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Winds of Fate: The X Factor (Teen Titans)

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
...Oh yeah. *slaps forehead* I'm so stupid sometimes... :rotfl:

Yeah, I figured my banner was too awesome *cough* I mean BIG, for a signature... I'll see if I can make another witty banner for my siggy. I have a few ideas... :)

Anywayz, have you visited the Light House in the Smash World Fourms lately? They're having some very interesting discussions over there regarding unreleased games, such as Viewtiful Joe 2 and Kingdom Hearts 2.

Oh, and this is the 400th post to this topic. :cool:

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Wow...Getting up there in the posts, eh? But that's not close to what Q4D! Black has up here, is it?

Anyway, I do like that sig. ^_^

Um...Well, my last section got deleted for some weird reason...The computer just decided, "Hey, let's delete this!" so now I have to write it over again...No big, I don't think. I didn't feel like it last night, though...

And lemme tell ya, it's a **** good thing the Titan characters got changed, because OH MY were they scary...

Interview with Sam Register

*evil grin*

And now I shall proceed to crush your reality...It's AMAZING how many voices Tara Strong (Raven) has done...WOW...I mean, HOLY CRAP.

From Hello Kitty to Bowser's kids to Dill Pickles (Both baby AND Grown Up) to Batgirl to Omi (Xiaolin Showdown...??) to Bubbles the Powerpuff Girl to the Little Mermaid's daughter to TIMMY TURNER to...*gasp*


Video games, you ask?


Bowser Jr. in Sunshine...

Rachel in Ninja Gaiden...

RIKKU from FFX / X2 ...? Hm...

Geez, man...That's just scratching the surface...This lady's acted on about every **** cartoon show I've ever WATCHED along with quite a few movies...


You could always go there...

Just baffling... :crazy:

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Thank you for complimenting my siggy. :)

:bee: Haaaaaaa-lay-lu-yah! :bee:

Holy crap! :crazy: Tara Strong did a LOT of voice acting! And for BOTH genders too!

That's just plain jaw-dropping... I think Strong should create a new Guiness record for "Most Characters in Voice-Acting Career" or something.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
I told you...Very interesting stuff...

Well, I have PART of my next section done...It WOULD be done if the stupid computer didn't delete it for no reason...I really need to get my own new one soon...In a week, I'm hoping...And what shall I do with it when I get it?

"That, Raven, is the right question. ;) "

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
"And what shall I do with it when I get it?"

Put stuff on it, obviously. :p However, a little advice: always organize your files. Don't just throw them into a random folder, because the database gets messy very quickly if you do that. ;)



Soooo... *twidles thumbs*

I wonder where Caba is. I still can't find RPG Maker 2002. =/ Oh well.... Oh, and i've been talking to Shadow Master Mewtwo on a regular basis via AIM, so he still exists. ;)

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Well, I got a bit done...

And I got my flash drive...But using it on different computers is a chore right now- trying to get the right drivers and what not...

Anyway, here's a small chunk. The rest of the Chapter should go smooth with small chunks as we go through all of the Titans- one by one. Should be pretty short- except for the last three, who I intend to spend some time with.


"What do you MEAN you lost him??"

"I apologize!" Star whimpered to Robin's demanding question. "We pursued him, but he vanished from our view..."

The rest of the Titans were arranged in a group around Raven, checking out her new outfit.

"I like the hood," Tenochtitlan complimented as she tossed the purple hood a bit. "It's cute."

"Yea, but...Dude, what's with the little ANGEL WINGS...?" Beastboy murmured, pointing at the shirt's design.

"Well, it...-" Raven was interrupted before she could explain.

"Looks nice," Cyborg said with a nod.

"Thanks," Raven answered, smiling weakly.

"It's adorable," Tikal added.

"Yea...It's all right," Sonic mumbled with a shrug. He could care less.

"Um...Yea, it's pretty neat," Terra murmured, not quite realizing how big a deal it was for Raven.

"Ya know..." Link said thoughtfully, "I think it actually fits you..."

"I-I guess," Raven mumbled meekly, her cheecks pink from all the attention she was getting.

"No, he's right. It definitely fits you."

Everyone paused as they noticed that this wasn't a familiar voice. Raven and Starfire knew who it was. Everyone's eyes darted to the edge of the building's roof. Standing there, the sunset at his back, was Destiny Smasher, his arms crossed over his chest. He had a little smirk on his face.

"Sorry for the delay, folks. Now that I'm here, let's get down to business."

Robin's fists clenched up, as did his teeth.

"Careful," he warned the other Titans. "We don't know what he's capable of."

Lifting a brow, the character before them slightly cocked his head.

"Ehhh...I'm flattered you think I'm such a threat n' all, but...I'm on YOUR side..." He paused and muttered inaudibly, "Basically."

"What do you want?" Robin demanded, getting straight to the point. He was clearly disturbed by this guy's calm nature. It seemed suspicious.

"Well...I came here to talk to you guys."

"Well, you found us," Sonic said awkwardly.

"So start givin' up some answers, yo," Cyborg added with some firmness.

"Answers, huh?" DS straightened his little beard. "Well...If you want answers, you're gonna have to ask the right questions," he replied sneakily.

After a couple moments of silence, Beastboy finally piped up to initiate the conversation.

"...Why are we here?"

"You're here because I asked you to come. You came because you're curious, obviously."

"...But why did you ask us to come at all?" Tay put in her question.

Destiny Smasher continued to play with his short beard as he proceeded.

"I summoned you here because I needed to talk to you."

"...Yea...?" Link wondered. "What?"

"I came here because I can see...Past, present, and future...I have seen plenty. I know bits of your past, chunks of your present, and pieces of your future..."

"And what's that all mean? Why did you want to see US?" Robin inquired, his eyes narrowed.

"I'm here because...I came to warn you..." he replied solemnly. There was a brief moment of silence until Raven's lips parted, emitting sound to break the silence.

"Warn us...?" she whispered. "Of what...?"

He smirked, crossing his arms over his chest. He lifted up his right index finger into the air. With a very sly tone about him, he spoke.

"THAT, Raven, is the right question."


And yes, I am SO copying off of 'I, Robot.'


Smash Apprentice
Feb 1, 2004

oh well, I guess it does fit well into the story (the size of the updates that is). I'm just impatient.

Tara Strong is my hero.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Hello Dan-E dude. Long time no see. :cool:

The updates are short, but sweet (I said that already, didn't I?). Actually, I kinda like short, frequent updates better than long, less-frequent ones. Because, in a sense, we're reading the story in real-time as it develops. But that's just my opinion.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Um...Riiiiight, EP...

Except it's taken me all summer to go through a few days or so...

Anyway, stop complaining about how short the updates are. Would you rather wait until I'm done with the whole Chapter?


Destiny Smasher had told them that before they continued, they had to all take a seat. Arranging themselves in a circle of teenagers, they began to dig deeper.

"All right, guys," Destiny Smasher began, stretching his legs out before folding them into a cross-legged position. "Are you ready to see how deep the rabbithole goes...?" He was answered by some confused glances, a skeptical face, and a few nods. "Right, then," he muttered, collecting his thoughts.

"Ya see...Weird things have been going on lately..."

"Wow, you're psychic," Raven muttered dryly, two spots from his right. Starfire was at his right side, and Raven, of course, was right beside her. He let out a smile at her comment and pressed on.

"And it concerns you new Titans," he completed his thought, giving each of them a glance.

"What about us?" Terra wondered from his left side.

"Yea," Beastboy added one space down, "Do you know somethin' we don't?"

Destiny Smasher let out a light chuckle. "That depends..." He shook his head quickly, getting back to his topic.

"See, I've seen your future...Two futures, actually..." He seemed to have caught some slight attention. "One future with your newcomers, and one without."

The Titans gave each other puzzled glances as they waited for him to go on.

"You see, Fate had a plan for you Titans. But something happened that SHOULDN'T have. And now that plan has gotten thrown off whack. Things haven't been going the way they were supposed to."

"Supposed to...?" Cyborg seemed baffled.

"You were meant to do certain things," DS explained further. Cyborg stared at his reflection on his black sunglasses. "But a critical event happened, and everything has been messed up."

"What are you TALKING about?" Beastboy grumbled, slightly irritated. Destiny Smasher scratched his neck before speaking some more.

"When these new Titans arrived, your Fate was altered. I've seen your Destiny. I've seen what Fate had planned for you to do." He turned to Terra's big eyes and delved into a frightening idea. He spoke very calmly, his face very solemn.

"You met Terra. But Terra felt rejected because-..." He paused, seeing the emotion in her eyes, and he decided to keep the rest private. "-...Terra couldn't control her powers. So she ran away. She came back, having gained full control fo her abilities...However...She had done so because a mysterious character had taken her in as his pupil and trained her...She became his apprentice...She betrayed the Titans- a choice she had made before she came back to join them. She realized her actions were ruthless, and seeked forgiveness...But it was not given intially, and Terra took this personally." The Titans were all captured by his tale- a tale that was not a reality to them and would never be. "Slade and Terra- together- combined their talents to bring the Teen Titans down- one by one. Jump City fell to its knees at their hands...And the Titans struck back with a vengeance. In the end, Terra sacraficed her life to save her old friends. She was a good friend and a devilish enemy..."

