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Who else is nervous about Brawl potentially sucking?

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Smash Master
Feb 20, 2006
Coquitlam (Vancouver), BC
Meta, well, ummmmm, I'm not exactly sure what to say to you, but try actually reading Dylan's posts and understanding them. For one, I care what he thinks Brawl will be like. THAT IS THE WHOLE POINT OF THIS THREAD!!!!!! To find out what others think. He is not an "Elitest".

All I can say is (I'm not a guy that gets upset, but I will this time. I'll be fine in 1 minute so don't even mention it.), that if you don't like the Brawl discussion room, then stay out of it. It will make you feel better I promise.
I have read his posts, just not all of them, because I have other things to be doing. Also, there is no denying that he is an elitist. The whole time (or at least as far as I read), he's been talking about smash as if it only exists for competition. This is simply not true; playing it competitively is like a completely different game. As soon as you stop playing just for fun, you start using techniques that otherwise never would have been used, and it changes the fundamentals of the game. Please stop trying to act like the representative of the competitive smash community and accept the fact that not everyone shares your viewpoint. If you respond to this, I can't say I will read your response, because this whole discussion is worthless and I no longer want to take part in it.


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Toronto, Ontario
LOL, I love your signature ^^ Thats just simple, but funny as hell... I am le chuckling..

Ok I'm wondering now, people are saying that SSBB is going to be more ''air attack'' based... How are they going to do that I wonder? Increase jump height? add a third jump to non flying characters? (Oh, god I hope not)

The way I see it, melee is played in the air quite a bit, and even if SSBB is more air-based, the ground game is still going to be there.. how could it not be?

I'm really just confused as to this information that has been drifting through many posts as of late, does anyone know just WHAT is going to make brawl more air-attack based? Melee is an in the air game already.. bah I dunno..

Many of the theories of how the new Aerial combat revolve around the combos that the characters will have. There is a high probability that many techniques in the air will have more consecutive hits that set up for following up combos, rather than straight up knock back power (although the final blows of these moves may be very powerful, like Links Up B in Melee).

Check out Mario's down B in the trailers. His tornado really seems to pull Link in much more and sets up for further combo-ing as opposed to the way the move is incorporated into Melee. Granted Link is a tad heavier so he falls into the move more but, it still seems to grip him longer than it did in Melee.

Also watch Pit and Metaknight in the air (not in the first trailer, but more so in the second one). Metaknights sword slashes alow him to dice people up in mid flight for more consecutive hits, while Pit's duel sword spin in pkmn stadium (if needed, I'll find the time later) gets plenty of hits in before he's even falling on his jump. Although these are new character, I do see adjustments with other characters that we already know well. Some characters may float more to accomidate air combat or, as I previously stated, incormporate more techniques that are beneficial in the air when opposed to the ground.

I also believe that more ground moves will be focused entirely on knocking the opponent skyward to set up a killer air combo.

Any other thoughts?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 25, 2005
Any other thoughts?
Yeah. Most of these "combos" we see in the trailer could potentially be rendered useless by DI, which makes them no different than Melee's combos. While it's possible that multihitting attacks will become more effective, the trailer can't be expected to provide any conclusive evidence.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
I have read his posts, just not all of them, because I have other things to be doing. Also, there is no denying that he is an elitist. The whole time (or at least as far as I read), he's been talking about smash as if it only exists for competition. This is simply not true; playing it competitively is like a completely different game. As soon as you stop playing just for fun, you start using techniques that otherwise never would have been used, and it changes the fundamentals of the game. Please stop trying to act like the representative of the competitive smash community and accept the fact that not everyone shares your viewpoint. If you respond to this, I can't say I will read your response, because this whole discussion is worthless and I no longer want to take part in it.
Yes, but your whole point is rendered useless if you consider that ''competitive'' players can completly destroy ''casual'' players in almost any matchup, items on or off, doesn't really matter... Im pretty sure 9/10 times the player with better mastery of his characters moveset will win despite items being on or off.

So by that train of thought, competitive smashers are superior to casual smashers as they have more skill in the game, likewise in ANY discussion, a competitive players opinions take priority over a casual players since he spends much more time practicing and knows the ins and outs of the game not just in the big picture, but in the tiny specifics that matter oh so much for that extra bit of damage in your combo, or to land the killing hit, or knowing where to throw which character with which character at which %

I wouldn't consider myself an elitist in the sense that I will no doubt admit I am nowhere near the most skilled smasher in my region, I am not even on the power rankings though I hope to be sometime soon...

