Silent Hill 2 is good, but I honestly like the games that focus more on the cult rather than emotional trauma.Same with the Silent Hill series except maybe Silent Hill 2.
If you have the patience for it, you should try Fallout 2.I also couldn't get a feel for the Fallout games until Fallout 4. I feel like the writing in 4 is vastly superior to 3 and everyone has more personality and the game became more than just wandering around, helping a random stranger and they go "Oh yeah I got some stuff you can take care of" and then go shoot ghouls or super mutants.
If this trope bothers you then you should probably stop playing JRPGs.I think Persona 4 is extremely cheesy with the whole "power of friendship" trope that often gets shoved down your throat when playing certain modern JRPGs. Even some visual novels. I honestly always hated the trope and always will. Only Undertale got me with that and even then.
You seem to be throwing this word around a lot. Games can be overrated, but don't let that make you dismiss them.Devil May Cry is also fun and I love the music but it's also pretty overrated.
They day saying that MGS3 is the best MGS becomes unpopular is the day I eat my entire amiibo collection.MGS3 was the best MGS. None of the other games grabbed me as much as 3 did.
Pretty much this. We've already had this entire discussion a few pages ago. Let's not let things get heated again.I'm not going to discuss the "censorship" of games as that generally leads to ****slinging and bull****, but you can't take a game and just translate it, language doesn't work that way, nor do cultures. I'm sure someone already explained this on a previous page.
Edit: Found the post!
Honestly, if you believe that localizers are just there to censor a product you really have no understanding of how things work.
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