Destiny Smasher took his gaze away from Terra's trembling eyes to the group, who was completely bewildered. Many seemed to be glaring at Terra with suspicion.

"You're going to betray us?" Tikal murmured with fear.

"N-no!" Terra cried, rapidly shaking her head. "I wouldn't! I-"

"No," DS confirmed. "That won't happen. It was what SHOULD have happened. What should have happened in a few weeks...But it won't happen. Because THEY arrived..." He pointed his gloved finger at them one by one. "Mario...Sonic...Tikal...Link...And Tenochtitlan...Your advent has made wrinkles in time and space...This dimension's fate will be different...How much so is hard to say."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Beastboy growled. "DIMENSION...?"

"You mean we're in another dimension?" Cyborg asked, wide-eyed.

"No," Destiny Smasher answered firmly. "You've been in this dimension...But this one and another were once connected as one. At the point in time when they came here, this dimension split from the original..."

"What he's trying to say-" Raven explained, glancing at him for approval, "-is that we're living in an alternate reality...We're going down a different path..." She saw him nod at her guess.

"Exactly. The split occurs where they arrived here..."

"Do you possess knowledge as to the whereabouts of their origins?" Starfire whispered curiously. He sighed and shrugged.

"Well, yes..."

"Why do you refuse to reveal such information?" she asked him quietly.

"You guys will figure it out when the time is right."

"Oh, come ON," Sonic grumbled. "If you told us, then maybe we could get back home!"

"...You wish to leave...?" Starfire meekly asked.

Sonic saw her wide eyes and sighed, shaking his head.

"No, not like that...But we have lives that we have to live...Don't we...?"

"That's what you ARE doing," DS assured him. "If I were to give you all the answers now, you wouldn't have the drive behind you to find out yourself, and you would never find your way."

"Are you saying that we have to go back to where we came from?" Tenoch wondered sadly. She didn't want to leave her friends here, which was clear by her violet eyes.

Destiny Smasher huffed and placed his hand over his mouth as he thought deeply.

"...You don't have to...But if you don't, then the threads of Fate will be loosened even further. There's so much going on that you don't understand..."

"We would if you TOLD us!" Beastboy growled. "Stop beating around the bush!"

"I can't!!" he spat back in frustration. "If one is given all the answers to their life, then what do they have to live for?"

There was a few seconds of tranquility as this comment was pondered deeply.

"Life wouldn't be the same without mystery. There's no point in living when you know exactly what's going to happen in the end, is there?"

"I guess," Beastboy mumbled with a shrug.

"Listen...We're not going to get anymore babbling like this. I need to talk with every ohne of you individually. There are certain things that you are meant to hear, and you alone."

He was getting some very irritated and skeptical looks, but he rose to his feet.

"Terra, you're first," he announced to her as he beckoned them to rise. "The rest of you- go over to the next building...Please."

Cyborg shrugged, Beastboyshook his head, and Robin rushed off with a huff to the edge. He bounded to the next building with ease and landed nimbly. Cyborg was close behind, using his powerful legs and some rocket boosts from his feet to cross the gap- he landed with a loud thud.

Sonic rushed over in a dashing jump, and Mario vanished from sight for about half a minute before landing roughly. Tikal glided slowly over, and Tay rode Beastboy- who had become a pteradactyl. Starfire waved a small good-bye as she left, which made Terra and DS smile. Raven followed her, which was no surprise. But as she began to cross, she realized that Link was contemplating a way over. Her heart skipped a beat as she jumped at the chance to help him.

"I-I'll get you over," she mumbled quickly as she grabbed his arm and carried him across. She made sure to hover down slowly and place him with care on the roof.

"Uh...Thanks, Ray," he said to her, with a shrug. She floated in front of him briefly, her cheecks slightly pink.

{Am I blushing??} she worried to herself. Link couldn't tell, however, as the sun was setting from her back.

"Yea," she muttered, "It was-"

"Gah!!" Robin growled, pacing back and forth.

"Robin...?" Starfire reached out for his shoulder with concern. "What ails you?"

"This is a watse of time," he groaned. "This guy's speaking in riddles. What does he want? Why is he here? Who does he work for?" Robin's breathing seemed a bit quick as he continued his pacing.

"He told us that he is here for a reason, just as we are," Starfire attemtped to answer.

"If we're all here for a reason, then what is HIS?" Robin demanded calmly, not even looking up. "We have no idea what he's capable of doing. What if this is just a decoy to-"

"Yo!" Cyborg firmly clamped his hand over Robin's head, halting his course. "You need to CHILL, man. This guy ain't bad news."

"Cyborg is correct," Starfire agreed with a nod. "He is here to help us. We may not understand how or why- but I am certain that it would be beneficial to hear him out."


Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Yea, yea, double post- for a good reason. Here's the Titans...Except the last three, like I said.

I know I said BB and Tay would get more story in this Chapter, but I'm saving it for NEXT Chapter when it will really fit in with everything else.


Now that the others were out of earshot, DS turned to Terra and began to speak.

"So, Terra...Have you been hanging in there?"

She felt very nervous and confused after everything he had just said and her head was bobbed.


"You did a good job last night, ya know," he complimented her. "You really should be proud of what you did."

"How do you know about that?" she whispered, feeling very uneasy.

"I told you, Terra...I can see things."

"Last night," she said solemnly. "That was when I should've left...Wasn't it...?" She was beginning to believe his theories. Destiny Smasher nodded slowly.

"Mm. But You didn't. Because things have been happening differently. And for you, that's a good thing."

"I'm supposed to die in a few weeks," Terra mumbled, overcoming that thought.

"But you won't now," DS assured her. "Put it behind you. This is a different ball game now."

Terra sighed deeply, brushing her long blonde hair from her face. She stared at him with her big eyes and spoke some more.

"So what do I do? If my...purpose...was to die...Then...-"

"Don't think of it like that," DS told her, placing a consoling hand on her shoulder. "We're all here for a reason, but not necessarily for a purpose. A reason is the 'why,' and the purpose is the 'because.' You can make your own because. I'm sure that Fate has plans for you here, but...Just don't worry about it," he spat out, holding out his other palm.

"This is what you need to hear. You should be very proud of how you stood tall against Slade last night. You trust your new friends. That bruise on your face...That's a symbol of that friendship you defended."

Terra nodded, her eyes wandering. She rubbed the mark on her cheeck thoughtfully.

"And that's a wonderful thing," he added. "You've got a ways to go, but you're definitely on the right path. Just stick to your guns, and be you." He shrugged. "That's it, really...There's nothing more I can tell you..."

Terra shrugged as he held out his hand to shake hers.

"Thanks," she mumbled. "I guess. But tell me- do they trust ME?"

Destiny Smasher smiled at her fearful face.

"They do, Terra. Everyone deserves a chance. They know that. Just get to know them some more. Show them what you're made of." He grinned as he gave her a pat on the back and led her to the other Titans, bringing across the gap by flying over.


"Yep, you next, Cy Sly."

"Well, all right!" Cyborg lept on ahead of Destiny Smasher to land on the building before he did. DS chuckled to himself as he met Cy on the other side. He stared down at DS with his solemn face. He knew things were going to get serious soon. He could feel it in the guy's words.

"So where do ya wanna start?" Destiny asked him casually.

"All I wanna know is what you said ya gotta tell me," he replied with a shrug.

"Right, then..." DS muttered. "Cyborg, I can't quite think of what to say to you. From what I can tell, you seem to be just keen with everything. The past behind you is just that- the past. The future- you seem like you'll take whatever comes as it comes..."

Cyborg smirked. "Got that right."

"I can't see very much about you...Your past or your future. That tells me that you don't need help. I think you're going to come out just fine in the end of all this."

"This...?" he asked, lifting a brow. "What 'end of all this?'"

"The war," Destiny Smasher calmly answered. "That's all I can really tell you. A war is brewing...It's started, already. The initial first conflict has happened more recently than you think. But the battlefield is larger than anything you could imagine. Everyone has their part to play in it, and it will take every link in the chain to reach the end. I'm telling you this because I know you'll be cool about it. That's what you're meant to know. You just keep going about things the way you do. And be ready for what's in store."

"...All right, man," Cyborg told him, feeling odd about it, but trusting him. "Whatever works, yo."

"Well, there we go," Destiny Smasher concluded. "Could you go over and get Link for me?"

"You betcha, bro." Cyborg and DS slammed fists lightly as he went to the group to retrieve his friend.


"Gettin' those memories back?"

Link scratched his head and shrugged. "Not really. I remember a little bit here and there, but..."

"Hm. Would you happen to remember anything about your weapons...?" DS asked him curiously.

"...Um...My sword...?" Link guessed. He was clueless.

"Well...Sure, that, too...You understand why it doesn't-"

"Yea, I get that," Link muttered. "I don't know WHY, but I do understand...Are you going to tell me why?"