Though you are correct in calling me an elitist if you are refering to what I think of casual players... Yes, I think that the competitive community is far superior to the casual community simply because the compeitive community contains actual skill, and almost any of its skilled members could take down a casual player at will.

I will not shun casual play and despite my previous posts I have taken a much lighter stance towards it in that I do not want to be a NAZI. Any way of playing this game is acceptable as long as you have fun :)

However, I refuse to accept that both schools of thought are equal. Competitive smash is more highly developed and contains greater degrees of skill, so it is therefore vastly superior to casual play, and its players vastly superior to casual players.

So yeah call me and Elitist, I am one. But don't think that means I think I'm any good at this game compared to the extremely skilled members who browse these forums.

Oh and your little ''Im not gonna read your reply because this thread sux'' comment, is just childish man. I could understand you not wanting to have a dialogue with me about this if I responded to you in a rude, or insulting fashion... But I clearly have not done so. Essentially all you did was jump into this thread, call me names, and then back out on the grounds that you think this thread is ''worthless'' despite very many intelligent debates that have gone on in it's many many pages...

So take a look at yourself, Meta. Who's the elitist here? ;)


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Toronto, Ontario
Yeah. Most of these "combos" we see in the trailer could potentially be rendered useless by DI, which makes them no different than Melee's combos. While it's possible that multihitting attacks will become more effective, the trailer can't be expected to provide any conclusive evidence.
Very true. Just looking at their effectiveness even in comparison to bad DI, the attacks still seem to draw the opponent in more. There will always be the DI factor though.

And of course, this speculation would be under the assumption that the trailers are relatively close to how the game would play. The original Melee trailers looked closer to the Brawl trailers afterall (speed and lag wise) and it turned out quite differnt. So I can't wait to see what happens.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 25, 2005
Dylan: Yes, most competitive players will be able to beat casual players because competitive players tend to have higher skill. Yes, most competitive players will know more about the mechanics of the game than casual players because competitive players take the game more seriously.


Duh. Way to state the obvious. What's your point? Telling casual players that they suck at the game isn't going to make them competitive. If a casual player ever decides to take his game to a higher level, it won't be because some average joe on the competitive scene (such as yourself) goes, "lol i'm BETTER than YOU!"

That's what makes you an elitist. You go around flaunting your slightly above-average knowledge of the game in casual players' faces for the sake of flaunting your slightly above-average knowledge of the game in casual players' faces. It doesn't accomplish anything except make you look like a douchebag.


Smash Apprentice
May 27, 2006
hmm thinking about multihit moves in brawl, they actualy look like ssb ones
I can DI out of combos in melee but in ssb....combo=potatowned

Those brawl vids dont show enough to know if the moves are just like ssb moves but i hope that brawl doesnt have those "suck-in" moves that dont let u DI out of them and set u up for 0-death combos

and about dylan elitist/douchebag/arrogant or not , he posts some good ideas/opinions , so u dont waste time reading this thread.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
I don't see why it matters, this whole site was meant for competitive smashers and smashers in transition. I'm closer to casual than competitve [hell, there aren't even any competitions here to be competitive in anyway] and by showing me all of the uses of advanced techniques, this site actually makes me want to be competitive and get out of this newb zone.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
Dylan: Yes, most competitive players will be able to beat casual players because competitive players tend to have higher skill. Yes, most competitive players will know more about the mechanics of the game than casual players because competitive players take the game more seriously.


Duh. Way to state the obvious. What's your point? Telling casual players that they suck at the game isn't going to make them competitive. If a casual player ever decides to take his game to a higher level, it won't be because some average joe on the competitive scene (such as yourself) goes, "lol i'm BETTER than YOU!"

That's what makes you an elitist. You go around flaunting your slightly above-average knowledge of the game in casual players' faces for the sake of flaunting your slightly above-average knowledge of the game in casual players' faces. It doesn't accomplish anything except make you look like a douchebag.
Man you guys are UNbelievable! You look at me with such scrutiny it defies description, I'm rather flattered.

Yes, Ill admit when I joined up I was being harsh with newbies, but I've pretty much stopped in the past like.. 2 weeks. I really haven't flaunted myself at people at all, but rather have made intelligent counter arguments to their flawed ideas. I haven't said as much as a ''you suck'' in over two weeks. So **** the hell off. Thanks.

