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Winds of Fate: The X Factor (Teen Titans)

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
"Well, I hardly ever watch any morning cartoons anymore."

Teen Titans ISN'T a morning cartoon, EP...It's on at all times of the day- just depends on the day of the week.

On Weekdays, it's on in the evening and again at night. (except on Fridays)

On Saturdays it's on in the morning son WB and at noon and in the evening on CT.

As for Megaman 1 being the hardest...*sweatdrop*

I don't agree. That rock monster (the Yellow Devil, you mean, or something else? If it's that thing that breaks into pieces and moves around, it's called the Yellow Devil. Ironic that I would know that when you're the Megaman fan.)

I doubt I'll beat them all before you...But I have about 3-4 hours today to play, now don't I?

"That last minute thing didn't come out right. What I meant was that you would do a plot twist as to this person's identity at the last possible second, when we think we know who it is."


I feel insulted!!

I never do that, it makes no sense. Sheez...

OHHHH, no. The person who falls to the darkness will have a good amount of time during which they will change the way they act...

It's not a matter of a PERSON changing suddenly, it's more a matter of EVENTS taking place that CAUSE those changes.

However, it's not going to be sudden that you realize who it is. If I write it good enough, it'll be hard to tell, up until a certain point.

Point is that you should know my writing better by now to know not to assume things like that- or rather, you can, but you'll not go telling me them.

Anyway, I PROMISE I'll have the end of 10 up on Monday at the latest, but I'm sure I can finish it off by then...I only have a little more left to write...

And I should have some time Saturday morning to do so, while EP's not watching Teen Titans, but COULD catch the first episode on WB if he so chooses to- "Divide and Conquer."

If not, you'll have to wait until Monday...

^_^ I'm getting myself a good ol' Memory Card 1000+ tomorrow...And hopefully a game...

Four Swords?

Mario VS Donkey Kong?

Or maybe the GCN version of Wario Ware? It's only $20...

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Out of those games, I would recommend Zelda: Four Swords Adventures. It's pretty cool, and if you have 2 GBA's with Link Cables, and a friend to play with, you're going to have one h3ll of a time. :D

Four Swords is very similar to the hack-n-slash games on the X-Box (Dungeons + Dragons, Baldur's Gate), only much much cooler. :cool:

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
You mean I don't actually need all four to play Multi-plater?

How does that work? Do we each control two Links? That would rock...

But it is still a one-player game, too...

Anyway, that is, in fact, the game I'm aiming for.

I should be going shopping today, actually...

I've heard that Four Swords has some disappointments, though, and isn't quite as good as the other main Zelda titles like Wind Waker...

For example, I hear that after every 'world' you complete, you lose all your extra Heart Containers...Furthermore, it's not a REAL Zelda game, anyway, because when you clear a world, you can't go back and explore it freely...

Oh, well...It should still be a fun romp around, anyway, and it's not like I can't afford it...

Update? *sweatdrop*

Yea, well...It's DONE...Just about...Too bad I left the Floppy at my friend's house yesterday and forgot about it, so you'll have to wait until Monday...:rolleyes:

Ah, well.

Go check out Anime Music Videos while you're at it. I can't wait to see some Teen Titans ones...


Dec 19, 2002
Great update. I only saw the show a few times because I have to stay in a hotel without Cartoon Network:mad: .

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.

Well, after 5-10 hours of playing Four Swords, I really have to say that I'm pleased with my purchase...That and 1019 blocks of memory is very happy.

I misinterpreted some things I read about it...Despite the fact that it isn't a TRUE Zelda game, it's still got those elements that make it feel Zelda.

It's just laid out in a strange way. For starters, instead of being one large world that you can explore freely, the game is composed of a ton of levels divided into stages...

I know it sounds weird, but it works pretty well, actually, and is ideal for multiplayer fun, because you can play a level and see who's the winner afterward based on collecing Force Gems, and other factors about your performance- at the end of a round, players can even vote on who to give and take 100 points from.

The battle mode is also very fun. I was skeptic at first, but it really is quite entertaining...One of the main things that makes this game unique is the fact that each player has their own screen, and in battles, there's places for you to 'hide' from the other players.

My favorite battle stage, the Fire Temple, for example, is perfect for battles. An arena is in the center, surrounded by Bomb Flowers. ^_^ At the top and bottom of the arena are two rooms with three doors. Go inside the doors and you'll find a switch and an item...On your GBA screen, you see yourself outside of the building, and on teh TV, you see the main area. If you have a bow, you can shoot an arrow out the door and watch it sail across teh TV screen and back into the other room and possibly hit someone on their GBA screen...Very interesting...

There's also another area in the bottom of the stage (you fall down a pit to get there) where there are a ton of switches...Hitting these switches activates traps on the main arena, opening up holes into lava and spewing out flames from statues. Potentially, no section of the main area is safe if someone is ready to nail you with a trap.

Even as a one-player game it's fun, but not NEARLY as fun as a four player game. (Actually, I've only been able to play three-players at this point) If you have the peripherals (which I and my friends do have) it's DEFINITELY worth the time.


Whew! Yes, I'm very happy I bought it and can't wait to play it with three other friends soon...Hopefully by then I'll have unlocked more battle stages...

But I have to go to work tonight, work all night until 4:00 am, sleep 'til 7:00, go to work somewhere ELSE until 3:00 pm, and then I get off of work...

So it'll be a long day/night...

But I'll make a decent amount of money...

Ah, yes, update...I DO have the rest, folks.

By the way, there was a tiny bit I forgot to add in this one scene, so read the section again with its added sentence. It's just something important I want to focus on.


"Starfire...You have no idea how much I appreciate your friendship. I want you to know that. You're the most caring person I've ever met, Starfire. I've changed because of you. You've made me who I am, and I'm thankful. I hope you know that I'll be there for you through anything, too."

Starfire's eyes widened with surprise, and it seemed like she didn't believe what Raven had just told her. To confirm it to Starfire, Raven added, "I promise..." Starfire absorbed it for a moment, and her eyes became glazed with joy.

"...So we are best friends," Star concluded.

"...I guess we are," Raven mumbled, pink-faced.


Anyway, on to the end of Chapter 10!



The whirring of the elevator was all that could be heard in the lonely halls of Titan Tower as Robin rode up to the third floor- where Starfire, Raven, and Mario's bedrooms were. His mind was flooded with ideas and questions.

He was feeling very nervous and worried about it all as the memories came back. He had just gotten over this awkward feeling, and here it was, back again so soon.

That kiss...It was still embedded in his brain like a diamond in a ring. It was certainly special, all right...And then the tongue had to come and ruin it...Or...well...make it better...Robin wasn't entirely sure- it was both.

{It will not sway me...}

Starfire's words echoed from their first date, when things were dying down- just before that stupid clown had his fun. Robin reflected on these words. He knew that Starfire would understand if he chose not to pursue such a relationship, but...

{Why SHOULDN'T I?} Robin asked himself. {The pros outweigh the cons, don't they?...Starfire's everything I could want in a girlfriend, I guess...}

Robin reflected on the memories they had shared together for his confirmation.

{She's caring, compassionate, loyal...Honest, smart, brave...She's beautiful, inside and out...And here she is, hoping to be my girlfriend...I'M the one who should be pleading, not her...}

Robin was reaching his epiphany, slowly but surely. The elevator had come to a halt without him realizing it, and he looked up to see the dark, cold hallway of the third floor. Hobbling around on his crutch, Robin gradually made his way toward his destination, his mind whirling as he did so.

{But, then again...What if it interferes with our job? Gah. But what if it's worth it...? It very well may be...I'll never know until I try. Besides, even if it doesn't work out, Starfire isn't going to hate me all of a sudden. Yea...I should be grateful, if anything. I should take her up on her offer. She'll be happy, and I'll be happy...Yea...}

Robin suddenly became aware of the big, painted door before him. Starfire's door was a sliding, metal one, like the rest, but hers was different. During that 'Blorthog' holiday of hers, she'd gathered everyone around to paint her door. The result was merely a collage of little pictures. Robin stared at the Birdarang he'd slapped on. It didn't look half bad, actually...He glanced up at the name, 'Starfire,' which was painted in red. The writing was in a cursive style, though a bit sloppy, and the 'i' was dotted with a heart.

