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Winds of Fate: The X Factor (Teen Titans)

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
No, no, it IS true.

I saw no interest. Ergo, none was posted.

Nope, it was true. :p

Oh, I'm sorry, am I being antagonistic?

Well, in THAT case...

Gimme until tomorrow and you'll get some of Chapter 13. Maybe half of it, I'd say. I'm 2/3 done right now.


Dec 19, 2002
I do have interest. I never had anything to say considering I have nothing to say about Paper Mario 2. Plus I didn't want to write anything stupid. Well at least we may get an update tomorrow:) .

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Well, here's about the first third of Chapter 13. And yes, the title is much more important than the number of the Chapter.

<-{--[ Begin Transmission ]--}->

The Destinia Saga...

Winds of Fate: The X Factor

Chapter 13- Thirteen

"I SAID I was sorry!!" the lean, green, semi-mustachoied teen spat out in defense.

He received a light slap on the shoulder from the usually peppy girl before him. She didn't really seem angry, but more or less frustrated and upset.

"Well...Well why weren't you here last night, then??" she demanded with some ferocity.

"Amy, calm down," he tried to settle her, keeping his palms up to defend himself from her wrath. "I got held up. We had some troubles with the sinks, so I put in some extra hours to fix up the plumbing. It was a real mess, and they didn't have time to-"

"Whatever!" Amy hissed, crossing her arms over her chest as she slammed herself down into a chair. "Are you going to leave me alone tonight, too? I thought you wanted to see your brother!"

Luigi sighed as he slowly rested himself across the table from her. He heard the light pattering of rain drops on the large umbrella that covered the table on the corner of the busy street. It was a peaceful morning, at least.

"Of course I do..."

"Then why haven't you gone there yet???" Amy asked him in exasperation.

Luigi shrugged and scratched his nose.

"I guess I kinda-...Well...I'm not sure. Yea, you're right. What the heck, let's go, then."

"...Wh-?!" Amy's eyes widened. "Like, r-right now?!"

Luigi lifted a brow at her. "Well, sure, why not? You seemed so eager just a second ago..."

"I can't just GO right now!" she grumbled, staring at herself. "I need to get changed, and put on makeup, and-" She jumped to her feet quickly, and she twitched a little, ready to dash off.

"Um...All right," Luigi muttered nervously. "You go do that- I'll just wait here for you."

He thought she looked OK, though. Very casual- a tight cotton T-shirt of red and a pair of black jeans. But Luigi liked the casual look more than the fancy dress-up. It was rare to see him in a suit- he only wore one at work because he HAD to. A nice baggy pair of denim overalls with brass buckles and a roomy green tee was all he ever needed, along with his trusty cap.

"Oh, thank you so much!" Amy told him as she rushed down the street, whimpering from the light rain that had started.


"...How could I get an F?!"

A groan spilled from the girl's mouth as she slammed her head into her crossed arms on the desk.

"Maybe you're tryin' too hard," bellowed a gruff, deep voice from behind her. It was followed by a crunching sound as its owner chomped into a crispy chocolate bar.

"But I NEVER get F's..." the girl grumbled, glaring at the paper that lay in front of her. A small reading lamp illuminated the desk, while the rest of the room was fairly dark- there were no windows. It appeared to be a dorm room of some kind.

"Oh, put a cork in it, Jinx," complained an irritating voice that could be best described in one word as 'snotty.' It had a very whiny quality about it, like a spoiled child. "Who cares about your crud-munchin' test? Geez, Miss Perfect..."

The girl in the mysterious garb at the desk frowned bitterly. She wore a strange black skirt like that of a witch, and tall boots with thick soles. She had pale skin and pink eyes that looked like a cat's. Her hair was in a unique shape- it didn't run down her shoulder, it poked up in what looked sort of like two horns, with black stripes running in rings in the middle of eahc 'horn.' A few fuzzy bangs stuck down, as well. She was Jinx, a dark girl with bizarre powers- bad luck.

"Glad to know you care so much, Gizmo," she bitterly snapped. "The Headmaster is upset as it is..." She sighed, sinking her head back onto the plastic desk. "First there was the desks, then the sinks..." A despondent huff poured from her lips. "And let's not forget the cafeteria fiasco..."

"That was so cool," chuckled the burly man of a teen that was laid back leisurely in a corner of the room, snacking on various junk foods. He wa sa goliath, indeed. His body was thick with muscle, making him about as big as Cyborg. His fists were humongous- he could grab the average head easily within his chubby fingers. His face was covered with orange facial hair that formed a furry beard, while it spiked up on his head in a mess. His eyes were simply white, and they looked hostile. He also had oversized canines to add to his animalistic form.

"Mammoth," Jinx growled, "It was NOT cool...The only reason I haven't been exspelled yet is because my grades are so high, but...-" She rubbed her aching head gently with her thin fingers. "-Ugh...Now what am I gonna do?" she whimpered.

"You could, I dunno, NOT destroy stuff at lunch and fling food all over like a maniac," Gizmo, the small and utterly devilish kid, suggested. He was very small, but his brains made up for his size. His head was round and bald, and he wore goggles on his eyes so you couldn't see them. He always had a black box of sorts attached to his back, and it was with this device that he controlled a massive array of gadgets- hence his name. From metallic legs to make him move like a spider to a rocket, Gizmo used his mechanical brilliance to make up for his small stature.

"...I can't CONTROL it, you idiot! My powers have been malfunctioning lately. If I don't resolve the problem soon, I WILL be exspelled..." She crumbled up the failed test in her one hand as she rested her head on the other, the corresponding elbow on the gray desk.

"You make it sound like it's a BAD thing," Gizmo snickered. He was playing a video game on a small television screen that was mounted in the wall beside his bed. Various electronics were scattered around his part of the room, ranging from a surround sound set of speakers to a laptop to a stereo. He felt his head get thwacked by a ball of paper, which bounced off comically. Jinx was standing beside him, and she huffed, criss-crossing her thin arms.

"Well, it is for me," she hissed at him. "I don't have anywhere else to GO. This is IT for me. Without the HIVE, I have nothing. If you don't care, then fine. Besides, it's not like we're friends, anyway- right??"

Gizmo had turned his head and ignored his game to look up at her scowling face.

"Aw, come ON, Jinx, stop being such a snot!" he told her. "Geez, Brother Blood's not gonna kick you out over some dumb test!"

"Yea," Mammoth agreed. "I fail all the time," he told her with a grin.

"Yes, but YOU aren't demolishing sections of the school by accident!" Jinx whimpered. "Whatever," she shook her head, turning to the door. "You guys are no help. I'm leaving this pig pen."

With a shrug, Mammoth watched Jinx stomp out of the room, the metal door swishing to a close behind her.

"MAN, what is her PROBLEM?" Gizmo grumbled.

"Heh, must be that time of the month," Mammoth joked with a loud laugh.

"No kidding," the little, bald machine marvel chortled.

"...But she was serious, huh?" Mammoth added thoughfully after a moment.

"What? About gettin' exspelled? Oh, please. She's such a teacher's pet that they don't want to even let her out of the dog house."

"...Yea..." Mammoth had his doubts. "But the Headmaster almost lost the hair he's got left after what happened the other day, know what I mean?"

"...Meh," Gizmo grunted through the side of his mouth. "Who cares? It's her problem, not ours."

Standing outside of their door quietly, Jinx leaned againt the wall. She stared at the ground dully, her pink eyes glazed.


"Where shall we 'date' this evening??" Starfire asked, hopping with excitement.

Robin groaned, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Uh...Well, I don't know, Star. We just went out last night, so-..."

"Oh." Her hopes melted into mud. "I understand. It would be too stressful, would it not?" SHe was sympathetic about it, though.

"Yea," Robin admitted. "Besides, we have a job to do."

"You are correct," Starfire agreed with a serious look. "We must not let desire deter us from our goal."

"Right," Robin muttered, not quite paying attention as he stepped into the rec room. "OK, guys, time to get some training done!" he called into the room, catching everyone's attention.

"Gotcha, Rob," Cyborg shouted back, a poolstick in his hands. "We'll be down in a few."

"All right," Rob replied as he exited the room. Starfire glided to his side as he proceeded to head to the elevator at the end of the hallway.

"Robin, you seem quite stressed, indeed," she observed. "Is something wrong?"

"Not really," Robin answered calmly. "But Slade's up to no good again. We have no idea what he has planned..."

"Of course," Starfire replied in a murmur. A well established point."

"Besides," Robin added. "We have a huge team, now, so we'd better work on some team-WORK."


"WHOA, now! Be careful, Pyrocitor-" came a sarcastic taunt from a cloaked wizard. You couldn't make out her face in her black hood at all, and you couldn't see any of her appendages, either, due to her robe's massive amounts of cloth. She was talking to a fellow student, who was a rough looking kid with fiery hair, a red t-shirt, and yellow shorts. "-You don't want to make her upset. She might sick a black cat at you!"

The expression of the skinny girl being mocked was one of utter loathing. The grit teeth, clenched fists, and burning eyes of Jinx reflected how angry she was at the time as she stormed through the hallway. The wizard girl drifted aongside her, her head cocked to the side as she spoke to her as if she were a toddler.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Jinxy. Are you mad? You aren't going to make the walls fall down by 'accident' again, are you? That would be a shame...We wouldn't want to see such a perfect girl like you get EXSPELLED, would we?"

Two fierce, cat-like eyes darted to the right to glare at the shadowed face of the pest.

"SHUT-UP, Nerga..."

"Ohhh...You ARE upset, aren't you, Jinxy?"


"You shouldn't get sssoo worked up, huh?" a hissing tone poked in from her left. It was 'Pyrocitor,' another annoyance. "I mean, geezzz, it would kinda sssuck if there was another food fight becaussse of you, ya think?"

"If you two don't silence yourselves RIGHT NOW, you WILL regret it..."

"Will we, now?" Nerga probed.

Jinx sucked air in between her teeth, her nails digging into her palms. She felt a familiar wave of energy flow from her fingertips, and she gasped as an uncontrolled spasm of negative power erupted from her hands. The lights in the hallway flickered off, and she could feel small objects landing on her head and shoulders. The ground was rumbling slightly, and Jinx felt her body trembling just as much without its aid. Her powers were going haywire again. It had started as a slight inconvenience a few weeks ago, but had gradually grown into a serious problem.

"Holy ss****!!" yelped Pyrocitor as he glanced around himself, frozen. The hallway was still illuminated by his flaming head, but that light quickly disappeared as he fled off, running for his life. Other bystanders in the vicinity were making a run for it, as well, while Nerga remained to torture Jinx until the last moment.

"Well, it was nice knowin' ya, Jinxy. It was only a matter of time," her snobby voice jabbed at Jinx, who was hugging a wall, trying her best to concentrate and control the misfortune as the bully before her vanished into the shadows.

As she could feel the thundering force of the ceiling above her falling down, she shoved open the nearest door and lunged in, slamming it behind her. She paused, her body deathly tense as she braced for the impact. She was toppled over buy the earthquake that was caused as a whole section of hallway floor collapsed and crushed the floor she was on, tumbling both sections down to the one below her. Jinx didn't see the devastation, nor did she want to.

Confused, afraid, and frustrated, Jinx stumbled to a small table to her side, scrambling to seat her shaking body into a frail chair. She glared at the small, round mirror that was miracuosly left intact on the wall above the wooden table. Gazing into her pink, dulled eyes that were growing wetter by the minute, Jinx grumbled to herself, "It's over..."

She let out a small shriek as the glass before her shattered to bitty pieces instantaneously, the shards raining to the table. A tear slid down her pale cheeck as she rammed her fist into the wooden surface, splashing glass into the air.


"Tay, what's up?" Robin asked with curiosity. "Your whole game's thrown off...Come on, I know you've got more than that."

Tenochtitlan was avoiding his gaze, and she only seemed to stare the giant, padded mat below her bare feet.


"One more round," Robin said as he prepared for combat.

Tenochtitlan didn't budge an inch, but her fingers held a tight grip on her wooden staff. Her eyes were dull a and navy blue.

"Here I come," Robin warned, elevating his voice as he lunged forth. He was thrown off balance a little as Tay swiftly backflipped, dodging his fist. A small grin crawled across Robin's face as he realized that she was entering her combat mode.

He flung a small barrage of silver orbs at her, but she twirled her staff with her adroit fingers, and every one exploded on contact, creating small bursts of flame. Tay followed this move with a forward somersault into the air. She came down with her staff held out, and it made a loud 'thwack' as it smacked the mat. Robin had sidestepped out of the way and lifted his foot to strike with a powerful kick. His blow connected with Tay's side, and she tumbled to the floor. She hardly seemed to hit it, though, and she dropped her staff and used her hands to +flip her body back up immediately. She grabbed her weapon between her feet and pulled them up, dropping it in midair as she landed upright. After catching it in her hands, she pointed it forward as it- and her eyes- flashed red.

Robin cried out in surprise as a searing hot beam of fire zipped right by him. He could feel the heat from it on his face for the second that it lasted. Beastboy, up on a balcony above, cheered at the action. He paused afterward, and his thoughts began to wander.

(Maybe that's it...Maybe Tay doesn't think I'm...'manly enough' for her...If there's really a war or something, then...She probably thinks I'm a wuss and can't help her...)

As the two traded furious blows, their fellow Titans were clapping and rooting, unable to pick a side. Robin pulled out his staff halfway through the sparring session, and things got even more interesting. The twirling of metal and wood in the air and the smacking sound they made when they collided added to the etertainment factor.

Tenochtitlan was getting very fierce in her fighting, though, while Robin was holding back some. His gadgets were countered with harsh magic.

A birdarang was easily blown away by Tay's bare hand, and she crushed Robin's chest with a ball of black and purple energy from that hand. Before he could get back on his feet from the blow, Tay lunged forth and pinned him to the ground, keeping his arms back with her staff. She glared down at his face, and he was shocked to see that the tiara on her head had turned black, and her eyes slowly shifted from red to the same shade.

"What's with THAT, Rob?" Cyborg taunted his friend.

"You have more than that," Raven noted.

"Yea, that was way too short!" Sonic grumbled. "How about some more action? You want ME to come down there...?"

"WOO!" Beastboy cried. "You GO, Tay!! You're an animal!!"

Robin was completely confused at Tenochtitlan's reaction to that comment. Her eyes grew wide and lightened to a dark blue, and she loosened up on Robin, getting off of him quickly.

"...Nn-..." She spun her head to stare up at him. "No I'm NOT!! I'm a PERSON...just like EVERYONE ELSE!!" she shouted hysterically. Met with utterly perplexed faces, she chucked her staff into the padded ground and dashed for the exit, storming out of the room.

It took a few moments for her to leave, and there was hushed silence until she did, and then the murmuring began.

"What's with her?" Terra asked.

"Got me," Link grumbled.

"Did I say something nasty...?" Beastboy wondered aloud as guilt poured through him.

"I don't think so," Raven muttered. "But maybe she took it the wrong way. Is something going on between you two?" she wondered, speaking quietly as she isolated him from the others a little. "You haven't talked to each other at all this morning, and usually, you're-..."

"Yea," Beastboy groaned, frowning. He crossed his arms and huffed. "I don't know WHAT her deal is, but...There must be something wrong with me. I must have made her mad, or something..."

"Really?" Raven asked him- they were walking down the stairs that led up to the balcony at this point. Starfire had wanted to go and find out what was wrong with Tay, but the others convinced her not to.

"She's been weird today," Link had warned her.

"Yea, she wants to be alone," Robin announced. "She'll be fine...So, who's trying next? Can we get a two-on-two going here?"

"Aw, yea, Rob!" Cyborg cried, raising his shaking arm. "Me and Sonic'll take out any foo' who wants to bring it. Ain't dat right?" He turned to Sonic and stuck out a fist. His knuckles were rapped Sonic's much smaller hand.

"You know it!"

"So, Rob, whatchoo thinkin'? You and Star, me and him?"

Robin turned his head over to Starfire a little and shrugged. He was answered by a giggle and a "Let the challenge commence!"


"Yea, so...Then she just told me to leave...Man, I feel like such a goober..."

Raven sighed as she walked beside him, lowering her sweater over her waist to make sure no tummy was showing.

"...Whoa...That doesn't sound like her," Raven noted, confused.

"Yeah, I KNOW that," Beastboy grumbled. "I kept trying to get her to tell me what the DEAL was, but she wouldn't..."

Raven paced at his side with her arms crossed over her chest and her head slightly tilted down.

"Mm," she hummed in reply carefully. "...Tenochtitlan must have a reason for acting this way...Can you think of anything you might've done to get her angry?"

Beastboy ran his hand through his green hair in frustration as his eyes glared at the floor.

"No...But...She thinks that I want to be with Terra, and not her..."

Raven angled her head up to glance at Beastboy's perplexed profile. "...So-"

"Of course not," Beastboy spat out at her quietly before she could ask the question. "No...Terra's awesome, but...I like TAY...Besides, Terra's already with Link, right?"

Raven could feel her guts tightening up, and her arms squeezed her body a little more, as if to suprress it.

"Uhhh...Y-yea, I think..."

"...Right," Beastboy grumbled with a huff as he covered his face with his gloved palm.

