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Winds of Fate: The X Factor (Teen Titans)

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Okay then...

In that case, I guess we should be talking about the fic. So, Lightning, what are your opinions on this "darkest before dawn" thing? What do think is going to happen?

I'm pretty 'confuzzled' myself. But after this whole "Killer Moth" scenario claimed the lives of thirteen people, I think that the Titans will be a LOT more careful from now on, ESPECIALLY Starfire.

At the end of the last update, Starfire blamed herself for what happened. BUT, in my opinion, I think it was Robin's fault. He shouldn't have been so quick to accept Killer Moth's proposal. There could have been another way, methinks...


Dec 19, 2002
I don't think so because if he didn't accept then the moths would kill the others. If he says he needs more time to think about it then it would have been too late to save them.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Well... perhaps if Robin was able to negotiate with Killer Moth a little more, he could have either bribed him into stopping the moth attack, or he could have had the other Titans try to find a weakness that could wipe them out. That's just my opinion, of course...

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
WHOA, there was actually some substance and worthy discussion there.

But jumping back to Q4D! Black...

Um...You DO realize that it's 'fate' was to end ANYWAY, right?

Q4D! Black, looking back, was more or less a rough draft. I think I've GREATLY improved on Q4D! in all aspects since I started rewriting it.

Now back to Robin and Starfire...

Well, blame will be tossed all around, you can imagine.

After all, no one has ever died due to a mistake the Titans made up to this point.

Heheh...I'm listening to a review on Resident Evil 4...Mwaha...I'm ordering it online tonight and getting it shipped to my house by Friday.

It's getting ALMOST perfect reviews- the best horror game out there, everyone's saying.

I never thought I would actually look forward to a game like this- Capcom, it seems, has done a grand job.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
RE4, eh? My brother wants to get that game. BADLY.

I don't know why, but the Resident Evil games (and horror games in general) just strike me as... funny. After all the hilarious comments I hear from friends and magazine captions regarding the zombies and such, it just doesn't scare me anymore. Ever since RE2, the only game that's actually given me the creeps is Manhunt.

Anyway, regarding the Teen Titans, I predict two points of view coming up: one where Robin is at fault, for accepting Killer Moth's outragious proposal and failing to explain his reasoning to Starfire. The other finger points at Starfire for over-reacting and causing Kitten to trigger the moth attack. But what will REALLY make it interesting, is which Titans side with Robin and which ones side with Starfire on the topic...

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
If you think I'm, like, some RE fan, I'm not. Not at all. I haven't played any of them, actually. I haven't played survival horror games in general- oh, wait, I DID play a little of RE2 during the summer, for, like, a couple hours...Yea...Creepy. Of course, 4 looks to be even more so, with the largest creature arsenal than any of them.

But what's really hitting people is that the game's presentation and gameplay- everything about it- is high in quality.

Resident Evil 4 is actually supposed to have some pretty funny parts in it. It's actually supposed to be written well, which is, honestly, a rarity in Capcom games. I'm sorry, but no Megaman game has ever produced a story that gripped me. They've got plenty of cool storyline IDEAS, but they never express and present them properly.

RE4, from what the people say, was produced with great care and detail, and it shows when you see it in action.

I was very skeptical of it at first, as I have been about the genre in general. The choice to buy it came with lots of research, I can assure you. But, honestly, the game just looks fun. It looks like something DIFFERENT. It's different for ME, anyway, but I know I'll enjoy it.

A few years ago, I wouldn't have given the game much thought. But lately, I've grown up as a gamer, and I recognize games that are produced well like Halo 2 or GTA:SA, even though I have no interest in playing them. After all, I'll bet if I DID they play, I'd actually enjoy them.

RE4 actually interests me, AND it looks like a lot of work and a few years of work have been put into it.

There are many reasons for me ordering the game, and after I've beaten it, I'm sure I'll be raving like the rest of them.

As far as the X Factor goes...I think you may be on to something, EP...Of course, there's a bit more to it, but...

Lightning Snake

Smash Apprentice
Dec 7, 2003
Inside a giant pie. Or the UK, whichever sounds mo
Robin is not to blame. Neither is Starfire. If you've seen Date with Destiny, you would know this. Starfire loses it anyway, but the Titans were ready. They stopped the Moths' escape. In this fic, though, a communications error messed things up big time and everything went pear-shaped. Also, Robin would have had to accept the thing or thousands would have died. I think that noone will be truly blamed, as it says in the christmas short story thing, they were brought closer by it. Of course, I'm sure there will be some blame on Starfire's behalf, but Raven would stick up for her maybe. Who knows? Well, DS does, but you get the idea.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Lightning Snake here is thinking like Raven- ironically, he added a 'maybe' concerning her defending Star.


"i think that noone will be truly blamed, as it says in the christmas short story thing, they were brought closer by it."

Whoever said I was talking about the MOTHS? :demon: You think this fic is over, or something? That was NOT a climax by any means. Just the sunset. Now the NIGHT comes.

However, LS does offer a VERY valid point; as I said, it's what Raven will try explaining.

Whose fault was this mess?

Well, DUH, people- it was KILLER MOTH, wasn't it? :confused:

I guess I prove my point- blame is tossed around quite readily. Even my readers pointed fingers at our heroes, when it was obviously the VILLAIN who really caused the situation.

Yes, hundreds would have died had Robin not done what he did. Most likely, anyway. Even so, Robin HATES failure, remember. And not a single civilian has died (up until now) because of a mistake the Titans made.

Here's the stumper: the communications went awry...Why?

Obviously, things aren't happening the way they SHOULD.

Some things change. And when you change one thing, you change EVERYTHING.

This mystery will have answers soon enough. When I'm not struggling for my life against the Ganado in Resident Evil 4, that is...

Did I happen to tell you guys yet how amazing that game is thus far? I am duly impressed. It's meeting my expectations, indeed. Now, I have a grand 'choice,' from what I can tell...

Face a bunch of the FIRST boss, or another of the SECOND. :rolleyes: I'm SOOOO lucky...:crazy:

Have no fear, though, for I do intend to write more tonight, and I feel that the dark atmosphere of RE4 is quickly breaking me out of Christmas stunt so that I may write with a darker frame of mind.

By the way, EP, since you're the Capcom fan, you owe it to yourself to see some of their finest work in RE4. And, yes, it has more funny parts than you'd expect, mainly because Luis is so cool. Action? Holy crap, he11 yea! I finished playing a very action-packed bit about 15 minutes ago, and I still feel a little tense. It's nice.

So play it when you can, sooner or later. Seriously, it's that good. I'll probably have a 'full review' when I complete it.


Dec 19, 2002
I guess I prove my point- blame is tossed around quite readily. Even my readers pointed fingers at our heroes, when it was obviously the VILLAIN who really caused the situation.
Now who said I was pointing fingers at our heroes:rolleyes: ? I only said it WASN'T Robins fault. I hope we find out who broke the communications soon.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 9, 2002
Well, they reran the killer moth, date with destiny episode tonight so I decided to ask, when may we expect to be graced with another chapter? :confused:

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
First of all, I DIDN'T assume your were an RE fan. In fact, until this point I assumed that you've never played a horror game in your life. :p Second, I wasn't poking fun at Resident Evil games. I'm actually looking forward to seeing it in action.

Unfortunately I have no cash, so i'll have to wait until my brother buys RE4. Then i'll sit back and watch the carnage until I get a chance to play myself.

Okay, moving on. Let's see if I can crack the mystery of the communcation disruption...

I think that the communications problem MAY have something to do with the interference of the "outlander" Titans; in other words, the extra Titans that weren't supposed to be there (Mario, Sonic, Link, Amy, Tikal, Luigi, etc.). I believe that Destiny Smasher guy said something about it to the characters. And Tay said she didn't belong here as well. So perhaps the inclusion of these extra Titans changed the outcome of the battle with Killer Moth as opposed to the TV episode...

Some things change. And when you change one thing, you change EVERYTHING.
See? That's what I mean! Maybe the communications were disrupted by some unknown villain, who is a rival of one of the "outlander" Titans. Could be Bowser, could be Ganondorf, could be Robotnik, anyone.

Maybe it wasn't some unknown enemy. Maybe it was just an electrical interference caused by the increase of Titan biomass. Maybe it was caused by some freak dimensional rift caused by the meddling of different worlds. Maybe one of the Titans is a traitor who destroyed the communication line. How do I know?! There's so many possibilities, i'm just listing as many as I can to show that i'm actually involved in this story.

That's what I like about this fic. It's so confuzzling and keeps you guessing constantly. It seems that in order to guess correctly, you'd either need an IQ of at least 130 or you'd need to be Destiny Smasher himself. :p

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Well, well, EP; I'm impressed. ;)

About the next Chapter- soon. I'd say I'm either 2/3 or 3/4 done with it, depending on where I decide to end it.

I finally did beat Resident Evil 4- I've played it for about 30 hours, but even though I've beaten it, there's still fun to be had, either in a 'New Round' of the main game or the two sweet 'mini games' available after you beat the main game, which are more like extra modes of gameplay.

I'll try not to spoil them, but...

One of them let's you play from a different character's perspective...I don't know how deep it goes, as I haven't beaten it.

The other is MAD fun. It's basically a mode where you choose from some different areas of the game, choose a character (and thus, an arsenal) and blast away at a FLOOD of baddies in a time limit. It's just mad fun, because it concentrates solely on the action, while you don't have to worry about conserving items for later, since you only have to 'survive' the round.

Resident Evil 4 isn't a Resident Evil game. It's an action/survival/horror with some RPG elements that still follows the Resident Evil plotline, despite what people might think. I know very little about the RE story, but I got a cool lil' 'Prologue' booklet when I ordered it, and it describes the story enough where I understood what was going on.

The boss battles are done especially well, and the gameplay gets better as you go. Even on the rare ocassion when I was 'stuck', I was having fun.

By the way, bear in mind that you will die. A LOT.

Anyway, I might take some time to write a true review later on...****it, I still can't get in the Lighthouse, and I hardly remember why I was banned from there, because it was months ago about some trivial thing.

So, um...Back to EP...

You've got some good ideas goin' there...Only problem is that even if one of them was correct, you can't quite place your finger on one.

What I love to do in my fiction, and with this one, in particular, is that I love to throw in lots of mystery that you feel like you know the solution to. Chances are you won't figure it out until just before I reveal the answers, but once you DO get it, everything will make sense, and you'll go, "OHHHH!! NOW I get it! It all makes sense now!"

This applies to every element of the story, from what I can tell.

Here's another thing I love- if you watch the show, you know what will happen- sort of.

Here's some thoughts for you to ponder as we go on to the next Chapter: 'Transformation,' 'Betrayal,' 'Aftershock.'

OH! Hey, by the way, peeps, I just did some research...

Remember that 'Lost Episode' of Teen Titans mentioned? Well, it's not hoax! Seriously, it really is an episode of Teen Titans made with the same quality as the actual show- it's just 12 minutes long.

Starfire: "Why does the Punk Rocket wish to hurt people with his music? Music is a glorious expression that is supposed to make one feel happy! "
Raven: "You obviously haven't heard any of my music."

^_^ Heheh. Isn't that an ironic coincidence...:chuckle: You'll see what I mean when I post the next Chapter...

By the way, check it out:


While I'm ay it, it seems that, due to popular demand, Teen Titans will, in fact, be having a fifth season. As happy as that makes me, I only hope that the team does eventually end the series while it's good- ya know, before the quality diminishes. The quality of many episodes in Season 3 have impressed me, and if it stays like that, I'll be fine.

What I don't get is why the name of the last three episodes of Season 4 is 'The End.'

Apparently, Season 5 will focus a lot more on Titans East, as well as some cameos of other DC heroes...That's, eh...Well, that's fine and all, but I've become REALLY attached to the current Titans, and I can't stand the thought of a whole new season without them...*sigh* I guess only time will tell, and if all else fails, I still have to worry about the fate of the Titans in THIS dimension. After all, I doubt that any threat in the show will compare to Kamek...

