All right, people let's clear something' up.....
Wow, I don't believe this thread/debate. I posted at like 8:30 and I was tired and it seems like people added 5 more pages since then

sheesh. Aesir, your an idiot, all you do is break up other people's posts and bash on their opinions and spam at them trying to prove that "Link is better!". So I guess I'll do the same ^_^. You undoubtedly just DON'T KNOW WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT. I know I was tired last night and wasn't thinking and shouln't of posted, but quite frankly I just know more than you do in this debate of "who's better?"
LOL I'm baised? I say link sucks every second of the day because he does. LOL
Moreso than Young Link. I can infer that since your DEFENDING such bad charachter and saying he's better than Young Link, that you suck at smash. Your just contradicting yourself to what you've been debating this whole time so you really don't make any sense, that was a bad move to make, on your part, in this debate................XD.
Wow! now that's reasoning at it's worst.
You just lost all creditbility, Not only can't you be more wrong but your reasoning is laughable.
Again, I was seriously tired and I just didn't feel like arguing at the time so I just pointed one, bland advantage out so I wasn't making a big deal out've anything and I didn't think YOU would take it so seriously as to make this into a HUGE debate, but I guess that's all your good at. And if you think that Link does better than Young Link against Sheik, then your utterly making up some dumb ****. I mean, your sig says it for itself, you have a solid hatred for Sheik because not only is she a good charachter, but I'm assuming you concluded this from Link being ***** up the butt by her. Don't deny it. Ask any good Young Link player, Sheik does well against Young Link, but isn't an uber critical matchup in the least bit.
Clearly You've never faced a good fox.
Clearly, you haven't either LOL. Fox can kill Link fast and combo Link FAR better than he can with Young Link, plain and simple. He has usmash which is a pretty good finisher on Young Link, but is as well as with Link. Link just has an annoying time with this matchup and will most likely lose.
And yes, I've faced quite a few good Foxes before^_^.
what ****ty falcos are you playing?
Young Link does good both far and close range. And Link does good close range.... not nearly as well far away. Who do you think would probably do better in this fight? Young Link of course, he has better distance game and has more than an effiecient close-up game. Link just doesn't have nearly as good distance game from far away and with SH blaster spaming it'll be really hard for him to get close and get any good combos in with some of his few good physicals.
"ZOMG! Link will do SOOOOO much better because he has..RANGE"-Save it anyone, range with projectiles means didely in matches and physical range wont prove useful in this match either.
Young Link's projectiles have good "stun" in which Link doesn't have much with his projectiles; This will be discussed later on in this post.
You really have no skill whatsoever.
this is extremely wrong, if the Young Link doesn't play smart, doesn't watch what their doing, doesn't play defensive, doesn't combo well, doesn't kill Marth with good finishing combos, or doesn't bother to input good mindgames then yeah, Aesir, you might for once be right there. Young Link does pretty decent in the matchup, considering that the only thing to account for that Link has is that he's heavier and has more range with his sword.
Not anymore, I've just lost all respect for you and your idiocy and constant spaming.
In my experience link vs cf is even it all comes down to who knows the match up better. however Link definatey does better then
Again, Aesir, your just saying "Link is better than Young Link" without backup, which is something your terrible at. Perhaps this matchup is even though and yes it does depend on how well you know the matchup.
Aesir, do you even use Young Link? Even a little bit? If not, then how do just assume that "Link does better-NO MATTA WHAT!"
ylink probably does better in that match up, I know chu uses ylink for it cause he's strange.
Strange? LOL, NOW that's laughable reasoning right there!!!!! it's because Young Link is better in his opinion too ^_^ and I'm sure that Chu Dat knows more about these charachter matchups far better than whatever garbage your spewing.
if you're talking about pros like caveman thats because its caveman. you don't see roy fans saying roy is better because of neo....oh wait.
There are lots of people who are also good with Young Link my friend: Wak, Chu Dat, Hero Sublime, Aniki, Buzz and Laijin are to name a few.
Which is better? having long combos that hardly kill? or having small combos that can kill. Man I've been playing this game all wrong I thought we were suppose to be winning not losing ****.
Not so, and your completely wrong again Aesir, Young Link's combos rack up damage faster than Link's and due to his overall agility, he can get them in faster as well. Link can't combo diddley with his projectiles, so it's harder for him to actually get in and combo. Young Link can do both on the other hand, distance and close, and can mix them both up as well. Young Link's projectiles add "combo stun" to your opponents that Link doesn't have.
