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Winds of Fate: The X Factor (Teen Titans)

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Birdos were once known to be great barbarians of Stellon. They were constantly feuding with the Yoshies, and it's the Birdos that helped bring the downfall of Advent City- the home of the Dragoshies.
It's kinda hard for me to depict Birdos as tough barbarians, with the big snout and all. In fact, Birdo's snout inspired me to put snouts on the Sivian Pikemen in my fic. :p

All this talk about personality... We are who we are, and nothing's going to change that.

In my school, most of the girls are boy-crazy. I swear, they must have hyper-active hormones, because they'll hook up with a guy for only a few days, break up with them, and date another guy in a continuous pattern. It's rather odd behavior. I suppose they're trying to "scan" the school's male population to see who's compatible with their type of personality. In fact, one of my female friends has dated two guys this month alone. :crazy:

You'd think that girls would WAIT a while and get to know the guy before they start dating. :o

Of course, i'd hate to be one of those "rebound boys" that get their heart broken for no apparent reason, so i'd rather not date anybody until my senior year.

I'm just glad that i'm not involved in that kind of stuff. My pets are all the company I need for now. *EP stares at the giant 6" Plecostamus in his fish tank* And to think that that sucker fish was only 1 inch when I bought it last month. :rolleyes:

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Birdos are perfect Stellonian barbarians.

They never smile because they can't, really. They have thick arms and legs, sharp claws...even their tails have claws. And, of course, they can blast out objects from their snouts that explode.

Except there's one huge difference in the Birdos that most barbarians I know don't have...

Male Birdos and female Birdos are quite different. Male Birdos are often much less muscular, and their claws don't grow to be quite so long...

Female Birdos are also much more aggressive and anger-prone. Doesn't take much to tick 'em off. So when Wart needed an army, he called upon Birdos to fill the bill.

But...Before that...During the War of the Hands...

Birdos were alligned on the side of the Hyper Hand, of course. They were promised glory, power, land, etc. They were commanded to bring their entire ranks to Advent City to decimate the Dragoshies.

Dragoshies hated war of any sort, and condoned violence for the most part. Over the years, they realized that they needed to defend themselves, so they learned to harness their awesome magical prowess. Too bad it wasn't quite good enough when they were slaughtered.

It is believed that this day was the downfall of the Dragoshi civilization, and...:crazy:


Yea, isn't this my Teen Titans fic...?

Bah. You guys get some sneak peak stuff, I guess...

Still need to post 9 on FF.net and finish Q4D! White 38...

10 is still in the workd, of course. This week has been hectic.

And Sonic Heroes and Colloseum have made it even more so.

Good thing Sonic Heroes has no storyline whatsoever, because it doesn't happen in my course of events. (HATE...TAILS'...VOICE...Liked it so much more on the TV show...Matter of fact, like EVERYONE'S more on the TV show...Except maybe Sonic, 'cuz they changed his on the show, too, and I liked the way it was.)

Colloseum seems very interesting, indeed. Just wish I could've named my Umbreon and Espion and had Umbreon be a guy and Espeon be a girl...-_-'

Ah, well. Pokemon are people, too, rejects...:mad:

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
So, the female Birdos are more muscular than the males? Well, that's certainly surprising. But then again, it isn't THAT surprising.

In most North American ant colonies, the females do all the work and foraging, while the males do nothing but grow wings and mate. ;) And if you watched the second Lord of the Rings, they said something about Dwarven women; they were so similar in voice and appearance that they were often mistaken for Drawf men.

Welp, if you feel like telling more about the Birdos/Dragoshis, you don't have to do it here. There's always PM's.

I haven't played Sonic Heroes yet. By what i've heard about it, the 3-character feature doesn't really improve the game that much, and that the annoying camera controls and "auto pilot" sequences from every 3D sonic game are still there.

Speaking of Sonic, I checked out Sonic Advance 2 the other day. Oh my god! It was horrible compared to the first Sonic Advance. I could beat the first two zones simply by holding Right the entire time. Every boss has the same "run up and jump on their head" concept. SA1 is much more fun and "old-school" than SA2; the zones are much more fun to explore and the bosses are very original. The ending was really cool too; I never would've expected it. :p

So in a nutshell, I prefer the classic 2D Sonic over the 3D one.

FF.net still doesn't work on my computer. I'm going to have to visit a friend's house this weekend if I want to read the updates over there.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Oh, good GAWD, yes. Old 2D gaming kicks butt. Sonic Advance 2 was fun, but I've never played 1. It had potential, but...Yea, you COULD just hold down right- but to get all teh Emeralds, this was not the case. Those were actually hard to get, lemme tell ya.

