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Which will sell better: Halo 3 or SSBB?


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
They should make a 1st person shooter with Brawl characters in it...


Smash Lord
Aug 26, 2007
right here...at smashboards
When all of them agree on a game, then yeah, they're at least close to right.
No there's a flaw in that theory, gaming critics are bombarded by games. Therefore they tend to judge a game more on their initial fun factor rather than longevity. That's why games like pokemon pearl make less ratings than Viewtiful Joe. I own both games and while I enjoy both, VJ gets boring much faster than Pearl does because that game was built to lrather bring a rush, to bring a long drawn out enjoyment rate. Critics will play through the story of Halo and a little biyt of online and claim it's better because smash is built moe around it's multiplayer experience and longevity. Though Now smash has a better single player and fleeting mode that might give halo more competition.

red stone

Smash Ace
Apr 21, 2006
Nashville, Tennessee
i really hope that us advanced players will get a chance to show the world the underground circuit of competitive smash. that will definitely change many people's views on smash.

"what the deuce! smash is hard?!"


Smash Cadet
Aug 26, 2007
Long Island, NY
omg sid, so much to respond to lol, im gonna try to keep things short

the gun and vehicle concepts in halo come MAJORLY from ut.. it stands out more in halo2 in terms of weapons.., if u look at all of them, ull realize it

the 2 weapons thing isnt a valid point.. quake and ut are really the only games that arent like that, almost every other fps limits ur weapons,.. i guess u could say it adds strategy, but at a competitive level when it comes to being team focus'd rather than u running around alone like in a public server, it further invalidates the point usually

ut isnt too fast for console, it just has a higher learning curve, obviously in terms of aiming as well on console (the pc version also has a learning curve, unreal tournament is a hard game to get good at)

u are changing up what the phrase "overrated" means.. super smash is known to be a fun party fighting game, it actually revolutionized the concept, and as someone said.. its actually underrated because many dont know about the competitiveness, i only came back to smash in may (lol) because i had just then learned of the competitive scene and the depth of the game.. halo on the other hand, is disputed to be "THE ULTRA NUMBER ONE GAME IN THE WORLD, NO FPS COMES NEAR HALO, BUY AN XBOX FOR HALO THATS IT U DONT NEED ANYTHING ELSE" etc etc etc, dont get me wrong, halo isnt a bad game, but it isnt that special (including the fact that ive played almost every considerably good fps to date, i never have an issue saying that halo is overrated, the fact is it is, though it is an easy to play console fps, which can lead to some fun, its very repetitive)

when u have microsoft behind u the way halo does, its hard not to come off as "ultra super amazing", money can do anything in this world.. but realistically, like i said.. anywhere u go thats xbox related, u see halo.. people are bound to buy the game and try it. the fact is ive never seen a game with as much advertising all around as halo, microsoft trains them to know nothing but halo.. like the link i posted earlier its completely true, years back.. other fps on xbox got zero recognition because everything was halo (despite them surely getting ratings above 9 all around).. GOW was popular because it was the first true nextgen fps using the unreal 3 engine, and halo was old so it was actually allowed by microsoft to get spotlight.. with that said, halo would receive sales weather it was "AMAZING" or not, great isnt it?.. to this day, the half life pc community has more players than all of xbox live combined, im sure if it had marketing like halo, people would be playing more pc shooters(although it can be argued that a console is cheaper or more accessible)

being a person thats played cs on a high competitive level, if i were to try to get on that level on halo, it would be exceptionally easy.. it has little emphasis on aim, and more on 'strategy', so it would come down to knowing the game and knowing how to play smart, but in reality cs still has more strategy so it would be easy for me in that respect.. the reason i havent already done it is because i cant stand all the 10 year olds and theres nothing i really want on xbox, im not buying an xbox for halo (i have 2 friends with xbox 360s who both have halo2 and xbox live, we used to play it all the time, then it got old(we also have computers, if we honestly want an fps, we have better options))

ps.. have u ever looked back on some older games that u considered to be GREAT and lots of fun, then look at the ratings it got and see it received a 5/10? or get a game rated a 8/10 and think it should of been rated a 2/10? it happens all the time, ratings are the "set in concrete game rating"


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Are you saying Halo competition is easy?

I know someone of competitive level...I have never lost to anyone before but I only got half as much kills as they did so you can't say Halo is easy


Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2007
Who is easier,ssbb or old school fighting games (like street fighter).

If brawl was in t.v., and people saw how they hit and how quick is the game, the surely will buy it...