That goes for all of you, leave me the **** alone I could understand that I was asking for it before but like... read the past few pages of this thread if you want I really haven't posted anything that merits THIS MUCH FRIGGIN ATTENTION in at least 60 or 70 posts.

You're a really judgemental bunch of people, y'know that? That's not an exactly attractive quality. Hell you guys have been attacking me in this thread with much more vigor and effort than I have ever attacked any ONE person on these forums. I had a few flame wars but nothing but ashes remain from those.

You're all just really reaching really hard to put me down. And I haven't been telling people they suck, I've been pointing out where they are wrong (when they are) and been very positive towards players of lesser skill than myself by offering ADVICE.

In closing, this was post was not meant to be directed at Dizzy as he represents like ... 4% of the people that have been on my *** since I joined here so Dizzy don't take this post personally.

I don't see why it matters, this whole site was meant for competitive smashers and smashers in transition. I'm closer to casual than competitve [hell, there aren't even any competitions here to be competitive in anyway] and by showing me all of the uses of advanced techniques, this site actually makes me want to be competitive and get out of this newb zone.
I don't see why it matters either, I don't really understand all these people who STRONGLY back up newbies like they're something special, aren't they posting on these forums to get advice on their game? But I can't even respond to something like

Wavedashing is a glitch because it wasnt meant to be in the game, why do you think its so hard to do?
with :

''Wavedashing is easy, actually... my friend's 7 year old cousin can do it''

Then I'll get the usual over analysis of my post and get a response like


and Ill be like ''Well, I didn't say age relates to skill, I said that children are able to pull off the wavedash, which is one of many techniques in the game... my point being that the wavedash is not a ''difficult'' skill''

And it'll go on, and on. And of course, I'm the big baddie.


Smash Lord
Oct 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
I have absolute faith in SSBB succeeding Melee in just about every way as SSBM did to SSB. The game's been in development for several years, and it's being developed by Nintendo. There isn't alot of opportunity for screwup there.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
I have absolute faith in SSBB succeeding Melee in just about every way as SSBM did to SSB.
Pretty broad statement man. Englighten me : What areas of melee require improvement? in classic super smash bros the areas that needed fixing were obvious as many moves were broken and the game was easily exploitable. This is not the case in Melee... Melee succeeeded much more in being a competitive game that has lasted for a long, long time, and is still almost or more popular than it ever was... no easy task.

So when you say you're confident that Brawl will be better than Melee in every way, it makes me curious as to how many areas of melee's gameplay you think need to be refined.

Anyhow, Brawl could quite possibly be a great game, better than melee even, but better in EVERY aspect of the game compared to Melee? Sounds a bit far fetched as Melee is a pretty brilliantly designed fighter game, I see room for improvement but I highly doubt the sequel will completly outclass it like Melee did to SSB classic.

It's all subjective though anyway... as a melee fanatic I will probably always have my conservative attitude I doubt I'll ever be able to accept any video game as being ''better'' than SSBM unless its starcraft, because that game is so balanced it was probably designed by god himself, and blizzard stole it. :p


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2006
I don't see why it matters, this whole site was meant for competitive smashers and smashers in transition. I'm closer to casual than competitve [hell, there aren't even any competitions here to be competitive in anyway] and by showing me all of the uses of advanced techniques, this site actually makes me want to be competitive and get out of this newb zone.
It's not necessarily for competitive smash. I'm sure when Brawl comes out there will be alot more casual play discussion here until competitive play takes over again.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
It's not necessarily for competitive smash. I'm sure when Brawl comes out there will be alot more casual play discussion here until competitive play takes over again.
Yeah I've come to that realization as well. This forum is not exclusivly for competitive smashers, but for anyone that plays the game or takes an intrest in it.

When I signed up here I thought this was a pro smash community given all the tournaments posted here, and the character specific advice thread, the intricate guides on EVERY aspect of smash from DI to Metagame...

But, I was wrong :p


Smash Master
Feb 20, 2006
Coquitlam (Vancouver), BC
Yes, but your whole point is rendered useless if you consider that ''competitive'' players can completly destroy ''casual'' players in almost any matchup, items on or off, doesn't really matter... Im pretty sure 9/10 times the player with better mastery of his characters moveset will win despite items being on or off.
Great response there, despite the fact that you completely missed the point of my statement. I wasn't talking about who beats who here, was I? I wasn't talking about who's better at the game here, was I? Maybe if you didn't have such a big ego, you wouldn't always be thinking about who's better or not. The fact is that despite how we have all these tournaments and we have so many great players around the world, we still make up a small percent of the people who own and play SSBM. I'm not talking about superiority here, I'm talking about everyone getting what they want out of the game. So, you want wavedashing? That's fine, however, if you don't want to play it because there's no wavedashing, that's just stupid. This brings me to how stupid the title of this thread is. Let's take a look at this shall we?