Take the more modern spin of the 3D games, like their cool moves, and give it a really nice 2D formula, and you're golden. Too bad I can't say I've seen a game really do that yet.

Sonic Heroes DOESN'T really improve the formula. But it's still fun, and I didn't have to spend $50 on it. :p So I might as well play it. Sonic Heroes is more like an extension of SA2, I'd say.

Colloseum, however, will be fun, I'm sure.

When you strarted talking about ants, I started nodding, except for some reason I thought were talking about BEES, which do the same thing.

Female Birdos are considered cominant because they produce life, AND the fact they're buffer, etc.

Of course, Birdos aren't quite as open minded as humans.

THE Birdo, obviously, is different. GEE, do ya think maybe the fact that her NAME is Birdo might have something to do with the rest of her KIND? Maybe...?

Kinda like Yoshi? :p

Maybe not OFFICIALLY, but as far as my story goes, they didn't get those names by accident.

RIght then. If I get time, you get a peek of 10, since people are actually replying.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 25, 2003
I got Pokemon Colloseum yesterday.
It's Ok, the graphics could use some polishing, and the characters don't move their mouths when they talk, or have face expressions at all really.
The battle system is cool though. The trainers are actually in the ring unlike in stadium. Though its like the rpgs for gameboy, you can't catch wild pokemon, you can only snag shadow pokemon. The whole concept of team snagem (thats a team rocket jip) and snaging is new and intresting. Money is way to easy to get on this game, they might as well just give it all to you at the begining.Espeon just basicly kills any pokemon with confusion.

The thing I did not like about this game the most was the fact that unlike stadium there are no rental pokemon, you can register teams from story mode (as long as all your shadow pokemon have been purified) but its not the same. You basicly have to have ruby or saphfire if you want to have any fun with multiplayer. That means that only one person can use a game cube controller and story mode team, everyone else has to have a gameboy and gamecube link cable and ruby or sahpfire. Thanx Nintendo, you just love forcing people in to paying out more then we should, I salute you.

No but seriously I have two SPS and 4 gamecube link cables, but no ruby or saphfire games, now I feel like I have to buy them, but since I'm not really into pokemon I feel I don't need them. After I beat the Story mode, I'll probably sell the game, cause I'd never play it agian anyways.

From what I've Played and obseved this game gets:

Sound: 3/10 (its the game boy sounds, com'on)
Graphics: 6/10 (their ok, could have been better)
Gameplay: 8/10 (same old, gets you hooked)
features 2/10 (just 'cause multiplayer sux)
overall: 4.75/10

oh yah, on another note that discribtion of the female birdo reminded me of the female T-Rex. The males are smaller weaker, not very aggressive, while the females only tolerate the males for breeding then the males would get scared and run away. sounds simular, the females being bigger, more musculer, agressive and territoral.
(that goes for humans as well ;) )

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
...? Remember WHAT...?

Pokemon Colloseum actually has an original sountrack, you realize, Caba...

If you've never played the GBA game, how can you say the sounds are the same? The Pokemon calls, yes, they're ALWAYS the same.

Pokemon games have never had awesome graphics because they have so much crap in 'em. I haven't been through squat in Colloseum, but...I am severely disappointed that you can't use rentals...And yea, needing GBAs to play Multiplayer is stupid.

But, hey, just like Sonic Heroes...I didn't have to pay $50 to play it, I just had to let my friend borrow my SP and my GBA games so I could borrow his Cube (Mine broke a while back, but i still have, like, 7 games for it) and three of his games.

So I'm playin' them 'cuz I have nothing better to do...

Other than maybe type, but...

I'm having a bit of writer's block on this next Chapter...I'm trying to figure out how to introduce Terra and how to follow the episode 'Terra' in my own fic...

By the way, about that UFO thing...If you think that's foreshadowing, it IS, but...

Not fully. That UFO never comes back. If you watch the show, you know what relevence it has- not much, really, but it does make sense.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 25, 2003
I own pokemon red,gold and the original Stadium. and the music is new, but the sound FX are the same! If you cure your pokemon it makes the ding... ding... dingdingding sound. The pokemon crys are even gameboy! At least in Stadium they made more realistic calls.

I can't rent, The nearest place to rent games at is a place called movies to go, its like 60 miles away! That is way to far to rent a game and then have to drive all the way back to return it.


If I want games my only choice is to buy them or borrow them from my friends. My friends Dee and Missy are the closest like maby 10-15 miles down the riding trail. Yah we all live kinda far apart down here, with nothing in between.