Hopeless, in this world, money can do all

red stone

Smash Ace
Apr 21, 2006
Nashville, Tennessee
yes i also agree that game critics sometimes rate the game based on popularity. you know, like give it a few extra points here and there. plus, they could be paid off to give the game better reviews.


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
will388, how do you have the spare time to write a huge rant but not enough time to put in good spelling and grammar (primarily capitalization) to make it so people actually want to read it all?


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2007
will388, how do you have the spare time to write a huge rant but not enough time to put in good spelling and grammar (primarily capitalization) to make it so people actually want to read it all?



Smash Master
May 14, 2007
Sacramento, CA
omg sid, so much to respond to lol, im gonna try to keep things short

the gun and vehicle concepts in halo come MAJORLY from ut.. it stands out more in halo2 in terms of weapons.., if u look at all of them, ull realize it

the 2 weapons thing isnt a valid point.. quake and ut are really the only games that arent like that, almost every other fps limits ur weapons,.. i guess u could say it adds strategy, but at a competitive level when it comes to being team focus'd rather than u running around alone like in a public server, it further invalidates the point usually

ut isnt too fast for console, it just has a higher learning curve, obviously in terms of aiming as well on console (the pc version also has a learning curve, unreal tournament is a hard game to get good at)

u are changing up what the phrase "overrated" means.. super smash is known to be a fun party fighting game, it actually revolutionized the concept, and as someone said.. its actually underrated because many dont know about the competitiveness, i only came back to smash in may (lol) because i had just then learned of the competitive scene and the depth of the game.. halo on the other hand, is disputed to be "THE ULTRA NUMBER ONE GAME IN THE WORLD, NO FPS COMES NEAR HALO, BUY AN XBOX FOR HALO THATS IT U DONT NEED ANYTHING ELSE" etc etc etc, dont get me wrong, halo isnt a bad game, but it isnt that special (including the fact that ive played almost every considerably good fps to date, i never have an issue saying that halo is overrated, the fact is it is, though it is an easy to play console fps, which can lead to some fun, its very repetitive)

when u have microsoft behind u the way halo does, its hard not to come off as "ultra super amazing", money can do anything in this world.. but realistically, like i said.. anywhere u go thats xbox related, u see halo.. people are bound to buy the game and try it. the fact is ive never seen a game with as much advertising all around as halo, microsoft trains them to know nothing but halo.. like the link i posted earlier its completely true, years back.. other fps on xbox got zero recognition because everything was halo (despite them surely getting ratings above 9 all around).. GOW was popular because it was the first true nextgen fps using the unreal 3 engine, and halo was old so it was actually allowed by microsoft to get spotlight.. with that said, halo would receive sales weather it was "AMAZING" or not, great isnt it?.. to this day, the half life pc community has more players than all of xbox live combined, im sure if it had marketing like halo, people would be playing more pc shooters(although it can be argued that a console is cheaper or more accessible)

being a person thats played cs on a high competitive level, if i were to try to get on that level on halo, it would be exceptionally easy.. it has little emphasis on aim, and more on 'strategy', so it would come down to knowing the game and knowing how to play smart, but in reality cs still has more strategy so it would be easy for me in that respect.. the reason i havent already done it is because i cant stand all the 10 year olds and theres nothing i really want on xbox, im not buying an xbox for halo (i have 2 friends with xbox 360s who both have halo2 and xbox live, we used to play it all the time, then it got old(we also have computers, if we honestly want an fps, we have better options))

ps.. have u ever looked back on some older games that u considered to be GREAT and lots of fun, then look at the ratings it got and see it received a 5/10? or get a game rated a 8/10 and think it should of been rated a 2/10? it happens all the time, ratings are the "set in concrete game rating"

Seriously dude, that was hard to read. You really should use better capitalization and grammar, it would be much appreciate.

Anyway, you say that it's easier because it focuses less on aim and more on knowing how to play smart. But I ask you, is Smash not the same thing? Is it not about playing smart? Using the level to your advantage? Using the right weapon (attack) in the right situation? Predicting what your opponent will do? Mindgaming them into a spot you want them in? It's all very similar. Yet you would not say that Smash is easy, would you?

Now, if you're saying that CS is harder/better for competitive play, I won't argue. I haven't played it much but I see that it could be true. But UT? No, I don't think so. I think they may be at the same level, but not higher.

And vehicles, again I haven't played UT extensively but I've never seen or heard of a vehicle that controls like a Warthog.

Also, faster shooters like UT don't work well on consoles, almost everyone agrees. You can't aim fast enough to keep up with how fast people move, plain and simple.

