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Winds of Fate: The X Factor (Teen Titans)

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
YES!!! :D :D :D I fixed the problem with my computer!! Now it runs fast again! YEAH, TAKE THAT, SPYWARE! I'M DA GENIOUS!! *does the Sloth dance*

LOL, I heavily digress...

So, uh, Linkin Park has music video with Raven in it? How come i've never seen it?

Oh well, i'm just not "up-to-date" with the music industry. :o In fact, I really don't like the music industry anymore. Especially Rap music. In fact, Rap music shouldn't be classified as "music". It's disgusting. All they do is talk about guns, parties, swearing, etc, with a repetitive beat playing in the background.

Furthermore, I agree with DS. Cartoons are NOT just for kiddies. They're for anyone who likes them. ;)

On a lighter note I think you should defenitly link, Link seeing himself in that game to his past some how. Sprose things up, its a good thing.

Uh, Caba, what language are you speaking? Australian?

LOL, i'm just joking, i'm not that mean. But please rephrase your statement. ;)

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
So, uh, Linkin Park has music video with Raven in it? How come i've never seen it?

As per usual, everyone is not on the same track.

EP, you mixed up.

I said that someone made a music video on Anime Music Videos that combines footage of Teen Titans with Breaking teh Habit and focuses on Raven.

I ALSO said that in teh ACTUAL video for the song, there are anime scenes strewn about it- this was to counter the previous remark.

So you mixed them together...I myself have not seen the one about Raven yet because I don't know HOW to- all I know is that it EXISTS- thus, I mailed the creator and will hopefully hear from them soon...

Speaking of which, have you contacted that other girl you were talking about? I've been getting lots of demand for my TT fic lately, but there's always room for more.

Anyway, read these lyrics and think about Raven- you'll see why I thought it was such a good idea.


Memories consume
Like opening the wound
I'm picking me apart again
You all assume
I'm safe here in my room
Unless I try to start again

I don't want to be the one
The battles always choose
'Cause inside I realize
That I'm the one confused

I don't know what's worth fighting for
Or why I have to scream
I don't know why I instigate
And say what I don't mean
I don't know how I got this way
I know it's not all right
So I'm breaking the habit
I'm breaking the habit

Clutching my cure
I tightly lock the door
I try to catch my breath again
I hurt much more
Than anytime before
I had no options left again

I dont want to be the one
Who battles always choose
'Cause inside I realize
That I'm the one confused

I don't know what's worth fighting for
Or why I have to scream
I don't know why I instigate
And say what I don't mean
I don't know how I got this way
I'll never be alright
So, I'm breaking the habit
I'm breaking the habit

I'll paint it on the walls
'Cause I'm the one at fault
I'll never fight again
And this is how it ends

I don't know what's worth fighting for
Or why I have to scream
But now I have some clarity
to show you what I mean
I don't know how I got this way
I'll never be all right
So, I'm breaking the habit
I'm breaking the habit
I’m breaking the habit


Expect those to pop up again in the future- when we start drawing very close to the climax...er...first climax...

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.

That's the whole POINT!

Which reminds me...We kinda have to go back into her head at some point, don't we...?

Anyway, I've found some cool fan art of the Titans...Once I sort through it, I'll show you guys what I like tomorrow...hopefully...


Dec 19, 2002
Great update. Wow so Robin CHANGED his mind:chuckle: . I think that's weird.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.

What do you MEAN, 'weird??'

It's not supposed to be a surprise...

Robin may have changed his mind, but I tried to make it VERY clear that his heart made the decision a LONG time ago.



There's the Devian Art Teen Titan Club's Gallery...


Probably my favorite one there right now...

By the way, 'Turning Japanese' is a VERY nice song for a TT video...

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
I flipped through all the pictures... boy there's a lot of artwork!

Yeah, that one is my favorite too. The colors are bold, yet expressive. Plus, the moon in the background really sets the mood. What can I say? It's pleasant to look at. :love:

Anywayz... not much has happened since my last reply. I made a really cool banner for my signature, but that's about it.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Ah, listening to a jazzed up edition of the Megaman 3 intro- my fav intro of them all.

Also, while I was watching stuff today, I found a BUTT LOAD of 'Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door' movies. Needless to say, I'm very happy with the innovations in the series.

Hop over to www.ign.com if you're interested.

WOW, EP, your sig is Amy Rose. ^_^ Surprise.

Anyway, since you've all been good, here's what I have of 11 so far...

<-{--[*<Begin Transmission>*]--}->

The Q4D! Saga...

Winds of Fate: The X Factor

Chapter 11- Smashed Destiny

The late morning light made her emerald eyes sparkle as they welcomed the glowing rays in. Her eyelids remained half closed as her face had a dreamy smile plastered upon it. She glanced to her right a little to see Robin's head. His jaw was slightly open, and his eyes were closed. Starfire could feel her head slowly rising and falling in rhythm, and she realized that she was resting on Robin's chest at an angle. This, of course, only made her feel better and want to go back to sleep. It was the type of moment she had only been dreaming of for the longest time.

As she noticed that the door was closed and Robin didn't look like he was about to wake, Starfire decided to relish this moment and milk it for all it was worth. She latched her hand around his own as she snuggled her head a little closer to his neck.

{I am going to assume that perhaps Robin no longer feels he lacks the readiness for a romantic relationship.}


"You really DO have to drink that stuff every morning, don't you?" Beastboy asked her, shaking his head.

"Mm hm," Raven replied as she tilted an old ceramic tea cup to her lips.

"Blech!" Beastboy shot out his tongue in disgust.

Tenochtitlan beamed as she shoved a glass of orange juice into his hands.

"I have to drink THIS every morning," she told him. He grinned back at her as his nose shifted into an elephant snout and sucked it all up like a straw.

Giggling, Tay chugged her own drink down in one go. Raven smirked at their horseplay, and they both turned to her.

"Well?" Beastboy said expectantly. As a two pairs of gren eyes stared at her, Raven hatched an idea.

She dropped her tea cup, and it hovered in darkness in the air before her face. She opened her mouth wide as the brown liquid- which turned black- eerily swerved through the air as a beam, sailing straight into her mouth.

"Nice!" Beastboy laughed, giving her applause.

"Wow, Ray, you're not hiding in your hood this morning," Link commented humorously as he used a large mug to give himself a heaping serving of coffee. "That's something new."

Ray smiled weakly, not facing him.

"What, have you found out how nice SUNSHINE is, or something?" he asked her jokingly before gulping down some of his drink.

"You could say that," Raven muttered as she caught her cup in her hand and walked briskly away. After she was gone, Tay was hovering around where Link was standing at the counter, beside the coffee machine. His words somehow felt like needles, and Raven didn't like it in the least.

"Is that...coffee...???" she whispered in excitement. Beastboy's eyes bulged open as he lunged for her, grabbing her arm.

"Ih- NOPE! That's, eh, chocolate milk!" he lied to her, dragging her away. "Isn't it, Link?"

Link stared at him dully, sipped from his drink, and shrugged. "Sure."

"See? NOT coffee, so let's just stay away from it, and-"

"I can HANDLE it this time!" Tenochtitlan whimpered. "I promise I won't go crazy..."

"Oh, that's what you're gonna tell me NOW, and then you're gonna get hooked again, n'-..."

"Fine," Tay huffed as she gave in and began to exit the room beside Beastboy.

"Thanks. That stuff's not good for you- last time I we had to pin you up against the wall and-" Beastboy paused as he noticed that his girlfriend was not beside him. Immediately worried, he spun around to see her diving at the coffee machine, snatching the glass container filled with it and splashing it all over her face. She was squatting on the counter, holding herself up with one arm on a cupboard drawer, the other hand pouring the coffee into her face. Link was standing casually beside her, sucking down his own serving of the caffienated beverage.

With a yelp, Beastboy dashed for her and began attemtping to pry it from her hands as it went spilling all over. Fortunately, it wasn't too hot, otherwise they'd both have been burned quite badly.

"If it's not Raven who's creeping me out, it's someone ELSE," Link concluded with a sigh as he sat on a stool at the island and watched for entertainment.


"AW YEAH!! Twenty-five hit combo, baby!!"

Cyborg grinned widely with glee as he battled against an opponent online on his Gamestation. Mario was relaxing on the couch beside him on the his left, laying back with his legs kicked up on the coffee table and his hands on his neck. He didn't seem terribly excited, however.

After glancing at two large robots beating the crap out of each other on the large screen, Raven sighed and took a seat on Cyborg's right. She smiled as she noticed the ancient book she had been reading on the table. She must've left it there the night before.

Cyborg seemed to really be getting into the action, and some of the guys gathered around to cheer him on.

"That's it, man!" Beastboy cried. Tay flinched behind him with every blow exchanged onscreen. This sort of strange entertainment was still new to her. She sneaked out of the room, letting the boys play with their toy.

Cyborg let out a grunt here and there as he realized he was losing the upper hand.

"What is THAT, man?" Sonic demanded as Cyborg's character was thrown to the ground by a downward vertical punch.

"K.O.!!!" an announcer bellowed.

Raven was staring at the screen in the corner of her eye, and she made a sly remark.

"You blocked when you should have parried."

Cyborg glanced over to her smirking face, and he couldn't help but grin himself. A deep voice boomed from the screen as Cyborg's opponent spoke to him over the net.

"You have been decimated by Atlas, the champion of all!"

Lifting a brow, Cyborg sighed and placed his controller down on the table as he began to stand up and leave. However, Mario kicked down on it with his foot, flipping it upward. Catching it with ease, he pressed the 'Start' button and moved his cursor down to the word 'Rematch.'

Cyborg froze and imediately sat back down. Everyone else in the room grew deathly quiet- Mario was playing.

"Oh, ho!" the mysterious opposition chuckled. "You think you possess the power to triumph over Atlas? Atlas is perfect, Atlas has no flaws. No human can defeat Atlas."

Mario simply cracked a devilish smile.

"Human? Where?" he muttered devilishly.


Tenoch gasped in shock from her new friend's tale.

"Are...Are you serious...?"

"Psh- yea!" Terra cried out, rubbing her head where a bandaid had been placed.

"Man," Link moaned, shaking his head in disbelief. "I'm real sorry I wasn't there, Terra..."

"It's all right," Terra assured him with a smile. "I'm kinda glad you weren't there...I wasn't so sure I could stand up for myself like that, but...I guess I was wrong." She laughed at herself a little.

Tay was still caught in shock, though, and burst out in protest.

"The other Titans said that this Slade person is REALLY dangerous...You shouldn't have tried fighting him alone like that!" she scolded, giving her a shove.

"I was FINE," Terra defended herself. "Besides, I got the diamond back, didn't I? He was going to get away..."

Tay sighed deeply, shaking her head slowly.

"I guess..."

"I proved I have what it takes to be a Titan, though, didn't I?" she asked, feeling confident about herself.

"I'd say so," Link agreed, patting her on the back. "You keep this up and you'll be a true Titan in no time."

Beastboy came bounding in the room, a huge smile plastered upon him. He paused and gave Tay a kiss on the cheeck before sitting beside her and grabbing her hand.

"Dude! You missed it, Tay! Mario SO kicked that guy's butt! It was great! They were-"

Sonic had blown into the kitchen, tossing everyone's hair all over. The girls present obviously made out worse than the guys did.

"Did you guys see Tikal?" he asked quickly, his legs twitching.

"Er...No," Link mumbled. He glanced at the others, who all shook their heads and muttered their "no"'s. Tay and Terra shoved all of their hair out of their face.

"****it," Sonic growled, tossing his arms. "Where is she NOW? She was JUST with me a minute ago, n' then BAM- she's gone. Grrr!!"

He zipped off out of the room, clearly concerned.

"What's his deal?" Beastboy mumbled curiously.

Tenoch giggled, her eyes beaming yellow.

