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Winds of Fate: The X Factor (Teen Titans)


Dec 19, 2002
Great updates. So They meet DS on the Wayne Enterprise building. Will Luigi join them soon?

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
YES! There are more than 2 people here, which means my "echo" is gone. :D

Well, Luigi's working at that Italian diner place. But, I have a feeling he will get caught in the action soon. The real question, is wether he'll be FORCED into action...

"So They meet DS on the Wayne Enterprise building."

That reminds me; does Destiny Smasher have a theme song? If not, what would it be?

Man, I wish I could draw anime on the computer. I have a REALLY good idea of what i'd look like as an anime character, but I can't get it out of my head and onto the screen. :p Oh well, i'll find a way. [sarcasm]Who knows? I might even be worthy of appearing in this fic.[/sarcasm]

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.


It's not a matter of 'worthiness'...

Anyway, Tales of Symphonia was what I was referring to...

You really ARE months behind in gaming news, aren't you? O_O

Anyway, here's what I have so far of 12. Not a lot, don;t even have a Chapter Title decided, but...

---*<Begin Transmission>*---

Chapter 12-

Starfire stared at the small piece of paper in her hand as they walked down the carpeted hallway. It was a sort of dark hall, with a dark blue ceiling and maroon walls. Posters decorated the halls with a nostalgia about them, as they depicted films that had been produced years ago. Starfire glanced at them in awe, feeling as though she was traveling through time. She paced onward, oblivious to the fact that Robin had stopped walking. There were no others in that hall- they were late to the movie.

"Uh...Star," Robin called quietly to her. SHe snapped awake and spun her head around to see Robin, his brow lifted. "Where are you going? Our movies right in here- Theater 4." Starfire noticed a small black object jutting out of the wall above the door. A picture displaying the title "Wicked Scary 2" was printed upon it. A little embarrassed, Starfire briskly walked to Robin's side.

"Forgive me," she murmured, catching one last glimpse of the old framed pictures.

"It's all right," Robin mumbled as he reached out his arm to open the double doors before him that lead to darkness.

"Oh! One moment," Starfire grabbed his shoulder lightly. He turned his head slowly, puzzled by this action.

"I-..." She held up the piece of paper in her hand. "-do not have pockets equipped on my attire...Could you...-?"

Robin took the flat object from her hand carefully and stared at her in bewilderment.

"Uh...Star, this is the ticket stub...You don't need this any more," he informed her.

"I understand," Star assured him with a small smile. "But I wish to keep it for sentimental value."

Robin sighed and shrugged and he placed it in a pocket in his smooth, green pants. After slipping it into a safe spot, Robin hesitated for a moment, removing his other hand from the doorknob.

"...We are late, are we not...?" Starfire reminded him.

"Well, yea," Robin mumbled, with a slight movement of the shoulders. "But there's going to be trailers on for the next half hour, anyway..."

Starfire couldn't quite figure out what was wrong with him, but she decided that now would be a good time to try and get a little intimate and get things moving. Without warning, though not sudden, she grabbed Robin's hand in her own, intertwining their arms. Not a word was spoken regarding the action, which Robin seemed to comfortably accept.

They both paused a moment to relish the moment before each placed an arm on a door and pushed it open. Hand-in-hand, they both carefully stepped into the shadows of the room beyond.


{OK...Calm down, Raven...Deep breaths...}

The pale-faced girl was sucking in air in small, quick breaths. She had to force herself to start breathing slower, or else her lungs would explode like balloons.

{All right, now...Just think of what you're going to say, Raven...You can't just jump in there and act like a fool...What did Starfire say...?}

Raven was leaning against a wall, her back to it, and she took a deep breath as she calmed down.

{...Confidence...Control...} Raven gulped, finding her throat dry. {...I just need to go in there and ask him one question- that's all.}

As she rested in the hall just outside the door to where he was, she felt herself slipping out of the world around her and into the one within her mind. She was falling into the realms of her mind, reaching a meditative state. She hadn't done so in quite some while now, and things had changed drastically since her last visit.

The black skies with streaks of stars had become a dark blue atmosphere full of clouds. The floating islands of jagged stones were traded for endless fields of short grass. A single tree stood tall before her, its size enormous and unbelieveable. It didn't feel like a tree- it felt more like a deity. Raven gazed up at it in wonder. As the realization that she was meditating hit her, she took a deep breath and calmed her nerves, which had been ready to burst like a volcano. This would be a good opportunity to clear her mind and settle down.

Raven had found herself a foot or two in front of the gigantic vegetation, and she gazed out at the horizon before her. Lightning bugs were drifting about all over, illuminating the already wonderous sight.

Sitting down with her back on the treebark, the girl noticed that she was wearing a cape. This discovery led to her to realize that she was wearing her old outfit. There was, however, a very large difference from the usual attire- this suit was white instead of black and blue. Raven stared at the white sleeves on her arms in awe as she pondered this interesting fact.

"White," she mumbled calmly, wondering very deeply about what this change signified.

"It looks SO totally awesome!" squealed a cheery voice from her right. Her head flashed up to see her clone clothed in bright pink.

"...Thanks," Raven said quietly back to herself, a little surprised. Pink wandered around Raven aimlessly, staring up at the sky like a child. A lightning bug landed innocently on her nose, and she giggled sweetly as her olfactory organ wrinkled up from its tickling feet. As the bug flicked out its wings and began to rapidly beat them to escape, Pink let loose another volley of snickers.

Raven smiled warmly as she observed this behavior. It had been so long since she'd been able to express such an emotion as true joy. But now she had nothing to be sad about, really. She was staisfied with what she had, and she had to let it out somehow and let those know who should.

"If you're, like, so happy and everything," Pink slowly began, scratching her cheeck, "Why are you, like, so nervous, and stuff...?"

Raven huffed out in frustration. She was right.

"I-I'm about to solve that problem," she hastily spat out.

Pink chuckled, "Yea...That's only, like, the twentieth time you've said THAT..."

Raven frowned at the remark, but couldn't defend herself.

"...We CAN'T ask him..." came a depressed and self-esteem-drained tone from the Gray-garbed Raven that had been making its way around the tree to their side.

"...Hm...?" Raven was puzzled. "Why not...?"

"...He'll just reject us," Gray whimpered, her face shrouded in darkness by the hood she wore.

"You don't know that," Raven objected, shaking her head and getting up from her squatted position.

"...Of course we don't KNOW," Gray groaned dispondently. "But you fear the possibility just as I do..." she added darkly.


Raven blinked at her, the guts inside her wriggling with uncertainty.

"Don't listen to her," Pink insisted, jumping inbetween them. "Just think- wouldn't it ne, like, totally AWESOME if you went out on a date to, like, a cofeehouse or something?"

Raven smirked lightly and shrugged. "Yea, that would be really nice..."