Robin smiled warmly as he stared at it and reflected on all the good times- and bad times- they had shared.

{It's not like a puzzle you need to solve,} Raven had tried to explain earlier that day. {You don't figure out the answer- you already know it.}

{Yea, man, just chill out and take it easy,} Cyborg had suggested.

{I have known the answer the whole time,} Robin agreed. {I've just been too afraid to admit it, because I don't know what'll happen...This whole time I've been trying to be brave and fight Slade and crime, and...I've been too afraid to face MYSELF or Starfire...Not anymore. Time I faced my fears and overcame them.}

Robin leaned on his crutch for support as he stuck out his free hand and rapped at the door. There was a moment or two of silence as Robin stood on the edge, awaiting an answer. Starfire knew it was him- there was no one else there.

Finally, he received a slow, "Come in..." Robin pressed the red button next to the passcode panel, and the door slid open.

He slowly stepped into the warm, colorful bedroom, his eyes jumping to his friend, who avoided his gaze. She was sitting on her oval bed- which was right in the middle of the room- staring out the clear glass wall to the city's lights.

"...Hey," Robin muttered, his guts wrenching already.

"Good evening," Star murmured in response, feeling just as nervous as he.

"Uh..." Robin stood awkwardly for a moment, staring at her boots and sleeves on the ground beside her bed. All was silent for another few seconds until she realized he was there.

She gasped and spun her head around. "OH! Forgive my rudeness, Robin, I-...Please, sit down..." She carefully floated over a few inches so Robin could sit beside her. Robin was very careful as he rounded her bed and slowly sat.

Once again, there was tranquility, and Robin gazed at Starfire, hopings he would make eye contact with him soon, which she hadn't yet.

He finally decided to start the conversation, and Starfire did, too, at the same time.

"I know that the past couple days have been-"
"I apologize for acting in such a manner that-"

They both stopped and paused, waiting for the other to continue. Neither did, so they both started up again.

"I shouldn't have left you hanging like that, and-"
"I am truly sorry for my actions, I shouldn't have-"

Their cheecks were pink, and Star finally looked up to him, embarrassed. They smiled weakly as nothing was said for anothere couple seconds.

"Please, speak first," Starfire offered him, breaking that wall.

Robin took a deep breath before beginning.

"All right...Starfire, I know that it seems that things didn't go too well the other night, but-"

"I am TRULY sorry!" Star spat out apologetically. "I never meant to cause you such discomfort..."

"No, no...It's all right," Robin said, calming her down. "Just listen."

Starfire sealed her lips, her eyes wandering off to the horizon out the window.

"I've been thinking about it a lot lately, Star, and I came to a decision..."

Her gaze jumped back to him in anticipation and rubbed her bandaged head a little as he continued.

"Yea, Star, you creeped me out the other night, but-..." He smiled sheepishly. "I'd say it was in a good way, I just didn't know how to take it at first..."

Star's eyes lit up with excitement, and her mouth was agape slightly.

"That doesn't mean to do that all over the place," Robin hastily added, and Star nodded quickly, blushing. "Sure, I felt uncomfortable, but I made you feel the same way when I didn't answer you...I'm sorry."

"Robin, you do not need to apolo-"

Robin silenced her with a solemn stare, and Starfire was quiet again.

"I've known the answer the whole time, it's just that I'm not sure whether to act on it or not."

Starfire was fiddling with the loose end of a bandage on her thigh out of nervousness.

"Starfire, I don't really like going on dates...But...The other night- that was the first time I ever ENJOYED myself on a date..."

The Tamaranian blushed a little, running her fingers across her sideburn to straighten it out.

"I want to feel that again, Star," Robin said bluntly. "And I know that you do, too..."

A grin spread across his friend's face as her eyes glowed, and she nodded giddily.

"I was just concerned because I was worried what the consequences might be," Robin explained- though Star wasn't quite listening.

Robin reached out his arm to grab hold of her smooth, bare hand and ran the other through his shiny, slick hair.

"Starfire, I can't believe it took me so long to decide...You're everything I could ever want out a girlfriend, or out of a BEST friend..."

Flattered, Star stared at his bare toes, her face getting red.

"You're the kindest person I know...You're brave, you stick up for yourself..." He remembered how his mind has phrased it. "You're a beautiful person, inside and out...And I would like it if we gave this 'dating' thing a try..." He let go of her hand, and they both stared as the two appendages parted.

Starfire let out a hyper giggle and she landed a small kiss on Robin's cheeck, catching him off guard.

"That is wonderful, Robin! I am truly grateful you are willing to give me another chance. When shall we perform our next courtship ritual?"

After a confused pause, Robin caught on and pondered. "A date? I don't know...How about tomorrow night? We won't really be able to DO much of anything," he mumbled, noting their conditions.

"We will be capable of doing plenty," Starfire insisted, very pleased. As the excitement of the moment died down, Star seemed to think deeply about something. "...You said our first date was the first appointment you found satisfactory...There were others...?" She had a slight twinge of jealous curiosity.

"Nothing ever happened," Robin assured her, getting a bit nervous. "Certainly nothing close to what happened on the ferris wheel..."

"So..." Starfire murmured, her mind rushing from one place to the next. "Now we are...-" She lifted a brow as she recited the phrase, still not quite sure about it. "...'One hot item'...?"

Robin chuckled and went to pat her shoulder, only to notice the sling the arm was in. Grabbing her hand again and squeezing it, he laughed, "You could say that."

"Glorius," Starfire whispered in awe. "Shall we visit a movie-viewing theater to watch a fright-inducing picture?"

Robin shrugged. He didn't CARE where they went- he was sure he'd have fun with Starfire anyway. But this time he'd try his best to make sure it was not an awkward experience.

"Sure, that sounds great," he answered her calmly. After seeing her smile, he decided to ask her about something that was bugging him.

"Star, do you know what's up with Raven? She's been acting really weird lately...I've noticed you two have been spending a lot of time lately...You never did that before."

Starfire had a vague memory of Robin asking the same question some while ago, but she explained, anyway.

"Raven is-...Raven and I have discovered that we enjoy each other's companionship. Raven is happy because she is able to be more open with her emotions, and I am happy because Raven is happy."

Robin nodded slowly.

"What do you mean, 'more open?' She HAS been acting strange compared to her usual self. Is that why she hasn't been meditating as often lately?"

Star nodded quickly, then winced as she realized she'd just given her sore head a good shake.

"Raven has much more control over her powers now- at least, this is what she has told me. She is still frustrated because she wishes you all to know how she appreciates youir friendship...She just does not know how to express it."

Robin lifted a brow. {Appreciating friendship? Star really HAS been an influence on her, hasn't she? Not really a bad thing, I guess...}

"All right..." Robin had heard enough of that matter, and another cuirosity question popped into his head. "So what do you think about this new girl- Terra?"

Starfire sighed ans shrugged. "I cannot say. I do not know her well enough...But I am sure she will make a grand addition to our team..."

"Yea..." Robin mumbled.

{They shall be engulfed by the darkness.}

That letter was nagging at him. What did this 'Destiny Smasher' know? Who was he working for, and what was his goal? Robin had to know- and he was confident he'd find out.

Who would be 'engulfed by darkness?' Perhaps Terra...Robin didn't know her enough to be able to decide her loyalty. Maybe this 'Destiny Smasher' character had sent her to the Titans specifically to betray them...

And what was Slade up to amidst all this?

{Maybe he's working in conjunction with Destiny Smasher...} Robin theorized.

"-could get transportation from Cyborg via the T-Car...I am certain that a movie would not be strenuous. I only hope we are ALLOWED to leave...The other Titans may not let us..."

"They will," Robin assured her, breaking out of his trance. "They're probably all joking about us behind our backs," he guessed with a small laugh.

"Do you believe they are well?" Starfire asked meekly, worried for her friends.

"They're fine," Robin told her with confidence.


"Dat's it!" Cyborg encouraged to the rest of the team as they carried out their battle strategy.

They had arrived on the scene on cue as hordes of Slade's robotic ninjas were causing chaos in the mines, sending poor miners fleeing for their lives.

