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What grinds your gears in For Glory mode? (THE ROLLENING)


Smash Crusader
May 5, 2014
Lack of ranking system and not so optimized netplay, though that last one could be entirely because of my own connection.
But still if they explicitly tell us we need a certain device to be able to play online properly, then it's definitely not ideal.
Other than that it's pretty standard fare that raids all games with online multiplayer.
Ragequiting is inevitable, specially when most people that play are kids and teenagers.
There will always be new people, deal with it.
There will always be people playing in ways you don't like, get better.
Most of the problems with For Glory come from the people itself rather than the game mode.


Jubilant Adept Princess
Sep 19, 2015
Niagara Falls N.Y
the only thing that truly irritates me other than certain people's bouts of Lag is Unsportsmanlike conduct and Racist/Ignorant names. Sore Winners/Losers are merely annoying aswell...

Giga Kaiju

Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2015
Valley Of Repose
Switch FC
When people call you names JUST for winning once against oneself's 5-6 victories against the guy/girl.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 28, 2014
When someone uses either Falco's "Get some" taunt, or Lucina's "I cannot lose" taunt, after you take a perfect stock from them.

Giga Kaiju

Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2015
Valley Of Repose
Switch FC
Well, the taunt is what counts, I guess...

Can't blame them for the distinct phrase spoken in the taunt... :troll:


Smash Journeyman
Oct 28, 2014
Something else; I'm seeing a lot of posts, not just on these forums, where people are being mentally affected by the tenacity of people on For Glory. I can understand why, but I'm starting to think the things people do on FG could be classed as cyber bullying if someone is THAT badly affected. :O
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 12, 2014
Queens , New York
Switch FC
SW 1823 5909 5682
BackSlashing Shulks. I mean, it's called BackSlash. It's pretty obivious that you should be hitting in the back instead of using the attack head on.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 7, 2009
Honestly, not much bothers me during a match... maybe annoying Yoshis I'll get a bit annoyed with lol.

But for me, the thing that makes me RAGE is when I'll face, in one session, many opponents who will win a close game off of me (either a legitimately good game, or possibly I SD'd or screwed up)... and then leave.

Now, I get that there are reasons to leave after one game:

Lag (though I'm talking about lag-free games, I'd leave if it were laggy too).

Boring/campy/(roll) spamming opponent. (I main Peach, who is quite uncommon on FG as far as I can tell, and I DON'T camp at all... actually play a fairly (probably overly lol) aggro Peach. I've never seen anyone cite something like that as an opponent they find "boring", but hey, who knows.)

Having something else to go do. (Understandable. But this happens almost EVERY TIME I lose a good, close, game. Statistically speaking it's not at all likely that these were ALL people getting ready to go do something else.)

Other than that though, I'll usually always want to play a second game at least, win or lose. I'd get it if my opponents were destroying me and then deciding to find someone better... but that's not what I'm talking about (I think I'm decent , I suppose once in a whiiile a really good player might beat me easily, but I'm talking about matches that were close, and good games from my point of view). But it's seriously almost every time I lose a close first game they vanish.

It wouldn't bug me so much as I realize there are reasons people might need to leave after 1 game, but the frequency with which it happens leads me to reason that a decent number of them just don't like the prospect of playing another game against a closely matched opponent.

I don't know, I guess just how often this happens is what bothers me the most. Maybe I'm over competitive lol, I don't like losing (but it is what it is) but what pushes me over the line is not even having a shot at playing a couple good games, at least a 2/3.

Incidentally, this also means that I rarely have long strings of games against a closely matched opponent. Because they always leave after one win, in the first game or later. Usually can only play multiple games against an opponent I'm beating somewhat comfortably. Which... isn't ideal, and often I'll leave after a couple games, but sometimes it's preferable to the frustration that what feels like 90% of the closely matched people I face will always leave after 1 win, most annoyingly even on the first game.

I don't know... as I said most things in-game don't upset me at all, but this does.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 28, 2014
BackSlashing Shulks. I mean, it's called BackSlash. It's pretty obivious that you should be hitting in the back instead of using the attack head on.
Ah, but there's not much more fun than 4 Shulks in a team game/free for all, all yelling BACKSLASH at each other :D


Smash Cadet
May 16, 2015
Everyone complains about Link, but Robin is the worst IMO.