"You'll never know if you never ASK," came a confident and energetic tone from above them. All three faces swerved vertically to see another Raven sitting on a tree branch directly over them. She blended in perfectly with the vegetation, as she adorned a green cloak. Her grin was almost unsettling as she stared down at them.

"Better to regret what you've done that what you HAVEN'T done," she pointed out with a sly smile.

"Mm," was all the white one could say at first in response as she pondered this. "Yea..."

"Whatever," came a deeper, duller Raven who was on a nearby branch. In an orange outfit, she burped and scratched her head lazily. She looked more like a sloth than a human. "Who cares?"

Ignoring Orange, the others continued their flood of comments.

"Yea, it's not like it's a big deal."

"WHAT? It is, like, SO a big deal!"

"It doesn't matter...It will only lead to disappointment..."

"Shut up!"

"What do YOU know?"


"Is it time for us to eat yet?"


After that last comment harshly broke through the dialogue, the other Ravens present were silenced and glared as the red division of Raven's persona- her hatred- approached.

"That's what you used to say," it explained in a hiss. "It's all pointless. People come and people go. There's no reason to worry about it."

"..." Raven was caught by the four piercing eyes of the entity within herself. They were glowing like flames from **** under the crimson hood. Raven's violet eyes became shocked for a moment, but they calmed down to an annoyed frown as the creepy aura eerily drifted to the group.

"Well?" she demanded a reply, sounding like cinderblocks grinding against each other.

"...I'm different now," she answered coldly. "I want nothing to do with you..."

A diabolical laugh erupted from Red, and it sounded almost like a banshee.

"Oh, you don't have a choice!" she chuckled as she calmed. "You're stuck with me. You can't be kind if you can't be cold..."

"...I know that," Raven bitterly spat back as she stepped within inches of her hatred. "But I don't have to listen to my hate. I have a choice."

"Maybe so...But you be careful...I have a partner now...Someone you might know..." She slowly turned around toward the horizon.

Raven's gaze shifted to the distant fields of grass that were being tossed by the breeze. Though it was dark, Raven could make out a figure through the fireflies. It was, of course, another part of herself. But it wasn't a familiar one. She could see its coloring, as it wasn't too far away. It was...dressed in black...with a purple cape...?

As she narrowed her eyes to focus on the being, who seemed to be staring her down with disgust, she tried to make out the face- but all she could see were shadows in the hood. It didn't seem to HAVE a face...It was like a phantom in the rolling hills that grimly stood in wait. Raven didn't know what it was waiting for, however.

The surprise and shock of this image brought Raven back to reality in the blink of an eye- her sight sucuumbed to darkness, and then the tower rebuilt itself around her.

Raven was grateful that there was not a soul around to see her in such a state, huddled in a quivering mass on the floor beside the door to the rec room.

"Pull yourself together," she growled to herself as she slowly stumbled to her feet, still shaken from what she had seen. That 'Raven'...It was one she'd never seen before...And yet, it had such an odd familiarity about it.

Collecting her emotions into a pool and sifting through them, the girl was able to calm her nerves and act coherently enough to push a green button on the wall. The metal doors before her slid open swiftly, and Raven pushed herself into the world beyond.

Link was playing billiards by himself- which was a relief. She was really hoping he would be alone. His eyes were calm yet concentrated as he aimed carefully and slammed his arm in a straight line, sending his poolstick into the white orb, which slid across the fuzzy green surface and knocked a yellow ball into a corner pocket.

"...Hey," Raven managed to wrestle out of her mouth.

"Oh." He looked up at her with slight surprise. "I didn't see you come in..."

"...Yea..." Raven murmured. She hadn't really heard what he'd just said- not a word. She almost felt like hiding in her hood, because she knew her cheecks had to be becoming red. They sure felt like it. But she didn't really have a hood to hide in, anyway. At least, not one that would shadow her face. She hid her arms behind her back and fidgeted with her fingers nervously. She did a good job of hiding it, though.

"So...What are ya doing here?" Link wondered, though he could feel in his gut that he had a general idea as to why.

"I...was just wondering how you were, and-..." She trailed off, watching as he elegantly slammed the cue ball into a wall,, and it richocheted off to knock a blue ball that bumped an orange into a hole.

"...That's pretty impressive," she muttered with a weak smile.

"Thanks," Link replied, feeling slightly uneasy with the way she was acting.

"...So...are you busy?" Raven asked, watching him from behind as he prepared for another carefully-placed move.

"Uhhh...-" Link didn't really answer, and what he muttered was barely audible.

"Do you...wanna hang out tonight...? I dunno, we could go to a club, or-"

"Sorry," Link muttered, continuing to avoid her gaze. "I'm, uh...busy tonight..."

Raven sighed inwardly, feeling like all the hope she'd just built up had fallen apart.

"Oh...heh...Yea...W-well, OK...How ab-"

The doors rushed open as a skinny girl came bounding through the area. It was Terra, and she seemed to be in quite a hurry.

"Link!! What are you DOING? We're LATE! You're always late, aren't you?"

Link set down his poolstick and chuckled at her impatience. She was standing with a frown on her face and her hands on her hips. Her foot was tapping rapidly, too. Thumpthumpthumpthumpthump.

"Late? Me? If you say so," he muttered slyly. Terra returned his devilish look with the same frown she had entered with- though it had lightened slightly. Raven felt VERY awkward in the room with these two staring at each other the way they were. Her insides seemed to be turning into ooze and forming into a squishy lump at the base of her gut. Whatever it was, it was very uncomfortable.

"Are we going out or what?" Terra finally spat out as she snapped out of it, remembering their arrangement. It was as if a knife had been jammed into Raven's stomach, and blood was trickling out of it slowly.

"Yea," Link said, acting as if the answer were obvious. He paused a moment before he ran off with her. "Uh, we'll see ya later, Ray," he mumbled with discomfort.

"Yea, Raven, have a good night!" Terra wished her with enthusiasm. Raven simply stood there, blinking at them in shock as they exited the room hurriedly. She felt her legs giving out on her and sat down on the pool table, letting them dangle over the side. Her eyes remained wide and almost emotionless for about a minute or two as she processed what had just happened.

"...A good night," she murmured to herself dully. "Of course..."


Now I just need to buy that Powerplay Teen Titans game that just came out...


Dec 19, 2002
Great update DS. Hahaha so Terra is going out with Link instead...or it seems like it to me. anyways I wanna buy that game too. Something tells me that the new Raven is the old Raven.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
A Teen Titans video game? Hmm, interesting...

I went to the eye doctor yesterday for an annual exam, and I saw Teen Titans playing on the TV in the waiting room. It looked like Slade was beating the h3ll out of Robin, but the sound was too low to make out what the characters were saying.