NOTE- Evil Pichu, have you forgotten that Bowser is a GOOD GUY? You make me sad. Then again, your mind hasn't been on Quest for Destiny! as of late, methinks. Had you read my recent updates, you would know that Bowser was a good guy.

Other ideas for the Winds of Fate?

Well, there's Inuyasha's tale, which, as 1000 Needles readers know, is linked to both 1000 Needles and Golden Sunrise, n'...Yea...everything else.

I'm amazed at how many of my readers (in a Tales of Symphonia fic) can recognize Sailor Moon characters when I don't describe them and don't even tell you their names...-_-'

Samurai Jack, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the likes of the Powerpuff Girls, Kim Possible (Plus Ron+Rufus, of course) and even the band Puffy AmiYumi wind up stuck with Inuyasha. You can imagine how thrilled he is.

I also have a one Chapter fic planned out starring the cast of Megas XLR + Giga Bowser, but...Don't know if I'll ever go anywhere with that one. Strictly one Chapter, it would be.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some Ganados to blow away.


Dec 19, 2002
Dang...if only I got the code to watch the lost episode. And if they make a whole season based upon Titans east I would be really upset seeing as I originally watched it because Robin was in it. Ok I decided to go read the Inuyasha fic next even if I don't know him seeing as Ron and Rufus from KP are in it =p. Well if anyone somehow gets the code for that special episode can you send it to me so I can watch it too? Well that's a lot of shows in Q4D you have. Teen Titans, Samurai Jack, Ninja Turtles, Powerpuff Girls, Kim Possible, Sailor Moon(?), and I'm not sure if you mean the Puffy AmiYumi show or the band. Oh and the question mark next to Sailor Moon is there because I have no idea why they're here.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
LOL, the Powerpuff Girls... you really like Cartoon Network don't you? :p

Well anyway, who/what the heck is Inuyasha? In almost EVERY website forum I visit, somebody has that word in their username.

As far as Bowser is concerned, I haven't read Q4D in ages. The last time I remember seeing Bowser was with Malon. I've forgotten a lot of things about Q4D; you'd be surprised...

In fact, that's probably the only downside to your fics. If you don't stick with them (or at re-read them from time to time), you'll forget some really important things, up to the point where you have to remind us (the readers) constantly of past events.

Anyway, I might take some time to write a true review later on...****it, I still can't get in the Lighthouse, and I hardly remember why I was banned from there, because it was months ago about some trivial thing.

I remember that. You argued with an admin about "spoiler tags" in a Paper Mario 2 discussion. Perhaps if you apologized in some way, they'd let you back in, but i'm not sure...

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Haha. You mean, YOU will forget things. I try to make sure I don't mess up with my writing. I even make a point of adding minor details just to proove I pay attention to my own stuff.

Remember the ice cream parlor? Did you catch the name of the street? I mentioned it twice. I took some time to look up the same of the street again so when the news reporter spoke about it, it felt more authentic.

I may forget random little bits here and there, but I never lose track of where a character is and what they are doing.

Matter of fact, I'd love to know where you get off talking about Malon and Bowser being in the same place- they never have, to this point. Either that, or perhaps they were in Q4D! Black, which I could care less about right now, up until a certain part.

I've mentioned Bowser and Malon in the same bit, but only because Bowser is linked to Malon's past- she wears a Bowser-face medallion, in case you haven't noticed.

Bowser was last seen with Megaman X characters (including my own variation on Roll), and that was my last update, sometime back in December, I believe. Not too long ago.

I shouldn't have to remind you of past events. If you're interested enough, you'll find out for yourself. If you're not, then you should still be able to get what's going on...but you won't fully enjoy what I try to put into it.

Besides, you forget that a lot of my readers have gone through all of Q4D! to this point STRAIGHT, so I doubt they forgot much over the course of one day of reading, know what I mean?

The Destinia Saga is a complex web, indeed, and I intend to keep it that way. I keep track of where everyone is, what they're all doing, and how it affects everyone else. The only thing I actually have to record is the DAY in relation to everyone else. That's about it.

Inuyasha is only a SUPER POPULAR ANIME, is all. ;)
By the way, bored folks...



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Smash Apprentice
Jul 17, 2003
Originally posted by Destiny Smasher
Well, well, EP; I'm impressed. ;)
Other ideas for the Winds of Fate?

Well, there's Inuyasha's tale, which, as 1000 Needles readers know, is linked to both 1000 Needles and Golden Sunrise, n'...Yea...everything else.

I'm amazed at how many of my readers (in a Tales of Symphonia fic) can recognize Sailor Moon characters when I don't describe them and don't even tell you their names...-_-'

Samurai Jack, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the likes of the Powerpuff Girls, Kim Possible (Plus Ron+Rufus, of course) and even the band Puffy AmiYumi wind up stuck with Inuyasha. You can imagine how thrilled he is.

I also have a one Chapter fic planned out starring the cast of Megas XLR + Giga Bowser, but...Don't know if I'll ever go anywhere with that one. Strictly one Chapter, it would be.
You can't restrict the cast of Megas XLR in one fic! Think of the potential of a giant robot with more plot devices than you can shake at and its pilot. If not, one could use their respective evil versions.


Dec 19, 2002
You can't restrict the cast of Megas XLR in one fic!
DS can do whatever he likes in his fics.

Anyways have any of you seen the last episode of Teen Titans for the third season? I liked it because it told what happened to the guy that escaped prison and it was really nice to have a fight between the original Titans and Titans East.
The part where Cyborg regenerated was cool too
. I hope that is the last of brother blood or I would get annoyed for having Cyborg as the leader of the Titans for the next season.

Even if this question is old I still wonder who activated Slade's mask that caused Robin to see, hear, and feel him in "Haunted".


Smash Journeyman
Feb 9, 2002
Are you sure that was the last episode of the season? I just saw a commercial for a new episode on Saturday.


Dec 19, 2002
That's quite simple actually. That is the second episode for the fourth season. The first one was on monday and yesterday it was the last episode for the third season. So that proves it was the last one. If you don't believe me go check somewhere on the internet.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.

New episodes of Teen Titans air on Saturday Nights here on the east coast of the US. Season 3 just ended. Season 4 will begin this Saturday, from what I can tell.

Anyway, Megas XLR having lots of plot devices...? Well, sure, but not as many as Quest for Destiny!, that's for f|_|c|<ing sure.

Anyway, who the he11 are you? :confused: Do I know you from somewhere? No offense, d00d.

Obviously, you don't understand what the Destinia Saga is all about...

Can someone enlighten him?

Oh, bah. I'll try.

OK. The Destinia Saga is a massive spider web of individual stories that all tie together and intertwine.

My Teen Titans fic can be isolated enough where Teen Titans fans can enjoy it, but its core is still connected to all the other Winds of Fate. In order to fully appreciate and understand everything I put into it, you need to read the rest of the Destinia Saga. In this case, just Q4D!, really. But if I were to put Inuyasha's plot in its own story, you'd have to read Golden Sunrise, 1000 Needles, Q4D!, AND that fic to understand everything about all the characters involved. Of course, he11 knows that I throw in little bits with other characters...

Malon, for example. Malon appears in Q4D!, Golden Sunrise, AND 1000 Needles. In order to see her whole story, you'd have to read all three. Why? Because that's how life is. I'll see so-and-so at lunch today, talk with them, etc., and they'll affect my day. Then, when they go home, they have their life with their family, and then their life with their friends. In order to see their whole life, you would have to look at all of these different factors, not just one.

Life is really just a huge network of people touching each other in some way or another.

The point of the Megas XLR fic would be...

Giga Bowser fights Megas...Kamek wants the power of Megas XLR...

He'd wind up getting the blueprints to Megas and creating his OWN bot- Ultimas.

You wouldn't SEE Ultimas in the Megas fic, but you WILL see Ultimas in Q4D!, and maybe even any of the Winds of Fate. But you wouldn't get the whole story unless you read them BOTH.

I try to appeal to certain audiences, while still connecting it all together. Such is the nature of all of my fics.

My fic writing started as a Pokemon fic, actually. It evolved into an immature version of Q4D!, until there was no distinguishing between the two, so I just started writing Q4D!.

Before that, I came up with the backbone of Yoshi's adventure, but had no crossover plans at all. Over 7 years, it evolved into the plot it is today, much of which you have yet to see, of course.

Anyway, I could go on forever and explain it all, but...It's just too complex for one sitting, and I find myself repeating it over and over, so maybe no one's really getting what I'm trying to do.

The closet games to my ideas are Kingdom Hearts and Super Smash Bros., but SSB games don't have any real PLOT.

By the way, I finished the last Chapter of TTX. I'll post some soon. I don't think I'll post it up all at once, though. I'll get at least SOME up today.


OK, back.

Here's some. We're gonna post in small increments, methinks, to make sure people reply and tell me what they think.


<-{--[ Begin Transmission ]--}->

The Destinia Saga...

Winds of Fate: The X Factor

Chapter 14- Numb

The room was surprisingly bright considering how bleak it was. At least, Raven's bed was bright. Moonlight from the full sphere in the sky poured in through her window as slow piano music came in gentle waves to her ears. She couldn't get to sleep, as tired as she was. Her mind was whirling with too many thoughts, and she kept feeling a bizarre premonition within her insides. She sat on her hip, slowly scanning the pages of the book that Tikal was familiar with. Tikal had been slowly teaching her how to read the words within. Fortunately, the language wrote in letters rather than words, but Raven still didn't understand what most of the words MEANT. She knew a little bit now after hours of being taught over recent days, but most of the concepts still eluded her. Raven was interested in learning the story itself more than how to read it. The pictures helped to tell a story, however. Currently, Raven was gazing at the picture of the strange star creature that Tikal and Tay had reviewed carefully. Something about the picture radiated familiarity, though Raven knew she had never seen such a being in her life.

She had been doing this for the past half hour or so, desperately trying to derail her brain from the tracks they had been set on by the evening's events. She didn't want to worry about failure, or death, or anything of the sort. Ironically, she was only finding more of it in this book, but at least this wasn't her life. But her thoughts couldn't help but wander back to the relentless night that they had experienced. As she began to worry about what the future would hold, she remembered Destiny Smasher's words the other night.

(This must be what he was talking about,) Raven concluded. (He knew these things would happen. He knows what WILL happen...)

Raven's body jolted and she let out a small gasp when she heard her door knock. It wasn't rapped very hard, but Raven's room echoed sounds easily, and noises sounded louder in her room than they did in the hall.

"...Um...Hello?" she croaked. She quickly realized it was Starfire, because she could tell by the fashion in which she had knocked. "Come in," she added.

There was a pause as she could hear Starfire entering in the passcode on the wall beside the door, and the door swung open shortly afterward. Starfire slowly walked in, but Raven couldn't see her in the dark as she came. As she stared at the shadowy figure, she could tell how low on energy the Tamaranian was by the way she walked.

"Good night, Raven," Starfire whispered solemnly. "I am...unable to slumber. Would I be able to borrow a compact disk of sound to help me sleep?"

"Of course," Raven answered, closing her book and levitating out of her bed. She lazily floating to her bookshelf and pointed to a small section of CD's. "They're right here. You can borrow any of them- I'll let you know when I want them back."

Starfire took a deep breath, and an exhausted sigh resulted. "I thank you, dear friend." As she lit up her hand with green light, Raven hovered by her side patiently, sensing that Starfire was just as distraught as she was.

No conversation was carried out as Starfire selected one and bid her friend to sleep well, then left the room as quickly and mysteriously as she had entered.