Have you not ever gotten enjoyment out of a game you knew was bad? If there's nothing better at the time, of course it'll seem great. Does that mean it is? No. I'll admit that most reviewers suck, but I say with confidence that Gamespot is close 90% of the time. Plus, like I said before, when all reviewers agree a game is good, it's definitely at least close to good. They don't all **** up so badly at the same time.

About the two weapons thing, I don't think you're right. If you can name me 3 shooters from before Halo that were good, and limited your weapons by so little, than I'll give you that point. But it is very hard to be original in FPS's these days anyway, since most everything has been done before.

I gotta say, It sounds like you just have a problem with Microsoft. It sounds like you don't like them for some reason, and by extension you are a little bitter towards Halo because it overshadows games you think are better. I can understand this, but I don't think it's fair to Halo. Especially since the first game had VERY little advertising, but It still became wildly popular between players and reviewers, further proving that Halo is great without great marketing to back it up.

To sum it up, I understand where you're coming from. I just think you've judged Halo to quickly. Talk to some Halo pro's, see what they have to say about Halo and it's competitiveness compared to other shooters. It might be enlightening, if you can find one that isn't a fanboy. And yes, I'm sure there are some.


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2005
They're paid to play to the market. They all have to give it a good review if it sells well, and it sells well if they all give it a good review. Every game critic I've seen is either extremely biased or has no idea what they're talking about.
Yes, it's all a conspiracy! What about games that are critical successes but commercial failures, or games that are popular regardless of how poorly received they are by critics?

the gun and vehicle concepts in halo come MAJORLY from ut.. it stands out more in halo2 in terms of weapons.., if u look at all of them, ull realize it
Do you have any support for this claim?

the 2 weapons thing isnt a valid point.. quake and ut are really the only games that arent like that, almost every other fps limits ur weapons
Do you have any support for this claim too? Name a few notable pre-Halo games that limit the amount of weapons a player can carry like Halo does.

I don't have much to say about your other points though. People just have different tastes in games, and Microsoft is certainly going overboard with Halo advertising..

ps.. have u ever looked back on some older games that u considered to be GREAT and lots of fun, then look at the ratings it got and see it received a 5/10? or get a game rated a 8/10 and think it should of been rated a 2/10? it happens all the time, ratings are the "set in concrete game rating"
Ratings are supposed to be a rough estimate to assist people in deciding what games to try out. I'm sure many of us have games we like more than critics did, or game we liked less than critics did. A few of my favorite games weren't that well-received by critics, and I can see why they wouldn't like the game that much, but I still like them. Still, I usually agree with the reviewers.


Smash Cadet
May 16, 2007
Do you have any support for this claim too? Name a few notable pre-Halo games that limit the amount of weapons a player can carry like Halo does.

3 Games:

Counter Strike :p (or other Half Life mods like Day of Defeat .......)
Operation Flashpoint
Rainbow Six Series (Rogue Spear)

other world war games (i think Medal of Honor)
Tactical Ops (famous Unreal Mod)
Rise of the Triad (released 1994 -> i think the oldest game with the feature)

edit: OMG i forgot Golden Eye :)

back to the topic:
i think halo well have a higher inital Sale, but brawl well sell them out later


Smash Master
May 14, 2007
Sacramento, CA
Mods don't count. CS and Rainbow Six are a totally different type of shooter than Halo and UT, so that's invalid. Other world war games? Specific games please, before 2001. Rise of the Triad? WTF is that? Same wiht Operation Flashpoint, we said notable games.

Golden Eye? I thought you could carry more than two weapons, but I might be remembering wrong.

red stone

Smash Ace
Apr 21, 2006
Nashville, Tennessee
Mods don't count. CS and Rainbow Six are a totally different type of shooter than Halo and UT, so that's invalid. Other world war games? Specific games please, before 2001. Rise of the Triad? WTF is that? Same wiht Operation Flashpoint, we said notable games.

Golden Eye? I thought you could carry more than two weapons, but I might be remembering wrong.

yeah i think i remember carrying a lot of weapons with goldeneye. the scrolling through weapons to use got on my nerves


Smash Apprentice
Sep 3, 2007
Madison Heights, MI
Halo3 will probably sell more...

My favorite shooters... Shooter = Games where you shoot stuff with guns.. n00b..
1. Halo123
2. Goldeneye
3. Perfect Dark
4. CS
5. Any Medal of Honor
6. UT
7. Sadly haven't played Gears of War yet..
8. Sadly haven't played Bioshock
9. Half-Life
10. Your mother and me...

red stone

Smash Ace
Apr 21, 2006
Nashville, Tennessee
Halo3 will probably sell more...

