Well, usually with Fire Emblem, this isn't an issue, as almost all of them are self-contained stories, often in entirely different worlds.
so you are saying it's plot are similar to those of FF in terms of self-containment? well that's good to hear since i'm a used to starting of a sequel with new characters, though it wouldn't hurt to have previously shown characters make at least a cameo. oh wait...
I only say play FE on the GBA first because it's got a really good introductory/tutorial plotline that was basically made for us English Pig-dogs who hadn't grown up with the series.
oh, I see, well even though I not a typical fan of handhelds, I will surely give it a try in seeing I am very unfamiliar with the FE system, also might all FE games use a certain system in there games?
No, Marth is the lord in FE1 and FE3, both Japan-only (until the DS remake of FE1 comes out, that is).
And Roy is the lord of FE6, which is the first GBA game, but Japan-only. His game is actually the sequel to FE7, which is just called "Fire Emblem" here in the West.
FE1? that was the first FE right? so I assume Marth is the Original Lord of FE, also you mentioned FE7 is the sequel to FE6, so does Roy make some kind of Cameo appearance? whatever the case, I will surely get it for GBA.
I think Sensai just might be not-so-amazingly-good at Fire Emblem games. The Wii FE is definitely tougher than the GCN one.
And no, they're not different versions. Path of Radiance (FE9) is the Gamecube game. Radiant Dawn (FE10) is the Wii game, which is the sequel to FE9.
hmm.. so Sensai probably just has difficulty with the game huh
, well since I own a Wii and seeing I play with it the most I will most likely get the Wii version of it, hmm.. you say it's tougher on Wii? that's good to hear, you wouldn't happen to be bad at the Wii version
FFXII is, in my opinion, an okay game.
It's not the best FF ever, and there are a number of problems with it, but it's certainly unique, and definitely worth the money in any case.
well I only considered it since I heard good reviews from it, but now that FF Tactics has also been recommended, I don't know what to choose hmm....
@GigaKoopa: I have always wanted to play the original FFT. I've played FFTA and its sequel, I reccomend both of those. Tactics is an immensely deep and fun strategy series, you change classe and master abilities so you can retain them when you change a class. One could be a Ninja but have full access to Illusionist abilities (using my knowledge of FFTA and FFTA2, not so sure of classes in FFT. Sorry.). But I've never heard a bad thing about the original, so I'd give it a try--I'd love to, I'll have to go on ebay someday.
@ GigaKoopa, Time Smash: the original FFT is much harder than FFT:A and also much more...I dunno, adult oriented. It's not nearly as childish, instead focusing on a grand epic story about war and betrayal. Worth the money if you can at all afford to get it.
@Sensai: so you say FFT for PS1 is much harder huh, you know it's funny because usually the original games are always harder for some weird reason and the sequels are apparently scaled down in terms of difficulty, take Kingdom Hearts for example, it was much harder then it's sequel which I found dissapointing because I expected it to be harder, yet it was easier pshh....
@TimeSmash: even though FFTA is probably much easier then it's predessasor, I am interested enough just to so it's changes, deep stategie has also been my good point in games so I will surely consider it
@Chief Mendez: So what's your opinion of the best FF ever. I absolutely loved VI, myself.
well I would say Final Fantasy VII had a good plot as well as X which was alright, but overall the original Final Fantasy wins, no doubt.
@ Chief Mendez, GigaKoopa: I wasn't saying that the GC one was harder than the Wii one, what I was saying is that, for people who are used to traditional, Japanese style RPGs (see Final Fantasy), tactical RPGs can be a little rough.
ah, no worries, I was kinda puzzled for a minute there, but see I this has been cleared out for me., and I am qiute familiar with FF's tactical style, but I also like a good challenge so it's all good.
About Final Fantasy: the best FF game is hands down VIII, without a doubt. It took everything that VII did well and perfected it. The only problem is...there's so much going on, meaning there are about 1209381023821 tutorials in the first 30 minutes of the game.
is this so? well then now I have to choose between FF Tactics and FFVII
might you recommend I get first? I am simply dying to get either one of these.