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Who else is nervous about Brawl potentially sucking?

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Smash Journeyman
Oct 24, 2005
You're totally right, I didn't tought about it that way. If you put it like that, it makes perfect sense.
You worked real hard to not get flamed at these forums, and you deserve some respect.
But some people don't. That's why they deserve to be called "n00bs".



Smash Master
Apr 9, 2006
Montreal, Canada AKA Real City brrrrrrrrapp!
I've seen a lot of stupidity posted on these boards about some sort of bizarre idea that Brawl will cause people to stop playing Melee. To those who sport that opinion I say : Melee will never die. Even if Brawl is amazing, NOTHING could ever replace Melee, and I'm 100% sure gatherings / tournaments will still be held for years to come for such a great game.
Smash Bros. is just like SF man:

The first one, okay.
The second one, incredible! (SF2 is still alive today... after 15+ years!)
The ones after... good, but not as good as the 2nd...

Sakurai will try to add new stuff like ''improved air combat'' and ''slowed down gameplay''. It might be good... but 80% of the time new features like these just end up to be not so great, just like SF3's parrying...

oh well, I'll just cross my fingaz


Smash Master
Apr 9, 2006
Montreal, Canada AKA Real City brrrrrrrrapp!
*points up*
That's the montreal way to post right there lol!

Yeah my point is that I'm not really nervous about Brawl potentially sucking because it's very hard to make sequels that are better than the original if the original was very good. That is because you basically have more chances to screw the game over rather than make it better.

Anywayz, if Brawl totally sucks I will simply play other video games... Melee is going to be one of em


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
*points up*
That's the montreal way to post right there lol!

Yeah my point is that I'm not really nervous about Brawl potentially sucking because it's very hard to make sequels that are better than the original if the original was very good. That is because you basically have more chances to screw the game over rather than make it better.

Anywayz, if Brawl totally sucks I will simply play other video games... Melee is going to be one of em
Melee for life man. haha I hope I can come to the next bi-weekly and play some more matches with you, I wanna see your kirby lol I saw Damax's own up in some ffas, but he stole lasers from Falco. H4x!

What are your thoughts about WDing in brawl though? Thats by far my biggest concern.


Smash Lord
Apr 15, 2007
Britain, glaring at you **** yanks.
No, its one of the things that determine skill. You won't see a pro who is incapable of wavedashing [Aniki does not wavedash cause he does not wish to, he is clearly capable of doing it if he wants to].

But it is also possible for someone to wavedash and still be a noob. Its not in the wavedash, but in the application.

Also, later in the thread, Dylan said he would buy it and play a bit for fun, but if it has no wavedash he will not play it competitively.
I can wavedash, it's not exactly a difficult thing to do, once you know how. I dont use it though. I dont play competitively in tourneys because there are no tourneys near me, and I cant be bothered to pay to enter.

Superstar as always is more concise and way less angry than me, but im having a really really really bad week, and I cant believe there are still nub ****s that want to argue this with me when they know for a fact theyve never competed or done well in a real tournament in their life. ****.
I'm not arguing, i'm making a point that I dont like being called a noob, just because I dont wavedash or play in competition.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
slipknot guy said:
Ah, but you wont know it has it or not until you buy the game. And if you dont buy a game, because 1 technique is not included, thats quite sad. I dont care how bad it turns out, it's still gonna be awesome.
See thats what you wrote, you didn't write anything scubby/nooby.

some *** said:
My friend Uses marth, I can beat him, you just gotta act fast WD is lame to me
Thats who I was calling a n00b. Sorry if you think I implied that you are one, because that was not the aim of my rant. I was pissed at the above dickweed.

I can wavedash, it's not exactly a difficult thing to do, once you know how. I dont use it though.
Wavedashing isn't difficult. I don't know why some folks think it is... its because its labelled an ''advanced'' technique. Doing it is easy, its the application.

Which characters do you play mostly? You might benifit from wavedashing if you use certain characters and if you can do it you should see where you can put it into your game for spacing and etc. Just a tip :)


Smash Master
Apr 9, 2006
Montreal, Canada AKA Real City brrrrrrrrapp!
Melee for life man. haha I hope I can come to the next bi-weekly and play some more matches with you, I wanna see your kirby lol I saw Damax's own up in some ffas, but he stole lasers from Falco. H4x!

