Yeah same here, I don't suffer much from lag.
I'd say it's a bit more for the ruleset though, also noticed that close to Elite and at low GSP are the 2 places where I encounter the most random rulesets. It's pretty much only 1v1 from 2 to 3 million.
Also, laggy matches happen almost always around 3 million. You can easily see the people cheating their way through the ranks.
My roster GSP is 3.1M and I get rulesets like this all the time, my best character GSP (ironically because I wanted to be LEL DISRESPECT KING which stuck me playing Ganon for elites, I've since went to other characters as he's far from my main in this game, so I'm a bit out of the Elite loop) is 4.2M with Ganon and I have found the 4 threshold pretty much weeded out the cheesers because while their cheese can and will carry them a GOOD ways into the GSP thresholds, it does appear to stop.. or at least DID. You'd think eventually they'd find a real pro who destroys them (i.e. anybody worth half their salt in Smash) and that would shut it down, but I guess they don't learn? Problem is, even if half the people you meet spank you, if you're cheesing the hell out of the other half it can seem like what you're doing is working.. just needs some fine tuning.
Then these people go to tournaments and get bodied in pools, going 0-2 pretty much right off the bat. I know the cycle, it's just irritating to have to constantly play against. I also worry that newer players might get an odd meta going because the cheese they encounter right off the line when online is going to condition most of them a certain way. That's going to make a lot of the new blood in comps start badly, and there's enough smack talkers who turn up to one tournament in their life before getting bodied and dropping out forever as-is. Sure, it's funny, but it's also bad for the community overall. New blood is always good, and we need good new blood.
I also quite often get matched with people whose character GSP varies wildly from mine, I've even matched against a 300Ker in regular Quickplay as a 2.9M character. Those people seem to cheese a lot too in order to turn their losing streak around, guess they just ragequit and give in?
I really don't know the nuances nor do I know the how's and the why's of all this. I just know I don't have any sort of good local group to practice in, and when you body 85% of the people you meet because they cheese and don't play for real, it doesn't build up much if any skill at all. That's kind of going to leave your skill level flatlining, if not outright worsening it because of the conditioning. I see it no different than people playing many games against CPU's, this kind of crap DOES condition you at a certain point if not making an actively aware effort to remember "Hey, most people with brains don't play like this and have real neutral game and combo game" in order to curb the BS.
So you go to Battle Arenas.. where there is no sort of matchmaking at all. See a stranger's arena? Great, some games! Only now you go in and it's the 12th best Falco on the planet and he just destroys you. Alternatively, it's the scrubbiest of scrublords who just sits there and spams PK Fire. There is absolutely ZERO consistency to BA's, because there isn't really meant to be. It's unranked, so of course it is inconsistent at best. I'm not salty over that.
The problem is, I get very little extra consistency out of quickplay and even elite. This didn't used to be that big of an issue, of course every once in a blue moon I'd end up on a FD with a Little Mac spamming dash attacks, tilts and side B's.. but that mostly went away as the GSP climbed. Now, not sure if it coincided with 2.0.0 or not, but.. it's back. With a vengeance.
I'm also 100% sure that some people are going in with terrible internet intentionally so they can whiff up their opponents enough to get easy wins. I'm used to playing through lag, I was a dial-up kid in my early gaming years, but when the game stops for 5+ seconds STRAIGHT.. it's another story. As somebody who sold their soul to Dark Souls for a good point, I'm very intimate with Peer 2 Peer connections in PvP games and I know why they're preferred.. but at this point, I'll take the extra input lag from a Dedicated Server, it's gotten beyond the point of ridiculous. I'm now going to have to go out and spend money on a LAN adapter, after already spending money on the Switch, the game and Nintendo online.. getting real tired of paying to play games at even the basic level when I've been gaming long enough to know that there was a time when this BS wasn't the norm.
480 mb/s internet and my Switch pulls like 40 mb/s peak on Download and maybe 6mb/s on upload. Whoever designed the wireless for this thing should lose their job and be ostracized from the gaming industry, it is THAT bad. On top of that, the online situation in Ultimate just makes it all a very special kind of mess that makes me want to Smash the wall instead of my opponent.