My favorite shooters... Shooter = Games where you shoot stuff with guns.. n00b..
1. Halo123
2. Goldeneye
3. Perfect Dark
4. CS
5. Any Medal of Honor
6. UT
7. Sadly haven't played Gears of War yet..
8. Sadly haven't played Bioshock
9. Half-Life
10. Your mother and me...
you should check out call of duty and battlefield. also gears of war is not your average normal shooter. it's different. your skills with other shooters will not transfer well to this game


Smash Master
May 14, 2007
Sacramento, CA
Fair enough Drift. See how he says he doesn't like it, but doesn't call it a horrible game? That's how we do it right.

Anyway, I still say that unless Brawl has online, Halo 3 will probably win. If Brawl has online, it'll probably win. World wide of course, NA is 95% likely to be Halo.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Worldwide Brawl wins, since its so popular in japan, america and the rest, japan dont like FPS that much, but here in america I believe halo 3 will dominate, namely for its exagerated hype...


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2005
3 Games:

Counter Strike :p (or other Half Life mods like Day of Defeat .......)
Operation Flashpoint
Rainbow Six Series (Rogue Spear)

other world war games (i think Medal of Honor)
Tactical Ops (famous Unreal Mod)
Rise of the Triad (released 1994 -> i think the oldest game with the feature)

edit: OMG i forgot Golden Eye :)
Touche. Still, most of those are military shooters (besides GoldenEye, but you seem to be mistaken on that game).

Regardless, it's not so much that Halo did anything new, but that Bungie incorperated a variety of gameplay elements very well, at least in my opinion. A health/shield system, limited weapon selection, seamless integeration of vehicles, a focused set of weapons that are unique and with clear roles, advantages, and disadvantages (too bad Bungie screwed up this aspect big time in Halo 2), a great triple-balance between weapons, grenades, and melee attacks (Bungie screwed this up in Halo 2 too), great AI, solid controls, level design and balance that allow for limitless approaches to each battle, and solid multiplayer. I'm certain most if not all of these aspect have been done before and done well, but I doubt there are many that have integrated so many elements together so solidly.


Smash Master
May 14, 2007
Sacramento, CA
Touche. Still, most of those are military shooters (besides GoldenEye, but you seem to be mistaken on that game).

Regardless, it's not so much that Halo did anything new, but that Bungie incorperated a variety of gameplay elements very well, at least in my opinion. A health/shield system, limited weapon selection, seamless integeration of vehicles, a focused set of weapons that are unique and with clear roles, advantages, and disadvantages (too bad Bungie screwed up this aspect big time in Halo 2), a great triple-balance between weapons, grenades, and melee attacks (Bungie screwed this up in Halo 2 too), great AI, solid controls, level design and balance that allow for limitless approaches to each battle, and solid multiplayer. I'm certain most if not all of these aspect have been done before and done well, but I doubt there are many that have integrated so many elements together so solidly.
Well that's the best explanation of what I've been trying to say ever. GG.

The weird thing about Halo 1 is that the weapons were overpowerd, but they all were, so it was a wierd kind of balance. They did mess this up in Halo 2 a bit, and the random grenade/melee deaths are annoying as well. This is why I have high hopes for Halo 3, because they should have ha enough experience to do it near perfect this time around.


Smash Cadet
Jun 25, 2006
I feel the need to come in and clarify some things from the perspective of someone who is BOTH a HALO fanboy AND a SMASH fanboy.

Halo, as a series, took some of the basic rules from FPS and tossed them out the window. No longer do you need to scour for a health pack to continue, you merely need to keep from harm for a certian ammount of time before you continue.

I can't tell you how often playing Doom or other shooters I would find myself weakened to almost no life, and just wanting to throw my controller through a window because I knew I couldn't kill the cyberdemon on such low life, and i would need to redo everything over again just to get to that point.

Halo changed that. It removed the frustruating necessity that was scrounging health packs. Since halo came out, practically every shooter has some form or function of regenerating life. That concept renovated FPSing as we know it today. Couple this revolutionary concept with primitive game balance via the pistol, and you have a balanced shooter with some of the more frustrating parts removed.

Those of you who complain about a lack of variety or originality in weapons show the colors of a more causal gamer. (Casual gamers, from my experience, love games with a ton of weapons because it gives them more toys to play with, balance be ****ed) A game doesn't NEED a ton of different guns to make gameplay good. In fact, the opposite is true. Gears of War is and has been hailed as the "Halo Killer" and it has even less weapons than halo 1, and surprise surprise, it also has incredible sales.