"Tikal's like that," she explained. "She'll be there one minute and off wandering around the next. A real free-spirited girl..." Tay sighed as her mind itself wandered. "I've known her for some while..." She got slightly excited as she began to tell Beastboy about a past experience.

"I remember this one day when I was showing her around my home, and at about EVERY place we went to I'd be telling her stuff, and I'd look, and OF COURSE she wouldn't be there." Tenochtitlan was glowing with joy as she remembered the events.

Beastboy carefully studied her beautiful yellow retinas.

"Tay...You...You're REMEMBERING," he tried to make her realized, squeezing her hand. She blinked out of her vision and her jaw dropped.

"I am!" she squealed happily. "Oh, oh..." She concentrated as she tried to remember more. "Um...Old buildings...Lots of old buildings...And...And trees and fruit, l-like a jungle..." She was squinting, milking the memory for all it was worth, but she couldn't really get any more out of it.

"Hm...That's it," she mumbled.

"It's more than yesterday," Beastboy encouraged, rubbing her shoulder.

Terra was completely baffled about all of this, but Link had attemtped to fill her in on it the night before. It was a real mess, but it made her feel better to know that she wasn't the only one who didn't know what she was doing.

"That would SO creep me out," Terra said to Link, remarking the whole 'not-being-able-to-remember-the-past' thing.

"Meh. It doesn't really matter to me anymore," Link admitted. "I'm where I am- and that's that. Doesn't matter where I was, now does it?"

"...Maybe," Terra shrugged, unsure.

When they looked up, Beastboy was calmly taking the coffee pot away from his girlfriend and placing it on the counter as she wiped the liquid from her face with her arms.

"Happy now?" he asked her with a disappointed face.


"Aw, yea, bro," Cyborg said with a nod, hitting Mario's knuckles with his own. "Dat's the good stuff. You kicked it to his FACE, man."

Mario was back in his relaxed position, smirking.

"Mah. That guy got a fistful of his own crap. That's how it's done."

Cyborg laughed a little, impressed by the gaming spectacle he had just witnessed. Suddenly, he felt his arm vibrate as it lit up with neon blue light and the Teen Titans theme was beeped out from it.

He lifted his arm up to his face to inspect his 'phone' and see who was calling. He wasn't greeted by a face, however. Only a black screen with a mysterious symbol on it. It was in red, and it was a pawprint with three claws. A little confused, Cyborg answered.



There was silence for a moment, and Cyborg waited quietly for an answer.

"Cyborg. Good morning."

Cyborg lifted a brow, perplexed.

"Uhhh...Yea. Who is this?" he asked, still dumbfounded.

"...This would be Destiny Smasher...Is Robin there?"

Cyborg glanced up at Mario, who was still smirking at him. He shrugged, having no idea where Robin was.

"Haven't seen Bluejay lately," he admitted. "I think he's still snoozin'.

"Is it important? I think the guy's still sleepin'," Cyborg explained. "Got a message ya want me to send him?"

The voice on the other side was solemn and calm as it delivered a response.

"Tell Robin that Destiny Smasher wishes to meet the Titans in person this evening. All of the Titans are to attend- ALL of them. We'll meet on the roof of the Wayne Enterprises building tonight at sunset."

A bit surprised and puzzled, Cyborg gave him a, "Yea, all right...I'll tell him," and realized that no one was there anymore.

"Whoa...Now that's messed up," he murmured to himself. "Yo," he said to Mario, dropping his arm back down. "You know what that was about?"

Mario shrugged, scratching his hair underneath his cap. He nodded toward the coffee table, noting the empty space on the right side where Raven had been sitting.

"Say, eh...Didn't Ray leave her book there?" he pondered aloud.

"...Yea," Cyborg answered slowly, puzzled. "But I didn't see her come back and get it..."


"Nothing happened!" Robin grumbled to Raven with a huff added at the end. "We talked, and...I don't know, we just...-"

Raven was smiling a big smile, and she rubbed his shoulder a little.

"Oh, I'm not worried about you, Robin. It's HER I'm worried about," she told him with a little laugh.

"...Yea," Robin muttered, feeling uncomfortable.

"So you're going out on another date tonight?"

Robin nodded, looking out of Starfire's window. They were in her room, but she had gone to the bathroom.

"Star said you were going to see a movie..." Robin clearly seemed distraught about something, so Raven silenced herself, waiting for him to say what he was going to- she knew he was going to say something.

"Raven, could you do me a favor?" he asked slowly. He almost felt bad about it, but he felt it needed to be said.

"Yea?" Raven responded, curious.

"Could you tell me...Why do you care so much about MY business with Starfire?" He had a hint of hostility about him, and it was like he had whipped a verbal birdarang at Raven's face. Raven bit her lip, looking down at the floor. She felt pretty foolish.

{I never really considered how ROBIN felt...I feel so stupid...}

"I've been...getting on your nerves..." Raven concluded aloud.

"Yes, you HAVE," Robin bluntly lashed out. "Everyone has- I'm sick of it! This isn't your business, it's mine and hers. If Starfire's going to tell you about what happens, fine. But you don't need to blab about it to everyone else, because-"

"I wasn't!" Raven defended herself, holding her palms out.

Robin huffed and shook his head. "Whatever!" he growled. "I just don't need everyone hassling me about it, all right? If you have your opinions, could you keep them to yourself?"

Raven avoided his gaze, staring at the random decorations on Starfire's beautifully crafted dresser. She felt like hiding in her cloak and storming out of the room. His tone was getting that bitterness to it and it felt like he was yelling at her. Raven couldn't stand being yelled at, for one reason or another. It made her feel horrible.

"Mm," she hummed back quickly. {I get the point!}

"You know how I am, Raven," Robin continued, venting his frustration. "I don't like being told what to do when it's nobody's business, and I need my privacy...So just back off a bit. I don't know what's been getting into you lately, but...-"

He was taking deep breaths, pacing back in forth in front of her bed in a limp. His leg was in a foot cast, but he ould hobble in it without a crutch now. He let loose a deep sigh as he tiredly plopped himself onto the bed's edge, his back facing her. After a pause, he apologized.

"Sorry," he grumbled. "It's not just you, it's everybody..."

"...It's all right," Raven muttered, still feeling afraid to say anything more.

"...Starfire's been telling me about how proud she is about the progress you've made with your powers, and...-"

"...Really...?" Raven was a little surprised, and she turned her head to look at Robin.

"...I know what it's like- feeling lonely when you're surrounded by people...I used to be that way, too."

{...He did...?}

"Star gets so happy when she talks about how much better you're doing lately. And I've noticed that you haven't had any problems with your powers, and you don't spend all of your day by yourself. To be honest, Raven, I'm impressed myself."

Raven's cheecks were pink, but Robin still wasn't glancing her way, so she averted her gaze back to the dresser.

"I didn't mean to be so nosy," she explained slowly. "Starfire's my best friend...I never thought for the longest time I would ever have a REAL friend...Honestly, I'm not sure I KNEW what one really WAS for a while. Ever since I became a Titan, I've always felt...detached...from everyone...But Starfire's helped me realize that I don't have to be. I care about her more than anything I've ever cared about in my life. And I'm sure she cares about YOU even more."

She took a pause to collect her thoughts and breathe. Moving her loose bang from her forehead, she finished.

"I don't want to see Starfire get hurt, Robin. I guess I just want to make sure you don't."

Robin gave her a puzzled expression as he turned around and eyed her. He was still getting over the fact that she hadn't been putting her hood on lately. It made her look like a different person- maybe because she kind of was. The way Star had explained it was that this Raven had been there all along, it just hadn't gotten the chance to come out until now. Robin figured this made sense, but it didn't change how different she seemed.

"Why would I hurt Starfire?" he questioned her incredulously.

Raven shook her head, closing her eyes. "I don't know," she grumbled. "I'm afraid that I myself may hurt her in some way. I don't like seeing people get hurt, especially when it's because of me..."

"You used to do it a LOT," Robin reminded her, his brow lifted.

"I know," she moaned, rubbing her forehead as she sighed. "I don't know WHY..."

"I think I know," Robin theorized- as usual. "You said you felt detached...If you didn't think you could ever have a real friend, you decided that you shouldn't even try and do the opposite..."

"...Maybe," Raven mumbled. It wasn't important anymore. "I don't want to see YOU hurt, either...Because...Star would be upset..." She laughed a little. "And if that happens, I get upset, which makes HER upset even MORE..."

"I think I understand what you're trying to say," Robin concluded. "It's just a security measure. Don't worry. There's no reason I would hurt Starfire."

He made sure he'd caught her attention. He stared at her glassy, purple eyes with his firm, serious face as he told her, "I swear, Raven- I won't hurt her. Just don't butt in, all right?"

Raven smiled weakly. "Deal."

"Now we just-"

"Oh! Good morning, Raven!" Starfire squealed as she floated into the room, discovering her friend. She stretched her free arm out wide as she reached out for a hug. Raven smiled warmly as she rubbed Starfire's back. As they separated, Raven inspected her thoroughly.

"How is your arm?" she asked calmly, still grinning a little.

Starfire's eyes wandered upward, as she didn't know for certain. She moved it a little, and it didn't hurt, so she moved it some more to confirm it. With a gasp of joy, she exclaimed, "It does not induce pain!"

"Great," Raven said eagerly as she used her powers to rip the cast carefully off of the girl's arm and let it drop to the floor.

"And you, Robin? How's your leg?"

Robin, still seated on Star's bed, slowly stood up straight and placed pressure on his broken leg. He continued to do so a few times as he realized that it didn't hurt too much at all.

"...I think it's all right," he hastily spat out once he reached this conclusion.

Raven eyed him suspiciously. She knew he'd lie just so he could be out there fighting crime, but she believed him.

"You're sure?" she checked, readying her hands to remove the cast. Robin nodded eagerly, ready to be rid of the vile attachment.

The cast became surrounded by a black aura as it was shredded apart and fell to the floor in a messy pile.

"OK...But you're still not going to be off waging war with thugs on the street," Raven added carefully, sucking away Robin's anticipation. "That leg's not ready for anything strenuous yet...And Starfire," she turned to her best friend, "Your arm should be pretty fine, but I'm not sure about your head...You should take it easy as well..."

Starfire nodded obidiently, scratching her bare arm- it was itchy from the material that had been on it for so long. Her head bandage had been removed while she was in the bathroom, so now, from an outside look, she was injury-free.

Raven floated up from the ground and drifted toward the door in an eery fashion.

"I'll leave you guys alone," she announced, glancing at Robin for approval. He gave her a thankful smile as he waved.

"Yea, we'll be there in a minute, Raven..."

Starfire turned around to the goth girl, blushing.

"Yes, I shall converse with you later-quite thoroughly-on the topics at hand," she said with a sly smile that Robin couldn't see.

Raven smirked back and pressed a button behind her, shutting the door.

Robin was rubbing the back of his neck nervously as Star beamed at him.

"Was there something you wished to address?" she asked cheerfully.

"Um...Starfire," Robin began slowly. "...We need to talk a little bit."

Star frowned sadly. Was there ALWAYS a problem? Just once, could they have a day without picking flaws out of it?

"...Very well," she mumbled. "What is the matter we must overcome...?"

"It's about us," Robin muttered.

{I am SINCERELY surprised,} Starfire grumbled in her mind.

"Star, I'm not trying to be a jerk, but I really don't want all the other Titans to know what's going on between us...Ya know? It just...I need my privacy. I don't understand how you can go and tell everyone things, but I don't really appreciate that..."

Starfire narrowed her eyes at him, trying to figure it out.

"Robin, I understand your feelings, but what good comes from an experience if you cannot share it with others...?"

Robin huffed, rubbing his forehead.

"Star, I just mean that there are some things that should be just between two people. The Titans don't have to know EVERYTHING about us."

Star sighed, hoping to end the conversation fast.

