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Winds of Fate: The X Factor (Teen Titans)

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
I've read worse from my school's library when I was in 5th grade, no big deal really...
Amen to that. Some of those anatomy books are just plain bizarre...

May I remind you that coming up very shortly (in this update) is scene that may offend some of my readers, from what I understand.

So don't read it.
The scene did not offend me at all. In fact, I laughed my arse off after I read the last line of the update. And I know what you might be thinking; "If you thought this was okay, why in the bloody h3ll didn't you like Megatokyo?!"

MT and TTX are two completely different things in my mind. Besides, i've become familiar enough with the characters to the point where stuff like this doesn't bother me.

And, like I said in my previous post, I was NOT quick in my decision to dislike MT. I thought about it, in DETAIL, and decided that it was not the best type of story for my reading pleasure.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
I still wish to know WHERE you got to in Megatokyo, simply because it doesn't really have a story until he gets to the 300's or so- then the plot rocks and gets pretty deep.

TTX and Megatokyo are, in many ways, two completely different things.

But any of my fics would make better comic books that fics. That's just an accepted fact in my mind.

And that scene right there is more obscene than anything Megatokyo has delivered thus far. So calling MT perverted doesn't make sense unless you call that scene perverted, as well.

Ironic that you guys read it, anyway. I thought the mention of nudity made you vomit?

Anyway, as far as TTX goes, the Justice League is already around because I honestly don't give a 5hi7. I care about background, I care about subplots and different story arcs, but there's so many ****ed Batmans and Robins and Spidermans and he11 knows what else that I don't really care and use my own adaptations.

The Spider Man movies are not exactly like the comics. After all, there's different versions of the story, anyway.

In case you forgot, Teen Titans is WILDLY adapted from its old comic counterpart. Thank Din for that, 'cuz you wouldn't catch me DEAD reading that old comic.

Here's to the upcoming episode 'Birthmark.' May it r0x0rz m4 s0x0rz.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Ironic that you guys read it, anyway. I thought the mention of nudity made you vomit?
I didn't say that. MM2002 probably did, but he was probably just trying to emphasize a point.

I still wish to know WHERE you got to in Megatokyo. . .
I read the first 10 or so, and then I started skipping around in intervals of about 5-10 until I got to about 200. Then I just stopped because it was late at night.

Now, you may sit there, snicker at me and tell me that i'm a shallow guy who shouldn't "judge a book by its cover". It's not really like that.

Let's just say that I took a taste of the "MegaTokyo" medicine, and I found it to taste a bit sour. But for some reason, I still managed to swallow it, because I knew my buddy wanted me to check it out.

I'm just stating my honest opinion. And to tell you the truth, I'm not afraid to admit that I MIGHT have been wrong about a few things. I'm probably wrong about the whole "nudity" controversy... Oh, what am I saying? I WAS wrong about it! There, I said it. :o

In fact, I probably WOULD like MegaTokyo as much as you, IF I had the time to read it more thoroughly. But as it is, I don't feel like adding MT to my already large list of "things to do during my free time".

I believe that your stories alone are all that I need to keep me entertained during my spare time. In my mind, there really is no need to read anything else. I've become so involved in your fics that they've become a part of my everyday enjoyment. If there's ever a long pause between updates, I could probably check it out again.


Dec 19, 2002
I didn't even comment on that =/. Yeah I vomited...but not physically or w/e it's called. I did in my mind though. It was disturbing to me but then it shows what's going on between the two which was more important than showing what they look like. But the physical description was disturbing to me. In MegaTokyo I got tired from reading it and felt it was a waste of time because I didn't see any real story going on except them being stuck in Japan. It felt like a waste of time for me plus it was getting late and the mention of nudity just disturbed me so I stopped. The last thing I read was the part that huge guy wanted Largo to teach him how to be as good as him on that game. I got past the part where the other guy gave the girl a train pass.

As for Teen Titans, I really can't wait to see Birthmark for the return of Slade and more stuff about Raven's past. More importantly I wanna know how Slade survived or came back. Either Raven accidentally revived him or the one Terra destroyed was another robot and that Slade was alive the whole time. The 3 parter for "The End" should be good and I hope it doesn't dissapoint me in any way.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Point well made, MM2002.

I've been a bit short-tempered on this issue the past couple of days. I just felt that Ed was being a bit rude to unleash himself at you like that.

Believe me, I know what it feels like; whenever he barks at me, I feel a strange mix of anger, emberassment and understanding. It's hard to explain, but every time it happens, I walk away with a slightly stronger sense of respect for him (not to mention I feel a little foolish as well).

I'm starting to think that no matter what I do, or how hard I try, he'll always be better than me when it comes to disputes and arguments. :(

*sigh* There's always a bigger fish...

But I don't blame him for being so assertive; he obviously is a very big fan of MegaTokyo. I'd do the same thing to support a story/movie/show/game that I love... just not as extremely.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Well, at least you guys did try reading it.

Nonetheless, whether you enjoyed it or not, you still went about it in a bizarre manner.Did Quest for Destiny have a real story going on when I started? OF COURSE NOT.

It's taken Fred years to get to where he is in Megatokyo, and like just about any good story, it starts off bland and only gets better as you go. I can assure you that the time it takes to read the first 300 REALLY pays off after that when the story just gets immensely awesome.

EP, you SKIPPED comics? Oh my goodness.

That's like skipping sections in any of my fics. I would be appalled. I'd rather you not read Megatokyo at all than just go hopping around. It's not like VG Cats.

What do you watch on TV? Skip an episode here and there and try to understand what's going on. Depending on the show, it's not gonna work.

Wtahc Titans East: Part 2 when you haven't seen Part 1. It's just...messed up.

The story of Megatokyo DOES start off with two guys stuck in Tokyo, but it evolves into such an intricate plot as it goes. Fred has a keen sense of how long to keep a mystery a mystery, and his pacing is very nice. You finally see that one scene you've been waiting for, and something unexpected happens, and you can't wait to see where it leads.