The ninjas were modeled to look like Slade himself, complete with masks. Those masks had two shades- the section with the eyes (which were glinting lights) were ovals of red, while the rest was black. They were sort of hunched over like half-ape men, their shoulders covered in metal plating. Their hands had sharp claws, and they used those claws to attack swiftly.

They were in a large opening with elevators rising to the surface and cranes carrying girders. All working had come to a halt, of course, but the equipment remained behind- free to be used as tools of destruction.

The Titans had gone to work, quickly dispatching one ninja after the other. Sonic would rip them apart with swift kicks, while Mario would incinerate them with flames. Link would slice them clean in half, and Tenochtitlan would use powerful magical attacks to blast her foes, riding Beastboy like a steed as he transformed into random creatures.

Terra and Raven were cooperating, using their powers to crush the robots. Cyborg was enjoying himself, blowing them to pieces with his energy cannon.

"Yo, Terra, can ya get me up there?" Cyborg asked of their aid, who was fighting nearby.

"Sure," she called, flicking his wrists as the ground around Cyborg trembled. A flat section was ripped out, and Terra heaved it upward onto a platform being held up by a crane. About five girders were stacked in a pyramid shape, and Cyborg grinned gleefully as he pounced ontp the platform, causing it to sway and creak some.

"Thanks!" he shouted down as Terra slammed the stone smack into a ninja.

Cyborg glanced below him to see Terra and Raven below him.

"Better get out day way, ladies!" he cried as he scooped a ten-foot girder in his hands, ready to wield it like a baseball bat.

Terra ran out of the way, but Raven glanced up to see what was going on. Her already pale face lost color as she saw giant bars of metal raining down on her. She immediately surrounded herself in a shadow sheild, and the girders bounced off, squishing all the enemies around her in the process. Cyborg landed directly on her orb, and shrugged sheepishly.

"I told ya to get outta the way," he mumbled as he bounded off, swinging his new weapon vertically and decimating a machine.

Raven huffed, recovering her nerves that had been shot, and took a deep breath before grabbing hold of a girder herself with her powers and following Cyborg's lead, swinging it around as a bludgeoning tool.

A low rumbling started up as a ninja took the wheel of a large drilling machine. It was like a tank with a huge vertical drill on the front. As it spun wildly, the Titans around took cover. Tikal used her abilities to slow it down, pushing against it with her defensive powers. Sonic took the opportunity to quickly knock out the driver with a well-placed kick, sending it skidding across the ground.

Tay and Beastboy were doing perfectly fine, taking out anything that approached them.

Mario, in the meanwhile, was enjoying himself as he flipped from spot to spot, annihilating anything he came across. He even was daring enough to fight near Raven, who was now twirling three girders around. He would roll under one and dive over another, finishing off any foes Raven hit. Raven was very tempted to actually try hitting him when he winked at her inbetween attacks.

"Raven! Mario! Link!" Cyborg shouted to the nearby Titans as he swung at three in a row, ripping their bodies in half. "Take Terra and make sure that diamond's all right!"

Raven dismissed her metal by throwing it at a horde of the ninjas, who were firing strange red laser at them from small pistols.

Terra tore open the earth to snag a ride, and Link hopped on beside her, his running speed not quite efficient.

Raven created a disk of darkness large enough for Mario to hitch a ride on, and he enjoyed using it as a strange snowboard of sorts in the air as they rushed through a long, dark hallway toward their destination.

Their surrounding became pitch black, though they could see light in the distance as they grew ever closer to the room concealing the treasure. However, lurking in the shadows was a horde of Slade's minions, ready to strike. As they whizzed overhead, Mario nailed one in the face as it tried to attack him with a firm punch, and Raven jolted one with a blast of black electricity.

Terra and Link weren't quite as lucky, though, as about three jumped up, clinging to their rock and clawing at their feet. Link cut one's arm off, and another's head with fierce strokes, but they were losing speed and height as more piled on. They eventually came to a stop, bowling over a few as they crashed into the ground, leaving Raven and Mario to check on the diamond.

Terra had some difficulty trying to attack- it was dark, and their foes were quite close to them- she might accidentally hit Link. The strange swordsman was doing fine without her aid, however, for a time. He had taken out a good half of them before his sword was knocked from his hands- and he couldn't see where it had landed. He was quickly overcome by a dogpile of the machines.

"Get your hands off of him!" Terra growled as she sent a pillar of the ceiling smashing into a couple of them.

Terra was surprised, however, when a shadowed man carrying a large, beautiful stone came running right by, untouched by the ninjas. He was swiftly running off, and Terra knew that wasn't good. Though she couldn't make out any details in his appearence, she felt she knew who it was.

{That must be Slade,} she realized. After glancing over to Link, who had retrieved his sword and was gaining the upper hand again, Terra decided to track down Slade herself before he could escape.

"I'll be fine. Take him out, Terra- you can do it!!" Link shouted at her as he swiped his blade wildly, hacing off metal body parts.

She followed the shadowed figure down a dark corridor, using the sound of his feet smacking the rocks as a guide. After about a minute or two of chasing, she was shocked to see she had come to a dead end. Breathing heavily, she glanced about the darkness to try and make out her surroundings to see if she had missed a turn- the sound of her target escaping was gone.

As she regained her bearings, she received quite a shock.

"Good evening, Terra."

Her heart skipped a beat as she whirled around to see where the deep, deceptive voice had come from. Her long blonde hair whipped into her face, and she quickly shoved it away as she realized that Slade was standing three feet in front of her, glowering down at her. She couldn't see his face, but she could see his right eye, and just by looking at the glint in it she could tell he was smirking at her.

He was a very mysterious man, that was for certain. He was tall and muscular, but you couldn't see a single patch of his skin. His body was covered in a strange suit that had metal plating on the arms and legs. His face was the creepiest part. It was covered in a cold mask of metal. It was divided into two halfs- the left half was entirely black- not even a space for an eye. The right side was a deep red, and a section of the mask was left open for his evil eye to stare through. Slits were cut through it for his mouth.

"So nice of you to drop in," he said calmly with a coldness to them. "Why don't you stay a while?"

Terra frowned at him bitterly as she backed away a bit.

"You're the one who's staying," she growled at him, slicing her hands vertically through the air. The ground began to tremble, dust began to crumble from the ceiling, and Slade stood before her firmly, his expression remaining collected as boulders came crashing from the walls behind him, causing a blockade.

"...I see you've made yourself at home," he said slyly as he began to pace around her in a circle. She kept her fists squeezed, ready to strike if he made a sudden move. "That's good. It's about time we got to know each other."

"I already know enough about you," Terra hissed at him coldly.

"Oh, do you, now?" Slade inquired, amused. "I'm sure the Titans have told you all they know about me- which isn't much."

Terra didn't say a word, and didn't let her guard down as Slade was about halfway to making a complete circle.

"Listen, I don't need to know anything about you except that you're a criminal and cause people trouble." Terra visciously bit at him with her words.

She could see that scary glint in his eyes again as he spoke to her with a devilish tone.

"Ah, something we have in common. You see? We're getting to know each other already, Terra."

Terra was temporarily immobilized by his words. Her own sentence reverberated through her mind in agony for a split second. {...Is he right...? I have caused alot of trouble, but...No! No. I was trying to help people out, I just...messed up. I'm not TRYING to hurt them...}

Slade pierced her thoughts like a knife through a curtain.

"You know just as well as I do, Terra- you're a threat to those around you."

He finally came to her face again, and he stared at her confused face with a sense of authority.

"I've been keeping my eye on you for some time, now, Terra...I know how your life runs. You move to a city, and you try to do good...but you FAIL..."

Terra winced as he almost rubbed the word into her face without even moving.

"Instead of solving the situation, you make it worse. And then everyone hates you- so you're forced to move to a new location. And what will you do there? You'll make a 'friend' or two, and then lose them when they find out about your powers..."

Terra was overwhelmed with horrible memories. Faces of fear, people in pain, buildings destroyed...She tried to defend herself, but the burden was too heavy at the moment, and she only opened her mouth- no words came out.