"Robin, I believe I can determine what experiences to recall to my friends and which ones not to...If you do not trust me, I-"

"It's not like that," Robin quickly defended. "...Nevermind," he groaned, feleing liek an idiot for bringing it up. "Tell them what you want, you're right...I just get sick of them pestering me about it. I don't need Cyborg's advice about what to do on a date- if I did, I'd ASK. And I certainly don't need RAVEN of all people telling me how to play my cards right, either."

"What is wrong with Raven?" Star asked with a touchy tone.

"Nothing, it's just weird," Robin spat out, avoiding any further conflict. "Let's just sort this out later, it's not important...I didn't mean to get you upset."

"I am not upset," Starfire assured him, though she sounded upset all the same. "I am merely confused..."

"Later," Robin muttered, holding up his palms vertically. "We'll have lots of time tonight."

Star gave a light sigh and nodded. "Mm hm. We shall make an arrangement during our courtship rit-...er...'date'...But at the current moment, I have a strong desire to give my body rations to digest. Shall we break our fast?"

Robin chuckled at her speech and agreed heartily.


Raven was quite concerned about the fact that her book seemed to have vanished out of thin air. She was patrolling the halls of the Tower in search of her fellows.

Nobody she had found so far knew where it had gone to- or, at least, they said they didn't. It couldn't have just walked away...Then again...

Raven gasped in surprise as she rounded a corner to see a girl with pale orange hair and a loose denim skirt sitting against the wall. She was cross-legged, her blue eyes gazing thoughtfully into the browned pages of a very old book that was in her lap.

"Tikal?? What are you doing with my book?" Raven almost shouted. Tikal jumped with fright, her eyes bugged out with shock. "I trhought I told you not to touch them...They're very old!" she scolded as she swiped it from Tikal's skinny arms.

Tikal gasped, feeling ashamed as she realized that she'd gotten carried away.

"...I'm sorry," she murmured, wincing. "I didn't mean to steal it. I couldn't resist, it was so captivating..."

Raven took a deep breath, gaining control of her anger.

"It's OK. Sorry for yelling, I just don't like people touching my things...I don't have much, and what I DO have are antiques."

She paused as she stared at the book's cover. A strange stone carved into a cut diamond shape was carved into the wooden surface.

"...You liked this, too?" Raven asked slowly, trying to turn the conversation in a positive direction.

Tikal nodded, hurrying to her feet. She dusted herself off quickly and spoke shakily.

"The story is fascinating." She grinned sheepishly, as if she was hiding a secret. "But I believe that some of the history is inaccurate..."

Raven lifted a brow, utterly confused.


Tikal blushed at Raven's odd glance.

"Well...It just doesn't seem right," she mumbled. Now that she thought about it, she realized just how far fetched the situation was.

"...What do you mean?" Raven asked her suspiciously.

"I, uh...I've been reading it, but-"

"HOW?" Raven interrupted in a demanding voice. "You UNDERSTAND it?"

"...Well, of COURSE I do," Tikal mumbled, feeling a little small. "I learned it when I was a child..."

Raven's jaw was slightly agape as she pondered this statement. How and why would she learn an ancient language when she was a child?

"...I thought you said you couldn't remember your past..." she reminded both herself and Tikal.

"I know. I couldn't before," Tikal agreed. "But as I've been reading this book, it's been coming back to me..." She stared at the book in Raven's hands with longing.

"Really? But how?" The gothic girl was completely amazed by this. She almost refused to believe it.

Tikal took a deep breath. {Would she believe me if I told her...?}

Reluctantly, Tikal reached out her hand, hoping to accept the old tome. Eager for an answer, Ravan handed it to her, being careful not to let go until she was sure Tikal had a firm grasp on it.

Tikal opened the cover with care, knowing how touchy the mysterious girl before her could be. She examined the front cover's inside and pointed out some writing.

"See? This is the signature of an old friend of mine..." she mumbled.

Raven stared at it in awe. She placed her palm on the book as she tried to squeeze the past from it. But the memories were very old, and she couldn't get them to come.

"My friend's name was Andlos..." Tikal smiled fondly at the thought of him. She couldn't remember much, buts he felt his presence in her heart and mind. The signature had sparked the memory. "He was very smart. He loved to read, especially about science and history...I'm not surprised this was his..."

Raven suddenly realized something that didn't make sense at all. If she knew this person...If she knew this language...How old was she???

"Tikal, wait." She paused, having trouble absorbing it in. "Are you saying that you were ALIVE when this happened...?"

Tikal's eyes grew sad. {She doubts me...} She nodded slowly, hoping that she could convice Raven that she knew it was true. Inside herself, she could feel these memories. As she read, she began to recall instances and events. It was haunting at times and wonderous at others. It was as if it had become an addiction to read it. She had always made sure to place the book back where she had found it, though. But Raven had finally caught her this time.

"I...I guess so...I don't know to explain it, but I KNOW it...I LIVED through some of these events..." She flipped through the book thoughtfully. She glanced at the pages that spoke of a young princess sealing away the great Chaos that would destroy the planet...And she knew...it was HER...But she wasn't ready to tell Raven- or ANYONE- such a claim just yet. She came upon one page and began to read about what it described, pointing it to Raven, who couldn't make sense of the words, but could understand the picture. It was a girl who had fallen and was obviously dead, but she didn't look entirely human.

"Zepha..." Tikal murmured. "Zepha was a friend of mine...And-and Cyclos...Cyclos was my old boyfriend..." She pointed out a strange creature in the old drawings who had spikey hair. "Cyclos was brave and strong...But he never really liked the traditions our people placed upon him...Father disliked him, and he disliked father..." She sighed sadly. "But when times were difficult, he was always there for the people. He had a strong sense of justice..."

Raven was baffled by how she seemed to talk about him.

"You sound like you don't miss him..."

Tikal shook her head. "Why should I miss him? He's still with me..." She smiled warmly.

"And Zepha...Poor Zepha...You see, disaster struck our people, and Cyclos was sent off to war...Zepha...She loved him just as much as I did. But, well...She never told him. After all, he was my mate, and...-" Tikal sighed deeply, feeling guilty, though she knew she couldn't have done much about the matter. "But Zepha was a dear and true friend to us both. When Cyclos went to fight, she followed him. And...She was killed trying to help him..."

Tikal couldn't bear to speak of the matter further and turned the page to skip ahead.

"Cyclos died during that war...I wasn't able to end it before his death." She wasn't crying, though, and this made Raven very confused.

"I do not wish to linger on old memories," she mumbled, closing the book. "At least not sad ones."

"...Do you miss your old home?" Raven asked as Tikal handed back the old book. Tikal shook her head slowly. "I guess I do not. I am content with friends like those I have here. Friends like you are all I need," she said kindly, causing Raven to blush a little. "However, I am afraid that I may have to return to my old home..."

"Why?" Raven was certainly full of curiosity.

"If the memories I am collecting are all true, then returning home is inevitable to us all..."

"Oh," Raven mumbled, a little disheartened. She was just discovering how great it was to MAKE friends, and before she could really have them, she would have to say good-bye...? As long as she had Starfire, she'd survive.

"We all have choices to make," Tikal muttered. "We all have our own paths to take...Otherwise the world would be thrown into chaos...Chaos can be good, but it can also be very bad...Chaos is power, power that is enriched by the heart...But if misused, chaos is often a terrible thing..."

Raven would normally reflect on such thoughts, but she was eager to move on to other matters. This was a little confusing. She had to investigate it later on.

"Are the others regaining their memories, as well?" she questioned as she placed the book in her arm pit.

Tikal shrugged. "I suppose I should ask, hm?" Raven nodded quickly.

"Sorry, Tikal, I've...gotta go. If you want to look at my book later, you can, but...Ask next time, would you?"


Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Now then...

Where to begin... ah yes.

He lifted his arm up to his face to inspect his 'phone' and see who was calling. He wasn't greeted by a face, however. Only a black screen with a mysterious symbol on it. It was in red, and it was a pawprint with three claws. A little confused, Cyborg answered.
Is the claw DS's "symbol"?

By the way, do you still have that anime picture of DS? I haven't a clue of what he looks like. Although, he sounds like some kind of psychic person.

Well then, moving on to the Tikal thing.

I see what you're trying to do. :chuckle: In the past, there was a 'love triangle' between Tikal, Zepha, and Cyclos. However, it seems like that same love triangle will happen again, in the present time, with Tikal, Amy, and Sonic! And you thought you could fool the great Strife-meister (me). :D

So, anyway, moving on to the Beastboy/Tay relationship. Clever. There are several "relationships" occuring in this story, and it seems that the BB/Tay relationship is the comic relief of the bunch. ;)


Mega Man 3 is your favorite intro? No surprise there, you told me it was the first MM game you played. Mega Man music has always been my favorite type of music. :)

Well then, if you want, I can fetch you some of the best Mega Man remixes on vgmusic.com.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.

No, no, no, my friend...

Megaman 3 was the first video game EVER that I played!!!

I do like Megaman 2's theme, of course, and I like the Anniversay remix that combines them both together...it just doesn't have the jazzy intro...

I also LOVE Crash Man's theme! There's about four mixes of it on Overclocked.

But every time I hear that jazzy intro to Megaman 3, I get that warm, fuzzy feeling all over...^_^

Is the claw DS's "symbol"?

By the way, do you still have that anime picture of DS? I haven't a clue of what he looks like. Although, he sounds like some kind of psychic person.

Um, YEA. You may remember that I've made reference to this symbol in my Golden Sun fic.

Anyway, I don't have a pic scanned of DS yet...I won't show you what he looks like until I actually introduce him, anyway. Obviously, he's going to be ME inserted into the story...I'm sure you couldn't figure THAT one out...

So, anyway, moving on to the Beastboy/Tay relationship. Clever. There are several "relationships" occuring in this story, and it seems that the BB/Tay relationship is the comic relief of the bunch.

Comic relief? Well, that's Beastboy's JOB!

But no, their relationship is not designed for comic relief. It gets serious at the end of this Chapter...

I see what you're trying to do. In the past, there was a 'love triangle' between Tikal, Zepha, and Cyclos. However, it seems like that same love triangle will happen again, in the present time, with Tikal, Amy, and Sonic! And you thought you could fool the great Strife-meister (me).

Um...Well, actually, you know NOTHING about this. :p

What, exactly, did you mean by 'same?'

Over the course of the past 48 hours, I've developed a whole story arc that focuses on Tikal's background, including Cyclos and Zepha. By the end of the Chapter you'll learn a little more about it.

Actually, that story is one of those bits designed for Q4D! readers to give them more insight. However, it will inevitably become important- at least to a degree- in the main story.

I could give you details...Or, ya know, I could just not say anything for now...

If you haven't figured it out by now, you should by the Chapter's end...


I feel like if I don't tell some of you guys you'll TOTALLY MISS IT...

OK, I'll give a little spoiler here, so, eh...Ignore the rest of this post if you don't want anything ruined...And PM me if you have anything to say about it.

EP will probably enjoy this the most, I guess...

Cyborg says:


The characters Tikal is talking about were alive back in 'her time.'

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, play Sonic Adventure 1, or look up the storyline. It's the best Sonic story so far, if you ask me, but it leaves so much for fan fiction purposes...

Here's the basic skimmy. Well, not so basic, but trust me, basic, because all of the details are left out.

Back in Tikal's time, she had friends (duh). Because her memories have gotten messed up and she's still trying to recover them, her old ones are coming back along with her more recent ones.

EP pointed out something I want Q4D! readers to see very clearly- the love triangle. As EP stated, it mimicks the current one between Sonic, Tikal, and Amy. (While I'm at it, Amy is one of the other two characters to come into thsi fic.)

This is certainly no mistake. There are more similarities than it seems.

Tikal said in the conversation with Raven that she doesn't need to miss her old friends- they're still with her. This is actually quite literal, though Tikal's memories are too fuzzy at this point to actually distinguish it.

Cyclos, Zepha, and Andlos are all still alive today...sort of...