Raven could feel the desperation oozing out of him, and she felt awful about it. All she had was a crush on Link, while Beastboy had obviously developed much more than that. That part of Raven that felt sympathy and wanted to help decided to take action. This part of Raven had once been like a wilted flower that Starfire had given water and sunshine to so that it could grow into a beautiful blossom once again.

"...Wwwell...I'll try talking to her about it, and see if I discover anything..." she told him slowly.

Beastboy stared at her in disbelief, his brows furrowed. Raven bit her lip slightly as her conversation with Robin the day before stormed into her mind.

("I've been...getting on your nerves...")

("Yes, you HAVE.")

"Ummm..." Raven swung her arms behind her back and hooked the right hand on the left arm nervously. "I-I'm sorry...It's none of my business, I shouldn't-"

"Dude," Beastboy said calmly, grabbing her shoulder. "Chill out...I'm not MAD. It's just...-" He grinned, his cheecks turning a little pink. "I didn't know you cared that much..." He dropped his arm and rubbed the back of his neck as he murmured on. "You just never really did stuff like that, ya know?"

Raven was feeling embarrassed about this, too.

"I-I've changed, Beastboy," she mumbled, glancing down at her blue sneakers.

"Totally," BB agreed, holding his hand up into the air. At first, Raven didn't know what he was doing, but she quickly processed that he was waiting for a high five. She took her arm and swung it lightly at his hand, making a 'pfft,' noise, as he was wearing gloves. "But, seriously," Beastboy asked her after the friendly gesture, "You would DO that for me...?" His tone illustrated at least some sense of disbelief.

Raven twirled her finger around a purple drawstring from her hood as she muttered, "Of course...Why wouldn't I?" She looked up to his glazed, emerald eyes. "You really like her, don't you?"

"You know it..." he whispered, his pointed ears drooping down a tad. Raven smiled weakly back at him.

"That's all the reason I need," she whispered back warmly. Raven was truly beginning to understand why Starfire did the things she did. She was starting to comprehend her way of thinking and why she was so happy all of the time. It was because being a true friend gave you true friends in return.


"Raven..." Tenochtitlan let a deep sigh flow out. She was hunched over on the table a little, and her hair was drooping over so you couldn't make out her eyes. She had one arm on the table before her, and her other was up on an elbow, its hand against her forehead. Raven was seated beside her on a stool in the kitchen, her hands neatly folded in her lap.

"I'm not mad at Beastboy..."

"If you're not mad, then why were you shouting at him?" Raven asked quietly. She would glance around from time to time to make sure that no one was eavedropping on them.

"...Was I...?" she murmured with guilt. "I didn't mean to yell at him, or anyone..." She rubbed her nose with her finger and sniffed. "I guess I'm mad at myself..."

Raven didn't say anything, but she lifted a brow, and Tay could tell by the silence that she was curious.

"It's...It's hard to explain, and...I REALLY don't want to talk about it..."

Ray gentley rubbed her shoulder with her left hand (she noticed that her black 'bruise' wasn't visible).

"That's OK...You don't have to. But...Why did you say what you said before? We KNOW you're a person, Tay, nobody was questioning that."

Tenochtitlan sniffled and wiped her eye as she mumbled on. "...I know...I know I'm a person...I was before I came here, a-and I still am..."

"...Sooo...Why did you go hysterical...?"

Tay ran her palm down her face slowly, and let it stay on her mouth as she continued, making her voice muffled.

"...I don't know if you'll believe me, but-"

"I'll believe you," Raven interjected, continuing to rub Tay's bare shoulder with her pale hand.

"...I'm not...Not the way you see me. It's not who I really am..."


Tay slapped her hand onto the table, her teeth clenched with fret.

"...Back home, I'm really...I'm...a monkey..."

Raven would've giggled at the thought, but she knew that the girlw as dead serious. She couldn't see her face, but the gem on her circlet was a dark purple.

"...A monkey?" she whispered, bewildered. "You don't look like a monkey..."

Tay huffed and put her head down on the table into her folded arms.

"But I AM..." she grumbled, the sound quieted by her flesh.

"What are you saying? That you...transformed?" Raven guessed carefully.

"...I don't know HOW," Tenochtitlan groaned. She lifted her head a little and rested her chin on her dark arms. "...But yes...When B said that I was like...an animal...I just...I kinda went crazy. But it's hard to explain, because...I WAS a monkey before...but not just...a MONKEY. I mean, I was still...a PERSON..."

"...Whoa...So, on your planet, monkeys can talk...?"

"I'm sure there's even stranger things to you than that," Tenoch droned. "But that's really not a big deal, I'm just still getting used to it. That's all."

Raven crossed her legs and floated to Tay's back, where she began to massage the girl's smooth, dark skin. Her shoulders were left bare by the black shirt she wore at the time, and most of her back was open, too. Raven hadn't thought much of it, but Tay did seem to only wear what she had to. This made sense, afterall...(I doubt monkeys are used to wearing clothes like me...) she noted in her mind. Tay even refused to put on shoes. Raven concluded that whether she had been an ape or not, she certainly was a beautiful human.

"It's no wonder you and Beastboy get along so well," Raven joked, cracking a small smile. She hoped to lighten the mood, and she did, at least some. A small giggled sneaked out of Tenochtitlan's lips.


Raven's expression shifted to a sympathetic one as she remembered why she had decided to talk with Tay in the first place.

"...You know...He's really worried about you..." she whispered.

"...I know..." Tay murmured after a pause. "I feel so awful about it..."

"You don't want to be in that kind of relationship?" Raven hypothesized skeptically.

"That's not it. It's...complicated...I can't right now. I've been getting my memories back, and the more I do, the more I realize that I can't do this to you guys..."

"What are you talking about? You haven't done-"

"No, it's what'll happen sooner or later. Raven, we all have to get back to our homes, because there's a war going on. And I don't want to drag the Titans into it. It's our problem. You guys have done so much for us, and...-" The girl shed a tear or two as she dropped the rest of her sentence.

"Hey, girls, what's up?" an excited Titan greeted as she entered the room. Though neither girl turned to face her, they certainly knew who it was.

"...Oh, uh...Y-yea...Hi, Terra," Raven murmured, her insides knotting up.

Tay coughed as she brushed her tears away.

"Mm hm..."

The blonde teen was ripping through the fridge, and as she came out with a small jug of vanilla pudding, she began to try to start a conversation.

"So, how-"

Her face went pale when she noticed that no one was in the room. She frowned, feeling very awkward, and sighed as she retrieved a spoon from a drawer. She couldn't help but feel that they had no interest in associating themselves with her, and it made her feel quite uncomfortable. She slowly stepped out of the room, a little perplexed. All three young women had come out of the room with twisted innards.


"I promise, Headmaster, I won't-"

"You've already had your three chances, Jinx," the demanding, long-faced man overruled. "You've become a nuisance more than an asset to the HIVE. You're disrupting your fellow classmates from learning, and therefore, you are no longer fit to remain a student at my school."

"...You can't-"

"My decision is final," he growled at the pleading face of the pink-haired girl. "As of this moment, you are exspelled from HIVE Academy. Now, begone."

A large, hexagon door of metal quickly slid open at the opposite end of the room. The room was the large, central area of the private school (where teens with superpowers were taught how to use them for self gain rather than the common good). The huge opening in the middle was where Jinx stood, alone, while about every student populated the many seats around the preimeter. It was like a colleseum, and the 'ceaser' sat in a yellow, floating chair at the head of it all, towering above the failure of a child. He was a very suspicious man with a skinny face and a pointed chin. His hair was white and slicked back somewhat. He wore a robe of sorts, like a pope, and it was decorated with gold cuffs.

Overhwlemed by his glowering face, Jinx spun her head around the audience, calling for help.

"GIZMO!! MAMMOTH!!" she shouted desperately. But there was no reply. Distraught and defeated, Jinx dragged her skinny legs inch by inch, heading for the door. As she reached her destination, however, she paused. She hatched a mischievous little plan, and after concocting it, she whirled around, her arms stretched, and pulsed power through her arms. As jagged, pink waves of energy blasted through the air, Brother Blood, the Headmaster, fumed. His eyes began to glow a fierce red, and Jinx felt her brain get racked with pain, but she endured it. Gasping for air, she glanced up at Blood to see a slightly surprised look on his face, but then he turned his attention to two of his students that had been hiding in the halls outside the room.

Jinx felt her body get paralyzed by a shot of electricity, and she watched as the sights around her turned upside down. She couldn't feel anything, but she could still see, and what she saw was Mammoth's face above her, and Gizmo hovering at his side. Mammoth's eyes and Gizmo's goggles had the same ominous red aura that Brother Blood had. It was at that moment that a lot of past events made sense to Jinx, and the missing pieces all fit into place. Brother Blood could control his students with some type of telepathy. This was the last things Jinx could think of before everything turned black and she slipped into the world of the subconcious.


"Geez, Tikal, would you quite readin' that dumb book? Let's go DO something, I can't stand sittin' around in here..."

The spiny hair of the teen was pushed back a little with every brisk step he took as he paced in circles around Tikal, his speed quick for walking. She almost ignored him, her eyes wide and glued to the ancient pages.

Sonic was rambling in the background, but she didn't cath a word of it. She was on her side, hokding her head up with an elbow and turning pages with the other arm. Her body was on the black sofa, and the book was on a footrest right beside it. She began to feel a bit chilly, which was most likely caused by the air movement Sonic was creating. Her thick, pale orange hair would shift slightly everytime he passed from behind. She finally pried herself away from the book's grasp at last, managing to close the old yet well kept cover after sticking a little yellow ribbon inside to keep her place. Her palms stuck to her arms as she rubbed them, trying to warm them up. Noticing that her shirt had slid up a bit, she tugged the white cloth down so it only revealed her bellow button and not much beyond that. After brushing off her roomy, denim skirt, she moved her skinny legs over so she was sitting upright, and carefully slid her feet into her leather sandals. After she had gone through this little process, she finally acknowledged Sonic's presence, and felt embarrassed. As he zipped by behind her, she brushed the mass of soft orange on her head with her fingers so it was straight and entirely behind her.

"-get some chili dogs down town, see a flick, or something?" Sonic had come to an immediate halt right before her, and his foot tapped impatiently as he awaited a response.

"Oh, that sounds...fine. Yes, if that's what you wish, then let's go."

Sonic cocked his head to the side just a bit and eyed her suspiciously.

"You didn't hear ANYTHING I just said, did you?" he asked her with a frown.

"..." She didn't answer, her cheecks pink.

Sonic huffed and tossed his arm.

"Whatever, as long as I've got your attention NOW. Guess I'd better take you around town while that book isn't hypnotizing ya..."

Tikal fiddled with the metal hairband of gold on her head as she realized just how much time she'd been spending reading the old text.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled.

"It's OK," Sonic grumbled back half-heartedly as he grabbed her hand and pulled her up from the couch. "So, uh...Whaddya think? Wanna see if BB and Tay are in the mood for a double date?"

Tikal, her hands latched together behind her back, showed some teeth in a nervous smile.

"I-I'm not sure that would be a good idea," she murmured shakily.

"Why?" Sonic asked her, clueless. "They busy?"

Tikal followed Sonic down the hall slowly, forcing him to calm his own feet down.

"No, Sonic, they...They're not dating right now..."

Sonic shot her some disbelief, his brows furrowed. "What?? Why not? They seemed pretty hot for each other to ME..." He scratched his blue chin hairs, erked by the thought.

"There's more to it than THAT," Tikal assured him. "I think they still like each other. But it seems that Tenochtitlan is beginning to understand who we are, and what that would mean for Beastboy when we get back home..."

"Yea," Sonic said quietly, combing his chin his with his fingertips thoughtfully.

"...Well, what about Link...?"

Tikal shrugged. "I don't think that he's really thought about it."

"Well, maybe it's for the best that he hasn't."

"Perhaps...So what are you going to do about Zepha...?"

Sonic dropped his hand from his face and blinked at her dully.

"Oh, I mean, Amy," she quickly corrected herself. "She'll find us sooner or later. You know that, right?"

Sonic glanced at the makeshift bracelet on his left arm. The chunk of otherworldly stone would flicker like a lightbulb from time to time, but it didn't that instant he glanced at it.

"Well, yea...So what?"

"...Are you going to...you know...Brush her off, like you always do?" Tikal wondered. By the tine in her voice, you could tell she didn't approve of this choice.

"Whoa, hey, I never said I'd do that!" he responded, slapping his hands up for protection.

"So what ARE you going to do...?" Tikal questioned calmly, moving the bracelets on her arms some.

"...I dunno. It doesn't matter, anyway, she's still gonna be the same old Amy," he concluded with a sulking shrug.

"...You think so...?" she pondered as she ran her hand through his rough, gel-filled hair, putting any loose strands into place.

"Oh, yea. Stubborn, as usual," he said restlessly.

Tikal smiled behind him as she finished touching him up.

"Sounds like someone I know," she murmured slyly.


"Corner pocket, man," Cyborg announced calmly as he aimed his billiard stick at the heavy black ball on the table. After a second or two to prepare for his shot, he carefully slid his arm forward, and the wooden pole made contact with the eight ball. It swiftly rolled across the fuzzy green surface and landed gracefully in the designated pouch.

"Booyah," he cheered cooly, balling his fist up before his face.

"Smooth," Mario congratulated him with a nod.

"You may be able to take me out in Robosmash 2003, but ain't nobody beats Cyborg in pool."

"Duly noted," Mario said with a smirk. "Are you that confident with your poker game?"

"What if I am?" he asked as he set the poolstick on the table.

"Then maybe we have ourselves a match to play. Let's go round up the guys."

"I hear ya."

No sooner had they cleaned up their game had Terra popped into the room- she seemed to have quite the habit of doing that.

"Oh! Hey, guys! I've been lookin' for ya!"

"Yo, Terra!" Cyborg walked over to greet her. They pressed knuckles together in a friendly manner. "How's my little rock n' roller?"

"Great," she responded. "Whatcha up to?"

"Me and my bro were just chillin'," he answered as Mario stepped over slowly, scratching at his matted brown hair. As he put his cap back on his head lazily, Terra's eyes lit up.

"Mario! Oh, that's right! That reminds me, Mario, somebody just came over a little while ago...They said they were your brother, I guess..."

"What?" Mario responded, suddenly quite eager. "Why didn't anyone tell me before??"

"Sorry," Terra mumbled shamefully, her head shrinking down slightly. "Robin told me to go look for you, and I, uh...Sorta got caught up on the way over..." She looked pretty guilty about whatever it was, but Mario didn't bother probing.

"Well, whatever," he spat out as he darted out the door, the other two following him. "As long as he's still here."

"Yea! Yea, he's still here," Terra quickly assured him.

"Don't we have some intercom system built into the tower or something?" Mario wondered aloud. "Ya know, for things like this?"

"Well, yea," Cyborg mumbled. "But it's been on the fritz these past couple days, man. I can't figure out what's wrong with it. Some of the security I set up has been messin' up in the middle of the night, too," he admitted with a touch of suspicion.

"Might wanna look into that," Mario suggested, glancing at him expectantly.

"I got it," Cyborg told him defensively.

"Anyway-" Terra jumped in, "-this guy had some girl with him, and she seemed to know you, too..."

Mario's face grew deep with thought.

"...Was she blonde?" he asked, his eyes narrow. Terra shook her head quickly to answer the question. "Hm."

"She had pink hair," Terra explained. "She was pretty, uh...peppy. Real excited. Wouldn't shut up about Sonic for some reason."

Mario chuckled lightly as faint memories of the girl came back to him.

"That sounds like someone I know, all right," he muttered. "I just don't know what she's doing HERE..."


"Yea, so...Well, that's what I've been up to, anyway...You got the pizza place, and I got the fancy restuarant..." Luigi smirked at his brother. "What's THAT tell you, Bro?"

"It TELLS me that I like workin' casual, and you need to get all dressed up," Mario countered with the same smile.

"I've gotta admit, though- your digs are WAY better than mine," Luigi admitted as he gazed around Mario's room. Some red shirts were tossed on the floor at the foot of his bed. His wall was hand-painted and depicted a pixelated environment with brown bricks, yellow blocks with question marks, mushrooms, and turtles. (If you've played the original Super Mario Bros., you should have a pretty good idea of what kind of wall he has. If you haven't, then it's very safe to say you don't play video games at all.)

Above his bed was a wooden hook that would hold up his hat when he slumbered. His blanket was completely red, with a large, white 'M' stitched in the middle, and he had white sheets. The room had brown tiles for a floor, which seemed like an odd choice to most. Both brothers were sitting in beanbag chairs beside the bed, and both were in their classic garb. They wore a t-shirt (Mario in red and Luigi in green) and blue, denim overalls with brass buckles. They wore brown workboots with thick soles. Traces of hair lingered under their noses, and no matter how often they shaved, it seemed to grow back into a fairly bushy mustache in a day or two. They both shared the same sapphire eyes- deep, entrancing eyes that were almost unworldly.

"You have a whole tower to live in," Luigi added. "All I have is an APARTMENT. How did THAT happen?"

Mario shrugged, holding back a laugh. "Got me..."

"I ALWAYS get the short end of the stick," Luigi complained, shaking his head.

"Isn't it great?" Mario joked, patting him on the back. "But ya know what the bigger question is? We're all HERE. How did THAT frickin' happen?"

