fine clothing, as well.

The closer they got to the Tamaranian, the calmer and more comfortable Robin became. No words were spoken until they were face-to-face, smiling at each other with great embarrassment. Starfire, after avoiding his gaze for a moment, spoke out shyly.

"You are ready to depart...?"

After admiring her outfit, as well as her glowing green eyes, Robin gave her a smirk and reached out his hand.

"I'm always ready," he answered with his casual tone.

Starfire beamed with glee and accepted his bare hand with her gloved one. As they both waved their good-byes to their friends, Raven stuck out her palm, using her powers.

Robin hopped into the air, his eyes bulging, as a small, yellow device was extracted from a pocket within his tidy vest. The communicator was whisked away to Raven's hand, whp glared at him devlishly.

"...Uh...Raven, I kinda need that," Robin mumbled, shaking slightly.

"No, you don't," she firmly responded, grasping it tightly. After he considered what to say, Robin began to spit out, "But what if-"

"We'll deal with it," Raven replied in her raspy tone, with a slight hint of threat. After letting out a small chuckle at Robin's frightened face, she bid them off with her hand. "Now go on. And you'd better enjoy yourselves..."

As Robin nervously turned to Starfire, the girl gave Raven a small smile that said, {Many thanks, friend.} Raven's violet eyes answered, {No problem.}

"W-well, uh...W-we'll be seeing you later," Robin stammared as he walked speedily out the door, dragging Starfire behind him. She floated through the air at a vertical angle as she was yanked out, and grinned a gigantic grin to her friends, waving with her free arm.

"Good evening, all!" she called to them.

The two Titans were given a flurry of encouragement and farewells as the enormous door slid shut with a 'whooshing' sound.

"You are BAD," Cyborg said slyly, giving her a grin. "You just shattered the little confidence the poor guy had..."

Raven returned his devlish look and nodded. "I know. He's going to have to earn it back."


The atmosphere was relaxed, warm, and inviting. Star had brought Robin to an Italian restaurant downtown. It was a very clean and tidy place, well kept, with excellent service and even better food. The candle light was a touch that Starfire liked very much- it gave the place a more romantic feeling.

They were waiting for their meal to arrive- the ice had yet to be broken thoroughly. The sheet of ice on the lake had been cracked by now, but not yet open. Starfire attempted to chip away at it some more.

"Robin...Did the waiter strike you as...familiar...?" she asked shyly, trying to catch his gaze.

Robin was nervously glancing about, feeling uneasy.

"Nah, just seemed like every other waiter around here to me..." he muttered, looking around the room at random people eating their pasta. Starfire frowned, displeased with the fact that things were not going as well as she had hoped.

"Robin..." she called quietly, but with a firmer tone. He picked up on the slight tint of irritability in her voice, so he looked at her.

"What is troubling you?" she asked, her sharpness dulled. "Are you...not enjoying yourself...?" Her voice had turned soft and curious.

"No, Star," he told her calmly. "I'm fine...Just a little anxious, I don't know..."

Starfire fiddled with her hands for a moment, then told him, "There is no reason for you to be afraid, Robin..."

Robin cracked a small and short-lived smile, nodding.

"I just don't like sitting here with all these people around..." he admitted, feeling foolish. Starfire weakly grinned.

"I understand...I believe you will enjoy our next location. But I have not consumed sufficient rations today, forgive me."

Robin shook his head and chuckled.

"Don't worry. It's fine here. I'm just more of a loner."

"I know this. I was merely hoping that we could...fit in better..." She felt a little silly when she said it aloud. She was always trying to fit in, and yet she wasn't. She wanted to fit in, but...She wanted to be herself. Obviously, both were not possible. But 'herself' had said that this place was nice, and worth their time. Maybe she had been wrong. She sipped at her root beer through a straw, her throat dry.

The waiter came back with two dishes of food and placed them with care before each of them. He was a tall, thin teenager with radiant blue eyes. He had the classic Italian mustache, as well- two thin lines that curved outward. For his age, his mustache was a bit suprising. He wore a comfy, white outfit with a name tag that read, 'Luigi.' Something about him seemed familiar, but Star didn't care to address it- she was too concerned about her date to worry.

Their meal was a very quiet and odd one. The most quiet they'd had in quite some time...It reminded Star of the night when Robin's cover as the Red X had been blown. No onehad said a word at dinner, they were all silent, just as they were tonight. Whenever Starfire spoke up, Robin somehow managed to end the conversation pretty quickly. Star wasn't going to give up, though. She was determined to find out what was going on later on, when they were alone.


Side by side they slowly strolled along down the sidewalks in the dark, their paths lit by various lamposts and the light that filtered out through windows. They were a mere inch or two apart, but they didn't touch, and they were not hand-in-hand as Star desired. She wasn't sure if she was supposed to just grab his hand or not.

{What if such an action is not customary? Perhaps holding hands is not permitted on one's first date...I should've asked Raven about these matters. Now I am confused as to what I am allowed to do or not...}

What Star didn't quite realize was how silly she would've have sounded to herself. She was so concerned with the traditions of Earthlings that she wasn't doing what 'Star' told her to do. 'Star' wanted to wrap an arm around his shoulder and another in his hand and soar through the dark blue skies. But this, she felt, would no doubt make Robin very uncomfortable.

The loud rumbling of thunder shattered her worries as she realized that the sky was now thick with black clouds.