As she left, she passed through the moonlight for a second or two, and Raven could see her eyes and the bags beneath them. She knew that Starfire felt guilt for what had ocurred that night, but she didn't know why. Raven didn't know about Robin's date with Kitten, nor was she aware to what Starfire had done. All the same, she could tell from Starfire's face that something had happened between her and Robin, and it hadn't been good.


Breakfast was remarkably quiet that morning. Not a single word had passed between the Titans, and they drearily went about their business eating in silence.

As Cyborg poked at his scrambled eggs, he let out a deep sigh and stared around the kitchen. His fellow Titans were chewing on bacon, drinking orange juice, swallowing waffles, slurping coffee, and other various things of the sort. He broke the eery quiet by asking sullenly, "So...Who else didn't any sleep last night...?"

Everyone in the room either raised their hand or nodded in reply, though none really bothered to look up at him.

"Thought so," Cyborg mumbled, shaking his head slowly.

"I got some sleep," Link announced calmly as he entered the room with Terra.

"I didn't," Terra grumbled with a yawn. For another few minutes, nothing was said while food was ingested, accompanied by stretching and groaning.

The whole team wasn't present, though, particularly their leader, and as time passed, they began to wonder what became of him.

"Very quiet this morning," Tikal whispered to Sonic as she poured him a cup of coffee.

"Yea," he softly answered back. "Amy's not around..."

"She's doing laundry. She wasn't very pleased with the purple moth blood on her clothes."

"I dunno, it made her look like she was actually DOING something for a change," Sonic mused. "I still don't know where the hell she got that sword from..."

"I believe I have an idea..." Tikal murmured thoughtfully. Before she could express her hypothesis, Starfire trudged her way into the room.

She shared baggy, bloodshot eyes like everyone else, though she looked a bit more frightening, as she had red lines contrasted on her green eyes where white would be on a human. Her long hair, which was usually combed with care, was dishevled, and strands were sticking out in all directions. She was fumbling around in the fridge, and she emerged with a oddly shaped periwinkle pot covered with wavy, dark purple designs. She carried the small, ceramic object to the counter beside the fridge and slowly lifted the cap off, sniffing the contents within.

She took a small sip from it and coughed a little as she placed the lid back on shakily.

"Starfire," Raven called drowsily. "Do you know where Robin is...?"

Starfire, facing the wall, stood silent, closing her eyes slowly.

"...He left..." she murmured slowly. "I am...not certain where he is located, but I do know that he has left the Tower..."

Raven cocked a brow and turned to Cyborg, who shrugged.

"You think maybe he went shopping?" Beastboy grumbled, half awake, as he munched on a pancake. He was too sleepy to realize that they weren't dairy free, though he may not have cared too much at the time, anyway.

"That doesn't sound like Robin," Raven muttered suspiciously as she eyed Starfire's sloppy demeanor.

"He can take care of himself," Cyborg chuckled. "I think he knows what he's doing..."

"Yea," Raven agreed slowly as she waited for Star to come and sit down. She felt more and more uneasy for every moment she waited. As Starfire finally did sit down, she clutched her pot tenderly and sipped from it slowly.

"What about the Brothers?" Terra mumbled curiously.

"M. n' L.?" Sonic checked. "I think they said they were going to start repairs on the T-Car."

Cyborg's brows lifted. "What?" he quipped. "Wait...They're fixin' my baby?"

"That was their plan," Tikal repsonded, glancing to a nodding Sonic.

Cyborg was speechless for a moment or two and shrugged. "...I'm down with that..." he murmured. There were a few moments of tranquility as the dialogue ended.

"So, um...-" Raven was feeling uncomfortable from the silence, so she fumbled to start it back up again. "What do we do...?" She glanced to Cyborg, who assumed command duties by default when Robin wasn't around.

"...W-...I dunno," he groaned. "I guess we'd usually do training and patrols, but...I think we need some time to recoop."

Raven nodded at his response and let the conversation end when she noticed that no one wished to continue. She turned her gaze to Starfire's dull expression, and her head began to throb slightly.

"Starfire, I've got something to show you," she informed her quietly. As she got up from her stool at the kitchen's island, she grabbed Starfire's tan arm and eased her to follow. The Tamaranian dragged her feet for a moment or two as he placed the lid on her small pottery, then traced her path through the halls of the Tower for a couple of minutes until they reached Raven's bedroom. Raven stepped to the access panel to enter her code, but as she did, the door slid open- it wasn't locked.

"Strange..." she whispered. "I know I locked it this morning..."

"EVerything is strange as of late," Starfire mumbled darkly.

After giving Starfire a worried glance, Raven held out a hand, signaling her friend to proceed. After Starfire stepped inside, Raven entered, closing the door- and locking it- behind her.

"Soooo...What's going on?" Raven asked bluntly, her brows furrowing with concern.

Starfire blinked at her a few times, apparently unaware of what she was talking about. Raven stared at her expectantly and placed her hands on her hips, leaning forward.

"Starfire, I KNOW that something happened. You're going to tell me what it is, aren't you?"

Starfire shook her head slowly and muttered, "I do not understand...I am tired, yes. I am discouraged, as well, as we all are, but...-"

"But you're upset about something beyond that," Raven declared with suspicion. "It's about Robin again, isn't it? What did he do? I swear, if-"

"Robin did not do anything wrong," Starfire firmly replied, sitting down on Raven's bed as she popped open her jar. "He is...frustrated...And I do not blame him..." She spoke in a sullen voice and drank from her pot in small sips.

Raven carefully scanned her best friend and was disappointed. Starfire was hiding something. It pained Raven to realize that she was getting better and better at doing it.

When Starfire noticed the gaze she was getting from Raven, she felt a pang of guilt to top the already enormous amount she was drowning in.

"I...I thank you for your compact disc of music," she muttered, attempting to cover up the subject. "I enjoy your earthly songs. They are...less chaotic than most Tamaranian works."

"I'll bet they are," Raven answered quietly, taking a seat beside Starfire. Star paused before deciding to share the beverage in her hand with Raven. She held the red, quart-sized jar to Raven with care.

"Would you care to try some Jango berry juice?" she offered, trying her best to sound like herself.

Raven glanced into the dark pot at the translucent purple liquid.

"Um...Sure. Thanks." She grasped the pot in her hands and tilted it up just enough to slide some of the juice into her mouth. As she swallowed, she coughed violently and grabbed her chest in pain as it drizzled down her throat like lava. She passed the container back to Starfire shakily, continuing to cough. Starfire immediately slapped Raven's back to help clear her passageway. When she could breath again, Raven scraped her tongue with her teeth as the awful aftertaste was left over. It tasted like...

"...Alcohol...?" Raven choked, rubbing her head as a small daze swept over her.

Starfire nodded calmly before taking another small sip.

"You should not inhale such large quantities in one gulp," she informed Raven. "Would you like some more?" she wondered cheerfully.

"No," Raven groaned, shaking her head and waving her hand as she grasped her stomach. After she watched Starfire take another shot, she asked, "How much alcohol is in that...?"

Starfire tapped her chin thoughtfully and replied, "Jangoberries contain approximately fifty percent ethy-"

"FIFTY...?" Raven gasped out, her jaw dropping. "Starfire, how much of that...juice...have you been drinking...?"

"I believe I have consumed half a quart thus far," Starfire theorized, peering into the pottery like a curious chimpanzee.

Raven took a moment to ingest that information. Why was Starfire drinking alcohol? Surely she wasn't naive to what such a drug did. Did she even know it was illegal for a girl her age to consume it at all?

"...S-Starfire," Raven sputtered, caught in a state of shock. "...Y-...Wh-...Don't you know that drinking that is bad for you...?"

Starfire nodded slowly, her glazed eyes gazing into the jar thoughtfully.

"I am very aware of the effects of alcohol on the body," she announced calmly. "I am also aware of the laws that state that a person my age should not consume such a substance. However, this law appiles to HUMANS..." Raven felt a tingle run through her spine as she listened to Starfire's sly reasoning. This wasn't like her. The legal details were irrelevant; Raven was concerned about Starfire's well-being.

"...All right, Starfire..." She held out her palm, and the Tamaranian gasped as the pot in her hands flew out of her grasp in a layer of shadows. Starfire didn't object; however, her short, red brows furrowed and she bit her bottom lip for a moment.

"Starfire," Raven calmly said, her tone solemn. "Can you tell me why you think you should be drinking that?"

Starfire stared at the ground in silence for a second or two, and Raven could see frustration in the way her hands were trembling in rhythm. She could see guilt leaking from her friend's eyes.

There was no response, though Raven waited patiently for a minute or so. An answer came at last in the form of a single tear that clung to her eye stubbornly, only to be wiped away.

"...What happened?" Raven whispered sadly. She leaned forward and clasped her hands together between her legs. She quickly flipped her hair behind her right ear so she could see Starfire and sat quietly as she waited for more information. "It's about Robin..." Raven concluded, her eyes narrowing slightly.

"...He is right..." Starfire mumbled, shaking her head slowly.

A thick, black brow on Raven's head creaked up as her curiosity was piqued.

"About what?" she wondered.

Starfire's eyes widened in an instant, and her head spun to Raven's face.

"...It is-..." Starfire's teeth clenched as her eyebrows curved up fretfully. "...I do not wish to talk about it..." she mumbled, shaking her head. "Not right now..."

Raven sighed and nodded in understanding. She leaned into Starfire's side and slid a consoling arm over her shoulder.

"It's all right, Star," she murmured with a weak smile. "Everyone is feeling upset after what happened last night. You're not alone. Just remember, Star- we all tried our best; there was nothing more we could do."

Raven watched as Starfire froze up at the comment, and she felt her heart become paralyzed as she saw the Tamaranian's face contort with sadness and drip water. Starfire jumped to her feet and began to brush away at her face frantically.

"...Star...?" Raven gasped out as she lifted herself up and latched a palm on the girl's arm. "Starfire, you KNOW you can tell me what's wrong...Did Robin say something to you...?" she questioned with a hint of anger. As she stared at a sniffling Starfire, she quickly processed a hypothesis.

(Robin hates failure...) she reasoned. (And we certainly failed last night...Starfire must have caught him at a bad time and he snapped at her. He's probably really angry right now, and that's why he's not here. He took out his aggression on her, and...he must be feeling guilty, so he left to spend some time alone...Mm. That must be what's going on.)

"Starfire, don't worry," Raven reassured her sympathetically. "Robin's just frustrated right now."

"He is mad..." Starfire told her with a sniff. "...Mad at ME..."

That said, Starfire made a hasty retreat. She propelled herself out of the room with her feet and dashed down the hall quietly with Raven gliding behind in pursuit. As they raced down the hall, Raven would catch up, and Starfire would shake her off. They made it to the Tamaranian's room not too far down the hallway, and Raven watched her friend enter in desperation.

"Starfire!!" her slightly raspy voice shouted as the door to Starfire's room shut itself in her face.

Raven stood with her hands plastered to the door for a few moments, observing the handmade mural on Starfire's cold, metal door. She noticed something that disturbed her greatly. A line with a red heart over it had been painted between Starfire's name and Robin's small birdarang picture. At least, that's how it had been the last time Raven had checked. Now, the heart was no longer red; the object had been scribbled over in black.


Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Oh dear... looks like Starfire is undergoing a disturbing change of behaviour. She's starting to become... shall we say... dark. She's drinking alcoholic beverages for crying out loud!

I predict that Starfire's change in nature will be like a plague; fast to develop, and even faster in its devastation to people nearby.

"OK. The Destinia Saga is a massive spider web of individual stories that all tie together and intertwine. My Teen Titans fic. . . its core is still connected to all the other Winds of Fate.

In order to. . . understand everything I put into it, you need to read the rest of the Destinia Saga. . . you'd have to read Golden Sunrise, 1000 Needles, Q4D!, AND that fic to understand everything. . .