Luigi rubbed his forehead as he struggled to gather faint memories.

"...You said it was unpredictable where we'd end up, though?"

Mario nodded and groaned. "Yea...Yea, I know. We're all **** newbies to the N-Force. That was just a **** of a task, and it had to be done. At least we're still ALIVE."

Luigi shrugged, resting his elbows on his legs and his chin in his hands.

"That's not gonna do us any good if we're stick HERE...We have to get BACK."

"No ****, Sherlock," Mario grumbled, rubbing his fuzzy upper lip. "Ya know what's buggin' me, though? I'm a TEENAGER."

Luigi blinked at him for a moment until he realized what he was talking about.

"Oh, right! Of course...And you're WHINING about it?"

"Well, NO!" Mario answered. "But, last time I checked, I had a few more years under my toolbelt, ya know?"

Luigi laughed heartily. "How old ARE we, anyway?"

Mario snickered and shook his head. "Only the Stars know, Bro...But we're sure as **** older than THIS..."

"Yea...None of you have figured that one out, huh?"

Mario shrugged as he cocked his head. "Well, I mean...The rest of 'em are SUPPOSED to be teens. Link, Sonic...the others. But none of them are HUMAN..."

The green brother tapped his chin thoughtfully as he pondered.

"Mm hm..."

"So how did you get an apartment, anyway?" Mario wondered, curious.

"Well...I just sorta...had one..." Luigi mumbled back, now realizing how cloudy his memory was. "The farthest I remember, I was renting it out."

Mario nodded quickly, having found his answer.

"Same here. I had one, too, before I started sackin' here..."

"Yep..." Luigi yawned as he stretched. "So we don't have any idea why we're like this?"


"...So we have no idea how to get back," Luigi concluded.

Mario lifted his brows a little as he stared at the ground dully. "Yep. That's about it."

"...Well, that's just peachy," Luigi grumbled, slapping his knee in frustration. He grinned slyly as he realized what he'd just said. He saw Mario sigh, and considered apologizing, but his brother just tossed his arm. "I was hoping you guys might've figured something out by now."

"We've been TRYIN', Bro, believe me."

"We're gonna have to try HARDER," Luigi declared firmly. "Who knows where everyone ELSE wound up. I mean, imagine...We could be all spread out across the galaxy, or something..."

"Better than being dead." Mario brushed the thought off. "At least we still have a CHANCE. Would you rather have gotten crushed by a million tons of Mobian soil?"

The slightly taller and skinnier brother rubbed his neck, trying to calm down.

"You're right...So what do we do now?"

Mario removed his hat and let it hang casually in one arm as he ran the other hand through his dishevled maple hair.

"We wait," he answered smoothly.

"...Wait? Wh...For what??" Luigi demanded quietly.

"We wait for Sideris."


"...She has the answers..." Mario concluded. He gave Luigi a glance that was instantly read as, (You'll find out when the time comes.)

Luigi came to understand by that glance that all Mario knew was of this person's existence and that they would arrive soon. If Mario was confident with this course of action, Luigi would go with it.

"All right, Bro."

"Until then, you do what you want. I'm helping the Titans."

"...I gotcha. So, should I...-?"

"I dunno. I think we've got enough to take on anything this wussy city's gonna throw at us anytime soon. If I need ya, I'll call ya." He dug through his black nightstand and pulled out a Titan communicater. Luigi accepted it and slipped it with care into a pocket on the front of his overalls.

"Until then, you just enjoy yourself. Relax, chill out..." He took a deep breath and finished his sentence solemnly. "Relish it while you can. This **** war just got started. There's no turning back now..."

"...It's times like this when I sit and have a nice, hot cup of coffee and start whippin' up a Fruit Parfait..." Luigi muttered reminescently.

Mario glanced up at him and shrugged.

"That's 'cuz I'm always the one hauling ***," he declared jokingly, and got a punch on his shoulder in response. "Well, you're the chef, pal, so you start getting things ready, then. Put your heroic skills to work."

Luigi chuckled and shook his head slowly.

"How's a Hoolumbian sound?"

Mario stared at him, clueless.

"Whaddya make THAT with? Wh- Is it like a frappachino, or somethin'?"

"No," Luigi immediately told him, tossing his arms as they both slowly rose from their seats. "You mix two parts Hoo Beans with three parts Woo Beans..."

Mario blinked at him, his eyes wide and utterly void of understanding. Any memories of recipes had certainly not been carried over since whatever it was that had happened had happened.


"And for the Parfait, I'm gonna need some Keel Mango and Peachy Peach..." Luigi muttered, having not glanced up at his brother's completely perplexed face.

"...You forget how you got your current HOUSE, but you remember your ****ed recipes..." he grumbled, pulling his hat down over his face in disgust.



Dec 19, 2002
Great update. I have nothing much to say except that you spelled expelled wrong.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 1, 2004
*agrees with mewtwomaster*

awesome, I really liked the training sequence between Tay and Robin, and how you mentioned that Robin was holding back some. Gave it a nice touch.

I also liked how you started to bring the whole HIVE thing into the fic. I can't wait to see how that turns out.

keep up the good work.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.

Geez, can you BELIEVE these Nintendo DS sales...?

Good golly...

Anyway, ummm...

So, yea, this Chapter still isn't complete, but I guess I can give you guys more...

Yea, I KNOW I spelled that word wrong. I changed it, too, but...I have different files of the Chapter, so I probably posted up the unedited one. *shrug* Oh, well.


"Where is she??" Amy screamed, hopping like a rabid dog. "Come on, where's Tikal? I missed her SO MUCH!" Sonic was almost creeped out by her joy, and he was getting the familiar headache that he always associated Amy with as she skipped through the dark halls behind him.

"...Uhh...Yea, she's probably around here, reading that stupid book," Sonic grumbled, though Amy didn't catch it in all of her excitement. But at the same time, Sonic was trying desperately to ignore HER.

"WOW, you guys live in such a HUUUUGE house!!" she squealed, holding her palms up to her cheecks in shock.

Sonic was especially displeased with himself at the fact that watching her bound around was undeniably turning him on. She was wearing a black T-shirt- a fairly tight one, at that- with the phrase, 'I've got all the 1-Up's you need' printed in green letters on its front. The term '1-Up's' was highlighted by a certain pair of feminine organs. The shirt seemed to curve up at her waist to show her tummy, which Sonic found to be rather cute- which he hated himself for. On her slender legs was a pair of white denim shorts to contrast the black. They were quite similar to Raven's, actually, but Raven's were longer, going almost to the knees, while hers were the opposite. Half of her skin was exposed, it could be easily argued.

"So you've been, like, fighting crime with these guys, and stuff?" she asked, oblivious to their weeks of toil.

"Yea," Sonic grunted, trying to ignore her. Amy pondered deeply for a few moments. Her brows were furrowed and she frowned in concentration as she recalled an event from some while ago.

"So you guys saved me from the Whomping Willow...?" she murmured, wondering if her guess was right.

"What?" Sonic asked her, baffled.

"Huh, I guess you don't remember, so...-" she trailed off, deciding that it was too unlikely. Sonic wasn't there when the Titans had come to stop the half-tree, half-man. It had been a crisp evening, and Amy had done her grocery shopping a little late. On her way back to her apartment, she'd encountered a bizarre man with tree branches for arms and leaves for hair. He'd knocked her groceries from her hands and went to attack, when a band of teenage superheroes showed up to save her. However, before she could thank them, Amy panicked and sped off for home. What she didn't realize was that Sonic had shown up shortly afterward to help take down the vegetative threat.

Amy's attention to this matter derailed immediately as she caught sight of her good friend, sitting with her legs crossed in the dim halls, just as they turned a corner.

"Oh, hey, T-"

"TIKAL!!!" Amy screamed, scaring the girl half to death as she dropped to her knees and squeazed Tikal in her arms. She laughed in a giddy fashion as she did so, and Tikal removed her hands from the old text in her lap to return it. It wasn't until after she started hugging her that she got over the initial shock and realized who it was.

(ZEPHA-No, wait...) "AMY!" she cried out with glee and giggled back. "Wow, how did you get here?" she asked estactically.

"I found out you guys were with the Titans," Amy explained in a rush as she plopped down beside her, letting her legs stretch out into the hall.

Tikal slowly closed her book and set it aside.

"This is a pleasant surprise," she said cheerfully. "Don't you think, Sonic?"

Sonic stammared out, "I-it's a s-surprise, all right...Yea..."

The two girls snickered at his wide eyes and slightly ajar mouth. The two seemed to have already established an unspoken pact to team up on him and cause him to act in awkward ways with their feminine charm. He could handle ONE cute girl that liked him- but two at the same time?

A very odd love triangle existed between the three, indeed. This relationship did not have to be remembered to still be intact, of course. After having his heart broken years back, Sonic had finally decided to start a new romantic life. Despite Amy's many advances, Sonic seemed solid on not letting her near him. What he didn't realize was how Amy really felt. As far as he was concerned, she was a smitten twit who just wanted to make out with him. The truth was far more than that, and Amy had known Sonic quite long enough to safely say that she did love him in the real sense of the word. She wanted to see him happy, and would do anything for his well being. And so, when Sonic began to start attaching to Tikal, Amy did nothing at all to stop him, though she yearned for his affection herself. Tikal, on the other hand, liked Sonic quite a lot, as well, but she always wondered if perhaps he'd be better off with Amy. As a result, there was no real sense of jealously between the two girls. There was...'anti-competition.' Afterall, from their points of view, the other girl could make Sonic happy, so that earned respect. From Sonic's point of view...they both could make him happy. Ergo, he had a dilemma. At the present moment in time, he had decided to actually start dating Tikal, and all had gone well, as Amy hadn't been around to divert his attention. But...Now she WAS. And that could certainly prove to throw his romantic world off its orbit.

"...So...I-I guess I'll let you two hang out, n'...-" He blinked nervously at both sets of beautiful eyes staring up at him- one a deep, dark blue, and the other en emerald green indentical to his own. He was captured by two equally heartwarming smiles, and he caught himself before he began to observe their feminine forms in depth. He shamefully turned his back to them as he quickly looked for an exit from this situation. He couldn't stand to be in the presence of them both at the same time- not just yet, anyway. "I, uh...I got a food...in the oven..." he muttered in a very sloppy fashion as he prepared to race off- which he did quiet eagerly.

A flurry of small giggles came from the two girls as they relished the moment. Watching Sonic squirm gave them joy- they got to see him be in the powerful position of the hero all too often, and it was nice to know he was still a person like everyone else, no matter how much he tried to show off. All the same, Amy and Tikal would often feel awkward around each other when they got in the right mood. This was expected, as they were vouching for Sonic's affection. But they wouldn't let that stop them from being friends, that was for sure. Besides, it would be pretty hard for either of them NOT to find a decent man in their lives.


The air was still damp from the earlier rain, but at least it wasn't still soaking out. She would have to sleep out there, so she certainly hoped it stayed that way. With the money she had saved up, she had bought herself a tent to sleep in. She considered herself lucky, as a tent was a lot better than a cardboard box. She decided to spend what little cash she had left on her meals for the day. She tried not to dwell on thoughts of what she'd be doing the next day, or the day after that, so she binged herself on some alcohol while she was at it. It was quite east to persuade the tender into letting her drink, what with the freakish superpowers and what-not. The rest of the day was a bit of a blur, one can imagine, but after she was alert enough, she wandered her way to the city park with her tent in hand and managed to get some assistance from a kind citizen to set it up. Shortly thereafter, she passed out, falling like a tree felled by a lumberjack. She drowned her frustration in dreams as a looming thundercloud began filling up the sky within her mind's landscape.

(Years of hard work at the HIVE...gone...Now what?)


"What a night, huh?"

"Yea...So we invited them to come back here again today?" Robin murmured, unsure. He wasn't actually the one to do the inviting, as his fellows had instead.

"Yea, that happened," Raven mumbled with a shrug. "It's not like they caused us trouble or anything..."

"I know," Robin muttered. "I just don't want them getting in our way when something comes up..."

"Don't sweat, man," Cyborg assured as he removed a large hunk of freshly cooked ham from the stove. They weren't in the real kicthen of the tower, but in the smaller one that was connected to the 'living room'. "Whatever happens, we got it covered." He realized how bright red his hands were, and he immediately set down the pan with the meat on it and doused his hands in cold water from a nearby sink.

"Yea," Robin muttered, nodding his head slowly.

"It's bugging you, isn't it?" Raven asked him quietly as she sipped from her teacup beside him at the counter.

"...What?" Robin asked, more curious than she was, it seemed.

"Slade," Raven answered simply, as if it were obvious. "You're worried that he's planning something..."

Robin huffed through his nose and frowned slightly. "Do you blame me?"

"No..." Raven said honestly, staring at her tea in thought. "I have a bad feeling myself...Something's going to happen tonight..." She seemed very sure about this, and yet she was confused at the same time.

"...What's gonna happen?" Cyborg asked eagerly after a quiet pause.

"I-I don't know," Raven quickly stammared back.

"Then we'd better be our guard today," Robin concluded, tapping his fist on the countertop. "We can't take any chances...We have to be ready."

"Ready? For what?"

The three teens glanced up to see the curious face of Terra gazing at them from the far side of the counter.

"For anything," Robin replied after a brief moment of awkward silence.

"Oh." The blonde eagerly scampered over to investigate the scent that had lured her into the room. "Wow, what smells so good?" she asked with some excitement.

Cyborg, who had been carefully slicing the meat into sections, told her, "Grab a plate, n' you can find out."

"Haha!" Terra laughed as she swooped to a cabinet behind the robotic titan and snatched a few plates and placed them gentley beside her fellow crimefighter. As Cyborg dropped a piece of warm meat onto Terra's plate, he saw her very alert face and noticed the bags underneath her big, blue eyes.

"Whoa, Terra...Man, you get any sleep last night?" he asked with some concern as she drooled over her meal, fork and knife at the ready.

"Uh, well..." She shrugged and grinned nervously. "Not really...I didn't get back until late last night, ya know..."

"Oh..." Cyborg paused after a moment as Terra walked over to Robin and Raven to sit beside them. "Yo, wait up," he said with some suspicion. "...How late were you?" he wondered.

Terra paused and rotated her head around slowly. "I dunno...Like...Three, or something..." She sounded a little guilty.

Cyborg's eyes narrowed as he solemnly questioned, "Then how did you get IN? I never told you the passcode to the Tower's main entrance, and I always turn on security before I go to sleep..."

"...W-well, I was with Link..." Terra muttered, glancing to her side as she sat down beside Raven, who seemed to be ignoring her completely.

"Oh," Cyborg muttered, feeling a bit foolish. Something had been a bit messy with the security system over the last day or two, and Cyborg wasn't too pleased. He was dead-set on getting to the bottom of the mystery before it became a serious problem.

"So," Terra began, trying to sound bright as she aimed her comments to Raven as Robin walked past to retrieve his own portion of ham. "What are you guys up to?"


Raven gave no answer. She didn't even give Terra a glance, making the girl feel very out of place.

"Ummm..." Terra's brows and mouth curved downward into a frown, as she was confused. "...Is something wrong, or-...?"

"...I'm fine," Raven assured her calmly, with no sense of hostility. As she said this, she stood up slowly, carrying her tea cup and saucer with her to the sink. All the while, her eyes never even caught sight of the blonde girl, who took some personal offense.

"OK..." she muttered back with just a slight touch of grouchiness.

Robin noticed the odd tension in the air, and it unsettled him a bit. It was hard to have so many teenagers in one building without some tension, wasn't it? They all watched as Raven slowly paced out of the room, not saying a single word. The room was silent for the minute or so it took for her to exit, aside from the sound of her sneakers tapping the floor. As the sliding doors closed behind her, they all went about their business.

"...Is she mad at me...?" Terra squeaked out, hoping that either of the boys would have an idea.

"Why would Raven be mad at you?" Robin asked in the way a detective would. You could tell that he was pondering the question himself.

"I don't know!" Terra whimpered defensively.

"She DID seem ticked, man," Cyborg murmured as he sat down on the opposite side of the counter. "Maybe you should try to talk."

Terra shrugged and huffed, staring at her untouched ham and poking it with her fork.

"...Yea, but...We were just fine yesterday...Maybe she's just in a bad mood...?"

Robin had certainly noticed Raven's mood change with Terra's advent, but he couldn't bring himself to mention it to her. "It's certainly possible, knowing Raven," he concluded. "She has her mood swings..."

"No kiddin'..." Cyborg muttered. "But she's been real cool lately." He chomped into his ham, and added another comment after swallowing. "Who KNOWS what's up with her...?"

"Yea," Terra mumbled dully. (What did I do?) she worried. (Did I say something, or...? Rrrgh...I don't know...How can I talk with her if she won't talk BACK?)

"You gonna eat that, or what?" Cyborg inquired, pointing a knife in her direction. She snapped awake and began to chow down on her meal, though it somehow tasted a little worse than it would have a couple minutes earlier.


"Doesn't it seem so familiar?" Tikal asked, her eyes wide as she flashed the pages to Tenochtitlan.

"It-...Yea...It DOES..." she murmured, staring at the old picture in awe.

They were sitting in the main living room, but no one else was around at the time. Many were having some combat practice, while others were most likely in the rec room.