"No." Destiny crossed his arms and began to explain. "Link, this is what I have to tell YOU. Within you- ALL of you Titans- lies untapped power. Back home, you didn't just use a sword and shield, you used a LOT of things. Bombs, a boomerang, a bow...You had a whole arsenal."

"...How the **** would I carryu that much crap AROUND...?" Link asked him, highly skeptical.

"You didn't," DS told him with a girn. "Not really. You see, you could...pull them, out of nowhere- at will. You used something that I like to call the 'N-Force.' You could only use it at a novice's level, but..."

"What are saying?" he wondered. "That I have super powers I don't remember?"

"Sort of," DS replied quickly. "If you want my advice, practice. Try to remember fighting. Try to remember those weapons you used to use. If you concentrate and work at it, you should begin to start getting the hang of it again. And believe me, you're going to need it. You guys have a LONG couple of weeks ahead of you..."

"Uh huh," Link mumbled with a nod. {This guy's a nut job.}

"Fine, don't believe me," DS said, turning his head. "But I'm tellin' ya what you need to hear..."

"Yea..." Link muttered, shaking his head slowly. "I'll think about it."

"I know," DS told him with a chuckle. "Now could ya go get Mario for me?"

"Uh..." Link took a few steps before he realized something. "How am I gonna-?"

"Don't worry. Raven'll help you across." Link huffed at that comment and turned around.

"Yea, about that-..."

"Figure that out on your own," DS answered, knowing what he was about to ask. "I can't give all the answers. I don't KNOW all the answers, for that matter. You'll make a choice when the time comes, as will she."

"Yea..." Link moaned as he went on, a bit confused. He tried to clear his brain from all of this junk clogging it up.


Mario admired the way the sky was becoming dark blue, like a sea pouring over the light. The sun was quickly disappearing. He was scratching his hjand through his hair, his cap being grasped loosely in his other palm.

"So, whatcha need?" Mario asked in that calm, almost bored way he often did.

"Well...You have to answer MY question." Destiny Smasher stared into his deep, sparkling, blue eyes.

"You know what's going on, don't you?" he asked slowly. "You know what you guys have to do...Right?"

Mario nodded casually, placing his cap back on his head.

"Thought so. You know what you're doing..." DS nodded. "You always have. Help them out, but don't baby them."

"I know," Mario assured him. "Now you tell ME somethin'...My bro...Is he here, too?"

DS paused and sighed. "He is." Mario, his palm on his mouth, tapped his chin thoughtfully.

"...Then I guess I should drag him into this mess, too, hm?"

"I guess so."

Mario smirked and dropped his hand to his side. "Right on." He glanced back up at DS, his mind whirling. "Things are about to heat up soon, aren't they?"

"You know it," DS assured him, causing his smile to grow even larger.



"I thought you wouldn't mind, Sonic..."

"Just lead me to the *** and I'll kick it."

"You sound pretty confident."

"You seem to know enough about me to know that I don't LOSE."

"This much is true, isn't it?" DS muttered with a smile. "But I can assure you that even you won't be having a great time soon enough..."

"If you say so, pal," Sonic shrugged it off. "Bring on the party."

"Yea..." Destiny seemed to have his head elsewhere now. "So, uh...The girl...Do you remember her?"

Sonic paused, and he felt his gut tighten, for he somehow knew exactly who he was talking about.

"Yea, the one with the pink hair," DS added smoothly, observing his wide eyes. "Do you know who she is?"

Sonic cleared his throat and tried to act cool about it.

"I, eh-...Sorta, yea."

"Well that's good," DS told him. "She'd be real hurt if you'd forgotten. And I know you wouldn't want to make her feel that way..."

Sonic huffed. "Why do you care?" he spat out.

"Someone's feeling vulnerable," Destiny teased. "She's been looking for you for some time, you know."

Sonic didn't answer. He stared at the floor beneath him, narrow-eyed.

"You think you understand how she feels, but you don't. I just think you outta know that. Stop shutting her out like you do. Give her a **** chance, man."

Sonic groaned in reply. "Yea, whatever..."

"Fine, don't listen to me."

"I'll do what I want," Sonic grumbled.

"I know that. It's your choice. That's obvious. I'm just here to warn you."


"Your memories are getting mixed up. That's what the problem is."

Tikal hummed drearily, her expression worried.

"How can I fix it...?"

DS shrugged. "Honestly, I don't know. It's something you'll just have to work out on your own. You have two lives, in a sense, Tikal. I'm sure you've realized that by now. You lived thousands of years ago..."

"Then I was sealed away for a long time," she added, knowing that much very well. "And now I have a life in this period. You're saying that I'm remembering things from my old life and confusing them with my current one..."

"Exactly. Do you know why?"

Tikal nodded slowly. "It's because I used to know them in the past...They were just different back then..." She seemed confused by the whole mess.

"You got it," DS told her. "That's it. All you have to do is distinguish them apart now. And...The girl...You know about her, don't you...?"

Tikal blinked as her mind rushed. She glanced up at him and guessed. "Zepha...?"

His expression got contorted. "Weellll...Close enough..."

"I forget what her name is NOW," Tikal said quietly, staring up at the moon, which was beginning to become visible. "But yes...I remember her..."

"And-...?" DS trailed off his question.

"And..." Tikal sighed. "We were dear friends...But I fear she may be angry with me...I AM dating Sonic..."

"You'd be surprised, Tikal. She may have a different name, and she may look a little different, but...She's still the same person you once knew."

"Mm..." Tikal's eyes stared blankly into the sky as she got lost in thought.


"So, uh...What happened with all that stuff you were going through before?" Beastboy asked, trying to start the conversation.

"You remember," DS noted. "Don't worry about it. It's behind me...Pretty much."

Beastboy bit his lip. "Yea...Gettin' rejected isn't fun..."

"You don't need to tell me. But what are you talking about? Aren't things between you and Tenochtitlan going well?"

His eyes lit up and he beamed. "Oh, yea! You were right about her, man! She's SO totally awesome!!"


"But...I asked her, and she said doesn't remember you..."

"She shouldn't. She's never met me, really, but I know her well..."

Beastboy lifted a brow. "It's confusing," DS dismissed, tossing his arm. "But I do know about her."

"So aren't you going to tell her about it?" He shook his head quickly.

"She needs to discover herself on her own. But, if you want, I WILL tell YOU..."

"I'm all ears," he said hastily, gaining elephant ears on his head briefly.

"You're right in your guest that Tay is from another planet. ALL of them are..."

"Not Terra," Beastboy assumed.

"No...Speaking of which, what do you think of her...?"

Beastboy's eyes widened. "Well...She's real cool...Cute, too...Why?"

He smirked. "Just wonderin'." BB eyed him suspiciously, forgetting that subject.

"Do you know why she's been having these nightmares...?"

"Oh, those." DS scratched his head where an itch had formed. "Yea, that's her re-living recent memories..."

"...Something bad happened...?"

"Very," DS answered, leaving it at that. "Quite tragic...But, well...War is like that..."

Beastboy's jaw dropped. "Whoa, wait...War...?"

"Uh, yea." DS realized that BB was still clueless to that. "There's some stuff goin' on back at her home. That's why she needs to head back soon. She's needed- quite badly."

"Really? She's important, then, huh?"

"More than you could imagine," Destiny Smasher confidently told him.

"So...Does that mean that I'm going to have to say good bye...?"

DS shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not...All depends on the choices you guys make...Anyway, time's up," he mumbled, feeling that he'd told Beastboy a little too much for his own good. "You just keep takin' good care of her and everything."

"Of course I will," Beastboy told him.

"Good boy." Destiny Smasher chortled- he couldn't help but adding the phrases, "Sit. Stay."

Beastboy rolled his eyes and grumbled, "Real funny."


"Why won't you tell me?!" Tenochtitlan whimpered, hopping in frustration.

"I can't!" DS groaned, his palm over his face. "You aren't mean to know that yet!"

She huffed, her eyes brown. She gave up, placing one hand firmly on her staff and the other on her hip.

"If you aren't going to tell me anything, why'd you want to talk with me?" she asked with slight bitterness.

"Because there's things I need to tell you- but not that. All I can say about that is that you'll find the answers when the time is right."

DS wiped some sweat from his forhead as he noticed that the sun was just about gone- but traces of its light still lingered on the horizon.

Tay tapped her foot, her mind racing.

"What do my nightmares mean?" she asked firmly. "You know," she added. "Could you PLEASE tell me that, at least?"

"Mm...You rnightmares are, as you fear, memories. Fairly recent memories, actually..."

"Then...-" she paused, her eyes narrowing as she lifted her free hand to her face, staring at it in confusion. "That's not right," she murmured. "If those are memories, then I'm...-"

"Not human," Destiny answered solemnly. "You're right. You've known it this whole time, haven't you? Is it any wonder you grew a fondness for Beastboy almost immediately?"

Tay's eyes widened as she began to examine herself in shock. She HAD known it this whole time, but she never really consciously realized it...She ran her hand at the base of her spine as she could imagine a tail there- as it should be. She ran her palm over her left arm slowly, almost feeling fur that should be there- but wasn't.