So, I have a pile of games that I bought because I wanted to try them out, they just sit there gathering dust from not being played. Our local department store Kinters has a no return policy

Anyway I was just wondering, How do you breed the pokemon? I know you can do it on gold, but the daycare in this game only takes one pokemon. I read something about pokemon eggs, do you know if Pokemon can breed on this game?


Smash Rookie
Mar 16, 2004
Midevil Times (Present)
Sound effects? I was thinking MUSIC.

The music is fine, and has a good portion of original tunes in it.

Um...Stadium had GB sound effects, too...

Stadium 2, in my opinion, was the PEAK of Pokemon gaming.

Colosseum IS fun and all, but Stadium 2 had it DOWN, baby.


Oh, well, you can do it in Ruby/Sapphire, but I don't think so in Colosseum. After you beat the game, so I've read, you can trade with your GBA game.

I've been playing for about 11 hours now...

Better game than Sonic Heroes, I'll grant it that, FOR SURE.

Yea, it's not much, but I DID say I'd put up what I have so far...

<-{--[*<Begin Transmission>*]--}->

The Q4D! Saga...

Winds of Fate: The X Factor

Chapter 10- Rough Around the Edges

{Their civilization was destroyed...}

The girl was in deep thought and awe as she flipped a tan page over to reveal the opposite side. The edges of the pages of her book were a bit tattered, but in fair condition. Raven was quite intrigued as to how this book felt so old, yet looked relatively well. She had a strange sense about these old tomes- she could FEEL how old they were.

{When I use my powers on an object, I become a part of it, and...it becomes a part of me...}

She could remember that odd conversation she had with Cyborg weeks ago faintly. It was the same type of connection Cyborg had with machines.

{Hm...} She studied another drawing carefully. It portrayed a girl- one of these strange 'echidna' creatures (though they didn't look like echidnas SHE knew of at all). The girl was leaned up against a very large diamond of some sort. Lines were drawn around the gem, as if to portray a radiant glow.

{This girl stopped it,} Raven realized, gazing at the pictures on the following pages, skipping a large amount of strange text. The large monster that had been attacking this ancient civilization was being...sucked into the large stone...Raven was completely confused, but something had been compelling her to read on. She finally decided that it was a little late. Normally she would stay up and read more, but she had had quite a rough day- physically, mentally, and emotionally.

She then realized that she wasn't even in her bedroom- the book had been so captivating. She was sitting exactly where she had been when Cyborg had left to go to bed- on the couch in the main living room on the top floor and center of the tower.

As she closed her old tome and rubbed her eyes, she was almost frightened as a figure came drifting into the room, looking almost like a gloomy ghost in the darkness.

"...Starfire...?" she mumbled tiredly. "Is that you...?"

"...Mmm..." came a weary hum.

Raven could sense that Starfire was sleepy, and slightly upset about something.

"Where's Robin...?" she asked quietly, floating over toward Star, who was still in her dress. Her skinny arms were hanging low, and her eyelids were half open.

"Starfire?" Raven tapped her tuckered out friend on the shoulder sharply. "What's going on? What took you guys so long?"

Starfire's eyes opened a bit, revealing bags beneath them.

"...We were...delayed..." Starfire went on to explain briefly about how a clown at the carnival had gone berzerk and started mutating balloons into monsters. They had taken care of the matter before the rest of the Titans had been contacted.

"Whoa," Raven muttered, feeling sorry. "...That kinda...sucks..."

Starfire nodded, her head tipping to the side slightly. Raven helped ease her through the halls to her bedroom, conversing a little on the way.

"So...How did things go...before the end?"

Starfire rubbed at her eyes and moaned, "I do not know," massaging her forehead warily. "I cannot say...It...is late, I have exhausted myself, and...Please forgive me, Raven, but I must save my story for tomorrow. If I do not receive the efficient amount of rest I require, then-" She let loose a huge yawn, stretching her gloved arms out wide. "-...then I will be unable to perform actions of any kind, let alone recite my experiences..."

They had reached her room, and Starfire was flopping herself down on her cushiony bed. Raven was expecting her to at least take her shoes off, but she was too sleepy to do so, it seemed. Chuckling, Raven slipped the shiny red heels off of her sore feet and tossed them to the side of the bed. Her mouth agape, Star was already diving into slumber, letting out a gentle snore as she did so. Raven almost had trouble restraining her snickers as she slid a puffy pillow under Starfire's head.

"Quite a night, huh?" she mumbled, shaking her head lightly.

Seeing that her friend would sleep just fine- like a log- Raven exited the room, proceeding toward her own place. She didn't notice the darkened figure walking behind her, though, until he called out.


