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Why I'm not an Atheist


Smash Hero
Jul 20, 2008
Maybe some religions are "just a means of explaining some things that we cannot comprehend" (G-Beast). I can see that.
That's not what you're thinking it is.
Explaining the natural world is most likely the origin of Religious belief. It's no surprise when nearly all religions have a creation story, many worship the sun, others like the greeks worship Gods that are almost all natural occurrences, and some like Greeks/native americans used religious tales to explain why things were the way they are.


Smash Hero
Nov 1, 2008
there is a god, all non-believers shall burn in a fiery pit called hell.
I'm not sure if he's trolling or not, but I do want to address this kind of statement.

To me, this is one of the most insulting statements a human can claim of another human. It doesn't matter if the person being threatened doesn't believe in what's being threatened of them; if a person believes with all their heart that another person deserves to be punished for all of eternity, then there is seriously something wrong with them morally.


Smash Lord
Nov 7, 2010
Dallas, Texas
The most convincing evidence that God (Jesus) exists for me has always been the presence of miracles. I've seen people healed and heard numerous stories of people coming back from the dead after seeing the "afterlife" with testimonies that line up with whats written in the Bible.


Smash Hero
Nov 1, 2008
Personally, I laugh at the idea that the images and thoughts strewn up by a dying brain are considered evidence for an afterlife/god to people.

As for healings, are you referring to faith healings? Because plenty of them have actors come on. If they were legit, why would they need actors?


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2008
As for healings, are you referring to faith healings? Because plenty of them have actors come on. If they were legit, why would they need actors?
They don't need actors. They just don't mention that not everyone in a wheelchair is paralyzed and that legally blind (which could be shortened to just 'blind') people can actually make out some shapes. These people are screened prior to coming onstage and then are asked to stand up or whatever, the healer praises God, and then the healee is whisked offstage. The demonstration can be compelling, but only if you believe that that their condition limited them from doing the commands. However, those who can't do the commands obviously aren't picked. Also, notice how they are not lying when they say that people get up out of wheelchairs and the blind see. It just misleads people because we assume that they mean that someone paralyzed was cured, not someone who can only walk short distances was able to stand up. Derren Brown is awesome (It's actually relevant, @17:40).


Smash Lord
Nov 7, 2010
Dallas, Texas
Personally, I laugh at the idea that the images and thoughts strewn up by a dying brain are considered evidence for an afterlife/god to people.

As for healings, are you referring to faith healings? Because plenty of them have actors come on. If they were legit, why would they need actors?
I wont deny that there have been actors involved in some healings but there is plenty of evidence of real healing miracles occuring. There are accounts of people who have never heard of Christianity dying and coming back to life with stories that line up with Biblical principles. Considering they had no former knowledge of christianity in their life how could they have just made these visions up?


Smash Lord
Nov 7, 2010
Dallas, Texas
What about all the ones that line up with a different religion.
This is where it gets tricky, I don’t have the time or will to research these phenomena but a knowledgeable Christian researcher might say something to this effect (assuming the person who died/rose again had no knowledge with the religious principles he came in contact with after he died):

"This person who died and came back to life simply had an encounter with a demon who deceived him by showing him events that line up with a false religion"

This kind of response could also be applied to Christianity of course, this is only the best response I could come up with in 5 minutes. There is no concrete way to answer your question because no religion can be scientifically/naturally proven otherwise it would be too easy to believe in it.

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
That is the thing though, you can't prove they actually didn't have any prior knowledge, or whether it is coincidence if they saw things that can be linked to the Bible? The latter wouldn't be too surprising, I mean, there are so many things you could link it with.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
To whoever asked what metaphysics is, it's the study of the fundamental nature of reality, It's pretty hard to explain, and there are sub-branches, such as ontology, which is the study of being. Metaphysics is basically a branch of philosophy.

The thing about Christianity is that its size isn't an argument for its truth, seeing as the only reason why it got so big is because it became the official religion of the Roman empire when Constantine converted. It's also been surpassed in size by Islam. However, if it was just practiced by a small tribe in Africa, no one would give it a second glance.

It just got lucky that it was the religion of the biggest metacivilisation in history (the west). The argument that it is more philosophical than eastern religions doesn't work because philosophy was a strong western tradition established by the Greeks before Christianity. If Hinduism had took off in the west instead it would be the one with all of the philosophy behind it.


Smash Ace
Mar 21, 2008
St Johns, newfoundland
Crawlshots I hate to burst your bubble but your talking to an imaginary friend and hearing an imaginary voice.