Whether you like it or not, the truth remains that I do, and that me liking it will affect everything my write, just as me liking Teen Titans has.

If that makes you ponder whether an MT Destinia Tale will show up...don't be surprised. I have to develop ideas first, but...I think it may be a perfect opportunity to work more on my literary devices within a relatively short story, while, of course, connecting it to the rest by a thread- Mario.

Then there's my Megas XLR short story I started recently.

Then there's my wishes to work more on my OTHER fics. Anyway, you can't properly judge a story by its beginnings.

That's like rating Resident Evil 4 based on the demo and not the game. It's just not right, I don't think.

If you don't have any time to do anything, what DO you do? I'm just curious as to what keeps your life busy. I'm busy, too, and that's why updates don't come as often as they used to.

Anyway, thanks for the thought, at least, EP. That does matter. That's why I got hooked on Megatokyo in the first place- a friend, who I feel understands me the most, recommended it.

And it's a **** good thing he did, too.

Now, if you'll excuse me, since I'ma ctually caught up in Megatokyo, I will proceed to collcect Sky Temple Keys in Metroid Prime 2...and probably watch a lil' Cowboy Bebop...n'...then maybe write some more tonight.

At any rate, MT has somehow, in a small way maybe, given me some perspective on relationships.

Like this one. This one made me think for a little bit, but I don't entirely know why.


There's some hardcore L33t for ya'll to figure out. Of course, I had to use some resources to make sure it was in code. This sentence is a spoiler, though, so if you want to take the time to crack it, and you do, don't tell anybody except me. That should take ya some time to crack if you decide to do so. Believe me, there are places where you can look up L33tspe34k.

I used a particular source for that, so it may be incorrect, I suppose...

By the way, MM2002, I'm thinkin' you messed up again.

I have no memory of some 'big guy' wanting Largo to teach him how to play a game.

He wanted to know how Largo beat him in 'Mortal Kombat.'

Largo basically taught him how to be L33t. And thus, Junpei became SO much cooler.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Oh well. This whole MegaTokyo debaco taught me a little something.

Ed, while your lectures and criticisms may boil my blood at first, I always learn something at the end. Looking back now, I realize that i've learned a TON of lessons as one of your closest friends.

When I first encountered you on Smash World Forums, I was inspired by your writing style (although it wasn't as 1337 as it is now :p) and decided to write a fic of my own. Of course, back then, my writing skills were complete and utter CRAP.

In fact, I still have a backup copy of The Story of Evil Pichu on my computer. Looking at it now, I must imagine how "wierd" you felt while reading that piece of junk. :crazy:

But yet, you did it anyway, and I thank you for that.

And because you stuck with my stories, I returned the favor by sticking with Q4D and reading TTX. And just now, you've methaphorically "slapped me into reality", and now I realize that i'm long overdue for another favor.

So next time I get the chance, i'll spend a whole day and read MegaTokyo to at least 400. I promise. :)

If you don't have any time to do anything, what DO you do? I'm just curious as to what keeps your life busy.
What have I been doing? One word: D-Nova. I believe i've mentioned it several times before. It's my personal "masterpiece" of a game that i've been working on for 2 years now. Progress has been slow, as you can imagine, but i've been focusing a lot of my spare time either working on it directly, or researching and looking for more sources of inspiration. I bring a sketchbook with me to school every day, so I can practice drawing the characters and scenery. It's not quite professional-looking yet, but I hope to improve my skills through practice. I also spend some time making online games for the V-Cade.

School has also been taking up my time. If i'm going to be a professional video game developer someday, I have to get good grades. And i'm still addicted to Neopets; I'm stuck to it like glue.


Dec 19, 2002
I forgot a lot so I forgot his name and which game it was. So...I have a bad memory. In fact, I even wonder how I could pass some tests if I have a bad memory =/. And that part is my favorite part now. I am trying to figure it out but I really suck at l33tspe34k. I'm starting to confuse myself =/.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
The whole point of a debate (at least to me) is to see the opposite side of the story while making someone else see yours.

In the end, most debates I participate in don't really have an answer. They're just two different sides, is all.

Um...You're not obligated to read MT just because I like it, you know.

If you don't want to read it, don't. I was just saying that I love it and that I don't like it being judged when someone has yet to read further into it.

I don't expect you to read any of my fiction. I don't expect anyone to unless it's, like, one of my friends offline that says they will.

Megatokyo's plot is kinda complex, I guess...Not that much early on, but...

If you pay attention to the background and think about plot the way I do in writing my fiction, you can appreciate the work Fred puts into a comic. Some random, seemingly insignificant character will come back 200 strips (give or take) later on and play some significant role.

All of the main characters at this point in the story started off as random little appearances, aside from Largo and Piro.

Um...So, yea, I spent my afternoon yesterday writing the Prologue to T3H G4T3, my MT fic.

I'm also working on my Megas fic, too.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
T3H G4T3 = Teh Gate

Cracked that code, methinks. But the other one is just plain confuzzling. :confused:

Anyway, i'm glad we got this debate cleaned up. I'm also glad that I don't have a "time limit" on when I should read MT. But, I did make a promise, and i'll start reading it again eventually; i'll wait until a day where I have absolutely nothing else to do.

Oh, and Ed, i'm just curious; have you ever debated in the Debate Hall? If so, what topics, and did you kick some major 455 in them? ;)

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Um...No offense, EP, but T3H G4T3 isn't really in code. It's in simple l33t.

That's the type of l33t Largo uses a lot, so people can understand it.

I have a n33d for b33r, for example.

I'm tryin' to find Target Earth...I have vague memories of it from my childhood, and I hear it's a ludicrously insane game.

The Debate Hall?

Bah. I don't have much time to debate random things...most of the time.

Anything worth debating?