Raven's heart skipped a beat as she spun around, relieved to see it was only Robin, who was still in his tuxedo.

"Oh, Robin, uh...Did things go well?" she muttered slowly.

Robin sighed as he paced toward her, shrugging.

"I guess...Wh...What were you doing?" he asked her, completely baffled.

"I, eh...I was just making sure she got to her BED all right, she seemed really tired, so..."

Robin finally got to where she was standing in the black hallways, and gave her a perplexed empression.

"Umm...If you say so...If ya don't mind...-" he trailed off, rounding the corner to his room, which was down the hall a piece.

"Well, good night, then," Raven called back, just as confused as he was.

{What's up with Robin?} Raven pondered as she opened her door, watching it close. {Something must have happened, and I don't think it had to do with a clown...}


"SAY WHAT?!" Beastboy shrieked, utterly shocked.

Mario nodded slightly, smirking, as Robin's comment sunk in. He was leaned up against the wall of the gym, lifting a small weight with his right arm.

Cyborg, who had been bench-pressing, had accidentally dropped his weight. He would've been out of breath if his body weren't made of titanium.

"Seriously?" he wheezed out.

Robin, who was focusing on a big punching bag, nodded solemnly. After giving it a swift spin-kick, he answered verbally, "She did..."

"...Starfire...? Frenching...?" Beastboy murmured in complete surprise.

"Tell me about it," Cyborg moaned, ripping his heavy weights off of him. "That just don't sound right, Rob..."

"I KNOW, Cyborg...That's why I was confused..." Robin proceeded to give the tough, orange sack a flurry of kung fu chops.

"Dude, I knew Star liked you and everything, but...FRENCHING...?" Beastboy's voice cracked, his eyes wide.

"She said on her home planet that it doesn't mean the same thing it means here," Robin explained, trying to settle his friends down.

"...Psh, yea, that's what she'll TELL you," Beastboy told him with suspiscion. "Starfire's not stupid, Robin. She knows what she's doing."

Robin took a deep breath as he nailed the bag with his fists.

"I KNOW, Beastboy," he grumbled through clenched teeth. "But Starfire doesn't LIE, either..."

Beastboy was caught on that one. "Oh...Right. Yea, forgot about that part..." he mumbled meekly.

"So...How good was she?"

After a moment of silence, everyone in the room slowly creaked their heads to stare at Mario's sly and humurous smile. It was a bit hard to tell whether or not his question was serious or not.

But either way, the answer became obvious as Robin's cheeks flushed as red as Mario's hat. Cyborg started to chuckle heartily, and Beastboy elbowed him with congratulations.

"Hehe...What's up, Rob? Cat got your tongue?" He quickly morphed into a Jaguar, growled, and switched back to normal.

"...Guh...It was...interesting," Robin squeaked, coughing.

"Haha...Boo yah, baby," Cyborg laughed. "Rob got the goods, huh?"

Robin was slowly inching his way out of the room.

"HEY! Who's hungry for breakfast?" he asked loudly in a desperate attempt to drop the subject.

"Shall we continue our torturing later?" Beastboy asked his comrades devilishly.

"Oh, let's," Mario replied with the same evil tone.


Yep. So, eh...

Oh, yea. Even that Pokemon Center sound IS updated. It's hard to tell, but I'm pretty sure it is. :p Big deal, I know.


Dec 19, 2002
Are you DS? If you are why are you having another account? If you aren't how did you write the same style as DS? Also isn't DS supposed to be the ones updating?

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.

Dude, since when does my sig say...-_-

Wait a minute...


Do not panic, DO NOT PANIC.

That's my bro's account...*sweatdrop*

I posted that kinda late last night on my own computer...I'm used to automatically being signed in and all, so I just went straight to posting...

Ah, well. It's still my writing, and it was I who posted it...Don't worry.




Dec 19, 2002
Oh and I forgot to mention one itssy bitssy thing on my last post...Great update. Well I tried to ask this girl to dance but I can't find her and during the last slow dance song at the dance on Friday I put my name and hers on the dedication sheet and she was working her shift selling snacks:( . And on msn messanger I sort of asked her out and she said no:o . At least I see her at Track meets.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Um...Would you be Kenneth, who randomly mailed me about your secret admirer? O_o

That was kind of strange to just randomly mail somebody, especially since you didn't say anything about it...But whatever. ^_^ Um...If she admires you so much, why does she not want to go out with you or dance with you?

:rolleyes: Just seems a bit funny, know what I mean?

Oh, and as for that stuff above...

Watch Monty Python's Holy Grail. :p Great movie.