{This is NOT very glorius,} she whimpered in her mind. Rain would not do quite yet. She still had to take Robin the ferris wheel!

"I certainly hope the precipitation refrains from falling for at least a decent portion of time," she wished aloud. Breaking the ice was much harder than she thought when Robin was in his 'dark' kind of mood. Robin shrugged, still not looking up at her.

"It's just rain, Star. Where are we going, anyway?" He finnaly turned to see her face, trying his best to be casual.

"I am keeping that a secret until we arrive, but I am sure you will be most pleased," she answered with an eager smile.

"Ah, I see," he responded coolly.

An impulse had been driving her mad since they had started walking intensified. That impulse that wanted to hold his hand. Starfire looked around, noticing that they were nearing the carnival. A few people dotted the pier, as it was a bit late, but there was still a decent amount of people. Her tan face reddening, Starfire gave in to that instinctive impulse. She moved her right arm- the one closest to him- quite slowly and carefully. It managed to reach Robin's left arm, and it wrapped itself around that arm. The hand crawled down his tuxedo sleeve, reached a white cuff, and finally arrived at his bare hand. Upon reaching its destination, her hand gently squeezed his.

Robin didn't jump in surprise, however. He wasn't quite expecting it, but it somehow didn't come as a shock. A pleasant shock, at least.

Starfire noticed that Robin stared at their interlocked hands for a second in slight confusion, and she bit her lip.

"A-am I not doing this correctly?" she squeaked, loosening her grip.

Robin's face flicked back up to hers, and he let out a small snicker.

"No, Star," he answered with a smile. "You're doing just fine..." He shook his head humurously and he let out a sigh.

"Truly?" Star checked, unsettled by his laughing. "Am I not supposed to...do something with my other hand...? This is adequate?"

In response to this comment, Robin decided to take advantage of her cluelessness yet...teach her at the time.

"Here," he said, unlatching their arms. He gave her a sly grin as he wrapped his left arm around her waist, resting his hand on her left hip. Starfire's eyes widened, and she smiled sheepishly. "Now you do that to me," Robin suggested calmly.

Starfire hesitantly squirmed her slender, gentle arm around Robin, placing it in the same area. She was shaking a bit, as she was now the one in the nervous position. She could feel a little sweat developing in her long gloves- a problem she grew a bit accustumed to, as she usually wore such articles.

Robin tugged her in just enough so their hips touched. Their faces were both pink, their insides tingled.

"Th-this is natural...?" Starfire whispered nervously, hoping no one around them noticed how silly they looked. "We are...touching at the hips. It is all right for such appendages to be located so close to the pelvic region?"

Robin couldn't hold back a laugh as he asked her, "What, it's not adequate enough?"

Starfire shook her head quickly with a very embarrassed smile and brushed a sideburn back to its usual spot.

"No, no, Robin! N-not at all! This is...VERY sufficient!"

With a devilish smirk, Robin added, "Thought so."

They began to walk along, adjusting slightly to maximize their comfort, when Robin popped a curiosity question.

"Sooo...How would we do this back on your home...?"

Star's head shrunk into her shoulders slightly as she reluctantly broke free from their interlocked state to switch it to a different form.

"Hm...If we were aquaintances as we are tonight- a pair of...romancers...-" She rubbed the back of her neck meekly as she continued. "We would...-" Now she had to recall the term she was looking for. "We would 'go out on the town' in a manner such as this..."

Star proceeded to hang her right arm around Robin's shoulder in a very gentle manner, and told him to do the same to her. She went on to carefully rest her head on his firm left shoulder, snuggling a little to get it to feel just right. Her shiny, blood-red hair draped over Robin's back, tingling his spine almost. Lastly, she placed her left hand on his chest, as if it were a fragile flower. Robin's guts were churning from close contact such as this- something he wasn't quite used to. Of course, he couldn't deny that it was quite comfy.

Starfire reached out and snatched Robin's free arm and pinned in to his chest, holding it in place with her own.

"...Yes...I believe this is correct..."

"Feels correct to me," Robin said coolly, lifting his brows up and down a little.

"Of course," Star added, "We would gracefully soar toward our destination, but...You are incapable of flight, thus we would not be able to sustain such positioning..."

She separated herself from him for a moment, brushing off her dress and straightening her hair. Her face flushed as red as her hair, she said to him, "I do not wish to be given strange looks, however, so we should probably proceed in the manner you suggested."

Robin tried to straigten up his own hair- at least as much as he could.

"Whatever suits you, Star," he muttered, preparing to head off again, passing a young man on a park bench who was staring at them in surprise and amusement.


Cyborg was flicking at his gaming controller madly, while Raven went to sit next to him on the sofa, sipping herbal tea.

"How can you DRINK that stuff?" Cyborg asked with disgust, shaking his head slowly.

"I manage," she answered calmly, placing her teacup on the coffee table before her. "How can you waste precious hours of your life rotting your brain like that?" she sharply struck back.

"I manage!" the robotic teen chuckled.

Raven took the old book that she had carried with her and cracked it open, beginning to delve into this new work of lierature she had recently come across. Raven had so many books that she passed her evenings reading any she had yet to finish- she still had a good fifty or so to go. But this one caught her eye. It had been hidden behind the bookcase, as it had somehow slipped from its spot.

"So, whatcha readin' about, Ray? I'm sure it's much more interesting than blasting the **** outta zombies with a magnum..."