All FG Robins do: run to an edge, charge their tomes, shoot, and then run away to the other edge and repeat. At least Links engage in hand-to-hand combat, Robins literally do nothing but run/charge/shoot/repeat.


Smash Cadet
Sep 5, 2015
But with Kirby, the first thing you do when you fight a Robin is copying the lame special move. After that, they're defenseless.

What annoys me is people picking lame heavy characters after losing with a light character. GTFO with your Ganondorf, Bowser or Charizard hoping to land a lucky shot against OG Kirby

Rinku リンク

Hero of "Likes"
Feb 12, 2009
I mostly play 2v2 FG with my best friend and I have to say the most annoying thing is the fact that team attack is off.

Players spamming projectiles behind their teammate and covering each other in smashes.

Then having the audacity to taunt and brag when their clearly just abusing the fact that they can't hit each other.

The fact that it's time also doesn't help because some people will get a kill and stall till the clock runs out.

I sure wish Sakurai would consider turning it on for 2v2 and make it stock considering FG is suppose to "count" for something.


Smash Cadet
Sep 5, 2015
It's illegal(in over 40 countries) to complain about spamming projectiles if you main Link. Plus you complain about opponents working as a team in Team mode. It doesn't make any sense.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 12, 2015
In another thread, I've mentioned that I get mixed feelings taunting before the match in respect because I always risk getting hit in my most vulnerable state.

Welp, you'll never see me do something like that again (unless my opponents initiate it first then I'll taunt back, but I will not be the first. Ever). I was playing this on a bad night too, and I STILL had the gall to be friendly after my run-ins with some crazy folks. Oh well, I tried to be nice.... :(


EDIT: Ah, when I mean bad night, this past Saturday I've been fighting quite the few spammers and a couple disrespectful opponents. Judging by the video you're about to watch (or just watched), this is exactly how I play when I am THAT exhausted! Ugh, I rolled too much in that vid! >.< That guy was my last match for the tonight and I just went to bed afterwards.
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Smash Rookie
Jul 13, 2015
I don't know why it is but only in sm4sh I get super salty and its mostly just those dumb taunts right after deaths like if it was the final stock kill then taunt I'd be okay but after every stock?


Smash Apprentice
Apr 7, 2009
When people LEAVE after just ONE match either after winning or losing. And with NO LAG to blame.
Heh yeah, basically exactly what I was saying in the post directly above the quoted one.

Though, as I said, it doesn't ALWAYS bother me. When it bothers me is when it was a very good game. My experience is that if I beat someone in a good game, they will almost always stay for a rematch. If they win a close first game... it's to the point that I'd bet money on them leaving, every. Single. Time.

Other than real concerns like lag or an opponent who is just mind-numbingly boring to play against, I see people giving excuses for this such as "I already won the game, why should I play the same person again?" "He might counterpick my character, which isn't fair, so I just leave."

Both sentiments are incredibly narrow-minded, imo. If you destroyed your opponent, sure, leave and find a better opponent... I get that. But I don't get the attitude that the single, close win somehow unequivocally proves that the opponent can't beat you. Hell, I had an even MORE head-scratching experience the other day: was playing against a WFT, he was pretty good... we were both at 1 stock and around 20%, and then he taunts, and... SDs and leaves. I message him to find out what was up with that, and he replies that he "feels no obligation to stay against an 'unfun' character or opponent" (which is simply hilarious as a criticism of my Peach vs his campy WFT), and that "he was leading the whole game anyway so there's really no point in finishing because obviously he would have won" (which has a kernel of truth to it, he did take the first stock first, but I immediately retaliated, and we were tied when he quit). The most troubling part is that this seemed to be his sincere opinion on the matter, which is obviously incredibly misguided. If you're so sure about victory, why not finish? If I was too boring to play against, why wouldn't he leave sooner, rather than fight to 1 stock 20% each? He also stated that he will always leave vs a Rosalina or ZSS, refuses to play them. To me, that's silly... running away instead of learning to fight certain characters only reinforces lack of matchup experience.