"And these new 'friends' of yours are no better than the rest of them...They'll be nice to you now, but once they truly see how you can hurt them, they'll reject you, Terra..."

The girl finally snapped at him as she remembered the Titans encouraging her earlier.

"They're not like that!" She took a deep breath as Slade continued his glare at her. "The Titans are outcasts, just like me! They KNOW about my powers, and they understand me..."

"They don't understand how dangerous you truly ARE, Terra...And when you folly...they won't forget it. And you WILL make mistakes, Terra..."

Terra's teeth were clenched tight in frustration as she questioned just how loyal the Titans would prove to be.

{...Maybe I will, but...So do the Titans...And they seem to be fine with it.}

"So what?" she barked. "They don't care..."

"They're not your friends, Terra. You HAVE no friends."

"Shut up!!!" she screamed harshly. "...Just...shut up...They ARE my friends...They took me IN...I injured thier leader, but...They're FINE with it...They forgave me...The others didn't do that. The Titans are different- they understand me."

"Terra, you seem to-"

"BACK OFF!!" Terra roared at him, her eyes glowing golden.

Slade seemed irritated by her words.

"...You're making a mistake, Terra- your specialty, it seems. I can change that...How are you supposed to learn to control your powers from a group of misfits who can't fully control THEIRS? I can be your teacher, Terra...I am not an adolescent like your so-called 'friends.'"

Terra was baring her teeth at him, ready to attack.

"...You have a choice, Terra..." he said, inching his way toward her slowly. "You can be by my side and learn to become more powerful than you could ever imagine...Or...You can stay with your pathetic little FRIENDS and be removed. There's no turning back...Now-"

"SHUT UP, you creep! I don't CARE!!" she yelled at him in anger, throwing her arms out to shove him away.

A rough spike of stone swiftly burst out of the ground right in front of Terra, blocking Slade from counter-attacking.

Terra was paralyzed with fear for a second, not knowing where he would strike from. She cried in surprise as the rock before her was blown into pieces, and many chunks were thrown against her body.

"Yet another mistake, Terra, and a terrible one at that..."

Terra heard his cold words and, for the first time in their conversation, he seemed angry.

"You should know better," he concluded as he withdrew a metal bo from his back that retracted like Robin's. Slade's however, was about as long as he was.

Slade twirled it around expertly for a moment or two as Terra stared in awe, getting ready to dodge. Without any sign of warning, the bo went flying into her face, knocking her into the wall to her left. Startled and dazed, Terra groaned in pain.

Slade took a few steps back, predicting her next action. She flung her hand before her blindly, ripping some rocks from the wall and hurtling them at her foe.

He sidestepped and ducked to avoid them all with ease, and by now Terra was glaring at him with anger, her arms hanging at her sides, flashing with yellow light. Slade waited for her to attack this time, and she sent a very strong flurry his way. As he studied the positions of the incoming rocks within a second, he got ready to dodge them. A small one to his left, a nice round one he ducked under as he ran, a barrage of sharp ones he cut through with his bo, and lastly, a large oval one that he needed to crack fiercely with his bo to smash in half. As the earth came tumbling behind him, he grasped the remaining half of his weapon- the rest had been broken from the solid obstacle.

As he dropped it to the ground, it clattered loudly. He slowly pressed forward toward Terra with a calm and cold demeanor as he saw her eyes emitting light, her face afraid.

"Don't lose control, don't lose control," she was chanting to herself. Her head was burning with pain as the ground rumbled and dust rained from the ceiling. She was cowering, her hands covering her head as she was overcome by the pain.

"How can you lose something you never HAD?" Slade asked devilishly, raising his voice above the noise.

Terra moaned in agony as her response.

Slade began to step away, detaching a small round orb from his belt. As he threw it against the rockslide Terra had created earlier, he bid her farewell.

"Have it your way, child," he yelled at her as the small device exploded, opening up an escape. "Live your life as an outcast..."

Tears were flooding down Terra's face from the pain- mentally and physically. Every time this happened she remembered every single time she'd caused destruction and hurt innocent people.

It all became a blurry mess of pain and sadness as she blacked out, her body covered in dirt as the ceiling began to fall apart.


{I can't believe she tried fighting Slade by herself...} Raven was shocked and disappointed at the same time. She wasn't upset that Slade got away- she was upset because Terra was the newbie, and she didn't have any backup to help her. Fortunately, Terra hadn't been hurt too badly- just a small bruise on her cheeck. They had yet to hear her give them the account of what had happened, but Raven knew that she had found Slade.

She was feeling exhausted, but she wouldn't be able to sleep not knowing that Robin and Starfire were still OK. Anything could've happened while they were gone...

She had been scanning the Tower ever since they had checked on Terra. As usual, everyone else was pretty much hanging out in the same general area, while Raven had gone on by herself.

She had decided that Starfire would surely be in her bedroom, and the door was unlocked like always, so she snuck in to make sure her best friend was sleeping soundly. She was pleasantly surprised.

The soft, ovular bed had two bodies sprawled over it. On the right side of the bed was Robin, his head flat on the bed, and his leg pitched up over the frilled pillow his head should've been using. His slender yet strong left arm was flopped over the edge of the bed, and his shoes were laying on the floor at the foot of Star's bed. Starfire was sleeping beside him, her head on his stomach. Her flowing red hair draped over his side, and her injured arm rested on the bed beside her. Her bare feet dangled over the bed, as well. Her expression was warm and peaceful, and Raven noticed that Robin seemed to have a similar one, too, their chests slowly expanding and retracting. Starfire's left hand was down beside her, loosely wrapping around Robin's right hand.

{Well...I guess they talked,} Raven concluded, impressed. {Looks like they did a lot more than talking, though...I told you not to be naughty, Robin...} Raven knew that nothing like that had happened, however. It plucked a string on the harp of her heart, this romantic sight. {She's so happy,} Raven noticed, staring at Star's smiling face. {I wonder...Will I ever meet someone right for me...? Will I ever get to feel what they feel...?}

She sighed warmly as she slowly and ever-so carefully lifted Star's hurt arm onto another pillow above her head, and she let out a small moan.

"Good night, guys," she whispered to them calmly as she clicked the light off with her powers, exiting slowly.

{Tomorrow, Raven...You have to tell them tomorrow...}


<<<-*{-[End Transmission]-}*->>>


Oh, yea, a LONG Chapter...Sorry for the wait...I hope you liked it, though. I've been busy lately...

Busy with work, work, Megaman (Happy 15th, Blue Bomber!) , and Four Swords...And chipping away at getting Mario and Luigi at Max stats in Superstar Saga...

But I AM still writing, and I certainly have plenty of ideas...It's all a matter of TYPING THEM DOWN, so hang in there.


Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
See, isn't Four Swords fun? :D However, you have the benefit of multiple GBA's, so you can play multiplayer. Me and my bro have to take turns.

Yeah, happy 15th Anniversary, Mega Man! You deserve it little dude!

Speaking of which, while playing some Mega Man games yesterday, I unlocked the first episode of the Mega Man anime series. It explains how Dr. Light and Dr. Wily created their first robots, and how Wily eventually betrayed Light, stole all the robots ('cept Mega Man and Roll) and went to take over the world. It was only 30 minutes long, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

"Super fighting robot... MEGA MAN!"

LOL. Anywayz, since we're in such a modest "Megaman craze", I think i'll unearth some of my Mega Man remixes soon. They're short, but sweet.

I may also consider finishing the full version of my Mega Man clone, Astro Dude. :p

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Hah hah! Now hold on there, bug-eyes! ( O_O LOL.) I talked to you about it in the PM I sent you, right?

Apparently, you didn't recieve it. :o

Anyway, to be honest, I don't think that Terra is the one who will "fall into darkness". Knowing you, I know that you have some kind of trick up your sleeve. ;)

Soooo, yep, Robin and Star are a couple. :p Hopefully, the enemy won't find out and use it to their advantage.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 25, 2003
Hey DS whats been going on?
I havn't been back long but I have read most of what I missed, I'll comment when I read the rest.
I have to turn my firewall back on now befour somthing happens.

Did you know that when my firewalls on I can't see these topics?

I wonder why?

I'll post agian later.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Yea, Caba, good to hear from ya, girl.