Who else is nervous about Brawl potentially sucking?

Who else is nervous about Brawl potentially sucking?

Who else is nervous about Brawl potentially


I really don't like that word. Perhaps, instead you should say, "Who else is nervous about potentially not liking Brawl?" If you choose to not like a game because it's not enough like Melee, that's your own fault. Hell, even if they removed most of the advanced techs we have right now, you'd still win because you're better than them, right? Will the game be worse if it's not identical to Melee? I don't know about you, but I still enjoyed playing smash even before I learned advanced techs, and I don't mind if wavedashing is removed (the other techniques are a little more important to me). You know what, I haven't even thought all of this out yet. -_- How about this, I'll play you online when Brawl comes out and we'll see who's 'superior', shall we?


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Toronto, Ontario
-_- How about this, I'll play you online when Brawl comes out and we'll see who's 'superior', shall we?
Hey Hey Hey! Not cool... I get to fight him first, I've bugged him about that a few times already!:mad:

Ok Meta, you are now my rival! First one to fight Dylan wins!

As for your posts, I like them since you it's not just random flame, yer points are valid and reasonable. The part about changing the thread name... yeah... but... it did draw a lot of attention didn't it?:laugh:


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
Great response there, despite the fact that you completely missed the point of my statement. I wasn't talking about who beats who here, was I? I wasn't talking about who's better at the game here, was I? Maybe if you didn't have such a big ego, you wouldn't always be thinking about who's better or not. The fact is that despite how we have all these tournaments and we have so many great players around the world, we still make up a small percent of the people who own and play SSBM. I'm not talking about superiority here, I'm talking about everyone getting what they want out of the game. So, you want wavedashing? That's fine, however, if you don't want to play it because there's no wavedashing, that's just stupid.
You really do seem to respect the opinions of every smasher, I commend you for that, but then...

If you choose to not like a game because it's not enough like Melee, that's your own fault.
Ok then. But I don't see how even if that was the method I used to judge Brawl and other video games (and it is not) how it would be a ''fault''

Seriously, you preach endlessly about how everyone opinions matter, yet when it comes to me suddenly my opinions are faulty, and wrong. HYPOCRITE.

if you don't want to play it because there's no wavedashing, that's just stupid.
Why is that stupid? Maybe my favorite character (mario) benefits a lot from wavedashing, he has a beautiful wavedash. Maybe I really enjoy wavedashing and smash wouldn't feel right to me without it?

But of course this makes me S T U P I D. Yes, stupid, ********. You sure are good at throwing insults around for someone so SENSITIVE about the title of the thread.
This brings me to how stupid the title of this thread is. Let's take a look at this shall we?

Who else is nervous about Brawl potentially sucking?

Who else is nervous about Brawl potentially sucking?

Who else is nervous about Brawl potentially


I really don't like that word. Perhaps, instead you should say, "Who else is nervous about potentially liking Brawl?"
That is the most anal-retentive thing I have EVER, EVER read on a forum. You don't like the TITLE OF A THREAD, just wow. Great argument, and great emphesis with the size 6 text, and repetition, your cunning wit never fails to impress me.

''Who else is nervous about potentially liking brawl'' Ok, for one that's not even a synonym to the original thread title.. that question is asking

''Who here is nervous that they might LIKE Brawl?'' That's a MUCH stupider question. I'll keep the original title, k thx. This thread has over 10 000 views for a reason, the title is catchy, and it's a question that's on a lot of people's minds, hence all the responses...

So you don't like the word sucking, that's pretty darn subjective since ''suck'' is EXTREMLY COMMON IN DESCRIBING BAD GAMES

Examples : ''Oh, that game sucks'' ''I hope the sequel doesn't suck'' etc...

So, you don't like the word ''suck'' once again, how does that have any correlation with the content of this entire thread, which you previously labeled ''useless'

See, when you say a thread is useless, then you imply that all the posts (all 51 pages) made have no value, despite not reading the entire thread and realizing that there has been some GREAT discussions going on, and some very intelligent points made from not just me, but many posters around here.

