I have a story for you folks.
I took my girlfriend to an american idol concert to meet Adam Lambert, someone who I had ZERO interest in meeting. Not only that, I was expecting like, "hello Adam Lambert, my name is Jen, here are some drawings I made for you =D." But that isn't what happened.
We got there at 9AM, waiting in line for the busses to arrive outside the Dunkin Donuts Center (a convention center we have here in RI). Standing out side with other "Glamberts" (Adam Lambert fans) for 3 hours and then the buses finally came. They all waited patiently for individual molecules of what they believe to be other American Idol fans. Eventually after screaming ceased, the crowd around the Buses cleared.
So the concert doesn't start till 7pm, but she failed to mention this to me -_-. So we walk around Providence for a while, trying to find ways to kill time. And oh, did we kill it. ;D
But anyways, eventually the concert came. We went, sat down, and I was surprised to say it wasn't awful. I actually enjoyed hearing new renditions of some of my favorite bands, like Muse, as done by Adam Lambert. I was enjoying it. Right after Adam went up and I said, wow, that wasn't so bad, I can't wait to see this next guy who actually WON- Jen grabs my arm and says LETS GO, and I'm like, WHY! And she is like, We gotta make it out the barrier to the front of the line cause Adam MIGHT COME SIGN. and I was like, oh no, more of this ****.
So we get outside and I'm amazed to see that there is a decent crowd already out there. Apparently a lot of people like Adam more then Kris who was the actually winner. So after waiting an hour, Adam finally comes out and signs both of Jen's drawings, and she is to starstruck to say anything. He says to her, "wow, these are great :D" and just smiles at her. After the crowd clears away, I'm exhausted, I'm ready to leave, she hugs me and says "OMGOMGOGM HE LOOKED AT ME" and I'm like "sigh, yes Jen amazing."
And then she says, "I know it must have been boring for you but I'm glad you came with me

" And I'm like, "It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be to be honest."
And to be honest with you guys, knowing that she appreciated my company, as boring as it was, that feeling made the trip worth it. That is the sign of a healthy relationship, and its why girls are willing to go to tournies which they may find boring, and in some cases are pleasantly surprised to see they aren't. Its all about picking your battles, and being there for one another. I would love her to come to a Smash Tourny with me even if she hated it. Hell, more so if she hated it. It shows she is willing to be there for me just to know that is what she's doing.