Y'know, even though i've only seen a handful of episodes, it seems like TT is becoming more and more interesting in my mind... mostly in an artistic sense. If I were to develop my own cartoon with original characters, I could easily see myself using Teen Titan animations. Many of the facial expressions are exaggerated in a cartoony way, and yet, the overall feel is realistic, which I could picture myself using in an animated picture.

Well anywayz, on to the update...

As always, superb. But now, I fully understand what all the main characters look like, so it's much easier for me to picture things.

Although, like before, you seem to be describing female characters in much more detail than male characters. It's not that apparant in this particular update, but you said something about that a while ago, so I thought I should refresh your memory...

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Teen Titans DOES have a very realistic animation style. What you don't seem to realize is that it INTENTIONALLY SWITCHES it at certain parts for comedic value. Does it seem to you like I write my fic with those strange animations in mind?

Of course I don't.

Anyway, about female/male characters...I'm not entirely sure how you mean that comment, but...

Raven, Starfire, and Robin are the most important characters in this fic. So I focus on them a lot, especially the bond between Star and Ray.

If you mean from a physical sense, then...That could just be subconsious-ness...But I'm still working on that. I think I do a good enough job with facial expressions where they're needed. The problem is that all the guys freaking wear gloves and all types of weird stuff.

It's a lot easier to describe Starfire's eyes, arms, or hands than Robin's. Robin's are all covered up, so I have to describe the texture of his clothing instead. Actually, Robin's eyes are kind of important- very symbolic...

I do intend to focus on Beastboy quite a bit in this Chapter, actually. Not overly-so, but enough.

Sonic and Tikal will be died down a bit in the background this Chapter, I guess.

Anyway, I was hoping you might actually remark the events taking place, but....hey...:rolleyes:

Whoa...MM2002...You seem to be a bit more perceptive than EP this time around.

I guess I kind of made it obvious, but...not so much so. Definitely important, especially later on. It'll become very clear soon enough. You phrased it almost exactly to what I had it mind- no, wait, you did. Good job, then, and all that.

I'm working on the next Chapter of TTX, Needles, and Q4D! all at once.


Smash Champion
Jul 25, 2001
I'm not telling you psychos
Poor Raven... no date, her anger and Darkness growing. I'm growing more interested by the chapter.

I'd personally prefer a Teen Titans CONSOLE game, on like the GBA or the DS.

Oh, the things I would do with Raven... I was considering making her join the Unknowns (Chaos Saints) in my story, but I don't know if that would be a good idea. I can't wait to do the hollow Bastion adaptation, and I'm rewriting my Teen Titans segment (The last unchanged Episode would be 9-12, everything else is being fully rewritten), especially since they play a much bigger part.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Well, it looks like the admins finally placed a limit on the length of our signatures. Kuja's sig has been chopped off, since I guess it's too long.

Yeah, I know, the new rule has been here for about a week now, but I didn't notice until now.

Anywayz, you should go to the Light House section and tell the SW community what your favorite RPG's are. ;) What surprises me is how many people have replied to that topic...

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Yes, poor Raven, indeed.

Speaking of darkness growing and all that, I wonder who you all think is going to be the one to 'fall to darkness' and all that...

Ya know, EP, I'd go and do that- but, OH WAIT- I CAN'T because McFox banned me from the Lighthouse because people were misjudging me and I got pissed...Yea...:rolleyes:

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Oh yeah... sorry about that. :(

Anywayz, about the whole "falling to darkness" thing...

It seems that Terra avoided that situation, since she was SUPPOSED to become Slade's apprentice, but didn't. So I think she's out of the picture.

To me, it is highly unlikely that Beastboy, Cyborg, Mario, Link, Sonic, Tikal, or Amy will turn dark, so they're out...

Robin... well, he did have a "Slade room" at one time, but it's gone now, so I don't think he'll give in to evil temptations.

Raven's imagination has been running haywire, as demonstrated in the previous update. Plus, she might get jealous or misunderstand the relationship between Terra and Link, and that would DEFINITELY be a good excuse to fall into darkness.

So, it seems to me that, of all the Titans, Raven is most vulnerable to turning to the dark side...

Oh, speaking of Dark Side, I have the Star Wars trilogy DVD. :D A classic indeed. I just wish that all the old Star Wars console games weren't complete and utter CRAP, so thank goodness for Knights of the Old Republic...

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Hm...Yea...You pointed out some things, but...Meh. What I can guarantee is that you'll be surprised, no matter WHO you guess.

I don't quite know where you got a couple of things, though...

It's not necessarily her imagination that's going haywire. Raven goes inside her MIND. The place she was in was supposed to be a symbolic interpretation of the state of mind she's in. And believe me, those other 'Ravens' are very important to where her own story goes soon enough.

As for "Plus, she might get jealous or misunderstand the relationship between Terra and Link, and that would DEFINITELY be a good excuse to fall into darkness," well...um...

Jealous? Oh, yes. You better believe it. 'Misunderstand?' Where is that coming from...? :confused: If you mean that she thinks Terra and Link start dating when they're not, I'll tell you this right here and now- Link and Terra ARE going to be 'an item.' This may make you wonder, (What about ZELDA?) and that's what you SHOULD be thinking.

All in all I feel confident in saying that you seem to be thinking what I want you to think, which means I've served my purpose.


Dec 19, 2002
If Raven becomes the one then I won't be surprised, afterall, it does seem like Link and Terra are going out. Another reason I think she's the dark one is because she has DARK POWERS. And Zelda...if she IS gonna be here and finds out Link and Terra are going out I think she would get really mad. Afterall, I think Zelda is gonna be here because Luigi and Amy are.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Um...Well...Interesting theories...

But I'm not planning on having Zelda in this fic. If I do, it won't be until the end.

And yea, I'm hopin' you catch on to Link and Terra being interested in each other.

As far as Raven's Dark Powers, that doesn't neccessarily mean a thing. It's not her powers to be concerned about. It's HERSELF, as it is with all the characters.

Did you see Haunted? Haunted made me get goosebumps because of how I've been planning on doing something similar to that later on...If you saw the episode, you have a taste of some of the emotions going on later and the mood this fic will shortly take- once I get down to writing some of it, eh?


Dec 19, 2002
I saw it twice and the second time was as scary. I was wondering how come no one except for Robin can see Slade and it was freaky. But I still think Raven is going to be the one in this fic. And what about Brother Blood? is he gonna be in this?

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Oh, now see, I knew from the BEGINNING it was all in Robin's head, and once Slade ran by Star and she didn't see him (because he wasn't THERE) I nodded my head because I knew that was what was going on.

So your vote is sticking on Raven, huh? That might change over the next two Chapters. I really want you guys to have an idea, but still be totally lost. Suspense is great.

Brother Blood will probably be showing up at the beginning of Chapter 13.


Dec 19, 2002
Well I didn't know it was in his head because he got injured while trying to fight "Slade". How do you explain that part? And someone activated the mask to make Robin believe Slade was there so who could've done it? Have you figured that out yet.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Oh, of course those don't make sense.