Raven frowned bitterly at his sarcasm and decided to give him a few details.

"If you must know...I'm really not entirely sure what it's about. It's written in a dielect I've never seen before. All I have to go by are these strange drawings..."

She stared at one in particular as her curiosity tried to figure out what was going on. A very large, worm-like creature with a beak-like mouth was terrorizing a city, from what she could gather.

"WOOOWWWW," Cyborg shouted dully. "A bunch of junk ya can't even understand. So tell me again, what good is it?"

"It's very old and valuable!" she snapped, taking another sip. "Someone's gotta know what these markings mean..."

Sonic came whizzing into the room, dragging Tikal at a vertical angle behind him, who was giggling with glee. They flew through the room like a bolt of lightning, and Raven's hair was whipped into her face, which prompted an agitated frown. The least they could do is run around like maniacs OUTSIDE of the tower...And then, quite suddenly, her vision flashed with darkness, revealing Tikal staring at the very book in her hands thoughtfully. It skipped back to normal, leaving her breathless for a moment.

Cyborg noticed her gasp, and her body tense up for a moment. He was worried that perhaps her arm was giving her trouble, and quickly checked.

"Ray? You all right?"

Raven realized it had only been a vision and nodded, slightly dazed.

"I'm...I'm fine..." she answered quietly, closing her book and carefullu setting it down on the table. She scooped up her warm, fragrant tea and began to drink once again.

Feeling assured that it was no big deal, Cyborg went back to his game.

Raven watched him dully for a minute or two, then asked, out of nowhere, "Soooo...Why, exactly, are you blowing heads off of the undead...?"

"'Cuz I can," Cyborg replied with a huge grin.


The ground began to tremble slightly, and that trembling gradually grew to a small earthquake.

Wide-eyed, Raven and Cyborg turned around to see a green rhinocerous pounding through the room at breakneck speed. Tenochtitlan was ridingg on its back, wearing a HUGE smile and screaming with excitement. The rumbling caused Raven to drop her tea, which spilt all over her legs. The cup shattered on the floor in front of the frightened girl. The noise died down as quickly as it had grown, and Raven sat with grit teeth. One could swear that a blood vessel bulged out of her forhead for a moment or two. But she took a deep breath, tried to relax herself, and stood up slowly, relatively calm. Cyborg was amazed at such a display- not the rhino, but Raven.

As she proceeded to clean up the mess, picking up pieces of ceramic with care, she sighed.

"I'll be back in a second; make sure nobody touches my book, all right?"

Cyborg nodded, a puzzled look about him.

"Gotcha," he murmured.


"Third one this month," Raven grumbled as she bid her broken tea cup farewell, tosing it into the garbage can. She grabbed the paper towels and dried her legs off.

She took them with her to clean up the tea that had been splashed to the carpet- not her idea of fun.

{They were just playing around, though,} she realized. {It's not really a big deal...There's no point in getting upset over it. Unless a fifty dollar teacup is really that big a deal...}

As she stepped through the dark halls toward the living room, she could hear voices echo. It was Mario and Link, talking to eachother. She couldn't help but overhear their conversation as she walked.

"She's a blonde?"

"Oh, yea. Blonde, blue eyes...Peach was her name...Er...IS her name. Peach Toadstool."

"Peach? Pfht. That's kind of a stupid name."

"It fits her," Mario responded confidently. "What about you...?"

"Meh...To be honest, I don't really remember...I mean, I see a LOT of faces, but I couldn't tell you if I was going out with any of them. I DO remember Zelda, though. Yea...Same as your girl- blonde hair, blue eyes...But, she has...pointy ears..."

"...Pointy ears, ya say?" Mario asked, quite amused. "Elves, or something...?"

"I dunno, I guess. But I remember her very clearly. It was because of HER that all my problems got started. If it wasn't for her, I'd have had a much easier time, I can tell you that."

Who was Zelda? Whoever she was, she thankfully sounded like someone who had gotten on Link's nerves.

Mario and Link's eyes popped wide for a split second as a shadowy figure crossed right by them in the dark hallways.

"Whoa, Ray, is that you?" Mario asked as she hurriedly stumbled along.

"Hi," she moaned, her insides jittery.

"Where are ya goin' in such a hurry?" Link asked as she gradually vanished. There was no reply, and Link and Mario simply exchanged confused glances.


As Raven took her seat again, she felt a bit groggy. It wasn't really that late- at least not on her terms- and this struck her as a bit odd.

"Oh, Ray!" Cyborg cried in fake desperation, on his knees. "I'm so glad you're here! I was fightin' off ninja warriors and robot commandos that were after your infinitely valuable book! Oh, it was HORRIBLE!"

Raven sat cross-legged on the couch, holding the hardcover in her lap. She stared at Cyborg dully, with that usual look. Cyborg awaited her reply, and was blown away by it. She laughed. Not too heartily, but he KNEW she laughed.

She covered her mouth with her hand to hold it back, but a chortle came out. Small, quiet, but definitely existent.

Cyborg couldn't get off his knees, as he was in shock. The tiny smile on Raven's face diminished.

{Uh oh,} she thought.

"Uhh..." she began with that light raspiness she had. "Is something wrong, Cyborg...?"

Cyborg, still recovering, got to his feet and asked with some confusion, "I should be askin' YOU that..."

Her eyes showing worry, Raven stammared, "Wh...What do you mean...? I feel fine..."

