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***What's going on with Smashbros.com?***

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Smash Journeyman
May 26, 2007
Well i know that there aint gonna be 50 i was exaggerating a bit there but i was hoping that there is at least about 35 characters in this one and still with that thats a little less than 105 days worth of info and anyway they are working much harder on this arnt they and this is going to be in development longer than melee isnt it?
I must point out that it is difficult to read a post without commas or apt punctuation. :dizzy:

At least 35 is a bit low, even if they are going to avoid cloning altogether. If they added 9 brand-new characters for Melee I'm expecting - say - 11 or 12 new Smash Siblings for Brawl, giving us a tally of 35+. But bear in mind that some from Melee will probably make a no-show, clones or not...

Also, once again, Brawl has been in actual development since Q4 2005 (with Sakurai being aware of his place at the helm since May of that year) so I can't see more than 36-40 characters with no cloning, and even that is expecting too much...

"But remember they are getting rid of clones this time around"

Got official source for that? I'm not trying to come off as sarcastic but I need to be sceptical to avoid false expectations.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Well i don't know where but i remember sakurai saying something like that.
And im to busy spell checking to get any punctuation in -.-


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2006
Lancaster, PA
I'm almost offended that they couldn't feed us all four specials at once. Almost. But, I'm glad that they didn't waste a day of updating with "lol classik moed is retunring lolz".

His arrows do look neat, and his recovery move is huge. He already gets Kirby-esque double jumping, and now free flight as a triple jump? Oi, Pit is going to redefine recovery. -_- He'll probably be light as all hell, though.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2007
Somewhere on the ast Coast
Myself said:
so the update schedule is more than likely
Mon -Special moves, newcomers only?
Tue - gameplay stuff
Wed- Two smash Veterans
Thurs- One Item
Fri - One Smash Newcomer

I'd rather they do what they did last week for Tuesday, after all you don't need to know every single move before the games release. Besides, gameplay info means we could find out what moderated speed actually means, or some other tidbits on how the game will actually be played differently than Melee. That's more important imo


Smash Ace
Sep 7, 2006
Sorry for joining in late on this one, but am I to understand that this site's blog is being updated daily with new information? And these updates happen at a specific time?


PS: I just read an article I saw on Digg featuring new information about Wii titles. It can be found here: http://digg.com/nintendo_wii/Mario_Kart_Wii_Zelda_Wii

Anyway, the guy who wrote it briefly mentions [playing] Brawl, and states they revealed a new character. Before I get showered with a plethora of rumors, does anyone know of a new, semi-confirmed character that would pertain to the Pre-E3 show this guy went to? Thanks a bunch, smashers.



Smash Ace
Sep 7, 2006
Aw, lame. Who proved it fake?

Also, "am I to understand that this site's blog is being updated daily with new information? And these updates happen at a specific time?"




Smash Journeyman
Mar 2, 2007
Near Philly
Well i don't know where but i remember sakurai saying something like that.
I don't recall Sakurai saying anything of the sort. I remember random bloggers with uncofirmed information saying it, but not Sakurai.

Sorry for joining in late on this one, but am I to understand that this site's blog is being updated daily with new information? And these updates happen at a specific time?

It has daily weekday updates. It's not updated at a specific time but rather a range of times. The updates have all happened between 3:50 and 5:30 pm Japan time. Check google to see what times that is in your region.


Smash Apprentice
May 15, 2007
Ontario, Canada
I must point out that it is difficult to read a post without commas or apt punctuation.

At least 35 is a bit low, even if they are going to avoid cloning altogether. If they added 9 brand-new characters for Melee I'm expecting - say - 11 or 12 new Smash Siblings for Brawl, giving us a tally of 35+. But bear in mind that some from Melee will probably make a no-show, clones or not...

Also, once again, Brawl has been in actual development since Q4 2005 (with Sakurai being aware of his place at the helm since May of that year) so I can't see more than 36-40 characters with no cloning, and even that is expecting too much...
Hmm, I do agree 50 chars is pushing it but, I am inclined to think there will be 40+. Sure this game has only been in developement for about 2 years, but remember:

-Same engine as Melee, less work programming
-Many characters returning, the only work that really has to be done to them is graphical and minor tweaking
-They can use Melee as a basis or template to work off of, it's not brand new or 'from scratch'
-It's their 3rd time around making it, they got the skillz form SSB and SSBM
-They will take however long is needed to complete the game

So that's my rationale. I really think that they have more time to work on chars instead of graphics and programming. It's like renovating a really nice house... The core structure is there, all they have to do is add more to it.


