I once crapped in a public park
~When I was maybe 10 or so there was something that came out for the Gameboy (Advance, I think) that you plug into the top and it shines a light down onto the screen. I wanted it so badly, and my mother got me it. I tried it right away and my joy turned into anger/disdain when I realized using this took away a good chunk of battery life despite me putting in fresh batteries. I just put it on the table and said how much I hated it. Haven't seen it since that day, and I still have never apologized to my mother for that and I feel absolutely horrible about it. And on this note:
~I don't appreciate my mother nearly enough as she deserves because I'm afraid to show it to her how thankful I am for her ;_; <3 Mom
>.> That last one wasn't exactly planned, but posting that thing about the gameboy light made me feel bad.
mattdotzeb you go tell your mother that you love her right now mister. T_T
Thats what tiger said. Hey oh!
Hey Peeze is back!
I once stole pokemon cards from a retarted friend of mine.
oh wow
Anyways. A girl five years younger than me kicked me in the nuts, so I kicked her hard in the chest. I felt extremely awful after I did it, but she was a total ***** half the time and a total shy nice person the other half of the time... aka reminded me of myself way too much. So when she kicked me in the nuts I just turned and planted my foot sideways on her chest and she fell down and I stared at her, felt terrible, and walked away.
I've never cheated but I have been with someone who was in a relationship and so it was cheating for them.
My Dad told me not to take the car, and then I took it on a four hour drive to Atlanta for the weekend, and got in a car accident on the way back and had to call him up and tell him. That was ****ty.
Those are the bad things that I've done that I feel terrible about to this day. There are other things I've done that are worse and awful but I don't feel bad about them in context, as I'm sure everyone has those moments. But I feel crappy about those three.