So once again, how DARE you call me an Elitist? You are the biggest hypocrite, you consider yourself above this thread and all its ''worthless'' posts, YOU'RE the elitist Meta, and everyone can see i t.

Hell, even if they removed most of the advanced techs we have right now, you'd still win because you're better than them, right?
Oh, yay hypothetical questions. How the hell am I supposed to know? If I didn't have shffling, wavedashing and the like on my side, my gameplay would be completly changed and since I'm not some magic computer that can generate the results to hypothetical scenarios I really couldn't tell you who would win.

Will the game be worse if it's not identical to Melee?
Not necesarily, if you would spend a little more time reading my posts before jumping to conclusions youd see that my hopes for brawl are :

1. Big changes to the characters movesets, weights and tractions
2. Big changes to the game in general

Just because I don't want them to remove existing techniques, suddenly I want a game identicle to melee? No.

I don't know about you, but I still enjoyed playing smash even before I learned advanced techs
Same here, but I'm not concerned about Brawl's ''fun'' factor, I have no doubt this game will be entertaining, I am mostly concerned with how it will develop as a competitive game, but that makes me an elitist, right?

and I don't mind if wavedashing is removed (the other techniques are a little more important to me)
Same to me. Once again, if you had read my posts you'd see that I don't put wavedashing on some high pedestal. I would much rather have WDing removed than fast falling, teching, or L canceling, but I still do not want wavedashing removed. I don't consider it the most important technique at ALL, but I do however find it to be a very useful technique in many different situations.

You know what, I haven't even thought all of this out yet. -_- How about this, I'll play you online when Brawl comes out and we'll see who's 'superior', shall we?
umm ok. But see I don't think I'm very good at smash, I train at the game a lot, I participate in tournaments but I don't do particularily well. I know for a fact that I could beat someone who isn't serious about the game, so I am obviously a superior smash player than someone at the newbie level... that's not me being arrogant, thats just the obvious truth, advanced players are better than newbies, thats all I ever said and you're treating it like I'm claiming to be the next Isai. I'm not.

Anyway meta, I don't get these continous attacks on me, you're just as much, if not more of an elitist than I am as proven by your arrogance towards the content of this thread, and your facility in labeling it as ''useless'' for the most subjective reasons imaginable.

You don't like the title of the thread.. jesus christ, I literally have never heard that used as an argument towards the usefulness of a thread before, Bravo!

As for your posts, I like them since you it's not just random flame, yer points are valid and reasonable. The part about changing the thread name... yeah...
Hah, but his suggested replacement completly changed the topic of the thread, and asks : Who is nervous that they might like Brawl :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Oh, man I still can't get over that one.

You have used the word ''stupid'' 2 times in this threads page. Last time I checked, calling something stupid without explaining why was another form of ''elitism'' the word you love so much to apply to me. You continually insult me, and my opinions with derrogatory comments when I have not ONCE insulted you. Face it Meta, in your recent posts you have subtly claimed that

1. You are more intelligent than me / my opinions are stupid
2. You are better than this ''worthless'' thread
3. You take the satisfaction of EVERY smasher into consideration when you think about what brawl might be, pros, advanced players, newbies, and scrubs alike.

1 and 2 make you more of an elitist than me stating that pro players > Newbie players... since it's kind of the truth, not really an opinion, its a cold hard FACT.

and number 3 makes you a hypocrite.


Smash Champion
Feb 9, 2007
Miami, Florida
Even though we hear so many scrubs wanting to remove the Wavedash, truth is, they don't know what they really want in a game. Heck, even WE don't know what we want.

I am pretty sure that Sakurai knows which people know what they are talking about. I even read in the "dumbest thing someone said about Smash" thread that someone wanted shielding removed. You hear so many people hating edgehogging and edgeguarding. People call the C-Stick the noob stick. I even read one thing that a person hated grabs.

Maybe due to the Wavedash's discovery, Brawl might have some purposely hidden exploit or something, and it might be uncovered. Who knows.