"I'm...a monkey..." she murmured, feeling like a complete fool saying it aloud. A name oozed its way from her memory banks, and she whispered it aloud in awe. "Monandeera...That-...I-...I was from...the Monandeera..."

"You were their leader," DS informed her, feeling sympathy as he witnessed the confusion in her eyes- which were shifting from purple to brown to blue to black at random. "Do you remember?"

She gulped, her throat dry, and she nodded. Taking a deep breath, she looked back up at him and not herself.

"Sort of...I-..."

A memory from weeks ago suddenly became very clear for some reason.

Mario had thrown a banana at her from the refridgerator.

{Your favorite, right?} he'd said.

{Yea...How did you know...?}

Tay gasped in realization. Mario had known the whole time...

"How did Mario know...?" she whispered, very puzzled.

"Mario...Is more in touch with things..." DS mumbled, shrugging. "He has great powers at his disposal, but with them comes great responsibility. He's beginning to realize that power, as well as the great responsibility."

"So...He knows what you know...?" she inquired. DS laughed at the question.

"Oh, no. Not at all. He just...knows more than YOU do."

"Oh," Tay said simply. "But...If I'm not really human, then...-" she trailed off, her head shaking slightly as she looked at him, perplexed.

"That's the part you're going to have to find out in good time."

She sighed, disappointed with the response.

"I still don't understand," she began another question. "...What do you mean when you say we're 'not supposed to be here?'"

Destiny Smasher stuck up an index finger.

"Ah. Thought you'd wonder about that...See..." He ran his hand through his hair. "Fate just didn't have plans for you to come here...But, then again-" he chuckled, "-Fate didn't have plans for a LOT of stuff that's been going on all OVER. It's a big mess, really..."

"So...Is it bad that we're here?" she seemed worried about it as she spoke timidly.

"Not exactly. I mean, in a sense. But it's really nothing for you to worry about. Fate just had some re-organizing to do, you could say."

"...But if we want things to go back to the way they should be, we should try to follow what Fate wanted to start with, shouldn't we...? It would help prevent these bad things from happening, right?"

DS' bottom lip slid to the side as he pondered the notion. "Well...I...I guess so...I mean, it might make things easier, I suppose, but there's really no way in telling-"

"Then what was meant to happen with Beastboy?" she wondered, her voice quiet. It trembled slightly.

"Er...Well, eh, I don't really think it's all too-"

"Please, just tell me. I don't want it to be my fault that he's not living the way he should be."

DS sighed deeply. He knew what would happen if he told her...But she had asked, and he knew that in this case, he was obliged to answer.

"...Beastboy...He was never supposed to meet you...He was supposed to meet Terra, and start falling in love with her, and-..." DS shook his head slowly as he watched her eyes go dark blue.

"I thought so..." she murmured drearily.

"Don't take it like that," DS tried to tell her. "Just because that's not how it was supposed to be doesn't mean it CAN'T be. You can't make things the way they are meant to be- it's too late."

"I know," she answered solemnly, taking a deep breath. "But if Beastboy is meant to be with Terra, then...-"

DS groaned, shaking his head. There wasn't anything he could do about it now, though.

"Terra isn't going to die, right?" Tay quickly shot out as the idea hit her. "Not the way she would have, right?"

"No," DS moaned, his arms crossed. "She won't."

Tay nodded with some determination. "Yea..." she whispered, staring at the bracelets around her ankles.

"Tenochtitlan, are you sure this is what you want to do?" the mysertious teen asked the chocolate-skinned girl. "I'm telling you that it doesn't HAVE to be that way. If it did, you wouldn't be here at all..."

"I understand that," she muttered. "But if he was meant to be with HER, then...He'd probably be happier..." She was very confident about this, though she didn't quite enjoy it, either.

"...If it's what you think you have to do, then-...Well, obviously, it's your choice. And, like all choices, it will contribute to the future that lies in store for you..."


"Quite a future ahead of you, at that..."


"...I'm sorry..."

"...For what...?" she whispered curiously.

"...For their deaths..." DS said quietly. She knew what he was speaking of, and it brought tears to her eyes.


"They died for a good cause, Tenochtitlan. They understand more about you than you do yourself. And someday you'll realize who you REALLY are. At least, I hope...If you don't...-" He shrugged solemnly. "...There will be many more deaths than the Monandeera..."

"..." Her eyes were wet and black. "...They'll pay..." she choked through the tears. "...I'll never forgive them for what they did..."

"...Honestly, I don't blame you," DS told her as he wrapped his arms around her and gave her a consoling embrace. "But don't let it consume you, Tay." He smiled warmly as he wiped droplets from her eyes. "OK?"

"...Mm hm..." She gave him a weak smile.

"Don't ever lose all hope...No matter what. It's that small glimmer of light in the darkness- your flame- that will keep you alive in the cold."


Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Hmmm... Whoa...

I can't really explain how i'm feeling right now, but, after reading that whole "DS sees the future" update, my attitude towards the story has changed... a lot... I just can't find the words to describe it.

By throwing in this psychic teen named DS, you've made the story a lot more complicated in my view... but then again, you haven't, because I understand it. But i'm worried that some people who read this fic will become really confused.

There were a lot of clever things you implemented there... A.K.A., a lot of "pieces to the puzzle". It made a lot of things clear that weren't clear before. But, it also created a lot of new mysteries as well.

So, in a sense, you "flushed out" some of the mysteries (like the fact that Mario knows that Tay isn't human) and replaced them with new ones (like how will Tay deal with Terra, now that she knows that Terra was supposed to fall in love with BB).

Wierd... but very satisfying. :D You da man!

I have a feeling that, in the future, there will be other characters... forces of darkness, that are even stronger than DS. He can't be the only psychic in the Q4D universe; it's simply impossible... to me.

Well, anywayz...

I'm about to go up north, to Old Forge, for another one of my big brother's graduation parties, or what they like to call "par-tays". The only reason i'm going is that my mum wants me to come up and visit my relatives and her new boyfriend (my parents are divorced, I believe I already told you that). She lives up there, and, well, we don't get to communicate that often, so I figured that I might as well go.

I won't be back until Saturday, so, see ya. ;)


Smash Apprentice
Feb 1, 2004
*waits for Robin, Starfire, and Raven*

good job on the last installment. I'd write more, but I have homework to do. Maybe tomorrow.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Robin, Raven, and Starfire's conversations are going to be quite good, I hope.

EP, you're swinging the bat at my fast balls here, but you've gotten a strike or two before you hit a pop fly...

Destiny Smasher is NOT a psychic!! :beezo:

I don't know if I tol dyou that, but he's NOT! That's VERY IMPORTANT.

I would also like to point out that after this Chapter, you won't be seeing DS at all for the rest of the fic- unless I change my mind at the very end.

Mewtwo and Ness are psychic, in case you forgot. There's plenty more, I'm sure, but when you've got as many characters to worry about as I do, you forget some specifics in the mass.

So, in a sense, you "flushed out" some of the mysteries (like the fact that Mario knows that Tay isn't human) and replaced them with new ones (like how will Tay deal with Terra, now that she knows that Terra was supposed to fall in love with BB).

You got that on the head, however. That last section (with Tay) is what sparks the reason why Tay and BB (and thus, Terra, too) are important in the next Chapter.

I'll be dedicating some time to EVERYONE next Chapter, which will mainly be about all the romantic hub-bub and such.

If people become confused about what DS says, that's actually intentional. :bee: Destiny Smasher is supposed to sound a little confusing. He knows what he's talking about, but sometimes his thoughts get mixed around- what do you know, that sounds kind of like me...

But DS IS NOT PSYCHIC!!! He can fly, he knows what's going on, but he's not psychic.

I plan on explaining this further when DS talks with Raven. (That one may be very amusing, now that I think of it...:p ) It should actually make more sense than you think. I have a feeling it'll make quite a lot of sense, indeed.

But I don't think the next update will be up for a few days. However, I have enough money to get my computer now (once my parents pay me back)...:D

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
I'm back, baybee!

Just wanted to let you know that i've returned from my "trip". The party was okay, and I enjoyed myself... except for the fact that I got sick from all the heat and ciguarette smoke. :dizzy:


Destiny Smasher is NOT a psychic!!
DS IS NOT PSYCHIC!!! He can fly, he knows what's going on, but he's not psychic.
Okay, I understand. :p

Anywayz, i'll be hanging around, as always...

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Ah, good. Glad you see the point.

By the way, I've been getting new ideas for this fic all over the place. Expect not only to see a BB/Tay/Terra plot, and a Starfire/Raven/Robin plot, and of course the one involving our 'VG' friends here, but also expect to see Cyborg get his own little plot, as well. The newesty episode of TT (very good one, too) has inspired some ideas.

For the record, if you're keeping count, there are 11 Titans right now. By the end of the fic, I'm wagering that there will be 7. That's because half of the Titans aren't REALLY Titans- they belong somewhere else, remember? Oh, but don't worry. Even after I'm done with this fic, the Titans will still be in Q4D!...Though I may just make a 'sequel' to this fic to continue their story as it goes on, instead of letting them get lost amongst everyone else in the main Q4D! stream...Who knows...?