You know them better as Sonic, Amy, and Miles...^_^

They are the reincarnations of Cyclos, Zepha, and Miles...

Though they looked pretty much the same in the past and were basically the same personality-wise, their lives were much different- they lived in a totally different society.

Cyclos was a rebel who earned the disproval of Pahamac, Tikal's father and the leader of the Angel Tribe two millenia ago. Cyclos was strong and a fierce warrior. Though the civilization he lived in disliked his habits of going against tradition and doing things his own way, he still earned respect because of his uncanny ability to fend off any attackers and help protect the city. When war struck, he became the leader of the Angel Tribe's army.

Andlos was a fox born with two tails. Though not a member of the Angel Tribe, he was accepted by Pahamac himself to live on Angel Island because of his knowledge and great promise. Andlos promised Pahamac that he would perform experiments regarding Chaos Radiation to try and unlock the powers of the Chaos Emeralds- this was what he intended to do, regardless.

Andlos was a very smart young boy who quickly grew famous amongst the Angel Tribe. He discoveredmany secrets about Chaos Radiation that were unknown at the time, and it was his findings that eventually led to the decision to harness this energy for the peoples of the Angel Tribe.

When War struck from a force unknown in origin, Cyclos went of to war to lead the Angel Army.

Back a little bit...

Then there was Zepha. Zepha is Amy's old form.

Tikal believes that the book she read was inaccurate because it stated that Zepha died on the battlefield because she couldn't defend herself. This is the opposite of what ocurred, actually.

Zepha died in a fierce battle that marked the beginning of the war- she is known as the first Angel Tribe casualty of what would later be known as the 'Chaos Conflict.'

Zepha was in love with Cyclos, but Cyclos and Tikal were betrothed- though this only ocurred because Pahamac was pressured by his wife to do so.

So, of course, Zepha couldn't tell Cyclos how much she cared for him. But she loved him in the true sense of the word, and was always there for him. The two were very close friends, though they spent less time together once Tikal won his heart.

However, Zepha knew that Cyclos loved Tikal, and so she treated Tikal with the uttermost respect and became very good friends with her, as well.

But Zepha was a girl who was just liek Sonic- she hated tradition.

And she showed it- she became a very skilled swordsman...er, I mean, swordswoman...-_-'

Women, as you can guess, weren't caught dead with weapons. Or, well, I guess they were, or...whatever...

Zepha trained every day to become a very talented warrior- and she WAS. Her skills were only matched by those of Cyclos- the two were about equal. Zepha hoped with all her heart that she could impress Cyclos with such abilities, but she was crushed when she discovered that Cyclos had been betrothed with Tikal.

Nonetheless, she remained by his side as a friend, and he appreciated that quite a bit.

Zepha never made it as apparent that she liked Cyclos romantically like Amy does in the present. Why? Because the Amy of the present- though she doesn't realize it- has a subconcious that says, "You waited too long to tell him how you felt, so you never had a chance!" And so, she makes it very clear that she likes him...

Um...Going back to the past...

Zepha, however, was never recognized for her skills. It was 'appalling' and 'unspeakable!' Women just didn't DO things like that...

And so the only ones who knew of her power were thsoe who fought alongside her- who never breathed a word of it- and Cyclos and Tikal. This is why she's not recognized in the book.

When the 'Chaos Conflict' came to pass, Zepha knew that Cyclos would be at the point of the charge, and she was very afraid, for she knew he would die if he wasn't careful.

So she took it upon herself to sneak onto the battlefields as she always did. She was fortunate, for she was able to see an amubsh in the works and was able to warn Cyclos' squad before it came in.

In the attack, Zepha defended Cyclos with everything she had, viciously ripping apart dozens of soldiers. But a mysterious foe crushed her in the battle with fatal attacks, and she fell.

After Cyclos destroyed the being in a fit of utter rage, he left his soliders to take on the small fry and he checked to see if Zepha was still alive. She was, but just barely. Realizing that there was no hope for her survival, Cyclos broke into tears.

Zepha assured him that he needn't cry and let it be. He'd given her the gift she'd wanted for the longest time- to sleep in his arms at last...

With her last breaths, she proclaimed her love to him and told him that she would forever be by his side as a dear and close friend, and that she hoped Tikal and he would live happily.

This marked the point where Cyclos went a bit insane with anger...

Cyclos died in battle a few days later, just before the War ended- and the REAL trouble began.

He was killed by a creature of which nothing is known at this point- no one was there to witness his death, only to witness his lifeless body hours after the battle.

This is about when Pahamac decided that they needed to use the energy of the Chaos Emeralds to save themselves. Tikal pleaded to her father, and Andlos warned of the great disaster that would befall them, but Pahamac refused to listen.

Tossing his daughter aside like garbage, he attemtped to use the Chaos Radiation...But it backfired when a mysterious being named Chaos rose and slaughtered him off.

Tikal and Andlos had become friends with Chaos pervious to this, and it spared their lives, but it went on a frenzy of death and destruction, crushing anything that came in its way.

Tikal, with the aid of Andlos and Crystel (she's in Q4D!), was finally able to put an end to the threat by sealing Chaos inside the Master Emerald- but she was sucked in in the process, and Crystel wound up encased inside one of the Chaos Emeralds. Andlos kept this a secret and made sure that the Emeralds were not even breathed upon until his death many years later.


And THAT, my friends, is what's been going through my head for the last 48 hours...Not to mention everything I've come up with for the TTX storyline...


I love my brain.

Too bad I can't type things down as they hit my head...Otherwise I'd be REALLY FRICKIN' FAR...

Well, eh...

Yea, I hope you enjoyed that and all...

Remember, PM me with comments on that stuff, would ya?


Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
EP kind of pointed out that it's not REALLY a spoiler- it's just one of those stories that you're supposed to pick up piece by piece, not all at once.

In fact, don't bother to PM me if you read it- I have a feeling you all will read that bit wen you get there...

Oh, and EP, try reading that PM I sent you before, but make sure you're AWAKE this time...:beezo:

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Sure thing, buddy. :) :o

Well, then, I don't think I have any more questions. I've got my facts straight, so I shouldn't pretend that I don't. :p

I'll just work on my HUGE Mega Man document that i've been working on all day (what can I say? I'm bored). It lists every single Dr. Light/Dr. Wily robot in the Mega Man series, including their weapons, weaknesses, and methods of attack.

Oh, and I played "Rockman and Forte" on my friend's emulator. The SNES game was only released in Japan, thus I had to play it in Japanese. R+F is extremely difficult, probably the hardest Mega Man game i've ever played (i'm not counting the MMX series). Bass is also a playable character, and that alone makes it a must for all Mega Man nuts (like me). I think the only reason Capcom didn't put it in the Anniversary collection is because almost all the enemies and graphics are ripped from MM8 (Astro Man and Tengu Man are also in the game).

Sorry if i'm wandering off-topic, but I HAD to get that off my chest. The anticipation was killing me.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.

Once again, I hate to embarrass you by knowing more about Megaman than you, but, eh...

Megaman and Bass HAS been released in the USA. Even IF it wasn't released for the SNES in America, it WAS released on the GBA about a year or so ago...

Some people try to tell me it's Megaman 9, but it's NOT. It came out BEFORE 8, so I guess you could say it's Megaman 7.5...

And from that point of view, the bosses in 8 were ripped from THIS game, not the other way around.


Yea, still jamming on Megaman Mixes...There's plenty out there. Lots of creative lyrics to some of the songs, too, like Protoman's Theme getting a treatment so that it sounds like a love song of some sort.

Update? Nah. Not yet. Maybe later...Dunno. I have nothing I need to do today, but I don't know what I WILL do, either.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Emberassed? Hardly. :D Don't worry about emberassing me when it comes to Mega Man. I like to engage in MM conversations.

Looks like i've underestimated your knowledge of the Blue Bomber, DS. Nevertheless, MM+B is a really cool Mega Man game. It's not all "cartoony" like MM8, if you know what I mean, and it's challenging like the MMX series. The SNES version is obviously better, since the frame rate of the SNES is smoother, it has a larger resolution (320x200), and it has better sound quality.

Hey, could you show me some links to these Mega Man remixes? I'd love to hear them. :D

Oh, and I made a remix of my own: Quick Man - Ice Cap Zone Remix. It's nothing fancy, but it gets the job done. I think it's kinda catchy.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to whip my friend's butt in Sonic Battle. ;)

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.

I've played Megaman and Bass before on ZSNES...

But I didn't bother to beat it. When I get my new computer in a couple weeks or so, I intend to play lots of GBA and SNES games on it that I otherwise haven't been able to, as well as possibly get ROMs to what games I actually OWN as backup.

I can't listen to your MIDI right now because the library computers can't play MIDIs.

My plan is buy one of those USB hardrive dealies when I go to get my computer so that I can download stuff at public computers really fast and save them, then use them on my OWN computer.

I don't entirely get what you're saying about the SNES version being better...

The GBA surpasses the Super Nintendo in just about everything except screen size...hence, the GB Player...

Sonic Battle? Yep, I want to play it. I think I'll give it a test drive sometime.

In the meantime, I got Sonic Advance 3 yesterday. Pretty interesting. I like pairing Amy and Sonic together as a team. Sometimes the random animations are shifted depending on your team, and it's kinda funny to watch.

For example, when Amy is partnered with Knuckles or Tails she'll just stand there and do her normal animation. But if she's Sonic's partner, she'll rock back and forth with hearts pouring out of her head. :p

Anyway, I also bought Warioware Inc. for the GCN, but I have yet to try it. For some reason, I felt compelled to buy it...But I don't like Wario...And the game is as freaky as all get out...

As far as links to mixes goes...

I hope you can download MP3's at a considerable rate...

Megaman 2003

A cool mix of the MM3 Theme.

Blue Reflection

A mix of Protoman's Song with original lyrics.

Blue Lightning

Another MM3 Theme Mix.


Yep, it's another MM3 Theme Mix.

Intro Jazz

Can you guess what song THIS is?


A mixer made a version of Protoman's Theme while trying to imitate the style of McVaffe, a reknowned artist at Overclocked, and my personal favorite mixer out there beside Dr. Fruitcake, who does MIDIs on VG Music.

Gemini Salsa

Gemini Man's Theme- a good example of McVaffe's talent.


A strange work done by three different artists at Overclocked that mixes the Needle Man theme in a Mexican dance style.

Crashman Crash and Burn

A mix of Crashman's Theme.

The Tallest Building

Megaman 2's Theme mixed.

Master of Flame

The only MM6 mix up there to date.

I've been listening to others, but those are most of the Megaman Man ones I've been jamming to lately.


You could go there and take a look around.

Might I suggest listening to the MMX1 mixes they have there?

Airbased, Dreams Come True, and the Zero Sacrifice are excellent.


Update...*sweatdrop* Don't have one done yet...I was hoping to, but I've been spending my time playing VGs and workingm honestly.

I can assure you that in a matter of a couple weeks when I have my own computer, my typing rate should go up quite a bit, especially since school will be back in shortly after and my brain will be running around.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
You'll have your own computer? Sweet! :D I wish I had my own personal computer... well, techinically, this IS my personal computer, but my sister uses it for the internet. *shrug*

Sonic Battle, is AWESOME!!! It's like Super Smash Bros., with Sonic characters. I played it all day yesterday on my computer, and all day today. :p The only problem (if you can even call it a problem) is that the enemy AI is a bit stupid in some places.

In Story mode, you create your own robot fighter by mixing and matching your favorite moves (but I bet you knew that already ;) ). My custom robot combines Amy's hammer attacks with E-102's electric claws. Don't get her angry, or she'll go Spark Man on your a$$. :demon:

So, yeah, that's pretty freakin' sweet. :)

Oh, and I just got online real quick, so I haven't had the time to download those MP3's. Once I find some time, I will.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
How did you play your friend in Sonic Battle, then, if you're using a ROM (like I am right now)?

