You're wrong. Your face is gonna fade into history and my grandkids are going to play melee. **** you.
That's not cool yo, even if you are messing around. Mic is right as well, there will be a lot of people *****ing about the differences at first, that's just how it goes.
I hate to bring Halo into this topic, cause for one I don't even play Halo, and two it seems to be the game that is anti-smash; however, when Halo 2 came out it was quite a change from the original Halo. A lot of the pros of the game dropped it because they didn't like it, but others kept running with it and regardless of whether or not Halo 2 was better (a LOT of people in the competitive community of Halo seem to think the first is far superior) Halo 2 was the latest and thusly the game that is to be played competitively. Of course, that's just how those crazy FPSers handle things.
I didn't bring this up to support a lot of scrubby peoples views that the current melee pros will be on equal level with the scrubs but to show that even if we, as a community, love melee more, people WILL play Brawl and the scene will be passed along. That's just how it goes. I really doubt Brawl would be SOOO bad that there is a resoundingly large consensus among the players that melee is better in every way, so Brawl will take over whether we like it or not.
I honestly don't think Brawl is going to suck though, and I think waaaaayyyy too many people are worked over it at the moment. Just trust the makers of the game, because they are made up of guys who made melee and guys who love melee.