Smash Ace
Sep 7, 2006
Hmm, I do agree 50 chars is pushing it but, I am inclined to think there will be 40+. Sure this game has only been in developement for about 2 years, but remember:

-Same engine as Melee, less work programming
-Many characters returning, the only work that really has to be done to them is graphical and minor tweaking
-They can use Melee as a basis or template to work off of, it's not brand new or 'from scratch'
-It's their 3rd time around making it, they got the skillz form SSB and SSBM
-They will take however long is needed to complete the game

So that's my rationale. I really think that they have more time to work on chars instead of graphics and programming. It's like renovating a really nice house... The core structure is there, all they have to do is add more to it.

First off, we don't really know if they used the same engine as Melee. I mean, graphically, it might just be tweaking to boost the performance of the Wii, but there's a chance that they did a lot more programming for the gameplay engine. I mean, they pretty much re-wrote it when converting from SSB to Melee. As far as them having the skills from SSBM, well, that's only part true. Most of the staff making Brawl is new to making any Smash Bros game, so they'll have to learn the ins and outs of it, to begin with. But either way, I'm expecting around 35 characters. It probably doesn't take a great deal to think up a character, and even design the moves. But when you think about all the animation they have the deal with, not to mention balancing the characters (which has to be the longest process in making the game), 35-40 characters might not be a stretch.



Smash Journeyman
May 26, 2007
Good points Solid.

Speaking of rumours, is anyone aware whether that fact-sheet post by the blogger "Nintendrone" has been thoroughly, partially, or not discredited?


It definetely seems a bit too big, detailed and good to be true, but I just don't want to speculate on my own.

July 11th reeeeeally can't come soon enough.


"Most of the staff making Brawl is new to making any Smash Bros game, so they'll have to learn the ins and outs of it, to begin with."

Point. But what really interests me is just how many are in "The Studio" (Sakurai has not named the dev team) in comparison with the Melee team. Moar manhours doesn't neccesarily equal moar content but we might be able to get a gist (which is what we can only due for amusement considering we have to wait... 44 gosh-darn days for Ninty's E3 keynote.)


Smash Apprentice
May 15, 2007
Ontario, Canada
First off, we don't really know if they used the same engine as Melee. I mean, graphically, it might just be tweaking to boost the performance of the Wii, but there's a chance that they did a lot more programming for the gameplay engine.

On the Brawl site pre-update Sakurai said in his blog "we have Melee to build from", and if you ask someone with a keen eye, they could tell you that the physics / animations we're seeing in Brawl are just about exactly the same as the ones from Melee. Since Brawl is so similar in that respect to Melee so far, I doubt they would start all over again when they can just use what they had. Aslo, there are many competitions for Smash, and people like the physics / gameplay just fine. If they were going to rework eeeeverything there would be some flaws, just as in UT to UT03, Counterstrike to Counterstrike Source, Warcraft 2 to Warcraft 3 etc... this is ESPECIALLY true if there is a new developement team. A brand new approach - while made as similar as possible - will still end up different, and people don't usually like that unless the previous version really did need improvement (which could be depated about Warcraft2/3 but w/e, I'm trying to make a point...)

I mean, they pretty much re-wrote it when converting from SSB to Melee

Yes, but that's becasue Melee required almost total re-working to add better physics, graphics, and techs. Melee was tweaked and it works pretty much flawlessly. I can't see them having such a great need to add more to the engine than there already is.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Kansas City, Missouri
Meh, who knows. It could be fake as hell. It doesn't really matter too much for me, as long as Ganondorf is in, and he's not a Falcon clone. And as long as Link has a little bit of speed.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
I wonder if Pit still has multiple jumps. He isn't the first multi-jumper with an up that can be used as a recovery, see Kirby. I also doubt his up B will do damage, but if could be possible it has a DJH like Marth or Roy's up b.

Lemon Drop

Smash Lord
May 16, 2006
Seems like Nintendo is dragging the site along with minimum amount of info...