What are your thoughts about WDing in brawl though? Thats by far my biggest concern.
I got exams, exams and more exams grrr! That's why I missed last bi-weekly and why I might miss the next one...

As for WDing in brawl... if it's removed but the gameplay ends up somehow to be better, then I won't really care. We can't really know for now because Brawl will be a different game... however, I can't imagine Melee without WD.

I think that WD will be removed... hasn't Sakurai said that more emphasis will be put on air combat?


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2006
London, UK
I'm sure there will be advanced techniques if wavedashing is removed. I for one think that it CANT be removed. If you airdodge that close to the ground, it wouldn't make sense if you just, stopped suddenly. :psycho:

The only way they could remove it is if they removed the airdodge....


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2001
Rodeo, California.
It would make sense. If you could airdodge in real life you probably wouldn't slide across the ground if you did it into the ground. You'd either buckle your knees to absorb the impact or stumble/correct yourself by walking a few steps forward.

But we're not talking about real life. :/ We're talking about a world were one can jump in the air and wearing cleats seems to worsen your traction. And stuff.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 3, 2005
Within 8,000 miles of you, unless you're in space.
After watching the trailer intensively over the past few days, I"m starting to think that it will become irrelevant if WDing is in. Why? Because the new freakin awesome rolls some people are getting. Meta's roll go at least 2x faster than a WD, and it has about the lag of starting a shine.

If they do keep wavedashing, though, I bet they will tell the general public. (via instructions) and probably simplify the controls for it.

This is all PURE guess, though...


Smash Hero
Aug 29, 2006
Neptune, NJ
After watching the trailer intensively over the past few days, I"m starting to think that it will become irrelevant if WDing is in. Why? Because the new freakin awesome rolls some people are getting. Meta's roll go at least 2x faster than a WD, and it has about the lag of starting a shine.

If they do keep wavedashing, though, I bet they will tell the general public. (via instructions) and probably simplify the controls for it.

This is all PURE guess, though...
It will not be irrelevant at all... Wavelanding trixies on platforms are... SO MUCH fun and are used a lot at high level of play.. it would be a shame if that aspect was taken out. Also WD to edge hog is sexy, also even if the rolls are really fast you cant attack while moving backwards during a roll however you can attack while WDing backwards, so WD back to attack won't be there either. :(

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufg60NMlaDE Isai uses it here at 1:51 to 1:52, w/o WD really cool stuff like that wouldn't exist.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMWYcVrljmA or what germ does at 1:47 in this vid stuff like that is so cool lol.


Smash Lord
Apr 15, 2007
Britain, glaring at you **** yanks.
See thats what you wrote, you didn't write anything scubby/nooby.
I sure didnt.

I havent played melee in ages, so i'd probably get whupped by anybody on these forums. The last time I played it was the other day when my friend brought it over. I tried wavedash then, and it worked as well as the first time I tried it.

Dylan_Tnga said:
Thats who I was calling a n00b. Sorry if you think I implied that you are one, because that was not the aim of my rant. I was pissed at the above dickweed.
Ah, no problem. I'll keep in mind to try and not get on your bad side.

Now I have realised, most people use wavedash, and if it's not in the game, Ninty and Hal are gonna lose some of their most hardcore Smashers. Hopefully they have som researchers who browse the internet and picking up points on what the general public think.

Wavedashing isn't difficult. I don't know why some folks think it is... its because its labelled an ''advanced'' technique. Doing it is easy, its the application.

Which characters do you play mostly? You might benifit from wavedashing if you use certain characters and if you can do it you should see where you can put it into your game for spacing and etc. Just a tip
Marth is my main, I sometimes us Samus and Ganondorf. Marth would benefit from using it, as he has no projectiles and it would allow him to move more easy. So hopefully, come Brawl ( if it has Wavedash) I will use it a lot more, to my advantage.
Any tips that will make my Wavedash mastery easier?

Elec Man EXE

Smash Apprentice
Apr 19, 2007
Wavedashing is not that vital a technique that the game would suck by removing that one glitch technique. Especially, as someone pointed out, because they seem to be speeding up rolls. Not only do both Pit and MetaKnight showcase very quick rolls, but it seems that Link's roll speed is also greatly enhanced, if you look near the end of the second trailer. And Snake's isn't too slow either.