Hm...Sonic Battle doesn't seem to have enough depth at first glance, but I only played it for a bit yesterday.

I'm trying to find N64 ROMs, as I know they're out there. But I'm not having an easy time.

By the way, here's a kick-@$$ Japanese Song I stumbled upon in a Kenshin Music Video. I'm putting it on my next CD, for sure. Matter of fact, I'm naming my next CD after the song.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Oh, that? Me and my buddy took turns beating the crap out of the other guy's favourite character. :p

I also heard that some emulators have an online multiplayer feature.

Well, once you play SB for an hour or so, you'll like it. It has a really great storyline. But I HATE how stupid the computer's AI is. You can just juggle them in mid-air with an attack until they die. The only fight I had a hard time with was the final boss, and he's INSANE. :crazy: But, it's still fun creating your own fighter, that's for sure.

Speaking of Sonic, I searched around the internet for a while, and I found some really interesting Sonic 2 web sites. They have ROMS of Sonic 2 that include the full Hidden Palace Zone that was cut out of the final game, and lots of cool information about other zones that were cut (i.e. Wood Zone and Genocide City Zone). Sonic Cult, a "mature audience" web site, also has LOADS of secret information regarding classic Sonic games, including concept art, interviews with some of the level editors, and real screenshots of unfinished Zones.

As for N64 Roms...

A year ago, I downloaded a few N64 roms from a French site. A little advice: Don't download them. Pretty much EVERY N64 rom out there has so many bugs and glitches that they are simply unplayable. And they don't have sound either. *sniffle* :(

Anywayz, I downloaded a few of those MM remixes. How can I prove it? Intro Jazz is a remix of the MM3 theme song. So, yeah, they're very cool and professional-sounding. :D Don't forget to check out my songs too.

So, uh... where's this "kick-@$$ Japanese Song" you speak of?

As for the TTX update... don't worry about rushing it. I have patience.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
I have played it for an hour, but only the battle mode. It's annoying on a keyboard, I won't really be able to play it until I get my controller for my computer...

It's not as fun without human characters, though.

I kinda wish I had bought SB instead of SA3 and played SA3 on a rom...Oh, well.

Oh, yea. Oops. I had multiple things goin' on...


Good luck figuring out the lyrics without someone else doing it for you. They get pretty fast. ^_^


Yep, haven't typed ina few days...That will change by this weekend. Once I get the ball rolling, the next Chappy in this fic should be a cinch.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Uhh, it had significance.

I'm confused... Oh well. I just feel like talking about games. At least it gives me something to do while I wait for the next update (I just wish other people would join in on our conversation).

Sonic Characters
This is a list of nearly every single Sonic character ever created, along with a few other statistics. It's quite an interesting read, if I do say so myself. :D
So, who's my favorite character out of the bunch? Take a wild guess. :rolleyes:

Sorry I haven't been able to download all these musics. I just haven't has the time yet. My sister is obsessed with the phone. :(


You know that I make computer games, right? Well, it's a time-consuming task, and occasionaly I get stuck or confused. :dizzy:

So, what am I trying to say? I might need help with my major computer game project, D-Nova (i've mentioned it several times before). I'm trying to draw the sprites for my main characters, but they seem a bit "iffy" to me. =/ I might need advice from people other than my siblings. PM me if you're interested.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 25, 2003
I'd love to join in...... only to be perfectly honest with you.... I've never played Megaman, so I have no idea what your talking about. The first time I saw a Megaman game was last month at a local video game auction, an SNES game went for 700.00! Thats alittle rich for my taste, even though I love collecting rare games. They called it a rare game; is it really rare?

Mega man didn't look like all that fun of a game, mediocre at best. Average, thats all; just average. I was privlaged at the aution though, I got an extremly rare game, Derby stallion for the SNES: I have no intrest in playing it because it looks boring, but its a great gem to add to my collection.

As for sonic weeeeeell, sonic is OK not as good as Mario, but it can still be fun sometimes.

EP your pretty good at making games have you ever tried RPG2002, in my opinion the best game making tool ever invented. I think that it would allowyou to express your creativity in entirely new ways.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
RPG2002? I'll check it out sometime. :) Do you have a link to the web site?

Although, I enjoy making action/arcade/platform games more than RPG's. I've made a lot of really cool, but unfinished, games.

My best creation so far is Astro Dude, although a lot of people think it's too hard. I've been trying to finish the full version, but it gets tiring, working on the same game every day. So, I like to work on multiple projects.

I'm a member of a website called The Daily Click. Most of the games people submit there are crappy, but there are a lot of REALLY awesome, commercial-quality games floating around there (Eternal Daughter, or Streambolt, for example). It's my goal to make really fun games like that.

Hmm... Mega Man, Sonic, or Mario? In my opinion, Mega Man is the winner right now. Most of Sonic's games have recieved negative reviews from magazines, and Mario hasn't really stepped up to the plate yet (he will though, come Paper Mario 2).

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
(he will though, come Paper Mario 2).

You're ****ed right, he will. I can SMELL it. Paper Mario 2 has shaped up quite nicely, and it may become my favorite in the Mario series OVERALL, which is a very tight spot.

Right now Paper Mario and Mario All-Stars are probabvly reigning in there.

The SSB series and the Mario RPG series are EASILY the two series I have spent the most time playing.

How excited am I about Paper Mario 2?

Imagine a new SSB game coming out, one that looks to expand the series even further.

Maybe you have a grasp now.


But as far as Sonic getting bad reviews...

To be honest, Megaman is fun and all, but...

Replay value? Blech. Sorry...

It's a miracle I spent $30 on MAC...

Well, not really. I bought it because I've never really played any of them.

But for Din's sake, I'm not going to pay $30 every two months when a new Megaman game comes out just so I can play through it in a day and not feel like playing it any more...

Only the Megaman X series on the SNES captivates me. And I've barely played 2 or 3...

Most Sonic games have the same effect on me, as well...

Only Sonic Adventure 2 Battle and Sonic Adventure 1...

I spent a good deal on those two, but I have no intentions on playing either anytime soon.

Sonic Advance 3 is fun, but I'll get bored of it soon enough.

Games like the Megaman series, to be, are PERFECT for renting.

Mario games, however, have a different effect. You give me Mario World right now, and I'll play through the whole ****ed thing without getting too bored. Why? I dunno.

What I really enjoy is having a timer, like in Banjo-Kazooie, so I can time attack the whole game.

What WAS my highest score on that game...?

Just above 5 hours...Yep. Or maybe 6...

It was a WHILE ago, but **** did I beat that game FAST, and all in one sitting. (That's the fastes way to beat it, I think.)


Where was I...?

RPG Maker is NICE if you have time and want to make an RPG. It can't make the battle system I really want, but...It's OK.

I would just want to change the sprites and such.

Hey, maybe if I get bored I can do that on my new computer I'll have soon. I'm FINALLY done with my main job. ^_^

As for that list, thanks, EP. I'll read it just to pick up on a couple things. But I already KNEW all of those guys.

However, I really don't like a lot of those statistics.

Oh, and that is NOT all of the Sonic characters. Maybe all the ones who showed up in GAMES...

Bunnie? Julie? Rotor? Grandpa Chuck? Yea, I don't see 'em.

Amy- TWELVE?!?!

GAG ME! I don't think so!!! :crazy:


She's been 12 for YEARS now, ****it!!

TAILS IS EIGHT???? I think I'm gonna THROW UP...


As a reference, folks, here's the ages of Sonic characters in my fic, because I cannot STAND some of these stats...
They also seem to know nothing about Cream...I'm sure there's more to know about her than what they have...

As for your fav, EP, I personally don't know, because you've had THREE favs in the past long time...

Me? I've stuck the same. First comes Sonic, then Amy and Tikal in second, then Cream and Shadow in third, and Miles in fourth, n'...After that it gets more vague.

Sonic- 18

Amy- 17
I don't know why, she just strikes me as about the same age as Sonic.

Tikal- 16
They say she's a spirit...And, well, she sort of IS...My story is a tad different. Her physical body exists, but it became soi saturated in Chaos Radiation from the Master Emerald that she practically became a spirit. During 'The Fall,' if you remember, Kamek absorbs this essence from her, changing her back into a normal, aging mortal. Tikal is ACTUALLY over 3000 years old by my standards, but about 3000 of those years were spent in hibernation...

Miles- 12

Knuckles- 20

Shadow- ???Has anyone figured out how he survived? Yea, yea, blabla, dumb Sega storyline. I mean in my fic. I believe I did mention it some LONG time ago...Ah, well. You'll find out again, soon enough.

Rouge- 21

Vector- 23
Ah, yes, Vector. I like him a lot for some reason...Well, more than most others. Don't know why. He's kinda got the hots for Cream's mom, just for some random trivia. In my FIC, that is.

Charmy- 7
...I'm just not gonna say anything about this guy...

Espio- 17 (AWFUL pic of him there, by the way...) WHOA! Hey, I actually AGREE with them on this one...
Cream- 8 (Meh...I know she supposed to be more like 6, but...I dunno...I just want to mature her up a bit...I may have to change that in my GS fic...Nothing big.)

Ifalna- 25 (Cream's mother. I created that name, by the way. If you're a FF fan, you may understand the whole Ifalna/Cetra deal. ;) )

Inky Blott- Hm...I forget how old he was...14 sounds right...

Crystel- 11
Yep, that sounds about right to me...By the way, in case you forgot, Crystel comes from the same time period as Tikal. She just wasn't quite as saturated by Chaos Radiation because she wasn't inside the Master Emerald in CHAOS. Only in a normal Chaos Emerald. Anyway, by now that radiation has worn off and she's 'normal.'

Bunnie Rabbot- 23

Rotor- 22m sure I'll throw him in at some point)

Sally Acorn- 19 (Yes, she's still alive, but everyone thinks she died...Long story, you'll have to wait to find out.)

Julie-Su- 20 (This would be Knuckles' old girlfriend, as far as I'm concerned. They lost touch a long while ago when they got separated. Knuckles thinks that Julie lost interest in him, but what really happened was Julie got amnesia after being experimented on by the Cetra Hunters. ^_^)

Zim- Don't care. He DIED. :p Do you have any clue who this guy is, by the way? Not REALLY a Sonic character...;)

By the way, in case you haven't caught it by now, Crystel is Cream's ancestor- they both have the same last name. Kind of weird, I guess...

Well, there's enough of that...


I guess maybe I should try to TYPE tonight, eh? I am WAY behind schedule...*sweatdrop*

That will change when I get my computer...^_^

Wow, there goes chunk of my time...*sweatdrop*

Speaking of Teen Titans, O_o I HOPE to write more tonight...

Maybe I'll start on my next Winds of Fate project as well...Who knows? I've got so many ****ed ideas...I just can't write them all DOWN...

The Chaos Angel Society...

Fox McCloud's sister...

And there WERE others, too...I just sorta forgot them...Ah, well, they all wind up in the same fic sooner or later, anyway, just not with so much detail...

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Okay, my turn...

"Mario games, however, have a different effect. You give me Mario World right now, and I'll play through the whole ****ed thing without getting too bored. Why? I dunno."

The classic Mario games are very fun indeed. Mario 3 is my favorite classic Mario game. In fact, I don't think i've ever beaten Mario 3 without using those "level skip" flutes. Maybe I should try it...

Oh, by the way, is that Mario game you made with Lunar Magic available for download?

"RPG Maker is NICE if you have time and want to make an RPG. It can't make the battle system I really want, but...It's OK."

I have RPG Maker 2 for the PS2. It has some really nice features, but the battle system sucks. It makes Final Fantasy 2 look like rocket science. Not to mention the character models are awful. Even Lego characters look better. :crazy:

As for the original RPG Maker... I dunno. I'll check it out as soon as I can. Who knows? RPG Maker might help me accomplish something I never did before... to create a game that you actually WANT to play. :p

"Me? I've stuck the same. First comes Sonic, then Amy and Tikal in second, then Cream and Shadow in third, and Miles in fourth, n'...After that it gets more vague."