Tikal had come upon a strange part of the book that talked about a bizarre creature that had been alive those two millenia ago. A detailed drawing on the right page depicted a being in the shape of a star. It had a bright face, and small lines drawn around it to illustrate an aura of some kind. Tikal had read the ancient text beside the picture.

"It says that its name was Stellon..." Tikal mumbled.

Tay nodded slowly, her eyes glued to the picture. "Yea...That name...I KNOW that name..." she whispered, her orange eyes remaining focused. They switched to green and lost their concentration when Tikal pulled the book back to her and gazed down at it.

"Do you know what it was...?" Tikal wondered, glancing up at her with dark blue eyes.

Tay shrugged and shook her head. "I don't know...But I know the name. And it does seem VERY familiar for some reason..."

"Are either of you two up for some volleyball??"

The sudden question from behind the two girls made them both jump slightly. After a quick breath, their two heads slowly turned around to see a grinning Terra grasping a white ball in her armpit. Tay shifted her head back around and continued to glance through the book, trying to ignore the nervous knot building in her gut from the girl's presence.

"Well, um..." Tikal looked to Tay and asked, "Would you like to?"

"I, eh, no..." she quickly muttered, her head not budging an inch. "I really wanna find out more about this...stuff here..."

Tikal shrugged and gave Terra an apologetic look.

"Sorry, Terra...Maybe some other time..."

Terra nodded, her bright smile diminished. "Nah, it's all right..." She paused, tossing the ball a little, then asked them, "What are you reading, anyway?"

"...Oh, it's one of Raven's old books," Tikal explained. "We think it might hold some answers to where we came from..."

"Ah." There was some more silence before she fired another question to Tenochtitlan.

"So, um...Tay...Where's Beastboy? I mean, you two are together, like, all the time...aren't you?"

Tay didn't even move her head up at all. Her face suddenly turned bitter, and her eyes grew red. This frightened both of the other girls in the room, and their jaws dropped a bit.

"...I don't know where Beastboy is," she murmured darkly. "And I don't care...Not that it's any of your business..."

Terra was trembling from the tension in the air. It felt so thick that it was hard to breathe. Grasping the volleyball between her hands as firmly as she could so she wouldn't drop it, Terra began to slowly step away from the couch, her mouth gaping open.

"O-O-OK," she stammared quickly. "I-I'll just, uh, l-leave you alone, then..."

Once she had stepped back about ten feet, she turned and stormed off, desperate to leave as soon as possible. Tikal was in shock to say good-bye, and she felt a bit guilty after the doors had closed behind Terra.

"...Tenochtitlan!" she gasped. "What was THAT all about...?"

"..." Tay frowned sourly and slammed the book shut. She crossed her arms over her chest and huffed through her nose. "Doesn't matter..." she grumbled, her eyes still red. "It's not your problem..."

"...Um..." Tikal's hands were quivering in her lap from her friend's outburst, and she didn't know how to respond.


Terra stomped through the halls, her face fuming with frustration. She squeezed the volleyball in her hands as she stepped through the dim walkways. She didn't notice, but Beastboy was heading in her direction, his motions quite casual. But his leisurely state of mind was broken as he watched Terra violently whip the volleyball at the wall with a grunt. It richotcheted off of the wall and bounced a few times before rolling to a slow stop. Beastboy had slowed to s halt as the ball bumped into his foot. He paused, glanced down at the ball, then stared at Terra in surprise as she panted roughly. Her face lost its coloring as she came to realize the fact that Beastboy was gazing blankly at her, his face pale.

"..." She opened her mouth, but couldn't get any words out.

"...Dude..." Beastboy squeaked. "You got issues, Terra...?"

"...I-I..." Terra sighed, letting her arms and head drop. As Beastboy walked up to her, she pushed some hair out of her face. "Sorry," she mumbled quickly.

"...'S OK," the green teen told her, his expression filled with worry and confusion. "You must really be in the mood to play volleyball, or something..."

Terra cracked a small smile, but it faded immediately after. "No...I'm just a little confused, and-..." She groaned, her teeth clenched.

"Dude! Chill, 's all right..." Beastboy said with a small laugh, trying to lighten her mood. He placed his hand on her shoulder to help calm her down. Terra took a deep breath, holding her hand on her head.

"It's like everybody's mad at me...And I don't know why, and-..." Her eyes were beginning to get damp, and she sniffled, trying hard not to break down.

"Whoa, hey," Beastboy said quietly, his ears flopping down slightly. "Why would people be mad at you? What are you talking about?"

Terra wiped her eyes and coughed lightly as she tried to explain, her voice trembling. "I-I don't know! But Raven...She keeps ignoring me, and I KNOW she's doing it on purpose...And then, just now, Tenochtitlan-..."

Beastboy's face grew serious at the sound of that name. "What about her? What did she do? Is she OK?" Terra's shoulders moved up a little in a shrug.

"She...I-I...She just seemed so angry at me...I just asked her where you were, because...I dunno, you guys are just with each other all the time...I was just wondering, but she had to spaz out at me..."

Beastboy's eyes, which had been solemn and filled with worry, changed to an angry calm.

"...Was she being a jerk to you?" he asked quietly, a tooth poking out of his lips when he closed his mouth.

"No, she-..." Terra sighed, a headache developing. "Well, kind of...I mean, she didn't have to go and shout at me, I was just-"

"Don't worry about it," Beastboy assured her firmly. "I'll take care of it..." He declared boldly as he rubbed her shoulder. He began to strut his way to the room where Terra had come from, and she spun around, a bit frightened at the outcome.


Beastboy huffed. "Me and Tay have got some issues right now, and I'm gettin' sick of it. Now she wants to bring YOU into it?" He growled like a dog as he marched into battle.

Terra's insides churned with doubt, and she pondered the situation as Beastboy neared the living room. She finally decided that if she let Beastboy start an arguement, it might get pinned on her, and she certainly didn't want even more anger being sent her way. Besides, there were enough negative emotions in the Tower as it was.

"Beastboy!! Wait!" she called, dashing off to chase him. Her boots smacked the ground loudly as she rushed to stop him before he did something reckless.


"I was just telling her the truth!" Tenochtitlan snapped at Beastboy's question.

"You didn't have to YELL at her!" Beastboy shouted back. "What did she ever do??" Terra was standing beside a frightened Tikal, away from the two. Tay was still seated on the couch on her knees, and she was turned backwards to face Beastboy. Her arms were placed on sofa's spine, and she glared at him with red eyes from behind it.

"Our relationship isn't any of her business!" Tenoch huffed in reply, her face slightly sinister.

"She was just asking where I was," Beastboy corrected her. "Besides, you shouldn't go spazzing out..."

"...What do YOU care, anyway??" Tay demanded. "All you care about is dating..." she added in a foul tone, her eyes narrowed.

"...WHAT??" Beastboy growled after a moment. "That's a LIE! I-"

"-just want to make out with girls," Tay finished his sentence coldly. "So since you can't with me, you're going to look for someone else..." Tay's burning eyes shot through Terra for a moment or two.

Beastboy's face was fuming. His teeth were clenched and his fists were balled up tightly.

"I don't know WHAT is up with you," Beastboy hissed between his teeth. "But I don't want to put up with it, and I don't think THEY want to, either." He pointed his arm out to Tikal and Terra, who were paralyzed from the conflict. "You're freakin' us all out, Tay, and you better stop. All that stuff you're saying about me is a LIE, Tenochtitlan..."

"Is it?" she asked, his fiery eyes narrow.

Beastboy stomped his foot in frustration and groaned. "Ya know what?" he said with fury. "Ya know that stuff I said before about not giving up on you?" He pointed his index finger at her frowning face. "Well, forget it!!" he yelled, tossing his arm. "You'd rather say junk about me just to make yourself feel better...It's not MY fault you're having problems...I don't know WHAT they are, but you don't want me to help you, so I WON'T. OK?! You wanna act like a jerk and pick fights? Screw you!!!"

With that, Beastboy's body changed into a cheetah and sprinted wildly out of the room and down the dark halls from where he had come.

The room grew deathly quiet for a moment and Tay watched him leave. Her red, fiery eyes darted to Terra and Tikal, who felt their stomachs turn into puddles as they were melted. They watched as the color on her circlet morphed into a pitch black, which here eyes did, as well.

"Fine..." she grumbled, turning around on the couch and began growling to herself. "What does he know? He has no idea...Doesn't understand...Don't need him...Didn't before...All dead...Every last one...My fault..." Her grumbling had gradually shifted into crying, and she wiped at her face to try to clean the tears that were flowing down her face. "I'll kill them..." she hissed. "All of them...Don't need anyone..." She grabbed the book sitting beside her on the couch and whipped it into the air behind her. It soared wildly, its old pages being flipped around. Tikal gasped, and Terra lunged forth to catch it. After a slippery success, Terra neatly closed it and returned it to Tikal, who nodded to say thanks. After glancing at a furious Tenochtitlan, the two decided to leave the room. As they reached the nearby door up a small flight of stairs, Tikal paused, her face full of regret. Terra patted her back as the doors slid open and proceeded, while Tikal stood, holding the book to her chest. She took a deep breath of sorrow before letting it go and following Terra into the door and away from the irrational girl.


"And then Miss Hyper here bumps into me, and spaghetti goes flying ALL OVER the poor guy..."

A flurry of laughter erupted from the group, and the pink-haired girl beside Luigi gave him a slap on the shoulder, her face red and smiling.

"Well, it wasn't my fault that you weren't watching where you were going..." she added.

Luigi chuckled. "What? You hit me from the SIDE. I was well aware of where I was going. YOU were the one who wasn't looking. You were too busy trying to see if SONIC was around..." He nudged her in the rip, and she flinched, her cheecks growing more red by the moment. She glanced across the circle of people to Sonic and smiled weakly at him. Sonic snickered back at her embarrassed face as the conversation around them continued.

Sonic was wearing his usual wind pants and jacket. He looked like a jogger with his plastic-like clothing and his spiffy red sneakers. Amy especially liked the yellow words that ran down his pants- 'Gotta Jet'. Amy was wearing a shirt very similar to the one she had worn the day before, only this one was black. On the stomach of the shirt were the words, 'Game Over' in white and in a very pixelated font. She wore tight black jeans with bellbottoms, along with simple, pink sneakers.

(Is he going out with Tikal?) Amy wondered, her eyes still glued on his face, though he didn't notice. (Ugh...He probably is...I wish I'd found him sooner. But, then again, maybe he's NOT going out with her...I haven't seen them holding hands...) She pried her gaze away from him and stared downward blankly. (Where IS Tikal, anyway?)

"Did you have to clean up the confections by yourself?" Starfire wondered.

"Well, no, I got some help," Luigi told her.

Cyborg slowly stood up and stretched. "All right, ya'll...Dinner time! I'm cookin'!"

"Oh, hey!" Luigi jumped up to his feet, as well. "Can I help out?"

Cyborg blinked at him, his brows lifted and his eyes wide. "Uhhh...Yea, man."

"If you don't WANT me to," Luigi mumbled. "I understand how a chef can be," he said with a grin.

"Naw, man, sure," Cyborg muttered. "Just that...nobody ever really asks to help, know what I mean?"

"Well, hey, I love cooking. It was about my favorite class in college."

As they both left the room to start whipping up dishes for dinner, Cyborg flashed him a perplexed face. "Whoa, wait...You went to college already?"

Luigi rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, I, uh...Yea, but-..."

"Man, how old ARE you...?" he wondered.

"Good question," Luigi mumbled awkwardly.


Starfire let out a very satisfied hum as she leaned her head against Robin's shoulder. Robin rubbed her hand with his thumb slowly as they both sat on the edge of the tower's roof. They faced the setting sun side by side, and there was a light breeze that continued to blow the whole time they were up there.

"You are...relaxed," Starfire noticed, her expression shocked and her voice elated.

"What?" Robin muttered, snapping out of his mental trance.

"You are calm," Starfire explained, removing her head from his body and glancing at him. "Normally, you would be worrying about Slade, or tired from training, or-..." She cut off her sentence and smiled warmly. "But I can sense that you are at peace," she murmured, putting her head back down. Robin smirked as he leaned into her in return.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Robin said quietly. All of his worries had indeed melted away. It was the first time in a LONG time that he felt this way.

"I have no complaints," Starfire assured. A few minutes passed by without any words. The sun moved down into the horizon a little bit during this time. Starfire broke the tranquility as she detached herself from Robin once again to look at his face.

"...May I request...a favor?" she asked quietly, here eyes solemn.

"Of course," Robin told her, upset about her seriousness.

Starfire paused and her eyes wandered a bit nervously. She bit her bottom lip and tapped her palms together softly.

"What is it?" Robin inquired with concern.

"May I-...Will you permit me to look at...your face...?" she whispered. She looked ashamed just to ask the question.

"...My...My face?" Robin muttered, a bit confused.

"...Your ENTIRE face..." Starfire murmured with a tint of hope. "I have...never seen it...Your eyes..."

Robin took a deep breath as his gaze turned to the setting sun.

"I don't know," Robin muttered, bobbing his head. "That's like...me asking you to...take off your shirt, or something..." he answered awkwardly.

Starfire blinked at him, her jaw slightly lowered. After a moment of serious consideration, she muttered, "If those are the conditions that must be met, I will-"

"NO, nonono," Robin hastily spat out, sticking his hands out like warning signs. "That's all right..."

Starfire's brows furrowed at his reaction. "You do not wish to see-"

"It's not that," Robin quickly interjected. "I just can't take my mask off..."

Starfire cocked her head sideways, her puzzled expression remaining. "Why?"

"...I don't know," he answered honestly. "You know how much I like my privacy. I just can't do that."

Starfire sighed. She had known he would reply to her question with such an answer, but she had to ask it.

"I understand," she mumbled, poking her index fingers together a few times. "Then please, spare no more time on the matter."

"Sorry," Robin apologized quietly. Starfire ran her hand through his spiky black hair and smiled.

"You are who you are," she said softly. "I can do nothing to change that, and I do not wish to. But...Perhaps one day you may change your mind..."


Robin slowly stood up and suggested calmly, "We should go inside. They're probably ready to eat by now." He held down a hand to lift Starfire to her feet, who floated herself up and landed gently.


"Mm MMMM!! MAN!" Cyborg took a huge sniff of the warm air that rose from the dish. He placed the pan on the counter and watched Luigi stir a metal spoon in a small pot beside him over a burner. "Why ain't you the CHEF at that restaurant you work at, yo?" Cyborg asked in amazment. "You got SKILLS, man!"

"Thanks," Luigi said as he wafted the fumes from the thick, brown liquid. "Oh, yea...Perfection..." He grabbed the oven mitts that rested in a nearby drawer and slipped them on. They were red and had Robin's yellow and black 'R' logo on them. Luigi chuckled at the sight of them, then proceeded to pull out another pan from the stove and place it, too, on the counter with care. "Biscuits came out great," he muttered before going back to his gravy.

Cyborg, quite impressed with the culinary talent before him, decided it was best to back off and let the pro do the finishing touches.

"what college did you GO to, man?"

Luigi laughed. "Been so long..." he mumbled, shaking his head. "I don't really remember..."

Cyborg lifted a brow at the remark. (So long...? What's he TALKIN' about...?)

"Whatever, man, I need to go talk to your boss and get you a PROMOTION, man!"

"You really think I'm that good, do ya?" Luigi asked curiously as he went to the fridge to take out the butter for the biscuits.

"Are you kiddin' me?" Cyborg answered, shaking his head slightly. "Man, my MOMMA never made chicken like that..."

Luigi shrugged. "Well...I DID get quite an education on it..."

"...So what did Big M go to college for?"

It took Luigi a moment to process 'Big M' into 'Mario'.

"Well, uh...Like I said, it's hard to remember...I think he just did a lot of repair work...Ya know, plumbing, construction...But then we grew up." He smiled and nodded his head. "Yep. Started our own business. Then one day, it was like we had started a new life..." He tipped his green cap as his brain went into nostalgic mode.

"I know what ya mean, man," Cyborg murmured solemnly, staring at his metallic arm. After a pause, he escaped his haunting memories and said to Luigi, "Yo. I'll go round up the crew, you finish things up, a'ight?"

"You got it."


The group of teenagers were arranged at a circular table that had been set up for the meal in the kitchen. The table had barely fit, but the team managed. They passed the mashed potatoes around and chowed down on biscuits while conversing openly about many tales. Laughter was in great abundance that evening, and, in a way, it didn't feel right.

Beastboy sat with a gloomy look about him as he jabbed his fork into his mashed potatoes with no gravy. There were some untouched peas on his plate, as well, and a glass of soymilk rested next to his elbow, which was on the table to support his head. The seat beside him was empty, though a plate had been prepared where Tenochtitlan would sit. He was certainly not surprised that she hadn't showed up, but guilt was beginning to set in as his words echoed through his head.

"Yo! Misto Roboto!" Mario cried from Beastboy's right to his left. "Pass that milk this way, man!"

"You got it, Bro," Cyborg answered, grabbing the plastic gallon container. His hand went flying across the table, a cord connecting it to the rest of his arm. Mario caught it and removed the milk. With a chuckled, he threw it up into the air, and Cyborg sucked it back in. Amy, who was seated beside him, jumped in fright from the action. Her emerald eyes wide with fear, she blinked at him incredulously.


