I'm probably going to get Budokai Tenkaichi 3. The question is, for which system?
I have so few Wii games I feel like I'm playing an 250$ Motion Sensing Game Emulator, so I want a new Wii game while I desperately wait for Brawl to come, and I love the Budokai Tenkaichi series, so i've been thinking abuot Wii.
On the other hand, I've never played for the Wii, and the good old fashioned Playstation gameplay and controls are the some of the crown jewels of adaptability without much fuss (as much as I love it, it would take some getting used to for playing Wii with a game I've always played in a contemporary light), and always have been. On another plus side, the game is Fourteen Dollars Cheaper for PS2, which means more money for Brawl and for Galaxy if I come to my senses and decide to get it.
On the other other hand (which is the first hand to begin with), with the Wii I get online play, although the motion sensing blasting and stuff has apparently been taken out (Which means I can't do the Dragonball Z Legends Cell KA-MEE-HA-MEE...........HAA, inside joke, sorry), but it'll still be pretty cool.
On the completely seperate other hand, either would be great, given that the characters (Nail B*&#*) and how they made them unique (the transition from BT1 to BT2 was great, now for one more step), while not ruining the old characers is what I'm truly looking for...
Any suggestions?