As far as being afraid of having your character counterpicked... I also see that as a ridiculous reason to leave after 1 game. Either take it as a challenge and try to win anyway, or change characters yourself if you're so sure this will happen. I suppose I'm "guilty" of doing this... I sub a lot of characters and happen to prefer Mega Man vs Yoshi or Kirby, Greninja vs Luigi, etc. I don't understand the adamant opposition to playing a second game because the opponent might switch characters.

In any case, it's about the only thing that'll make me salty playing online. I don't rage at playstyles, or excessive shielding/rolling, etc. To me the game is what it is, and I play it because I like it. I'd also say that one thing I really like about Smash 4 is that it allows for greater character variety, and that the ability to play multiple characters is one of the main reasons I enjoy competitive Smash 4 so much... all the more reason I just shake my head at comments like that.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 27, 2008
From my experience, the more games I win against someone, the more saltier they get and it increases the chance that they turn into a-holes when they finally do get a win and leave. Most of the time when I feel like going for second games, I usually regret it. They end up picking my character and absolutely sucking(making a mockery of the character), or they pick a campy character(FG link, Rob, Pacman) and match just turns into a snoozefest, goes to sudden death, I win, and then I immediately quit thinking that was a waste of time and I couldve gotten at least 2 more games with other people. Most of the time, if they do stick with the same character, the results ends up being the same as the first match because I've learned their playstyle, and its just a repeat of the first game. Boring. I don't like fighting the same exact playstyles over and over.

So, that's why I don't end up playing too many matches with people anymore and my smash online experience has drastically improved because of that.
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Giga Kaiju

Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2015
Valley Of Repose
Switch FC
Then again, For Glory surely is filled with people that don't know how to approach or just troll like that acts you mentioned. But it is not necessarly, like the competitive scene everyone is talking about. If anything, that is miles away better then FG if you want to go with something.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 19, 2015
I posted here a few months ago, but I got couple more after today. Basically, I hate it when people are being straight up jerks/idiots in free-for-alls. I just got done playing a few matches and I'm probably never going to go back to it anytime soon mainly due to people who stand around or jump away from everybody and that one guy who goes after nobody but you, and yes, I played multiple matches so I could confirm this. Even after I got KO'd, he'd still go after me, completely ignoring everyone else. Gosh, I hate the online mode.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 12, 2015
and that one guy who goes after nobody but you, and yes, I played multiple matches so I could confirm this. Even after I got KO'd, he'd still go after me, completely ignoring everyone else. Gosh, I hate the online mode.
D DragonBlade64

I've had this happened to me so many times to the point that characters I normally use for singles are now being brought into play. And that's all of them......

:4peach::4link::4feroy::4palutena::4myfriends::4marth::4zelda: :rosalina:

Whew, how long this been going on, forever? I used to be silly with ZSS by just jumping and hopping around my opponents, grabbing and kicking. Hell, Peach was actually considered my silly character early this year until I made her into murderous psychopath. Same thing for Pit and maybe Dark Pit except I'd float above peoples head and land in for the kill. Several incidents has led me to play For Glory FFA a bit more serious than usual. One famous incident was when this DK kept using Forward throw on me and kept taunting. Completely ignoring EVERYONE else.

Now, I know I've mentioned in my previous post from different threads that I am nice and many times, I show good sportsmanship online. But I tend to be this way a lot more in singles than FFA because I just never know if that person is only there to improve, and I hate to be the one to disrupt his/her time and training. I'll respect that.

But no, not in FFA. I play rough if I have too. You chase and attack me only the entire time, I'm going to come back hard.
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Smash Apprentice
Apr 7, 2009
From my experience, the more games I win against someone, the more saltier they get and it increases the chance that they turn into a-holes when they finally do get a win and leave. Most of the time when I feel like going for second games, I usually regret it. They end up picking my character and absolutely sucking(making a mockery of the character), or they pick a campy character(FG link, Rob, Pacman) and match just turns into a snoozefest, goes to sudden death, I win, and then I immediately quit thinking that was a waste of time and I couldve gotten at least 2 more games with other people. Most of the time, if they do stick with the same character, the results ends up being the same as the first match because I've learned their playstyle, and its just a repeat of the first game. Boring. I don't like fighting the same exact playstyles over and over.