Cyborg laughed heartily and shook his head. "Just a natural part of being unnatural," he said to her. She took a deep breath, holding her chest to make sure her heart didn't burst through. The metallic hand almost smacked into her on its way back, terrifying her. Sonic, in the meanwhile, was snickering from her left, though he tried to contain it.

"Hey! It's not funny!" Amy snapped at him bitterly, nailing him in the shoulder. He held his palm over his mouth, though the laughter continued. "I almost got hurt!"

"That's what's funny about it," Sonic chortled.

"Amy's just not used to hanging around with...our type," Tikal murmured.

"What??" Amy cried out defensively. "What do you mean, 'your type?' I'm your type!" she insisted.

"...Prove it," Sonic dared her with a devlish grin.

Amy huffed, crossing her arms. "Fine, then. After dinner, I WILL."

"Man," Cyborg muttered. "For a little lady, you sure got some attitude, huh?"

"You better believe it," Amy replied tartly with a grin.

"So then, for Halloween that year, we went Trick-Or-Treating dressed like drag queens!" Luigi laughed. "Oh, man, it was hilarious..."

"Yea, people kept asking him for his number!" Mario added in jokingly. This comment caused another eruption of laughs from the group, as well as Luigi shoving his cap over his eyes.

"Sounds like you two had quite a childhood," Raven noted before slowly chewing on a piece of sliced chicken.

"What? HAD? What are YOU talkin' about?" Mario asked, shaking his head. "We still ARE kids!"

Raven smiled back at him and nodded. "Can't disagree there."

"Robin, what is this...'Tricker Cheating'? It does not sound very pleasant..." Starfire wondered in a whisper, oblivious.

Robin grinned as he proceeded to explain the concept to her while the other conversation continued.

"...You OK, Beastboy?" Terra asked from his right. She would've been sitting beside Tay had the girl shown up.

Beastboy's glum, green eyes looked up at her, and he tried to regain some posture in his seating.

"Sure, I'm fine..."

"Still upset about...before...huh?" Terra asked him quietly, leaning a little. She realized how silly it was to sit one chair away, so she got up and switched plates to sit beside him. Link noticed this, and he looked at her curiously.

"...Uhhh...?" Terra, before sitting down, walked over to Link and whispered in his ear, her eyes darting a bit to make sure she hadn't caught much attention.

"Beastboy and Tay have been having a lot of...problems...He needs some cheering up."

Link nodded as he saw the grumpy, green boy stab his mashed potatoes and place a gob of it into his mouth lazily.

Link proceeded to rip apart at a drumstick as Terra went to sit beside Beastboy. Link wasn't exactly the type to comfort others when they were down. It wasn't really his style. If he had a problem, he fixed it himself and expected no pity. While growing up, the only person who'd ever really showed him any sympathy- true sympathy- was a girl named Saria. He still remembered her...Her personality had some easily back into his mind, and her image slowly thereafter. His closest childhood friend wasn't something he was willing to forget. Link respected her quite a lot, and if Terra was going to show any of her attributes, he certainly didn't mind. But he himself wasn't very good at motivational speaking, and he couldn't really stand watching all of the 'girl power' pep sessions that took place around the tower. Only when Saria had comforted him as a child did he truly find it meaningful. He had faint memories of slaying a great evil and saving his country, but very clear memories of times from his past when Saria had given him the power to go on. A true friend in and out she had been.

(I'll make it up to her someday,) he'd decided.

As Link drowned himself in the past and the others spoke of their nearby futures, Terra tried to help Beastboy fix his present.

"You wanna talk about it?" She wondered, leaning her head down over the table as he did. She pushed her long, shiny hair out of the way after it had sagged down in her view.

Beastboy rubbed his forehead and dropped his fork down on his plate.

"...Terra, I'm sorry about earlier..."

"No, it's OK," Terra assured him. "You're having some problems. It happens."

"No, I mean...You didn't have to see us like that, ya know? I kinda dragged you into it, n' I'm sorry..."

"BB, it's not your fault," Terra attemtped to convince him. "Tenochtitlan's the one acting weird. I don't think it's because of you...After you left, she started muttering about-..." Terra stopped, shaking her head.

"About what?" Beastboy asked quietly yet desperately.

"I don't know, like...'You didn't understand', and that she was gonna...kill someone..." Terra glanced at him with raised eyebrows and grit teeth.

Beastboy shook his head slowly and stared at his food. "Man, I don't know WHAT has gotten into her...She's been having these nightmares lately, and keeps talking about how 'it's all her fault,' and stuff, but I don't know what she's talking about." A tear dripped down from his cheeck into his peas, and Terra rubbed his arm a little to comfort him.

"Whatever it is, we'll help her," she told him. "All of us. We're a team, right?"

Beastboy rubbed his nose, his expression devoid of any hope.

"Right?" Terra repeated.

"...Yea..." he mumbled. "But I'm still-"


Everyone in the room was captured in waves of red light as a siren blared. All words were cut off, and after a second or two, Robin jumped to his feet.

"Let's move!" he cried, making a swift exit.

Everyone began to shuffle out of the room and follow the leader down some flights of stairs. Amy remained in a state of shock, and after a few moments, Sonic stood before her, tapping his feet impatiently.

"Well? You gonna prove it, or not?"

Amy gave him a determined glare and hopped out of her chair with confidence as she chased the crowd down to prepare for some crime-fighting.



Dec 19, 2002
Great update. So much negative things going on. Is Tay thinking that BB is going out with Terra or something like that?


Smash Apprentice
Feb 1, 2004
loved it.

quick question though. i always thought that amy didn't have any powers... are you gonna give her some, or am i just totally wrong and amy always had powers?

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Well, uh, yea...

Amy has powers, assuming that you think Sonic does. I mean, do ANY of my 'Titans' REALLY have superpowers? Tay does, you could say.

Does ROBIN, the LEADER of the Titans, have any powers? Umm...NOPE.

Amy doesn't really have superpowers if you're thinking, like...Beastboy, Raven, Starfire, or Terra. Cyborg doesn't really have superpowers, either, when you think about. I guess you could say the Mario Bros. do...And Tikal...


Anyway, Amy can certainly fight, if that's what you mean.

She's just...forgotten HOW, is all...^_^

Matter of fact, ya know that old book Tikal's been reading?

Ya know how it's about Tikal's life 2000 years ago, and all that?

Ya know that I have plans for a fic to focus on the story of Tikal, Cyclos, and Zepha?

Ya know that I ALMOST have updates done for ALL of my fics right now, and plan to have an update up for all of them on Friday?

Well, ya do now.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 1, 2004
oh... i kind of thought that Amy always needed saving from Sonic, and therefore it followed in my mind that she didn't really have 'powers' so to speak.

oh well... *waits for update*

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Amy has only needed saving from Sonic twice, if memory serves. She's a lot more assertive than Peach or Zelda, shall we say.

Amy's constantly trying to prove that she's tough and impress Sonic.

She can run, and jump, and swing a huge hammer around...-_-'

But in THIS fic, we'll get to see her TRUE power, which matches Sonic's abilities. The thing is that Amy doesn't really REMEMBER how to use her own abilities. I intend to fully illustrate where those abilities came from in my Sonic fic.

Amy's been living a 'normal' life since she arrived here in Jump City. This element is actually kind of important later on.

Have no fears. Sideris will explain all when the time comes. Questions will be answered, this fic will come to a close...and you'll wonder what happens NEXT.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Um...Would that be the mail that landed in my junkbox that I replied to and said, "Hey, that ended up in junkbox" ?


I doubt that's a surprise.

Well, here's the rest of my SIXTY PAGE CHAPTER that you all seem so mad about and appreciate all the time I've poured into it...

So...Yea, here's the conclusion of Thirteen.

Sorry that all of the swearwords are completely *ed so you can't tell what they are, but I'm not takin' the time to do it if nobody's really READING this.

Starfire curses, actually, and it's kind of significant.

's-l-u-t' is the word she says, by the way.

The group had hit the night streets as soon as they could, and got down to figuring out what the problem was. Apparently, there had been a jewel heist downtown, as well as reports of strange insect-like creatures causing havoc in the area.

Riding on his R-Cycle ahead of the team, Robin made a quick check on everyone. Starfire and Raven were soaring right behind him, and the T-Car was behind them. Sonic and Tikal were on its right, while Terra and Link rode on a levitating chunk of stone on the left of the vehicle. Beastboy soared above the car as a pterodactyl calmly. On tope of the T-Car Mario crouched, showing off as he did every other day. In the Cyborg-styled car rode Luigi in the passenger seat, and Tenochtitlan and Amy rode in the back.

"So, uh...Have we met?" Amy asked out of nowhere as the car sped down the street quite smoothly.

Tay, her head leaned up against the window, didn't say a word. She glared out the left side window at Terra and frowned a scornful frown. Her eyes were dark blue at the moment, and she gripped her staff tightly in her lap.

"...Ummm...OK...I'll take that as a 'no'," Amy murmured, turning away and looking back outside to Sonic and Tikal.

"So you built this thing YOURSELF?" Luigi asked in awe.

"Well, yea...I got some help from Ray after she got smashed up, but she runs better than ever," Cyborg answered proudly.

"That's impressive," Luigi noted with a nod. "So, what can this baby do?" he wondered curiously.

"You're about to find out," Cyborg told him with a smirk as their first target came into view.

It was moving fast along the sides of buildings up ahead in the dark, its eight legs scurrying about frantically. It was a giant spider, holding a human body in its mouth. Or was it? No, it was a human body with a giant spider for a head!

"What IS that, man?" Cyborg cried in surprise.

"Whatever it is," Robin's voice came in through the radio, "-we're taking it down."

A fairly simple chase began as the Titans rushed to catch up with the speedy creature, who would spew out gobs of sticky webbing to slow them down. Within a couple of minutes, however, they'd lost sight of the bizarre being, and the Titans had split up to search for him.

Scouring different edges of the city, Cyborg's group ran into something very peculiar. A thick cloud had begun to cover the city. However, it wasn't just a cloud. Upon further inspection, Cyborg realized that it was, in fact, a gigantic swarm of gray, mutant moths. They began to descend upon the city and start chewing at anything available- quite literally. Light posts, tires, cars, and about everything else. Screaming civilians fled in terror from the attacking bugs as they came down like a fog.

The T-Car came screeching to a halt in the middle of the road, just before the large bridge that ran across the bay. The doors slammed open, and the Titans exited quickly. Mario stood tall and examined the spectacle before him from atop the car. He sniffed, scratched his nose, and bounded off of the car to land next to Cyborg.

"Little guys might make a big mess," he noted.

"No kiddin'," Cyborg murmured, a bit befuddled.

"Don't know about you, but I think this place needs a good cleanin' up," Mario added.

"Yea." Cyborg pulled up his left arm and tapped it with his finger. A screen lit up to show the Titans' 'T' logo, and Cyborg spoke into it.

"Titans, we got trouble down at the bridge. Ya know those bugs people were talkin' about? Well, we just found some of 'em."

"How serious is it?" Robin asked, his voice staticy.

"I don't know," Cyborg murmured. "There's only about a THOUSAND of 'em..."

"We'll be down ASAP," Robin confirmed. "Make sure they don't damage the bridge. Things could get dangerous."


Cyborg smashed his fist into his palm. "You heard the man," he cried. "Time to take out the trash!"

Mario tapped Luigi's shoulder roughly and pointed up to a massively thick cable of metal cords that was being gnawed at by the bizarre bugs. The two brothers knelt down and thrusted themselves into the air like rockets. While drifting in midair toward their target, Mario opened up and palms, which were quickly filled by flaming balls. Luigi followed his lead and did the same- his fireballs were green, of course. As their speed slowed from gravity's pull, they launched their flames like baseballs at the clump of moths, which were incinerated on impact. They landed on the support and began to slide down roughly, their heavy boots absorbing the friction as they sped down to the ground, their feet getting quite hot after only a few seconds. They leapt off nimbly and rode the air downward. After landing sharply on the pavement with two loud 'smacks', they turned to Cyborg, who had just finished blasting a few with his cannon.

"If we don't do somethin', these little ****s are gonna pull this bridge apart," Mario informed him direly. "We need backup, NOW."

"They're comin', hold on," Cyborg gruffly told them. Mario noticed the trembling girl with pink hair sitting in the back of the T-Car and rolled his eyes. As Luigi pelted nearby insects that had razors for teeth.

Mario flipped open the car door and frowned at her.

"Are ya gonna help, or what?" he asked her critically.

"...Uhhh...But...I-I don't know what-..."

Mario huffed and shook his head. "We need all the hands we can get. You chose to go on a joyride with us, so you'd better pull your weight. What can you do?"

Amy shrugged, her face fraught with worry and doubt.

"You'd better figure out real quick, unless you wanna see this whole bridge go underwater," Mario told her firmly.

Amy reluctantly pulled herself out of the car and shoved the fat door closed. She stood, quaking in fear, for a minute or two as Mario ran off to help out Luigi. Amy watched Tenochtitlan fry about twenty of the furry flyers with a sizzling beam of light.

(What did I do again?) she wondered to herself. (...A hammer...? Yea, that's it. I used a big, red hammer, right? But...I don't HAVE a hammer on me...) Amy huffed and stomped her foot in frustration. Then, suddenly, one of moths dive-bombed her way. In the course of a second or two, she sensed it coming from ahead and swiped her arm through the air, flinching in terror. As she opened her eyes a moment later, she realized that something quite out of the ordinary had happened. The moth lay on the ground at her feet, cut in two. Its maroon body fluids formed a puddle, and Amy shrieked at the sight, jumping back a bit. Then she noticed what was in her right hand- a sword. About two feet in length and a couple of inches in width, the sword had a simple gray hilt and silver blade. Gaping at it in wonder, Amy tried to ponder where it came from. But as a small flock of moths approached the T-Car, it didn't matter, and Amy lunged at them, letting her instincts take over. She slashed the sword through the air with grace and speed, and before she knew it, the whole lot had been cut up into shreds, and she was covered in moth guts.

She coughed violently afterward, feeling like throwing up, but after the next wave, she was certainly used to it. Addicted was a better word. She could feel the adrenaline pulsing through her veins. It had an odd sense of nostalgia to it, somehow. Nonetheless, she quickly grew quite accustomed to dicing up her foes and was pulling off moves she didn't even know she could do. It was as if this fighting had been commonplace in a past life or something.

Cyborg was relieved when he saw Raven and Starfire show up, crushing moths as they approached.

"YO! RAY!" he shouted to her as they drew closer. "Gimme a lift!!"

Ray nodded as she flew through the air in her pink shirt and blue shorts. She shot her palms out and formed a black disc of solidified energy in front of Cyborg. He bounded on roughly and rode it up as Ray took him higher. Upon reaching the spot where Luigi and Mario had recently fried some moths, Cyborg noticed that a new batch had come in.

"Thanks Ray!" he yelled out to her with care as he stuck his arm out and squinted his eyes.

He aimed with care and shot out a beam of plasma that destroyed the lot. He pounced to the spot just as it began to split apart, and the black disc behind him vanished. His hands firmly grasped each end of the cable as he pulled with all his might to bring them back together before it all fell apart. He pointed his left index finger as a small torch popped out and proceeded to carefully weld the two together again. His task completed, Cyborg skidded all the way down, putting his right leg ahead so he didn't lose balance. Sparks went flying like wild as he descended, and a lot screeching sound came from the friction. As he passed by another group of hungry bugs, he shielded himself with his huge arms. THWACK! After hearing the satisfying sound, Cyborg pulled his arms apart and opened up his arm cannon, ready to land. He bounced off to his right and rolled onto the bridge.

Raven and Starfire were fighting back-to-back, sending out energy from their hands to destroy the bugs.

"Their numbers are quite vast!" Starfire worried.

"We can't give up," Ray told her. "We need to figure out a way to get rid of them all at once..."

Sonic and Tikal had arrived on the scene, and Terra and Link shortly thereafter. They began to distribute pain to the lab-created creatures in their own methods as utter chaos was laid upon the bridge.

Robin showed up last, a distraught look on his face. He left his cycle and his helmet beside the T-Car and whipped out his metal bo as he went to help out Cyborg. He took out a rogue moth that had made a dive for the back of Cyborg's head.

"Thanks, man," Cyborg said. "Join the party."

"Can't decline the invitation," Robin replied bitterly.

"Didn't catch him?" Cyborg guessed.

"Lost him in a dark alley," Robin muttered as he karate chopped a moth, slamming it into the ground. "This is more important." After a couple more minutes of smashing and bashing, Starfire and Raven had descended to the level of their leader.

"They will not refrain from attacking," Starfire whimpered. "What plan shall you have us follow?"


Before Robin could concoct an answer, Cyborg's arm beeped wildly, and he paused to investigate. He nailed a nearby moth with his fist as he scanned the picture displayed on his arm.

"Aw, MAN, I don't BELIEVE this," he groaned.

"What is it?" Robin asked as he rammed a pair of pests into each other.

"My sensors are sayin' that the security at Titan Tower's been breached," Cyborg growled. "Ain't NOBODY goes hackin' my SECURITY!! When I find out who's been messin' with my systems, I'm gonna rip their-"

"CY! What are talking about?" Robin asked him strictly.