The human mind is a powerful thing and it can make even the most ridiculous things(talking to god aka imaginary friend) seem completely and totally real, I had an imaginary friend once but I found out how to let go by growing up and he seemed extremely real to me and I honestly believed he existed but like I said I grew up and let go.


Smash Hero
Nov 1, 2008
I wont deny that there have been actors involved in some healings but there is plenty of evidence of real healing miracles occuring. There are accounts of people who have never heard of Christianity dying and coming back to life with stories that line up with Biblical principles. Considering they had no former knowledge of christianity in their life how could they have just made these visions up?
Again, I laugh at the proposition that I should trust what a dying brain comes up with.

Also, if you have any evidence that they actually work outside of testimony, I'd LOVE to hear it.


Smash Hero
Jul 20, 2008
The most convincing evidence that God (Jesus) exists for me has always been the presence of miracles. I've seen people healed and heard numerous stories of people coming back from the dead after seeing the "afterlife" with testimonies that line up with whats written in the Bible.
Actually I don't think anyone has ever had a legitimate miracle that isn't based in religious texts. I've heard of the Miracle of Fatima which is somewhat recent, however from what I read from something, the eyewitness accounts are nowhere near consistent and the Church used it to propagate the Christian beliefs. Almost all modern miracles are fake, which people twist to sound like a real miracle. The whole problem with the idea of Miracles in general, is that you never see legitimate miracles in modern times, ESPECIALLY when cameras, writing, easier communication have become available. It's silly to think that God stops providing miracles when they become much more beneficial. I heard Craig answer this question once by saying that God has given all the proof for someone who is honestly looking for him to find him. The problem with this, not even mentioning the numerous examples of Christians who were seriously looking for God, but stopped believing in the Christian God after examining the evidence, is that all the Christian evidence is faulty. All the miracles are listed in a book, which already has numerous faults and holes in it, so why should we take that as evidence?

Regarding the near-death experiences thing. When people are on the verge of death, the brain knowing this does strange things. People interpret things like flashing lights and stuff like that as heaven, then come back and brag to everyone. Not to mention there's cases that are phonies, for example a book about some little boys trip to Heaven after going into a coma. A christian women examined the book, and actually concluded that the Boy's description of heaven didn't match the biblical description. Also, I'm not sure about the evidence for this, but I think that even if you're unconscious you can still think and have dreams. Plus, I'd be willing to bet you could find numerous people from all sorts of faith's saying they had a near death experience and saw God, heaven, etc. The thing is, you can't simply trust something because a person says it. We are subject to misinterpretation, jumping to conclusions, and lying for personal gain/purpose. Most near-death experiences are most likely people jumping to the conclusion that they visited heaven, when really it was just a dream, or else. Not to mention neuroscience doesn't exactly go along with the idea of an afterlife.

edit: Oh, and people recovering from illness/disease when they were expected to die is NOT a miracle. The definition of a miracle is supernatural, so someone not dying when the probability of them dying was even like 99.9%, it's not supernatural in it's cause because even if the chance of it happening is extremely small, it will still happen sometimes. There's a reason that things with 0% probability of happening, such as an amputee healing a lost limb, never happen.


Smash Cadet
Aug 14, 2008
Kataklysm- I ignored that post because you made a million unjustified assumptions. The argument is that God is necessary, yet you never showed why that isn't the case.
I don't have to show what it isn't the case, because you have provided no information for why it is the case. All you have said is that you have the answer but no one will understand it.

By assuming physical things could have always existed, you assume brute contingency. You didn't justify this at all. You also reject the principle of sufficient reason without justification.
And you assume that there is a God that always existed (or never existed since he isn't a physical thing). You assume that physical things couldn't have always existed. You assume it is possible to exist outside of what is physical. You make assumptions that don't coincide with what we know about the universe. I will concede that I don't believe that physical things always existed, I believe they came into being, but I am not sure how. However, that is not enough reason to say "okay I can't think of any other way so God had to do it".

You also didn't show how it's impossible for God to have existed.
Good, because I am not trying to show he can't exist. Lots of things can exist, but they don't.

As for OR, you're assuming God is beyond necessity but you never show it. You simplify the issue. What you're doing is applying quantitative OR, which is translates to the lesser beings the better.
I am not assuming he isn't necessary, you are assuming that he is.

If you want to say that the statement "God does not exist" assumes that God isn't necessary that's fine. But when I say "God does not exist" what I really mean is "We have no reason to believe that God exists. There is no reason to assert his existence, because there is no evidence that could support his existence. Therefore until someone supplies me with a reason as to why God has to exist there is no reason to assume he does" This doesn't assume he isn't necessary, it just suspends judgement until you show that God is necessary (which you haven't).