It's just too complex for one sitting, and I find myself repeating it over and over, so maybe no one's really getting what I'm trying to do."
Correct, this is VERY complex. I just now realized that i'll be reading these stories for a very long time, before they finally come to their exciting conclusions. I am NOT saying that they are a waste of time. If I felt that way, I would have quit reading a long time ago. ;)

In order for me (or anyone) to fully experience the magic that is the Destinia Saga, we'd have to be almost completely dedicated to the stories. To memorize every single character and where they are at any time, and to understand (AND memorize) the enormous pile of important events that occur. I am capable of doing this (with a little program I like to call Notepad), for the most part, but I fear that many of your other readers will have neither the time, patience, or brain capacity to stick with it (perhaps some of the readers over on fanfiction.net...).

I feel that if I continue reading, and stick with Quest For Destiny till the very end, the climax will be more rewarding than I can even imagine. Of course, only YOU can determine that, Ed.


Dec 19, 2002
Great update. Even if everyone is tired why is Cyborg tired? He can just recharge himself. Also I think Starfire drinking too much alcolhol is bad. Why does she even drink that stuff?


Smash Apprentice
Feb 1, 2004
apparently, robin AND starfire think that it was starfire's fault that people died. my guess is, is that raven is going to defend starfire (against starfire's will), which is going to make robin even angrier and then... well I can't really safely guess anything past that.

of course while this is all going on, the other titans are probably going to say that it was no ones fault (like raven), except tay, who will blame the entire thing on herself. which will make robin even madder, and tay will probably get mad at everyone else since they'll all tell her it wasn't her fault.

I really like how you've brought along Starfire as a character from her animated version. This is a side you invented, which we all know SHOULD exist but never get to see. Starfire is ALMOST as well done as Raven which is saying something. I LOVE IT.

I'm wondering if the events in your fic are going to tie into the episode of teen titans where starfire undergoes the transformation causing her to go off. Though with your fic, who knows??

Excellent job.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Well, thanks for the comments there, folks.

Dan-E, despite the fact that I have NO CLUE what you're talking about as far as Tay goes, you ARE on to something with the 'Transformation.' How COULD I ignore it?

That's like ignoring PUBERTY.

Um...Yea. I really am pleased with where I'm going with Starfire, and incredibly depressed at the same time.

Anyway, here's some more.


"She won't talk to me; she won't even LOOK at me!" Beastboy groaned, slumping on the couch. After a moment, Cyborg responded in a hysterical fit.

"MAN! Stupid little...Oh, you wanna piece o' this? BRING IT!!"

Beastboy rolled his eyes and waved his arm in Cyborg's face.

"DUDE! Are you even listening?? You're yelling at the video game!!"

Cyborg blinked at him blankly for a moment and shrugged.

"Yea, man, I'm listenin'." He answered, placing the controller in his lap. "What do ya want ME to do about it- MAKE her talk to you?"

Beastboy dropped his arm back to his side and let a sigh of despair pour out.

"Guess you're right..." he mumbled dully. "But there's gotta be SOMETHING I can do, right?"

Cyborg gave him a clueless shrug and shook his head.

"You'd be better off gettin' one of the girls to help you out on this one, man. Maybe one of THEM knows what her deal is."

Beastboy nodded and furrowed his brows. "I know, I tried that already. Raven talked to her...But she told Raven that she's not mad at me."

Cyborg began to play his video game again, and he continued to listen.

"Maybe she ISN'T mad you. Ever thought of that?"

"If she's not mad at me, what IS it, then??" Beastboy growled, scratching at his hair in frustration.

"Yo, B!" Cyborg clutched his shoulder firmly with his solid left hand. "Just chill, man, a'ight? Whatever it is, she wants to take care of it by herself."

"But she doesn't HAVE TO-"

"She WANTS to," Cyborg corrected him. "And that's what matters, right? Give her time, man, she'll explain things later."

"How do you know that?" the green boy demanded suspiciously.

"I don't," Cyborg replied, turning back to his game. "But she will."

They heard the door slide open in the background, but neither turned their heads to see who it was. A few seconds later, they heard Raven ask them a question from behind.

"Have either of you seen Robin yet?" she wondered.

Beastboy shook his head as he observed her face. Her brows were curved inward and she appeared to be distraught.

"What you do need him for?"

Raven fidgeted with her stray lock of hair as her eyes darted about carefully.

"I need to talk to him. It's important," she informed him. "If you see him, tell him, all right?"

"Gotcha, Ray," Cyborg muttered.

After watching Beastboy turn his head back to the TV, Raven peered over the couch's spine to see Cyborg's sullen face. She could only see his red eye and the metal side of his face.

"So, um...Cyborg," she murmured casually, "Wwwwhen are we going...?"

Cyborg paused his game and glanced at her eager face, confused. After a second, his light-bulb eye flash slightly, so it seemed, as he remembered what he had told her the night before.

"...Oh, yea," he mumbled. Raven's heart sank when she saw his expression turn apologetic. "Listen, Ray...I'm just...I'm really not in the mood, ya know? After what happened last night, n' everything..."

"Oh." Raven tried to keep her face from frowning in disappointment. "I guess you're right," she mumbled, twirling one of the drawstrings to her hood in her finger.

"Sorry," Cyborg said to her with a sigh. "I just don't think I'd have any fun." He realized that Raven would probably take that comment personally, as if he were to say he wouldn't enjoy spending time with her, so he quickly corrected himself. "I mean, I'd just be bringin' you down."

"Mm..." Raven hummed with a slight nod. She had practive hiding her emotions, and she was using that skill readily at the moment.

Cyborg cooked up something to say to give her some condolence when she started to leave. He knew she had been looking forward to it; the two hardly spent any time with each other.

"Listen, if you want to...I could use some help fixin' up the T-Car..."

Her head rotated around to give him a small smile.

"...Shhhure, I can help with that," she told him quietly. "When are you...-?"

"Uhhh...Around five."

"OK," she said, her hope restored.

"Why don't you go hang out with Star, Ray?" Cyborg suggested as he went back to playing his game.

"Yea, she's always happy, n' stuff," Beastboy declared. "I'll bet she could make you feel better."

Raven stood in silence for a moment or two, though neither of her friends noticed. After reflecting on that comment, Raven took her leave, her demeanor as solemn and upset as when she had entered the room.


"What's wrong?"

Tikal avoided Sonic's glaring green eyes as they paced down the hallway.

"If you're still upset about last night...-"

Tikal closed her eyes as she was overwhelmed by thoughts. She held her palm up before Sonic's face and muttered, "Sonic, I am sorry, but I simply do not wish to talk about this right now. There are better things to worry about than your argument with Amy..."

Sonic cocked an eyebrow and opened his mouth, but no speech came out for a moment or two. He stood, dumbfounded, as Tikal briskly walked ahead.

"What are you TALKING about? Who CARES about that??" he growled, tossing his arms. He quickly caught up to her. "I was talking about the MOTH things...ya KNOW..." He flapped his arms a little to immitate the bizarre creatures.

"Oh...Um, right, of course," Tikal mumbled, her cheeks reddening. "That...WOULD be more important, wouldn't it...?"

"Well, not in your mind, apparently," Sonic answered slyly, trying to coax out what was really on Tikal's mind.

"...Nnn...No," Tikal admitted in a whisper. "I-I know I should be, but...I understand how dire the situation is, but I cannot help-..." She glanced up to Sonic when she realized how flustered she was acting and tried to calm down. "When I saw you and Amy last night, it made me feel very uncomfortable-"

"If you're worried that I'm gonna ditch you and hook up with her, you're crazy," Sonic announced boldly with a laugh. When he noticed that she was still gritting her teeth, he saw the doubt in her glazed, sapphire eyes, and he took on a more serious tone. "I never ever THOUGHT of doing that," he told her. "I could care less what Amy does," he spat out, shaking his head. He carefully stretched his hand out to her and clasped her palm in his own. He stared deep into her eyes and assured her quietly, "I'm not gonna let you down, got it?"

Tikal stared at him, her eyes still wet. She flung his hand out of hers and huffed, taking a step away from him.

"You already are," she whispered coldly. That said, Tikal took no time in escaping from her 'unofficial' boyfriend, and Sonic spent no effort attempting to catch up with her. He stood in a stupefied state instead.

(Isn't it supposed to make a girl HAPPY when you tell 'em that?) he wondered, completely in the dark.


Raven had decided to pay Starfire a visit, seeing as how the Tamaranian girl hadn't shown her face for the past few hours; she was obviously upset. The hall was deathly quiet for most of her journey upstairs, which came as no surprise. The day thus far had been composed mostly of silence and tranquility, and Raven was hard-pressed to find anyone in the mood to go for a walk outside. A sense of irony was beginning to sweep over Raven as she noticed how half of the Titans were locked up in their rooms, refusing to come out.

When she had visited Tenochtitlan, the girl had creaked her door open just enough so Raven could see her eye in its black glory. The conversation ended quite quickly, and the door was shut in Raven's face. It was at that very moment that Raven could remember all the times she had done the very same thing to her friends, and guilt was seeping out of her heart. Every single time she had done that to Starfire, in particular, rattled at her brain like a hailstorm. She had a sudden urge to go to her best friend and try to 'make-up' for all those moments; however, irony wasn't done playing games with her.

As she entered the correct hallway, she could hear familiar music echoing across the walls. Curiosity took control and drove her to Starfire's door, where, to her surprise, Beastboy was standing, scratching his head. The muffled song could be heard through Starfire's door. It wasn't ear-drum popping, but it was easily noticed as one passed by. The tune began to emerge from Raven's memory as she approached.

"Isn't that-...?"

Beastboy's eyes popped open for a brief moment when he noticed her.

"Raven!" he cried.

"Shh!" Raven commanded, holding her index finger to her lips and nudging his shoulder. She stood before the door beside her green ally, her thick eyebrows creeping downward in concentration.

"I've passed by her room three times," Beastboy said quietly in her ear. "Every time, she's playing this song. Last time I checked, Star doesn't listen to Linkin Park."

"No," Raven answered as the tune continued to creep out of her memories. "She didn't..."

(But I DID,) she reminded herself. (This must be that CD she borrowed from me...)

"Hey, you know this song, don't you?" Beastboy wondered, his voice raising to a more casual level. Raven nodded as her face metamorphosized into a nervous one. As the song ended, Raven scrambled within her memories to dig up the words. As they surfaced, the song began to play again.

"See? She has it on repeat," Beastboy grumbled. "Dude, what's her deal? Talk about weird..."

Raven ignored him and leaned her back against the door, crossing her arms over her chest as she put her thoughftul face back on.

Beastboy gave her a puzzled glance with wide eyes before shrugging the entire situation off and proceeding down the same hall Raven had come from. Raven closed her eyes and began to sink into the song as it played. As the lyrics washed over her like waves from a lake, she began to try and comprehend why Starfire would be playing the song over and over.

"I'm tired of being what you want me to be
Feeling so faithless lost under the surface
Don't know what you're expecting of me
Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes
(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)
Every step that I take is another mistake to you
(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)

I've become so numb I can't feel you there
I've become so tired so much more aware
I'm becoming this all I want to do
Is be more like me and be less like you

Can't you see that you're smothering me
Holding too tightly afraid to lose control
Cause everything that you thought I would be
Has fallen apart right in front of you
(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)
Every step that I take is another mistake to you
(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)
And every second I waste is more than I can take

I've become so numb I can't feel you there
I've become so tired so much more aware
I'm becoming this all I want to do
Is be more like me and be less like you

And I know
I may end up failing too
But I know
You were just like me with someone disappointed in you

I've become so numb I can't feel you there
I've become so tired so much more aware
I'm becoming this all I want to do
Is be more like me and be less like you

I've become so numb I can't feel you there
I'm tired of being what you want me to be
I've become so numb I can't feel you there
I'm tired of being what you want me to be..."

(NOTE- Obviously, I do not own the lyrics to this song. Linkin Park plays it, folks.)