By the way, meet the next character in the cast:

*Grumble* Except I can't link to that site because they're LOSERS...Let's try THIS...


*Grumble* Except I can't link to that site because they're LOSERS...

Well, OK- that worked. Now just look for the witch-lookin' chick with pink and black hair...

Her name's Jinx, a student at the Hive Academy...and she'll be showing up in 12, along with other Hive students, yes, but she'll be the most important of them.

By the way, her powers are similar to Raven's...

She basically uses 'bad luck' as her power, hence the name. :p

Oh, and, well...She's sort of an enemy to the Titans, too...

Hm...Let's see...


Oh! Did that work? Good fan art of her...

Yea...That's about the best one of her I've found there...

Anyway, I'm sure I'm have a better screen or two from the show when World's Finest Reviews 'Deception.'


Smash Apprentice
Feb 1, 2004
I believe her powers are a rip-off of Magneto's daughter (Wendy?) from the X-men. Not really sure though.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.


Smash Champion
Jul 25, 2001
I'm not telling you psychos
After the LONGEST FREAKIN TIME, I finally manage to read this work of art. Now we've got future reading, a brewing war, and alternate realities. And that's just a prelude.

You plan to use Brother Blood? He rules as a villain. I sure will.

I know there was a Kingdom Hearts connection in Q4D somewhere, but where is it?

No grammar mistakes, and everyone's in character. Check.

I'd like some feedback on my own fanfic though... **** dry as the Sahara desert.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Congrats TheMagicalKuja. Now you're all caught up with us. :)

And trust me, this is only scratching the surface of the Q4D universe. I'm 100% positive that DS will blow our minds in the future.

In the distant future, if the whole Q4D saga is complete, it would be a REALLY huge compilation of stories, kinda like the Illiad. That'd be pretty freakin' sweet.

Anywayz, i'll just play Zelda: Wind Waker while I wait for the next chappy. I bought it yesterday, along with an Ocarina of Time/Master Quest double pack. How would I describe these awesome games? Three words: I'M IN HEAVEN.

So, yeah, i've got a ton of games to keep me occupied. :)

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Oh, no, EP- you're not in heaven.

You're in the Golden Land.

Anyway, while you're playing Wind Waker AND talking about how complex my plot-webbing gets (more webs than Spider-Man shoots out in a week, methinks, which reminds me, I'm sure he'll make a came sooner or later) I'll let you know that I have it planned out that Wind Waker will tie in directly with my storyline, and I will write it in such a way that the events of Wind Waker were CAUSED by this war. :p I love it.


Kingdom Hearts HAS crossed over into Q4D!, but not much, and only in Q4D! Black...

And yes, I pride myself on all of this stuff...Prelude, eh?

Well...Yea, I guess so...Afterall, this whole fic's purpose is to show how the Titans wind up in the War to begin with...

But believe me, the next few Chapters really pick up the pace.

Yes, I do intend to throw Brother Blood into the mix. Actually, the Titans will bve dealing with Brother Blood AND Slade at the same time, in a sense. It's just that they will be affecting different Titans. I also intend to add ONE more Titan to the team, though I can't say at this point what will HAPPEN about it, as I don't know yet...(I can see pieces of the future, but I can't determine it all, *winkwink*)


There ya go. It has some screens of last weeks episode and such, and a couple of the screens will illustrate what I intend to DO with this new character besides add them to the team- maybe you'll figure it out. ;)

Brother Blood plays an important role in the character coming in and such...

And while that starts up, the conflict invlolving Slade will rise, too. Fun times, indeed.

(By the way, if you're wondering what's up with the dress and such, it's Cyborg's fellow students being mean to the newbie. :p And then the Titans picking on him about it when he gets back. Yes, that IS Raven smiling, and this ISN'T my fic, so yes, it only shows that Raven is opening up more on the show, too, if only a little.)

By the way, I'm feeling generous.

So here's Robin and Ray.


Robin glared at him with that piercing suspicion that he had kept since they'd met eyes earlier.

"...Why was she crying...?" he asked to start off, breaking the tense silence.

"Because she remembers," he put it simply.

"...What?" Robin let down his bitter guard as he asked.

"She knows the cruelty of the war that has started."

Robin had his arms folded over his chest.

"A war?" He said it quite critically. "...What kind...?"

DS scratched his nose. "Oh, well...Interplanetary and all that," he said it with sarcasm. "It's bigger than you could imagine. And it's sucking you in."

Robin shook his head. "And how would you know all of this?"

Destiny Smasher smiled. "Of course, you would ask me that, wouldn't you? I would know because...-" he rotated his hand, looking for the right phrase. "-...Well...It's the reason I'm here- because I know. I know because...I choose to create the questions, and I choose to seek the answers..." He glanced up at Robin, only to see the purely doubious expression upon his face.

"...Riiiight..." He seemed to find his speech to be quite pointless.

"That's not important," DS dismissed it. "What's important is YOU."

Robin cocked his head to the side a little.

"Uh huh...How's that?"

"Have you been heeding my warning?" Destiny Smasher questioned with a sigh.

"Not particularly," Robin answered honestly.

"You should be," DS told him quickly. "You have a lot of big decisions coming your way, and I fear that without a little help, your choices may result in a series of unfortunate events..."

"...What kind of choices...?" Robin pondered slowly, lifting a brow.

"Choices you don't understand yet." Robin huffed through his nose at the vague response.

"You said that one of us will...'fall to darkness,'" he muttered, bringing up the topic. "What did you mean?"

"Ah, now there's the question I knew you'd ask." DS cracked his knuckles as he yawned and leaned back, floating a few inches from the ground in a laid back state. "I can't quite explain it to you in full, but...I'll put it this way- some things never change, and some things do."

"...?" Robin stared at him expectantly.

"Terra was meant to become Slade's apprentice- that changed. But Slade is still looking for an apprentice- that hasn't. The question is- if not Terra, then who?"

"...Doesn't matter," Robin spat out solemnly. "We'll get them back. I was once-"

"I know, Robin, you don't need to tell me," DS interrupted. "But if you DO 'get them back'...What price will you have to pay...?" he asked sneakily. Robin's jaw opened slightly, as this phrase almost frightened him, giving him a very unsettling feeling in his gut. The way DS had said it gave him goosbumps.

"...'The Light will come from an unexpected place- the Darkness,'" Robin quoted, breaking out of the shivers. "What are you trying to tell me?"

"Oh, come ON, Robin- you're a smart kid. You'll figure it out when the time is right; you always do."

"...Mm," was all he said in response, frustrated by all of these riddles.

"So," DS said began on a much lighter note, "What movie are you taking Starfire to see tonight?"

Robin's face bubbled up with annoyance as he groaned- EVERYONE just HAD to be nosy, didn't they?


"Might I suggest Wicked Scary 2? Horror movies are always good for dates."

"...I don't need your advice," Robin growled, eyeing him irritably.

"Didn't say ya did," DS defended with a shrug. "Just a thought. I hope you realize just how lucky you are, ya know."

Robin's fists, which had clenched up, loosened up, as did his whole demeanor.


"I'm sure the choices I'd make would be drastically different than yours, though," he mumbled- to himself, it seemed. Robin seemed in the dark, so DS clued him in. "Star's a really great girl...Wish I was in your position, to be frank."

Robin smiled weakly for a second as thoughts flooded him. They were right- as mysterious as he was, he had good intentions, but...Robin still doubted him.

"...Listen...Uh...Destiny Smasher..." He had one hand on his mouth, its index finger extending to his cheeck. "How can I believe what you're saying...?"

DS loosened his gloves a little, as his hands were getting a tad sweaty.

"Hard to say, ****...It's all whether-" (NOTE- This is SUPPOSED to be D-i-c-k, but the stupid bleeper bleeped it. *groan*)

"Wait- what?" Robin interrupted him, his voice alert. DS stared at his surprised face for a moment before smirking.

"Ya know, your old pal Vic had a much easier time believing me than you do, Mr. Grayson." Robin's jaw was agape, his eyes wide and amazed. "Oh, but, uh...You know him better as Cyborg, don't you? Geez, what am I saying? I mean, it's not fair to call you by your old name if you don't know mine, is it?"

Robin was speechless for a moment or two, and before he could manage a word in, DS added on.

"Did you think it was a mere coicidence that I wanted to meet you on the WAYNE building? I mean, come on!"

Robin, who had lifted his finger, dropped it and took a deep breath. After a pause of thought, he responded.

"You could've found out those names without too much trouble," Robin confidently told him.

"Yea...You're always a skeptic, aren't you? I guess if I had lost my parents in a trapeze accident I'd be cautious, too..."

Robin's face evolved into one of fury and frustration.

"...You...-" he couldn't finish his sentence, because he didn't know how.

"So you'll keep my little warnings in mind, then?" Destiny asked with optimism.

"...Yea..." Robin murmured, confused. How did he figure that out? How could he have known that...?

"Hold on to that letter. It should come in handy- what, with your Bat-given detective skills and all..." He grabbed Robin's hand and shook it wildly before giving him a hug and patting him on the back roughly.