The problem is you're not accounting for the metaphysical properties of the beings.
And what are these metaphysical properties I am not accounting for? See this is where you don't explain yourself, you just say it.

You assume that physical, contingent beings are sufficient to be the first existence. This assumes brute contingency and the rejection of the psr, as I mentioned above. The jump to the conclusion that God is unnecessray is unjustified until you justify those positions.
And you are assuming that all physical things are contingent in the first place.
You are assuming that the physical things "happened" at all, so (by psr) it had to happen for a reason, and that reason has to be God.

For everyone else reading that can't contribute because Dre refuses to use common language in an attempt to shove off his responsibilities, I want to clarify some things.
If something is contingent it essentially means that they require evidence, and the principle of sufficient reason states everything happens for a reason.

No offence, but this is why I just ignored most posts like yours, because they don't realise how many metaphysical propositions they assume. This is just the tip of the iceberg too, I could delve into a lot more mp assumptions your argument assumes.
No offense, but you can see how this comes off as extremely arrogant at best. This is the root of the problem, you don't realize that your assumptions are even more unfounded then the ones you argue against.

I've happily debated people like Rvkevin and Underdoggs22, who believe different things to me but at least understand the metaphysics enough to make articulate responses.
The problem is you don't listen to anyone not using the same language. You don't wan't to talk to anyone who "isn't on your level" and that is very pompous. You assume they don't know what they are talking about, because they don't use language that is familiar with you. You dismiss their claims before considering them. This is the overall issue, you dismiss claims, and suggest that everyone else needs to prove why they don't believe you rather than convincing them.

What is your argument Dre? Do you believe in God or not? From the sounds of it you do, and you think that the universe couldn't have existed without him. Furthermore you seem to suggest that until we can show how the universe can exist without him, we should assume his existence. (Which we have, even though you suggest that these require more justification for how they came into existence than your God does).

How close is this to your actual argument?

To set the record straight, no one can make a claim without assuming something. Descartes' famous "I think therefore I am" assumes that thinking constitutes existence. You can't even be sure you exist without making an assumption.

Everyone is an agnostic, because no one can ever know the answer. But there is no reason to believe that God does exist, not a single person in this thread has given evidence for his existence. No one ever has because of the very definition of God. I could say that I own a unicorn and keep him in my garage, and tell everyone that because I could own one, they should believe I do. If they cannot provide a reason why I never open my garage, they should believe that it is because I don't want anyone to see my unicorn. Claiming the unicorn is necessary for my garage being closed, because no one can show that isn't the case is absurd.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
It's funny how much God has been allowed to be pushed back. Proved he didn't create humans, proved he didn't start a flood. Can't do this, can't do that. Now he's just crammed into this little tiny metaphysical box.

Yahweh's just not the same as he used to be.


Smash Lord
Nov 7, 2010
Dallas, Texas
Just for clarity I was talking about people who had been confirmed dead and came back to life, not near death experiences. The problem is I dont remember exactly where I read it so my argument really has no backbone.


Smash Ace
Mar 21, 2008
St Johns, newfoundland
Just for clarity I was talking about people who had been confirmed dead and came back to life, not near death experiences. The problem is I dont remember exactly where I read it so my argument really has no backbone.
The only people who have been dead and came back to life were people who:

Drowned and were rescued and had their heart restarted VERY quickly

Killed by electrical shock " " " " " "

There are certain surgical procedures in which you are technically dead for the time of the operation.

There are also certain conditions that put you in to a death-like state but you actually aren't dead at all.

In other words, people who were "dead" but not actually dead.

As Oasis_S said, he was originally said to have created all this and that which much of it has been disproved... Religion is being pushed in to a corner clinging on to their old beliefs.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Kataklysm- I never made an argument for God. If I were to argue that God is necessary, then I would show why, and justify all the metaphysical positions.

All I'm saying is that many of these arguments that seek to prove that God doesn't exist, or at least isn't necessary to exist, simply assume multiple metaphysical positions.

This is the equivalent of you presenting me a theory that X killed Y, and when I show you make a lot of of unjustified jumps in logic, you say 'well you're just assuming Z did it' when I never even made an argument for Z doing it.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 8, 2010
Kansas City
Crawlshots I hate to burst your bubble but your talking to an imaginary friend and hearing an imaginary voice.

The human mind is a powerful thing and it can make even the most ridiculous things(talking to god aka imaginary friend) seem completely and totally real, I had an imaginary friend once but I found out how to let go by growing up and he seemed extremely real to me and I honestly believed he existed but like I said I grew up and let go.
Thanks for trying to help. I'm sure that sometimes what I hear is an imaginary voice when I'd like to think it's God. I'm not perfect. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel like your idea of my God is like an invisible Santa Claus friend, someone who I can imagine and talk to whenever I need a few bucks or a spring in my step. If that were my God, I'd have certainly outgrown him years ago like you did with your friend. My God is the God of the Bible, and he proves that to me over and over. If that leaves you wondering how, make sure to read my next post, which will pretty much be a novel...