And as for the whole speed issue in general... if I hear one more complaint about how the trailer makes it look slow, I'm going to destroy something. Seriously. The trailers are obviously not being played at even near a professional level. The characters pause after nearly every attack, there's no teching whatsoever, and half the trailer is crawling or simply running. Attacks are poorly aimed, with little followup. Its obviously meant to show characters, features, and graphics, rather than the sheer speed of an intense battle. But the few combos that are present (Mario on Link, MetaKnight, and Zamus on Snake) look fine to me. There's no evidence from the trailer that would suggest it being any slower at all aside from the people playing it, and the whole comment Sakurai made about "moderating" the speed could mean anything. My guess is closing the speed gap between characters (Bowser and other slow characters get a bit faster, the super speed characters may get a little slower), since speed is such a major factor in determining a characters' effectiveness.


Smash Journeyman
May 19, 2006
After watching the trailer intensively over the past few days, I"m starting to think that it will become irrelevant if WDing is in. Why? Because the new freakin awesome rolls some people are getting. Meta's roll go at least 2x faster than a WD, and it has about the lag of starting a shine.
This is all PURE guess, though...

Wavedashing is not that vital a technique that the game would suck by removing that one glitch technique. Especially, as someone pointed out, because they seem to be speeding up rolls. Not only do both Pit and MetaKnight showcase very quick rolls, but it seems that Link's roll speed is also greatly enhanced, if you look near the end of the second trailer. And Snake's isn't too slow either.
As I pointed out earlier, the movement speed of the roll does not matter. What matters is how quickly you can attack out of the roll. At this point, we know next to nothing about that.

And as for the whole speed issue in general... if I hear one more complaint about how the trailer makes it look slow, I'm going to destroy something. Seriously. The trailers are obviously not being played at even near a professional level. The characters pause after nearly every attack, there's no teching whatsoever, and half the trailer is crawling or simply running. Attacks are poorly aimed, with little followup. Its obviously meant to show characters, features, and graphics, rather than the sheer speed of an intense battle. But the few combos that are present (Mario on Link, MetaKnight, and Zamus on Snake) look fine to me. There's no evidence from the trailer that would suggest it being any slower at all aside from the people playing it, and the whole comment Sakurai made about "moderating" the speed could mean anything. My guess is closing the speed gap between characters (Bowser and other slow characters get a bit faster, the super speed characters may get a little slower), since speed is such a major factor in determining a characters' effectiveness.
This has already been discussed. Every "regular" here realizes that the trailer may not represent the final "speed" of the game, in whatever form.


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2007
Miami, Florida
Even then, remember, when you roll fowards, you turn around during the roll so that it will be easier to hit from behind. Because of that, rolling as an approach will be stupid, no matter how little lag there it. Wavesmashes, wavegrabs, and wavejabs will be gone if rolling replaces wavedashing.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
That's what I pointed out somewhere. I think these rolls will be broken. With a roll that fast why bother to do anything else? I can just picture people roll spamming and having no lag to punish with each roll.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 9, 2007
A dark corner in my basement
i'd rather see wavedashing and l-cancelling and everything in that line of thing removed.
i am able to do all that stuff yeah but to me id rather play a game where everybody is on the same lvl in that sense without worrying about the physics of the game. i mean i know people who havent heard of WD at all. if sakurai aims to please the whole community, wouldnt removing that make it simpler. then you rely on playing skill to win without being at an advantage tbecause you know how to do techniques others may not be able to do or even know about. thats just my opinon.


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2007
Miami, Florida
You say to remove every single tech in the game, so that playing skill is the deciding factor? Listen to yourself. Using the techs "correctly" IS playing skill. Removing wavedashing alone may not effectively hamper Brawl if properly replaced, but removing EVERY SINGLE TECH SKILL will. Instead of being easy to learn, hard to master, it'll become a party game. Matches will go to whoever is luckier, instead of who is better. Basically, by turning it into a party game, instead of fostering play skill and the fight to see who is better, you have eliminated it entirely. Also, these techs make it so that the time it takes to be good is long, which means the game is fun for longer. Most games don't last the 6 years Melee has endured.