Like whether or not God has two sides, assuming that a God exists? I love debating about God. Nothing personal against Him, I just think that humans are stupid because they seem to contradict their own beliefs a lot.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
I agree. Did you know that most humans only use one side of their brain during their life? It's a scientific fact. No other animal on the planet does that. That's why there are right-handed and left-handed people.

As for the whole "God" matter, i'm not really religious except for the whole "salvation by faith" thing. In fact, I think that God is actually some kind of superior alien race that is watching over Earth and studying the behaviour of humans. And "religion" is just the way in which we portray these extraterrestrial beings. How else could you explain the thousands of UFO sightings that have occured in the history of mankind?

But I digress...

Anyway, I might go over to fanfiction.net and get caught up on some reading there. I've also been trying to get my .NET passport to work (e-mail address needs verification) so I can use MSN Messenger.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Nah, see...what bothers me about 'faith' is how people preach the 'truth.'


If you're showing faith in something, then it means that it's not necessarily true.

That's like saying, "I have faith in gravity."

Problem is, you already accept gravity as a fact; a truth.

In order to have faith in something like Jesus Christ, you have to admit that the Bible may not be true- but you believe that it is.

That's what people don't get, and it pisses me off so bad.

No d4mned mortal man has the right to say what is truth and what isn't to other people. I might actually be a Christian today is stupid people didn't try so d4mn much to convert other people just to make themselves feel better.

When everyone around you isn't a Christian, it makes it harder to be one. Ergo, they try to convert everyone around them for their own mental security- it makes them feel better.

If everyone around me thinks it's true, well, then it must be.

Of course, everyone's not like that. I just see a lot who are around me.

Organized religion is just...bleck. If someone wants to believe in Jesus, then let them. If someone wants to be believe in Buddha, let them. Your religion doesn't make you a better person or not. A lot of people seem to think I'm a Christian just because of the way that I act and the fact that I can go to church and listen to preaching and nod my head when I agree with little bits, like how lying is stupid and that all people sin.

Agh, see, there I go.

Anyway, I'm trying to write some more lately...I did finish my Prologue to T3H G4T3, but I don't know if anyone will read it.

I think I should remake my sig into a cooler MT banner.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
There have been no new posts in the last 6 days to your subscribed threads.
Go figure... Anyway, as far as this whole "faith" thing is concerned, there's only one thing you need to know Ed, and I believe you already know this: Humans are stupid. We may be the smartest creatures on the planet, but we are still corrupted in many ways.

...I did finish my Prologue to T3H G4T3, but I don't know if anyone will read it.
I might read it. Meet me on MSN and we shall discuss. :cool:

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
"We shall discuss?"


Anyway, I've already stuck up the Prologue to T3H G4T3, as well as posted a new Q4D! Chapter up on FF.net--I think I'll update it here right now.

Anyway, here's a t4st3 of the next Chapter, since 3'/3 haven't been writing TTX lately.



The air was clean and warm, and the sky was dark with white sparkles scattered across its space. Fireflies flickered their lights on and off as they drifted along in a dreamy state. Raven rested her body against the solid tree behind her, pressing her head into the thin layer of moss on the trunk's surface.

Ever since she had found this place within her, Raven had concluded that she knew what her 'happy place' was. But lately, she had reconsidered that concept. This couldn't be her happy place- her friends weren't here. Just...herself. And herself, and herself, and herself...

"It's hopeless," whimpered the Gray Raven. She sat against the tree but on the opposite side as the concious Raven did.

"How come you're so down?" the Pink one wondered, oblivious to Raven's stress level.

"My best friend is drunk AND despressed," Raven ranted. "All of my other friends are acting...'angsty'...Robin's being an irrational, obsessive jerk..."

"You can't get any alone time with Cyborg," Pink pointed out, realizing one reason.

"Uhhh..." Raven shrugged and looked down at the soft grass beneath her. "Well, y-yea, that...But I can't even use my powers..."

"Of course you can't..." another Raven bellowed grimly. Raven looked up to see a black-caped, faceless form of herself 'staring' down at her from about five feet away. "How can you use dark magic when you reject the darkness...?"


"You don't even understand how you WORK...You're such a newbie..."

"Newbie?" the White Raven, the target of the Black's words, murmured.

"Yes. You've only been in charge for a little while, but you think everything's going to be perfect."

"Darkness..." Raven, the White one, muttered to herself, noting her pure-colored cloak. "Are you saying that I'm losing my powers because...I'm losing my DARKNESS...?"

"Exactly..." the black one murmured. "I used to be in charge...Then, out of nowhere, you came along and threw me out. I don't know how you did it, but...I want my old job back. Everything was running just fine until YOU came along."

"Fine?? FINE??" Raven floated to her feet and glared at the faceless Raven, stung by the insult. "I was an insensitive JERK. I didn't even understand what FRIENDSHIP was! How is that FINE?"

"Feh..." Black crossed her arms and shook her head. "We were getting stronger...Now we're weak. We tremble at the smallest thing. And what about all of this 'romance' you desire? You know that we'll never have it! This body that we live within...It is a creature of DARKNESS. All shall return to DARKNESS..."

"I'm not going to let you do that!!" White growled back. She flung a hand forth to grab her foe, but they passed right through the dark Raven as she disappeared into the night sky, dissolving away.

"I can feel the anger burning within you both," roared the deep voice of the Red Raven. When the White Raven spun around to face another facet of herself, she saw no one. No Pink, no Gray, no Red...She was alone.



Dec 19, 2002
Hmm, so that was the black one. She is the one that controls the powers and the white one is Raven's new personality. I understand now.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Yea, you pretty much got it...I think.../||\4'/83.

By the way: I'm on break.

That means I may have completed this Chapter a week from now.

Expect to see some moreof my writing up this week...hopefully.

I'm going to try.

Did you know that most humans only use one side of their brain during their life? It's a scientific fact.

I disagree. Where's your proof? I thought that the different halves of a human brain do different things.