Young Link's point blank boomerang can do 19%-Link's 16%
Young Link's bombs do 12% damage, hit multiple times, and have a VERY long stun that you can combo an arial into such as the Bomb Plant combo-Link's wimpy 9% bombs can't do this with their very short stun and they only hit the opponent at two-points.
Young Link's fire bow acts more practical for battle because of IT'S small stun (combo-arrow->dash attack)-Link's bow just sucks. period.
As for Young Link's KO potential, it's still pretty high and hardly lower than Link's. Young Link has a pleuthra of killing moves that range from simple d-smash ko's, to proj. combos like Bomb Plant. Link has good killing 'techniques', but not as many, but still has the solid upB for really good killing.
Man I've been playing this game all wrong I thought we were suppose to be winning not losing ****
No, you prolly lose still all the time going off of your posts..
its been proven link does over all better then does. gg sirs gg.
Proven? how? Please do explain..
Aiser isn't trying to say that YOU, or anyone else specifically, would be better if they used link. The fact that you suck at this game is completely beside the point. Someone saying that link or ylink is better than the other based upon their experience is arbitrary THE FACT OF THE MATTER IS THAT LINK IS A BETTER CHARACTER, OVER-ALL, nothing more, nothing less. I don't really understand how anyone could try to dispute that statement.
Because it's NOT true lol.
LOL tier list indeed. Buzz what your saying is totally empirical AND THEREFORE DOESN'T MEAN THAT YOUNG LINK IS A BETTER CHARACTER THAN LINK. PC Chris always beats my Link with young link...WAH
I hate link, and I play Y. Link for his maneuverability as well. Though only in low tier tournaments of course. I do play him pretty frequently though. Anyway, it doesn't really matter if random like players despise your young link, link is better over-all than his smaller counter part, link and young link both have similar strengths vs floaty characters like peach/marth/samus etc. I don't think either are unplayable at all, or bad for that matter. I'm just saying, Link IS BETTER AS A CHARACTER.
Quite repeating the same thing over and over, no one cares
Opinion, opinion, opinion. Young Link guys, don't listen to this inane reasonings because quite frankly, there is too little of backup behind most of their posts.
I could keep listening to your nonsensical logic, but quite frankly you just don't really know what your talking about 100%, Aeisir. You just make a biased opinion and expect everyone to follow your crucial ideal that Link's better? Your just low dude, you haven't nearly cut Young Link enough credit as have the numerous number of Link favs in this discussion (Isn't it odd how after Aesir posted here, that a lot of Link supporters 'suddenly' came to this thread? It's almost like they were summoned to do so...)
Anyway I would just like to proclaim to Aesir and other biased/some-what biased Link fans that:
We, on behalf of the Young Link boards, honestly don't care all that much for these types of posts and opinions.
most of your points have no logic at all.
Young Link is better than Link.-IMO
And to any of you Link fanboys who just say Link is far superior to Young Lnk and that Young Link is garbage, your just dumb. So get a life, and get lost on these threads.
Aesir, you just have too much pride up your *** and you never know when to just listen to other people's opinions and points where you might be wrong and shut up. Your like NJzFinest trying to prove his points, except most of the time he is right whenever he makes debating remarks.
Also, as a heads up for any of ya', the tier list is based on overall production of that particular charachter has done in tournies with not because of the advantages or potential they see in the charachter, or so this is the accurate information I've dug up. Just because Link is higher on the tier list, DOESN'T mean he's better than Young Link is, it means people like him better (who doesn't? He's from the Zelda games and everyone loves adult Link for some reason ^_^). You can interpret this message as "Well, with that reasoning, that means that MORE people are good with him because he's better." Or if you were an intelligent person "All right, I guess people like Link so much that they have all just decided to ATTEMPT to get good with him and quite a lot have with this many". The boards are a perfect example of this; look at the reigning 15,000 posts over on the Link threads compared to the mere 5,000'ish posts on the Young Link threads. People just like Link as a person more than a charachter, that is all.
This discussion can go on forever, but the fact is that you Link supporters haven't mentioned diddely about discussing REALLY specific areas that make Link better in his matchups. The fact is that they both excell quite evenly in their charachter matchups, but I prefer Young Link's fighting strategy over Link's. I use both charachters, so I would know, and it's not that I like Young Link more than Link (Sweet Jesus, they're the same friggin' person!), it's just that Young Link is better charachter for his reasons, as is Link for his own, but I find more advantages and potential when fighting with Young Link.