Raven's good robotic pal sat down on the couch next to her, spreading his arms over the spine casually.

"You sure, Ray? You're lookin' a little pale...Well, more than usual," he joked.

Raven cracked another small smile at his humor, causing him to sit up straight and point at her.

"Ya did it again," he murmured in awe.

"...D-did what...?"

"...You smiled..." Cyborg said slyly, wiggling his index finger. "And that sure as **** ain't business as usual."

Raven's eyes wandered a little as she realized that he was right.

"You have been actin' a little weirder than normal lately..." Cyborg noted suspiciously. "Is anything up? Does it have anything to do with your arm or somethin'?"

Raven paused as she stared at the black spot on her arm. It had grown since her talk with Starfire, but only by a little. She couldn't really feel it- and she wasn't complaining.

"Well..." she began shyly. "It's...Lots of things...I'm just...-" She trailed off, feeling a question burning into her mind that needed answering.

"Cyborg...You said I've been acting weird." He nodded solemnly in reply. "...Did you mean a BAD kind of weird...?"

Cocking a brow, Cyborg stumbled for an answer.

"Wh...I don't...Ray, what're you gettin' at?"

"Just answer the question," she demanded firmly- yet with a slight desperation.

"A-all right, okay...Naw, Ray. See, that's the thing. You've been actin' weird, because...You talk a little more, you..." He rotated his arm at her, trying to phrase his thoughts.

"Like just now. I made a joke, and instead of giving me some smart remark...you laughed. Last time I checked, Ray, you don't DO that..."

Raven wasn't looking at him now, she felt too uncomfortable with this conversation. Cyborg wasn't Starfire, and Raven felt he wouldn't understand. He wasn't from another world, he could control his own powers, and he wasn't as sensitive and...Whatever it was that made Star STAR. Obviouslym Cyborg and Starfire weren't the same.

"Let's just say things have been changing a bit lately," she mumbled.

"Like what...? Is it serious?"

"...It's...-" {Of COURSE it's serious...} "It's nothing you need to worry about."

Cyborg's human eye dug deep into Raven's wide, violet ones.

"Ray, we've ALL been a bit worried. You sure nothin's wrong? You can tell me what's up, you know."

Raven sighed, rubbing her forehead with her right arm. A small headache had developed, but it didn't hurt too much.

"I've just been...Feeling weird lately, to be honest. So I guess it's no wonder I might be acting weird..."

"Really?" Cyborg murmured back sarcastically. "Couldn't tell."

Raven let out a small huff through her nose and continued.

"I've been talking to Star a lot lately, and she's been...helping me realize a few things about myself. I'm beginning to have more control over my powers, and...I'm just changing a little...Is that okay?" Her last sentence had a bit more bite than the rest.

Cyborg smiled and gave her a hearty pat on the back, trying not to be too rough. He gave her a big grin, squinting merrily.

"Ray, that's great. I think you're changing for the better. Just don't get TOO different on me, will ya?"

Raven smiled back, massaging her injured arm gently.

"Don't worry," she assured. A few moments of tranquility passed as Cyborg reached over for the remote and clicked the telivision on, checking the TV schedule.

"So," he began casually. "Would all this have anything to do with Link?" He lifted his brows her way, smirking.

Raven's eyes bulged open with shock, her cheeks went pink, and a few drops of sweat formed on her neck. A velvet pillow that was resting behind her was shrouded in shadow, only to explode into a feathery cloud that drifted to the floor.

"Thought so," Cyborg confirmed to himself, his eyes still glued to the TV.

"...I guess it's kinda obious, then..." Raven muttered, wondering what everyone thought of it if it was, indeed, so clear.

"If it wasn't for the fact that stuff spontaneously explodes when you and him are in the same room, I might not be so sure," Cyborg explained, holding back a snicker.

"...It's not big deal," Raven defended. "It's not like I LIKE him or anything..."

Cyborg's jaw fell a bit as he creaked his head in her direction.

"W-well, I mean...Yea, it's a little crush," Raven admitted quietly, her face alert to see that no one else was present. "But I hardly know him, really..."

"Yea, and he knows you even LESS," Cyborg added. "Ya think maybe it's 'cuz ya AVOID 'im all the time?"

"...That...might be it," Raven admitted.

"I already KNOW he doesn't like ME," Raven mumbled, staring down at her book solemnly. "So there's no point...He already has a girlfriend..."

Cyborg gave her a suspicious look.

"And how, exactly, do you know that?"

Raven bit her lip, not looking up at him.

"...I guess I don't..." Her words were barely audible, but Cyborg caught them.

"Riiiight...Did ya ever ASK him?"

"...No..." She looked up at him and explained herself quickly. "But I wouldn't be surprised. I doubt the only girls he's met live in this tower, Cyborg. He probably has a girlfriend from home...WHEREVER he lives..."

Cyborg shrugged, shaking his head. "Well...Maybe..."

"Besides, it's like everyone here is going out with each other as it IS...I don't want to make things even more hectic..."

Cyborg chuckled, nodding his head.

"Even Starfire and ROBIN are out on a date," Raven pointed out. "And Robin doesn't strike me as the type of person to DO dating..."

"Naw kiddin'!" Cyborg agreed, his brows lifted. "But they're havin' fun, I'll bet. You're right, though. It's like you and me are the only ones in this tower who aren't datin' anybody..."