So, that's why I don't end up playing too many matches with people anymore and my smash online experience has drastically improved because of that.
I really don't think it's fair to ASSUME that, after playing one good game and winning, your opponent will either change to your character and suck, or pick a campy character, and if they don't change characters that you'll automatically win because you've learned their tendencies.

If given a chance, I'd posit that you'd find a lot of opponents who will either play you a good second game with the same character (why are we assuming THEY can't pick up on YOUR tendencies?) or with one of their subs (it's not really uncommon to be able to play multiple characters well).

In my experience, if I beat someone and they get salty and switch to my character and suck, the game will last all of a couple minutes... not exactly a huge chunk of my life wasted. If they're prone to switching to Link/Pac/Duck Hunt and camping, there's a good chance they were already playing a similar style (it's very rare that I play against a good, aggressive but patient opponent, who then plays a total campfest for the second game). And if they switch to a better matchup for them, I accept the challenge and fight.

You talk about not wanting to play the same style "over and over", but I'm not suggesting you stay for an hour, or stay against a bad opponent; I'm simply suggesting that playing a second game against a good opponent isn't a radically crazy idea. That you're really only hurting yourself by refusing by default to play a closely matched opponent a second time... never exposing yourself to the possibility that an opponent may learn to read your tendencies, or that they may pick a different character they're good with, or even simply that they could just flat-out outplay and beat you in a second game. There's a reason competitive matches are more than one game. (Yes, I realize FG is a far cry from the competitive scene and that you are under no obligation to play a second game; I'm just saying that there are a lot more reasons to play a second game than there are to NEVER play one. If the opponent was good, it is reasonable to assume that a second game will be good as well. You have to make a lot more unreasonable assumptions to come to the conclusion that a second game will definitely be a waste of your time.)


Smash Journeyman
Jun 3, 2015
Why the hell do people switch to your character on for glory? That's sucks mad d yo.
The sentiment is maddening and bizarre.


Smash Ace
Jul 2, 2015
East Texas
Why the hell do people switch to your character on for glory? That's sucks mad d yo.
The sentiment is maddening and bizarre.
I suppose it depends on the scenario. There's been a lot of times where I've encountered players on For Glory who have played as a few of my mains when going against them. Unless the other side makes it perfectly clear they're doing it to be rude or show you up then you shouldn't assume such a thing or see it as a bad thing. I'm not going to avoid my main just because you're using them.

There's simply no rule that says I can't play that character because you're playing them. Now I try to avoid doing ditto stuff just because I know peoples tendencies to think of it as rude right off the bat; however sometimes I have to, or rather need to use them.

I'm much better with a few of my mains than others, and if I have to switch then I have to switch. I mean no harm by doing it at all.

Also, some people do find enjoyment of doing ditto matches or maybe they simply want to show you how to play the character better. It's never really a bad thing is it? When you're not only going against your main but also seeing them in action you can learn a lot of new tricks.

Again, unless they make it perfectly clear (taunting excessively, tea-bagging, insults you, etc) then don't think of it poorly.
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 27, 2008
I've literally had 5 games in a row where the opponent switched to my Link the 2nd game, and whenever I play charizard, I get so many games where they switch to Charizard the second game, and then they get 2 stocked in like 10 seconds. I mean come on, what the hell are you even doing using a charizard for.
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Smash Cadet
Sep 5, 2015
I've literally had 5 games in a row where the opponent switched to my Link the 2nd game, and whenever I play charizard, I get so many games where they switch to Charizard the second game, and then they get 2 stocked in like 10 seconds. I mean come on, what the hell are you even doing using a charizard for.
Two of the lamest characters in the game. All links are rolling projectile spammers. So sometimes you got to pick link yourself, win by double spam and triple taunt & t-bag.

