just because Riivolution won't work on Hackless, Gecko, and USB Loaders doesn't mean that a Melee SFX pack shouldn't come with the Riivolution set.
The thing is if we were to do Melee SFX at all,
it has to be done perfectly and well. What's out there now are just
hit SFX which are
not going to please people who are upset/annoyed about the SFX of whiffed attacks like Pikachu's Nair or Marth's sword slashes. What we have now is incomplete. To sit down and do it perfectly would require us to have specifically designed character .pacs with the properly assigned SFX for whatever's replaced on the .brsar,
assuming everything can be fit onto the .brsar. That would take a lot of time out of development on the game itself, which as you can see, is
still not done.
Melee SFX are by far the last thing you'd ever want us to work on. You won't get them in the next release pre-added in the Riivo pack and you won't probably get them by the time we are actually done with the game itself. Not only would they increase the download size needlessly (when you can just download them off of Brawl Vault) but they also would be incomplete.
We want everything to be as close as possible to each other in compatibility between the different versions to load Project M. That includes SFX, to have different SFX across the different versions causes confusion. Maybe not confusion within this community, but confusion for people who aren't in the know. :V
Tai, we've heard the complaint a bunch of times. It's not so much that "we aren't going to do it", it's that we literally cannot do it. It'll take time and it's not available across all the different methods to load Project M. We're busy working on the game itself, SFX feedback is literally the least of our worries (unless it's about SFX we can actually adjust using what's already in the game).