Willful suspension of disbelief. It's not supposed to entirely make sense. I never said it was logical. I just liked it.

My initial hypothesis is that Brother Blood might be behind it- notice how the eye on the mask lit up red...That's Brother Blood's thing. Maybe the two were in cahorts together- notice how right after Slade vanishes, Brother Blood takes over the hive...Maybe they're the same person...But I doubt it.

I don't have to 'figure it out,' that's the beauty. We'll probably never know. If you think you're ever going to find out who Slade is, dream on. The creators of the show have said themselves that who he is is irrelevant and what makes him cool is that you don't know.


Dec 19, 2002
I think that Brother Blood could be Slades Cousin or Brother or something like that. We could find out soon or the next season.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
We won't find out, I'm sure of it. Just based on interviews I've read with the people who make the show.

Um...Still working on Chapter 12...-_-' Yea.

4 more days. If you're lucky, I'll get some stuff completed by then, 'cuz after that I doubt you'll be seeing much of me for a good while.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
EP, can you BELIEVE this guy? You'd think he'd know me better...

I'm not one for internet lingo, really, but...


Just a sec...


Woo...:laugh: :o

OK, I'm better now.

'has pretty much been spelled out.'

Like HE** it has, my friend!! You know nothing! I hate to break it you, but you don't! *chortle* Sorry, it's just that you seemed to confident. It's 'spelled out'??

Woo...No, seriously, man, I'm sorry...sort of...

I mean, thanks. It's great to know that my readers don't have a clue. Don't get me wrong- sometimes I WANT them to know- like the faceless Raven within Raven's mind. But in this case, I want you to be on your toes and not have a clue until one defining moment...

Oh, yea. Ya know, I'm almost done with this Chapter. Decided to push back the really dramatic stuff until Chapter 13.

And I AM still chipping away at a Q4D! update...and a Needles update...

Golden Sunrise? Gimme some time.

Unfortunately, Wal-Mart (the one I went to, at least) had not received their shipment of PM2 yesterday...*grumble* ANd I won't get another chance to buy it until the weekend, unless I want to pay an extra $20 to get it delivered tomorrow or something...But why waste money when I won't be able to fully dive into it until this weekend, anyway?

So, to tide me over until then, I've been playing Donkey Konga. VERY interesting game...I think I'll like DDR MORE, but, hey.

If you guys are lucky I'll hit you with a double-header, maybe even a triple, depending on how much I write in the coming days.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 25, 2003
Whats up guys?

I feel sorry for you DS, because I'v got this whole week off and part of next week, and Paper MARIO two owns!

This game is freaking awsome. I especially like Goombellas dialog. Knowing you DS you'll love it to. I won't spoil anything But, the use of colors in this game is amazing and Its harder and seems like its going to be longer than the original paper Mario. It also has some humor in it which is always a good thing. I bet you'll master the guarding and super guarding as fast as I did aswell.

Anyway wal-mart sucks, if you want it you'll have to look beyound wal-mart because they won't ship it out this weekend, they didn't have it today. I got mine at Target, they had it on launch day.... So I recomend it.

I can't say if this is a better game or not though.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Damm right it owns!

Whata re you talking about? I got my copy at Wal-Mart on Saturday and I've played it for- well, let'e see...It's Monday, after school, so I haven't played it today yet, and I didn't get it until 2 pm on Saturday...So, in other words, I almost spent literally half of my weekend on it.

Goombella? Oh, he!! yea, she rocks hardcore. My favorite character so far. But my newest partner (the one I got in Chapter 4) is also adorable, and I had a hunch about her when I first met her...

I am SO totally glad that the party members actually have DIALOGUE in this game! I mean, in the first one, it was, like, SO lame that they never talked.

That valley girl talk is even coming out in me...-_-'

After playing the first one, I must say that I am duly impressed with where the Mario RPG games are going. Now, it's certainly not a teen game, but it definitely has things aimed for older gamers. For Stellon's sake, that game is full of flirts all OVER the place!! I love it- it's hilarious.

Everything that was good about the first one is back and better than ever- especially badges. Badges are way better now that they're much more open. (You can get doubles of badges- there's no set number for you to have, that is. In Paper Mario 1, you got only a certain number of each badge, and that was that.)

Defense and Super Guard? Meh...Well, that's all fine and good, and I've half decent, but...No, no. I'm MUCH more interested in pulling off stylish moves, baby! :chuckle: Looking stylish is just plain great, and I love it.

All in all, I can't rate the game yet- I'm not done. After I beat it, I still have to find everything...After that, I have to go through it again....And maybe again...But by then the next Mario Tennis will be out and such...

But I do love it quite a lot. I think I'll wind up liking it more than the first Paper Mario- most likely. Need I remind you that Paper Mario is my favorite game in my favorite game SERIES? Yea.


We'll pick up from where we were on Chapter 12- The Chain's Links...


"No, not really..." She kept trying to hide her face from him, for a coupel reasons.

"Oh...That kinda sucks..." Beastboy sat on his messy bed and looked down at her. She was cleaning up the random articles of clothing that were sprawled about his floor. She always did it when she was in his room. But this night it was more out of nervousness. She didn't want to just abandon him, but...she felt so horrible after what she'd heard.

"So, uh..." Beastboy was having trouble speaking, with her seeming be be ignoring him and what not. "...Why were you crying before...? You didn't tell me."

"...Oh, it was...lots of things..." she whispered, tossing the dirty clothes into a hamper she had set up in his room, since he seemed to need one.

Beastboy eyed her back with suspicion. Something wasn't right.

"Tay..." he called calmly to her.

"Hm?" she hummed back, keeping her face out of sight by inspecting his closet.

"Tay!" he cried, a little louder this time. She froze in place and trembling slightly from the seriousness in his tone. "What's your deal?"

She blinked, clenched her teeth in nervousness, and stood solemnly. When he demanded 'what her deal' was, she'd dropped the random objects in her hands.


"Tay..." Beastboy sighed with frustration as he hopped off of his bed and made his way toward her. She stood, motionless, almost like a statue. But as the green teen reached out his arm to comfort her, she pulled herself away from him and took a few brisk steps away, bobbing her head. She wrapped her arms around herself, as if trying to form a shell. It wasn't to protect herself, she felt, but to protect him.

Beastboy frowned with some bitterness. Why was she acting like this?

"Tenochtitlan!" he growled, annoyed. "What is WITH you? You've been acting all...messed up..."

There wasn't a reply at all. Hardly a motion.

"Why are you ignoring me?!" With a huff of confusion and frustration, Beastboy grabbed Tay's shoulder and eased her in his direction while moving himself in front of her. She gasped as he saw her face and his angered emerald eyes met her frightened ones. They had flashed purple for a moment, but after they stared at each other for a second, they quickly shifted to brown, and then dark blue.