"Somethin's been up with the Tower mainframe lately. I can't figure it out. I think somebody's been screwin' it up, but-..."

"Do you think somebody's trying to break in to the tower?" Robin asked quickly, kicking another moth fiercely and watching it arc in the air and land in the bay.

"Nobody's TRYIN'," Cyborg announced. "If somebody WAS, they're already IN."

Robin huffed through his teeth and called out to Starfire.

"Starfire!" She finished frying a few bugs before whisking her body to his side. "We're heading back to the tower," he told her. She cocked her head to the side, confused.


"'Cuz I think somebody's bustin' in," Cyborg replied. "You two go check it out, we got things here until you get back."

"While we're there, I'll see if I can figure out how to take care of these...things..." Robin added as he hopped onto his cycle and slipped his stylish helmet over his face. Starfire drifted in the air before him, but Robin jerked his head, motioning her to get on with him. Starfire quickly obliged and wrapped her arms tightly around Robin's waist.

"This is...safe...?" she wondered.

"Not entirely," Robin answered honestly. "But it's fast." Starfire let out a shriek as the bike went rocketing forward, jumping clear off of the bridge and down toward the frigid, dark waters below.


"Did you find anything suspicious?" Robin asked her quietly when they regrouped in crime-watch room. Starfire shrugged and shook her head.

"I have found nothing out of place," she whispered. "I believe that everything is in the OK..."

Robin shrugged and rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Cyborg said that the system was acting up. We're gonna have to fix that problem before someone like Slade gets in here..."

"At the present time, however, we must concentrate on the...insect-like creatures that are attacking Jump City..."

Robin nodded as he sat down at the computer terminal before him and began tapping away at keys.

"...What are you doing?" Starfire asked slowly. "We should be helping our friends, should we not?"

"You can go ahead if you want," Robin told her, staring at his screen. "I'm going to try and look up any known information on what we're up against."

"Have fun wasting your time," bellowed a sinister and robotic tinted voice from behind them. They both spun around to see that the giant TV screen at the end of the room had been intercepted by a bizarre-looking beast. He looked like a human-moth combination. He stared at them with big, black eyes and spoke with metallic jaws. "By the time you find out anything about my children, your city will be nothing but rubble.

"Who are you??" Robin demanded, jumping out of his chair and storming toward the screen.

"The future ruler of this city," the being answered coldly. "I can fix your pest problem...But at a price."

"What do you want...?" Robin growled.

"My demands are quiet simple. The city will declare me- Killer Moth- as its new ruler. The Teen Titans will surrender...And Robin...-"

Robin swallowed and glared at him, his teeth grit.

"You will take this...wonderful woman, Kitten...to her Junior prom...And make it the night of her life."

The bottom right corner of the screen opened up to reveal the image of a young girl, about Robin's age, with blonde hair. She winked at him devilishly.

"My, my, Robby Poo...You're looking stressed tonight. How about I loosen you up...?"

Robin stared at her blankly, utterly surprised from such a request.

"Ughhh..." he couldn't speak for a few moments, quite puzzled.

"That's OK," she said with quite a coquettish tone. "We've got all evening to get you in a good mood..."

Starfire, her eyes glowing green with anger, grabbed Robin's shoulder and began to pull him away into the hallway.

"Please allow Robin a few minutes to carefully think this decision over," she shouted to them with a fake sweetness.

No sooner had the door closed behind them did Starfire begin to rave and rant like a lunatic.

"Robin, who IS this girl?" she demanded fiercely.

"I-I don't know, Starfire," Robin quickly spat out, hoping to avoid her wrath.

"Who does she think she IS??" Starfire hissed as she began to pace back and forth, her eyes practically steaming with green energy. "Such a request is UNACCEPTABLE!! It is difficult to even FATHOM such a notion! I am appalled that she would even consider asking you such a question! I will not allow you to be taken advantage of by this zargnarf. RRRR!" Starfire groaned in disgust. "Such a despicable act. I can not- I WILL NOT- let this...this...'floozy,' I believe is the term, use you in such a way. Her demands must not be met! Surely she is a monster in disguise, waiting to capture you, and-"

"I think I've figured out how to stop these things," Robin said into his communicator as Starfire grumbled behind him.

"What do we do?" Cyborg grunted. The sound of his cannon could be heard as he blasted away.

"Hang in there for a couple minutes, and I'll fill you in. Robin out."

"-atrocious! I would rather be consumed by those creatures than watch you-"

"I have to," Robin grumbled with regret.

Starfire froze, her green eyes wide, and the glowing died down.

"...Wh-...? What?" she squeaked. "B-b-but-"

"But nothing, Star!" Robin said. He had some reluctance in his voice, but he knew it had to be done. "These things just keep on coming! We need a plan- NOW. It's the only way to save the bridge..."

"...But...-" Star's eyes were getting damp. Did he even remember the past few nights? Didn't he remember the moments they had shared? Did it even matter? How could he just throw it away like that?

"I'm sorry," Robin said apologetically. "If you have a better idea, speak up."

Starfire crossed her arms over her chest and stomped her foot like a child in a fit. The 'thump' her boot made on the floor was rather loud, and made Robin jump a little. Her brows furrowed, her eyes narrowed, and her bottom lip curled down slightly.

"...Very well," she grumbled. "But I shall accompany you..."

"What?" Robin murmured in surprise. "Are you sure? Maybe you should head down to the bridge..."

Starfire huffed through her nose and let out a "Hmph!"

Robin sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "I'll be fine, Starfire..."

"I refuse to leave you alone with this girl..." Starfire declared boldly. "She does not seem like a very nice person, and I do not wish for you to be forced into...doing things...that you should not have to do."

"...I think I can handle it," Robin assured her. But when he saw the fury in her eyes, he quickly changed his mind. "But...Then again, I-I guess it couldn't hurt."

"Robin," Starfire began stiffly. "Do you consider us...a pair...? A couple?"

Robin winced at the confrontation he was being squeezed into.

"...Well?" Starfire asked curtly, her face solemn. "Do you, or do you not?"

"...I-I...Yes," Robin muttered as his guts shoved out the word. "But that doesn't mean-"

"Then you understand my worry," Starfire assumed, tapping her foot impatiently.

Robin groaned and rubbed his forehead. "Starfire, we don't have any TIME for this. If you're going to come, fine. There's no time for arguing."

With that, Robin quickly flew through the door, and Star followed. In that split-second, Robin tried to convince himself that Starfire could prove to be helpful in this case. Maybe they would try to get him alone and capture him? How did he know? He didn't, but he DID know that two Titans were better than one. It seemed she couldn't be convinced otherwise, but this was an emergency. Robin did understand...But still...This was no time for games. So what if some girl would be trying to make out with him? This was their duty, and some stupid blonde in heat didn't change their job.

"I'll do it," Robin announced to the man before him. "I'll take the girl to her prom..."

"Aren't you going to ask her?" Killer Moth grunted in a way that made Robin out to be a rude fool.

"..." Robin grit his teeth together in frustration. First he had to started destroying the city, then he had to make his girlfriend angry, and now he was even stealing his dignity right in front of her. (You are LOW...) "...Fine..." He glared at the image of Kitten on the screen.

"...Kitten...Will you...go with me to the prom?" he growled between his clenched teeth.

The blonde girl with the devilish smile plastered on her face narrowed her eyes as she admired her new trophy.

"What? You want to take ME to the prom?? Of COURSE I'll go, Robby Poo!!" she shouted ecstatically. She blinked at his attire for a moment in disgust and told him, "I KNOW you aren't planning on going in THAT, right? I mean, it IS a prom. Besides, that cape will TOTALLY clash with my dress..."

Robin built up the anger within him and tried to breathe deeply through his flaring nostrils. Starfire, in the background, had her fists clenched, and she let out a suppressed growl.

"I'll wear a tuxedo if it'll make you happy..." Robin hissed.

"Oh, Robby Poo...You look upset about something...If you don't want to go-"

"I'll go," he groaned. "...Tell me where we'll meet. I'll get there as soon as I can."

"If you say, so, Robin!" the girl squealed.


"Robin!! Where ARE you, man?!" Cyborg cried at his arm as he was being covered in gray insects. He was gradually becoming suffocated. "There's no END to these things!" he shouted out. Just as Cyborg felt that he was about to drown in moth hair, the bugs began to detach themselves from his body and buzz off, forming the same ominous cloud they had entered with. They soared away from the bridge, which was damaged but still intact, and headed downtown.

"What-??" was all Cyborg could mutter as he watched the lot of them whisk themselves away. As the humming died down, Cyborg, as well as the other Titans, could only stand in a perplexed state of awe with jaws dropped and eyes wide. Robin's voice burst out from Cyborg's arm, and the Titan almost jumped.

"I've bought you guys some time," he announced. "I don't think anyone broke into the Tower, but while I was here I managed to find out who's behind this..." Robin sent in an image ripped from the earlier transmission of the moth-man. "Killer Moth. He's the one controlling the mutant insects."

"A'ight. So what do we do about it? Where is he?" Cyborg asked, still a bit shaken as his fellow teammates crowded around him, each one inspecting their own communicator.

"I'm not entirely sure," Robin murmured. "But I think I have a clue." Another picture taken from the message before was displayed on their screens. It was a picture of Kitten with that devilish look on her face. "Her name's Kitten. She's connected to Killer Moth somehow. If you can find out what that link is, then you should be able to locate him and take him out." Robin reappeared to talk to them some more. They could barely make out Starfire grumbling in the background. "Starfire and I will keep the insects at bay while we can and give you time. The city's counting on us tonight. Don't let 'em down. Titans, move out."

"Great," Beastboy muttered, tossing his arms. "What's Robin doing, anyway? Why isn't he helping us?"

Raven shrugged and hypothesized, "He said that he's keeping the moths under control. However he's doing it, it seems to be working. Let's just trust him and find this psycho so we can get it over with..."


Starfire huffed in dismay as her hair was pulled back fiercely by the wind as they rushed over the bay's cold, dark waters. The skies were black and clear as the moon, nearly full, cast its mysterious glow upon them. The loud roaring of the rockets attached to the R-Cycle's side had been blasting into their ears for a minute or so now. The cycle was skimming the surface of the fridged bay with great speed, spraying up water in a trail as it flew. The two Titans looked out of place in the given setting. Robin was wearing a clean, sharp tuxedo of black with a bow tie to match. His shoes were shimmering in the pale moonlight, and his strong, adroit hands were exposed to the humid night air. On his head was his red helmet with the green visor. He had tried to get Starfire to wear it, but she had insisted that he leave it on his head. Her reasoning was that should an accident occur, she could lighten her fall with her powers of flight. Starfire was suited in the same outfit she had worn on their first date- a stunning pink dress with red shoes that shone brilliantly in the moonlight. A rose's head had been pinned to her chest on the left side, and she wore her smooth, soft gloves of magenta that ran up her arm. The dress cut off at her upper chest, and was held up by two thin shoulder straps. They looked as if they were going to a dance together, ironically enough.

After a couple more minutes of tense silence, the cycle arrived at the docks of Jump City where a massive crowd of teenagers was piled before a cruise ship. They were all finely dressed and looked ready for the night of their lives. A large, pink banner with white lettering was hung on two posts at the boarding platform. The words, "Junior High Prom: Your Date With Destiny" could be read and had stars drawn around them. Robin waited for a moment or two as Star slid herself off of the motorcycle hesitantly, and both sets of eyes watched the many eager teens form into a line and head onto the boat. Robin let out a sigh of despair as he jumped off of his bike and popped out of his helmet. As he hung it on a handlebar, he wondered why he couldn't be here to dance with STARFIRE.

(I hope she gets into a car accident on the way over,) he wished cynically.

To Robin's dismay, a pink limousine cruised onto the scene, a blond girl in a dress similar to Starfire's emerged, her eyes glowing with excitement. She grinned eagerly as she scanned the scene, waving arrogantly to anyone whose eyes met hers.

"Well..." Robin gave Starfire a petrified glance and sighed. "Better get this over with." He paused and shook his head. "I really think you should be with the other Titans, though...They might need your help..."

"Robin, they are fine," Starfire assured him impatiently. "I refuse to let this...creature...treat you as if you are her property..." she hissed, giving the distant girl a dagger glare.

"OH, ROBBY POO!!" Both teens grimaced at the sound of her whiny voice calling out through the throng. With a groan, Robin adjusted his tie and reluctantly stepper her way, leaving Starfire to frown bitterly. As she watched Kitten squeeze her boyfriend half to death with lustful eyes, her teeth grinded against each other, and she threw her arms to her sides, flicking her wrists up in a pouty manner. She couldn't hear what was being said, but she didn't need to hear to understand the mood that was being portrayed.

"Now take my arm and lead me in," she snapped at him calmly, keeping up her plastic smile. "Straighten your tie. And what did you do with your hair? Do I smell hair gel? Ugh. You look like you just threw on a tux five minutes ago..."

(...Didn't have much CHOICE...) Robin grumbled in his mind.

Starfire, in the background, huffed through her nose. (If my memory serves me, I believe the English term used to describe such a girl would be '****'.)


"Man, I can't BELIEVE this!" Cyborg groaned, tapping at his arm with his fingertip.

"What's wrong?" Raven asked, trying to stoop her head to see the problem.

"I can't contact the other Titans," her cybernetic friend grumbled. "What's the point in splittin' up if we can't get a hold of each other??" He threw his arm down in dismay as he tried top formulate a plan.

Raven whipped out her own communicator from her belt and flicked it open. After pressing a small button on its side, she discovered that all she could pick up was static.

"Scanners are pickin' up a major energy disturbance," Cyborg muttered as he glanced around the environment.

"Yea," Raven added as they continued their trek. She attached her device back to her loose belt. "I can feel it, too."

"Well, whatever it is, it's probably not good..."

They walked in silence for a few minutes in the dark streets, and they would be illuminated in yellow circles from streetlights periodically.

"Ok, soooo...What are we looking for, again?" Raven mumbled, having lost track within her own thoughts.

"A few things," Cyborg told her. "We still have to find that freak jewel thief...."


"Yea. I sent some of the guys off to find him, and I had a few stay at the bridge in case those...things...show up again. BB and Tay headed over to the police station to have the cops stop people from wanderin' around outside...They're gonna meet up with us when they find out where the address of that mystery girl is."

"...Ummm...Wait," Ray muttered, doubt flooding her brain. "You sent Beastboy and Tay...together...? Are you SURE that was a good idea...?"

Cyborg stared at her blankly, then his brows furrowed when he saw her bite her lip.

"What?" he mumbled. "They always work together."

"Until now," Raven murmured with a sigh. "Their relationship has been a little on the crooked side lately..."

"So what?" Cyborg shot back with apathy. "We all got problems, and we all got a city to take care of. I don't care WHAT'S goin' on with them: they're gonna get the job done, am I right?"

"...Hm..." Raven hummed back thoughtfully. He did have a very valid point. She just hoped he was right. "So where are we supposed to meet up with them?"

"Right at the corner of this street..."


Robin shook his communicator in frustration. Why wasn't he picking up any signal?

(They'd better be all right, and they'd better find Killer Moth REAL soon,) he hoped as he slipped the yellow device into his vest pocket when he noticed Kitten coming to the table with their punch.

"Psh. I can't believe the nerve of that girl at the punch table," Kitten grumbled as she plopped herself down across the small table from Robin, passing him his drink. "She asked me how I managed to get you to come with me to the prom..."

Robin lifted a brow, knowing that Starfire had been the one to ask her this question.

"Sooo...What did you say?" he wondered.

"I told her the truth- you asked to take me with you. You couldn't refuse, I could see it in your eyes." Robin shot her a quick frown while she wasn't looking.

(You'll make a good lawyer when you're older,) he thought at her. He leaned back and stared at the star-filled sky, trying to wash his worries away. A set of brightly colored balloons of various shapes drifted above him, tied down to the table's center. Other than that, however, his view of the sky was quite clear. He reflected on the past week and his relationship with Starfire for a minute or two while he had the chance. They certainly weren't diving in like Beastboy and Tay had, but they were a different couple. Sometimes that sort of thing works, and sometimes it doesn't. All the same, Robin was still having his doubts. He'd always had a liking for her, but he never truly could picture himself at her side until recently. Now that picture was becoming a reality, and it still felt more or less like a dream. The look on Starfire's face when he told her that he had no choice but to let this girl disrespect their relationship was still etched in his mind. Her wide, green eyes trembling, her red eyebrows shoved downward, her-

"Helloooo?? Earth to Robin!" a whining voice groaned. Kitten was stretching Robin's left arm out of its socket, trying to drag him to the dance floor. "They're playing a SLOW DANCE," she informed him, expecting him to be a gentleman and follow her. Robin snorted through his nostrils and tossed her arm away viciously, retracting it back to his chest to fold both together.

"I don't dance," Robin snapped bitterly.

Kitten's mouth curved downward into a sour face, and she grabbed his arm again, tightly gripping it in such a way that Robin could almost feel the blood flow slowing down.

"You do NOW," she hissed. "Unless you want those nasty bugs to turn Jump City into their dinner..." Her eyes narrowed as she rubbed her power over Robin right in his face. He suppressed a growl as he stood up and let her pull him to the dance floor with the other boys and girls.