Jumpman - I'm not ignoring you if you were wondering. I wrote like the longest post in SWF history. Lol. It'll be up tomorrow.


Smash Hero
Nov 1, 2008
Just for clarity I was talking about people who had been confirmed dead and came back to life, not near death experiences. The problem is I dont remember exactly where I read it so my argument really has no backbone.
That still doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if someone died peacefully of cancer or was killed in a train crash and came back to life. The point I've been getting at is these visions are created by a DYING BRAIN and you cannot trust what it comes up with reflects reality.


Smash Cadet
Aug 14, 2008
Kataklysm- I never made an argument for God. If I were to argue that God is necessary, then I would show why, and justify all the metaphysical positions.
Then honestly you haven't added very much to the discussion. You can't just come in and attack every position, but guard yourself from scrutiny that way. You are arguing that he is necessary by attempting to make me show that he isn't. But the burden of proof is not on me.

All I'm saying is that many of these arguments that seek to prove that God doesn't exist, or at least isn't necessary to exist, simply assume multiple metaphysical positions.
I know. You have said it over and over and over and over again, but never explain yourself. You through out logical/philosophical jargon so no one can argue against you, because they don't know what they have been accused of. In reality, you have said nothing of substance, just asserted something without explanation, but if you had said it in layman terms you would have been stricken down much quicker.

For example, you said
You also reject the principle of sufficient reason without justification.
You say this like the PSR is something everyone automatically accepts and you need a reason to deny it. Instead it is much the opposite, you need to provide justification for why it is the case. No one here is really that familiar with philosophy, so they just don't respond.

This is the equivalent of you presenting me a theory that X killed Y, and when I show you make a lot of of unjustified jumps in logic, you say 'well you're just assuming Z did it' when I never even made an argument for Z doing it.
But you didn't show it, you said it, but never showed it. Here you are simplifying the issue greatly.

X and Y are ordinary people, a married couple perhaps. Z is a serial killer on the loose that no one has ever heard of or seen and there is no record of him existing.
A is a bloody knife with X's fingerprints, and Y's blood.
B is X's car with Y's blood in it.
C is rope with X and Y's DNA.
I say X killed Y because of A,B and C. Then you say A,B,C are inconclusive (we can't say with 100% certainty that the rope wasn't used to tie them both up, the knife was used by X while he was cooking, but then Z used it to kill Y and Z stole X's car to dump Y's body) so it had to be Z (because he is a serial killer, who could have done it.) Until I can prove that the aforementioned alternative didn't happen, we should believe it was a serial killer.


Smash Hero
Nov 1, 2008
I hear Dre talking about the metaphysical necessity for God all the time, but I haven't seen his proof (Keep in mind I'm PRETTY sure you posted it in a thread in the Proving Grounds, but that might've been a while ago), so could you post it here?


Smash Apprentice
Oct 8, 2010
Kansas City
I hear Dre talking about the metaphysical necessity for God all the time, but I haven't seen his proof (Keep in mind I'm PRETTY sure you posted it in a thread in the Proving Grounds, but that might've been a while ago), so could you post it here?
Dre, I'd love to hear it too.

Hat N' Clogs

John Tavares is a Leaf
Feb 9, 2012
Southern tier NY state
Switch FC
Scientists who believe God doesn't exist are flawed in their theory of the big bang, and there's a great argument to counter it. If the universe has been around for billions of years, more specifically, the solar system, why are we all still alive? What I mean is that stars in space expand into red giants once they burn out all their energy. If the sun expanded that far, mercury and Venus would be swallowed, and earth's surface would have melted. However, the sun is still far from expanding into a red giant, so the universe can't be billions of years old, so the big bang theory is false. The universe was created thousands of years ago, not billions.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Kataklysm- What I've contributed is the point that there are huge holes in your argument, and those like yours. I don't need to provide my own argument to point out the flaws in another.

If you actually justified the assumptions I'm talking about, I wouldn't be criticising it, because the methodolgy wouldn't be flawed.

Debating the existence of God and debating the way of providing good arguments for/against God are different things.



Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2009
All I'm saying is that many of these arguments that seek to prove that God doesn't exist, or at least isn't necessary to exist, simply assume multiple metaphysical positions.
in the same way you can't prove magical unicorns aren't necessary to exist. And in the case that god did exist, then who created him?