Beastboy's face was drained of the viciousness it had only a minute before, and his jaw dropped open slightly.

Tay slowly pushed him away and turned her head away, tears forming.

Utterly puzzled and concerned, Beastboy desperately lashed out his arm and grabbed her hand, squeezing it tight.

"...Tay..." he murmured apathetically. "I...I didn't-..."

"It's all right," she spat out quietly. "...I'm sorry..."


She looked to him, her hair draped over her bobbed head. Through her soft black braids of hair, her eyes glared up at him. They were glazed and dark as midnight- pitch black. They flickered with purple shades here and there, but black was the prominent color, for certain. Beastboy stumbled back slightly in shock. That color wasn't familiar at all. He lost his grip on her trembling hand as she staggered through his room and flew out the door. Dazed from what had just happened, Beastboy needed a few seconds to put together the event that had just taken place. Once he had come to a decision, he dashed into the hallway and glanced both ways into the darkness. Unsure as to which way she had gone, he bent over and metamorphosized into a green dog. Sniffing the air rabidly, he caught her scent and trailed it through the bleak corridors, his feet padding against the floors with great speed.


A bloodcurdling scream erupted like a volcano, making them both jump in surprise. Robin felt the blood to his left hand being cut off as Starfire's grip tightened immensely. The two were leaning into each other, and Starfire's eyes were wide with fright from the images and sounds engulfing her.

"What is it? What is it?" demanded a panicky voice from the movie.

"I-I just saw...I-it was..." The female was stammaring wildly to the male's question. "I-I think...I think it got Jamie..."

"Oh my God..."

Starfire glanced up at Robin's face, and was a bit surprised to see that he was looking at her. They both smiled at each other for a moment until Robin's glance went back to the cheesy flick before them.

Starfire rubbed her fingers against his hand, relishing the feeling of the smooth, green leather-like gloves. She felt warm inside when she felt it returned to her.

(He is much more relaxed this evening,) Starfire noticed, sneaking a quick peek at his face. It was calm and laid back- there was even a small smile on it. She could tell that he was a bit nervous, or warm, at least, because some beads of sweat were slowly trickling down his neck. Much more interested in him than the movie, she stroked her hand thorugh his thick, streamlined hair. It was smooth and kind of flexible, in a sense. She would move it, and it would flop right back to where it had been. Her hand slowly made its way down, where she massaged his tensed up shoulder. Kneading her fingers into his tight muscles methodically, Starfire curled her lips into a smile as Robin blushed back at her.

Robin took his hand out of Starfire's grip and moved it to the Tamaranian's face. Star froze up as she felt his adroit fingers carefully caress her face with a gentleness to them unlike the Boy Wonder. Staring into the mask on his face, she felt comfort and warmth radiating from within. He delicately pushed the long, crimson sideburn on her right cheeck behind her round ear as he paused, considering his next move. Starfire's wondrous eyes were glazed abnd wide with surprise. She'd thought that Robin wasn't interested in such activites at the time. She was hoping to ease him some, but she could see in his eyes- somehow- that he desired contact. She was so shocked that she didn't see the event that happened next coming beforehand. Robin dove in quickly and kissed her on the lips. It was brief, but quite a pleasant experience for the alien girl. As she felt his soft lips touch her mouth, she almost gasped, but was rapidly sucked into the moment. As they exchanged breaths, they both forgot about all the tension that had ended their first date in the blink of an eye. That certainly didn't matter now. Their kiss lasted but only a few seconds, but it was more than enough for the both of them. It was at that moment, leaning into Starfire, that Robin reached an epiphany regarding his feelings for this girl. Indeed, she was special to him.

(The others were right,) Robin thought to himself. (I can have a relationship like this. Yea...There's nothing wrong with this. She deserves it, I know that. Maybe I don't deserve to be WITH her, but...I'll enjoy any moment I get. Just gotta try to calm down. That seems to work well...)


"Oh! Hey, Raven!" Beastboy called out as he chanced to see her dragging her feet in the halls. "Have you seen-?" He paused in midsentence when he saw the way she was acting- her head hung low, her eyes glazed and dispondent...His words flowed into another question. "Whoa...Ray. You OK?"

She glanced back up at him, her eyes half closed as she bit her bottom lip.

"Agghhhh..." Beastboy froze up, frightened by the look on her face. "...Oh..." he squeaked. "Hh...Have you seen Tay...?"

Raven sighed as she lifted her arm into the air lazily and pointed a finger toward the staircase at the end of the hallway.

"She went up," she mumbled in her gravely voice.

"Thanks, Ray," Beastboy meekly said as he ambled away, shaken by Raven's moodswings. As he climbed the stairs sluggishly, he began to feel a knot forming in the pit of his stomach.

(Black...? What does BLACK mean...?) It was driving him nuts, because he had the rest figured out, but black was a mystery. It wasn't something he'd seen in her before, at least not very often. (Is she really mad at me? Man, I've gotta find her...)

Beastboy had a notion that she had went straight for the rooftop. That seemed to be where she went when she was upset. Usually one of the the other girls would flock to her side and give her support over whatever minor thing it was she was sad about.

He discovered her on the rooftop, just as he had expected. She was sitting on the front of the tower, dangerously close to the edge. Closing the metal door behind him with care to not make a sound, Beastboy gaped in awe at her. There was little wind at the time, surprisingly, so she seemed fairly motionless as she was hunched on the concrete floor. His lanky body inched its way toward the dark-skinned entity until he was a couple feet from her. His shadow was cast upon her from the moonlight, which caused her to gasp in a panic and scramble her body around to see him. When their eyes locked, there was a moment when neither seemed to be able to move them. Tenochtitlan eventually shattered the awkward tranquility by stammaring, "Wh-what are you doing here?" She had a slight touch of darkness in her voice that made Beastboy's insides tremble with fear.

"...I came to check on you..." he whispered shakily. "...What is going ON?..."

Tay turned her head away from him and hung it low as she balled her body up again. She sat with her knees scrunched up in front of her and her arms hugging them, with her forehead resting on her slender, chocolate arms. Her hair- a twilight black shade- dangled down over her, covering up her face. It was as if a cloud of darkness veiled her from him, and it made him very uneasy when his brain conjured up the idea from the image before him.

"Beastboy...Just go..." she murmured weakly. "Please..."

Beastboy huffed and sat beside her. "I'm not going to leave until you tell me what's up," he firmly answered. "So spill it."

Tay sucked in a breath of chilly air and exhaled slowly, her body quivering.

"We really shouldn't talk about it..."

"What is it? Did I do something wrong? Listen, if you're going to dump me or something, let me know why."

"No, B," she whimpered, lifted her head slightly. "It's not like that..."

"Then what IS it like??" he demanded, his tongue sharpened.

