Oh god, they HAVE predicted us. 0.0.
And yes Ogre, since you play casual, Link is better than Fox, and Shiek rules the world. Although you should try playing more characters for secondaries. The game becomes MUCH more fun when you use more than one character. I see you started with Marth. I haven't read the Marth guide or seen to many Marth videos so I stink with Marth, but he does handle nicely, I hear the SHFFL forward air works well with him.
Oh, Ogre, I used to play Link for a little while, I can tell you that L-Cancel and SHFFL works WONDERS for Link, although Wavedash is almost near useless with him [I think his wavedash is 24th worst]. However, L-Cancel and SHFFL are a pain in the rear to learn, so if you play casual I would say no...
Hmm, you say you shieldgrab[easy adv tech anyways]. You can do more than that with your shield, you can jump out of it, AND up-B out of your shield. Of course, I think you have to mash up and then press B or something in order to do a grounded up-B out of shield. Your friends hit you, then bam, swordspin from the shield.

. Though it is kinda hard without you launching into midair so I would understand if you didn't do it.
Also, Ogre, come Brawl, I know you play casually, so why don't we have an items match, any course. I will use all the techs I know, but items nontheless, and maybe some FFAs

. With online, I would have so many opponents to fight that I would need some casually matches to have some variety.
Also, today's update is a decent item, makes things interesting, but still. Pitfall sucks, at least this is more interesting, right?