Starfire, who had been carefully eyeing the two from a nearby table, was fuming in silence. She sat with a slouch, her arms on the table's surface. Her eyes were fiercely glowing green, and her hand was crushing a rose to vent her anger, though she didn't realize it. Its thorns seemed to have no effect on her, and the rose eventually burst ablaze in green fire from star bolt energy.

The two teens before her twirled slowly, their arms wrapped around each other in the customary style. Robin's hands were on Kitten's hips, and her arms rested on his shoulders. As they danced for a minute or so, Robin stared blankly at her, dying to anywhere but where he currently was.

"From now on, Robin, this will be OUR song," Kitten whispered in his ear as she leaned her head against his neck. He felt his insides rot as she did so. His hormones, which SHOULD have been getting at least a LITTLE excited, were completely lacking of life.

As the song began to go into its last verse, Kitten removed her head tenderly and stared into Robin's masked face with lustful eyes.

"Kiss me," she murmured dreamily, shutting her eyelids and puckering her lips. Robin immediately placed an index finger over her mouth to stop her from closing in on him.

"I don't think so," he said to her with some disgust.

Starfire smiled and clapped her hands together in the background behind them. As Robin unhooked Kitten's arms from his shoulders, Starfire squinted her eyes, beaming with pride.

"The song's over," Robin told her as he began to pace off to their table.

"But we-are-NOT," Kitten roared, yanking him around by the arm, her fingernails digging into him like claws.

"You're either giving me a kiss, or I'm giving YOU Daddy's bugs..." Kitten informed him threateningly with a dagger glare. Robin stared at her with eyes narrowed and teeth clenched as he absorbed the words she'd just thrown out.

"...Daddy...? You mean, Killer Moth-...?" He was at a loss for words.

"Yes, Robby Poo," Kitten hissed between grit teeth. "Now you're going to pucker up or ELSE."

Robin's brain whirled as he tried to evaluate the situation. If the Titans hadn't found and taken out Killer Moth, the city was still at risk. Robin decided that he wasn't going to take a chance- he had to give in to the coquette.

"...Fine," he grumbled, burning with loathing- though not as much as Starfire was. Robin dove in to get it done and over with as quick as he could, leaving Kitten breathless. The locking of lips lasted for only a couple of seconds, and when Robin removed his mouth from hers, he quickly wiped it with his sleeve.

"Wow," Kitten whispered in awe, her eyes wandering around in a daze. Her moment of euphoria was shattered when she felt a furious burning in her stomach and was flung backwards. She screamed in pain as she landed on her back. Robin, who had felt the scorching hot object whiz by him, spun around to see Starfire hovering a few inches from the ground, her arm outstretched. He didn't know whether to smile or frown, so he just blinked at her blankly.

Kitten rose from the floor, groaning.

"Leave Robin ALONE," Starfire commanded viciously.

"You little ****," Kitten mumbled as she staggered back to her feet.

"You require a mirror," Starfire countered darkly. Robin took a step away as Kitten advanced toward Starfire. He was a bit too shocked as to how to react, for he feared his own safety. A catfight began as Kitten pounced upon Starfire's floating body like a jaguar, and it almost seemed as if she let out a roar as she did so.

Robin stared at the two quarrel in a paralyzed state for a few moments. Starfire pinned Kitten against the table, and the blonde girl managed to grab the punch bowl beside her and fling it at Starfire's face. The Tamaranian sputtered as she forced the red liquid out of her throat, and Kitten sought the opportunity to kick her square in the face with her high heel. Starfire shrieked and reeled back slightly. As she recovered, her hands squeezed tightly as they burned with green flames of fury.

"Starfire!! WAIT!!" Robin screamed, lashing his arm out as he lunged for her. It suddenly struck him that if Kitten got angry, she might have her 'Daddy' send the insects out again, and they couldn't take any chances.

He was too late, however, as Starfire blasted Kitten's light body across the long table. She was driven downward as she grinned against it, crashing into every dish that had been placed upon it. She ended up with her abdomen stuck in a thick, goopy mess of chocolate cake. She sat up slowly, gripping her head in pain. Her body had become the plate for a feast. Chocolate frosting was all in her disheveled hair, along with some spaghetti noodles. Red sauce from that spaghetti was splattered on the once pristine pink dress she wore. The flower she had been wearing on her chest was crushed, and had vegetable dip on it. Her high heels had guacamole in them, which she could feel squishing around. Her dress was painted with a rainbow of colors in variously shaped splotches.

Robin had slowed to a halt as he gaped at Kitten's ort-ridden outfit. He felt a very strong sense of satisfaction at first, but it immediately was murdered by his fear and his seriousness. How would she react? Robin left Starfire to run to Kitten's side, desperate to make amends and get her to calm down before she did something rash. Starfire gasped as she realized that she had let her anger and jealousy get the best of her. She could feel regret course through her entire body as Robin gave her a worried glance as Kitten crawled from the table and wobbled onto her feet.

"You're going to PAY for that..." Kitten hissed in the same way a cat would. Robin wanted to apologize to try and get her to settle down, but he just couldn't bring himself to do it. He hated her guts with a passion. Kitten's extortim to get Robin as a date was officially over, from the looks of things. He only hoped that the others had located Killer Moth.

"Kitten, we're not letting you go anywhere," Robin told her, his mind having created a new plan. If they could stop Kitten from contacting her father, things would stay running smoothly.

"Good," Kitten growled, ripping her large, white flower from her chest. "I'll stay right here and watch your city get DESTROYED!!"

As petals rained to the ground at her feet, a cylindrical device with a small button on top became visible. With the second it took for Robin to hazard a guess that it was a control that no doubt sent a signal to Killer Moth, Kitten's thumb had already slammed down. Robin's reaction was too slow, as he slapped the device from her hand too late. As it clattered to the ground before Starfire, the girl shook her head slowly in shame. She'd just made a terrible mistake. She knew for certain that Robin was not pleased.

(What have I done? I am such a varmerwelk,) Starfire scolded herself using a Tamaranian insult.

"What did you do??" Robin demanded, clutching her by the neck with ferocity.

"You ruined my evening, so I'm ruining YOURS!!" she screamed with instability. "Daddy's not in charge tonight!" Robin huffed through his nose like a bull and threw her to wooden planks below him.

"Starfire," he murmured darkly. There was a pregnant pause, the air so thick that it would take a chainsaw to cut through the tension. "We're leaving."

Starfire, her body quivering with fear and self-anger, obeyed his implied command and drifted to his side, slipping her arms nervously under his own so she could carry him across the fridged waters and to the other Titans. Both teens felt awkward, angry, and frustrated with themselves as they ascended and hovered off over the shimmering sea, the moon's eerie light dancing on its waveless surface.


"At least we know where we're goin'," Cyborg muttered with some relief as Raven carried him in the air on a solid disc on shadow.

"I lost sight of Beastboy and Tenochtitlan," Raven noted aloud, scanning the night skies as they soared above the streets of Jump City, weaving in-between the taller buildings.

"Well, they're close enough where my systems actually have a fix on 'em, so as long as we keep up the pace, we'll be fine."

There was some peaceful silence as the two good friends sailed in the twilight hours. The air had a foul taste to it, and Raven knew that the night was going to be a long one.

"So, um...-" She broke the ice and initiated a conversation. "Crazy night, huh?" A small, insecure laugh slipped out.

"Yea," Cyborg muttered back, checking his arm periodically to make sure they were staying on course.

"Sooo..." Raven bit her lip for a moment as she pondered how to phrase what she wanted to ask properly. "Are you going to be busy tomorrow...?" she wondered.

Cyborg turned to her and shook his head. "Ya mean, if the city's still STANDING, right?" Raven smiled and nodded at him. "Well, I don't know. I guess not. Why?"

"I was wondering if we could just...hang out..." Raven muttered, shrugging. Cyborg cocked his head, amused by such a thought. Raven, wanting to 'hang out' with someone other than Star? After half a second, his central computer corrected his doubt and restated the fact that Raven wasn't the same person she had been weeks before.

"What'd ya have in mind?" he responded with some interest.

Raven bobbed her head and gently pushed her hair behind her ears so it wasn't draped over her face.

"Well, there's this diner I like...We could go there for lunch, and-...Maybe you could take me for a spin in the T-Car. Does it need any adjusting? I could help with that."

Cyborg grinned and nodded as he turned his head back to the city sprawled out before them.

"All right, Ray...Sounds cool. It's a date."

That queasy unsettling of Raven's intestines occurred again, which she was getting quite used to by now, and she could feel blood rush to her face. She was grateful Cyborg wasn't looking. Of this she was sure. Cyborg tapped her side, causing her to look up. He was pointing straight ahead of them where a black cloud was forming and spreading out over the buildings below.

"Uhhh...I think we found the building," Cyborg murmured with raised brows, wide eyes, and a dropped jaw.


The sound of a bumper getting kicked could be heard from behind the two girls. They both whirled around to see Sonic's right keg pointed up in the air as the bumper spun wildly and flew down to the bay below. It landed with a deep 'plunk!' which could be heard only because there was no sign of movement anywhere on the bridge beside the three teens.

"****!" Sonic whined as his foot dropped to the pavement below them. "Why am I stuck here? I'd have found that idiot by now and taken him out! Why'd I get sent here?"

Tikal and Amy exchanged dull expressions. Tikal sighed and shook her head while Amy rolled her eyes and huffed.

"Robin knows that if the bridge is attacked, you'll be fast enough to defend wherever it needs it," Tikal reasoned.

"Yea, quit bein' a baby!" Amy scolded him. "If you're such a big 'superhero,' then shouldn't you do your job and listen to your leader?"

Sonic grumbled to himself and crossed his arms over his chest in a small fit.

"Why are YOU here, anyway??" Sonic demanded, his voice gruff for the moment.

Amy placed her hands on her hips and gave him a "Hmph!" She turned her head to the side and stuck her chin up slightly as she told him, "Cyborg told Robin it would be a good idea to have me back you up, because he saw me in action while you were running around."

"I was killing those dumb MOTHS!" Sonic snapped. "Are you trying to tell me that you actually FOUGHT them??" he asked incredulously.

Amy stared at him with narrow eyes and stretched her arms out.

"Where do you think I got all of this STUFF on me from??" she demanded. Her voice began to quiver halfway through the sentence in disgust as she just now realized how covered she was. About half of her surface area had maroon blood on it, either in stains or still damp. She winced at the sight and looked back up to Sonic. She still couldn't believe what she had done earlier.

Sonic shook his head in skepticism.

"Well, I thought you were just cowering around and got some on you because some ran into you and were crushed by your THICK SKULL!" Sonic teased with a smirk.

"Sonic!" Tikal cried out, appalled.

"At least I wasn't killing them with the fumes from my hair gel!!" Amy countered.

"Amy..." Tikal whimpered from in-between the two.

"Hey! I'm on this team, and you're NOT! Who asked you to come with us in the first place, anyway??"

"You did!!" Amy retorted. "'Prooooove it!' you said!" she sarcastically cried out, flailing her arms.

"STOP!!!" Tikal shouted, breaking them apart from their verbal fight. She knew the REAL reason as to why they were arguing. Sonic was feeling emotionally unstable now that Amy was around- he had feelings for her, too, but wouldn't admit to it, and placed the blame for his feelings on her. Amy, on the inside, was mad because Sonic always tried ignoring her (which he did because he wanted to ignore his emotions), which crushed her. She tried and tried again to get his attention, to show that she was worth something, and he always turned his head. She loved him all the same, because he was just as stubborn as she was, but as a mental defense mechanism, she'd try to act like he got on her nerves. If she couldn't have his affection, than he wasn't going to have hers. That would be a way of phrasing the way her mind subconsciously viewed the situation.

There were a few moments of quiet tension, but it began to transform into worry and doubt as the bright moonlight became shadow. The darkness swept over the bridge like water, swallowing all three. Their heads immediately jumped to the skies as they were overcome by a thunderous, droning hum.

"They're back," Tikal squeaked in horror. "We should contact the others..."

Sonic shook his head at her, as he had tried to establish communication as the shadows had enveloped the bridge.

"We can't," he murmured shakily. "Everything's jammed..."

"...What do we DO?!?" Amy shrieked, holding her hands up to her mouth. There were so MANY of them...They'd barely made due before with all the Titans in tow. How were they going to defend the bridge on their own?

"We give 'em ****," Sonic replied, tightening his fists.


The halls were bleak and desolate, but even drearier than usual. For a corridor with four Titans walking through it, it was far too quiet. It was deathly quiet, as it had been for minutes as they had made a journey to the kitchen to eat a few snacks.

Robin's expression hadn't shifted from that of suppressed anger and frustration since they had finally come back home.

"...We're sure that everything got taken care of?" he asked softly, his brows furrowed as he walked with clenched fists.

"Yea, we took out the jewel thief," Mario answered solemnly. His cap was flopped over his face so you couldn't see his eyes.

"The bridge is still up," Sonic muttered. He appeared to share Robin's calm anger about the situation.

"Killer Moth is in prison," Raven reported dully. She walked with her hands wrapped around her stomach, and it appeared that she was chilled. Her arm had a black spot upon it, about three inches in diameter. It was hard to notice in the dim light.

"And Kitten's in there with him," Robin added with bitter satisfaction. "What about the moths?"

"I don't know what caused it-" Raven stated, "-but somehow, the moths were transformed into larvae...We destroyed just about all of them by throwing them into the ocean."

"Yea, well, we'd better hope none of them show up later," Robin concluded. He pulled out his communicator and eyed it quickly before clipping it back onto his belt. "It's three in the morning..." he announced in a groan.

There were no more words until they entered the dark living room. It was pitch black in the back of the room, and it gradually got brighter as they went further into it. The white, flickering from the large TV at the end of the room cast an eerie glow on the faces of all of the Titans as they arranged their weary bodies before it. Some were on the floor, others on the couch, and others behind it. All were tired, all were bruised, and all had their spirits drained.

The room would have been utterly silent had the TV not been on. Cyborg, who sat on the black, semi-circle sofa, adjusted the volume with the remote so it wasn't too loud or too soft, and everyone in the room could clearly hear. In the bottom corner of the screen were the letters 'JCN'. The word 'Live' was also pictured beside it. A brunette newswoman in a business suit stood in the streets of their city, grasping a microphone and speaking calmly into it.

"-when the mysterious creatures returned to wreak their havoc upon downtown Jump City. Local superheroes, the 'Teen Titans', engaged the creatures and somehow were able to put the epidemic to an end, though not before further damage was done." She turned her head and pointed a finger behind her at a smoldering building.

"One example of the chaos that took place tonight is the case of the rubble behind me. What used to be a popular ice cream parlor here on Balberry Street caught fire when the insects chewed electrical wires. The owner, Mr. Luigi Chelli, had been sleeping upstairs while this occurred. By the time he had awakened, the entire bottom floor was ablaze. Mr. Chelli was able to contact the fire department to rescue him in time. However, after being escorted to Jump City Hospital, Mr. Chelli had a cardiac arrest and died shortly after."

Luigi was in shock from the story. "Mr. Chelli..." he whispered despondently. The man was a kind and caring soul whom Luigi had known well, for he visited the ice cream shop almost every day since he had arrived in Jump City. As another story was spun about a young woman who had crashed into a streetlight when the moths assaulted her car, Amy broke into tears. As the news reporter described the brutal impact, detailing how the girl's seatbelt had snagged and slit her throat from the impact, Amy was breathing erratically.

"I knew her...She was my co-worker at the mall," Amy sniffled quietly to Sonic, who sat on the floor beside her. Sonic rubbed her shoulder a little to try and comfort her, but he couldn't help feeling uncomfortable himself as he did so.

"At this time, sixty-seven are reported to have been seriously wounded from the attack tonight. It has been confirmed that thirteen are dead."

The entire room was blanketed in solemn, drowning silence and darkness as the TV was shut off after those words had been spoken. The image of moonlight reflecting from the ocean's smooth surface outside was all that could be made out. Some of the white beams filtered into the room, though not enough to see clearly.

The sound of a remote gently clapping the coffee table broke the unsettling tranquility as Robin placed it down.

"We should all get some sleep. We need it," he told them. "Amy, Luigi...We appreciate your help tonight," he said shakily. He coughed afterward, trying not to show that he was on the verge of tears himself. "You're welcome to stay with us for as long as you wish. I'm sure someone here knows where you can rest the night."

"Thanks," Luigi mumbled dully as he stood up, staring at the ground.

"Thank you," Amy choked, sitting on the floor before him.

"You can sleep in my room," Tikal whispered to her as she helped the traumatic teen to her feet. Amy wobbled a little before she followed her friend to the hall. The Titans slowly filed out, but hardly a word was spoken from that point besides an, "Excuse me," or a "Sorry," when one bumped into another in the dark.

As Robin trailed behind them, he jumped when he felt a hand latch onto his left shoulder. He knew exactly who it was. He paused as he bubbled up inside, clearly upset about the outcome of the night. He took his right arm and firmly gripped Starfire's wrist with it. He tossed it off of his body roughly in a jerking motion, catching Starfire by surprise. As Robin disappeared into the blackness before her, Starfire stood, gaping at his silhouette, her eyes leaking.