Also, saying halo 3 is a "copy and paste" of halo 2 is showing some level of ignorance to the subject. Halo 3 has gone to new levels and is redefining how gaming is done. It includes an in-game map editor, allowing endless customization. Did i mention that the map editing goes on IN GAME? as in, it isn't menus and a mouse, but you accutally are playing the game as you edit the map.

In addition to the map editor, ANY GAME you play can be saved to review at a later date, in slow motion, from any angle, any player's perspective. This also takes up little to no space, because it saves the game as game data then re-renders the game, saving valuable disk space and allowing the storage of practically unlimited videos.

On top of all these features, they are also giving a conclusion to a storyline that has been underway since halo 1's release, with, according to leaked videos, at least 30 single player 'skulls' (easter eggs that can impact single player in interesting ways)

Mark this posters words, Halo 3 is a benchmark for FPSes and videogames in general.

Now that said, Anyone who owned a GC owned melee, and I can't say for sure that will be the case with brawl. When targeting a wider audience, they draw in more types of people, and not everyone likes the way smash plays. That said, its sales will still be mammoth, and because of overseas sales, I would say that its anyones game.

arteen said:
Regardless, it's not so much that Halo did anything new, but that Bungie incorperated a variety of gameplay elements very well, at least in my opinion. A health/shield system, limited weapon selection, seamless integeration of vehicles, a focused set of weapons that are unique and with clear roles, advantages, and disadvantages (too bad Bungie screwed up this aspect big time in Halo 2), a great triple-balance between weapons, grenades, and melee attacks (Bungie screwed this up in Halo 2 too), great AI, solid controls, level design and balance that allow for limitless approaches to each battle, and solid multiplayer. I'm certain most if not all of these aspect have been done before and done well, but I doubt there are many that have integrated so many elements together so solidly.
Well said, that covers why the gameplay is so revered.

Something else to consider, Halo 3 is such a popular game, that it is being discussed in a forum for AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT GAME TYPE. This speaks volumes about it, considering a post like "Would Smash Brothers Brawl outsell Halo 3?" wouldn't even appear on Bungies forums.


Smash Cadet
Aug 6, 2007
Halo 3 is one of the most anticipated games this year, so of course a large mass of people will buy the game on release heck most of them already reserved it already.

Super Smash Bros Brawl. Sorry to say not many people really know they actually making one making one, but since melee was so popular when the word gets out i pretty sure many wii owners will buy and since their are more Wiis the 360s more of brawl will be purchased and on top of that Japan are huge fans of this game.

I'm going with Smash on this overall


Smash Journeyman
Dec 13, 2006
Like the title says, which do you think will sell better.

But here's the twist:

Which do you think will be sold to more real gamers and not just the Halo fanboys who don't play any other videogame than Halo?
Your post sucks. Your question, is pretty much rhetorical.

Halo WILL sell more. And thats because they have perfected and kept fans hyped from the day it was announced. SSBB fans had almost nothing from November to June.

Whilst Halo fans were getting weekly updates.

To the point - I love Halo, it's a brilliant game, but I also love SSBM, it is also a brilliant game.

I'm just not stupid enough to make a silly post asking which game will sell more, and then go ahead and call Halo 'fanboys' not real gamers.

I doubt you've even played the game properly. Probably gave it a little try out in Virgin Megastore for about 5 minutes and that was it.

Halo WILL sell more. End of.


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2007
Halo3 will probably sell more...

My favorite shooters... Shooter = Games where you shoot stuff with guns.. n00b..
1. Halo123
2. Goldeneye
3. Perfect Dark
4. CS
5. Any Medal of Honor
6. UT
7. Sadly haven't played Gears of War yet..
8. Sadly haven't played Bioshock
9. Half-Life
10. Your mother and me...


Smash Ace
Aug 15, 2007
Actually dude, Metroid Prime is classified by Nintendo as a Third Person Adventure game, not a shooter. You sir, fail.
Yeah, Metroid Prime's strict 3rd person gameplay has always been great.

red stone

Smash Ace
Apr 21, 2006
Nashville, Tennessee
halo is the poster child of xbox.

smash is not the main face of nintendo. seriously, you would be surprised at the amount of people who don't know what smash is but own a cube. poor, poor souls


Smash Apprentice
Aug 16, 2007
I agree with Venom, and the others who said the same thing. Halo 3 in NA, brawl worldwide.
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