You being in an unfair advantage by learning techs is not true, as both people could strive to learn it if they wanted. The match should always go to the one who is either A) born with natural talent or B) worked their butt off to be good. Helping the lazy people is not going to make it a better realm for competition, as there will be no realm of skill to explore.

Also, I think Dylan is going to kill you, he's having a bad week, and he has not been properly fed...


Smash Master
Apr 9, 2006
Montreal, Canada AKA Real City brrrrrrrrapp!
Wavedashing is a very nice addition to melee... however, L-canceling is useless for this game, mechanics-wise.

There's already been a thread about it on this forum, but basically, my point is that there's no reason why you shouldn't use L-canceling, so it doesn't really add anything to the gameplay.

If two people can l-cancel consistently, they will do so, and the game won't be any different than if all aerial attacks would've had their frames of landing lag halved.

EDIT: I'll add a little bit more this post. Wavedashing is different than l-canceling because you have other viable options that could be used instead from time to time. I mean, you can roll/spot dodge instead if you wanna dodge an attack, or simply run/jump if you wanna use it for mobility.

On the other hand, only other option beside l-canceling an aerial is not l-canceling it and get twice the landing lag. So basically there is no logical reason to use option number 2.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 9, 2005
i'd rather see wavedashing and l-cancelling and everything in that line of thing removed.
i am able to do all that stuff yeah but to me id rather play a game where everybody is on the same lvl in that sense without worrying about the physics of the game. i mean i know people who havent heard of WD at all. if sakurai aims to please the whole community, wouldnt removing that make it simpler. then you rely on playing skill to win without being at an advantage tbecause you know how to do techniques others may not be able to do or even know about. thats just my opinon.
Yeah, alright, well shut up you ****ward. I mean... like... what the douche? Dude, no advanced techs? What do you want this game to be?.... Mortal Kombat? That'd ****in' suck bigger than your ****ing face. You suck so bad at life that I gotta be all like.. n00b, go die. Okay? Yeah. You're so ****ing gay... And so lame and so crap... that you suck. ***. Large. You should learn that smash is about pwning, not about being a *** n00b that doesn't know how to pwn like teh pwnerer.


Shai Hulud

Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2006
i'd rather see wavedashing and l-cancelling and everything in that line of thing removed.
i am able to do all that stuff yeah but to me id rather play a game where everybody is on the same lvl in that sense without worrying about the physics of the game. i mean i know people who havent heard of WD at all. if sakurai aims to please the whole community, wouldnt removing that make it simpler. then you rely on playing skill to win without being at an advantage tbecause you know how to do techniques others may not be able to do or even know about. thats just my opinon.
FFA on hYruL!!

You lose.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 3, 2005
Within 8,000 miles of you, unless you're in space.
As I pointed out earlier, the movement speed of the roll does not matter. What matters is how quickly you can attack out of the roll. At this point, we know next to nothing about that.
We know enough for me to say it has the "lag of starting a shine." I was talking about end lag, as you can't tell when they actually press the buttons to start it. The time between the Meta moving and the attack starting is frickin broken.

That's what I pointed out somewhere. I think these rolls will be broken. With a roll that fast why bother to do anything else? I can just picture people roll spamming and having no lag to punish with each roll.
Lol. Yeah I'm seeing that right now, too. That's why I'm saying is WD will become much much lesser than before (irrelevant is too strong a word, I guess). The only thing it'll have on rolling is attacking during movement, so WDing will still have a little use.

As for Lcancels, I don't really care if they're in or not. When you think about it, it won't really effect the game: if they're in the game will be relevantly faster, if they're out, it'll be relevantly slower. (Is "relevantly" the right word?)
But the actual attacks and techniques won't be much different, other than shield grabs (which you can do anyways, but it's harder).

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
^ ecstatic, I think you mean relatively instead of relevantly.

Yeah, alright, well shut up you ****ward. I mean... like... what the douche? Dude, no advanced techs? What do you want this game to be?.... Mortal Kombat? That'd ****in' suck bigger than your ****ing face. You suck so bad at life that I gotta be all like.. n00b, go die. Okay? Yeah. You're so ****ing gay... And so lame and so crap... that you suck. ***. Large. You should learn that smash is about pwning, not about being a *** n00b that doesn't know how to pwn like teh pwnerer.