"...Beasty, it's-...We can't be dating anymore..."

Beastboy's insides were becoming more like mud every second.

"Why?" he snapped, confused.

"...We aren't supposed to..." Tay whispered, dropping her head back down. "We were never meant to be..."

The green teen's eyes widened as his jaw dropped. He was appalled by the comment.

"What? What are you talking about? What did I do?"

"Nothing! You did nothing," she asured him, trying to remain calm. "It's not you, it's ME. I remember what's happened to me, and...I don't want to bring you into it..."

"Tay, it doesn't matter. Why does that mean-...?" he was getting lost in his own thoughts as he trailed off.

"Beastboy, you weren't ever supposed to meet me. You were supposed to like Terra..." Tay grumbled.

"What?! Terra??" Beatsboy almost choked from her words. Did she think he would rather go out with her? "Tay...Terra's really cool, but...She's not YOU."

"But-..." Tenoch coughed as she finally pulled her eyes to meet his. They were a dull blue at this point. "You were supposed to fall in love with her, not me...What if you'd be happier with her than me...?"

Beastboy almost felt like vomitting from her theory. He took a shivering arm and landed it on her head softly. She dove into his deep green eyes as he explained his take on the situation.

"...Tay, who cares? Did that Destiny Smasher guy go telling you all of this?" His tone oozed a bitter taste.

"...He-..." She gulped, her throat dry. "He said that we were never meant to meet, but-..."

"Did he put you up to this? You don't have to listen to him," Beastboy added viciously.

"No!" Tay groaned. "He didn't. I chose this myself. There's more to it than that..."

"Like what?"

Tay's arms flopped to her sides to support her as she leaned back a little.

"There are terrible things going on, Beastboy...I'm afraid..."

"Tay, you have all of us here to protect you..."

"I KNOW that," she huffed. "It's not like that. I'm afraid of MYSELF..."

"...Huh...?" He was totally clueless.

"...Beastboy...I-..." She wasn't ready to confess to him who she really was just yet, so she cut off the thought. "...Back at my home, a war is starting. And I have to be there. I don't want you guys to be put in harm's way..."

Beastboy paused a moment to try and fathom this idea. "I don't know what's going on, Tay. But don't worry about it right now. We'll help you through it, OK?"

"...Thank you," she whispered warmly, though she was filled with doubt. "But...We can't have this kind of relationship anymore..."

Everything he had been trying to build back up fell to pieces in an instant. Leaving him speechless, Tenochtitlan continued.

"Beastboy, it's for the best. I won't let you get pulled into my problems. This is my choice, and if you care about me, you'll let me go through with it."

His breathing getting shaky, Beastboy turned his head away from her.

"I have good reasons, B...At least give me some time to figure these things out...Maybe then-..." She let the end of the sentence drift into the air. "Please. Just...Leave me alone for a while...I need time..."

"But-..." He glanced up at her dispondent black pupils and had the urge to throw up again.

"I'm sorry. There's just so much I need to figure out...So much you don't understand..."

"I WOULD if you-"

"Please..." she whispered desperately. "We're from two different worlds...We have two different paths. I want you to be happy, and you won't be if you go down my road..."


"Just go!" she whimpered at him with some ferocity. "Please!"

As he removed his hand from her and stood up slowly, his face shifted into one of anger and frustration. As he stumbled for the door downstairs, he called back to her.

"...You don't have to do this alone..."

"...I know...I choose to..."

"I'm not just gonna give up, you know," he told her firmly as he gave her one last glance.

"...Thank you...I'm sorry, B...If I can fix things...I'll let you know..."

His brain rattled, his heart shackled, the green-skinned Titan let out a depressed sigh as he closed the door behind him, utterly confused.

(...I guess I have to trust her...)


For the first time in a while, she felt wholly relaxed as she entered her bedroom to sleep. As usual, they had returned late, and the rest of the team had gone to bed already. After bidding each other good night with flushed faces, the two Titans departed to their chambers.

As she entered her cozy, pink-infested quarters, Starfire held up her hand and set it aglow with green to see her way through the dark room. The normally cheery room was bleak and lonely in the night. She thought of her evening with Robin to glide her to her ovular bed and rested herself on its soft matress, her body exhausted. After slipping her long boots from her tan legs diggedly, Starfire inhaled a large breath of air as she began to sprawl herself onto her bed. However, she was startled to hear a crinkling sound as she felt a small section of parchment come into contact with her left thigh.

Perplexed, Starfire sat up quickly and yanked the paper from underneath herself as she held it up to her face. As emerald light from her glowing eyes radiated the writing, she read the symbols.


A small red eyebrow on Starfire's face was lifted as she pondered the meaning of these numbers.

(My door was locked when I left, was it not...? No one could have placed this here...But I disclosed my security number to Raven. Yes...She must have left this note here. Ah! It is no doubt the passcode to her door. But why would she leave it here while I was gone?...Perhaps she was hoping that I might give her company tonight. But it is late...)

Starfire extinguished her eyeballs and shifted her glance to a digital clock on her white dresser that read, "01:23."

(Mm...) She grasped the small paper in her hand as she crawled out of her bed slowly, drifting to her door. (It is possible that Raven may require my emotional support...There is no harm in checking...)


"Beastboy? Hey, is everything OK?"

The lean, green, morphing machine blinked wildly, his mind popping like a delicate bubble.

"Wha?? Whazza-?..." He stared up at Robin with bloodshot eyes.

"Whoa," Robin moaned, taking a step back from the teen, who sat on the couch in a fetal position. "Geez...What happened to you? Shouldn't you be getting some sleep?"

"Y-yea, right..." he mumbled, his body uncurling and crawling off of the couch and onto the red, plain carpet on the floor. "Thanks, dude...Night..." He scrambled through the halls in a drunken style, holding his hand up to the walls for support from time to time for support as he dragged his feet to hobble away.

Robin considered trying to investigate the matter, but he wanted to try ending his night on a peaceful note. Besides, Beastboy didn't look in the mood to talk about it, anyway.


She was paralyzed by the pain as it squeezed her left arm ferociously. Her right hand clenched the arm as she writhed in agony on her bed, trying to numb the intense burning. It wasn't the type of burning sensation from fire, but that from ice. Her eyes were squinted tightly and her teeth were grit, her face contorted into a horrified expression. Her chest rapidly contracted as she gasped for air in a frenzy. Her breathing was forceful and fast. Her entire left arm was a mass of black flesh. From her freezing fingertips to her shoulder the shadow spread. It looked as if she had used her powers on her own appendage. Strands of straight, purple hair stuck to her forehead from the layer of sweat she was covered in.

Three knocks echoed through the empty room, each one slightly louder than the previous one. But Raven couldn't hear a single one, as her body was being dominated by the mysterious force possessing her limb.

