Super Smash Bros. Brawl is the ultimate result of the largest and most ambitious project ever in video game history, spanning several companies, dozens of game designers, and hundreds of artists ranging from animators to composers. The amount of content in Brawl eclipses that of any other game ever made, ever.
The original game had a roster of 8 starting characters, 12 total, and a virtual non-existent single player game. Melee had 26, 20 if clones are discounted; it also added a bare-bones adventure mode, simple though detailed trophy collection, and a handful of side events. Brawl has 41 playable characters. Brawl has a single player campaign that is larger than many entire games. Brawl has more side events, that can be played co-op, even online. The combat has been expanded in every dimension, from things as major as the revamped and vastly superior air dodge system and detailed final smashes to things as petty as multiple taunts. The entire multiplayer experience is online.
The notion that any fan of Super Smash Bros. could possibly be unhappy with this game is not ridiculous, it is completely absurd. It is fundamentally a logical impossibility.
Brawl's roster sucks because you think it sucks.
You have brought this upon yourself, with your irrational hype, deeply unrealistic expectations, and revolting sense of entitlement. Your total ignorance of the game design process is matched only by your absolute lack of respect for the people involved. The self-sacrifice of those individuals, in particular Masahiro Sarukai, continues to be completely ignored in favor of asinine "demands" for arbitrary characters to be put in the game. The self-imposed misery you wallow in is not ironic, but just: it is the immediate result of your hypocrisy.
Masahiro Sakurai is in contention for greatest game designer of all time, and the staff assisting him with this game is incredibly talented and dedicated. Their passion for this game will never be known or fully understood by you. As long as you continue to cling to the childish and egotistical illusion that you could somehow make a Super Smash Bros. game better than those who have defined--and then redefined--what that is to begin with, you will lack the respect that is required to appreciate the game.
Nothing I say will cause these bitter bystanders to change their flawed perspective. The purpose of this is to simple explain to them why they are unhappy, so that they may not be confused when their own anger and sadness contrasts with the emotions of those who are about to play this game for several upcoming years, thousands of hours each. I myself will play with unaltered bliss.
So may you all.