Smash Journeyman
>I hate not needing to roll all the timeI'm not a Melee hater like some of the people around here it seems... However, I despise wavedashing. If Smash 5 has wavedashing, I swear I will not even be interested.
In Project M, players have the option of enabling auto-L-cancelling. I'm not sure a lot of people ITT understand what L-canceling is---it reduces landing lag on your character's aerials---lag that, without L-cancelling, you would be forced to deal with (L-cancelling is only important because landing lag is a thing. In traditional fighting games, landing lag is not a thing). But the point is that you have the option in PM of effectively "turning off" lag, or leaving lag on. I would say this adds a noticeable improvement to the quality of the game both in itself, and insofar as it gives players more choices.Edge hogging seems to one of the more divisive mechanics. I personally find it adds an extra layer of depth, but I get why others might not like it. If they do gear towards the competitive crowd, I wonder if they'll give you an option to turn things off? Mario Aces makes me think it's not out of the realm of possibility.
I really like the suggestion you bring up here for that reason. Smash 5 could give players a whole lot of freedom to decide how they want to play---including, as you point out here, whether to allow ledge trumping or not---in the form of extra match settings. But why stop there? What about an option for directional airdodging, or an option for different styles of directional influence (DI)? The possibilities are many. I think this approach would completely solve the issue we run into ITT and elsewhere of people preferring different styles of Smash, by simply including both and letting players choose which to use.
Well, did he not nerf Dicky Kong and Shriek at some point after they'd emerged as top dogs in tourney?Protip: Balance patches don't really indicate that Sakurai cared about competitive play. In fact, I would argue Sakurai's balance patches for Sm4sh hurt the game's competitive longevity by actively removing mechanics and severely reducing the powers of characters across the board (except for notable buffs to some heavies).
I would just say that Sakurai's notion of """balance""" is straight up terrible, and has been since SSBM.
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