As the song quieted, Raven was haunted by its eerily familiar words. As she suddenly came to grips with the fact that the song would start up again, she knocked at the door in desperation and called out, "Starfire! It's Raven!" She waited in suspense as she heard the stereo in Starfire's room silence and the footsteps of the Tamaranian as she approached the door.

The door opened slowly, but only just enough where Raven could see half of Starfire's face. Her bloodshot eyes were quite disturbing, as her red blood vessels were laid upon a light green background.

"What is your request?" Starfire asked gloomily.

"...wh-...Well, I was wondering if...maybe...we could talk...You know, about whatever's wrong..."

"I do not wish to discuss the matter," Starfire snapped bitterly. Raven could smell the alcohol from that 'juice' she had been drinking; it seemed she had consumed some more since they has last met. "I only wish to be left alone. It is my punishment," she murmured, her voice shrouded in shadow.

Leaving Raven in a shocked and puzzled paralysis, Starfire shut the door in her face for the second time that day. Raven was much less willing to give up this time, however. She pounded the door with her fists a few times, screaming at her friend.

"What punishment?!? Starfire, what are you talking about?? Why aren't you telling me what's wrong??"

As the stereo blasted back on, Raven tossed her arms down in surrender as she let a small stream of water drip down her face.

(How is this happening??) She demanded in her mind. (What is making Starfire act like this...?)

What disturbed Raven the most was who Starfire was reminding her of- herself.

(Once I get my hands on Robin, he's giving me answers,) Raven concluded in anger as she clenched up her fists. She couldn't stand to see Starfire this way, and she felt sure that Robin was the reason for her acting this way.


Seriously, though, people- READ MEGATOKYO.

No, really. I mean it. No, REALLY. You should. Seriously. For real.


I love this stuff even more than VG Cats, and that's saying something.

It's got a great mix of comedy and seriousness. It's just amazing. Once you take the time to read the first 200 or so, and you get into the 300's, you'll begin to realize why this comic r0x0rz so hard.

And if you're whimpering because 300 sounds like a lot, it's not. You can breeze through a good 50 in a half hour, depending on your net speed, etc.

Me? I just archive 'em, about 50 a day, and then read them all. That way, when I run out, I'm not spending any more time reading 'em, because I'm seriously addicted here.


Dec 19, 2002
Great update. Starfire has gone too far with all that stuff. It's bad for her and she still does it. Also about the MegaTokyo thing, I read some and didn't like it. Too much perverted people. The comic is perverted itself at times. So I don't like it.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Perverted, eh?

How old are you?

That aside, which ones did you READ? You DO realize that there are over 600 comics strips in this series right now, right? You DID start at the beginning, I presume?

If you did, and stopped shortly thereafter, then I sigh, because guess what? If you think megatokyo is perverted, then...Well, my opinion is that you aren't too tolerant. Myself, on the otherhand, can discuss issues of sexuality in either a joking manner or a serious one and not crumple up.

So, anyway, don't read the rest of this Chapter, MM2002, because if you think MT is perverted, I'm thinkin' you're gonna be pretty offended by a scene coming up shortly. So don't read it, if that sort of thing offends you.

That comic, by the way, does not have a lot of perverted people. Maybe about 2 from a cast of at least 10 or so.

Of course, I don't think the comic is perverse because I've SEEN perverse. Being sexually abused is perverted. When you've been where I've been, the stuff I see in that comic isn't so bad.

VG Cats is just as perverse, but in a more double-entendre way. It's still perverse, if you wanna debate that. And ya know it? I still think it's hilarious.

By the way, too MANY perverted people, not too much. :p But now I'm just nitpicking in its defense, as I love it so.

Emotionally powerful yet completely hilarious at the same time.

So, since no one else replied (and MT just got dissed) I'm not posting up anymore right now.

Call me a bigot if you want- it's my writing.

By the way, MM2002, if you think Largo is perverted, (which he is, in some bizarre, sincere way) you'll think Tenochtitlan is perverted, too.

Bah. I'll just specify the scene so you don't have submit yourself to it.


Dec 19, 2002
Actually I read the first 145 about and I stopped after my internet acted stupid. I'm 14 by the way and since I start imagining what I read I found it too gross cuz that guy started flirting with HIGHT SCHOOL GIRLs and he GRADUATED FROM COLLEGE. Plus the girl looked into his notebook and said that he drew better than her brother and stuff. I still liked the crappy drawing ones where the guy said the person was sick or whatever because they were poor quality ones. Oh and any slight mention of nudity makes me sick because it reminds me of my "friends" in Japan who watched pr0n since a long time ago even if they were too young O_o. That's why I couldn't tolerate it. Other than that they BROUGHT pr0n to my house to of course I am grossed out by that stuff. Now flirting, I don't mind so much, but mention of nudity then it's kinda far. sexually abused...kinda too far for me. Since that guy who lost his bag drew nudity in his notebook and the girl didn't mind so much, it grossed me out. Plus I am too lazy to read them ALL...mostly cuz of exams. But still, I did like the humor in it. Anyways I'm going to study more for the exams so I can't talk more about it. bye.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 9, 2002
Hmm, it seems Raven has gotten over Link, you don't act around friends how she did around Cyborg. Unless she doesn't know if he does think of her as a friend, but at this point in the story I doubt that.

On the more serious side something big for Beastboy-Tenochititlan and Starfire-Robin is gonna happen soon, which should make for some good scenes, though who knows how they will turn out.

If you do use what happened in "Transformation", I'm guessing it will be to make things even worse for Starfire at this time, and to bring Robin and Starfire back together.

So, since no one else replied (and MT just got dissed) I'm not posting up anymore right now.
More story. :chuckle:


Smash Apprentice
Feb 1, 2004
I've been over at narutofan waiting for the new manga release with all of my internet time, but the forums just went down so i skipped over here for a while.

Nothing really much to comment on except maybe the Cyborg/Raven thing which I can only guess at, and at this point my guess is as good as anyones.

meh. I'm really looking forward to Raven confronting Robin, but that's just me.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
. . . any slight mention of nudity makes me sick because it reminds me of my "friends" in Japan who watched pr0n since a long time ago even if they were too young O_o.
I understand that pain, MM2002. There are only a handful of things that scare me in this world, and one is Japanese p0rn. I learned that the hard way, after I downloaded what I THOUGHT was a Sonic fangame off the internet. :crazy: I'll just stop right there.

I'm siding with MM on this one. I'm truly sorry, but I have better things to read in my spare time, like The X Factor. Maybe when i'm a little older i'll find it humorous, but in my current teen-aged state, not really.

How many pages of MT did I read? It doesn't matter, because no matter what I say, you'll defend Megatokyo with another detailed statement.

I mean no disrespect, but, what the heck do you WANT me to do? Lie to you and say "OMG, Megatokyo is really great!"?

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Of course not!

I love Resident Evil 4. If someone goes and tells me that the game is perverted because the main female character wears a short skirt, I'm still gonna defend the game, because it ROX. If someone doesn't like it, that's fine. But it doesn't mean that the people at Capcom wasted their time and didn't create a quality product.

First of all, what the he11 is 'pr0n?' Guessing that's a way of skipping some filter. It's partially in l33t. Come to think of it, that's another purpose to l33t, isn't it? Detracting from the point.

Let me clear something up for you, MM2002.

This is talking from personal experience.

Megatokyo does not have 'pr0n.' Piro (the guy who drew those pictures) did NOT draw 'pr0n.' To be exact, he drew girls with very little clothes on.

Another thing- it was his SKETCHBOOK. To an artist, it was like his DIARY.

And this isn't defending Piro or Megatokyo, this is me defending one of my friends- the same friend who drew Destiny Smasher for me.

My friend often draws his characters with no clothes on. Why? Because in order to draw humanoid characters realistically, you have to know what their anatomy looks like. He's not a sicko, or a pervert- he's trying to draw his characters more realistically. Matter of fact, he draws them with no clothes first, then he adds clothes on them afterward, in many cases. I know he's not the only artist that does it, so before you go calling any artist who does that a 'pervert,' try to look at things from their perspective first.

By the way, when Piro was 'flirting' with high school girls, the GIRLS were the ones hitting on HIM. His 'conscience,' a character in the fic (who is actually an incarnation of the character's real-life girlfriend at the time, wife now) scolded Piro quite harshly on the matter, and ever since, he has been trying like he11 to stay away from this 15 year old girl who obsesses about him. He doesn't really want anything to do with her.

I can side with Piro on that, but don't think I'm some fan of 'pr0n.' My BROTHER gets in trouble all the time for looking it up, saving it, printing it out and hiding it, while I had never seen a naked girl until my dad showed me one of my brothers pictures. Blech. Not my thing.

However, if nobody here is mature enough to talk about 'pr0n,' then perhaps we don't want to read the next segment of TTX.


Because it was nudity in it.

Yes, that's right. Megatokyo-influenced? Not by a long shot. I wrote it before I even started reading the comic.

So why would I write such a scene? Because I had more confidence in my audience to not be all 'OHMYGOODNESS' about the subject. I'm not advocating 'pr0n' by any means, but guess what? People are born with no clothes on, folks.

I'm sure EP knows more than anyone around here that I could go on and on about any topic like this and debate it thoroughly with a solid base of reasoning. I'm not saying that my side is right for everyone. What I'm saying is that you can't judge something just because it's different.

'Japanese pr0n.' That's rich. As if Americans are better somehow. :beezo: Need I point to the channel entitled 'Comedyt Central' or mention the term 'Playboy?'


Um...Nudity? From what a Naruto-freak friend of mine tells me, yes, indeedy. Does that deform the quality? No. It is the creator's vision.

(How many pages of MT did I read? It doesn't matter, because no matter what I say, you'll defend Megatokyo with another detailed statement.)

And there's something WRONG with defending something I love?

You wouldn't defend something that YOU love- a person, a place, an idea, a game, or a webcomic?

Whatever, maybe you get the idea.

My point is that I don't think you should go around judging someone when you don't get the full story.

If there's anything the pisses me off personally, it's when someone makes assumptions about me that aren't true.

Why do I have a segment of TTX with nudity? Is it because I'm a pervert, or is it because I'm expressing myself and using it as a tool to develop an idea in a story?

Any of the 'perverse' stuff in Megatokyo, in my friend's art, or in my fic is all done with a purpose far higher than just being 'perverted.'

Sexual child abuse is perverted, mm'kay?

A shy, sulking artist drawing anime chicks with only their underwear on and NOT showing it to people is far from that same level.

Now, see, your 'friends,' as you called them, I would detest, because they must have showed 'pr0n' to you when you didn't want to. I'll go with that, that's very valid- they shouldn't have done that, for sure.

But it's their business what they look up on the internet. If my brother wants to look up 'pr0n,' who am I to stop him? Now, see, when he saves it on my sister's computer, and she winds up seeing it unknowingly, THAT is just dumb.

Wow. Here I am, defending 'pr0n' is some sense, and tonight I'm writing a paper defending homosexuality, yet I've never looked up 'pr0n' and I'm far from being gay. :confused:

Injustice, I dislike. Judging someone else without the proper understanding, I find unjust.

Fortunately, the people at World's Finest will not spew flames at me because I have a scene of nudity in my fic and shrivel in disgust.

The reason I defend Megatokyo is not just because I love it and admire the way it can tell such an intricate story (you will understand the complexity as you get past 300 or so) so effectively and be hilarious but emotionally powerful at the same...*gasp* But also because I can relate with its characters and can see how the author/artist uses 'perverse' topics to add realism to the story, as well as being humorous.


This is why I like Megatokyo. Until this point, Megatokyo was cool. After I got through this entire scene, I realized that the author was heading in a nice direction with the style.