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2005
Chicagoland (NW Indiana)/Purdue West Lafayette
Dylan_Tnga said:
Once again, if you had read my posts you'd see that I don't put wavedashing on some high pedestal.
Dylan_Tnga said:

Do you see whats happening? Rolling IS wavedashing now. This is their response to a difficult technique we as a smash community created and perfected and intergrated into the metagame, nerfing it, and making it so someone who doesn't even know how to short hop could do it.
Dylan_Tnga said:
And to those that are so against WDing they don't even do it in melee, I think they're the ones that deserve pity. not enthusiasts like myself who do quite well in smash gatherings and tournaments. News flash, you guys aren't Aniki and you won't beat top calibur smashers without the WD in your game, sorry
And one more, just for kicks.
Dylan_Tnga said:
I'm just hoping that wavedashing will still be in the game, and that rolling won't be the new wavedashing, because that would suck heavily :(
The frowny face means he's sad.


Smash Cadet
Feb 25, 2007
why do people still talk about the possible removal of WDing? it's created by the ability to airdodge, slide, and that you crouch before jumping, it won't be removed.


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Toronto, Ontario
Dylan: How bout, "Who is concerend about the smash community going on a violent killing spree if Brawl sucks?"

My answer, not me, cause I'll be killing just as many people as all of you.

Crued as yer title is, it is too eye catching to change to something other that my choice.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada

And one more, just for kicks.

The frowny face means he's sad.
Heh, I've changed my opinions since then. Those were posted about 2 weeks ago when I was just messing around on these forums for kicks because I thought everyone here was a newbie and wanted to see if I could be banned.

After I met Sensai, Dizzy, Shai, Mario-man, Ikural, and many others I decided to take a less vulgar and more intelligent approach to my posting as I wanted to be a productive member of the community.

All the posts you pulled up are well over 2-3 weeks old, and I have already admitted that I was being a jerk and that I was being a little bit extreme about wavedashing, I've come a long way since then.

Good job pulling out those quotes though, I figured someone would. But if you'd read my posts in this thread and others from the past 2 weeks you would not see posts like the above, which I now regret.

That's just the thing, I admit I'm wrong about something, which is not something many people will do... and change my ideas around and make an effort to be a better poster, and I get my past posts (that I did own up to as being arrogant) thrown in my face again, and again.

Someone appologises for something, and then you throw it in their face and say ''HA HA!'' Really, really classy man. Get bent.

me said:
I'm just hoping that wavedashing will still be in the game, and that rolling won't be the new wavedashing, because that would suck heavily
Ok, but this post doesn't indicate I put wavedashing above other techs, and I have never EVER


said that wavedashing was more important than any of the other techs in the game. Good luck trying to dig up a quote of me saying I did, because I never posted any thing of the sort.

I have said that wavedashing is better than rolling though, but I don't consider spot dodging and rolling ''techs'' in the same sense as shffling and wavedashing.

me said:
And to those that are so against WDing they don't even do it in melee, I think they're the ones that deserve pity. not enthusiasts like myself who do quite well in smash gatherings and tournaments. News flash, you guys aren't Aniki and you won't beat top calibur smashers without the WD in your game, sorry
Once again, not putting wavedashing above other techniques in the game. I do find this post mean though, I regret how I worded it.

But the point of that post was to say that if you want to compete in smash you're better off using wavedashing, as only a select few can do well in tournaments without it.

I even mentioned Aniki, the godfather of not wavedashing very often...

So once again, bad quote to support your point..


Do you see whats happening? Rolling IS wavedashing now. This is their response to a difficult technique we as a smash community created and perfected and intergrated into the metagame, nerfing it, and making it so someone who doesn't even know how to short hop could do it.
Once again, one of my first posts (my post count was below 20 when I posted this) and once again, it reflect my mean spirited nature that for the for the billionth god**** time I APPOLOGISED FOR ALREADY.

I'm not going to hear the end of my seemingly inexcusable first couple of posts here, am I?

Throwing something I appologised for in my face is the most immature, disgusting thing ever, its like stabbing a newly healed wound.

But ONCE AGAIN! just because I don't want rolling to replace wavedashing, does not mean I place wavedashing on a pedastel above other, more useful techniques in this game.

So... in essence, none of the quotes you pulled out proved your point. All they did was rub in my face some mean posts that I said I was sorry for, and that's just low. Really, really, really low of you. Good job :)


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2007
Doggalina, seriously, the quotes that you posted don't hold any proof that Dylan does put WDing on a high pedestal. It simply states that he doesn't want it removed because it is a great help to his gaming skills. Don't post something that is against your own cause. (not that you could find such a post anyway, because there isn't one)


Smash Champion
Sep 18, 2005
Man, how long it take you to make post #816 dylan?
What if your computer shut down, right when you were clicking on "Submit new post"

That would suck heavily.
That's happened to me before.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
Man, how long it take you to make post #816 dylan?
What if your computer shut down, right when you were clicking on "Submit new post"

That would suck heavily.
That's happened to me before.
It took about 15 minutes, I type really, really, really fast.. I think its a combination of all my years on MSN and my piano playing.