After a few moments, the door shifted to the side smoothly, revealing the silhouette of Starfire in the night. As she blinked in the dark, she couldn't see much of anything, but she heard Raven moaning from the far end of the room where her bed was laid, and her heart skipped a beat.

Her bare feet smacked the bare, cold floor as she dashed in panic to her friend, who was sprawled across her bed, squirming every which way. Confused and unable to decipher the situation in the darkness, Starfire flung her arms out and wrapped them around Raven desperately, trying to get her to calm down so she could figure out what was going on.

Feeling the familiar warmth of her soft-skinned hands and delicate fingers, Raven's body received a shot of relaxation. Her tossing and turning died down dramatically once she realized that Starfire was right beside her. The pain hadn't stopped, however, but it felt less threatening as she was captured by her friend's embrace. She squeezed back as best she could with her right hand, which trembled violently. Starfire, who was sitting on her knees beside the bed, leaned into Raven, her eyes glazed. About ten seconds passed until Raven's breathing slowed. She inhaled heavily, but not at a breakneck speed. Keeping her head pressed against Raven's shoulder, Starfire spoke slowly, shaking a little.

"...Raven...You are...better...?" a comforting and sweet voice inquired.

"...I-I think so..." she whispered.

Starfire removed herself quite carefully from Raven and lifted her body with grace into the air over the bed to examine the blackened flesh of her best friend. She sunk to to the wooden boards as she lowered her head to the arm and observed it. It had halved in size since Star had entered the room, and the Tamaranian was puzzled. She was beginning to wonder why it changed size, and she felt she had an idea.

"...Your injury...It has reduced in magnitude by fifty percent," she informed Raven quietly, her eyes focused in thought.

"Really...?" Raven tilted her head upward a little to inspect it herself.

Star's hand shot out to stop the girl from straining herself. She pushed her hand gently against Raven's pale forehead, placing it on a dull pillow.

"Please...Relax," the alien murmured to comfort her, lightly pushing the sweaty hair from her friend's face. "Now tell me, please...Why were you upset? Why did you leave the passcode to your bedroom in my quarters?"

Raven's violet eyes wandered away from the emerald jewels on Starfire's face. The wet surface on both pairs of eyes glistened in the moonlight that trickled through the window behind them.

"...I-...Tonight-...I wanted to see you..."

Starfire frowned with slight frustration, as she could tell that Raven was meandering around the subject.

"Please, Raven," she pleaded, staring as the intrinsic wound of darkness was steadily increasing in size. "You know you can tell me..."

After taking a deep breath between her teeth, Raven whispered out, "I asked Link out tonight..."

"...Ohh..." Starfire moaned softly, for she knew that her friend had been rejected. "...I am...sorry, Raven..."

"...No," she mumbled. "It's OK...He's dating Terra, anyway...Besides, he thinks I'm creepy..." she added coldly.

Star gasped, holding her palm to her lips. "Raven, do not say such things! You atre not 'creepy!' If Link said such words to you-"

"No, no...But I know that's what he thinks," she grumbled, still looking away. "He never really liked me from when we met. I make him feel awkward, I know I do. I can see it in his eyes when I talk to him, Starfire..."

Starfire's jaw was agape as the black mass consumed half of her arm again.

She sighed sadly and reached her arm out to Raven's face, gently stroking her gaunt cheeck with the back of her hand.

"Raven...Stop," she said firmly, beginning to choke up a little. "You are no longer the Raven who puts yourself down so harshly...Link is not who you are meant to be paired with. That is all. He does not find you disgusting- none of us do, and there is no reason for ANYONE to think such things of you. You are special, Raven. Do not let anyone convince you otherwise." By the end, her voice was quivering with sadness as her hand had crawled to Raven's and clenched it tightly.

"...Starfire..." Raven whispered in an awe-struck daze. "I-..."

"I will carry you, Raven..." Starfire murmured, wiping tears from her face.

Raven understood exactly what Starfire was saying in these words, and her eyes finally burst with tears that flowed down her face like poignant tributaries.

"When your dreams give out...When the stars go blind...When the darkness starts to fill your mind...When you've fallen behind...I will carry you..." Starfire's words were hushed whispers that Raven could hardly make out, and they only made her tears increase.

"...Starfire...Thank you..." She closed her eyelids, feeling at peace, and eased the orange-tinted arm of the alien to her face. "I will carry you, too, Starfire...I promise."

Starfire smiled with pure joy as she witnessed the twilight energy in Raven's arm shrink back down to miniscule proportions. She had figured it out. Raven had used her own powers to repair the wound, but she had made an error and her own dark powers had possessed it. When Raven felt horrible about herself, it would grow and possess her. It was as if...the wound was an incarnation of the doubt within herself. It was her self-hatred given form. And Starfire was determined to destroy it.



Dec 19, 2002
Great update. I have the feeling the wound is the new Raven in her mind now. Well I just have the feeling it is. I think she made a mistake and whenever she hates herself, the new one in her mind grows stronger. What if the wound suddenly grows powerful enough to make a new body and there's a new Raven? I dunno why I think that.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 25, 2003
I just beat the whole game.

I won't give away anything from the last chapter, but your gonna love it! What a slam bang way to end a game.

The very end isn't as good , but the rest of the game easily overshadows that.

My fav chapters were 4 and 6: Both of those chapters really bring out the true colors of a Mario RPG!

My fav charater is the little orange Yoshi you get at the Glitzpit, His dialog isn't the best, I got tired of hearing him refere to Mario as gonzalos, but oh well.

I must say that this game wipes the floor with the first paper Mario, everything Paper Mario had this game has it a million times more!

The Bowser games were also a nice addition, altough, not particulary fun. I like challenge thats why the last chapter was the most engaging and as far as deep and almost origonal story, this game rocks!

So if you havn't made you descission on which game is better yet, go for the longer more engaging one.

Compare 13 hours to win(Paper Mario) With 34 hours(paper mario 2) And tell me which on will keep you entertained longer.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Well, you can make your decision that easily.

Did you find everything in Paper Mario 1? Yea. I doubt you did in 13 hours.

Let's see...

Paper Mario 2 has kept me engaged for 34 hours...

Paper Mario 1 has kept me engaged for over 150 hours...


So maybe it'll take some time until I can say that for the second, hm?

But, oh, yes, everything is back and better than ever.

I...didn't really like Chapter 6...It bored me, honestly. I mean, it felt right, but...

Chapter 4 was, without a doubt, my fav Chapter thus far, with Chapter 3 being my next.

This time through the game, Goombella is getting all the dialogue, because she's my fav. I actually like how Gladius (my Yoshi) calls me Gonzales. After all, that's my name to him. That was what everyone around him called me when he was born, no?

All I hope for in the end is something similar to Paper Mario 1- I want to be able to roam around and talk with the characters from all over, and there HAS to be a parade. If there is no parade, I may be VERY disappointed...The parades are in every Mario RPG so far, so this one had better have one- don't tell me if it does, though.