Smash Champion
Jul 25, 2001
I'm not telling you psychos
Originally posted by Destiny Smasher
"Feh..." Black crossed her arms and shook her head. "We were getting stronger...Now we're weak. We tremble at the smallest thing. And what about all of this 'romance' you desire? You know that we'll never have it! This body that we live within...It is a creature of DARKNESS. All shall return to DARKNESS..."
Look kids! Ansem is in RAVEN'S MIND! OMFGWTFBBQ?!

Sorry I haven't been here in a while. So what's been happnening? I never saw your opinions on birthmark.

Oh, and I updated. Go Me.


Smash Champion
Jul 25, 2001
I'm not telling you psychos
Ansem might be involved with this?

OOOOOOOOOOO! Now you got me interested.

Hey, you said to send my fic to your email so you'd actually read it. Problem is, I DON'T HAVE YOUR EMAIL.

Please notify me so I can send the fic. Trust me, you'll love it.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Um...Did I say Ansem was involved...? No, 3'/3 don't believe I did.

Anyway, didn't you check my profile? My e-mail should be there, ya know...


By the way, I've got another scene ready, once someone replies.

Further, I'd like to point out that someone DID figure out that 1337 spoiler I posted up earlier.

Congrats to them.

Well, it's Saturday now...And I'm really pissed at myself...

My computer was started to do stupid things...Livable things, but stupid. And Windows Media Player stopped working fr some reason.

So I re-installed Windows XP. Joy. Now I have to re-register it AGAIN...and Din knows what programs aren't working now.

Most of my pictures got deleted, as they were in the My Documents folder.


My sound isn't working at ALL. It WAS just yesterday, but after I re-installed, it stopped. Some crap about how the hardware is malfunctioning. I guess there must be something wrong with my sound-card somehow...


And ****it, why will a Shiny Pink Egg not appear in the Black Market?!?! It's taking long enough to do that, and it'll probably take longer to hatch the egg into a Chao with a ^_^ face...

You can't have the Teen Titans as Chao without a ^_^ face on Starfire, now, can you?

And **** you Rouge, for beating Amy in that tournament on Sonic X!! (Even though I knew fully well that EMERYL would win. Yea, you heard me--EMERYL, not M.L.!!)

Blah. They really got lazy on the Emeryl storyline. Not that I'm surprised...-_- Then again, they've gotten really lazy on the Sonic Adventure plots, too. Ah, well. That's what fanfiction is for, isn't it?

Speaking of which, I haven't been writing as much as I've wanted to.

Without music to drown out the siblings around me, it'll prove to be even harder to do. Well, I just about have a Q4D! Chapter done, and I've worked on the next TTX some more...

Well...A new TT tonight...A new FMA tonight...I'll get RE4 back on Monday, and by Monday I'll be able to order my Megatokyo gear...

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
I just realized I have quite a bit written for this story compared to what I've posted. I think that updates are worthy of *bump*'s.


"Hungry?" Robin murmured in amusement as he watched Cyborg pull a giant turkey sub out of the fridge with one hand and scoop up a fresh pizza box with the other.

"You know it!" Cyborg replied with a drooling grin as he toted his load out of the room. He flew to the elevator at the end of the hall. When he got there, he balanced the sub and pizza box in one hand and pressed a button on the panel to call the elevator. After he had snuck around and reached his bedroom, he lightly rapped on the door as he glanced to his sides.

"Yo! It's me!"

He paused and waited for the door to open, revealing a droopy-eyed Jinx. He watched her eyes light up with joy at the sight of the food in his hands. He quickly hopped in and placed the food on a desk adjacent to the door. Jinx stared at it in a trance for a couple of seconds as Cyborg opened the pizza box and took a huge sniff of the warm air that rose from the doughy creation.

Cyborg chuckled and stepped away from the food carefully, fearful that he might accidentally get bitten.

"Go to it, girl," he told her. She obeyed his command loyally, lunging at the rations. As she devoured the sub, Cyborg decided to grab a slice of pizza while he had the chance.

"You ARE hungry," he noted after swallowing a chunk of cheesy goodness. "Did you get any sleep last night?"

She shook her head as she chewed viciously.

"Sorry," Cyborg muttered, glancing at his bed. He'd taken some blankets and pillows from elsewhere to turn his platform into a bed for someone who wasn't made of metal. He knew that it was probably the worst bed in the Tower for her to sleep in, but it was the best he could do at the moment. There was no way he was going to tell Robin that he had taken in a criminal. Robin had enough problems to worry about. He'd have to wait until the time was right, or until she decided to leave and find somewhere else to crash.

"What are you sorry about?" Jinx asked him critically. "Did you make this sub?"

Cyborg shrugged and shook his head. "If I wasn't made of titanium, I probably wouldn't be able to sleep on that thing, either."

"Don't be such a baby about it," she scolded him. "Geez...It wasn't the BED, anyway. I just couldn't sleep. Imagine trying to fall asleep at the HIVE Academy when you're not supposed to be there..."

Cyborg nodded slowly, seeing her point. "Gotcha."

"Anyway, do you have any ideas about where I should be headed tonight?" Jinx asked apathetically.

"I was thinkin' you could just hang here until you find another place-- or my friends let you stay."

(...He wants me to STAY...? What's wrong with this guy? Doesn't he remember that I'm a VILLAIN?...)

"Ha. Me? A Teen Titan? Have you completely forgotten that I'm a CRIMINAL?"

"So you LIKE eating from garbage cans?" Cyborg slyly countered.

"...Of course not," Jinx replied, avoiding his eyes. After a pause, she finally asked him the question that had been grating her mind since she'd arrived. "Why did you let me come here, anyway?"

Cyborg cocked a brow at her, a bit confused as to what she was thinking.

"'Cuz you were in a bind," he answered, as if it were a given.

"If you're trying to tell me that it was the 'damsel in distress' routine, I hate to break it to you, but I'm no princess. I'm a villain."

"But you're still a person," Cyborg reminded her. "And I'm supposed to be some 'hero.' Last time I checked, helpin' people out is what 'heroes' do."