"Oh, well, it's just a wee rabbit!"


Dec 19, 2002
The secret admirer was a different person that I never met...except on msn. The one I asked out was someone else that I kinda like. Yes, I sent you the message:demon: ...cuz I felt like it:o.

Daniel Miller

Smash Journeyman
Dec 30, 2001
drifting down Akina mountain
WHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Great update DS. A bit short, but great. Dude i was laughing so hard: "Star...? FRENCHING....?" Oh my crap I was DYING that just seemed hilarious. Antway update soon and make it looooooonger please. Remember? REMEMBER THE TITANS! HAHA! :crazy:

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Well, I'm glad that you like my updates so much, Miller, but...

Sheesh, calm down. I DO have other things I need to do, ya know.

Tennis has been busy lately. I need to up my grades a bit. They're not bad; they're all great except for Calculus. I also have two other fics I'm trying to write, mind you.

Lastly, I haven't had much inspiration this week to write TTX. I mean, yea, I love writing it, just not right now. I have the basic plot planned out, but I need to come up with details invlolving what's going to happen immediately.

I know what'll happen a few chapters from now, but not what happens in this one specifically...-_-'

I posted up a little because it's all I have so far. Don't rush me, otherwise it won't be so good...

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Monty Python's Holy Grail? Is it a comedy like Monty Python's Flying Circus? Hmph... it's so unlike you, DS, to recommend movies without reviewing them in some way. :D

:skull: Destiny Smasher: The Critique Machine :skull:
Coming soon to a Smash World Forum near you.

:rotfl: Okay, it wasn't that funny... :o

So anywayz... I'm a bit confused. Everything in the Starfire/Robin date seemed to go OK at the end of chapter 9. What exactly went horribly wrong?

Hey... Did something happen near the end of the date that YOU didn't tell us about? You sly devil you... :cool:

And what's with the clown's attack? I would've enjoyed reading about how Robin kicked his big clown anus.

o_O Gasp!

MAYBE....... Maybe the clown caught Robin and Starfire in the middle of their smooch-fest. But I could be wrong...

Gosh, i'm really hyper today. :crazy: It's the oversupply of orange sodas and Slim Jims, I suppose... :hungry:

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.

OK, first...

Why bother writing about the fight with the psycho clown? What would be the point? The Chapter was long enough, and I only bother writing fight scenes that have a point to them...Otherwise I'd have written about 5-10 by now...

SMOOCH FEST?! :crazy: What on Stellon are you talking about?!

If I do remember well, they kissed ONCE and ONLY once...I guess your imagination wandered a bit there, but...The only thing that really happened worth noting too much after their kiss was the clown attacking and them going home, basically...I mean, yea, Robin got a bit of tongue, but it was still only one kiss...And that was enough for him. ^_^'

Their date went FINE, but not GREAT.

I specificaly tried to make it seem a bit awkward, or didn't ya notice?

If their romantic relationship was a swimming pool...

Starfire's on the high board, ready to jack-knife in.

And Robin is on the shallow end, just barely sticking his feet in to see if the water's warm.

Or did you not catch that? :rolleyes: I believe I mentioned numerous times that Robin was feeling awkward about it. He's unsure at this point. he wasn't expecting it to be a big deal, but it WAS, for both of them.

Now he realizes what he's gotten himself into, and he's not sure which direction to take just yet. Chapter 10 will help illustrate a bit more. I'm still working on how to intro Terra and Slade properly...

Da** Cartoon Network for changing their mind and deciding NOT to air the last 4 episodes of season 2 in May...GRRRR...

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Now he realizes what he's gotten himself into, and he's not sure which direction to take just yet.
Aaah, I see now. Maybe Robin was afraid that, by dating Starfire, he was putting her in danger. Because if the villans discovered their little "relationship", it would, in a way, leave Robin's heart open to attack.

So maybe, during the clown attack, Robin was afraid that the bad guys would indeed find out.

SMOOCH FEST?! What on Stellon are you talking about?!
Well, I AM missing the back of my head, perhaps you could cut me some slack! :p

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.

Hey, what do ya KNOW?

You might be on to something, PALLY BOY! :p


"I have a responsibility, Cyborg. I can't just abandon my duties for a little fun. Besides, what if...-? What if that kind of relationship interferes with our job?"

Cyborg was a little confused, and he let his arms drop to his sides as Robin continued.

"Slade might still be after me. If he finds out about something like this, what do you think he's going to do?"

"...Kidnap Star and use her to get YOU," Cyborg admitted with worry, rubbing his chin.

