I like how there are two people who are arguing over what I've been saying... and neither one of them is me. I just think that's the bee's knees (for no other reason than it's an excuse to use the phrase 'bee's knees').
I'm going to explain this as well as I can, and hopefully someone will understand it. Yuna, I know you can't believe that I could possibly be advocating change simply to be advocating change (and adumbrodeus is totally right in that I'm not advocating replacing the current tournament standard; it's the standard for a reason and that's not likely to change, nor should it), but that's exactly what I'm doing. I'm advocating exploration of options not because we require it to survive, but because it is a vital part of the growth of the community.
Many people are satisfied with what we have now, as is their right. But, no one comes up to you and says 'here's something new for you to experience' (unless he's a salesman); you have to go and actively look for new and exciting experiences. No one can do that for you. If you don't go out and look for a diverse set of experiences, then you are running the risk of missing out on something wonderful, something that you can't possibly know exists if you don't look for it yourself. I can give you plenty of examples of this, both inside gaming and out.
I am not an outdoors person. I hate getting dirty, and I have an insect phobia. Knowing this full well, I have gone camping before. Why would I purposefully put myself in a situation that I 'knew' I wouldn't like? Simple; because I would never know for sure if I was missing out on something that I could only get by camping without trying the activity out for myself, and lo and behold I did find something I like to do because I put myself out on a limb and tried something new simply for the sake of trying something new (that something being marksmanship).
As an example in gaming, I am an avid Pokemon Trainer. My favorite Pokemon has alway been Alakazam. As a Spc. Sweeper, he has crazy S. Atk and Spd., which is perfect for my playstyle; he may not be the best, but he's never let me down, and so I enjoy having him on my team. I felt that I was becoming stagnant, though, and as such I decided to reset my Pearl version so that I could play with an entirely different team than I was used to simply for the sake of playing with Pokemon that I wasn't used to playing with. As a result, I've grown very attached to Arcanine and Gengar, and I never would have even considered using them had I not done this.
This applies to our community in a very important way. We have something that works for us (the current tournament standard)... but who's to say that there aren't ways to play out there that aren't just as good (or better)? We'll never know if we refuse to experiment, if we foolishly stick to our standard and let others mess around on the side as if it isn't important. Our community is growing at an alarming rate, new players coming into the fold in massive quantities, and not everyone is looking for the same thing. We, as a community, owe it to ourselves to experiment simply to say that we've explored every avenue we could to find different ways to play competitively that work for many different people (all as compliments to the accepted tournament standard that will bind them all together).
We all, as members of a community, should want the community to grow, to reach horizons that we might not have though possible (or prudent) before. We should all be trying to find ways to change Smash for the better (and I hear now that EVO is considering using items in their Brawl tourney...). We should all be experimenting with no items, items, heavy Brawl, fast Brawl, Smash Balls, 1v1, 2v2, FFA... anything we can to find what is balanced and what works so that we can have as many accepted standards as possible. There is literally no reason not to as we stand nothing to lose, but everything to gain.
Nothing to lose at all. As long as we continue to approach everything with the same skill, level-headedness, and determination that built our current community, only good things can come from it. And it's a simple as that.