All the background I'll tell you is that Piro (glasses) and Largo (Freaky hair killing stuff) are at a 'Beer Garden'- they were invited. Largo is telling Erika (ponytail) what he was doing earlier that afternoon while Piro and Kimiko (hair down), who are feeling very uncomfortable with each other at this point (because Kimiko thinks Piro is a pervert) try to converse.

Here's six comics that span one of my favorite scenes in the comic.

Don't read 'em if you don't want, but I think these ones help express the two emotions of Megatokyo very effectively without you having to understand the entire plot- which quickly grows more complex as it proceeds. Hm. Kinda reminds me of my own writing in the way it can tell multiple stories at the same time more effectively that I can in a fic. This section only tells two stories at once, while later on he's spanning five different scenes rapidly.

Kinda like a soap opera, I guess, but in manga form.

Anyway, take a look, if you want to.

(Mind you, they're at a bar; ergo, they are in the process of getting drunk. Obviously, this comic is not designed for kids- it's targeted at the 'M' rated audience, methinks, if we're talking Game Ratings.)

Cheap Fantasies

The End Was N34r

My Cool Thingy
(By the way, yes, this one might seem perverted, but that's because it's a double-entendre. Had you read the comic in its entirety, you would truly understand the comedy behind the 'cool thingy,' and I actually never thought of it in...THAT way...Until I posted it here just now.)

(All I'll explain about this one is this- the 'girl who wants drawing lessons' would be that 15 year-old that Piro is trying to avoid.)

Rampage Permit

Post Mortem Confession

(After this one, yea, there's Largo being a pervert...Though I sincerely question if he truly is. After all, he thinks all women are 3VIL and wants nothing to do with them, and he loves computers.

Maybe now you have some understanding...MT (at this time) was produced by TWO writers at once- one, who is portrayed by Piro, and another, who is portrayed by Largo- so it's no surprise that this scene takes place in this style.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 1, 2004
nudity in a story is more than okay if it helps advance the story/is important to the plot. I REALLY hope that you decide to post the next part of your fic.

Naruto only has one real lame tidbit of nudity that lasts for like a second. The other times that could be considered nudity, the girls are always covered with clouds/clothes (yes I said clouds). Of course there are a few perverts in the story, but that is just for ***** and giggles.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting

I did NOT say I was generalizing MegaTokyo. I was by NO means quick to my decision. I thought about for a long while, in DETAIL, and I eventually came to the conclusion that it's not the best type of story for my reading pleasure.

But, if it makes you happy, I guess I might review my decision again.

My point is that I don't think you should go around judging someone when you don't get the full story.

If there's anything the pisses me off personally, it's when someone makes assumptions about me that aren't true.
I sense a bit of irony here. By the way you were talking, it actually sounded like YOU were making assumptions about MM2002. It seemed that you were under the assumption that HE was under the assumption that he made a quick, one-sided decision about MegaTokyo. Understand where i'm going here?

I'm not sure if you were barking at MM2002 or me. Nonetheless, I don't like it when you criticize me or the other readers like this.

Then again, we are all entitled to voice our opinions, wether in a short sentence or a long speech. I respect the fact that you have the will to defend your opinions with cold, hard facts, but most of the time, you're not really going to change anybody's beliefs or opinions.

. . . and tonight I'm writing a paper defending homosexuality. . .
You're the type of person who would do REALLY well in the Debate Hall section of Smash World. Perhaps we should debate sometime over there, but for now, I don't feel like getting TOO involved in this debaco.

Come to think of it... I don't think anyone here has seen me debate like this before. I suppose I was too scared in the past to stand up; afraid that it might cause our friendship to come to a crashing halt. But, if anybody gives me enough reason to stand up and retaliate, I WILL do so.

Rest assured, when it comes to debates, I am not the same EvilPichu. :grrr:

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Yea, I know about the clouds. Bizarre.

5hi7s and giggles, you say? Yea.

Megatokyo certainly has 'perverted' comedy to it, but a lot of the 'perverted' content is artistic and not just slapped on to induce laughter. See, when Largo makes the comment, "Betja she pads them," that's out of humor, most certainly. Throughout the story, Largo makes some stupid comment about how attractive one of the female characters is out of the blue. This isn't just funny because Largo's a moron, but...Well, no, Largo's just an idiot. It's funny also because Largo never seems to recognize that it's the same girl, and she always breaks his arm when he tries something.

Ironically, Largo calls every girl that likes Piro a 3vil cr34ture, including the one he actually likes back.

"Ph34r her."

He's probably right, too. In his reality, sewer entrances are zombie respawn points, but the sad truth is that they actually ARE in Fred's portrayal of Tokyo.
The scene in this fic I was referring to earlier doesn't happen until later. I'll be sure to stop at it so I don't offend anyone. They can just skip it...and figure out what happened through word of mouth later on.


"-and you add a little paprika here...Perfect!" Luigi gave the brown-skinned girl a light pat on the back to encourage her. "That's it, Tay," he boldly declared with a grin. "You did it!"

"...Really...? That's it...?" she murmured as she stared at the stew in front of her eyes.

"Yep. Once it cools down a bit, we can try it out and see how well you did."

As Luigi cranked the stove off, Tenochtitlan took a timid step back to get out of his way while he removed a sheet of metal from the stove's bowels. The warm scent of cinnamon was overwhelming as it exploded into the air. After the initial burst of smell, Tenochtitlan was soothed by the aromas. Luigi's cooking lesson had eased her troubled mind and given her something peaceful to think about. They weren't in the actual kitchen, but in the smaller version that was located near the parlor area.

"You know it's good when it smells like THAT," Luigi told her with a chuckle and a deep sniff.

"Mm hm," Tay replied with a smile as she sucked in air through her nostrils.

"Maybe a good lunch will cheer everyone up a bit," Luigi hoped as he removed Robin's oven mitts and stirred the stew slowly. Tenochtitlan didn't answer; she was leaning against the counter behind her with a dreamy set of pink eyes.

Luigi didn't notice, as he was far too busy adding little touches to the meal. The sound of an excited Titan caught the attention of the teacher and his student as a green face appeared over the stove.

"DUDE!! Cinnamon rolls!!"

Luigi chuckled at Beastboy's glowing eyes and the drooling tongue that hung out of his mouth.

"What did I tell ya?" Luigi said with a laugh as he offered one to Beastboy. The changeling's anticipation crumbled the moment he noticed Tenochtitlan leaning against the counter. She hadn't recognized his presence that very moment, but Luigi dissolved away from Beastboy's vision as he observed her actions. She glanced up, snapping awake from her thoughts. Her eyes were that bright shade of pink he loved so much, but once she caught sight of him, her expression went dull, and Beastboy felt his stomach churn as her eyes crossed a purple bridge to reach dark blue, which fell to black shortly thereafter. Beastboy's eyes narrowed in spite as he ignored Luigi's tribute and back away from the kicthen area.

"Beastboy?" Luigi mumbled, utterly confused. He whirled his head around; Tenochtitlan had bobbed her head, and from his angle, her black bangs disguised her retinas.

"Sorry Luigi," Beastboy said sourly. His comment was obviously aimed at Tay rather than Luigi as he added, "I'm not wanted here." A razzled Luigi glanced from side to side, trying to comprehend the situation.

(Did I miss something?) he wondered, scratching his head. Beastboy's form changed into a wolf before he bounded away with what almost sounded like a growl.

By the time Luigi's gaze went back to the other Titan, Tenochtitlan was also on her way out, her fists balled up at her sides. Because Tay's shirt was only held by a couple straps, Luigi could see how tensed up her shoulder blades were when she was leaving.

"...What...?" he murmured to himself with a shake of the head. "These Titans are just full of problems, aren't they...?"


Back and forth Raven paced, over and over. Her pacing seemed endless, but she continued, nevertheless. She couldn't bring herself to try and talk to Starfire again; she wouldn't be able to take the emotional stress right now. The strings holding her mind together were being undone slowly, but steadily. She was waiting in the main hallway of the Tower, waiting for Robin to appear so that she could confront him the moment he stepped in.

Terra had been watching her for about a minute or so now, trying to build up the courage to carry out the task she had been planning to do for an hour or so. She grit her teeth and squinted an eye as she approached the unnerved Titan.

"...Raven?" she managed to choke out.

"Wah?" Raven's body jolted as she gasped and grabbed her chest, petrified. By looking in her trembling violet eyes, Terra could sense just how wired she was. She sighed with relief when she came to grips with who she was facing, but she immediately felt her stomach knot up afterward.

(Ohhhh...) she moaned in her mind. (I have enough to worry about...)

"Hey," Terra greeted nervously. "Sorry for scarin' ya, n'-...Yea..." Terra shrugged as she clawed at an itch on her arm. "...So, uh...Are you busy?"

Raven, her lips slightly ajar, gazed into Terra's hopeful eyes and felt as if she could fly into the gorgeous skies within. Something told her to listen to this girl whom she could not quite call 'friend.'

"...Wwwwelll..." Raven rubbed her head and slicked back a loose strand of hair. "I guess not...But I'm really not in the mood to play volleyball, or-"

"Yea, I get it," Terra quickly interjected, waving a palm at Raven. "I was actually wondering if we could talk."

While unraveling her tightly wound insides, Raven, still a bit doubtful, gave in and agreed to talk.

"...A-all right..."

"OK...Great," mumbled a relieved Terra, her voice still shaken. Watching the blonde Titan seat herself in a black chair in the main hallway, Raven planted herself to Terra's right, crossing a leg over the other and placing her arms in her lap.

"What do we need to talk about...?" wondered the Raven who was observing Terra's trembling eyes.

"Well, it's about-" The sentence trailed off, leaving Raven hanging. "See...-" Thick blonde hair that had drifted over her eye was pushed behind her ear while she continued. "It's about Link..."

Raven sighed and covered her face as her cheeks grew pink just at the thought of him. Terra quickly added to the phrase she had just spurt out.

"I'm sorry; I didn't know you liked him." Terra paused and watched Raven's eyebrows sink a little as she pondered that statement. "Tikal told me yesterday, so...Now I know why you're so mad at me. I don't blame you."

Already a quivering mess, Raven's heart received another blow of guilt, its stamina decreasing with every one it was given.

"...No," she said sympathetically. "Terra, I-"

"If you want, I'll break up with him so you-"

"No, Terra!" Raven muttered shakily. "Don't do that..." Placing a soft hand on Terra's shoulder, Raven consoled her with a sad set of eyes bursting with guilt.

(Here I am, glad that I've changed, and yet...I still treat Terra with the same coldness I once gave Starfire. Have I really changed?)

With Terra muttering in the background, Raven's mind continued to analyze her own personality.

"But I thought that you liked him..."

(I've changed, but...I need to work harder. I may be a dark creature, but...That doesn't mean I have to have a dark heart.)

"You haven't been talking to me, and I knew you were mad at me. I didn't know what to do, so-"

"It's all right..." Raven muttered, her hand still attached to Terra. Rubbing her thumb gently against Terra's skin, Raven whimpered out, "I'm the one who should be sorry..." Her trembling, violet eyes gazed at Terra apologetically while she retracted her arm. Bobbing her head, Raven doled out her regret.

"I know I've been...well, a jerk...lately...I-I don't know why." Raven spat out after whirling her head back to Terra, "But I didn't really mean it!" Her jaw ajar as she fumbled for words, she noticed Terra's eyes narrow in confusion. "I was frustrated because I had been waiting for SO LONG, and then you came, and...-" Taking a deep breath to calm down, Raven's arms clung to her stomach as if to suppress pain. "...I was jealous..." Raven admitted conclusively.

"You were jealous of me...?" Terra murmured, agast. A nod answered Terra's question.

"Yea...I'm sorry. You didn't do anything to deserve what I did...Besides," Raven added dully, "Link doesn't like me, anyway."


When Raven looked up at Terra, she saw the nervous doubt in the girl's demeanor, which piqued her curiosity.

"What is it...?" she inquired.