Smash Hero
Jul 20, 2008
Just for clarity I was talking about people who had been confirmed dead and came back to life, not near death experiences. The problem is I dont remember exactly where I read it so my argument really has no backbone.
It's possible for people's heart's to stop beating and still come back to life, sort of.
Stuff like that can naturally happen, so there's no need for a supernatural explanation.

Scientists who believe God doesn't exist are flawed in their theory of the big bang, and there's a great argument to counter it. If the universe has been around for billions of years, more specifically, the solar system, why are we all still alive? What I mean is that stars in space expand into red giants once they burn out all their energy. If the sun expanded that far, mercury and Venus would be swallowed, and earth's surface would have melted. However, the sun is still far from expanding into a red giant, so the universe can't be billions of years old, so the big bang theory is false. The universe was created thousands of years ago, not billions.
Please don't post stuff about the Big Bang theory or basic cosmology when you don't know much about them. Regarding your statements, we know quite a bit about the life cycles of stars from observation, so we know around when the Sun will expand into a red giant, and it isn't for quite a long time. The sun produces a large amount of energy from Nuclear Fusion in it's core by fusing hydrogen into Helium, enough to equalize the force from it's own gravity. The life cycle of stars is much larger than you seem to think.
Also a quick easy way to know that the Universe is not only 6,000 years old is that we can observe the light from the Andromeda Galaxy, which is 2.5 million light years away from us. Meaning the light traveled 2.5 million years to reach us, so if the universe is only 6,000 years old, we wouldn't see the Andromeda Galaxy.


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2008
Talking **** in Cali
Scientists who believe God doesn't exist are flawed in their theory of the big bang, and there's a great argument to counter it. If the universe has been around for billions of years, more specifically, the solar system, why are we all still alive? What I mean is that stars in space expand into red giants once they burn out all their energy. If the sun expanded that far, mercury and Venus would be swallowed, and earth's surface would have melted. However, the sun is still far from expanding into a red giant, so the universe can't be billions of years old, so the big bang theory is false. The universe was created thousands of years ago, not billions.
You're the best poster on SWF and I hope you never stop doing what you do.


Smash Cadet
Aug 14, 2008
Kataklysm- What I've contributed is the point that there are huge holes in your argument, and those like yours. I don't need to provide my own argument to point out the flaws in another.

If you actually justified the assumptions I'm talking about, I wouldn't be criticising it, because the methodolgy wouldn't be flawed.

Debating the existence of God and debating the way of providing good arguments for/against God are different things.

I figured you would dodge the point once more. All you have done is sit back and point fingers. Originally, we were discussing God, but you refuse to state what you believe and join in on the discussion. Instead you misinterpret my words, and never address any of my points. The "flaws" in my argument are mostly you making me state why I don't believe what you do, instead of you stating why I should or aren't flaws at all. I have stated why I make the assumptions or state why there is no need to respond to your "problems" but you keep suggesting their are holes.

Could you provide us with your take on things? This is not the first time I, or others, have asked for this, but you continue to abstain from saying anything.


Smash Hero
Nov 1, 2008
I don't disagree at all with what Dre said. Your argument has flaws.

That being said, I still want to see Dre's argument for a necessary god.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 8, 2010
Kansas City
Kataklysm- What I've contributed is the point that there are huge holes in your argument, and those like yours. I don't need to provide my own argument to point out the flaws in another.:phone:
Forget about kataklysm for a second (no disrespect though KK). I believe in God and I'm not debating with you currently, but I enjoy metaphysics and I'm just really curious about the metaphysical necessities you've mentioned. At least for the sake of a mental exercise, let's hear it, please.

It's possible for people's heart's to stop beating and still come back to life, sort of.
Stuff like that can naturally happen, so there's no need for a supernatural explanation.
You're right but I think you're misunderstanding him. He's not talking about people being miraculously raised from the dead but people leaving their bodies and having supernatural experiences while being medically dead.


Smash Rookie
Nov 27, 2010
The hood, *****
Scientists who believe God doesn't exist are flawed in their theory of the big bang, and there's a great argument to counter it. If the universe has been around for billions of years, more specifically, the solar system, why are we all still alive? What I mean is that stars in space expand into red giants once they burn out all their energy. If the sun expanded that far, mercury and Venus would be swallowed, and earth's surface would have melted. However, the sun is still far from expanding into a red giant, so the universe can't be billions of years old, so the big bang theory is false. The universe was created thousands of years ago, not billions.
Holy ****, that's a good one man. Thanks for brightening my day.

Clever mother****er, you.

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
It almost appears as if the above person made an account simply to reply to that post. XDDD
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