1. Someone already touched on this, but I hate modern art. It looks like crap. There was no talent involved in making it. I bet I could take a four-poster bed, cut it into fourths with a chainsaw, take one of the quarters, hang a bottle of KY Jelly from the post, and drown it in Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce, then call it "Existential" and make $10,000,000 in some annoying gallery in New York City full of uber-lefty morons who genuinely believe that George Bush is a harbinger of the apocalypse. GOD!
2. I hate it when something is part of pop culture for like five hundred freakin' years, then gets repackaged and reshipped...and only THEN does it get the respect it deserves. The worst part is that it's usually those annoying little wannabe punk/goth/emo teenager girls who live in freakin' Hot Topic that are responsible. Case in point: Heath Ledger's Joker. Now that that movie's out, these fat, over-made-up Jeff Hardy fangirls are screaming about how they're "lifelong fans of the Joker." SCREW YOU. The Joker's been around longer than you, your momma, OR Jeff Hardy, you little poser!
3. I hate, hate, HATE the sound of people snoring. Seriously. I remember laying down with my girlfriend and being plagued with nightmares of that dude with the chainsaw from Resident Evil 4. I wake up two seconds from pissing myself and I realize...no, there isn't some fat Spaniard with a burlap sack over his head about to make tuna salad out of my intestines! She's just snoring so loud that it measures on the freakin' Richter scale! So I go out and I sleep out on the couch. Next day she's all WHINY, askin' me why I'm not keeping her company in her blessed slumber, and I'm like well, why don't you ask the SEISMOLOGISTS that came here to investigate the BIGGEST EARTHQUAKE IN TWENTY YEARS?! Frickin' frick!
Those are my rants. I stand by them to the death!