(Thirteen are dead...because of my irrational actions...)


End Transmission



Dec 19, 2002
Great update. It's depressing that 13 people had to die and I thought that in the show they already knew where the house was.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Oh, things get much more depressing before they get better.

Um...Observent of you...but wrong.

Nope. They didn't know where the house was. Robin told them: "Star your search with her." 'Her' would be Kitten, of course.

Problem is that they couldn't do a covenient search because all the signals, etc. were jammed up (you'll find out later). Beastboy and Tay found the house fairly quickly, but they couldn't communicate it to their teammates very quickly.

So yeah.


Dec 19, 2002
Oh so the security system messing up also affected the communication system? And that's how they couldn't stop killer moth? Now I understand. How did they not know where the house was if they knew where Kitten lived?


Smash Apprentice
Feb 1, 2004
The fact that you killed off people is just kind of cool IMO since in Teen Titans, it's just one of those things that never does happen (I think, and also Slade is arguable).

Anyone know if Cartoon Network is planning on airing the end of season 3, or are we going to have to wait for the last three episodes AGAIN???

Anyways, like the update. Just a few questions. Is mario ever going to get some of the gadgets that he has in the other games?? Namely, the cape, some of the caps from the 64 version, maybe FLUDD?? Also, I'm pretty sure that you're going to explain all about Amy's powers, but the sword thing is intriguing. I also remember you naming a specific number of Titans that were going to appear. As in the max number, and I THOUGHT it was 13, but I'm not to sure now. How many are there now... ummm.... Robin, Starfire, Raven, BB, Cyborg, Tay, Tikal, Sonic, Mario, Link, and Luigi and Amy though they aren't official Titans yet are they?? That would still be only 12.... Oh no wait never mind. I forgot Terra.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
The number I gave was 11, actually.

You've met the last Titan. You just don't know it, yet, apparently.

Amy and Luigi don't 'officially' join the team, and if they do, it'll be for a short bit at the end.

I think we'll be stuck waiting for the end of Season 3, naturally.

As far as Mario...Mario doesn't really USE gadgets...

I've had the Yoshies use various caps so far, but not Mario. Why?

Mario won't NEED them later, and he doesn't really need them now.

On a gameplay scope (I've crafted the whole battle system, actually, it's a combination of lots of things) something like Fludd would be considered a Summon, but a unique type of summon that integrates with the person who summons it. Epona, Link's horse, is another example.

Besides, Mario is a FIRE character, and he sure as he** doesn't need FLUDD here, anyway.

Um...MM2002, what are you talking about? They didn't know where Kittens house was, so they split up to FIND it. Tay and BB found it, as I said, but couldn't tell the others because the communications were jammed. They arranged a meeting point when they happened to run into each other, and Cy and Ray were following them to the house. Once the big evil moths showed up, it made the house a bit easier to find. Too bad they were too late.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Well well well...

Well, after two full months of hibernation, i've returned for the Christmas season. :)

Did ya miss me? Apparently not... :o

But anywayz, don't worry, i've been "lurking" around Smash World Forums and reading your fic. So i'm all caught up. And as you may have noticed, my profile has recieved a little makeover.

But enough of my flabbing, let's get down to business...

Instead of me posting a message after every update, I think it is a better idea for me to return here every few weeks to write a critique on all of your new updates. That way, I will be able to review much more information on the fic. And from my experiences, you seem to enjoy long, detailed reviews. :hungry:

So, let us commence...

Beastboy/Tenochtitlan Relationship
Geez... things here really started to go downhill after Tay realized she was from another world. I definitely enjoyed the tension here, especially at the boiling point when Beastboy yelled out "Screw you!".

Complaints? Not really. But I wasn't too thrilled at all the little conversations and disputes that the Titans had before Beastboy snapped at Tay.
But hey, not everything has to be action, right? If your goal was to add atmosphere and a better understanding of the characters' feelings towards each other, then you have achieved that goal.

Robin/Starfire Relationship
This scenario was rather... cute, might I say. You added some interesting details in the scene where Robin and Starfire were at the movies. I could picture the scene in my mind without a problem.

As for the "Date With Destiny" tie-in, brilliant. My heart thumped really fast during the entire force-fed date between Robin and Kitten, and especially after Starfire went berzerk on the little scoundrel. By the time I had read the following line...

"Starfire," he murmured darkly. There was a pregnant pause, the air so thick that it would take a chainsaw to cut through the tension. "We're leaving."

...I stood in my chair, wide-eyed and frozen. Even though I have seen the Date With Destiny episode, I can understand Robin's awkward situation, and more importantly, understand the tension that was in the air. That just goes to show you how much this story has sunken into my brain. :D

The only complaint I can possibly come up with is that the whole "Kitten" thing might have occured too fast for people who didn't watch the TV episode.

Sonic, Tikal, and Amy
I definitely noticed a change in Amy. As opposed to her sweet, "innocent" attitude in other stories (such as Sonic Adventure 1+2), she was intoduced into the fic in a grumpy, ticked-off mood. It did seem a bit wierd at first, but I warmed up to it in time.

I like seeing Sonic get all "fuzzed-up" on the inside when he's with Tikal and Amy. ^_^

As for the whole "Zepha" thing, i'm content with it. But I am puzzled as to how a sword appeared in Amy's hands during the battle with the moth swarm. It was probably some sort of subconcious ability that Amy learned in a past life, but the fact that she was able to use this ability at THAT exact point in time seems... a little convenient. :p

Raven, Cyborg, et cetera...
Raven has changed quite a bit from her old self, and for the most part, I like the change.

But whoa... she asked Cyborg out to dinner?? Doesn't she have a crush on Link? Or did she give up on that?

As far as Cyborg is concerned, he's probably the most combat-effective character in the story so far, right beside Mario. I'm not exactly sure if he's the most powerful of all the characters, but based on current events, it does seem highly possible. After all, he's participated in nearly all of the major battles so far...

I feel kinda bad for Terra. She keeps getting ignored by the other Titans. I have a feeling that if she's neglected too much, she'll be dragged into darkness.

Mario and Luigi are doing, shall we say, okee-dokee. :goomba: I believe that once Mario is given the opportunity, he'll be able to outrank everyone else in combat power.

I don't really have anything to say about Link, but it does seem like he's being left out of the main action. I would have loved to see him fight the moth swarm with the other characters. And I hope he gets some new weapons and gadgets soon. :)

Well, there you go. It took me 45 minutes to think up/write this reply, so i'll make sure to be more prepared next time.

I have a feeling that I messed up something in my "review"... oh well, you can yell at me whenever you get the chance. :p

By the way, have you played Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal yet? *raises eyebrow*

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
"Did ya miss me?"

Um...HE** YEA!! :beezo: Doy! Man, I still miss *Sabrewulf*, for crying out loud!! Why would I NOT miss you??

Hm...Well, heh...Yea, that's what I call a review. That's exactly the stuff I want.

Naturally, there's a thing or two you're spotty in, but some of those things you're SUPPOSED to feel spotty in.

Sadly, I haven't gotten the chance to play R+C 3. BELIEVE me, I want to.

But the Metal Slug series, paired with an AMERICAN Kingdom Hearts: CoM and my fiction has been keeping mwe busy enough.


"Beastboy/Tenochtitlan Relationship
Geez... things here really started to go downhill after Tay realized she was from another world."

Not true. Tay has already figured that out. What it is is that she's remembering what was going on last time she WAS home. Perhaps you remember what happened, as you read Q4D! Black...


"But I wasn't too thrilled at all the little conversations and disputes that the Titans had before Beastboy snapped at Tay.
But hey, not everything has to be action, right? If your goal was to add atmosphere and a better understanding of the characters' feelings towards each other, then you have achieved that goal."

It's called character development, EP. Ya know...You get to see how the characters interact with each other and you notice how they slowly change (or swiftly, for that matter) over the course of the story.

Those little scenes make up most of TTX. Yea, yea, you and your dammed action scenes...:rolleyes: If you come here to read action scenes, then that's a shame, 'cuz they're often the least important scenes in the story.

"The only complaint I can possibly come up with is that the whole "Kitten" thing might have occured too fast for people who didn't watch the TV episode."

Yea, I know. It was supposed to feel very fast and very rushed, so you felt like the Titans did. They were running around like ants under a magnifying lens, and the night flew by as this happened and that happened. They couldn't keep up with all of it fast enough.


"I definitely noticed a change in Amy. As opposed to her sweet, "innocent" attitude in other stories (such as Sonic Adventure 1+2), she was intoduced into the fic in a grumpy, ticked-off mood. It did seem a bit wierd at first, but I warmed up to it in time."

'Sweet' and 'innocent'?? Man, where the he** have YOU been?

Sure, she acts like it, but then she spins around and acts the OPPOSITE. If you've watched Sonic X, you DEFINITELY know what I'm talking about. Amy's spunky, optimistic, and cheerful...until, ya know, you get on her bad side...Then she's the opposite.

A good example of the whole Light/Dark theme in all of my fiction.

Amy and Sonic are pretty similar in the way they can act. 2000 years ago, Amy was 'Zepha', and she didn't really act very cheerful or peppy AT ALL because she was trying to impress Cyclos and show how tough she was. Because of the outcome of that...well...Subconciously, Amy corrected herself when she was 'reborn', shall we say.

She never expressed her love for Cyclos, and she never showed her Light side...So now, in tne present, she makes it VERY clear that she cares about Cyclos, and she tries to show him her nice side while still proving that she's just as tough as he is. She adjusted herself without realizing it.

As for the sword thing...There's a reason why Amy found it so easy to will it to her. You won't understand that until later.


"But whoa... she asked Cyborg out to dinner?? Doesn't she have a crush on Link? Or did she give up on that?"

Whoa, huh?? Raven asked Cyborg out to DINNER?!? No, she didn't...:p But...

Yea, you DID catch that hint I was trying to throw out there.

Raven's given up on Link. Yep. Ya know why they call it a crush, right? Because it's not real love, etc., so you're doomed to be 'crushed' by it.

Cyborg is the 2nd in command. Cyborg loves to blow stuff up. And I liek writing about Cyborg blowing stuff up. That doesn't make him the best fighter...Robin kicks serious @$$, too. Well, really, they ALL, do.

However...Yea...Mario, at this point in time, has the potential to kick MORE @$$ than the rest...

But, because he possesses this great power, he also possesses a great responsibility- to help show his fellows how to use the same power. The N-Force has chosen him, and that means that he has to accept the great burden along with the great power.

(I actually remember having Mario quote the 'Spiderman' movie by saying something like that back when Yoshi was at the HSS Arena. Yea, I didn't do that randomly.)

Don't worry about Terra. Like I said (quite literally, in the story) she'll be fine.

Mario and Luigi are awesome, I love writing about them, because the interaction between them is just so fun.

Link is flying under the radar. You'll get to see him get buff real soon.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Woohoo! 500th post! :D


Ironically, you've written a review about my review. :p

Excellent. Starting with the next update, i'll make sure to open up the Notepad program and write notes on the most important/interesting aspects and events of the story, and as a result I should make an even larger critique next time.

Oh, and when exactly did I say that I only liked action? I like the emotional parts of stories just as much as the fighting scenes. I just tend to enjoy action a LITTLE more because 1) it gets my heart racing more easily, and 2) most of the characters in your story are from video games.

But feel free to use as many "little scenes" as you want. After all, if there are too many action scenes, it will deteriorate the quality of the story and it will fail (that was the problem in my EP fic).

Okay, on to a lighter side...

As far as Ratchet and Clank 3 is concerned: I beat the entire game last week, once again without buying ANY armor upgrades. :) If I were to describe the game in one word, that word would probably be "Legendary". I'll even go as far as saying that it's one of the greatest platform games of this console generation. Plain and simple; it is a must-have for all PS2 owners.

Oh, and by the way, i'm about 40% complete with my Lunar Magic version of Super Mario World. I have screenshots of some of the levels if you want to see them.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Yep, it was SUPPOSED to be depressing.

The End is Near?

Sort of. We're 2/3 through the story at this point. Roughly.

Chapter 12 really wasn't all that short. It's just that a lot of my recent Chapters have been so FU**ING LONG.

EP, I just got the hint that you could care less about the conversations between the characters, which, as I said, are more important to the story than the actions scenes.

A lot of scenes in the next Chapter...thinking about some of the scenes gives me a chilling sensation, even though there's no real violence at all.

Then there IS violence. Action scenes with raw emotion pumping them up (which is implemented from those 'little talks') are just awesome.

Expect to see the Red X show up later, too. Heheh.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 1, 2004
11 huh?? I must be on crack.

*waves hi to EP*

was wondering when you would come back.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
We're all on crack.

By the way, I just finished a short story for Christmas I wrote for the World's Finest Christmas Short Story Contest...thing...

So, yea. Maybe I should post it up...?

Of course, it does spoil a few things, but only indirectly...


Smash Champion
Jul 25, 2001
I'm not telling you psychos
Happy Chrismahanakwanzakah to you!

All's silent on the homefront. I haven't seen an update from you since I last swung up here, and my story continues to be mute with lack or responses... BLEH.

You never DID give me your e-mail address!

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
The World's Finest is a DC-comic site. I believe I've mentioned it a few times before...

As for my e-mail...No, I'm pretty sure I told you what it was at some point...

Besides, I replied to the mail you sent me asking for my e-mail address...:confused: That was a WHILE ago.

You sent me an e-mail which wound up in my junk mail, so I mailed you back and told you that it wound up in my junk mail, but you never answered, from what I can tell.

Just because there's been no updates doesn't mean I haven't been writing. I haven't concentrated heavy amounts of labor into it, but I have been writing. I have updates for Needles, Golden Sunrise, and Chaos Angels just about complete.

EP, the short story doesn't really ruin much. All it truly spoils is that none of the Titans die during the course of the X Factor, and it reveals the identity of the last Titan to join the team, but you could probably guess that at this point.

At any rate, the short story takes place after the last Chapter but before the epilogue, so the true ending is yet to be revealed, as I plan to have a fairly long epilogue that ties the 'Winds of Fate' title in.

All Winds of Fate end at the same place in the same general time span.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Dishonor on your cow!

Um...The next Chapter would be written by now if Up Your Arsenal had not plagued me- that and everything's been all happy and cheerful lately when this Chapter is dark and depressing.

If this fic were a day, the last Chapter would've been sunset- things are going to get darker before dawn.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
I see... so darkness is approaching. You know, this reminds me of an old sailor's poem that my dad taught me a few years ago:

Red sky at night, sailor's delight.
Red sky at morning, sailors take warning.

I can only hope that the sky will be streaked with red before our heroes plunge into the night. It may be a sign of hope for them.

I am, of course, speaking metaphorically.

So the new Ratchet and Clank is occupying your time? Brilliant, just as I had expected. I bought the original Ratchet & Clank for Christmas, and beat it so I could unlock some of the R&C1 goodies in the other two games (I won't bother bragging about how I beat it without buying armor/weapons; I seem to have a habit of doing that :p).

I just wish I had Playstation Online so I could pwn everyone else in the world. :demon:

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Ratchet + Clank 1 is EASY. I don't think you GET armor in that game, though...

It takes forever to get all of your weapons fully leveled up (and purchased and leveled up AGAIN, that is) in Up Your Arsenal, ESPECIALLY the RY3O.

By the way, that saying has to do with storms and the like...so it doesn't really have any relevance here as far as like and dark...I guess...

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
R&C1 IS pretty easy, except for the final fight with Drek.

For Up Your Arsenal, a good place to upgrade all your weapons is the sewer on planet Aquatos. Since you'll also get a skill point (and a load of bolts) for collecting all the sewer crystals, it's like killing two birds with one stone.

As far as the whole "darkness" thing is concerned, I think your signature sums it up quite nicely.

Well, I have nothin' else to say at the moment. I'll go back to working on my internet games (they're coming along quite nicely I might add) until some more people reply.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Oh, I know it.

Best place to level up the RY3O is the Arena, though, because all the ammo you use there is FREE if you know how it works, and that ammo costs a butt load.

My Omega Vortex Cannon is my buffest weapon right now...Oh, wait, my RY3O DID level up FINALLY, so I think it's actually a little stronger.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
I see... well, I wonder where all of the other readers are, they haven't posted to TTX in a week...

Speaking of which, I did see something Teen Titans related in Wegmans (it's a grocery store) today. Cyborg was on the front of a box of Waffle Crisp cereal. :p Didn't know he liked the cereal that much. :******: It said something about going to postopia.com and typing in a secret code to watch a lost episode of Teen Titans. Sounds pretty jiffy to me...


Dec 19, 2002
Originally posted by EvilPichu
I see... well, I wonder where all of the other readers are, they haven't posted to TTX in a week...

Speaking of which, I did see something Teen Titans related in Wegmans (it's a grocery store) today. Cyborg was on the front of a box of Waffle Crisp cereal. :p Didn't know he liked the cereal that much. :******: It said something about going to postopia.com and typing in a secret code to watch a lost episode of Teen Titans. Sounds pretty jiffy to me...
In that case I'm going to buy some Waffle Crisps to see the lost episode. If it ends up being some Waffle Crisps commercial with Cyborg then I will...sue them, yes that's it, I'll sue them.

I haven't posting in a while since there's NOTHING to post.
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