Okay, just so I make this clear...

I've given it a lot of thought, and here's my permanent list of favorite Sonic characters:

1. Tails. He's always been my favorite, since the beginning. When I was a kid, I would ALWAYS choose Tails as my character. And when Sonic 3 came out, I only played the game as Tails. Why? His ability to fly is SO much better than any of Sonic's abilities. Even with his "mechanic" personality today, he's still number 1 on my list. *sniffle* I love that little guy...
2. Amy. I first saw her in Sonic Adventure 1. At first, I didn't think i'd like her, but as I played through her adventure, I became more attached to the little pink hedgehog. She's sweet and feminine, and yet, she can be a formidable fighter. Some of my friends laugh at me when I choose Amy as my character, but after I defeat them, then, well, they ain't laughing any more. :demon:
3. Shadow. When I first saw him in Sonic Adventure 2, I knew immediately that I would like him better than Sonic. You have to admit, a dark hedgehog that can warp time and space is just plain awesome. He has a deep, complex personality too.
4. Sonic. I didn't like him that much as a kid, but after SA1, he's developed a much cooler personality. He still ain't my favorite though.

There ya go. Put that list into your memory bank. ;)

"Wow, there goes chunk of my time...*sweatdrop*"

You got that right. *sweatdrop* I just missed an episode of The Simpsons.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 25, 2003
EP I don't know where to download RPGmaker2002 from, the site I used is shut down.... just do a google search.

Rm2k can be used to make other games besides RPG's, but it requires a he!! of alot of progamming.

As for the sprites, I just draw my own and I make my own battle systems. I didn't like the default battle system so I use a more Mario RPG approach to the system.

DS, Mario RPG pwns Paper Mario, they are close but there is truely no comparison to be made.

Anyway I have made four RPGs not including the first peice of crap I threw together when I didn't know how to use it.

The Legendary Adventure..... took a month to create (is crap)

Link Optamised..... 2 months (more crap)

Ledgends...... about 4 months (its a good one)

Dragon Destined..... 4 months or more (the best)

I am currently working on a story called Dustin Chronicals, you watch it instead of play it. It won't be done anytime soon though.

I would let you download those game but the site that I had them on shut down and I can't find another that will take the files. RPGmaker2002 is rapidly being replaced by RPGmaker2003, 2003 is crap compared to 2002 yet just because its newer people like it more.Its full of bugs.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Really? That stinks. :(

I tried typing RPG2002 in the search box, but all that comes up are web sites about RPG Maker 2000. Is that a good version?

In the meantime, if you want us to play your RPG's, you can send them to us via e-mail. I'd like to play one of your games. :)

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
And ya know what?

Superstar Saga isn't REALLY another installment in the Mario RPG series, is that what you're gonna tell me?

They're all in the same ****ed series, they just aren't direct sequels. So what? They're STILL in the Mario RPG series.

That's like saying Sonic Advance 3 isn't in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. :rolleyes:

As for Shadow warping time, etc.- SONIC CAN DO THAT, TOO!! *coughcough*

My friends have RPGMaker2002...

Lunar Magic? OH! My Mario World game...

Well, the levels are KICK *** so far. I just haven't worked on it in a while. I worked someways into World 2, but believe me, I made the stages FUN, man.

I can't link it up yet on the net (unless you know where I CAN) but I COULD mail you the patch you use on the ROM, unless it's too big...Hm...I'll look into that. You'd like what I have so far...I think...

I like Tails, too, a lot more now than before.

I used to actually really dislike Tails and Luigi...But nowadays, I like a lot more than I ever thought I would. But I still like Sonic and Mario MORE.

As awesome as Shadow is, he's just not Sonic...

Amy? Yep, she annoyed the **** out of me at first. But then she grew on me, and once I started thinking about her in a fanfiction point of view, I realized just how fun she can be to write.

And yes, she can kick butt. With a hammer?

Well...Psh...SORT OF...

She's SUPPOSED to use a SWORD, I tell ya. ^_^ Of course, that's me thinking, and it's going to reflect in Q4D!- actually, it'll reflect in THIS fic, too.

Speaking of this fic...

I was going to type last night, but I fell ASLEEP two hours before I usually do...^_^'

But I really need to get writing before I lose the tone I want.

I've been listening to songs and such and realize that I like quite a few of them for this fic, so I think I'll be throwing in lyrics from a couple others here and there, too.

This song is pretty interesting. I'm not sure if I fully understand all of the lyrics, but I think I get the main idea...

The TONE of the song is PERFECT for this fic in a few Chapters...Yea, about 13, I'd say...Hopefully I'll get there soon...

Mad World

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Amy? With a SWORD? That's hard to imagine. She'll always be a hammer girl in my point of view. I always imagined her with Link's Megaton Hammer, or a really strong axe of some sort. Yeah... time to squish some brains...

As far as Mario's concerned, I agree with you. Mario games have tremendous replay value.

But... have you ever played James Pond 3 for the Sega Genesis? OMG, that game is so much fun. It combines Mario's platforming elements with Sonic's dizzying speeds, plus a bunch of silly weapons, fruits, and gadgets, and a really HUGE overworld. If you don't mind the "cartoonyness", it's quite an interesting download. :)

As for my Lunar Magic rom... I haven't worked on it lately. I have 3 worlds done, and i've completely re-made Yoshi's Island, and changed the Vanilla Caves into a theme park of sorts. My rom is really difficult, especially the castles. The third castle is probably as hard as Bowser's castle in the original game. :demon: Hah hah, I DARE you to beat them without using savestates! :demon:

I think i'll work on it right now... I need to tweak a few things before it's ready to play.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Well, yea, Amy uses a hammer, but...

I've seen Sonic with a sword, and after that, I can easily picture Amy with one.

Of course, you're thinking of Amy TODAY. I'm thinking of Amy 3000 years ago, remember? She didn't look exactly the same...Basically the same, but...

I still can't say for sure when I'll be getting my computer...I'll have the money in a couple weeks, but it takes a while for them to build it and ship it...I just want to buy one and take it home the day I find it...*sweatdrop*

Come ON- an AXE? If you can picture Amy with an axe, how can you not with a SWORD?

But trust me, Sonic with a sword is AWESOME- I've seen it. The only thing is that Amy isn't quite shown as the most agile person...

3000 years ago, (in Q4D!, anyway) Amy (who was Zepha then) was VERY agile. Like I said before, she was on par with Cyclos (Sonic) in fighting ability.

It's just been lying dormant for 3000 years, is all...So it needs to wake up.

Well, eh...

I guess I can post up what I've written since last time...*sweatdrop*


"Yea, Rob, he called askin' for ya just a little while ago, but you were sleepin' an' all, so-..."

"What did he want?" Robin demanded, obviously eager for an answer.

"Apparently, he wants us to meet him tonight at sunset on the roof of the Wayne Enterprises building downtown..." Cyborg seemed a little confused, but he didn't seem to care too much, either.

Robin huffed. This 'Destiny Smasher' was definitely becoming very suspicious...Did he know Robin's relation to Bruce Wayne, or was it merely a coicidence...? He seemed to know what was going on with the Titans, so it was probably the first of the two...

"...He'll get what he wants," Robin mumbled, flicking at his controller like a madman. "We're going to be there, and we're going to be ready for any tricks this guy has up his sleeve..."

Starfire was hovering behind the two as they played their video game.

"Why are you so certain he is an enemy?" she inquired, slightly upset that Robin believed such a thing. He seemed like a nice person to her...Something seemed to be missing from his life, however. Starfire knew fully well what this was- it was what she was searching for herself. It was what she hoped to find in Robin.

Robin huffed, having lost his concentration. Failing horribly against Cyborg, he grumbled to Starfire, "I'm not certain, but something about him doesn't seem right. We can't let our guard down."

"I suppose you are correct," Starfire admitted, hoping he was wrong.

"Oh, hey, Starfire."

Star whirled around slowly, fearing she may topple over if she did so too fast. She was still feeling light-headed every now and then. But her head was cleared completely as she saw the excited smile on her best friend's face.

"Yes, Raven?"

"I, uh-..." She glanced down ay Cyborg and Robin a little nervously. "I was wondering if...if we could-..." Her eyes popped back up at the glowing green ones before her. "-...hang out..."

A grin exploded onto Starfire's face as she clasped her hands together with joy.

"Of course!" She zipped through the air down the hall, heading for their bedrooms. Raven quickly caught up with her, wondering what she was thinking. "Was there a particular location you were intending to visit?" she inquired quickly.

"I-I dunno...I was thinking that maybe we could...go to the mall, or-"

"YES! A glorius idea! The shopping center at the core of the city would be ideal for this 'hanging out'!"

Raven felt alive as she rushed through the dark halls with her excited friend. Though it may seem foolish to the average teen, this was a big deal for Raven. Raven didn't 'hang out' or go places with anyone, really...Whenever she did it was because the whole group was going.

"We can visit a vendor that specializes in distributing articles of clothing!" Starfire cried with glee as she opened the door to her room, flying inside. It slammed shut behind her, though, leaving Raven in the dust. With a small chuckle, Raven tapped the door with her knuckle.


"Oh! Forgive me!" her muffled voice called. She seemed to be preoccupied. "07734!" She was giving Raven the passcode to her bedroom's door.

{Wow...She's practically giving me her key,} Raven thought to herself. She'd have to find the right opportunity to return teh gesture. After punching in the digits on the pad at the door's side, Raven was almost pushed over as Starfire came bounding out with a small leather object on a strap hanging on her arm. It was a purse, though Raven wasn't very acquainted with them- nor did she want to be.

"I am in the possession of sixty-four and thirty-six hundredths units of the local currency..."


"I, uh...I have about a hundred," Raven mumbled, unsure as to whether or not this was such a good idea. Then again, she'd probably find a good book while she was at it.

After gathering her money and letting Starfire stuff it into a pocket of her purse, Raven followed her breakneck pace of flight as they came zipping through the main living room again.

"Raven and I are traveling to the shopping center," she informed Robin hastily before speeding off.

"Wh-..." Robin stuck out an arm as they brushed past. "Make sure you guys meet us at the Wayne Enterprises building at sunset if you're staying out!!!" he yelled, cupping his hands. With a groan, he shook his head and continued his walk to the elevator.

{Now she's going to tell Raven about everything last night,} his brain grumbled. {...I wonder if it's such a good idea to let those two spend so much time together...}


The restaurant was bustling with activity that night. It was a Friday, afterall, so this was no surprise. The place was warm, though kind of dark at the same time. Waiters were running about, ready to serve all the hungry customers.

One waiter, in particular, was halted from his errand by a skinny toothpick of a kid dressed in a neat little tuxedo. He had some fuzz growing on his face, and his brown hair was all messed up.

"Hey, hey! Luigi, man! Your shift was up ten minutes ago! Let me take the reigns!"

The tall and slender teen who had been addressed skidded to a stop, a silver platter in hand. He turned to face his fellow employee as the kid swiped the dish from his gloved hand.

"Wow! Mama mia," the teen murmured in awe as he glanced at the clock with his bright, blue eyes. {I'm late...I told her I'd meet her at six thirty...}

"I'll catch-a you later, Jeb," he called to the boy who had taken his place. {The boss is going to kill him...He looks like a slob tonight...But what else is new?}

He ran to the employee bathroom and began to swap his clothes around. A neat, white dresshirt and a vest for a green T-shirt. A pair of neat black shoes for brown boot-like sneakers. Black dresspants were traded for as pair of slightly baggy, denim overalls. He threw off his gloves and threw them into the laundry bin as he grabbed a green cap off of his hook and flopped it onto his head. It had a white semi-circle on the forehead and a green letter 'L' inside it.