What he said^ [directly to the guy that wants all techniques out]


Smash Champion
Sep 18, 2005
Yeah, alright, well shut up you ****ward. I mean... like... what the douche? Dude, no advanced techs? What do you want this game to be?.... Mortal Kombat? That'd ****in' suck bigger than your ****ing face. You suck so bad at life that I gotta be all like.. n00b, go die. Okay? Yeah. You're so ****ing gay... And so lame and so crap... that you suck. ***. Large. You should learn that smash is about pwning, not about being a *** n00b that doesn't know how to pwn like teh pwnerer.

What an *******. Dude, I agree that advance techniques should remain in and that their really isn't a good argument against it, but your response was pretty *****y. At lease present a reason so that he doesn't come back and say:

No!!!! U da douche! Die! Reason nao!

If you simply give him one of the countless reasons presented in this thread beforehand, you could make him realize how wrong he is, and prevent an angry response.

But you're to stupid to do that. You simply call him names, curse at him, and call him gay.
How old ARE you? I mean, don't you have to be at least 13 to get on these boards or something?

Oh, and while I don't get offended by somebody calling somebody else a ***, the victim might, and some mods might. So just, y'know, watch out for those infractions.


Smash Rookie
Apr 19, 2007
Lawrence, KS
What's up? I'm new here, but this is what I think:
First of all, I have complete faith in Nintendo to make SSBB the best game possible. They've been setting the bar in the video game world since the beginning, and I'm sure that Brawl will be as good as we all want it to be.

Also, with the innovative capabilities of the Wii, I'm sure Nintendo has some really interesting things for all of us to digest. I wouldn't be surprised if Brawl exceeds all of our expectations. Otherwise, the hype would have all been totally bogus, and a ridiculous amount of consumers would be disappointed.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 23, 2007
Yeah, alright, well shut up you ****ward. I mean... like... what the douche? Dude, no advanced techs? What do you want this game to be?.... Mortal Kombat? That'd ****in' suck bigger than your ****ing face. You suck so bad at life that I gotta be all like.. n00b, go die. Okay? Yeah. You're so ****ing gay... And so lame and so crap... that you suck. ***. Large. You should learn that smash is about pwning, not about being a *** n00b that doesn't know how to pwn like teh pwnerer.


I think you overreacted there. I disagree with him that wavedashing, etc. should be removed but that doesn't mean you have to say that to him. You'll probably get an infraction for that, like me. :laugh:


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2007
Heres what i think. it doesn't matter if Wdashing is out and L cancelling is out or all of that stuff casue your going to be playing a DIFFERENT GAME. These are the minute details that need not be worried about. Its giogn to be a different game so there going to be new techniques taht are going to be more important and others are going to take a backseat. Just wait for it to come out and see what gets added and removed, and THEN ask yourself how that changed the gameplay. Because right now we are trying to decide the color of the drapes without even knowing what paint is being used on the walls (if that makes any sense). Theres no reason to hope you get teh same colored drapes of the same texture if you konw not to even expect the same colored walls so theres no point in arguing about it.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Who's arguing? This thread was basically off topic till a few scrubs stirred up old discussion. Basically everything has been said at least twice.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
Yeah, alright, well shut up you ****ward. I mean... like... what the douche? Dude, no advanced techs? What do you want this game to be?.... Mortal Kombat? That'd ****in' suck bigger than your ****ing face. You suck so bad at life that I gotta be all like.. n00b, go die. Okay? Yeah. You're so ****ing gay... And so lame and so crap... that you suck. ***. Large. You should learn that smash is about pwning, not about being a *** n00b that doesn't know how to pwn like teh pwnerer.

I was going to write this but it was my turn to smash, so I let Tyler write it. You rule Tyler.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Lol, Dylan has an army of apprentices at his disposal who will pwn scrubs at a moment's notice. Where I can get me one of those?


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
Lol, Dylan has an army of apprentices at his disposal who will pwn scrubs at a moment's notice. Where I can get me one of those?
Haha I wouldnt call him an aprentice so much as a partner in crime. He's my main smash buddy I play with him ALL, and I mean ALL the time. He mains CF and is awesome with him.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
I had a pattern like that, we were about equal but he mained Link and I mained Fox so the outcome was almost always in my favor. Then I moved away and people around here started calling him gay and he just kinda disappeared. When I get a Wii/GC back I'll have to find him again, he was better than just about everyone I knew.


