Really? Really?
I thought I already covered this. I grew up in the south and I was AHEAD in school when I moved to the north. And I did not see any more people than usual not wearing shoes. (e.g people taking off their shoes in the summer or whatever) My experience certainly isn't everyone's, but your stereotypes are certainly not true for everyone either.
Why do people have to be so stuck up about things and look down on the south? It's just obnoxious, and the fact that anyone from the south is looked down upon as inferior and stupid simply because they're from the south is ridiculous. And then you get angry when people from the south have a bitter attitude towards people from the north.
These sort of baseless stereotypes don't have a place in a serious debate, so stop throwing them out there.
That was sarcasm, dude but the internet makes it tough to call I suppose. I'm surprised you didn't see the correlation between my obviously ridiculous statements and this idea that the confederate battle flag doesn't represent hate. If you read further down my post you'll see what I do think Southern Pride actually stands for. Definitely -not- shoelessness or illeteracy. That's what the confederate flag stands for, and most accurately. Seriously, I've yet to meet an educated person who had pride in themselves that also flew that flag proudly. They just can't happen at the same time. Anyone who flies that flag knows just what blacks think of it, and they do it anyway? And that's NOT racist?
to avoid any more confusion let me just spell this out:
Southern Pride is poorly represented by the Confederate Battle Flag. It's better represented by, I dunno Paula Dean or whatever, lol. But definitely not the flag.
NO ONE cared about the slaves
So I guess the
Abolitionist Movement was staged? What of the
Underground Railroad, that just made up too? I won't discount the fact that it played heavily in the politics of the North leading up to the civil war, but to say no one cared about slaves is demeaning.
By your logic, I suggest you stop flying the American flag as well, seeing as how we, as an entire nation, were once associated with slavery as well. Actually we probably shouldn't even be a country since our very existence reminds people of slavery, and I'm sure that's offensive.
I am having trouble taking you seriously now, c'mon, lol. African Americans whose ancestors were the slaves of southern plantation owners are the ones who would first and foremost associate the confederate battle flag with oppression and racism. Anyone else who also does, is simply smart enough to make the correlation, but they actually have no footing in the matter themselves. I am not black, in other words, so I can -empathize- but my identification with their suffering is removed further than those who are direct descendants.
Just wow to the bolded part. Just wow to the entire thing really. As sickening as you find people who fly this flag, I find you just as bad. You call these people white trash, and so on a so forth because they display a flag. Reminds me of these people back in the day who used to hate people and call them trash because of the color of there skin.
Except one key difference. I'm calling them out as trash -because- they fly that flag without remorse or guilt. It's not unlike calling a nazi a POS, or a child molester a POS. Yes, I just equated people who fly the battle flag in public to child molesters and nazis.
I am in no way trying to defend racism, or anything of the sort.
No, instead you're defending the public displaying of the most commonly identifiable
symbol of racism in existence, second only to the KKK conical hat and white sheet, though the two may be interchangeable for 1st place, I wouldn't know.
I don't own a confederate flag, but I know alot of people who fly it because it represents southern pride. It says "hey! one time these people came in and just wanted power over us, and we stood our ground. We lost, but we fought hard."
I guess I just don't know this part of the south. Where I live no one flies one. But then again we have plenty of African Americans living here, and anyone daring enough to fly the flag would get themselves harassed or worse. I of course see it on bumper stickers every now and then. The occasional tee-shirt. But these people, we're back to those ridiculous stereotypes. Toothless, non-showering, can't speak without frothing at the mouth, it's just sad, and it makes all southerners look bad because non locals look at this and see "ha that's the south for you" comedians like seth mcfarland for instance, just giant broad stereotypes when in fact they're really only talking about select few of the south's population.
You think Civil War, then you think racism, then you think South, then you think Confederate flag, and thats as far as it goes and those are the only dots you connect.
Yeah, pretty much, but in the wrong order:
It goes: Slavery, The South, Civil War, The Confederate Battle Flag
See cause the North had already abolished slavery, and was doing just fine without it. The South however, making money hand over fist with their exports to EU and to the North, but on the backs of slaves! Unfair much? Absolutely unfair. It made America look bad in the international spotlight (yes even back then we were international players).
And let us not forget that segregation in the south was unchecked until the civil rights movement. So saying the south's attitude towards blacks was inconsequential because they were just "pawns" in a larger struggle means you've discounted all those acts of cruelty. You ever read about lynchings? Why would a town do that to someone? How about the systematic **** of slave women? Any idea why this would occur if it really was all just for show? I don't think you can answer, at least I hope not.
The Civil War was NOT fought over slaves. The south was an agricultural power that threatened the newly formed industrial power of the north. The north was well aware that slaves were the primary source of labor for the south. So in order to cripple the south and assume power, they had to compromise slavery. Which they did under the guise of a noble cause.
See I have the luxury of going to school and being educated in the North, then moving to the South. I get to play both sides of the field, and experience both sides of the argument. The North and South industries were not diametrically opposed. The North needed their cotton like everyone else in the US, and a few other countries. What they didn't need on capital hill, was the bad taste in their mouths when they had to admit that half their country and its subsequent wealth was all thanks to a bunch of plantation owners who bought and sold people to increase their profit margins. Still think the war wasn't fought over slavery? Ok, but at this point you're arguing semantics.
Everyone here who says the south is racist blah blah blah the north is so much better blah blah just needs to stop talking.
We agree here, the south and north are both equally responsible in the establishment of slavery. What I find distasteful are people who brandish the CFB without any regard for how it may make other people feel. It's no different than my right to fly a nazi germany flag. Would I? Hell no. I am too courteous for that, nor do I believe in its ideology. Just because you have the right to do something, doesn't mean you should.