Felt good though, those are some solid posts, I hope at least a few people read em.


Smash Lord
Aug 27, 2006
Ending your game.
When I see so much text put together in one post like yours, I lose the desire to learn from them and find it's meaning. That, or I'm a slow typer filled with envy.

We still on topic? Wooo go Brawl... I hope you can WOW me like Melee... or face the wrath of 40,000+ users and FireBomb.
*Waves a flag with SSB logo on one side and smiley-face Bomberman on the other*


Smash Master
Feb 20, 2006
Coquitlam (Vancouver), BC
No response but I meant to say "not liking the game". Okay, I don't really care about most of the things you say, I just don't like you. I find it funny how you're taking it so seriously and make these really long responses to random people's comments over the internet even though we're all pretty much just saying our own opinions.

"Arguing over the internet is like the special olympics; even if you win, you're still ********."


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
"Arguing over the internet is like the special olympics; even if you win, you're still ********."
Sure, but after ''who else is nervous about LIKING brawl'' as a suggested replacement for the title of this thread, you really can't decide who is, and isn't ********.

Yeah, I know you made a typo. And now I'm throwing it in your face. Feels good doesn't it? You made a mistake and you corrected it, much like I did in relation to my first few shameful posts, but hey I endlessly, endlessly get picked on for that, don't I?

Unlike you, I can let things go, I completly understand you made a typo. Happens to everyone, the above statement was just an example of what you and your minions would do to me if I ever DARED make a mistake.

And I don't care if you like me or not. I ****ing hate you. :)

The only reason you're not responding to my previous post, is because you don't HAVE a response. I called you out on being an elitist douche, and a hypocrite, and pretty much destroyed every point you thought you had, because you didn't carefully read this thread, and jumped to conclusions.

Owned. GG. K thx bye, no re.

I find it funny how you're taking it so seriously and make these really long responses to random people's comments over the internet even though we're all pretty much just saying our own opinions.
LOL you think I take this seriously? I was just really bored after supper and incase you haven't noticed, arguing on forums is one of my favorite time killers.

Last time I checked, things like calling people names are not opinions, but rather derogatory statements. Once again, you fail.

PLEASE Meta, stop embarassing yourself anyone with half a brain can see you've already lost this argument because your points are based off of ficticious constructs you pieced together in your mind after reading fractions of my posts and selectivly responding to them.

Shai Hulud

Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2006
No response but I meant to say "not liking the game". Okay, I don't really care about most of the things you say, I just don't like you. I find it funny how you're taking it so seriously and make these really long responses to random people's comments over the internet even though we're all pretty much just saying our own opinions.

"Arguing over the internet is like the special olympics; even if you win, you're still ********."
And I find it funny how people get into arguments online, then upon losing/giving up, claim that arguing online is stupid. Hmm.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
Haha right on. It's true Meta. YOU started this argument, not me. And now you're backing out and quote the same, crusty stale internet ''special olympics'' garbage that has been around for what... 5-6 years now? How original!

Once again, you are a huge hypocrite, more than anything. The only reason you won't respond to my last post is because I picked your argument apart, and pointed out where you were jumping to conclusions, and defended myself very acutly.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2006
I remember when this topic was actually okay...
*bonks everyone's heads together*
STOP FIGHTING! Don't even mention this argument any more because I know if one of you does, the other will just get mad again.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
I really enjoyed that argument, but I agree it's time to let it go.

Meta you don't really seem like a bad guy, so disagreements aside don't worry about me pestering you next time you post I'm not that kind of guy... not saying that I like you, I really don't but that won't stop me from respecting you as a member of these forums. :)

So back to the topic then, I want to discuss more of this focus on the air game... I'm still really puzzled, everyone left and right is posting stuff like

''Ground wont matter as much, Brawl is going to be more aerial based'' and the like, and I understand that sakurai said they were improving the aerial combat system..

But I think some people are taking this ''new aerial system'' and blowing it completly out of proportion, as if all smash matches are going to look like Jigglypuff vs Jigglypuff.