{She's going to be so mad at me,} he growled mentally. {But at least I'm not TOO late this time...}

In his haste, he almost forgot to punch himself out on the timeclock. Skidding to a halt in a goofy fashion, he reached out his arm and snagged the piece of paper with his name on it and slipped it into the slot. Kachunk! It printed out his time in the proper space, and he dropped it into its proper place.

Rushing down the streets of the city he had found himself in weeks ago, he found himself bumping into this guy and brushing against this lady. He'd apologize quickly with each small collision and proceed.

After only five minutes of dashing about, he came to his destination- a small ice cream shop at the corner of Balberry Street called 'Luigi's Ice.' The place had become their usual meeting spot by now, and the manager always gave Luigi some free Italian ice for stopping by.

{I-a refuse to let-a my fellow Italiano get away-a without-a eating my ice- fantastico!} That's what he'd say when Luigi declined his offer. You couldn't refuse the man, though- he was just too kind.

His name was Luigi, as well, but he was quite bit older. A very charming old man who had a mustache upon his face comprised of two thin, shiny groups of hair that curled. The teen Luigi also had a mustache like this, but his was not as large.

His eyes darted across the tables that were alligned outside the store, next to the sidewalk. He panicked for a moment, but he finally found her sitting at the far table. She didn't notice him at first, and she was twirling her spoon around in her ice cream, which was getting a little mushy. It was strawberry and orange sherbet- her favorite. Her emerald eyes- normally fierce and bursting with life- were glazed and dull. It was like comparing a silver sword to an old, rusty dagger. She just didn't seem like herself.

She was a very pretty girl of 17, and she certainly stuck out in a crowd. Her smile was bright and warm, and her eyes could glow like the sun itself. She had puffy pink hair that ran down just past her shoulders. They were in wide, floppy locks, and she had a set of small, stringy bangs on her forehead, while three long spines of hair drooped over her head- they were arranged in a vertical line. Her outfit changed all the time- as most people's outfits do, ironically. That night she was wearing a sleeveless red shirt with a large, blue feather printed on it. The feather was being tossed by the wind. Two skinny gold bracelets were on her wrists- she seemed to wear them everywhere.

She normally wore skirts and shorts, but that night she was wearing a pair of loose, black jeans. Luigi knew something was wrong- she loved to be showy with her legs. It was a little hard NOT to notice this over time. So seeing her wear jeans- and loose ones at that- made Luigi feel suspicion.

Her name was Amy Rose. She'd been working at the counter of a fast food restuarant for a couple of weeks now- a depressing enough job as it was. But somehow she made it seem cheerful in her own strange way. Amy was usually very optimistic and could find the silver lining in any storm cloud. Luigi didn't quite share the same optimism. She was overall what one could call very feminine, but there was certainly a toughness inside her. It was like she was a soft cookie with a tough center instead of the other way around.

"Amy!" he greeted as he sat himself down hurriedly. He still had an Italian accent about him, though. "I'm-a so glad to-a see you here! I thought-a-"

"Cut the crap," Amy growled at him irritably. That was another thing about Amy. She seemed to be the sweetest, kindest person, but once every here and there she'd have a mood swing. This one wasn't a normal one, though. She wouldn't have wanted to see him if it was. This one wasn't just a mood swing- it had a purpose.

Luigi coughed, realizing his foolishness. "Sorry, Amy, you know how my boss is."

Luigi's boss wanted all of his waiters to speak in an accent when serving customers to add to the atmosphere. Luigi felt right at home doing this, of course, and often left work with it stuck on his tongue.

Amy huffed in reply, still not making eye-contact with him.

"Nice of you to show up, anyway," she mumbled, calming down a bit. "I was worried you weren't going to come."

"I got a bit tied up with work," he explained, hoping to get to the matter at hand. "What's wrong, Amy? You look troubled."

"That's because I AM," she honestly answered in a murmur before scooping up a spoonful of ice cream.

"And why would that be?" he asked, rotating his hand.

A breeze blew by, and Amy sighed as her hair waved a bit. She looked up at Luigi sadly, watching the way his green cap fluttered in the wind. The concern in his eyes caught her attention.

"I finally found him," she mumbled with a mixed tone.

Luigi grinned with joy. "Really? That's wonderful!" But his grin was vaporized by Amy's depressing glare.

"No, it's not," she moaned. "I saw him with another girl...They were walking hand-in-hand..."

Luigi nodded slowly, his expression saddened.

"Sorry to hear that," he mumbled.

Amy took a deep breath as she rubbed her head in frustration.

"At least I found out where he's living," she mumbled, trying to be optimistic- as usual.


Amy pointed her finger in what seemed to be a random direction.

"He's living in that giant tower out on the bay," she answered dully.

"In Titan Tower?" Luigi murmured. "I thought that's where those super-heroes live..."

Amy took a deep breath, her eyes closed. After a pause, she let out a small smile. She whispered, "He's super, all right..."

"Why would be there?" Luigi said to himself, quite curious and oblivious to Amy's tone just a moment before. "I don't know about you, but I say we go up there tomorrow and find out if he IS there..."

Amy nodded drearily, her eyes going back to thoughtful and sad.


Luigi was greeted cheerfully by a pudgy old man who patted him on the back warmly. He was a well rounded man with a plaid shirt and yellow and white striped pants. He wore a black bow tie. Definitely one to stick out in a crowd.

"Eh, it's-a Luigi! And how are-a you-a doing on this-a lovely night?"

"I'm doing well, Mr. Chelli," he answered.

"Ahhh..." The owner of the store glanced at Amy's depressed appearence. "I see-a your friend is not-a so well..."

"No," Amy grumbled.

"Not-a even my ICE-a CREAM brings you joy? Hm...It must-a be serious! What's-a matter for you, little Rose?"

She huffed out some air and she drummed her fingers on the table, her cheeck in her palm, the elbow on the table.

"I-a see...It's about-a this-a Sonic I hear about-a, no?"

There was still no answer, and Mr. Chelli decided to try and lighten the mood the way he did best- offering free ice cream.

After he had gone, Amy began to look less angry and more thoughtful.

"Mm...You're right...We have to go see him tomorrow..."

Luigi didn't say anything as she ranted her thoughts aloud.

"Just because he has a girlfriend doesn't mean I should just forget about him, right? Yea...But I wonder...Does he even CARE about me? Do you think...?" She stared at the table with worry as she thought it out aloud. "I don't really remember much, but....I remember that he was trying to avoid me...I wonder if I did something wrong..." She huffed, shaking her head. "Whatever it is, I know he didn't want me around...But maybe he misses me...? Probably not..."

"Honestly, Amy, I don't know. But you sure seem to care about HIM."

"I do..." she mumbled, red spots forming under her eyes. "With everything in me." She was smiling sheepishly. {Wow, did I just say that out loud...? It sounds so much more CORNY than in my head...But it IS true...}

"And he knows...?"

There was a pause as Amy tried to figure the answer.

"I doubt it," she concluded slowly.

"There's one thing you might want to work on. A great hockey player once said that you miss 100% of the shots you don't take."


"I don't know, Starfire...I feel weird..."

"Oh, come now, Raven! I am certain you will look fantastic! You needn't worry about embrassment...I am the only one present!"

Starfire stared at the dressing room door with anticipation. She had let Raven choose her own outfit to try on, ignoring her while she chose so it would be a surprise.

Starfire herself wasn't planning on spending money on clothes that day, though. She was saving it for something else. Raven wasn't interested at first, either, but Starfire convinced her that she should try a new look.

{If you are truly a different Raven, you require a different appearence that fits the new 'you!'}

With a sigh, Raven mumbled, "All right..." The door slowly creaked open as Raven squirmed out sheepishly.

Her face was pink, her teeth were clenched with nervousness, and her hands fiddled with each other a little.

Her face was the same as it always was, but it didn't look as dead as it normally did- perhaps this was because it wasn't hiding in the darkness.

She had left her old cloak for a new look, all right. She wore a light purple sweatshirt with short sleeves. Her arms felt so strange- they felt naked. She was so used to wearing something on them. Despite this, they felt free, and she liked that. Her shirt was soft and cottony and not leathery and tight. It was as if her body could breath. The shirt still had a purple hood, though, but it was draped over her back. For some reason, she liked the hood, even if she wasn't really going to wear it. Two drawstrings hung over her chest a little bit. Upon the light purple shirt's front was printed a design that had caught Raven's eye. It was a heart broken in two halves. Each half had its own little angel wing to match. For one reason or another, Raven found it charming. It felt like HER, somehow. Raven was used to having her legs free and exposed, so she had picked a pair of black denim shorts to wear. Her old, outdated footwear had been replaced with a pair of light, navy blue sneakers. All in all, she looked much less gothic and more natural.

Starfire's face lit up like a beacon as she clasped her hands together in excitement.

"Raven! I am amazed at your taste! You truly look like the 'New Raven,' now. Glorius! Our friends will find it appealing, I am certain!"

"...Rrrrreally?" A smile crawled across her face as Starfire nodded with a wide grin. "I didn't-"

*Beep beep beep be-beeeep beep beep beepbeep*

The Titan Theme chimed from a yellow communicator that was sitting on a table behind Raven in the dressing room. Raven grabbed it and flicked it open, answering the call.

"What is it?" she asked, greeted by Robin's face.

"It's almost sunset, you two," Robin informed them. He was about to start another sentence, but he paused, distracted by Raven's appearence. "Raven?? What did-...Nevermind. Just...Make sure you guys get to the Wayne building really soon. We have a meeting there, remember?"

"But what about your date with Starfire?" Raven asked slowly, glancing up at her friend's face.

Robin gave her a look that reminded her of their conversation that morning.

"Don't worry about it," he put it simply.

"Oh, eh..." Raven trailed off in a mumble, feeling a little stupid. "We'll...leave right now...We'll see ya..."


"Mm MM...Look at that, ya'll," Cyborg murmured, staring at the glowing orb that slowly sank into the horizon. The sky was painted like a marvelous ocean of red, orange and blue.

"It's real pretty," Tenoch agreed quietly, leaning against Beastboy. It was kind of a funny sight, as she was slightly taller than him, so she rested her head on his. Her left arm was around his shoulder, while her other was in his hand. His right arm was around her waist, and he grasped her hand with his left.

"That's great, but where is he?" Robin grumbled, gazing around the city. The view was pretty nice from the rooftop of the skyscraper they were on. In huge neon lights on the building's top, the word 'Wayne' was spelled out. "And where are Starfire and Raven?? They should be here by now..."

"Chill out, Oreal," Mario said calmly, leaning up against the base of the 'W.' "They'll be here soon..."

"So will HE," Robin grumbled. "And we'll need all the help we can get in case he has something planned..."

"Man, what makes you so sure he's out to get us?" Cyborg asked him, shaking his head. "He doesn't seem like a bad guy to ME..."

"All right, NOW who are we talking about?" Terra groaned, frustrated that she never seemed to know what was going on.

"He calls himself Destiny Smasher," Link told her. "We don't know crap about him, but he keeps sending us messages."

"He knows something we don't," Robin growled, tapping his foot impatiently. "And whatever it is, he hasn't told us yet. I want to get the truth out of him. I've just got a bad feeling..."

"Whatever," Sonic grumbled as he stared at the giant neon lights. The temptation to start up his old antics took over, but Tikal held him back. "If he doesn't show in two minutes, I'm gone." Tikal kept her arm wrapped tightly around his, and it looked like she was restraining him.

"Calm down, Cyclos..." she murmured quietly to him.

He paused, a little confused.

"What?" he mumbled in a whisper. Tikal stared at him blankly for a moment.

"Calm down," she repeated, rubbing his back with her free hand.

Sonic lifted a brow at her. "No, you called me something..." She blinked at him with wide eyes for a second.

"...I called you by your NAME, didn't I?" she murmured slowly.

"No," Sonic replied. "You called me something weird..." Tikal suddenly realized her mistake and her face flushed red.

"Oh, I-...I have been reading a very fascinating book lately, and I've really gotten into it," she told him, feeling a little like she was lying.