Smash Journeyman
May 19, 2006
I have someone like that too, we have some sick YL vs. DK battles :laugh:

Actually, I'm not joking


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
I had a pattern like that, we were about equal but he mained Link and I mained Fox so the outcome was almost always in my favor. Then I moved away and people around here started calling him gay and he just kinda disappeared. When I get a Wii/GC back I'll have to find him again, he was better than just about everyone I knew.


Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
i'd rather see wavedashing and l-cancelling and everything in that line of thing removed.
i am able to do all that stuff yeah but to me id rather play a game where everybody is on the same lvl in that sense without worrying about the physics of the game. i mean i know people who havent heard of WD at all. if sakurai aims to please the whole community, wouldnt removing that make it simpler. then you rely on playing skill to win without being at an advantage tbecause you know how to do techniques others may not be able to do or even know about. thats just my opinon.
Huh? What freakin' planet are you from, pal? No offense, but...there's always gonna be some Joe out there who is going to crack games like this wide open (not through l337 hax, people---but through plain old ingenuity and skill). Hell, it's commonplace. Or there is some elements in a game that don't make it even for most people. This "utopian" game you speak of, where everybody is on the same level, is non-existent and will forever be that way. If anybody can find a game that's totally balanced and has the potential to bring things on an equal level automatically, let me know. Please.

I'll be the first guy to play it and find it boring.

Part of the "skill" that you throw out there, boss, lies within the application of the advanced techniques. By neglecting them, it doesn't make you that much more skilled. I mean, yeah, Aniki does not wavedash (as far as I know) and he's an incredible player (he has insane response time)---but does that make him a "balanced equation in the chaos theory of Smash Bros.?" Hell no! I bet if your average Joe Blow went up against Aniki, he'd rip them apart. I mean, he crossed swords with Ken's Marth---evenly, I might add (in some matches).

There is an advantage to knowing about advanced techs, sure---but you act like it's the "invincibility cheat." It's not, because anybody can learn it---it just takes time and patience. It's readily accessible---mediums like the internet (hint, hint: This website) provide tons of information. Even your local pros (or players that play competively)---not everybody's an *******, man. They'll teach you as long as you approach them as human beings.

Anyway. Dylan---do you have any Smash-related videos with you in them? Some time ago, you had mentioned that Sheik's yer main. I'm gettin' back into the tourney scene, and I wanna cross-reference as many people as possible.

Sorry about the tirade, folks. Felt like writing.

Smooth Criminal


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
Great post.

Ah yes, the ''ANIKI DUN WAVEDASH'' argument, as I have coined it. I see it very often. He plays link, link doesnt need the wavedash, its useful for SOME things (bomb-dashing to combos) but not essential if you master his other aspects. He also has an insane samus, which is a weird character to not wavedash with but his speed is blindingly fast. He has god given talent, and if you think you can play smash without wavedashing just because one unique player doesn't, you're only fooling yourself.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006

:laugh: I think I'll publish it. It was pretty funny when my friends told a couple stories about it too.

One guy said that he and another friend went to the gay guy's house [they didn't think he was gay then] to play crash bandicoot [awful game >.>]. So while one of them was playing the gay guy says "hey wanna wrestle?" and my friend agrees so the gay guy says "okay, lets wrestle in my bedroom" [I rofled at this part so hard].

So the gay guy locks the door with him and my friend inside, while my other friend was playing crash not thinking much of what was going on.

So when the gay and my friend start wrestling the gay guy tries to knock him out, and it almost works, so my friend was out for a couple a seconds so he says. When he came to a few seconds later he said the gay guy was behind him trying to do something [ROFL!!].

So while my other friend is play crash he heres banging on the door, then my the guy just bursts out of the gay guys room breaking the lock and opening the door the wrong way [ROOFFFFLLLLL!:chuckle: :laugh: ] and he runs straight out of the gay guys house, my other friend looked around, saw the gay guy and dropped the controller and ran.

I don't know how true it is or if the guy really is gay but it is funny as hell! I think I'll post this in the PRoom.
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