"Besides," Robin added, his voice a little shaky. "I might...screw something up...I could get her mad, and maybe she won't talk to me or something..."


Maybe you messed up, but I think you're beginning to think a little better on these things...It's called 'foreshadowing.'

Of course, who knows what it might mean? I sometimes have a habit of misleading my readers...

But I guess ya won't know for sure until I want you to...

Daniel Miller

Smash Journeyman
Dec 30, 2001
drifting down Akina mountain
I think youbetter update.. Or else something BAD will happen. I don't know whta, but something BAD. Like, if you see a suspicious box on your doorstep, RUN! Hahahahahahaha... But seriously, update! I can't get enough of this! I have nothing to do and this is like the only reading outside of school i get. So... yeah. Update.


Dec 19, 2002
Can you be patient it takes time to update. There are other good fics too ya know. Right now he could be busy so don't distract him. I'm not flamming but I know it takes time to write an update especially since you have to think of the things they are gonna say.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.

Yea, what part of 'I've been busy lately,' did ya not get, Dan? :confused:

I mean, no offense, I'm more than happy you're addicted and all, but...Well...

To be honest, I was expecting two new episodes of TT on tonight to inspire me- they're not being aired until way later on...

And, well, I haven't planned out the details...

I actually don't specifically think of what characters will say. I mean, they're people, so all I have to do is think of a general topic, and sometimes some specifics, and just see what happens...

Like the last scene I wrote...Kind of odd and all...I just let what happened happen, I didn't plan it out, really.

Most of my character interaction is spur of the moment. Then there's some main concrete things I KNOW will happen, and specifics are generated as I write about it.

And to be honest, all I know about this Chapter is that they're going to meet Terra, Slade's going to show up, and it will act as a similar course of events as the episode it corrresponds to- like the other parts of the last two chapters.

However, if you're really so enthusiastic about my writing, I HAVE been working on THREE FICS AT THE SAME TIME, ya know. And I have Quest for Destiny! Black for you to read here on Smashboards- should take you a good while.

Then there's Q4D! White, which is much better (at least until they both become the same) and my Golden Sun fic...

I've been working on all three, plus I have tennis, plus I have to catch up in school work...

So give me some time, hey? Geez, if all I had to do was PICTURE a scene, I'd be 2/3 done with everything...Problem is that I need to write it all down and be detailed...

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Q4D black??? I thought it was blue. Guess i'll have to edit my signature. :p

Oh wait... never mind. I'll leave it Blue version. The "black version/white version" sounds too... racially separating. Someone might complain about it... :confused:

Whoa! Looks like you're pretty tied up with other things. Don't worry, though, you're not alone. I've got a tight schedule too. (EP imagines himself sleeping in front of his computer desk while time flies by really fast. You can hear the theme song of King of the Hill in the background.) And to think I stayed home today for this... :rolleyes:

Most of my character interaction is spur of the moment. Then there's some main concrete things I KNOW will happen, and specifics are generated as I write about it.
The human imagination is a wonderous thing indeed. Your method of writing can be compared to my method of drawing graphics/sprites. I just draw an outline of the first thing that pops into my head, wether it be an alien, a zany weapon of some kind, whatever. Then I add solid colors, and then I start adding the details (texture, lighting effects and what-not).

So in a nutshell, some of our best creations can come right off the top of our heads.

*EP mumbles under his breath* Argh... i've been playing Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind for 5 hours every day for the past 2 months, and I still haven't beat it. It's friggin' HUGE!

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.

Gak...Yea, I changed that because it sounded AWFUL.

That'd be like having Pokemon Red and Purple. Blech. Or Pokemon Gold and Copper. Or Pokemon Ruby and Limestone.

It just doesn't sound right.

Besides, White and Black is SUPPOSED to be contrasting, ya baffoon. Just like Yin and Yang- hello, it's only one of the main aspects of my fic...My philosophy on life, for crying out loud...

I tried to write last night, but I could get down was about two paragraphs in Golden Sunrise...

Team Chaotix comes in, along with some other old Sonic Heroes you may know...Of course, the fic also explains how Cream gets into things...

And it also will jump to Hylia later on. Remember Malon in Q4D! Black- my most recent bits in that? Yea.

Lastly, there's Stellon. But I'm not entierly sure what to do with that just yet.

Oh, and this fic?

Yea, yea...I need some time, and I need a good Metal Hammer to break down those stupid Writer's Blocks in my path...

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Team Chaotix? I know who they are, but... i've never seen them before. What exactly is each character like? What do they sound like? Are they good, evil, or neutral?