Wonder when they will actually add another character


Smash Journeyman
May 19, 2006
If Sakurai deems it fit to update with two measly attacks, one of which we already knew about from the post DIRECTLY PRECEDING IT, and the other being unimportant at this point, then I wouldn't count on anything.

Seriously, half of today's information was just regurgitation. This had better be because of the holiday, I was really surprised myself at this update.

Although it is kind of like the character trophies in Melee, where the Adventure trophy listed two b-moves, and the all-star trophy listed the other two...


Smash Journeyman
May 26, 2007
*July* 11th it is, unfortunately. If the seattle Summit was for the Blue Ocean crowd (for an explanation of that term: seriously, you MUST go find Sean Malstrom's INCREDIBLE articles at thewiikly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) then E3 will be for maniacs like us.


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2006
Lancaster, PA
Although it is kind of like the character trophies in Melee, where the Adventure trophy listed two b-moves, and the all-star trophy listed the other two...
That's a good point, I didn't see it like that.

I'm kind of disappointed, not really with the update, but the actual content. If they would've shown something more unpredictable it would've been way more interesting.

On another note though, I'm enlightened because I was afraid all we were going to see was a tiny blurb per character. I'm glad they're going the extra length to show us each special move, it may seem insignifcant now, but that'll add up to a lot of information and cut down on a lot of speculation.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
I bet they'll talk about something random again, most likely something we knew for the past 6 months.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Lol I Had the weirdest dream:

I remember checking the site and there was a new update: "We thought in keepin the wavedash, since many have already got used to it, but sinces its a type of glitch, we decided to remove it by adding crawl ability" I remember I was uber upset... :p

Anyway Im hoping we get more news than just Dwn and side B moves, I really want to know what they are, but prefer more music, stages, or a newcomer even if its one of the guys we already know...

Lemon Drop

Smash Lord
May 16, 2006
So June 11th is E3? That sounds pretty sweet, though I wish they update the site 2-3 things a day besides just one


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2006
Lol I Had the weirdest dream:

I remember checking the site and there was a new update: "We thought in keepin the wavedash, since many have already got used to it, but sinces its a type of glitch, we decided to remove it by adding crawl ability" I remember I was uber upset... :p
Some people dwell on things just way too much, I guess. :ohwell:


Smash Lord
Jun 3, 2006
New Jersey, USA
Lol I Had the weirdest dream:

I remember checking the site and there was a new update: "We thought in keepin the wavedash, since many have already got used to it, but sinces its a type of glitch, we decided to remove it by adding crawl ability" I remember I was uber upset... :p

Anyway Im hoping we get more news than just Dwn and side B moves, I really want to know what they are, but prefer more music, stages, or a newcomer even if its one of the guys we already know...
You make it sound like wavedash was an official move that was intentionally put there.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Humm. . .So it seems that we get 4 pics every up date (Goomy Bomb had 4, Character profiles have 4, attacks are aimed to have 4).

I like how he set it up. This way we can see the start and finish/ process of the attacks with the use of 4 pictures.

I wonder if Pitt sill has 3 reg jumps.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 28, 2006
I also wonder about Pit's jump. The pics don't really illistrate the move...

Pits arrows seem like Zelda's Din's Fire move (without the explosion?), and what are the chances of Zelda getting a light bow if pit has one already?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 23, 2007
Tomorrow I'm hoping for a new stage, or maybe even re-revealing Kirby and Pikachu. And I'm always hoping for new characters.


Smash Apprentice
May 20, 2006
Grass Valley, California
well at least we know kirby will have light arrows when he sucks up pit!
Good point! I'd love to see Kirby's hat for that one. I imagine it would be Pit's hair style with the laurel crown; maybe some little angel wings XD

Hahaha! That's so pitifully cute, it's funny.

*crosses fingers at hopes the update is at midnight PST tonight instead of 1:15am or 1:30am*

EDIT: Nope, no update. Sad sad Jigglypuff. Maybe we'll get something before 1:30 then.


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2006
Lancaster, PA
I did this piece a while ago, which is what sparked my whole current fanart project:


I chose to use just Pit's hairstyle to stick with the hat theme - after all, wings aren't a hat. However, following the pattern of some of Kirby's hats taking designs from his previous games (Link, Ness), he may very well get wings and possibly a halo, to mock his cupid ability in more recent games.

Only time will tell. :D

Edit: For some reason that link comes up as broken. Just refresh it and it should load - it does for me.
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