"Ya know, Robin, never underestimate yourself. You're the leader of this crazy bunch- and you're the only ****ed full human here. No superpowers- just brains and raw talent. Don't put it to waste."

Rubbing his head in a daze, Robin realized that DS had hauled him over the gap and back with his teammates.

"All right, you," he said as he place Robin down. He wasn't talking to Robin, though. His comment was aimed at Raven. "Come on, now."

Raven obliged and followed him over, leaving Robin puzzled and solemn.


Raven could feel warmth poor into her slightly chilled body by his embrace. It felt so familiar to her- it felt like Starfire, in some strange way. After the brief 'hello hug,' Destiny Smasher began to speak.

"You seem like the hugging type to me," he told her, explaining his previous action. "At least, you do NOW. Geez...But look back a month ago, and you were definitely different..." He examined her new outfit. "By the way, did I happen to tell you how much better I think you look in that?"

Raven smiled weakly at his compliment- the difference a mere wardrobe change seemed to make was amazing...

"I think you might have," she mumbled, looking at the sneakers on her feet. "It feels a little weird, but I know it'll grow on me..."

"It will," DS assured her. "You used to think you'd never be accepted by your friends, and that's changed, hasn't it?"

Raven brows shifted into a worried expression as her purple eyes glanced up at him.

"Yea...I have changed, haven't I?"

"No denying it. You're still Raven- but now you're inside out- the walls have been broken down, ya know?"

She nodded, her lips curved upward slightly.

"Thanks to Starfire," she added.

DS stared at her eyes for a moment or two, feeling emotion pouring out of them.

"She helped you remember what love is," he murmured aloud.

"...I-...Yea...She did..." Raven mumbled, realizing this fact herself. "She's helped me appreciate what I have. I don't know where I'd be without her, or what I'd do without her."

"Yea, best friends are like that," Destiny Smasher told her warmly. There was a pause, and he decided to bring up another topic. "By the way, when are you gonna ask Link out?"

Raven's face turned pink, her eyes wide, and her brows raised.

"I-uh...I was-..."

DS chuckled at her embarrassed manner.

"Soon," Raven answered. "Very soon." Her eyes narrowed at him as his laughing died down.

"What are you afraid of?" he asked her.

"I...What if he doesn't like me? What if he thinks I'm creepy, or ugly, or-?"

DS slapped his hand lightly on her lips, cutting off the rest of that sentence.

"OK, before you say ANOTHER WORD, you're going to take that back."

Raven, surprised, blinked at him as he removed his palm from her mouth.


"You're not ugly," DS firmly told her. "Say it."

"...I'm...not ugly," Raven mumbled awkwardly.

"There's a pet peeve I have," DS told her with a smile. "I can't stand it when a cute girl puts down her looks."

Raven lifted a brow at his comment.

"...You think...I'm-?"

"Of course," he honestly replied. "I'm certainly not the only one, at that..."

"...What are you talking about?" she curiously questioned. DS knew he'd get her with that last sentence.

"Oh, well..." He tilted his head left and right a little bit. "On my way here, for example- I met this little kid. Freckled little freak he, was," he said with a chuckle. "Kind of annoying, too- really clingy. Anyway, once he found out I was going to see the Titans, all he could talk about was 'how hot Raven' was." He grinned devilishly at Raven's pink face.

"But besides looks, you've got a good personality in you- now that you accept YOURSELF. And you've got a good head on your shoulders...You're bound to find someone soon."

"...Are you...-" she eyed him slyly, "-...hitting on me...?"

DS laughed. "If that's how you wanna look at it, be my guest. SOMEONE oughtta be, if ya ask me. You shouldn't give up on Link so easily, you've got a lot of good qualities he might like- you'll never know if you never give it a chance."

Raven was flattered by his flow of compliments, but she wanted to know why he pressed her about Link.

"Do you...know what he's going to say if I ask...?" she quietly asked him.

DS bit his lip and shrugged. "Well, yea, but...-"

"I know," Raven muttered. "I don't need you to tell me."

"...Just because I know what the answer is, it doesn't mean I know what will work out and what won't. I see Starfire and Robin going out on a date tonight, but I couldn't tell you where they'll be a year from now. Who knows? Maybe they'll be married, maybe they'll still be 'kinda-sorta' dating...I only know pieces, but I can tell the near future the best."


Raven seemed to be very curious about all of that, and DS had chosen to make it a point to try to explain that a little later on.

"...Yea...Starfire's so lucky...I wish I knew what it was like- what she feels," Raven whispered, almost to herself, it seemed. "No matter how close I get with my friends...-"

"There's still that hole in your heart," DS finished for her solemnly. "Like part of you is missing- like your life in incomplete."

Raven stared at him- he seemed to understand fully well what she meant.

"I know what it's like," he told her as he stared up into the dark bllue sky. Traces of light rested in the horizon behind him, and the stars were getting ready to come out. The moon was almost full, and he could see it well up above. "I feel content with my life- except that one thing. If I could find that special someone...it would all be complete..."

Raven felt kind of strange for a moment, but she decided to say what was on her mind.

"...We both seem to be looking for the same thing..." she murmured, looking up to the moon as well. Her voice had a hinting about it, conveying a possibility.

"...Yea," DS mumbled in agreement, seeing what his earlier comments had brought upon himself. "...You want to know what Starfire feels, hm?" he muttered as his glance came down.

"...I...I-I guess I do," she stammared with a small shrug.

DS nodded slowly. He made a very strange choice at that moment. He reached out his arms and welcomed her in to a deep hug. He poured every ounce of emotion within him into it, envisioning the joy he would have when he met his soulmate some day. At least, that's what Raven got out of it. She could feel this emotion coming through, and she realized that he shared the same longing for it that he did. She returned it, feeling an understanding about the matter. She knew what Starfire felt- she just had yet to find the time and person to fully realize it and express it.

"...I think that's what it is," DS told her as he let go. His sentence ended with a cough.

Raven stood in a small daze for a moment. "...I know why she gets so worked up, then," Ray mumbled to herself. "...You know..." she glanced up at him, feeling her guts tremble. "...We...-" She had started her sentence very slowly, but it got cut off by DS.

"Can't," he interrupted. "Believe me, Ray, if it was possible, I would've gone after you some time ago," he told her with good humor and a hearty laugh. She blinked at him in confusion. What was he talking about? Why couldn't it be possible?

"...'Possible?'...Why...-?" She was puzzled, indeed. She felt a little rejected at the same time. She hadn't even ASKED.

"Welcome to my world," DS told her, regarding her feeling of rejection. She knew it was what he was referring to, somehow.

"Listen- It can't work out. It's not possible."

"...You said that," Raven mumbled. She felt like he'd toyed her, in a sense.

"Sorry," DS muttered, once again speaking of her thoughts- and she knew it. "It's...complicated...But I'll try..."

Raven stared at him expectantly, getting over the previous situation.

"Ya see...We're...from different worlds..." he began slowly, having trouble.

"Starfire and Robin are," Raven quickly reminded him.

"I know, I know, that's...not what I mean..." His brows furrowed as he tried to process how to tell her.

"Ya see, Ray...I'm...not really here..."

Raven blinked at him. What was he babbling about? She'd just hugged him- he was there, all right.

"...I'm here to YOU- but I'm not really here. See..." he groaned. "This is reality to you- it's your reality. So when I'm here, I can seem real...But I'm not really here."

Raven sighed. This wasn't making much sense at all.

"Like I said, it's complicated." He scratched his neck a little. "...Where I come from, you're...not real. You don't exist- not physically. In a state of mind, you do. You affect my 'world' just like a physical thing would- but you don't really exist."

Raven nodded slowly, sort of grasping the concept.

"I myself don't quite fully understand it," he admitted. "I feel like some of my friends are people who don't exist- and yet, they DO. They HAVE to, in some sense..." He growled at himself and tossed his arms. "It's too complex. It would take hours to sort it all out and explain it to you properly. It's not important. The point is that we have two totally different lives to live. Though they're connected, they're drastically apart at the same time. After tonight, I don't know if you'll ever see me again," he concluded with a shrug. "I'll see you, though. I'll be around to keep on eye on all of you, don't worry about that."

"..." Raven frowned sadly. She'd just met him, and she'd have to say good-bye? Why did this seem to be happening a lot lately...?

"You'll probably see me around again, sooner or later," DS guessed, nodding slightly. "After all, this whole mess is my fault, now isn't it?"

Raven blinked at him, expecting him to explain- but he didn't, really.

"I've gotta start what I finish-" he paused, realizing the way he'd mixed words. "Scratch that, reverse..." he muttered, shaking his head quickly.

"Raven, just remember this- never give up on yourself. You're stronger than you think you are." He had his hands on her shoulders and was speaking very confidently, trying to get his case across. "You've been down a rough road, but it's only going to get tougher."

Raven's sad eyes stared at her face in the reflection of his sunglasses, and she nodded quickly.

"And Raven, I'm telling you- you'll find your soulmate, somewhere. I don't know who, or when, or where...But you will..." He smiled at her, and she cracked a shy grin as well.

"...What about you?" she wondered.

He dropped his hands to his hips and took a deep sigh.