Ugh... *sweatdrop* It was a good thing I stayed home yesterday. They were playing kickball in my gym class, and, supposedly, somebody hit the Pitcher on accident with the ball and almost broke the guy's face in half. I was supposed to be Pitcher that day, but I was absent. Lucky me...?

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
I guess...

Team Chaotix?

Yea, they're from an old Sonic Game, and they're in Sonic Heroes. They were also in the Knuckles the Echidna comic books.

They're a team of crack detectives, as they are in my fic. I'd describe them all to ya, but...I don't feel like it right now. I'll get pics and show you...though they aren't going to be in THIS fic, but in my Golden Sun fic...

Bar fight scene! ^_^ Can't wait to write it...Not in this fic, in my other. :p

And two Pokemon Chappies are in the works for Q4D! White...Well, now 39's done, and 40's underway.

And why the bloody **** did I enjoy watching Jimmy Neutron and Timmy Turner screw up each other's worlds and fix them again...? O_o

Crossovers are in my blood, I suppose. Let's just not cross Teen Titans with Spongebob Squarepants, huh?

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Damm! I missed that! :mad:

Well, i'll look forward to the Teen Titans/SpongeBob crossover... just kidding. ;) Although it would be cool to see SpongeBob and Patrick become Teen Titans. They could be the next Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy. :chuckle:

Hey? Why are you staring at me like that? SpongeBob is funny!

Well then, I digress...

I'm starting to see cobwebs, if you know what I mean... :dizzy: But, I completely understand why. By all means, take your time, but not TOO much time. Dat would be baaaaad.


Dec 19, 2002
There was a Jimmy Neutron/Fairly Oddparents CROSSOVER:confused: ? How did THAT happen?!?!?!?! One is a cartoon and one is computer generated. I enjoy Fairly Oddparents:rolleyes: . Wish I could see it again. Oh and how is a Teen Titans/ Spongebob crossover possible? THEY ARE FROM TWO DIFFERENT COMPANIES. Anyways I hope the third season of Teen Titans won't start until I move back;) . And how will I watch all of the first and second season if they won't put them on DVD:confused: ?

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
OK, the way it worked was Jimmy Neutron was animated Fairly Oddparents style and screwed up Fairy World and had to fix it...

Timmy Turner was turned into CG kid (kinda weird lookin', for sure) and was put into Jimmy Neutron's world...He downloaded a combat game into Goddard, causing the mechanical dog to go berserk and start blowing stuff up.

"Your future is CANCELLED."

Very funny, indeed. I enjoyed the parts with Timmy more than the parts with Jimmy...*sweatdrop* The Oddparents just didn't have quite the same kick it usually does with Jimmy there...Vice versa, however, was even more hilarious than usual.


Spongebob IS a funny show...I don't watch it, though.

Problem with me is that I can watch shows like that and enjoy them...-_- And it creeps me out.

But Spongebob with the Titans would not be very cool...

It could happen, assuming the two companies team up. But thank Din that won't happen any time soon.


Season 1 and 2?

Well, if you get Cartoon Network, they've been airing Season 1 and most of Season 2 straight through the past month or two...

As far as this fic, I don't have much done of 10, and I probably WON'T have muh done of 10 until Season 2 finally finishes...

But I'm still typing away...sort of...on Q4D White, and a wee-bit of Golden Sunrise here and there.

But Ratchet+Clank 2 an the excitement of E3 has kept me occupied.


Dec 19, 2002
Oh really...I can't imagine it so I wonder if I will ever watch it. MUST...SEE...TEEN...TITANS...IN...5...WEEKS...cuz that's when I move back to the US:) .

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
They'll be playing Teen Titans about 12 times a week if they keep the schedule up, don't worry.

I've only missed the on about Cyborg's car...-_- I need to see when they'll air it next...


What's hard to imagine...?

Unfortunately, the new Zelda game won't be around for at least another year...

But that means more time to make it the Zelda gamer's DREAM.

If it keeps going down the path it's headed, it will be THE GCN adventure game, for sure. It may prove to be the Zelda game of my dreams if progress continues at teh way it's looking, but who knows?

And of course, Paper Mario 2, the sequel to one of my top 5 fav games of all time...Hehe...Who knows? Maybe I'll like it even MORE. It's very likely if it shapes up nicely.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Another Zelda game? Isn't it a sequel to Wind Waker, where Link becomes an adult? I've only played a demo of Wind Waker, and I can't seem to find it anywhere, but i've heard from a lot of people that it's the greatest adventure game of this console generation.

Isn't Ratchet and Clank 2 awesome? I love it! In fact, my upcoming D-Nova masterpiece was inspired by it (well, some of it).