Having to fight Link or Charizard is the most boring thing ever. You ruin FG.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 3, 2015
I've literally had 5 games in a row where the opponent switched to my Link the 2nd game, and whenever I play charizard, I get so many games where they switch to Charizard the second game, and then they get 2 stocked in like 10 seconds. I mean come on, what the hell are you even doing using a charizard for.
Dittos are one thing, but it's obvious what their intent was when they switch to your character, down to the same color, and try to one up you while trying to play douchey.

Two of the lamest characters in the game. All links are rolling projectile spammers. So sometimes you got to pick link yourself, win by double spam and triple taunt & t-bag.

Having to fight Link or Charizard is the most boring thing ever. You ruin FG.
Charizard is not so bad to deal with. He's combo food.
My characters are slow, so Link can be problematic, but usually he's slow & heavy and also combo food.

It's very rare that you come across good Links and or Charizards, but they are out there!

The way people are on FG sometimes give me diabetes.

Its easy to tell if someone is honestly trying hard though and just picked up bad habits from other players. I don't mind them so much. They're just doing what they know and playing for fun and to win, and not to demoralize the other opponent through other means.


Editing Staff
Writing Team
Aug 3, 2014
New Jersey
Switch FC
:4myfriends:'s that do nothing but jab, f-air, and running away have been getting on my nerves recently. His jab is surprisingly quick/strong and his range makes it easy for him to hit and run. I don't see that many Ike's on FG but the ones I find always do this.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 27, 2008
Lol, clearly none of you have seen a good charizard main before. They play so differently from 99% of the FG charizards that it would catch you off guard. Doesn't surprise me though, I've rarely seen any other good charizards myself over thousands of games.

Edit: Lol playerhater, i can smell your salt from miles away
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Smash Journeyman
Oct 28, 2014
It's illegal(in over 40 countries) to complain about spamming projectiles if you main Link. Plus you complain about opponents working as a team in Team mode. It doesn't make any sense.

I'm so sorry, it had to be done, especially at the mention of Link. :p

On a side note, has anyone else noticed that players who pick certain characters behave worse than others? Sp the average Mario, Little Mac, Zelda or Captain Falcon seem to taunt/name tag a lot more?
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Smash Apprentice
Aug 12, 2015
:4myfriends:'s that do nothing but jab, f-air, and running away have been getting on my nerves recently. His jab is surprisingly quick/strong and his range makes it easy for him to hit and run. I don't see that many Ike's on FG but the ones I find always do this.
:troll: I did that once to a Falco player who roll-spammed and performed the out-most fake-a** "mind-games" from the previous match I LOST at. I picked up Ike, copied his play-style, but added jab and running away to the end of the stage across from him. Watching him, of course. He left after I beat him.

I mean, I do in fact run sometimes, but it's only because I'm trying to space myself (which I suck at) or I'm trying to get out whatever combo/attack thrown at me. I DO and WILL come back to attack and fight.

Still, I'm sorry about your experience. If you happen to run into Ikes who does that, it's probably someone who seconds them or even third, who knows? But from MY experience, you will not see an Ike main do that. Trust me, I've got my a** handed from them too many times to know that.

If anything, you will be the one doing the running away (I kid, I kid). Lol.
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Smash Cadet
Apr 10, 2015
south fl
just had to fight a link who just charged arrows and smash attacks

i hate people


Smash Apprentice
Aug 12, 2015
It's cool, I know what you're saying. I tend to dislike certain characters due to the way they're often played on For Glory. For example, I like Samus, but almost everyone on For Glory simply runs to one side, spams projectiles, rolls to the other side, rinse and repeat. She has some decent tools, and I've come across some amazing Samus players, but For Glory scrubs only know how to play her one way. Link is very similar. Lots of options, but played pretty much the same way on For Glory. And don't get me started on Captain Falcons, Little Macs and Sonics.....:facepalm:

Is it too much to ask that people actually try in For Glory? Can they take some time to maybe learn a character and not just mimic what what they've seen on YouTube? Can trolls find some other way to justify their self-worth?
Hey, WeirdJoe27!

Remember what I said about how I feel with these guys? :4drmario: And the next time I come across these crazy characters I'd show you a vid?


Here's proof of my embarrassing loss!

Enjoy because I sure as hell didn't, lol.
Just one of them nights I guess.
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