"You're right," Terra mumbled with a shrug. "I don't think he likes you, either..."

Raven frowned sourly and sunk her head back down. "I know."

"But he doesn't know you very well, either," Terra added thoughtfully. "And neither do I."

"Yea..." Raven murmured glumly. "But we can change that, right?"

"I don't see why not," Terra replied with a small smile.

"Maybe later we can-"

Their conversation shattered as the majestic main doors to the tower roared open, revealing the silhouette of Robin. Raven's heart skipped a beat as all of the questions she wanted to ask him flooded her.

"Robin!" she cried, jumping from her chair.

"Hey, Raven," he grimly responded. As he trudged into his abode, Raven stood before him expectantly. "What?" he groaned.

Raven's eyes stayed glued to Robin as she placed a hand on her hip and said to Terra, "Terra, could you excuse us?"

"Sure," Terra answered, puzzled. For a few seconds, the only sound in the room was that of Terra's footsteps. While hearing that, Robin stared at Raven's dagger glare.

"What is it, Raven?" Robin grumbled irritably.

"Where were you?" Raven asked him as the door behind her close in the background. "You've been gone half the day now."

"It's none of your business," Robin retorted, tossing an arm. He sighed and, passing by Raven, rubbed his temple. His pacing was cut short as he felt his shoulder get overwhelmed by an icy cold sensation. He realized that Raven was using her powers on him to halt to his movement.

"What are you doing??" he demanded, struggling to break from the black shell that had formed over his torso.

"What are YOU doing?" Raven questioned back with some hostility. "You'd better start answering questions, Robin. The other might not doubt you, but the others haven't been able to talk with Starfire because she's locked herself in her room." She threw her hand down to her side and released Robin from her grip. He stumbled a bit and spun around, his eyes narrow with frustration.

"What are you tal-?"

"What happened last night, Robin?" Raven firmly questioned. Her tone made Robin quickly realize how serious she was.

"Fine," he grumbled. "You want an explanation? I'll give you one."

He took a seat, and it was clear that he was exhausted as he plopped down and moaned.

"Last night...You remember how I bought you guys time to take care of Killer Moth...?"


"What are you saying??" Raven demanded, having heard Robin's account of the evening before. "Are you trying to say that those thirteen deaths were caused by Starfire?"

Robin was sitting sideways in the chair with his legs dangling off the side and his arms folded across his chest.

"I never said that," Robin muttered, refusing to look at her.

Anger boiling up within her, Raven concluded, "But that's what you made Starfire THINK, because it's what YOU think..."

Not a word was a spoken by the caped teenager as he bared a complacent frown.

"Robin, don't you realize how she's feeling right now??" Raven asked him as she tried to catch his attention. "She's listening to depressing music, and she's locked herself in her own bedroom. Besides that, I caught her drinking, Robin." Robin's head creaked to hers, which only a foot or so from his own. Her desperate, violet eyes burned into him for a moment as he came to realize what she had just informed him.

"...Starfire was drinking?" he mumbled, quite unsure. "You mean, DRINKING?" He lifted his head and stared at her with an open jaw after she nodded.

"I tried to talk some sense into her," Raven went on, "But she wouldn't listen. She started crying and telling me how you were mad...'He is right,'" she muttered to herself as she remembered. "That's what she meant. You made her convince herself that this was all her fault! Robin, how could you do that? You know how Starfire is, she-"

"Oh, like I know how YOU are?" Robin quipped, trying to get away from the awful thoughts he was surpressing of a depressed Starfire drinking booze. "Raven, I don't know what makes you think you understand this situation, but this is business between US, not you. If Starfire doesn't want you involved in it, don't you think you should back off?"

The air was tense as the two Titans stared each other down like two hockey players before the drop of the puck.

"Fine," Raven growled through grit teeth. "I'll go ask everyone what THEY think about this..."

"Go ahead," Robin dared her. "It doesn't matter. It's not like we can go back and change it."



Dec 19, 2002
Great update. Sheesh Raven is thinking differently. Robin never said the whole thing was Starfire's fault and Raven thinks he did. Meanwhile BB and Tay are still mad at each other which I am not so sure why Tay would be mad at BB other than DS saying BB was originally supposed to date Terra. Clearly I have no idea what she's feeling when her eyes turn black.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 9, 2002
Tay broke up with Beastboy because when Destiny Smasher told her about where she came from she knew that
A) She would have to leave him eventually.
B) She was a monkey and Beastboy may not like her if he knew. (dumb theory there considering who Beastboy is)
C) What you said, except she's not really mad at him.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.

Oh, sorry 'bout that. I just found out the basic summary of Season 4...

I should slow down my writing a bit and find out what's going to happen, because it may shift something in my plot- it involves Slade.

Season 4

As I had hoped, Slade is returning. However, he'snot after Robin.

This time, he's after Raven.

And I think that it's big, considering that the end of Season 4 will have a 3-part episode simply titled "The End."


Once I find out what Slade's motives are, I may be able to use them in this fic by changing one small element of his plan- thus, changing the plot to both accomodate the show's story AND make even MORE sense than my original idea.

But ph34r not, for it will only make the fic better.

Hm. No comment on any of the aforementioned scene.


I will have to slow down the progress of this fic some until I understand the plot of Season 4. I don't want to rush into a scenario and then want to change it, after all.

I can certainly still work on the next Chapter, though.

I guess I'll give you a little more of this one...

Oh, by the way, GCN64's correct...eh...sort of...

You probably don't understand why Tay's eyes turn black. Remember that black is hatred.

I WILL tell you that she does not hate Beastboy and is not angry at him at all. Of course, that's pretty much the main point to a scene with them coming up.

Anyway, here ya go.

May I remind you that coming up very shortly (in this update) is scene that may offend some of my readers, from what I understand.

So don't read it.


"You all right, Ray?" Cyborg murmured as he watched her operate at the hood of the T-car. He was laid upon a sturdy metal cart that enabled him to slide around under the car. Her appearance had been unnerving him for some while. She seemed frustrated, as every little movement seemed to be rougher than it normally would have been. Her brows were furrowed and her shoulders were tense as she seemed to jab away at the car's guts with a wrench.

She paused, and, wiping oil from her greased face, muttered, "I'm fine..."

Cyborg shook his head and rolled out from under the vehicle so he could sit up and examine her carefully.

"What?" she asked with a small bite in her tone.

"C'mon, Ray, what's up?" Cyborg wondered.

Raven glanced around the room suspiciously and wiped sweat from her forehead.

"It's about Starfire and Robin," she grumbled with a sigh.

"I figured," Cyborg replied, using a rag to clean his hands. "Everybody's been weird since last night, ESPECIALLY those two. I haven't seen Star all day- where's she been?"

"In her room," Raven whispered contritely. "She won't come out. She won't even talk to me; I don't know why."

"Really?" Cyborg rubbed his chin and nodded thoughtfully. "I'll bet she's down about last night, too, huh?"

"More than you know," Raven sadly informed him. "She thinks it's her fault."

After telling Cyborg what she had heard from Robin, Raven threw the wrench in her hands to the floor. Cyborg offered her the rag, which she accepted drearily.

"I don't think we should blame Rob OR Star," Cyborg reasoned, standing up slowly.

"...What do you mean?" Raven wondered, wiping black grease from her face.

"We coulda taken out Killer Moth in time if our communications hadn't gone down," Cyborg reminded her.

"Oh...Sure. I suppose," Raven mumbled in reply with a melancholy shrug. "That's not my point, Cyborg. I'm angry that Robin has to be...-" She rotated her hands as she fumbled for the right word, which CYborg supplied.

"-himself?" Cyborg finished, trying to show Raven how critical she was being.

With a grunt, Raven let her arms fall and slap her legs, muttering, "Yea...He has to become irrational because he's failed, and he's trying to avoid how much Starfire cares about him, and how much he cares about her. I can't stand watching them hurt each other...ya know...?"

Cyborg smiled while she was inspecting her lavender hoodie to be certain that no oil had been placed upon it.

(You just keep gettin' cooler every day, Ray,) Cyborg projected mentally.

"Yea...I know," he said to her in a calm fashion as he closed the car's hood.

"I don't know what to do," Raven moaned, holding her head in agony.

"Don't worry so much, man," Cyborg murmured as he placed a hand on her shoulder. "You're not the only one in this tower. We work as a team, remember?"

"It doesn't seem like it right now," Raven told him in despair, shaking her head.

"This is the first time?" Cyborg laughed. "Raven, every team has trouble. What, you think the Justice League never argues?" He froze when he saw Raven's soft hand land on his metal one, and he wished desperately that he could feel it the way he could have years ago.

"Yea," Raven muttered, staring blankly ahead of her. "Does that mean I should sit and watch them tear each other apart?"

"No." Cyborg slipped his hand off of her body and started picking up tools. He was surprised to see the majority of them fly into their appropiate places by themselves. With a grin, he glanced at Raven's smirk and said to her, "Thanks."

"So, uh..." Raven eyed the T-Car as she asked in a murmur, "You want to go for a spin?"

Rubbing the back of his neck, Cyborg sighed, his smile fading.

"Sorry, Ray. I'm just not up for it right now. I have to work on the security systems. They've been malfunctioning. You should probably go check on Star again. I don't think she should stay in her room all day, man; she needs that social interaction."

"That's a good idea," Raven agreed. "You're right- she needs it, just like I do."

"Catch you later, Raven," Cyborg said as he walked off, leaving her with his 'baby.'

Raven took a deep breath, running her hand across the smooth glass of the car's front window, and she gazed into her own dull eyes and curved eyebrows. She paused when she noticed a black spot on the window, but quickly noticeed that, in reality, it was on her arm.

She rolled her eyes and groaned in disgust at the fact that the strange abnormality wouldn't seem to quit.

(Why does the darkness need to haunt me?) Raven wondered. (Why does it need to spread its misery to Starfire?)


This would be that scene, folks.

Beastboy trotted through the halls, whistling a happy tune to keep his spirits up. He carried a fresh set of clothes in his hands, and was making his way for the nearest bathroom to take a much needed shower. He had his mind focused on the thought of watching his brand new, first edition copy of 'Ganados: Director's Cut.' His anticipation was bubbling within as he approached the bathroom door. The automatic metal door was deactivated, which meant that the room was unoccupied. Cyborg had set up a scanner some while back that could sense when someone entered and left the bathroom. Thus, the door would lock itself when one went in, and unlock when they left. Of course, it could be deactivated in an emergency.

Beastboy casually walked straight at it, and it slid open to allow him to enter. He was overcome by warm moisture and calm music as he carefully entered. From the looks of things, someone had just finished taking a shower. Beastboy glanced at the mirror above the sink, noticing that he couldn't see his face due to the fog that had enveloped it. The door behind him shut by itself and locked automatically, but Beastboy didn't notice due to the music playing. It was a peaceful tune- a panflute and a xylophone working in tandem gave birth to a beautiful song. The music played from a radio embedded in the wall beside the mirror. Placing his fresh clothes on the pink, fluffy cushion on the closed toilet seat, Beastboy sighed at the damp towel spread across the floor before the shower. He heard the faucet dripping, and he came to the conclusion that whoever was last in here, they had slacked off on cleaning up after themselves. He could see a clump of clothes on the floor between the toilet and the sink, and he shook his head at them. He was a pig, sure, but not in the bathroom. Afterall, everyone else in the tower had to share it, too.

Wasting no time in unclipping his belt and removing his shirt, Beastboy took a deep breath to help relax himself. He paused when he caught sight of a small pile of plastic beads sitting on the corner of the sink. He immediately recognized the ring-shaped plastic and felt nauscious; they belonged to Tenochtitlan. She wore her hair in beaded braids a lot, and these were definitely hers.

(Figures that she would leave a mess,) he concluded with a frown. In an immature fit, he knocked them into the sink and ran the water for a few seconds, watching the different colored pieces swirl down the drain with a dark grin.