"Oh, please," Jinx grumbled. "There's SOME reason you're keeping me here. You want information, or you're-"

"I TOLD you- you needed help. Don't you GET THAT?"

Cyborg huffed and scratched his head, baffled by the girl.

"You can stop your little 'hero' charade," Jinx growled, dropping the rest of the sub onto the table and crossing her arms over her chest.

"It's NOT a charade!" Cyborg insisted. "I pull you off the streets and you don't trust me?"

"Why should I?" Jinx demanded. "You don't trust me."

Cyborg replied, "Because I saved your butt! Wait, what? Who said I didn't trust you?"

Jinx stumbled for words for a moment, then spat out, "You don't have to say it! Why would a Teen Titan trust a criminal?"

"Man! You are so thick headed!" Cyborg grunted. "What do they TEACH at that school?"

"They teach us how to use our strengths to better our lives. What do you learn here?"

"I learn how to get along with people. I learn that working together is one thing, but being a team is another. I learn how to trust. You haven't learned any of that yet."

"Whatever," Jinx cast his comment aside, though it continued to roll around in her mind. "So, are you telling me that you're not afraid of me jumping out and attacking you?"

Cyborg smirked and answered with a definitive, "Nope."

Jinx stared at his human eye for a moment as he said that and came to an epiphany.

(...He really trusts me.)

"Must be some malfunction," she guessed in a cold tone.

"I think it's that I'm still a person, just like you."

"Ha! We're not people- we're freaks. If I was a 'person,' I would never have wound up going to that stupid school."

"Maybe they don't treat you like a person at the HIVE," Cyborg hypothesized. "But I will."

Jinx was beginning to feel warm inside again after he said those words. He smiled at her, and she almost wanted to ignore it, but she couldn't. She found herself gaping at him with wide eyes, and quickly caught herself, shaking it off. Cyborg noticed this, and he was glad that his message had reached the receiver with positive feedback.

The silence was interrupted by a knocking at the door.

Cyborg and Jinx both froze, their eyes gripped by the door for a second or two.

"Go hide in the back," Cyborg whispered through the side of his mouth. Jinx stealthily snuck to the back of the room and crouched behind some crates of various equipment.

Cyborg answered the door, and Raven's face met him. She looked a little exhausted, though it was only morning, and signs of stress were abundant in her appearance- her eyeslids drooped slightly, her hair wasn't as neatly combed as usual, and her movements were slightly sluggish.

"Good morning," she said, a smile crawling acorss her otherwise dreary face.

"Mornin', Ray," Cyborg muttered, rubbing his head. "What's up?"

"Robin's calling us all to a meeting," Raven grumbled, rolling her eyes. "He told me to come and get you."

"A-all right, yea...Tell him I'll be down in a minute."

"All right," said Raven with a slow nod. "...Um...So, are you going to be busy today?"

Cyborg glanced off to the side as he pondered how to respond.

"I'm not sure, yet- depends on what's goin' on. Why?"

Raven shrugged, turning her head to the end of the hall to Cyborg's left.

"Well, I was just wondering if you were still up for taking a drive and...ya know...just talking, like always."

In a quid pro quo scenario, Cyborg returned Raven's shrug with one of his own, muttering, "I guess. I don't know; I still need to work on the security systems and figure out what's jammin' 'em up."

"Ok. Well, we should probably get going- Robin's being really impatient."

"I'll bet he is," Cyborg agreed, raising his brows. "I'll be there in a sec."

Raven nodded quickly as she went off down the hall and the door closed. Cyborg turned back to Jinx and watched her head poke up from behind the boxes carefully.

"Wasn't that little Miss Goth?" Jinx wondered, perplexed.

"Raven?" Cyborg chuckled and rubbed the back of his head.

"I don't remember her being so happy..." Jinx mumbled, lifting a brow.

"She's been changin', man," Cyborg told her with a shrug. "Anyway, I gotta go down n' find out what's up. Just stay here, a'ight?"

Jinx huffed, her hands gripping her hips. "Whatever."



Smash Journeyman
Feb 9, 2002
I was wondering where you were, atleast you were too busy writing to update instead of something stupid like... being to busy eating, or breathing, to update :chuckle:


Smash Champion
Jul 25, 2001
I'm not telling you psychos

Sorry I ain't been around, but between schoolwork and watching Sonic ideas get ignored/bashed by rabid S3&K fanboys has both made me busy... AND PISSED.

Episode 14 of my story's gettin' hard to write, as well. Been a while since I've seen Cyborg 009.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
What the hell are you people doing here wasting time worrying about Cyborg 009 when you could be watching the new Zelda trailer?!


I've been busy writing, going to school, going to tennis practice, mastering Pikmin...and...stuff...

By the way, about Sonic...Have you heard? News broke yesterday at the Game Developer's Conference in San Fran--Shadow the Hedgehog is gettin his own game later this year. Looks interesting. Imagine the Sonic Adventure/Heroes style gameplay set with a grittier environment/story, and add some gunplay to the gameplay.

But seriously, go watch the new Zelda trailer--we're talking about the undisputed MUST OWN game of the year.

But for right now, I'm trying to be more interested in Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat and stuff. Psh. Yea, right. Great game, I'm sure it is...

In another two months, E3 will roll around, and THAT'S when all the happy stuff goes down. Heheh...

Hm? What? Update?

Oh, right, yea...whatever...


"Where's Starfire?" Raven questioned after glancing at the group before her that was arranged in a circle at the large table in the kitchen.

"She's still in her room," Beastboy mumbled. "Said she'd be down soon."

"It doesn't matter," Robin concluded, his tone serious. "Fill her in later." Raven gave him a quick dagger glare, but he was ignoring her.

"So what's the 411?" Sonic wondered. He was cocked back in his chair, his feet propped up on the table. Sitting at his right, Amy gave Sonic a sharp smack to the head, and he groaned in reply, dropping his body to a more respectable position.

