Very good tournament I'd have to say. Well run, plenty of setups, lots of open space, and LOTS of time for friendlies!
Major note: Someone left a black sweatshirt with a zipper front and a stick of deodorant in the pocket at the tournament venue. If someone claims it I can give it to them the next time I see them, or I can mail it.
Fastest: Great job in teams. I really think that there isn't a much better team than peach/falcon (except maybe a fox/fox but that doesn't count). Dunno what was up with going ganon though against 5150 in singles, but ehh, you've been outta the smash loop for a while. Think you underestimated a lot of people that have been working their ***** off, but it's okay, we still won teams, so you had a free tournament right?
Jazzy: Great matches man. I really couldn't believe how well my fox just randomly got out of sheer determination of not losing to you in my home town. Really was a great set of sets, and I hope I never have to worry that much in a set again! Rick is making me main fox now, by the way. Congrats on Second place.
Hayate: Man you were scary. That match on Onett was extremely nerve racking. You wisconsin smashers are getting too good! You get closer and closer every time, one of these days you'll finish the job. Good matches, and congrats on third.
KSSB: Wtf? you suck for not coming...
5150/Cherokee Warrior/Undefined/Magnum Opus/Dr Steve Brule/Lawl/etc: You really have come a long way from your bowser/roy playing days. If you just get a little more annoying with grabs and tech chasing instead of ending combos early with a downsmash you could be extremely dangerous. I'll admit you make me nervous at the beginning of every match until I get a two stock lead. Even then I still take you as serious as I can. Good stuff, congrats on 4th!
Mundungu: Thanks for hosting the tournament, and getting the room. You also are starting to get scary good with your fox. Stop playing ganon though.
Good stuff overall from you too, and congrats on 5th!
High Ace: I have no idea what happened to you against Jazz, but somethin was wrong. Wish I could've seen you go at it with you a little high
woulda been much closer. You definitely were off. Hopefully you improved throughout the rest of the day. GG's and thanks for comin
Janesville crew: WTF AT NOT STAYING FOR SINGLES! You guys suck! At least you came for teams though I guess. as usual it was nice to see you all.
Two-Stock: Nuff said
Good stuff in the crew battle. You could be a little more aggressive and quicker, but you did well.
CWolf a.k.a. Rising: You really are getting too good too fast. I know sometimes it can get frustrating to getting hit and beaten by certain things, but instead of getting angry, think to yourself why it's happening and either adopt the strategy, or try and stop doing whatever is getting you caught in it.
Quaz: You need to stop giving up on yourself and concentrate. If you're being caught by the same trick, figure out why instead of getting frustrated. Also, don't get angry if you can't combo especially if you don't practice! These people play and practice with or without people on keeping their tech skill up, and they do it with one MAYBE two characters. you can't play as falcon and expect to do nair, uair, uair, knee combos. Just keep at it and focus. Anger just makes you lose focus. I think me playing Jazz today was a perfect example. Instead of *****ing "This is over I lost" I focused, stayed calm, switched characters, and fixed my errors. Look what happened? If I stayed angry I would've lost my calm and just gotten beaten by a relaxed, calm, secure 2-0 lead of Jazzness. STAY FOCUSED!
Andrew: What happened to the sheik you were working at? It was definitely much better than your marth was today. I dunno when you switched, or maybe you just really like Marth or somethin, but yeah, didn't really get to play you today. Hope you had fun like you usually do
Good to see you as well.
FADE: You really don't have that bad of a marth, but running forward and wavedashing back over and over doesn't accomplish anything. It doesn't bait an attack, and it doesn't give you an approach. Use those aerials to create a wall, don't just back down. You have some pretty good potential, and definitely should've done much much better against me in those friendlies we played. Hope to see some improvement in you some day
Tongji: Only played you once this time. I would really like to show you some Mewtwo stuff because even though I don't main the guy, I think I could definitely show you some fun tricks and mind games that could help you out. You have a pretty good mewtwo, but it could definitely be better, and as someone who is determined to be a good mewtwo, I'd like to help it happen if I can
Anyone I missed: Sorry if I missed you. I think I covered at least everyone I played/knew. If I didnt' play you or didn't know your name, I probably didn't put you up here. I was happy with the tournament and had a really fun time, even with those crew battles we had. Hope everyone else had fun, and keep on improving wisconsin!