After a moment to absorb this thought, the two Titans glanced at each other with creeped-out faces and skidded across the couch slightly in opposite directions.

"...You don't-?" Cyborg started, trembling.

"No," Raven spat. "...And you-?"

"'Course not," Cyborg answered quickly.

After a sigh of relief, Raven cracked open her book again.

"This is getting a little ridiculous," she grumbled. "Is it really such a good idea for all of this...'in-dating' stuff...? We have enough to worry about, right?"

Cyborg grinned slyly, his eyes back on the TV.

"Why don't I go get Link, and you can ask him that yourself...?"

Raven frowned, and the remote flew from Cyborg's hands into the TV set, knocking the batteries out. As it clattered to the floor, Cyborg stretched out his arm to punch Raven in the shoulder.

With an "Ulp!" Raven flew off the couch's left arm and smacked into the ground, her legs dangling above her on the sofa.

"...You're going to regret having done that," she growled with a mixed tone of friendly competition and irritablity.


The city lights to their right sparkled like the stars above. The skies were clear and dark, opening up a window to the rest of the galaxy.

The air was a bit chilled from the breezes that blew in once in a while, and whenever one did, it gave Starfire goosebumps on her arms. It it weren't for the fact that Robin was seated mere inches to her right, she'd be shivering. To their left was the glittering surface of the bay- the glorius bridge, and Titan Tower. And then, the wondrous sites of their city grew tall and surpassed them as the ferris wheel they were boarded on continued its rotation. As they passed by the ground and rose up again, Starfire, once again, began a conversation. This was it- the last part of their evening. She wanted to at least get something across to him.

"I wonder how our friends are doing..." she murmured thoughtfully, gazing off at the tower.

"They're fine," Robin assured, seeing that the lights on one floor of the tower were switched on. They were at the top most floor. After putting more thinking into the matter, Robin reconsidered.

"Actually..." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "They might've burned something down by now...Maybe we should go back and check on them..."

Starfire smiled as she turned to look at his joking face, and shook her head.

"Raven would be angry if we did that," she informed. "She seemed intent on making sure our evening would not be interupted."

"No kidding," Robin grimly agreed. "...By the way, Star...About Raven- what's going on?"

Starfire's smile went away, and she seemed reluctant to speak about it. Raven might not feel comfortable if she told Robin too much.

"Raven is...She is fine. I believe she is feeling better than she has in quite some period of time. That is, if you ignore her injury...Raven is simply changing a bit, as all people do."

Robin lifted a brow at her, a bit baffled, but shruged it off.

"If you say so," he mumbled. "As long as everything's OK..."

There was another moment of peace between them, and Starfire was intent on not letting the conversation slip away just yet.

"Um, Robin," she called softly, placing a hand on leg.

"...Star...?" He got a little nervous, as he wasn't all too sure as to where this was going.

"I am curious...Why did you accept my offer...? To come with me tonight...?" Her emerald eyes were glazed, and Robin got lost in them for a moment.

"...How could I refuse?" he came back. Starfire sighed, her eyes drifting to the sights around them.

"I wish to know if you feel the same way that I do..." she murmured, her voice trembling, but just a little. Robin was DEFINITELY nervous now, and he was shaking slightly. Starfire felt it as his hand landed on hers, and this made her feel awkward, as well.

"...I-if I am making you feel discomforted, you do not have to-"

"No, Star, you're right," Robin answered solemnly, rubbing Starfire's wrist with his thumb. He shifted himself a bit, and turned to face his friend. He looked a little ashamed, and Starfire felt that her guts had been emptied.

"I'm just not really the type of guy who likes to...go out on dates, or...anything like that. To be honest, I've had so much on my mind lately that this shouldn't be dumped on top of it..."

Star could sense what was going on, and she didn't want to face it. She could feel her eyes welling up with tears as he went on.

"I don't KNOW how I feel right now, Star...It's not so simple for me. You...You're STARFIRE." He smiled weakly. "And you have no idea how much I value your friendship..."

Starfire gave him the same smile in return and nodded.

"I believe I know fully well..." she whispered shakily.

"You're just...Starfire, I'm not lying when I say that I think you're more courageous than any of us..."

Starfire was taken aback by such a statement, but before she said anything, RObin explained.

"You aren't afraid of what other people think about you." He saw that Starfire was shaking her head in doubt. "Well...Sure you are, but I would guess ANYONE would be if they moved to another planet...What I mean is that you aren't afraid to be YOU. You're honest...open-hearted...You're the most passionate person I've ever met, Starfire," Robin admitted, getting sentimental himself. "If it weren't for you, who knows where the Titans would be right now. You hold us together..."

"Because you are my friends," Starfire said, as if it were blatantly obvious. "I would never abandon you..."

Robin nodded slowly. "I know, Star. But...Not everyone's like that...You'd be surprised at how easily you can lose people, even people you never thought you'd lose..."

Starfire was speechless for a moment as she tried to comprehend what he meant.

"I'll get to the point," Robin grumbled. After a deep breath, he calmly went on. "Starfire...I'm not entirely sure how you feel about me, but...I think I have the general idea, and...I just don't know...I didn't think us going out on a simple date would be such a big deal, but it IS- for me, at least. I just don't feel entirely right."