EP, you never said ANYTHING about my fic in your last PM...You mentioned feet...:cool:

But not my fic...

And I really want to know what you guys think of that last chapter.

Anyway, to be honest, I don't think that Terra is the one who will "fall into darkness". Knowing you, I know that you have some kind of trick up your sleeve.

Let's just say my shirt has about six sleeves...

Anyway, you may have noticed that the Slade/Terra scene was direct from the episode 'Terra'...Obviously, it went differently, but it's no wonder- everything's been happening differently...

Some things never change, however...While others do...

I'm caught between writing more TTX right now or chipping away at Q4D! 42...

Any particular choice? 42 will take less time than TTX11, I can guarantee it.

TTX11 will not be as long as TTX10...I can't think of enough stuff to put in it to make it that long...

TTX12, however, should be pretty long...

That's about where the drama really picks up, and the mystery gets more confusing...

If Terra was your main 'suspect' a few days ago, then by Chapter 13, you'll realize that there are many other suspects...

Chapter 42 of Q4D! will have the Yoshies again, introduce Birdo, and also bring General Sterling (General Shy Guy from Paper Mario) in for a cameo.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Don't mind EP, he's just a Pichu. :rolleyes: He'll be fine. (as if you have any idea what he's upset about or something)

Anyway, I still haven't gotten any input about what to write next, nor have I gotten any real input on Chapter 10...

I've gotten more input from one review on FF.net then from all of you guys put together...Kinda sad, too. It's my only review for TTX 10 so far.

Apparently, Raven is becoming a much cooler character and they want to see Raven paired with Link, though they can already sense a Link/Terra thing going on.

Oh, and yea, you could say that Link conveniently forgot he's 'dating' Zelda...*sweatdrop* Which he actually kinda is forgetting...

Anyway, which would ya rather see next?

More TTX, or more Q4D!?

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Um...You did NOT double post, EP...:(

You edited that post AFTER I replied...I checked...*sweatdrop*

Mood swings INDEED.


Only if you guys actually WANT me to update Q4D!

But...it's not gonna be real good or anything...I just need to ,ove the plot along...


Some things never change...And some things do.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.

Um...You did NOT double post, EP...:confused:

You edited that post AFTER I replied...I checked...*sweatdrop*

Mood swings INDEED.


Only if you guys actually WANT me to update Q4D!

But...it's not gonna be real good or anything...I just need to ,ove the plot along...

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Ya know EP, if you're really so pathetically bored that you stoop down to levels like that...Go read Golden Sunrise or something...


Well, nothing to talk about here.


Here's something that's really been bugging me...

What do you guys think about the characters?

Do the ones from the show seem like they do on the show? Obviously, things are going differently, but...

More importantly, I really want to know what you guys think about Raven...She may be the character that I've developed the most in any of my fiction...Well, no, maybe not, but she's changed a LOT in a relatively short period of time.

Oddly enough, when I watch the show, she still seems like the same Raven, she just acts differently. She doesn't express herself freely, obviously, and she's still getting the hang of it in the X Factor.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
In all honesty, I think you're doing to great job with Raven. When you first began writing The X Factor, she was a mysterious anti-social person with unstable psychic powers, similar to the show. But, you've managed to "evolve" Raven in such a steady fashion; i've hardly noticed. Now, she's more outgoing, doesn't hide in her cloak all the time, and freely expresses her opinions. She doesn't even have to meditate that often anymore.

Any normal person wouldn't be able to change Raven's character in such a natural way, but you've managed to pull that off. :) Kudos.

As for the other characters... I'm not a Teen Titans fan, so I wouldn't know how closely you've matched their personalities. However, I have a feeling that you're still struggling a bit with Robin. He just seems "average" at the moment; nothing really stands out other than his feelings for Starfire. Plus, he's the leader of the Teen Titans, and I think you should give his personality a little "spice"; make something stand out from all the other characters.

Starfire's personality in this story is excellent. Just right. I especially like the way she talks, using all those "technical" words, such as "When shall we perform our next courtship ritual?". Make sure you don't dramatically change her, though.

Beastboy is obviously the "comic relief" of the Teen Titans. Although, ever since he started dating Tenochtitlan, his character has become minor. I'd like to find out more about him and his relationship with "Tay", since they've been going out for a while.

Cyborg? He's good, I suppose. Ever since Robin was injured, his role in the story has steadily increased, since he's been leading the other Titans into battle.

I can't say anything about Terra yet. She's relatively new. I'll wait and see what happens with her...

As for the rest of the gang (Mario, Sonic, Link, Tikal), they're definately a nice addition to the Teen Titans team. Without them, this story would seem a lot less "colorful", if you know what I mean.

Well, i'm done with my critique for now. I've got nothing better to do, but maybe i'll start analysing the fic more often. ;)


Smash Apprentice
Feb 1, 2004
I just found this fic yesterday and read ALL of it, and I must say you've done a GOOD if not GREAT job with this. As far as capturing the personalities of the original Titans, I don't think you could have done it much better. If I were to make a criticism in the area of character personalities, it would be that we don't know much about the other 'new' Titans, and therefore have trouble fitting the dialogue to the character.

Ummm... that kind of didn't make sense, but let me see if I can explain it better. When you have the original Titans speaking their lines/dialogue, I can actually picture in my mind what it would sound and look like down to their facial expressions (big fan of the show) because I know more about their personalities than the 'newer' Titans.

When I hear like Mario and Link talking I can't do that, because with your storyline, you have erased any connection to their personalities from the past so I can't use those as referencess, and IMO you haven't built up their personalities enough that I've become familiar with them.

meh. I just think that you should try and develop the personalities of the newer additions more to the point where the reader can identify with them better. Give them a trait that's recognizable.

One more 'complaint'. Link should get better weapons than just the Master sword. I mean cmon he's the HERO OF TIME. Give him his boomerang or bow and arrow or bombs or SOMETHING!! Robin could hook him up with those things.

Also, were you planning on doing the 'Tournament of Champions'? As in where all the male titans got warped away to compete?? Speedy could hook Link up with a bow and arrows!! lol.

One more thing... were you planning on going more in depth with that whole Soul Calibur 2 thing where they see Link as a playable character?? Cause you mentioned it and then nothing ever really came of it. I was thinking they were going to go on the internet and find out stuff about themselves or something. But it just kind of trailed off.

Anyway, I LOVE this fic and I hope to see more soon.

Edit-You're doing fine with Raven. Don't worry about it cause the way you're going about doing it is great.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Yeah, what he said. :p

I agree, Link needs more weapons in his arsenal. In fact, most of the "Nintendo" Titans need more gizmos and gadgets to use in battle.

Sonic could have the Crystal Ring so he can use the Light Speed Dash, or Mario would have Mushrooms so he can increase in size. The possibilities are endless. Just add one or two new gadgets for now, to avoid over-complication.

By the way, you may be wondering why i'm FINALLY starting to give good, detailed comments about the fic. Well, I figured that, since i've been acting so wierd lately, I can make it up to you by giving you what you want. :)

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
WOW! SO much all at once- LOVING IT.

But, eh, EP, don't feel you have to 'make up' anything...You don't.

Whoa...Where to start?

We'll start with EP.


When you first began writing The X Factor, she was a mysterious anti-social person with unstable psychic powers, similar to the show. But, you've managed to "evolve" Raven in such a steady fashion; i've hardly noticed. Now, she's more outgoing, doesn't hide in her cloak all the time, and freely expresses her opinions


Evolve is the word I've been looking for this entire time and never thought of. Yes, Raven has certainly evolved, and it's very strange because ever since she's evolved I've liked her on the show even more...

As for Starfire...I am confident that I am doing Starfire well. As for her changing 'dramatically,' it's hard to say. Raven has changed dramatically, has she not?

As for Robin seeming 'average'...

Well, to be completely honest, he kinda IS. It's just...He's Robin, and he's the most 'comic-book-ish' character on the Titans. Nonetheless, you did somehow manage to figure out that Robin is, in fact, the character I've been having the most trouble with. he's just all...serious, determined, and such...He's a cool character, especially since I have some interesting background for him...