I think despite any improvements to the air game.. the ground game is going to be just as important.. the ground game always set up the air game for some characters, especially those with combo opportunity giving tilts like shiek and link..

I think that no matter how great the new aerial system is the ground is still going to be needed as much as ever for shielding, grabbing, smashing, tilts, and various mindgames. Remember : Nintendo doesn't understand HOW smash will be played, they know how the game will work but no one can predict how the meta game is going to evolve. So you can't assume just because of an improved aerial attack system that the ground game is going to become less important...



Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2006
I know I seriously have to work on my aerial game. I finally found someone who equaled my skills (I'm a casual player so I don't play many people, I'm not trying to brag or anything) and he completely pwn'd me with his G&W. Down Aing me into the air to follow with an N-air to d-air me to my death. Or up throwing me into the same thing. If I can get a Ken combo going (I'm a Marth user, but I started using the Ken combo before even hearing of it) I do okay, but I'm used to owning my friends in the air because they're very easy to combo. I hope with the improvements on aerial combat, I can improve my Marth game incase Pit doesn't work out (If only his range was longer. Maybe if it lets you use his bow without turning it into two blades).


Smash Apprentice
May 8, 2006
Kansas City, MO
Yeah i agree, ground game is very important. thier the lead to combos for many different characters. For example: roy ( probably just saying this because i play him but...). Hes a ground character thats for sure. his dtilt destroys fox and falcos and then you can follow with a chain grab, uair, l-c then Fsmash. Sorry i kinda went off topic. To tell the truth i have no idea how the new ariel movsets will work.

any else have any ideas?


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Toronto, Ontario
Dylan: In response to what you posted:

I believe the ground combat will play an equal role in Brawl, but it could potentially have more moves that set up for the air combos.

The air will not take over the battle, but it'll probably be much more in depth, alowing for more variety of skills to be utalized in mid flight.

This is all speculation remember, but I believe the ground combat will be relatively the same (till we find out more about the new dodges/ crawling ect), and the aerial game will play a larger role than it did in previous games.

Again, ground combo-ing to more moves that set up aerial for aerial combos ect.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
If I can get a Ken combo going (I'm a Marth user, but I started using the Ken combo before even hearing of it) I do okay, but I'm used to owning my friends in the air because they're very easy to combo.
By the sounds of it you friends don't DI very well, Ken combo is a hard one to get, heh I can get it consistantly vs CPUs but as soon as DI comes into play it's not a very easy combo at all.

I'm excited for this new air game... maybe we'll see some really NEAT air combos that go beyond nair fair uair dair and bair...


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2006
By the sounds of it you friends don't DI very well, Ken combo is a hard one to get, heh I can get it consistantly vs CPUs but as soon as DI comes into play it's not a very easy combo at all.

I'm excited for this new air game... maybe we'll see some really NEAT air combos that go beyond nair fair uair dair and bair...
Well, only two of my friends are near my level. One of them is pretty much equal to me. The one I mentioned in my last post is slightly better than me.


Smash Journeyman
May 19, 2006
You know, I was watching the 2nd trailer again (for like the 100th time lol) and I was trying to pay close attention to the new kind of "roll" or whatever it is. Maybe it was just me, but it didn't seem that fast as a whole. I mean yeah, the movement was quick, but in both cases, Metaknight and Pit took another split second to attack. Maybe Sakurai's just making the actual movement faster (but not the technique) and making some rolls like Mewtwo's from Melee? Or am I just going crazy from Brawl anticipation? Thoughts?


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
You know, I was watching the 2nd trailer again (for like the 100th time lol) and I was trying to pay close attention to the new kind of "roll" or whatever it is. Maybe it was just me, but it didn't seem that fast as a whole. I mean yeah, the movement was quick, but in both cases, Metaknight and Pit took another split second to attack. Maybe Sakurai's just making the actual movement faster (but not the technique) and making some rolls like Mewtwo's from Melee? Or am I just going crazy from Brawl anticipation? Thoughts?
GREAT point about mewtwo.. wow that is an AWESOME point...

Seriously, its the lag after the roll that matters, not the roll itself at all.. Mewtwos roll is really fast, but nowhere near as good as his wavedash, or even his teleport skillz.

So yeah a lot of people are taking the increased speed in the rolls and asuming rolls are faster, but like you said it all depends on how long it takes before you can attack out of a roll. Im assuming it wont be at all like wavedashing where you can attack instantly.
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