"It's Slade," Robin grimly announced. "It turns out that while we were trying to take care of Killer Moth, he took advantage of the situation and broke into a research institute." Robin drummed his fingers on the table, an aura of anxiety and frustration pulsating from his demeanor. Continuing to frown at the table, Robin added, "He stole part of a prototype armor system that responds to neural activity. He didn't manage to get all of it, and the company wants us to do guard duty tonight."

A few groans erupted from the group, but Robin wasn't backing down.

"I know he'll be there tonight," he explained. "And we need the money, especially since there are so many of us now..."

"What are you talkin' about?" Beatsboy demanded, perplexed. "The city pays us to protect it, right?"

Robin nodded slowly, his eyes narrow.

"They do," Mario agreed. "But we didn't exactly protect it the other night, did we?"

Silenced by the stern words of the one in the red cap, Beastboy's lips moved, but little sound came out.

"I've already agreed to take the job," Robin stated. "If anyone doesn't like it, they can stop eating for a few days or get a different job."

Robin's threat was met by a table of silent Titan with wide eyes. To conclude, Robin annolunced, "At four o'clock, I want everyone outside at the training grounds so we can prepare for tonight. That's it."

After Robin had grumbled out the end of his speech, the room was slowly drained of life as each Titan left to try and ease their minds.


"So, what was that all about?" Jinx mumbled casually, eyeing a photo on Cyborg's desk. It was one of him and Robin, taken in the garage of the Tower. They were both grinning toothy, foolish grins. A large, robotic hand grasped it firmly and removed it from the girl's skinny fingers.

Cyborg sighed, muttering, "Just a meeting," as he placed the picture back on the shelve where it had been. "We've got some work to take care of tonight."

"What kind of work?"

"Same old," Cyborg answered dully, giving her a suspicious glance. "And you better not even think o' messin' around while we're gone, or you're gonna be canned faster than dogfood."

Jinx scoffed at his threat and rolled her eyes. "Whatever. I'm not gonna go sneaking around," she assured him. "I might leave while I can."

Cyborg shrugged and shook his head.

"Go ahead." He headed toward the door, ready to go play some Gamestation with his friends.

"Hey!" Jinx growled, dashing to his back. "Where are you going?" she demanded, a twinge of panic squeaking through her throat.

"I'm going to hang out with my friends," he informed her, his back still to her. "I guess you wouldn't know what that's like, since you don't have any," he added. Though his tone aimed to puncture her, he smirked, hoping that he could get her to crack. It didn't work this time.

"Wh...Fine!" she spat out as the door to Cyborg's room swished shut. "Who cares?" she grumbled to herself bitterly. "I wouldn't get along with those goodies, anyway..."

As her brain faced a conflict, she folded her arms over her chest and slammed her thin frame into the chair at the desk near the door. She wouldn't admit it, but had enjoyed her time that morning talking with the cyber-teen, and had wanted it to last longer.


Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
My computer was started to do stupid things...Livable things, but stupid. . . My sound isn't working at ALL. . .
Oh dear... I remember when I had computer problems. :( But that was back in the Windows 95 era. I'm very surprised that my 6-year old Systemax PC is still running smoothly; in fact, it runs as fast as most modern Dell computers. I still find it quite perplexing.

Okay, now for a little comment on the Titans' situation...

"It's Slade," Robin grimly announced. "It turns out that while we were trying to take care of Killer Moth, he took advantage of the situation and broke into a research institute."
I have one word for Slade: SMART... *grits his teeth*

Although guarding the institute sounds like a boring, lenghty task for the Titans, i'm looking forward to reading it. I believe it will be filled with the tension of an inevitable attack...

News broke yesterday at the Game Developer's Conference in San Fran--Shadow the Hedgehog is gettin his own game later this year. Looks interesting. Imagine the Sonic Adventure/Heroes style gameplay set with a grittier environment/story, and add some gunplay to the gameplay.
:bee: !!! *his mouth opens, but no words come out*

No doubt, E3 is going to be VERY interesting this year. We're on the eve of the next console generation. How exciting!!! :D :D

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
X Box II is supposed to be out by the end of year. Too bad most people will be playing the new Zelda game, I'm thinking.


Oh, I'm far passed fixing my computer. It's fine now.

The gaming industry seems to get more exciting with each passing year...

Will Nintendo's Next really start a Revolution in gaming?

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Amen to that.

As the years go by, technology improves, allowing for a better, more immersive gaming experience.

And as the years go by, we are beginning to see the video game industry grow very rapidly. It's catching up to TV and movies as the most popular form of entertainment in the country.

There aren't many people in my town who are hard-core gamers, which stinks. But I'm hoping that in the future, they'll grow to love video games.

A lot of people (especially in my town) think that gamers are fat, lifeless slobs who sit on the couch all day, but this is far from the truth. I HATE it when people generalize us gamers in such a grotesque way. :mad:

Gaming is not only fun, but it's also a form of art; a way of "escaping" from the boring tasks of everyday life and assuming the role of a hero/villain in another, more fantastic world. And since the player ultimately controls the outcome of the game, it feels more rewarding when you complete it, because you feel that you've earned your right to see the game's ending.

But I digress...

No doubt, Nintendo will have to be very creative and innovative if it wants to beat Sony and the ever-growing Microsoft empire. They'll have to take a huge risk when designing their next console, and something tells me that it will pay off in the end. :)

But until then, I have a "personal revolution" to attend to; to create a computer game that i'm actually proud of. At first I thought that was an oxymoron, but as I begin the development of my next game (think "Sonic"), i'm starting to get excited about what it will turn into.

The trick is to start simple. Add enough so that it's playable from start to finish, THEN add the extra features.


Dec 19, 2002
Great updates. It looks like Jinx is starting to have feelings toward Cyborg. I think in the end Jinx will join the Titans.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Jinx and Cyborg liked eachother in the episode where Cyborg infiltrated the HIVE, so I decided to incorporate that in here.