After that, he wiped a circle through the mist in the mirror and admired his green chest. He flexed his puny arm muscle, a little disappointed, and tried to make his abs visible. After a minute or so of that, he decided it was time to hop in the shower and clean up. After checking to see that a clean towel was on the bar that hung just outside the shower, Beastboy paused and sniffed the air. He could still smell the scent that lingered in the air- it was that of his 'girlfriend,' if he could call her that at this point. The sweet smell forced him to reminencse for a moment or two while he stood blankly before the black shower curtain. The yellow 'T' logo of the Titans was printed upon the plastic sheet, and Beastboy admired it as he kicked his socks off to the side and removed his pants, leaving only his boxers, which were orange with black tiger stripes, on his body.

After removing the last article and placing it with care on the toilet with his uniform, Beastboy casually slipped through the black curtain and into the shower, blissfully unaware that he was not alone.

Before he could turn the metal dials to get water spraying into the small compartment, he froze in place as his eyes caught sight of something he'd only seen in dreams he'd forgotten. Standing mere inches away from him was Tenochtitlan. Like him, she was wearing no clothes. However, she hadn't seemed to realize he was there. She was standing in some trance-like state, her eyes closed, and her arms at her sides. After Beastboy gaped at the sight, he had mixed feelings about the situation, as many a teenage boy might.

Her eyes shot open when he let out shriek. They were black as they awakened, but immediately shifted to purple, then brown.

"Beastboy...?" she murmured, completely puzzled. After staring at his bare, green body, she came to grips with the situation, and seemed to handle it much better than Beastboy did. "Um..." She whipped her dripping wet crow-colored hair behind her and eyed Beastboy's thin form from top to bottom. "Why are you...-?" she managed to whisper out, her thin, black brows furrowed. She didn't say it with anger, but with innocent confusion.

When her eyes finally reached Beastboy's face, she slapped a hand on her face to mute her laughter. Beastboy, who was petrified in place by both shock and hormones, blinked with wide eyes as he saw her shade change to yellow.

(You IDIOT!!! HELLO!!! WHat are you DOING?!) his mind shouted out as it managed to gain control.

"EEP!" he squeaked out again, stumbling backward. Tenochtitlanreached out an arm to help him, but it was too late. He slipped, toppled backward through the shower curtain, and slammed into the bathroom floor with a sickening 'thud.' His legs were flopped over the tub's side, and Tenochtitlan curiously glanced out at him, her eyes wide with wonder and concern.

"Are you all right??" she gasped out, her teeth clenched with worry.

"Uuuugghhhh," Beastboy moaned, rubbing his head, which was throbbing with pain. As he sat up, he felt very disoriented, as the world around him was blurred. As everything came into focus, the form of a chocolate skinned female also came into focus, causing yet another short scream from Beastboy.

"What's WITH you?" Tenochtitlan wondered, shaking her head slightly. "You jump into the shower when I'm in, and then you start screaming..."

"WH-?! B-!! AH!" Beastboy spurted out, trying to look away. He could feel a certain area of his body getting warmer by the minute as blood was rapidly delivered to it. He stretched an arm out sloppily to snatch a towel as he yelped, "What are you looking at?!"

Tay glared at him, feeling insulted. She had gradually come to the conclusion that this was either not a dream or a really bad one, seeing as he had LEFT the shower. No, this was real- of it was a dream, chances were that Beastboy would've split his head on the tile flooring- she seemed to be having dreams full of death and sorrow as of late.

"Excuse me? YOU'RE the one who jumped in," she pointed out, continuing to stare down at him.

Beatsboy scrambled to cover his man-hood, and as he did so, he shakily muttered, "Well, y-you don't have to STARE at me like that..."

"Oh, and you're NOT?" she countered, placing her damp hands on her hips and bending over slightly.

Beastboy whimpered as he pried his eyes away.

"You could a-at least COVER YOURSELF," he whined, half-pleading.

"I shouldn't have to," she told him, "I was in the shower, until you rudely interupted me."

"why didn't you LOCK THE DOOR?!" Beatsboy demanded hysterically.

"I DID!!" Tay cried back in defense.

"WHAT?! No WAY, DUDE! It was OPEN!"

"That's not MY fault!"

"Well, it's not MINE, either, Tay!" Beastboy peeked back her way, only to flinch back, as she was still completely naked. "Aren't you going to HIDE, or something??"

"Why? This is who I am," she boldly announced, spreading her arms out wide as she stared down at him with red eyes. "Are you offended, or something?"

"Of COURSE not!" Beastboy groaned. "But you could just...-" He trailed off, shaiking his head and sitting up, keeping his towel wrapped around him.

"What's that supposed to mean...?" Tay murmured, her eyes narrow and orange.


Tay's eyes glowed pink as she realized what he had meant by that, and her cheeks went red.

"Oh! Wow...I-I don't know what to say..." Clearly flattered by what she had just learned, Tenochtitlan didn't feel so bad about thinking the same of him.

"You COULD put something on," Beastboy muttered, his voice trembling with nervousness.

"Oh, right..." She whispered, sifting her wet bangs. However, she stood quietly for a moment or two and shivered as water evaporated from her smooth skin. "Um...Be-before I do that..." she mumbled, her eyes wandering about the room. "Do you think I could, ya know...-" She rubbed her hands together fretfully as she finished. "-...get another look...?"

"WHAT?!" Beastboy roared, taking a step away from her. "What's your DEAL?!" he cried, creeped out. "It's like you've never seen-..." He noticed her purple eyes, and the curiosity within them.

"I didn't even know what...that...thing...looked like..." Tenoch whispered, almost inaudbily. She felt like the stupidest person in the world asking for such a thing in this situation, but it was too late now- she'd already said it.

"...You...-?" It took Beastboy a few moments to process it all through his brain. If Tenochtitlan was really a monkey, then she didn't know what a human- if he could call himself that- really looked like. She wasn't used to having the same hormones running through her, though he didn't really realize that at the moment. Even IF Tay was familiar with what the reproductive organs of an ape looked like, which he somehow doubted, she was probably naturally curious about those of a human. Beastboy's brain was operating at the max, but subconciously, he thought these things. Since his brain wasn't at full speed, he also didn't really think about the answer to request carefully. She'd already seen it, so what was the shame in letting her see it again? After all, it wasn't like it was a sin, or something...They were both...mature...enough. At least, he supposed so. Nothing was going to happen. Most importantly, though, was the fact that she was acting like HERSELF. She was talking to him; she was showing that she still cared about him. He wasn't going to let such a moment die just yet.

So he showed her.

After a few seconds of examining his green body, which she found to be attractive, Tenochtitlan quietly nodded and looked down, reaching for her own towel to fulfill Beastboy's request.

There was complete silence as they both waited for the awkward air around them to ventilate out. After a few seconds, Tay broke the silence and began to work on overcoming what she considered a lucky event and Beastboy a traumatic one.

"Well!" she giggled out. "That was...different. Ya know, Beastboy, you should give yourself more credit, that-"

"Can we just forget that this happened??" Beastboy choked out, his face beet red.

"How am I supposed to forget THAT?" Tenochtitlan said slyly, her eyes pink, lust driping from them.

"Ehhhhh..." Beastboy stared with wide and deathly afraid eyes while inching away from her.

"Oh, come on," Tay whimpered, her color now brown. "We're not little kids anymore...It's not evil to see each other naked. Besides, it was an accident."

"Sure, until you asked," Beastboy retorted shakily.

"That was just...curiosity," Tay murmured, looking away in shame. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help it..." She wasn't clasping her towel nearly as tightly as Beastboy was gripping his own.

"Whatever, I'm just gonna put my clothes back on and get out of here, OK?" Beastboy announced with an expectant look. After a few seconds, he groaned out, "Dude, could ya not stare at me for a minute??"

"Right!" Tay squeaked with squinting eyes and a nervous smile, spinning around and shutting the curtain behind her.

As she waited for Beastboy to dress, she spoke.

"It's really not that big a deal, you know..." Tay tried to convince him.

"Yea, but you're a MONKEY, aren't you?" Beastboy pointed out. "You're USED to not wearing clothes..."

"...Well...Sort of. I mean, we still wore clothes, but...mostly headgear. And then we had helmets and light armor when we were being attacked, so that-"

"Helmets? Armor? What are you talking about?" Beastboy mumbled, perplexed. Neither looked at each other during their conversation.

Tay shrugged. "Well, I mean, we didn't use guns, or anything like that. Guns weren't really around in that area. It was just once in a while when there was trouble. We never really had too much while I was in charge...Except...well..." She trailed off, bobbing her head as she struggled to stop horrific memories of that day from coming back.

"...Yea," Beastboy mumbled, shaking his head at what seemed to be her ignorance. "Anyway...How come you didn't notice me when I came in?"

Tay smoothed out her shiny wet hair and pondered it for a moment.

"I'm not sure..." She recited the process out loud, trying to remember. "I was taking a shower...I turned the water off, and...-" She paused, her face contorted in concentration. "I can't remember..."


"I don't remember," Tay muttered. "I must've...blacked out, or something..."

Tenochtitlan could faintly remember a voice in her head calling out to her for help. It was a young boy...She could see his face in her mind, and hear him, but everything else was a blur. Now that she thought about it, she had been blacking out all day, for reasons unknown.

"Weird," Beastboy mumbled with an apathetic shrug. "So how come the door wasn't locked?"

"I don't KNOW," Tay reminded him. "I TOLD you, it was locked after I came in."

"That doesn't make any sense!" Beastboy grumbled.

"Some of the doors have been doing it, too," Tay explained. "You haven't noticed?"

"Oh yea...Cy was sayin' something about that..."


"He'd better get it fixed soon," Beastboy mumbled. "'Cuz I'm lucky it was YOU that was in here. Man, if it was RAVEN, do you know how totally DEAD I would be right now?"

They both let a flurry of laughs out as they hjad many a time mere days before.

"So, uh...Do you think we could talk about...stuff...?" Beastboy piped up after the snickers died down.

Tay didn't respond for a few moments, but Beastboy could see her dark blue eyes in his mind. He was positive that her expression was sullen.

"Um...Yea...Tomorrow...I'll...I'll let you know," she told him solemnly.

"You swear?" Beastboy checked, clipping the buckle on his together.

"...I promise," Tenochtitlan answered calmly.

"OK...Thanks, Tay...And I'm sorry for the accident there...I'll make sure that never happens again..."

As Tay heard the doors slide open and slam shut, Tay peered through the curtain and whispered warmly, "I hope you're lying."

Beastboy straightened his suit out in the hall, now feeling guilt for knocking the beads over and flushing them down the sink. He decided that perhaps he should bring that topic up at a later date.

(WOW...) he thought to himself and he meandered down the hall; however, his brain wasn't exactly the organ doing the thinking. (Man, am I such an IDIOT. Nobody was watching...I could've had a little more fun...she was practically begging me to for a minute there...NONONO!! What is UP with you?? But MAN...That was just...I thought she padded them, but...-! Dude...That's a photo in the brain I'm gonna wanna save for a LONG time...AH!! STOPSTOPSTOP!! Your PERV, what is your DEAL?!)

"Yo, B, you a'ight?" Cyborg murmured as he watched his friend wobble onto the couch.

"I didn't touch-!" Beatsboy began to defend himself. "I mean...Yea...Sure."

With a quizzical stare, Cyborg shook his head sadly.

"I told you- that soy stuff's bad for you, man."



Smash Journeyman
Feb 9, 2002
I've read worse from my school's library when I was in 5th grade, no big deal really...


Dec 19, 2002
Great update.
"Raven, every team has trouble. What, you think the Justice League never argues?"
The Justice League wasn't founded until after Robin became Nightwing, Tim Drake became Robin, and Batgirl started fighting crime more so I don't know how that happened.
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