"...I have made you feel awkward," Starfire whispered in realization. "I...I did not mean to, Robin. I thought...-"

"Star, it's not YOU," Robin boldly announced, sighing. "It's me. You KNOW where you want to go. You KNOW how you feel...But I'm not sure yet."

"Robin," Starfire said firmly, gripping his arm with the same caring firmness as her voice.

"It is all right...You do not need to rush yourself, Robin. If you do not give yourself time to make good decisions, then you may regret those you make...I have had plenty of time to decide what I want to do...I only know how I feel because I have been given so much time to decide."

She swallowed as a tear slowly slithered down her tan cheeck.

"Robin, you are my best friend...I will do anything to hold onto that..." The strength in her voice was slowly diminishing as she went on, dying to a whisper as she finished. "Yes, Robin...I have developed emotions for you that go...beyond a friendship. But if you do not feel the same way, that will not change how much I value your companionship. I will never leave your side, Robin...Not now, and not ever...I promise..." She'd captured him in her arms and embraced him warmly, leaving him stunned. This was a big deal for HER, too.

Robin was left speechless at her words. He knew that he could depend on Star, but he never really realized that she cared about him THIS much, and it meant a lot to him.

"...Star..." was about the most he could say for a while, until he decided to melt into the hug with her. After an uncounted period of time- not too long, but not too short, Robin finally managed some words out.

"...I didn't say I didn't want to...date you...or anything like that...I'm just not sure, you have to give me some time..." Robin furrowed his brows as she broke up the hug, sifting her hair out so it was straight again.

"...How do you feel about me...? C-could you...explain it...a little more...?" Robin didn't know quite how stupid he sounded. He felt that if Starfire described her feelings in more depth, he could determine for himself if he shared them.

Starfire was wiping a few small tears away from her face, and she choked a laugh.

"...I believe I have explained very thoroughly," she mumbled. "But...I think I can demonstrate..." She smiled with a slyness that wasn't quite what Robin was used to as she leaned toward him. Robin knew exactly what she was about to do, and he was almost afraid. And yet, at the same time, another part of him had absolutely no problem at all...

Starfire tipped her head to the side as she opened her lips to catch his within them. About a second or two passed as they kissed, and Robin couldn't deny that it was pleasurable. Her warm breath, her soft lips- absolutely fine. He was certainly shocked, however, when a slender and wet object slithered its way into his mouth, flicked at his tongue, and escaped as quickly as it had come. It wasn't...bad...It was perfectly fine, just...surprising...No sooner after that did Starfire remove her mouth from his, her face blushing wildly.

Left awestruck, Robin coughed out, "Eh hem, yea...That was...quite a demonstration, all right..."

Starfire wasn't sure if what she had done was 'acceptable,' but Robin DID say he admired the fact that she tried to be herself amidst the crowd. When she first arrived on Earth, Star had wanted to badly to blend in with the people of the planet. Once she started to hang around the Titans, she began to realize that around her friends, she was appreciated for who she was- not what she should be.

"...You understand...?" she asked in a murmur. Robin rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Uhh...I think so...What was...with the tongue thing...?" he questioned. He knew of French kissing, but her tongue had lashed at his like a whip...Kind of odd, he thought. Starfire's face went pale as she caught that sheer fright in his demeanor.

{I have once again made him feel awkward,} she realized.

"I...I-is such an action considered strange?" she questioned shakily, unsure herself. She'd seen Earthlings kiss, but...One could never tell what they were doing with their tongues.

Robin shrugged, smiling meekly. "That depends on who you ask, but...It's usually not something you do on a first date..."

Starfire shook her head slightly in frustration. It seemed she HAD screwed up again.

"I-it's not like it was BAD, just kind of a surprise," Robin mumbled shyly.

"...On Tamaran, such an action is not looked at with the same sexual implicities it might have here on Earth. It is truly more of an emotional symbol. It is a way of saying what I have already told you, only without words..."

Robin wasn't so sure what those words were.

"...I will never leave you side...I care for you in a fashion beyond friendship..."

Robin ran his hands through his hair as he sucked in a long breath.

"I see..." he muttered. "...Starfire, this is...This is going a bit too fast for me...I'm kinda confused, I'll admit. Just give me some time to figure all of this out, all right?"

Starfire nodded slowly, giving him a hesitant smile.

"...I...I understand...It is your choice, Robin, not mine...But do not feel afraid to tell me the truth, for it will not sway me..."


End Transmission



Yea, I think I wrapped it up OK...

Strangely enough, I really enjoy writing scenes with Raven in them...*shrug* What can I say? The answers- and trust me, there is an explanation to anything you don't get yet- will have to wait until later. :p You might get an idea, but I doubt you'll fully get the picture...Which is exactly what I want, hehe...

So, did I surprise ya at all with anything at the end scene there?

You'll be in for a big shocks either way later on, lemme tell ya.

HOLY CRAP that chapter was long...


I finally get it! Ya know that freaky pic of the Titans breaking and stealing posters?! I finally get the joke! This is news from almost a year ago...