"I don't know...Maybe...Maybe not. I guess it all depends on what Fate has planned for me and what choices I make as a result..." He shrugged. "Maybe Fate has her in my plan- whoever she might be. Maybe she doesn't. But maybe I'll decide not to follow those plans- in which case, who knows what will happen. When Fate's plans aren't followed, you never know what will happen amidst the chaos."

Raven remembered what Tikal had spoked of earlier that morning. Perhaps she had a grasp on this idea he was speaking of.

"I can PROMISE you this-" DS told her quite seriously, pounding his chest with his right fist. "If I ever DO find her...I'm gonna try like he** to make her feel like the happiest girl in the world..."

Raven smiled at his words. They touched her inside, for she felt the same way herself- and she had a hunch that Starfire shared this, too. Star seemed to have a head start on them both, though.

"...Yea, so...Well, I guess that's that," DS mumbled as he glanced at the Titans on the other building, conversing to each other.

Raven caught him off guard with a friendly good-bye hug, patting his back gently.

"Thanks, Eddy," she muttered to him, remembering the name Starfire had called him. He blushed a bit as he straightened her smooth, straight hair a little, as it has gotten messed up by the wind that was picking up slowly.

"Yea...Thanks to you, too. But you shouldn't be thanking me- you know who you should be thanking." He let out a chuckle. "I need to thank her myself."



Soooo...Yea...What do ya think?

Only one more section until this Chapter is over...Tomorrow school starts for me...A coupel days after that, my computer arrives...^_^

And uh...Kuja, buddy, if you want me to read your fic, I'll do it later when I have the time. My comouter comes soon, and when it does I'll be able to read fics easier.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
Raven's section was... in a way... very touching. :)

"...We both seem to be looking for the same thing..." she murmured, looking up to the moon as well. Her voice had a hinting about it, conveying a possibility.
Could this be a tie to your real-life scenarios, DS? There are a couple of other sentences in there that hint the possibility...

"...Where I come from, you're...not real. You don't exist- not physically. In a state of mind, you do. You affect my 'world' just like a physical thing would- but you don't really exist."
I completely understand what you're saying here. Either that, or I have the wrong idea. :p

So, what you're trying to say here, is that you "jumped" into your own story from the real world, right? And that "where you come from" is actually Smash World Forums, in a sense. :p All the characters in this story are obviously fictional, but since you, the great and powerful Destiny Smasher, warped yourself into the story, it gave DS the ILLUSION that they existed, kinda like the Matrix or something...

I think i've gotten it down, but i'll let you be the judge of that. [sarcasm] Go ahead, pelt me with "no EP, you got it all wrong!!" statements. :p [/sarcasm]


Smash Champion
Jul 25, 2001
I'm not telling you psychos
^I'm with stupid.

No really. Except he's not stupid. :p

My viewcount's gone up, but I'm not getting any responses. PLEASE don't tell me I've once again written a story that no one has any words for!

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Actually, sarcasm tags can be quite useful...


Well, here's the deal, EP.

For once, you're NOT completely off- why? Probably because I REALLY tried spelling it out for you...-_-'

So I'm guessing I did a good job, then, because you BASICALLY got the idea...*sweatdrop* Though you phrased it a bit weird, referring to the 'Matrix' and what-not, but I do see what you mean, and yes, you are on the right path. The answer is right in front of your face- though, honestly, that whole aspect of this Chapter has no real importance later on...

Um...=/ I'm not entirely sure what you meant by, "Could this be a tie to your real-life scenarios, DS? There are a couple of other sentences in there that hint the possibility..."

Yes, Raven's section was SUPPOSED to be very touching...

Oh, wait, you were remarking on all of that other stuff, too, weren't you?

Yes...I decided that, at least with the Raven I have a developed, a relationship like that could work out very easily- it's why Starfire and Raven are such close friends.

The breakdown?

They're both what the other is looking for.

Starfire wants to help people and make them feel good about themselves- she wants to change someone's life and make them happy. She's willing to do anything for her friends.

Raven needs someone to make her feel special. She feels like she's alone and needs someone to be there for her, and she's willing to give anything for a friend that can do that.

So, I felt they were destined for eachother as best friends...And since I'm like Starfire (I know it may not seem it, but I am very positive that on the inside we are VERY similar) I felt that it would work well.

There are two types of girls I can see myself with, and I'm sure that 'someone' will be one of the the two. One like Starfire, who's like me, and one like Raven.

Actually...*sweatdrop* I never thought of it until just now, but...

The character that Raven has turned into...-_-'...is a LOT like a certain girl I used to know...named Crystal...:dizzy: Mm...That's...interesting...

But Raven isn't like Crystal in the fact that she'll ditch a friend who cares for her SO MUCH for no good ****ed reason...-_-'

Aaaanyway, eh...Enough of that...Let's end this 80-someodd page Chapter...


He knew what would happen, so he braced himself for impact as she practically dive-bombed him with a bubbly hug as a greeting. She seemed to love hugging even more than he did. At least she had the courage to go through with it most of the time.

“Greetings, new friend Eddy! You are feeling well, yes?” she cried out cheerfully. He laughed as he squeezed her in return.

“You know it,” he replied. “And you?”

“I am…’awesome,’” she answered eagerly as the proper word came to her. “…But I am also very curious…and confused,” she added as the embrace was broken, and her brows were slightly furrowed. “What information do you wish to share with me?”

DS rubbed his neck some as he pondered what to say.

“Well…If you wanna get down to brass tacks…You’ve got a very long week ahead of you,” he began. “All of you Titans do. It’s not going to be a fun time, I can assure you.”

Starfire sighed sadly, looking down at her hands as she twiddled her fingers nervously.

“I was afraid you would tell me that…You said that you came here to warn us of something, but…what is it that threatens us?”

“…Yourselves,” DS answered solemnly, shaking his head slightly.

Starfire’s jaw was left open slightly as she felt a tingle fly up her spine.

“…Oh…” she whispered in shock. “…How-?”

“You’ll see,” DS spat out.

“Mm…” Starfire felt her insides crumbling apart for some reason. Would she lose a friend…? She couldn’t bear the thought…What if something horrible happened to Raven, or Robin, or any of the other Titans? {I will not allow my friends to fall apart…}

“Star, I’m going to try to convince you not to worry about it.” Star nodded quickly, but you could tell she was having difficulty. “Now, I know exactly how you feel- believe me. But don’t worry about it, all right?”

Starfire frowned and began to protest.

“How can you expect me to not care about the well-being of my friends when I know that something terrible will happen to them?” Her voice rose and began to grow very upset as she spoke.

“Starfire, I never said not to CARE,” DS reminded her. “I said not to WORRY. It took me a while to figure it out, but…When you worry, it’s because you’re not DOING anything about the problem.”

Star cracked a smile through her frown and agreed. “I understand,” she mumbled. “…But what can I do? How can I help?”

“To be honest, Starfire, that’s for you to figure out. With warning or without, bad things are going to happen. It’s all a matter of what you do about it.”

"I am still upset and confused," Starfire admitted to him gloomily. "Why would you warn me of disaster if you did not want me to worry...?"

"Listen, Star...You guys...-" he scratched his head. "-don't know what's going on, entirely. I can't tell you everything, because if I did, you might make things WORSE. If I warn you, then I catch your attention and make you aware that something is afoot...Your curiosity will lead you to the answers at the right time...At least, that's what I think..."

Starfire sighed and shook her head. "I do not fully comprehend all of this, but I have a notion that neither do you...I will concentrate on the tasks before me..."

"Good plan," DS told her with a smile. "Liiiiike...dating Robin?"

Star's cheecks flushed and she grinned weakly. "Y-yes...That is...located at the peak of my list..."

"I wish you good luck," Destiny Smasher said to her calmly.

"I thank you."

"Now tonight, when you go to see that movie, try to break that tension a little, ya know?"

Starfire's eyes wandered away from him as she was reminded of that 'tongue' incident. Ever since, they'd both been acting awkward around each other.

"I will certainly try," she mumbled. After waiting for a few moments for Starfire to reflect, DS went on to another topic.

"Star...What do you think Raven thinks of you...?"

Starfire lifted a small, red brow, a bit taken back.

"I...I am not entirely sure...I feel that Raven...and I...are best friends...If Raven cares for me in the fashion that I do her, nothing will break our bond."

"You really think so?" Destiny Smasher murmured thoughtfully.

"...I...Of course!" Starfire replied with slight bitterness. "Why would I not? I will never give up on Raven- no matter what. I will not give up on Robin, as well...Or any of my friends..."

Destiny Smasher smiled at her defensive expression. He nodded, his face warm.

"...Yea...I know. I understand you."

Starfire stared at the reflective surface of his glasses, curious.


"I'll tell you what, though, Star..." He sighed deeply as his done grew a bit dire. "...Not everyone feels the way we do...Not everyone seems to quite understand...Sometimes people give up on you, no matter how much you're there for them..."

Starfire sighed sadly and nodded, bobbing her head. "I know...My...My sister, she...-" Starfire couldn't finish, her heart ached so. Painful memories began to pour into her mind, and she had to evaporate them before they flooded her heart.