Obviously, things are happening VERY differently.

As for Nintendo, they're very good at being creative.

While Sony continues to go down the same road they were going down 5 years ago (just goinf faster), Nintendo is trying to start going down some NEW roads.

In order to get ahead, you have to take risks, which is what Nintendo is doing. It seems that they have certainly been learning from their mistakes these past few years.

They plan on going 3rd party as well as online with the DS and with the Revolution.

I believe we're here:


"Where's Starfire?" Raven questioned after glancing at the group before her that was arranged in a circle at the large table in the kitchen.

"She's still in her room," Beastboy mumbled. "Said she'd be down soon."

"It doesn't matter," Robin concluded, his tone serious. "Fill her in later." Raven gave him a quick dagger glare, but he was ignoring her.

"So what's the 411?" Sonic wondered. He was cocked back in his chair, his feet propped up on the table. Sitting at his right, Amy gave Sonic a sharp smack to the head, and he groaned in reply, dropping his body to a more respectable position.

"It's Slade," Robin grimly announced. "It turns out that while we were trying to take care of Killer Moth, he took advantage of the situation and broke into a research institute." Robin drummed his fingers on the table, an aura of anxiety and frustration pulsating from his demeanor. Continuing to frown at the table, Robin added, "He stole part of a prototype armor system that responds to neural activity. He didn't manage to get all of it, and the company wants us to do guard duty tonight."

A few groans erupted from the group, but Robin wasn't backing down.

"I know he'll be there tonight," he explained. "And we need the money, especially since there are so many of us now..."

"What are you talkin' about?" Beatsboy demanded, perplexed. "The city pays us to protect it, right?"

Robin nodded slowly, his eyes narrow.

"They do," Mario agreed. "But we didn't exactly protect it the other night, did we?"

Silenced by the stern words of the one in the red cap, Beastboy's lips moved, but little sound came out.

"I've already agreed to take the job," Robin stated. "If anyone doesn't like it, they can stop eating for a few days or get a different job."

Robin's threat was met by a table of silent Titan with wide eyes. To conclude, Robin annolunced, "At four o'clock, I want everyone outside at the training grounds so we can prepare for tonight. That's it."

After Robin had grumbled out the end of his speech, the room was slowly drained of life as each Titan left to try and ease their minds.


"So, what was that all about?" Jinx mumbled casually, eyeing a photo on Cyborg's desk. It was one of him and Robin, taken in the garage of the Tower. They were both grinning toothy, foolish grins. A large, robotic hand grasped it firmly and removed it from the girl's skinny fingers.

Cyborg sighed, muttering, "Just a meeting," as he placed the picture back on the shelve where it had been. "We've got some work to take care of tonight."

"What kind of work?"

"Same old," Cyborg answered dully, giving her a suspicious glance. "And you better not even think o' messin' around while we're gone, or you're gonna be canned faster than dogfood."

Jinx scoffed at his threat and rolled her eyes. "Whatever. I'm not gonna go sneaking around," she assured him. "I might leave while I can."

Cyborg shrugged and shook his head.

"Go ahead." He headed toward the door, ready to go play some Gamestation with his friends.

"Hey!" Jinx growled, dashing to his back. "Where are you going?" she demanded, a twinge of panic squeaking through her throat.

"I'm going to hang out with my friends," he informed her, his back still to her. "I guess you wouldn't know what that's like, since you don't have any," he added. Though his tone aimed to puncture her, he smirked, hoping that he could get her to crack. It didn't work this time.

"Wh...Fine!" she spat out as the door to Cyborg's room swished shut. "Who cares?" she grumbled to herself bitterly. "I wouldn't get along with those goodies, anyway..."

As her brain faced a conflict, she folded her arms over her chest and slammed her thin frame into the chair at the desk near the door. She wouldn't admit it, but had enjoyed her time that morning talking with the cyber-teen, and had wanted it to last longer.


Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Hence the 'I believe we're here' bit.

Considering I've been posting this on 2 or 3 sites at different rates...

Anyway, if that's the last bit I posted up, then...OK. I see where we are.

I'll edit that post later today--don't have the time right now.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
No duh.

I haven't been hearing from anyone, so I have little motivation to write lately.

Besides, Naruto and Full Metal Alchemist had me under their control for a while there.

Now I'm playing Paper Mario 2 again, since I haven't really touched it since November-ish and it's such a Godly awesome game.

Ah, well. Did I actually FIX that post...?

Well, either way, I'll try to remember to post up something you guys haven't read yet.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.

"Mm hm, that sounds good. Tell the girls I'll see them in a half hour."

"What about Starfire?" Terra wondered curiously. "Is she OK?"

Raven sighed, and Terra could see what little color the girl had in her face disappear.

"No, she's not," Raven mumbled. "I'm going to check up on her right now. I'll see if I can get her to come with me, but...--" She shrugged sullenly.

"Well, I'll tell 'em that you'll be around in a while," mumbled Terra when they stopped at Starfire's door. "Um...Make sure she knows that everybody's here for her," she muttered weakly, not able to express the thought coherently.

Raven smiled back at her as weakly as Terra had spoken. After giving the blonde girl a quick nod, Raven watched her friend disappear down the hall to join up with the other females. Sucking in a deep breath, Raven rapped at the door lightly. No sound met her ears afterward, so she tried again with more intensity in her fist.

"...I do not wish to be bothered," whimpered the Tamaranian from the other side. Raven could feel her heart being torn by the emotion in Starfire's words.

"Starfire, let me in," Raven pleaded gently, her voice like a warm breeze in autumn. "I just want to make sure you're doing OK."

Starfire hesitated, then declared, "You have no reason to worry about me."

Raven huffed and went to the panel at the door's side to punch in the five digits she had memorized. A few seconds passed, and the door opened--at least, Raven saw it opening in her mind. It didn't budge an inch, however. Jamming in the numbers again to make sure she hadn't made a mistake, Raven was in dismay as she realized that the door had been locked from the inside somehow. Puzzled but determined, Raven held her palms up against the door and plunged her brain into a deep concentration.