'Teen Titans': Poster children for vandals:

Well, summer is finally here. That means steamy temperatures, a slower pace . . . and larceny. This summer's item du jour, at least as far as the MTA is concerned, are posters advertising Cartoon Network's "Teen Titans" series, which have been disappearing from subway stops and trains at an alarming rate. The series won't debut until July 19 (9 p.m.), but already the posters are being swiped daily. Since the ad campaign began about a week ago, the MTA has requested an additional 1,000 posters to replace those stolen from subways and trains. There's even a web site, dccomics.com, that lists where posters are still available (to be ripped off?) - and they're available on eBay. "Teen Titans," based on the comic book series, is being produced under the guidance of Glen Murakami ("Batman Beyond"). (NY Post) '


Dec 19, 2002
Great update. Well this update kind of felt...strange because I don't know if Luigi will appear again.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
:crazy: Whoa, DUDE! Honestly... that was your best, most professional chapter yet! Truly the work of a professional romance-novelist! If I had 10 thumbs, i'd put them all up! :D

Specifically, I enjoyed being "sucked in" by your powerful, descriptive words during the end of the Robin/Starfire date. Way cool! I didn't even realize that I had been reading for 45 minutes straight. Again, thumbs up dude! :D


I think Luigi was just a gimmick in that chapter. I don't think he'll be appearing again for some time (I think).

EP, I hope you have analyzed Mario Bros. 3 and Mario World seriously in your studies. Many consider them the best platformers around, and as far as 2-D gaming goes, I totally agree with them.
Whaaaat? Of COURSE i've studied those games. ;) In fact, they were some of the first games I started to "analyze".

So far, i'm using some basic ideas from these games: Super Mario World, James Pond III, R-Type, Sonic 3, Ratchet and Clank 2

And ever since I stopped writing my fic, my music skills have increased SIGNIFICANTLY. See for yourself:

An old EP music (*cough*crap*cough*)
A new EP music (awesome!)
Compare and contrast, folks.

I wish my stupid Freewebs site worked better, so I could show some concept art from my game. But alas... Perhaps I could send some by e-mail, if you want.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Oh...Liked it that much, eh...? O_o

So my romantic scenes are improving...That's good...

Of course, that scene wasn't all perfect like my usual ones, as there was doubt and confusion thrown into it.

In case you forgot, that whole Chapter was about feeling 'Awkward.'

I just need to get a thesaurus so I don't use the same words over and over because I can't think of something else...

It's good to see SOMEONE noticed that Luigi bit...:p

Mum's the word, folks. I ain't sayin' NOTHIN'.

Yay! Season 2 is ending soon, I can't wait! I kinda used up all of ideas over the past two weeks in that Chapter, so I need to work on Q4D! White until those ideas are replenished. I'm sure when Season 2 ends in two weeks I'll have plenty of inspiration in I have none at that point...


All I can say is that we're approaching the climax slowly but surely...

There's kinda like...two climaxes, or something...One two thirds into the story, and one at the end...Well, maybe not, I guess...Whatever.

You'll be feeling sad soon, however, I can assure you of that.


"Th-this is natural...?" Starfire whispered nervously, hoping no one around them noticed how silly they looked. "We are...touching at the hips. It is all right for such appendages to be located so close to the pelvic region?"

Robin couldn't hold back a laugh as he asked her, "What, it's not adequate enough?"

Starfire shook her head quickly with a very embarrassed smile and brushed a sideburn back to its usual spot.

"No, no, Robin! N-not at all! This is...VERY sufficient!"

With a devilish smirk, Robin added, "Thought so."


Liked that part a bit...Very sufficient. ^_^ I hope it will come as no surprise when the other Titans freak out a bit when they hear about the whole...tongue...thing...:p

Luigi, a GIMMICK?

Now that's just mean. Why would I point out something like that to be just a gimmick?...Oh, wait...I guess I've sorta done that before, huh...?


Ah, well.


Dec 19, 2002
But in the future Robin dates Batgirl:p. He doesn't feel THAT uneasy when he did.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.

Um...OK, first of all, there are TWO Robins, if you want to be Batman-ish on me.

Secondly, this Robin isn't supposed to have to do with Batman. I may make reference to that past, but the show does not- the creators don't want you to think of Batman when you think of Robin. I don't when I watch the show, to be honest.

In the future, he doesn't feel as uneasy when he did...?

That just makes no sense anyways.

I'm portraying Robin as a serious type who's more concerned about saving people's lives that a romantic relationship. You'll see what happens in good time.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 25, 2003
Actually the time in this series is way off anyways. Batman never existed in this show and never will, neither has the other heros. Nextly I saw an epoisod with Aqua lad, If thats supposed to be the teenage Aqua man, someone has not done research. In the original justice leage Aqua man was older then Batman, and Batman was older then Robin. So for Aqua man and Robin to be teens at the same time is way off and ********.
So I think what the creators want in this show is for you to forget that any other heros have ever existed, not exsactly original, but interesting.

On a lighter note: That was a great read DS, I was definitly feeling it, god I hate Starfires innocense! Now that I watch the show, its been driving me nuts!

Oh yah and.............Batman SUX!

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
First of all, I have seen in multiple resources that Robin makes the Titans after he leaves Batman...

Secondly, Aqualad is NOT Aquaman as a teen. Aquaman used to have a SIDEKICK, too- guess what his name was? :p They just did the same thing here- broke Aqualad from his sidekick status.


You hate Starfire's 'innocence'...? What's so WRONG with it...? She's not entirely innocent. She gets angry, she yells at people, she makes stupid mistakes, just like everyone else...And as you'll see a little later in my fic, she does indeed make selfish decisions once in a while, like everybody else...

Dissing Starfire means dissing ME. I'm not saying we're identical- that's certain. But I assure that Starfire's character is, indeed, possible. I'm living proof. Ever since I started watching this show, I've tried to be more like Starfire...Can't say how much I'm succeeding, but...