Anyway, I was hoping, Caba, that you mighyt refer to my FIC- just a small mention, maybe...

Afterall, this IS a thread abou tmy fic, right? Did you READ it? I don't even know if you READ that update.

"Great update. I have the feeling the wound is the new Raven in her mind now. Well I just have the feeling it is. I think she made a mistake and whenever she hates herself, the new one in her mind grows stronger. What if the wound suddenly grows powerful enough to make a new body and there's a new Raven? I dunno why I think that."


What...? OK, you kinda lost me...I think I have an idea, but you phrased it weird...This may be because you're wrong, I can't tell. I'm...pretty sure I actually went out and SAID what the wound was, didn't I? Yea-yea, I did, basically. You have a pretty good idea, in a sense, but...You phrased it weird, or it's just jumbled...-_-'

Chapter 13 should begin to get things going down a dark road.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Well, when no one replies, how do I know anyone's paying attention?

Besides, I've been real busy lately. A lot of my TTX readers have been pestering me for an update, when they haven't read ANY of my others fics at all. *shrug* Just kinda doesn't make sense to me. They could be reading other things if they're bored and all...

Writer's block doesn't help matters, nor does being sick with DISGUSTING infection, only for it to go away and turn into a **** flu, along with all the schoolwork I have to finish by tomorrow when the marking period ends, and all...


Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2002
I'm back...yay....

And I've almost caught up with the fic... (I'm a slow reader, and im reading so many thing at the same time, sue me....)

Bad flu? Hope you get better....

And I hope that Writer's Block is gotten rid of soon (or however you say it).

And about the Paper Mario 2 topic....
My fav charater is the little orange Yoshi you get at the Glitzpit, His dialog isn't the best, I got tired of hearing him refere to Mario as gonzalos, but oh well.
Don't they come in different colors? Mine is red....

And after the game... the only two PM1 characters I saw was Bow and Bootler....

The pit of 100 trials...heh... I'm only at 80...(been playing Mario Power Tennis)

And Christine is my favorite partner since the beginning >.> Headbonk owns....

A goomba with a ponytail, what MORE could you want?

What was chapters 3,4 and 6 about? I can't remember....

Yes... I'm bored....

How much HP does your Mario have?

EDIT: I just found out...Vivian's a guy....

Yep, I know it's offtopic... >.>


Smash Champion
Jul 25, 2001
I'm not telling you psychos
Originally posted by Destiny Smasher
Well, when no one replies, how do I know anyone's paying attention?
I call it checking your views. It's what I have to do, since many places where I drop my story, I get many hits but so few have anything to say. ARRRGGGHHH...

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.

OK, SERIOUSLY, you're confusing...

What VERSION of Paper Mario 2 are you PLAYING?

Christine?! Who the he!! is that? Her name's GOOMBELLA...:eek:

Secondly...Who cares how much HP my Mario has? He's on level 38. He COULD have 100 HP and MORE, if I WANTED him to. But what the he!!'s the point when my normal jump does 14 damage and I've killed all the bosses in the game?? I can equip Badges in such a way where I get attacks that require 128 FP, OK? :p This game is just sick and awesome, and has all the depth in character building from any great RPG.

Your Yoshi DOES come in a variety of colors. I don't know what determines it, but...

Mine was orange, my friend's green...Who knows what my 2nd will be...

And da**it, where do you get off saying that Vivian is a GUY?! That's just DISTURBING!! Vivian is most definitely a GIRL. They specifically state so q few times...


Hooktail, on the other hand, is a girl, though they do a good job of making you think she's a boy. Notice how in the Tattles Log and such, she's always referred to as 'it,' if I'm not mistaken...

I know the only ones from PM1 you see are Bow and Bootler...But they wouldn't include JUST those two...The others have gotta be around SOMEWHERE at SOME point in the game...We see Parakarry in the Prologue, of course, as this game starts just like its predecessor did.

Anyway, Paper Mario 2 is just a freaking awesome game, and I got one of my friends (who was a little skeptical and places the Final Fantasies in high regard) SO hooked on it, and I plan to do the same with another soon enough.

I have the da** money for Mario's new tennis title, but I haven't been able to BUY it. Happens when you live out in the boonies...


Um...So, yea. No real enthusiasm toward an update, I guess...So one shall not appear for now.

And Kuja, if you want me to read your fic, E-Mail it to me as a file that I can easily save, and I promise you I will read it.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2002
Originally posted by Destiny Smasher

OK, SERIOUSLY, you're confusing...

What VERSION of Paper Mario 2 are you PLAYING?

Christine?! Who the he!! is that? Her name's GOOMBELLA...:eek:
If I remember correctly, Christine is her Japanese name....

Secondly...Who cares how much HP my Mario has? He's on level 38. He COULD have 100 HP and MORE, if I WANTED him to. But what the he!!'s the point when my normal jump does 14 damage and I've killed all the bosses in the game?? I can equip Badges in such a way where I get attacks that require 128 FP, OK? :p This game is just sick and awesome, and has all the depth in character building from any great RPG.
I just wanted to know....

Your Yoshi DOES come in a variety of colors. I don't know what determines it, but...

Mine was orange, my friend's green...Who knows what my 2nd will be...
This is what determines... 'it'
And da**it, where do you get off saying that Vivian is a GUY?! That's just DISTURBING!! Vivian is most definitely a GIRL. They specifically state so q few times...
Japanese version... Christine says something to the lines of 'A member of the Shadow Team, he...wait...he? How can he be a he? He's cuter than me!' ...yep... Also... Beldam says "No you idiot! It's the Shadow TEAM, not SIRENS" If I remember.


Hooktail, on the other hand, is a girl, though they do a good job of making you think she's a boy. Notice how in the Tattles Log and such, she's always referred to as 'it,' if I'm not mistaken...
Proven by Gloomtail, I know.

That's about it....

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
I KNOW Christine was technically her Japanese name (though on Nintendo I found a much more 'Japanese-sounding' name), which makes me wonder what the frick version you're playing...

"Japanese version... Christine says something to the lines of 'A member of the Shadow Team, he...wait...he? How can he be a he? He's cuter than me!' ...yep... Also... Beldam says "No you idiot! It's the Shadow TEAM, not SIRENS" If I remember."

So you're playing the Japanese version, which sounds disturbing.

What Beldam SAYS is "It's the Shadow SIRENS, not the Shadow BEAUTIES!," or something along thos lines, as Vivian calls them the Shadow Beauties.

"I'm sorry, it's just that that you call us, 'lovelies,' so I thought-..."

Goombella says something very similar to this in the Amercian (and non-crossdressing) version...

"I think she might even be cuter than me...Whoa, wait, why I even THINKING about stuff like that?"

That aside, I see there is still no interest in more TTX. And so none shall be posted.
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