I'm literally a MASTER at R&C. I can beat Challenge mode without buying ANY armor or weapon upgrades. It takes a long time to kill enemies, and I can get killed in one hit... but I still beat it! :cool: :p

And, I hear that Insomniac Games is already making R&C 3! It's going to have a multiplayer mode and even more advanced enemy AI.

I'm so hyped up about all the new games; I soiled myself on countless occasions... :crazy:

(By the way DS, sorry about removing your "ad" from my signature; some schmuck in the Light House section complained about it being too long.)

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.

It's good to know you're SEMI up to date and all...

I've known about the last installment of the Ratchet+Clank series for months....

Ratchet+Clank: Up Your Arsenal, of course.

The second is very fun, too, and I can't wait to see what else they incorporate into the design.

You haven't played Wind Waker?!

For Din's sake, what's wrong with you?! :eek: Wind Waker is indeed an EXCELLENT game. Ah, 'twas only a year ago when it came out, and I finally got the chance to play it...

But it's been months since I've even SEEN it.

I'm sure it's around, just keep looking.


SEQUEL to Wind Waker???

Are you mad? Look at my SIG, man! Does that look like Wind Waker style graphics?! I don't think so...

Nintendo surprised everyone at E3 this year with a trailer to this new Zelda game, and ****, is it looking fine. (Though I haven't seen the trailer, I've seen enough screens)

Lemme tell ya, this is no true sequel to Wind Waker. It's more likely to be a sequel to Ocarina of Time for crying out loud.

The developers want to concentrate more on a mature Link this time around, though the Link in Wind Waker was the most expressive one so far. I can't wait to see how things develop.

Paper Mario 2 and the DS, in the meantime, will have to keep us busy until next year. And my my, are they also lookin' great. Paper Mario 2 incorporates a LOT more paper aspect to things than the other did.

In battles, you fight on a stage with an audience watching. Believe it or not, the audience is actually IMPORTANT to the battle system!! :p Isn't that interesting? When the audience likes your performance, they'll throw you powerups and throw garbage at your enemies. But when you're doing BADLY, they'll boo you and throw trash at YOU!

Very unique, I must say.

And they have a cool lil' Goomba Gal character...Who I, of course, will turn into Goombario's girlfriend via my fanfiction skills.

Anyway, I'd better stop ranting about that for now and move on. I've got a bit of a busy day ahead of me, I guess.


Dec 19, 2002
You haven't seen the TRAILER:eek: !!!! I saw it at nintendo.com. If I know more about the game I think it will make me want to buy it badly but I also want the Starfox game coming out. Metroid Prime 2:Echoes I'm definately going to buy. Hahaha the audience is important.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Believe you me, not seeing the trailer is not by choice. I've TRIED, OVER AND OVER, but whenever I try to watch trailers on the DS, Paper Mario 2, or the new Zelda, they don't WORK, no matter what computer I try them on!

If I'm lucky enough to download them, only the SOUND works, and not the video!

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Uhh, is your computer old? Or new? Mine's pretty new (2001), and I can play internet videos just fine. Although, I have trouble playing sounds/MP3's while online...


Guess what? About 1 month from now (June 22) is my birthday! I'll be sixteen years of age.

I'm already recieving early-presents (basically clothes). But, I also managed to get my hands on a Pokemon Ruby cartridge. I haven't played a Pokemon game since Pokemon Blue, and I must say, I am impressed! There are sooooo many new monsters to catch, and they all look really cool on the GBA (I don't know half of their names yet, though :p ). I've caught the "Pokemon Fever" all over again! :bee:

So, what's your current favorite Pokemon?

Meh, I digress...

Well, there's nothing else to say right now, except "update"!


Dec 19, 2002
Must...see...update. Lately you have only been updating Q4D White here. Er...isn't the final two episodes of Teen Titans second season up yet? I hope they don't start the third until July when I get back :p.

EP: My favorite pokemon is caught between Mewtwo and Deoxys.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.

There are FOUR episodes of season two they have yet to play, and they've already announced that the very last two will not be aired until early AUGUST. Ugh...

I've been writing plenty Q4D! White, and some Golden Sunrise, too. Due to time and lack of enthusiasm, I'm just not writing this fic right now. Once new episodes air, I'll have more inspiration.

Charmander has ALWAYS been my fav Pokemon. A personally think Ruby has a LOT of REALLY dumb Pokemon, but has a few really COOL ones to make up for it.

If you've been reading Q4D! White, you would realize that I've begun to incoporate characters from the Ruby/Sapphire 'era' that were not originally in the plot.
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