Starfire truly does care about her friends with all her heart and would do anything to make them happy...Just as I would...

I don't see why people find that so hard to believe...But, apparently, one of the main problems I've been having in my social life is that people like YOU somehow HATE people like me because you think we're fake and we're putting on an act...I hate THAT...:o Probably why Crystal hates me now- because she somehow got off thinking it was all an act, which is WASN'T.

It's an awful feeling when people shun you and look down on you for who you AREN'T instead of who you ARE.

The only thing about Starfire that I would say is a little over the top is her proper way of speaking- and that's because she studied, etc...Her kind is probably a little more intellectual than ours and don't use nearly as much slang as we do, either.

Hopefully on Tamaran the word for 'happy' doesn't get perverted into the word for 'homosexual,' know what I mean? Ya know what that implies? That implies that if you're happy, you must be homosexual...Obviously that's not the case, now is it?

Oh, but...Um...Where was I?

Ah, yes. If you hate Starfire's innocence, it obviously means you don't understand her...I used to dislike Raven's dullness, until I began to realize WHY she acts that way...I understand why Starfire acts the way she does, because it's the way I want to act in front of people a lot of the time...:eek: Whether that's a good thing or not I don't know, but that's just who I am...

Now see, if I was in Robin's position at this point, there would be no romantic problems what-so-ever, and things would probably work out just peachy- for the most part. Too bad I'm not in his position, because that means things aren't quite so peachy...:demon:

I have a bit of 10 down...Actually, the beginning of it is more like what shoudl've been the end of 9, I just wanted to end on nice note.

But Caba, you have given me further witness to my fear- people think I'm fake, and for some reason hate innocence...Why people hate innocense is beyond me...Yea, I hate someone who acts innocent but ISN'T...Starfire's not like that...And neither am I...

So whenever someone whines about Starfire's personality, I feel it as a personal insult because it only shows what people are thinking of me...


Smash Apprentice
Jan 25, 2003
Oh sorry....he he. I just didn't think it was possible to be like Starfire, I guess I was wronge. Although innocence does have its ways of getting under my skin. Just like Birdo in Q4D...uh.... Anyway I'm sure everyone that reads this fic has something in common with a Teen Titan, I know I do.

Oh and I'm sure your not exsactly like Starfire, it would probably be interesting to meet you in real life. Infact I would like to meet a guy with that kind of persenality.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
You didn't think it was possible...

You probably still don't. :o Doesn't matter, though...People don't need to believe it's possible in order for it to be. You don't have to believe in gravity, now do you?

Why does innocence get 'under your skin?' Hm? It doesn't make much sense to me...

It's because you think it's FAKE, isn't it? It's because people don't WANT to believe it, because it makes them feel bad, because they know they're humans beings...

Starfire and I are not the same, OBVIOUSLY, if only for the facts that she had red hair, can fly, and has 'grebnaks'...But we ARE similar, and I understand her. That's why I can write her so easily. Once I understood Raven, it became a LOT more easier to write HER. Robin, I'll admit, I have trouble with, because I don't fully get him. It's kind of complicated...

There ARE people like Starfire, Caba, I've met them. You don't have to talk about Tamaranian aliens or speak properly to be like Starfire. Like I said, I feel I understand her, and I've met other people who I'll bet are like her, too. It IS possible. It's just that most humans aren't like that, and feel bad when they're around those people, so they convince themselves that it's just an act. Sometimes it is, but sometimes it's not.

You'll get to see Starfire's dark side soon enough- I'm sure you'll be pleased, seeing as how you dislike innocence...

Birdo is a very good example, actually. You're supposed to think she's innocent, etc...And I'm sure there are people like her, but Starfire is not like Birdo. Birdo's much more of a loner, she's much more quieter, has much less self-esteem, etc. Birdo has also led quite a messed up life, seeing as she can't remember a thing from the first ten years of it.

After what she went through, she changed herself so that people would never think she meant them harm at all. Birdos were once known to be great barbarians of Stellon. They were constantly feuding with the Yoshies, and it's the Birdos that helped bring the downfall of Advent City- the home of the Dragoshies.

Birdo's not like most of them, but she knows that people don't quite like Birdos...So she makes sure people know she's no barbarian.


Well, there's a random tangent that helps reveal a bit more of the Q4D! saga...

A guy with my kind of personality...?

Try telling that to all the girls around HERE. Heaven knows they'd like a guy like me, but they don't look at me for who I AM. And I can't see them for THEM because they never talk to me.

The more I've started acting like myself, the more people 'worry' about me being gay or something...:rolleyes: I've seen gay people who act tough, and straights who act soft. I think I'm like both at the same time...I can certainly stand strong through what ya throw at me, but I still have a soft center. And lately, I've been letting that soft center ooze out, or something...O_o

I need to find a girl like Starfire, I've concluded. ^_^ Of course, that's easier said than done. But if not, one like Jenna could suffice. They're two different people, indeed. But they both have that basic something in their personas that I wish to find here in my reality.

Yay! I get to start playing Colleseum and Sonic Heroes today!...Hopefully...

But, er....Yea.

The next Chapter will start to thicken the plot a bit more, and then after that things start getting rough, and a few mysteries start being unraveled...

But I assure you, you will begin to see a different side to the Titans soon enough.
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