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What motivates you to play smash?


Smash Master
Apr 12, 2008
Göteborg, Sweden
This is mainly directed towards the most competitive players that strive to reach the top. Or even if you just have been in the past, write about what drove you then.
Obviously smash is a very demanding game that require lots of skills, what motivates you to put all of that time, energy and money (for traveling) for such an odd interest?

This is for a school project. Thanks in advance.

Metal Reeper

Smash Champion
Oct 20, 2006
Abington PA
I think a lot of it comes down to the community. If this community sucked and wasn't friendly (good player fund, housing people, lending money, buying people food.) then there wouldn't be a reason to travel or play.

Also, to be the best, regional respect, etc.


Smash Master
Oct 30, 2006
London , Silver Street
i kept stopping and coming back i didnt know i was sure almost everytime i didnt like playing the game
but metal reeper is right it is alot of the community which decides that + since mostly most of my friends are though this game so for me its a cut from my social life lol


Smash Ace
May 19, 2010
St. Louis and Rolla, MO
I've just always been a very competitive person in my childhood. First it was mortal kombat, then Killer instinct gold, and now its smash. After I finally came to college a couple years ago, I finally discovered people that played smash BETTER than Me. Being the competitive person I am, I strove to be better than them. Now I fantasize of winning a Melee tournament one day... At least Once and one of my dreams will be fulfilled.

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
I'm by no means top level but I put in an awful lot of work to get where I am today and it all comes down to one thing. I hate the Namco Tales Forums. I put in days, weeks, months of serious Melee practice, just to prove to them that I had what it took. To beat them at one of thir favourite multiplayer games. To prove once and for all that Kirby doesn't suck (except in a good way) and that I am not a moron or chosing him.
And when I finally got Brawl to work, I took it up too. Never really liked it. It was never what Melee was. It was never anything special. It was, however, online play compatable and so I took on real tournament players from those forums over the internet. I feel I could have held my own too, if it weren't for the insane lag present in that game. And so I resigned from brawl as a sore and worthless loser. A sore and worthless loser with a newfound love of competetive Melee, even if some of the policies apall me.

And yeah, I've always played odd games competetively on Nintendo consoles (take me on at Billy Hatcher if you dare) so a Nintendo allstars fighter with abnormal game mechanics and N64 classic music was a dream come true in a way.


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2010
The community.
Best game ever.
Take down puff so no one will have so boring like i had when i played against her :p


Smash Ace
Jul 13, 2010
St. Pete, FL
^Armada get trolled hard. I play because if I don't other people will get better than me.
EDIT: Not that people aren't better than me already, but because people who are currently worse than me will get better.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2007
Menswear section
I'm really into competition, like I'll get competitive with everything in my life, including things that aren't actually competitive. As such I get a combination of spite and jealousy whenever I lose at things, in a healthy competitive way of course lol.
I really just want to beat people partly to prove that I can, partly because I have a blast with melee regardless, and partly because winning is fun.
Oct 5, 2008
Youtube fame. 758 so far seem to like me a bit. The game is fun and the community and the tournament environment are amazingly fun. I don't enter tournaments anymore because I focus all my time during the tournament to get all the best tournament footage I can get (unless there's a friendly tv close enough to my laptop so I can friendly and record at the same time). I'll still play money matches and draft crews if they happen and of course I play friendlies after/before the event

Take down puff so no one will have so boring like i had when i played against her :p
Jigglypuff is so awesome. One day you'll learn to love that pink marshmallow baloon


Smash Lord
Dec 11, 2010
It's a stange mixture of things. At first, I played because of the nostalgia and the crossover. Then I got better at it, and I started to play for the adrenaline rush. Lots of Street Fighter purists will tell you that Melee is not competitive, yet many have not experienced the intricacies, mindgames and fast-paced gameplay of Melee. The fast button-detection made this game alluring. It never gets old because at high levels, poeple can always surprise you. Although the off side is that since I know mostly mediocre to average players in my entourage, I get less fun out of them.

So in short, the gameplay is exciting, and the higher the level, the higher the adrenaline. The game contains many awesome video game characters that we have grown with. The balancing is good (not perfect, but better than most), the game can be played in various levels (as in pro and casually), and it has Falco. >.>

But yeah. I think a lot of us just got better because we liked the game, played the heck our of it and met rivals that made us want to surpass them.


Smash Master
Aug 10, 2005
The community.
Best game ever.
Take down puff so no one will have so boring like i had when i played against her :p
I qoute anything bashing jiggs for truth..because its true.

I have always been a competitive person and take everything as a competition, I practice everything me and any number of people play at so I can be best at it. I even ran air hockey tournaments back in the day, and I won every single one of them! Not because I was talented at it. But because I had a drive most of the others didnt. Similar story in smash, I ***** everyone in the early years, found out that smash had a competitive scene, got into and for the first time in years I started losing every other match. I play this game cause theres never anything old with this game. you always learn something new.

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
But yeah. I think a lot of us just got better because we liked the game, played the heck our of it and met rivals that made us want to surpass them.
Pretty much this. A lot of people here have a particular group of people they want to beat, be it Jigglys, Peaches or, in my case, Tales gamers and those who badmouth Kirby.

None of them, however, would have got to that stage if they hadn't enjoyed the game and many, I suspect, wouldn't even have bought it if it didn't have Nintendo characters.

Melee is pretty much THE competetive game for obsessive Nintedo fans and any obsessive gamer is going to want to prove they are the best at some stage. What is truly impressive about Melee is that not that people get into the competetive scene, it's that they don't leave. That is the true mark of its quality.

Are any of you who posted (besides Armada) actually striving to reach the top?
I'm striving. I'm just doing it in my own incompetant way.
Pluss I don't own a working Wii or Gamecube right now...

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Being recognized for what I do, to see where my motivation can take me, for anyone who supports me(can be taken to mean community for sure), to beat those I think I can beat/want to test myself against, and this game is incredibly fun lol.

Kason Birdman

Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2009
519, Ontario
it is the ***ken most fun game ever.
actually.. it is the funnest game ever *****.

and smash gets you AAAAAALLLL the ladies!


Smash Journeyman
Jan 19, 2009
Waikoloa, Hawaii
Being recognized for what I do, to see where my motivation can take me, for anyone who supports me(can be taken to mean community for sure), to beat those I think I can beat/want to test myself against, and this game is incredibly fun lol.
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