"...Mm..." DS tapped his foot as he decided what to say next. "Starfire, I have this to say to you- your friendships...The bonds between the Titans will be tested...I don't know how it will all turn out in the end, but...-"

"I will not give up on any of them," Starfire declated solemnly.

"Good," DS muttered. He took a deep breath and went to tell her his last comment.

"Starfire...I want to thank you..."

"...Thank me...? You wish to give me thanks...? What actions have I performed to deserve such thanks?"

"...You've helped me realize who I really am...You're like...the person I hope to spend my life with...I believe you and I are similar...On Tamaran, are there others like you?"

Starfire tilted her head slightly and shrugged. "I suppose there are, yes...Yes, there are those on my planet with whom I can relate..."

"Well...If there's one person like me from where I come from, there's bound to be another. I'm sure sooner or later I'll find someone like you..."

"...But...Why do require such a person? I am right here..."

"...Yes, but...You're with Robin." He smiled. "And besides...You won't be seeing much of me, anyway...I need to return to my home."

"Ohh..." Starfire frowned. Through her upset expression, she asked, "May we journey to your home and meet again in the future?"

DS shrugged. "Well...You guys visit my home every day." He smiled. "You just don't realize it."

Starfire blinked at his perplexing riddle.

"Don't worry, though. I'll be coming back here quite often. I'll look over you guys, like I have been...Who knows? Maybe we WILL meet each other again?"

"That would be delightful..." Starfire murmured. "And perhaps then we could do the 'hanging out.' I am certain it would be enjoyable."

DS chuckled, nodding slowly. "Yea...Star…”

“Yes?” she murmured slowly.

“…I used to be more like you…I still am, deep inside, but…” He sighed, shaking his head. “Not outside as much anymore…I got stepped on one too many times, and-…I used to trust anyone and everyone, and I used to forgive very easily- like you. I can still find it in my heart to forgive anyone for anything, but…It’s just not as easy anymore…” He looked at her seriously and spoke so.

“Star…You have had a dark past- more serious than mine, I’m sure…How did that form you into who you are today? And…What do you think about your sister?”

Starfire dove into the pool of memories that rested at the bottom of her brain, knowing that doing so would induce pain- as it did.

“My sister…She used to not be so intolerable…” Star’s emerald eyes were getting wet at the bottom now. “But…After what we were put through together…We both made different decisions on how to deal with life…Blackfire concluded that in life, you must be strong if you do not wish to be hurt- that if you do not hurt back, you will only be weakened more…That is why she has become so cold…”

“And you…?”

“I…I could not fathom why anyone would put someone else through so much torture as my sister and I were put through…I swore to myself that I would never cause such pain upon another being…”

“Mm…” DS hummed in agreement. “…That’s basically what happened to me, but…just not as serious…Maybe your sister will turn around sooner or later- if you can show her the way.”

Star shook her head sadly as a tear dripped out from her left eye.

“I am afraid that is not possible in the near future, for my sister has been imprisoned for her crimes.”

DS raised a brow, but quickly nodded. “Oh, yea…” After a moment of silence, the two of them both realized it was about time to separate.

Starfire hovered a few inches from the ground as she hugged him warmly, hoping the gesture was an acceptable form of farewell. DS took gratitude and squeezed back.

"Thanks again, Star. You've helped me more than you think. And Raven...She's very grateful, as well. ALL of the Titans are grateful to have you around. Keep them together as best you can, all right?"

"I will," Starfire answered confidently. "As best I can."

"I hope so...Without you, the Titans...would be lost...And without the Titans, YOU would be lost."

As their hug ended, DS loosened his stiff neck some and stretched out his arms. He began to pace toward the edge of the building, but he paused, looking up at the sky. Off in the horizon, to the north, a glowing star sparkled.

"...The first star out tonight," he noted in a whisper. "Isn't it beautiful...?"

"...Yes...It is," Starfire agreed quietly.

"The North Star," He murmured in awe. "At least, YOUR North Star...Nonetheless...Soon, it will be surrounded by hundreds of stars...But no matter what, it will stand out from the others. And everyone will look to it for guidance when they're lost..."

"...Mm," Star hummed, pondering his words.

"And yet," he continued, "Without its fellow stars, its alone in the cold darkness..."

As he put a foot on the edge of the building, facing the north, he looked back at her calmly and smiled softly.

"...Be like that star...Be a light for those who need help...Be there for people when they need you- follow that heart of yours. You can't save everyone, but that doesn't mean you can't save SOMEONE. And sooner or later, you're going to need someone to save you. Just don't give up..." He sighed, feeling like he was rambling. "Always remember this, Koriand'r: Rain will make the flowers grow...Without bad, good cannot exist...The world is composed of black and white, blended together to create a gray that shines like silver."

With that, he bounded off of the building and plummeted to the streets below.


Starfire reflected on his parting words. {He knew my name...?} she pondered. {...Yes...He would be one to know, would he not?...Rain will make the flowers grow...I understand. Thank you. I will remember your words...Eddy...}


Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
DS shrugged. "Well...You guys visit my home every day." He smiled. "You just don't realize it."
THAT'S what i'm talking about. It's as if DS was watching the Titans from high above, kinda like a kid watches an ant colony with a magnifying glass.

"Starfire, I have this to say to you- your friendships...The bonds between the Titans will be tested...I don't know how it will all turn out in the end, but...-"
I see. So, if they pass the test, the bonds between the Titans will grow stronger than ever. If they don't pass the test, chances are that the Titans' bonds will collapse from the inside out. The latter seems more probable, but hey, what do I know? :******:

Well, school starts tomorrow. Crap...


Smash Champion
Jul 25, 2001
I'm not telling you psychos
Nice touch and melodramatic. I wonder what will test their strength.

And glad you like my siggy, EvilPichu. I suggest you explore those links, both of those stories are funny, and the one's that's not mine is funnier :D.

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Well, glad you liked it...

Um...So, MK, I take it you want me to read your fic?

Symphonia rocks hardcore.

*grumble*Stupid morons and their dumb, vague rules where I get criticized for doing something that someone ELSE does before AND after me and DOESN'T get persecuted for*grumble*

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Updating spree...?

Are you NUTS?

It took me, like, a MONTH to write that ONE Chapter...

Until I have a computer at my disposal (mine SHOULD'VE arrive yesterday, but it didn't, and it MIGHT arrive today, and if it DOESN'T, I'm going to have to wait until Monday, at least- I think.)

Once I have my own computer, I'll read your fic and open my heart to darkness and all that...

Speaking of which...

Yea, so which Titan's gonna open their heart to darkness...?

Well, in a sense, all of them, but...


Smash Master
Apr 22, 2004
DUDE DUDES! OMG a show about a fat guy with a fat son and a pig with corn nuts always what u think

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Yea, 'spam' about defines it.


I'm banned from the Lighthouse, but what about THIS guy?

At least I actualy try to make a point and use intelligence. And then people call me stubborn because I keep trying to get the impression they have of me in their head squashed, n'...

Screw it.

Um...Yea...Got my new computer yesterday, es muy bueno, and...Yeaaa...

So expect an update soon.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 25, 2003
Hows it going?

DS like always you never seize to amaze me with your writing, I love the way the characters are developing and how raven is becomming more and more down to earth. I can't wait till you get more indepth with that plot. Oh and beastboy I want to read more stuff with him in it ;) .

As for that spammer, he was actually making fun of this fic, he just seems to suck at it.

I would come around more but you know life, it dosen't get any easier.

Oh and by the way, you all suck! I've been in school for three months now :( and you all actually get to complain.....

Destiny Smasher

Jan 10, 2002
Searching for my own way of the ninja.
Well...I don't care, I'm still sick of annoying mods and their stubborness not to listen to me. It was THEIR choice to take on the job of MOD, not me.

Caba, if you want to complain, DO SO, no one's stopping you. :p

Um...Beastboy, huh?

Oh, right...

Didn't I tell you that the next Chapter is going to be, like, TOTAL romantic-type stuff...?

I mean...Only, like, Mario, Luigi, and Cyborg will be safe...

And Cyborg won't be safe soon enough...-_-'

Oh yea, and...Well, unless the Chapter gets really long, there will be a very dramatic ending...Either that or it will wait until 13.

I've already started on 12, and unless I keep getting too much homework, my writing output should go up.

Dr. Sloth

Smash Lord
Jan 1, 2002
In my secret base, in a secret location, plotting
*EP walks into the cold, empty room. His voice echoes across the emptyness.*

Anybody here?here?...

*He walks around some more.*

It's been several daysdays... I wonder where everyone isis... Oh wellwell...

I mean...Only, like, Mario, Luigi, and Cyborg will be safe... And Cyborg won't be safe soon enough...-_-'
Sounds like some good stuff is going to happen soonsoon... And by good I mean suspensful and entertainingentertaining... But I wonder how CYBORG gets caught in this "fishing net of romance"romance"...

Well anywayz, I'll go nowgo now... *grumble* I swear, if I hear my voice echo off these empty walls once more timetime...

I'll just stare at the comic strip in my signiture to pass the timetime... :p
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