Her heart aching to comfort her best friend, Raven felt her body pass through the door as she could before; however, she did not step through the door in shadows, but in a bright flash of pure, white light.

The mysterious girl's heart raced from the invigorating event she had just experienced. She suddenly felt so full of life, as if she had just walked for the first time all over again. As she gasped for breath, exhilerated beyond reason, two wide, fearful, emeralds glared at her from the shadow of a hood. Raven's eyes adjusted from the entrance slowly, as the room was quite dark. The lights were all off, and the curtains were drawn to stop natural light from pouring in. Slivers of yellow rays filtered in periodically where the curtains didn't quite cover the glass.

Raven's violet eyes squinted as she desperately searched the bleak room. She noticed a quivering, huddled mass of black on the ovular, pink bed in the middle of the desolate chamber. Raven's heart skipped a beat as she drew in a sharp gasp. The sound of air rushing through her lips seemed to echo across the lifeless room, bouncing from one cold wall to the next. The tainted green jewels in the darkness--Starfire's eyes--silently screamed out in desperation, like an angel trapped in hell.

Immobilized by Starfire's seemingly unstable state, Raven could only stare in horror until the trembling Tamaranian managed to mutter, "Please...Leave me be..."

The quivering voice of the girl shrouded in shadows willed Raven from her comatose state of shock, forcing her to respond.

"Starfire," she whispered, heartbroken. "What...--?" A pale, shaking hand reached into the blackness for Starfire as Raven's feet inched her body to the defensive alien.

"No, please," Starfire whimpered out. "I am...unbearable."

"Starfire," Raven called desperately, climbing onto the cold, plush bed.

"Please leave," insisted the semi-psychotic Titan in the cloak.

Raven, ignoring Starfire's pleas, crawled closer and closer, unrelenting. As soon as she was within reach, her slender arms snapped out to capture Starfire within them. Much to Raven's surprise, Starfire shrieked and leaped up to fly out of her friend's grip. Starfire's flight ended within a second of escape, and she plummeted to the ground in a chaotic crash, slamming her head into the floor with a sickening 'thud.'

Raven, already confused, her heart petrified as it was, cried out from the girl's reaction and the result. Though her emotions were running rampant, she was so focused on helping her friend that she was able to subconsiously levitate her body and rush it over the side of the bed to the crumpled Starfire on the floor.

"Wh--? S-Starfire, are you all right?" Raven demanded shakily, slipping a soft hand into the red hair beneath the moaning head and tilting it up. A whimper spilled into the air, pricking at Raven like a needle. The girl with the lavender hoodie sent her sympathies through her hands and concentrated on relaxing the Tamaranian through her powers to heal. However, like her other abilities, these engulfed her hands in white light. When the light seeped from her fingertips, however, Starfire's face became visible, causing Raven to freeze yet again, horrified. Starfire's face itself didn't horrify her, but realizing that her friend was in such a deformed state, both emotionally and physically, gave her grief beyond words.

Starfire's deep, loving eyes remained in tact, squinted shut. The eyelids quivered and she sniffled. Her once round ears were now long and jutted upward with stiff, pointy ends. Two very thin spines poked out of her neck at either side, like those of a porcupine. This, added to the bulbous mass of her head, made Starfire look quite different, indeed.

"What...--?" was all Raven could mutter, left in awe.

"I'm becoming a monster," Starfire coldly whispered, removing her head from Raven's palms and letting it roll to the floor. Paralyzed from the situation presented before her, Raven couldn't say a word for a few moments, and Starfire slowly sat up on her hip, supporting her upper body with her arm. Sitting like a feeble, wounded victim, Starfire let a tear fall from her eyes, which began to glow faintly. The light from the pained girl's face was enough to illuminate the area around her, if only slightly.

Raven was confused further as she caught sight of Starfire's hand, which was now visible. Traces of the same thick, soft hair that grew from Starfire's head were emerging from the back of her hand, and even from her feet. Raven knew that this was unnatural, even for Starfire, as she didn't grow an inch of foothair within a couple of days. Somehow, for some reason, Starfire was...transforming.

"Starfire, wh-what's wrong? Why...--?" Finding it far too difficult to express her concern in words, Raven leaned forth to squeeze the emotionally unstable Titan once again, her grip firmer than last time.

Starfire finally gave in to her best friend's persistence, and hugged back, careful as to not scratch Raven's back with her slightly elongated fingernails.

The deformed Tamaranian had no control over the intensity of the light pouring from her eyes as it increased. Staring at Raven's pale face, Starfire's eyes bathed the girl in a sea of green. Without even a flinch, Raven's violet eyes widened and gazed deeply into the shadowy figure, absorbing the fear and doubt as best she could as to alleviate Starfire's condition.

The emerald jewels sparkled in an unworldly fashion, radiating dispondent light. Thin streams of glowing, green liquid gracefully trickled down tan cheeks, and the lonely, desperate voice of a fallen angel whispered, her body trembling with unbridled confusion. Fear pulsated through the air from her eyes like waves of darkness itself.

"What is happening to me...?"


Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting





Would this have anything to do with the so-called "alcohol" Starfire has been drinking? I can't really think of any other explanations at the moment.

But anyway, I like the 3 spaces between lines. It's much more comfortable for my eyes. :) And did you also notice that the word "hell" wasn't censored this time around? Wierd...


Dec 19, 2002
She's going through that transformation thingy like in the show. It's where she think it's acne at first and after turning like that she left earth to find a new home. Anyways great update.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
You know, I sense a bit of irony here. When this story first started, Starfire was her usual, cheerful self, and Raven was dark and secretive, like she was on the show.

But now, it appears that their attitudes have completly reversed. Raven is much more "open" about her feelings, and Starfire has fallen into a dark, fearful state.
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