I guess most of my hatred against these kind of Ikes comes from this one Ike main I fought last month (his smash profile thing had Ike and he was really good with him so I assume his true main is Ike). I beat his DK and Ganondorf, and then he beats me using said method with Ike. Right before I'm about to leave he changes his name to "UR TRASH". Well that got me mad not because of the insult but because he thought he was better than me just because he kept running away. I stay to fight his Ike and beat him two more times before leaving (his playstyle was very predictable).Still, I'm sorry about your experience. If you happen to run into Ikes who does that, it's probably someone who seconds them or even third, who knows? But from MY experience, you will not see an Ike main do that. Trust me, I've got my a** handed from them too many times to know that.
Moral of the story: don't talk trash if you win once, it makes you look dumb

On the bright side, I have a blast fighting Ikes that actually try to attack you instead of fleeing (even if I lose terribly to them).
From my experience, the ones that usually act all cocky are:On a side note, has anyone else noticed that players who pick certain characters behave worse than others? Sp the average Mario, Little Mac, Zelda or Captain Falcon seem to taunt/name tag a lot more?
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