Speaking of Robion's background, you'll be in for a treat later on if you like DC comics...I only really like the Teen Titans show, (Marvel is better for me, if you want to know. I mean, SERIOUSLY- is Spiderman SO cooler than Superman it's not funny or WHAT?)

'nothing really stands out other than his feelings for Starfire.'

Gah. I've really been trying to give you hints about how Robin acts- he's very competitive and HATES making mistakes. He absolutely hates messing anything up. As someone said when Robin found out that Terra had caused that accident, "He's just happy because he knows it wasn't HIS mistake."

As for Beastboy and Tay...

Well, I can tell you that the next Chapter will DEFINITELY focus on them quite a bit. I did focus on them quite a lot earlier, and then I sorta swerved around 'em for a while.

Cyborg is, quite honestly, not very important. I mean, he's CYBORG, and he's AWESOME, but he just...doesn't have a huge role or anything.

Leading the Titans into battle, eh? ^_^ Ah, yes. More battles to come, indeed. And some surprising foes, at that.

Terra is relatively new, but I did my best to give her a good amount of attention. I actually have to sort of start from scratch with her...

Ya know how Raven has evolved? Well, Terra HAS to evolve compared to herself on the show, because a totally different set of events is going on...

Dan-E, welcome aboard the Q4D! bus. :cool:

Confused, are you?

"If I were to make a criticism in the area of character personalities, it would be that we don't know much about the other 'new' Titans, and therefore have trouble fitting the dialogue to the character."

EP has an advantage over you...EP knows these characters because they're in my MAIN fic, Quest for Destiny!

It's still a mystery how exactly this fic links with that one, but I assure you, the answers will come. And if you've read Q4D! Black up until this point, (I think EP is the only one, come to think of it) then you should be able to grasp quite well what is going on once it's explained piece by piece.

The last third of the story is concentrated on this mess, and that's what leads to the end.

Before that, however, we have another climax to reach.

"you have erased any connection to their personalities from the past so I can't use those as referencess"



Oh, nonono...

You haven't read Q4D!, my friend. I put Mario and Link, etc. into this fic based on their personalities in Q4D!

There are some slight tweeks to their personas, though, but, (surprise) there is also a good reason for this, as well.

When Tenochtitlan is having an emotional breakdown because of a memory she has, I wouldn't say things have been erased- rather, covered up.

Their personalities aren't quite built up well enough for you to know them yet, I'll admit. But this is because they aren't core to the storyline just yet.

Their role is much more important into the last third or so of this story. We're about halfway right now.

"One more 'complaint'. Link should get better weapons than just the Master sword. I mean cmon he's the HERO OF TIME. Give him his boomerang or bow and arrow or bombs or SOMETHING!! Robin could hook him up with those things. "

I knew someone would complain about this...

There is, of course, a very good reason for this, as well.

Hm...But should I tell you just yet...


No, I won't.

What I WILL tell you is that by the end of the next Chapter, Link will have his full arsenal. ^_^

Ah, you remember the Soul Calibur II reference.

Well, normally I would have some sneaky detail packed into that...

But...Well, to be frank, I don't, really. It was just for fun. But who knows? I may think of something...

HOWEVER, you may remember how I incinuated about Luigi...

Yes, that IS important and, as I said about those characters, it will matter later on.

There will also be another character from a VG coming in as a teenage...person...:confused: ...as well...

"Sonic could have the Crystal Ring so he can use the Light Speed Dash, or Mario would have Mushrooms so he can increase in size. The possibilities are endless. Just add one or two new gadgets for now, to avoid over-complication."

Oh, well let's just let Mario go Super Mario and KILL EVERYTHING.

Geez, that's like getting all the upgrades in a Metroid Game at halfway through it...

So far, the gang hasn't had much of a USE for such 'gadgets.'

BUT- things will be picking up the pace quite quickly.

As for Mario using MUSHROOMS, don't count on it. Sonic doesn't really NEED a Crystal Ring to do the Light Speed Dash...

And in case you haven't noticed, I've been trying to make Mario super nija-like athletic guy who can spew out flames from his hands, twirl in bolts of electricity, create tornados by spin jumping, etc...But he hasn't quite needed all of those skills just yet.

Just so you know, Mario has a much better idea about what's going on than the others do- as he tends to, for (once again) a good reason.

But the version of Mario in TTX (what I imagine his teenage form to be) is very arrogant in a joking way. He usually knows what's going on, but he won't do anything about it because he wants to see if his comrades are capable. If he doesn't feel he has to take out the big guns, he won't.

And as we saw in 'The Fall' in Q4D!, Mario certainly has some big-@$$ guns under his sleeve, some of which we have yet to see.

But, in short, you're jumping the gun about the whole 'ability' thing.

Just be patient and relax.

I like my readers not to tell me what to do next, but rather tell me what they like about what I have ALREADY DONE so I can work on it even more.

You like Raven?

That's da** good, 'cuz she's crucial.

Anyway, I'm quite pleased with all the feedback. It's the inspiration I need to write more...

But shall I continue on Q4D! White or begin TTX 11...?

As for you, Dan-E, here's my piece of advice...

Read Q4D! (white, at least, it's my official version) because it will explain a bit. After all, TTX is just a small part of the Q4D! Saga...


I just remembered something!!!

Someone called Link's sword the Master Sword...


Gah...Um...It's NOT.

Maybe I should be keeping my mouth shut, but I just can't let it go.

It's not the Master Sword...If I ever called it that, please show me where so I can edit it.

Aaaand...Something else...

Raven doesn't hide under her cloak anymore...Yes, quite literally. Have I actually emphasized that at all? I'm not sure...But it IS true, and it's very important because it shows that Raven doesn't feel so apart from the other Titans like she used to.

Ah, another thing.

The Tournament of Heroes would be VERY soon on my agenda- except that I have no intentions to write it in because there wouldn't be too much of a change that would affect the plot, and...Well, it would just be a waste of time, honestly.

And as for the episodes before that, 'Only Human' and 'Fear Itself,' you'll have to wait and see. But I will tell you that they shouldn't be too important, either.

Then we get to 'Betrayal.' Honestly, I don't think Larry from 'Fractured' is coming into all this, but I might think of a way to fit him in...Come to think of it...Hm...Brainstorming.

SO, in conclusion...

EP, YOU need to start watching Teen Titans so you know what it's like. If you need any info on when and where, I can supply you.

Dan-E, I would sincerely suggest reading my other fics, or at least the main one, Q4D! White, if you have time. If you want the thread, here it is.

Golden Sunrise (Another Winds of Fate fic)

Just if you want to read more of my fiction that all ties together...

Quest for Destiny (White)

Ah, my main work that is the mother of all of my fiction.

I've never seen a fic like mine, to be honest.

After you've read it all and havce a basic idea of it, tell me if YOU'VE seen another like it. If so, I need to read it.

Just don't get sidetracked by the fact that it concentrates on Yoshies a lot in the beginning. That quickly changes.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
"I've never seen a fic like mine, to be honest."

Amen to that. Your style of writing is quite innovative. First, you have the story "Quest For Destiny!", aka the Mother Plot. As the Mother Plot unfolds, it branches off into several other "Short Stories". Since Q4D! contains a massive array of characters, these Short Stories can help explain each individual character in more detail.

And, (we haven't gotten to this step yet), when the Short Stories are over, they all merge together with the Mother Plot once again.

Now THAT, my friend, is innovation! :D That's the good stuff that's kept me entertained for the last one and a half years. Bravo!

Hey... I just thought of something.

You know, EvilPichu is getting kinda old. Everyone else (on all the other web sites I visit daily) calls me "Strife". Heck, my dad even calls me Strife!

So, Strife is my "new" nickname. Although, i'm debating wether or not I should create another account on Smash World Forums named "Strife".