"No kiddin," Sonic said to her calmly as he stared down into the streets below. His eye had caught sight of something that drew him in for some reason. It was a girl, about his age, with soft pink hair. She was walking down the streets by herself, looking as if she were frightened by something...Something about her seemed so familiar...Her emerald green eyes matched his own. But the expression about her- the sad, frightened expression- did NOT seem familiar on her. A harsh breeze picked up for a couple moments, and he lost sight of her as she disappeared around a corner.

Tikal was examining the streets as well, wondering what he was staring at.

"Cycl-" She paused, shaking her head slightly in frustration. "Sonic, what is it...?"

Sonic was silent, and he glanced down at his arm. The bracelet around it clattered in the wind, the seashells knocking against each other peacefully. The chunk of bright, yellow stone seemed to glow, but it slowly diminished.

"I don't know," he answered calmly.



I finally found my pic of DS!! ^_^ Happy.

If you want to see it, you're gonna have to mail me...Unless I can get it up on the net before then...

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Eeeee! :love: So exciting!

Can't wait for the debut of this "Destiny Smasher" guy. Although.... i'm a little nervous about the picture. I dunno. =/ Only time will tell... ;)

As for Amy, well... you can picture the silly smirk on my face. :cool: Sonic doesn't fully realize Amy's dilemma yet, but I have a feeling that tensions will reach a boiling point between Tikal and Ms. Rose (when they meet each other, that is).

Raven... I can picture her new outfit easily, now that i've seen the TV show. It's kinda wierd, seeing her in a purple shirt, but... it fits her "transformation" nicely. I wonder what surprises Raven and Starfire will encounter during their trip...

Starfire? Man, she's energetic! And I love the way she talks. I can't really imagine her being angry, but, i'm sure that'll change soon.

Oh, and, this may not be important, but...


If you want to stop the smiley face from appearing, check "Disable Smilies in This Post" before you post the update.

There, my "critique" for the day is done. :) I might add a few more questions when I think about them.

Well, there's not much else to do today but download ROM's. Oh, and I'll be adding a "I'm Currently Playing These Games..." section in my signature. That way, I won't have to talk about them unless they're really awesome. ;)

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Yea, summin' REAL messed up happened wit' my sig there...

Destiny Smasher? Oh, I'm sure you'll be pleased. I was. Of course, that's because one of my best friends can draw that good and drew a fantasy version of myself quite well without even asking me about it. ^_^

As for Amy, well... you can picture the silly smirk on my face. Sonic doesn't fully realize Amy's dilemma yet, but I have a feeling that tensions will reach a boiling point between Tikal and Ms. Rose (when they meet each other, that is).

Sonic doesn't realize her dilemma...? What, exactly, do you mean...? If you mean about her being in love with him, n'...Well, Sonic just doesn't full understand, so I guess you're right. He also doesn't know she's HERE.

Boiling point, huh? Hm. Well...You'd be surprised. That's all I'll say for now.

Raven... I can picture her new outfit easily, now that i've seen the TV show. It's kinda wierd, seeing her in a purple shirt, but... it fits her "transformation" nicely. I wonder what surprises Raven and Starfire will encounter during their trip...

Exactly. It's supposed to be a little strange, and I'm still working on getting it to rub off on me, because I really like it and think it matches her 'new' self.

Starfire? Man, she's energetic! And I love the way she talks. I can't really imagine her being angry, but, i'm sure that'll change soon.

Wow, took ya that long to figure it out? O_O Yea, she's energetic, all right. I've seen her angry on the show, and you've seen her angry in this fic. She's not perfect, she gets angry like everyone else. But she hides it as best she can because she doesn't want to hurt anyone. Haven't you seen 'Date With Destiny?' Yea, wouldn't ya call that angry? I mean, she smashed a limo...

You WILL see a darker side to just about EVERYONE pretty soon...When things start to get hot.

I'm spending the next...6 hours in a computer lab, roughly...I MAY get some typing done...:p

Oh, yea...And I bought Sonic Battle yesterday, too...Fun game.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Yeah, it IS fun. :D I wish i'd bought the cartridge version, then I can REALLY kick my friends' butts.

Sonic Battle, as well as the sonic Game Gear series, have become a source of inspiration for my third game project: Sonic Strife (meh, I like working on multiple projects). I've played many Sonic fangames out there, and for the most part, they're horrible. I simply said No to this injustice and set out to make my own fangame. I'm having a lot of fun with it, and i'm trying really hard to make it a game that you'll have fun playing.

As for Starfire, I meant to say that it's hard to imagine her being angry in this story. If she can smash cars and snarl at other people in a storm of rage on the show, imagine what she could do in your fic. ;)

"You WILL see a darker side to just about EVERYONE pretty soon...When things start to get hot."

Hmmm... "pretty soon", eh? You've been saying a lot about this whole "dark side thing" for months now, and, oddly enough, it hasn't happened yet. :p No biggie. I just hope that it's all worth the wait. And i'm sure it is. :chuckle:

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting

Although, you may not realize how long your updates are, even though they are only fragments of the actual chapter. :p A typical update takes me 30-45 minutes to read, which is good and entertaining, for the most part.

Nice signature. 54 days, eh?

Since you've aquired a much larger signature, allow me to do the same...

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.

Yea, that was WAY BIG.

Anyway, er...Well, I had to change the date, because I counted wrong before. ^_^'

Um...Well, it's not much, but...


"The celestial body has nearly vanished from our view," Starfire groaned aloud as they whizzed through the city near the rooftops, searching for their destination. They hadn't really gotten the chance to do much of anything except buy Raven a new outfit. She was carrying her old leotard and cape in her arm. The skies were mostly dark blue, escept toward the west, where about a third of the sun remained. The skies around it were reddish in color as it set.

"I do hope Robin will not be disappointed in our late arrival..."

"He'll live," Raven grumbled. "After he scolds us, of course." She smirked, able to picture what he would say perfectly. But as the buildings below came and went, she saw something rather strange atop one. It was a boy in an odd outfit atop a skyscraper. The tall structure's tip was about twenty feet higher than their current altitude, and she could see the young man on the scraper's top. He was leaning outward, toward the edge, grasping the attentae on top with his hand. His other hand was hanging in the air. He seemed very calm and casual as he stood there, watching them approach him.

His outfit was certainly not the average civilian attire. He wore a red tunic of sorts with a big blue leather belt at the waist. A baggy pair of white pants rustled from the moving air at such heights. Across his chest was a silver metal vest of sorts. The plate covered his chest and hung over his shoulders to his back, as well. Plastered upon the vest's center was a strange black pawprint with three claws. On the left side of the plate was a red circle with two slashes cut through it- they intersected to form a cross in the lower left corner. On the right side of the plate was a similar symbol- but this one was a square, and its slashes were diagonal and horizontal. It was also blue. Strapped around the teenager's neck was a maroon scarf. Each end flowed down either side of him- one in front, one in back. On the front tip, just before some frills, another odd logo was sewed in silver. This one was a heart-like shape with a cross at its bottom tip.

The tunic's sleeves were short, and on the right arm's sleeve was printed a strange mushroom of white and red- on the opposite side was a blue buzzsaw of some kind. His pants also had different designs on either side- the right leg had a yellow lightning bolt run down its length with a silver lining. The left pantleg had a black bolt. On his shins were two strange, dark green objects that seemed to be made of wood. His shoes had golden soles and were orange and brown. They were laced tightly.

On his hands were a pair of loose biking gloves. The right hand was red, of course, and the left was blue, following the pattern. And on the back of the right hand was that red circle symbol- the square-shaped blue one was also mimicked on the corresponding side. Slung on his back were two sheathes that crossed diagonally. Once again, continuing the tradition the rest of the outfit used, the sword inserted on his right side was thin and had a brightly colored hilt of orange with a pink jewel embedded into its center. The very edge of the hilt had a small white orb with green spots on it. The opposite blade's hilt had black leather wrapped tightly around it. The place where the blade started had three jagged edges on each side- two purple with a gray in the middle. A black diamond gem rested in the center.

Lastly, there was his face. A very expressive face, though it was very calm and had a small smile to it. You couldn't see his eyes, as a pair of reflective sunglasses covered them up. A small beard poked out of his chin- its hairs about an inch or two long. He had a mess of curved chocolate hair that ran down a bit long down the back of his neck. The bangs that hung over his forehead parted at the center, where yet another mysterious symbol could be seen. But Raven recognized this one- Link wore it on the center of his little Russian-like hat. It was three gold triangles arranged in a triangle themselves. On Link's hat they were sewed, but they seemed to be tattooed on this person's head.

"Who is that...?" she murmured as they approached him. She shifted her angle a little as she got closer, and Star had adjusted her flight as well.

"I am...not sure," she mumbled. As she gazed into his face, she felt she had already met him, though. "He seems to wish to communicate with us..." She mumbled to Raven, who was a couple of feet beside her.

As they drew closer, the figure leaned further out, until he caught them both by surprise- he jumped off.

The girls both let out a gasp as he plummeted toward the ground in very calm fashion.

Instinctively, Starfire dove down to save him, and Raven followed in a nosedive, as well. The boy's arms were straight up as he drew closer to the streets below by the minute. The air rushing by her face rapidly, Starfire lashed out her hand to grasp his within it. She veered her direction upward to avoid smashing into the ground, and she carried the teen through the air by the arm. Raven snatched the other arm so that his first one wouldn't get ripped off. After a moment of gliding in silence, Raven asked him, "What's wrong with you?"

"Many things," he slyly answered, that same smirk plastered to his face.

"Do you not realize that you could have been injured- quite seriously? Had you collided with the earth as such a velocity, you would most certainly have sustained fatal wounds..."

"And what were you doing up there, anyway?" Raven added in with suspicion.

"Waiting for you two, of course. You're late, you know."

The girls exchanged confused glances as they slowly descended upon a flat rooftop, dropping their guest gentley.

"Late...?" Raven mumbled.

"Yea. Robin's gettin' pretty pissed, ya know..."

Starfire stared at him with concentration for a moment. She recognized his voice...

"We have met before, correct?" she checked. He nodded quickly as he shook his arms around to wake them up.

"In a sense, anyway," he added to his nod.

Starfire's eyes bulged open wide as it came to her.

"You are...Eddy...?"

He tightened his gloves a little as he nodded once again. Raven lifted a brow. How did Starfire know this person.

"Destiny Smasher...That'd be me," he introduced himself. Raven's jaw was agape as she remembered who this was.

"So YOU'RE the one Robin has been so concerned about..." she muttered.

"Yea...But, uh, seriously...We're late and everything," he mumbled hastily, dashing to the building's edge. As he pounced off, Raven and Starfire got worried again. But before they could jump off the side of the building to save him, he was already hovering along in the air, seeming to fly in the same manner as they had.

A bit baffled by this- looking back at the previous event- the two Titans decided to follow him and think things out later.


Certainly not a normal-size update...

Hm...We'll see if this works...

Click that...It's big...

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
That is a NICE picture. :) The quotes are pretty clever too. I'm a bit surprised too. DS's face looks like mine, except my hair is short and black, and I have no facial hair.

So, that update was short, but sweet...

Besides that, I haven't done much lately. I got bored, so I tried a demo of Sonic Advance 3. I like the "overworld" areas, where you can pick which zone you want to play first. But, I don't really like the "partner" system. Sure, there are some cool double-team moves you can perform, but most of the time, you won't be able to use them, since you're flying so fast through the level that your partner can barely keep up. Personally, I feel much more comfortable playing as a single character.

Anywayz, see you later. I'm off to continue working on Sonic Strife.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
What on Mobius are you talking about, EP? Your party member determines what moves you can do period, whether they're onscreen or not. And whether they're onscreen or not, it takes the same amount of time to charge a Tag Action, anyway, so I don't know what you're talking about...

And just so ya know, your sig is probably too big...I didn't realize how big mine was, and then I changed it.
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