Oh, by the way, I met this girl on Neopets, and Teen Titans is her favorite TV show. I'm going to try and get her to start reading TTX. :)


Smash Apprentice
Feb 1, 2004
""What?! But this is the Master-"

"No, it's not, you idiot!" Sonic grumbled. "That was the whole point!""

meh. this is the part where I thought you said it was the master sword. but I was wrong. i think. now that I think about it, how does sonic know it's NOT the master sword??

also on that whole 'erasing' things to the past, I was kind of talking about their actual original created personalities and not YOUR created personalities. I actually had no idea that they were in another fic.

and I also promise to start reading Q4D, but I'm not sure that's such a great idea until I finish my summer reading which ironically I've already spent less time doing than I have on reading this one fic. That's a compliment btw. If it's as good as this one is (and any longer) then I'll end up having to go back to school basing an essay that's supposed to be about 'Lonesome Dove' on the Teen Titans and Mario.

July 31st = new Teen Titan episodes. w00t.

one more thing. I really like the way you tied in those episodes like 'Every dog has his day' and the one with the guy from the future in with your storyline.

*looking forward to the next update*

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Um...Well, Lightning Snake, I appreciate your replies, but I don't know what you're upset about...:confused:
"EP's the only one to have read all of Q4D Black huh?"

Um...Didn't I say that EP just knew my characters?

He's read BOTH versions of Q4D! so far, as far as I know.


Well, well. Dan-E found it. I'm impressed. ;)

With such detective work you may be able to enjoy my writing more than most...

And, like any good detective, you ask the question- HOW does he know that???

Well, I haven't said that yet- I will, don't you worry.

But I kinda sorta hinted about it in that same Chapter.

"actual original created personalities"

Blech. Mario's 'actual original created personality' just does not cut it for me.

Obviously, I have to give him some more of a persona, ANYWAY, since in the games he just seems like a guy who skips around shouting in Italian.

I mean, for Din's sake, did you see ANY EXPRESSION on his face in Mario Sunshine?!

He gets sent to jail, and at his trial, he's just got this totally BLANK LOOK on his face...I hated it...

Ah, so you met another Teen Titans freak, eh?

Oh, yes, please drag her in, I really need a Teen Titan freak like me to critique this.

Which Titan is her favorite, by the way?

And don't expect me to stop calling you EP anytime soon...

That'd be like everyone starting to call me Starfireeddy47...I guess...:confused:

July 31st = Betrayal.

Here's the latest word from, Animation Insider...


Just a quick update from the sunny streets of San Diego. The DC Animated Panel was held today, featuring previews of Teen Titans, Justice League Unlimited and The Batman. "Teen Titans" was greeted with raucous applause. The writers of the show were in attendance, along with Tara [Raven] Strong, Ron [Slade] Pearlman and Greg [Beast Boy] Cipes.

We saw a preview of the season three episode "X" [which airs September 4th] - which features the return of Red X. But isn't Robin Red X? Not this time! Now there's a whole new mystery behind the identity of Red X. Also look for Blackfire to return... and I also spotted a blink-and-you'll-miss-it glimpse at Brother Blood. Slade is also set to return in season three. And look for the fourth season to focus on Raven.... which could mean Trigon as well!


Ah, yes. Blackfire returning, eh? Hehe...Once again, an idea I'm already using.

The Red X...

Hm. I never really thought of it, but...It WOULD fit nicely with the whole X Factor thing, wouldn't it?

I'll have to see how it goes...

Can't wait for new episodes...

Apparently, Season 3 will pay some more attention to Cyborg, and Season 4 will pay more attention to Raven, and that is DEFINITELY a good thing. ^_^ I can't wait to learn even more about her background.

Although, depending on how long I have to wait, I may sort of make up my OWN...

Afterall, this IS fanfiction.

As for this...

"one more thing. I really like the way you tied in those episodes like 'Every dog has his day' and the one with the guy from the future in with your storyline. "

In case it didn't seem that way, this is VERY important to the plot, and it will make more sense in (you guessed it) the next Chapter.

After all, Destiny Smasher finally makes his appearance, so it shouldn't be a surprise that some plot gets revealed.

The one about the 'guy from the future' was VERY important, though very short. Go back and read that little bit again, maybe you'll start to piece together something.

I only have one complaint- GAH! I don't WANT Slade to come back...Not unless they do it right, which they may...

It would be amusing to see him compete with this NEW villain, Brother Blood...

Well, as Season 3 unrolls very soon, TTX should be just about ending 'season 2,' persay.

Hm. Ya know, as this conversation grows, I realize that I have much more inspiration for TTX right now...

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Yep yep yeppers. ;)

Dang! I can't seem to test any of the games i've been working on, because my computer is running all laggy and slooooooow... I swear, it was fine yesterday!! I have to figure out what the heck is going on...

Maybe it's "old age", or something like that...

Well anywayz, that girl hasn't responded to my message yet. We'll just have to wait. Oh, and to make you happy, I decided to watch an episode of Teen Titans, specifically, "Date With Destiny". Now I know exactly what the characters look and sound like. :) The animations are nice, and sometimes they're a little wierd... but hey, it's a cartoon; it's SUPPOSED to be wierd.

Overall, I was impressed, but not enough to make me watch the show on a daily basis. Besides, i've got other cartoons to watch. *cough*BuzzLightyear*cough*

Meh, I might watch a few more TT episodes, just to see if I become an "addict". ;)


Smash Apprentice
Jan 25, 2003
Review time!

First of all DS I have always loved the way you keep a character so true to its origans, but still keep it within your own very unique style.

I watch teen titans and so far I love the changes you've made, they are actually an improvment.

You should be a writer for a series, it would be a **** good one.

Expecally since you can make a good Idea a million times better then the first.

Raven is one of those improvments, she was always a very boring character and you've added life to her. I think raven with link is wierd but defenitly origonal.

As for those changes you were talking about, were you referring to Terra? When I saw her appear on the show and they made me think she was going to join I got mad. Five Teen Titans are enough, I was releived when she ran away. That episode ended with her talking to Slade. Then she suddenly apears on the scene again acting suspecus, becomes a member and helps the team.

Shes not a pratical new member of the team, her powers arn't even as useful as Ravens. At the end of that episode she says "I don't believe it they actually trust me". I think she's working with Slade.

Is that the scenario your trying to work into here, Betryal?

I'm loving what your doing and you defenitaly shoud become a series writer someday.

By the way when I said 5 Titans are enough I wasn't referring to this fic I was reffering to the show. I love link and Mario, sonic and Tay as characters.

Unlike everyone else I think you made Robins character very true to his persona on the show.
EP's not the only one who knows your charaters personalitys, I read Q4D too, I can't wait for an update by the way.

I can't wait to see where you end up going with raven and Terra! The plot is really starting to heat up.

On a side note give beast boy a bigger part! The show does him more justice.......

Keep up the good work DS!

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Wow! Again, thanks for all the feedback.

:p It seems that everyone here is certainly not on the same track...I don't get WHY, but hey...

EP, Teen Titans has a LOT of strange animation quirks in it, and they are all purely for comical purposes.

A series writer?! :confused:

Hm...I never gave it much thought, but...Being the writer and director of a TV show WOULD be ideal for me, wouldn't it...?

No offense, though, Caba, but I think you missed the boat.


"As for those changes you were talking about, were you referring to Terra? When I saw her appear on the show and they made me think she was going to join I got mad. Five Teen Titans are enough, I was releived when she ran away. That episode ended with her talking to Slade. Then she suddenly apears on the scene again acting suspecus, becomes a member and helps the team.

Shes not a pratical new member of the team, her powers arn't even as useful as Ravens. At the end of that episode she says "I don't believe it they actually trust me". I think she's working with Slade.

Is that the scenario your trying to work into here, Betryal?"


Um...Raven's powers ARE more 'useful' than Terra's. However, what Slade made clear in that episode is that Terra's are more dangerous. From what I've seen of Terra and Raven at this point, I'd say yes, Terra's powers are more...powerful...

Of course, this only evens it out. Raven can manipulate ANYTHING, and Terra can only manipulate earth, but can do it with more force.

As for 'Betrayal,' I am puzzled...

You know about it, yet you don't know Terra is working for Slade??? :eek:

Sorry if I'm spoiling something, but it's been all over that Terra is working for Slade, and I think it's very clear in 'Titan Rising.'

HOWEVER, you missed something else.

I specifically said at some point here that Terra is NOT going to betray the team.

Some things never change- Slade is looking for an apprentice.

And some things do- Terra is NOT going to be that apprentice.

I can assure you that you will be in for quite a ride over the next few Chapters.

As for Beastboy...*sigh*

Beastboy will be getting a LOT of storyline in the end of Season 2 of Teen Titans.

And, from what many people have agreed upon, it just isn't as good as it could've been. Which, I suppose, means I could work on it myself...

To be truthful, Raven, Starfire, and Robin are much more interesting to write about than Beastboy...Because Beastboy is supposed to be there just for comedy- and act as an antidote for Raven's dry coldness...

As I said BEFORE, Beastboy will have a good portion of this next Chapter featuring him.

Beastboy just doesn't play serious very well on the show...But he may in this fic if I do it right.

As for Terra and Raven...Hm. What did you mean by that? Were you talking about how they quickly become enemies on the show?

Actually, there'll be a bit of nastiness between them, I can guess...

After all, they both seem to be trying to get Link- who, as it seems, doesn't quite remember that this 'Zelda' girl was kinda his girlfriend...:p

Is it just me, or is everyone giving out all types of vague remarks concerning all of this dating and such? I guess that's good, considering this fic is labeled 'Action/Romance' or something like that...Or would it be more of a 'Drama/Action/Romance,' or...

Anyway, I definitely have more inspiration for TTX right now...I just need to find a good start for 11...I can't say when it will be done, but I will work when I can.

As far as the whole 'Betrayal' thing goes...

It's kinda hard to say...

One of the Titans shall fall to the darkness. Geez, Destiny Smasher said that quite bluntly in the fic itself.

The question is who, and why?

And the Light will come from an unexpected place- the Darkness...

That letter hie wrote to Robin is a riddle with a good portion of foreshadowing within it. ;) I hope you have fun guessing and finding out what it all means.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 8, 2003
my eyes hurt. x.x I just read the whole thing. Nicely written. i expect more updates. link is my fav. Character in dis' story then Raven.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Your eyes hurt, eh?

Aren't you glad I skip spaces so often? Your eyes would hurt a LOT more if I didn't.

'Character in dis' story then Raven.'

...:confused: What does that sentence mean, exactly...?

Ah, well. I've gotten three new TTX readers in the past week- maybe four if that girl EP's been talking about gives it a try.

So, with about ten people eager to read more, I feel much more motivated to write TTX...

Problem is, like I said, I'm having trouble getting the Chapter started. It's lik pushing a boulder up a hill- once I get far enough, it'll whiz down the other side.

EP, you confused me...

You said that you never knew what the Titans looked like until you saw that episode (which is, actually, one of the better ones, and I'm glad you saw that one because it's very important to this fic), yet I've shown multiple pictures of them (LIKE MY SIG) and you told me you've visited that very nice Teen Titans website...

I'm also shocked you didn't know that Teen Titans goes all psycho with the animation at certain points...:beezo: had you glanced around the website I showed you numerous times, you would quickly discover how odd the animation can be...

But it's all for humor, and I love it.

It's like getting used to Paper Mario for me. Sure, it was freaky at first, but I wound up loving it in the end.

Come to think of it, which one am I psyched out about MORE?

New Teen Titans episodes, or Paper Mario 2...?

Good thing I don't have to choose one over the other. :o

That reminds me, anybody out there.

If you get Cartoon Network, you might want to tune in this Saturday night at 8:00 pm (Eastern Coast, USA) to watch the episode 'Betrayal' as it airs in America for the first time.

I can't promise how good an episode it will be, but all the reviews say it's certainly one of the best- it's only flaw is that it mainly focuses on Beastboy and Terra, and a lot of people didn't quite enjoy that.

You, Caba, will probably enjoy that.

I'm sure I won't care because it should be a pretty da**ed good episode, anyway.

As for 'Date With Destiny,' that episode's 'role' in this fic is, as I said, very big.

Afterall, look at the NAME- it has DESTINY in it, for Din's sake!!!

I'm sure you'll enjoy what I have in store.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 8, 2003
Sry, i was talking a bit too "homie" i meant that Raven was my second fav character in this fic of yers. I don't have cartoon network ,and am forced to look for TT on Sunday on KidsWB :rolleyes: the animation is quite funny, when BB and Cyborg are playing video games.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
The basic summary of Season 3 is out on the wind, and it looks to be pretty good, continuing the tradition of happiness that is Teen Titans.

Hehe...You live in the UK, huh?

You should enjoy an episode that will be coming soon enough...

Episode 33: Revolution
The Titans' Fourth of July festivities are cut short when Mad Mod crashes the party, declaring the American Revolution is a hoax and reclaiming the city for Jolly Old England. If that wasn't enough, old Mod uses his high-tech cane to steal Robin's youth, making "King Moddie" young again while Robin turns into a withered dried up old man.

Sounds amusing, no?

Oh, but I have a feeling this one may be my fav in Season 3.

Episode 29: Betrothed
The Teen Titans take a trip to Starfire's home planet, Tamaran. But this is no ordinary visit: The Grand Ruler of Tamaran has arranged for Starfire to be married! The Titans try to go along with the strange ways of Starfire's homeworld, but Robin has a hard time believing that Starfire really wants to marry someone she's never met.

Two words- oh yea. You KNOW I'm looking forward to THAT one.

Hehe...I get two dishes on one plate!

1.) I get to learn more about Tamaran's homeworld.
2.) There's practically no escaping some Robin/Starfire romantic stuff here...Except, unlike in Date With Destiny, Robin will be the one getting jealous...;)


Update? Heavens, no. Not even close...

But I will work when I can...

And now I wonder how much anything past Season 2 will influence my fiction...

Geez...By then, ya know, the Titans will be running down a totally different path entirely.

They won't even be on the same planet they are now, for crying out loud. (Oh, wait, that's happened once and will happen again...at least once...)

By the way, I find it VERY amusing that Cyborg and Beastboy can play games with their eyes closed as they squint happily, flicking at their controllers quite wildly.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
*claws at air maniacally*

Anime Music Videos...

Must watch...O_O

I mean, COME ON.

'Breaking the Habit' by Linkin Park playing a video about RAVEN?!

But I can't figure out how to download anything, ****it...

Some videos I won't be ABLE to download until after another week or so, anyway...

But I'm sure it'll be worth it.

Then I can watch lots of movies and decide which ones are right for my computer...


Smash Apprentice
Jan 25, 2003
DS!!!!!!! :mad:

I wanted the new episodes to be a surprise and you summerized them! No fair.

Just kidding :)

DS I already knew Terra was going to betray the Teen Titans, the way they had those two episodes set up made that obvious....

I just didn't know that anyone else knew, ya know.

On a lighter note I think you should defenitly link, Link seeing himself in that game to his past some how. Sprose things up, its a good thing.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Just because it's a caryoon does NOT mean it's for 7-year olds.

Furthermore, wehat are YOU talking about???

I've seen Linkin Park's video for Breaking the Habit, and GUESS WHAT? THEY USE ANIME IN IT!!!! Ya know, cartoons? :beezo:

Um...As for what Caba said...

Psh! Yea, right! I only summarized a FEW episodes in Season 3. And it's not like anybody here even WATCHES the show, (except you, I gyuess) for crying out loud.

Oh, no, trust me, you haven't heard the half of it.

There's one about Raven, and I'm sure I'll enjoy it...

I'm going to have to get over something, however- on the show, Raven still feels lonely and detached from the rest of the team...This seems to be a core element in the episode...

Events are not happening the same way as they are in my fic- Raven's still SUPPOSED to be feeling lonely, but she ISN'T in TTX. (At least not as much) But because things are not the way they 'should' be, everything's getting mixed up. This is one of the main plot elements I've been TRYING to make kinda clear to you guys.

Look at my sig again, in case you forgot. :p

On a lighter note I think you should defenitly link, Link seeing himself in that game to his past some how. Sprose things up, its a good thing.

Is it just me, or did that sentence sound kinda messed up? I think it was the comma and the wore 'sprose,' because I've neevr heard that word before.

As for Link being reminded of his past...*devilish grin* How can Soul Calibur 2 do that? That's his FUTURE at this point! :chuckle: There are also no real 'reminders' in that game iof his past- only of HIM.

But don't worry, I'm working on 11, and they are starting to remember more stuff.
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