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Westminster, May 5th Biweekly

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ken combo
Nov 26, 2002
Ken/Mana - Thanks for hosting the biweekly, it was my first and it was great (but it was kind of hot at times :/). Also, thanks for dealing with us during the crew battle, I dont think Caotic meant for it to take so long :/

yea sorry, I didn't know what to do since some people kept on telling me it was way too cold and some people told me it was way too hot.

the atmosphere affects certain people to play smash, like cold hands so i turned off the AC for the people in my room because it got too cold but by the same time it also gets real hot in the outside room since so many people are crowded in there.

I must say this was the Biggest Biweekly of all time 44 people :psycho:

Deep Socal

Edreese : wow you just ***** today, in crews/singles and doubles. You should so be Deepsocal leader~! way too prove the peach theory TOO GOOD!

Mike y: champ needs to tell you how to fight against marth, he has all the answers :chuckle:

Champ: bum

Azeem: bigger bum

Congratz on being thee best Smash school there is... Those triweeklies i swear too good

Caotic- aww poor baybee, that yaki niku the night before made you play too good

OOps- nice to see you again dude

Pha- hope you enjoyed yaki niku :)

Bruce- Ur zelda is really good, I'm impressed

Aesis & g/f - well you got a ken $5, i wanted to bet on emerican but no one would have gone for mc rusty so i did just to make it more interesting :p

Rofl- my luigi is called Lucky luigi, I've always played luigi i didnt just play him out of no where lol

Emerican- Revenge tastes sweet doesn't it? keep ur chin up ur falcon is slowly getting good just listen to my advice

Boa- your marth looks just like mine like 2 years back lol, once you beat deep socal, then the ken training begins

Teba- Hoang name automatically makes you good, power rankings yes?

Roger- always fun to have you over, seeing ur kirby in action is always too good


kokichi- good to see you again

UCLA crew- sorry i forgot ur names but i didnt know UCLA had skilled players


luigi- ur fox is starting to look good

Knives- i really was hoping UCR would take this, i was behind you guys the whole time

keith- your getting better

jake the boy- should have done a game & watch rematch

dr doom- crazy rests

master sword- sheik? what happened to link, i was supposed to play you in the brackets but freaking nealdt rigged the brackets wrong :mad:

arieal- ? sorry didnt get to talk to you much maybe a game next time

woo- Mini zander is too good

sheik player- sorry i dont know ur name, but nice sheik
super friends

gabe- sorry you had to wait for the crew battles to be over you looked real bored :(

Hugo- BUM!

S.o.S- good matches

Eznjay- marth looks good

Hirsine- thanx for bring the pizza even though it got devoured in like 5 seconds

HNR TYR- why do we always play like 1st or 2nd round?

Kira- keep working on it u'll eventually get really good

Mc rusty- 85% isnt good enough.... noooo my $5 >_<

neighborhoodp - good **** you didn't come :) stop posting in my biweekly thread plz
B-day boys

Arash- ULTIMATE SANCHEZ RULE IS TOO GOOD, Hope you liked Koopocalypse

Zander- dude we gotta play poker and stuff, rice candy yum?


sorry if i forgot anyone This was one of thee best biweeklies ever,

Mc rusty vs Emerican was one of thee best smash matches in history

oh yea

Nealdt- CALL THe mATCHES! geez, if helen was running the biweeklies....... also ....... about mc rusty vs emerican ..............................................:confused:


Smash Lord
Jul 21, 2005
To give you some familiarity with the UCLA crew

Aesis - I think you know him =p

Daniel - That's me (Asian dude with glasses, sheik playeR)

Will - Falco player, also asian with glasses

Xander - Jigglypuff player (Tall white dude, admin on smash boards)

Scott - Jigglypuff player (White dude with beard)


Smash Ace
Feb 25, 2005
Fear, UCI actually has a pretty good crew. Unfortunately, we were not at full strength today. We were missing our 2nd, 3rd, and arguably 4th best player. :-)


Smash Apprentice
Aug 4, 2006

didnt know it was super wolfyz birthday too =D

lol but OMG i had so much fun at this bi-weekly... and i speak for both myself and my bro (Teba) Too Goodz !!! How did i get so lucky and place top 5?!?! lol

Ken - Oh Em gee ... u never seem to stop amazing me when u play ^_^ and ... WHEN AM I GONNA GET MINI KEN STATUS!! lol but Thankzzz for holding this bi-weekly <3

Mana - lil mana pro... how come i Never get to play against u lol >_< Thankzz for holding this Bi-weekly!!!! ^_^ <3

Nealdt - aka Nealpro... im so glad i didnt have to fight u, little rigged pro ice climbers!! U = too goodz =)

E-40 - Dude u had my marth in those dittos!!! i alwayz get lucky somehow and tip ppl O_o

Mike y - OMG plzz dont own me next time!!! mr Legendary Marth those games were TOO INTENSE =) but Ggz mike ^_^ ur too goodz

Gabe - DUDE... i <3 ur yoshi so much... u are the yoshi master prosu super saiyan god!!! lol Good shiz ^_^

Knives/Keith - OMG how did we win against u guyz!!!??!!! we SERIOUSLY got lucky... lol sorry >_< feel kinda bad for winning like that... such a risky level =( u guyz had us....

Blitz - dude... u eliminated AESIS?!!? wtf!!! u are Gosu x 5 million + 999999999 lol alwayz a pleasure to see the pro bltizz own it up ^_^

Arash - birthday boy... why are u sooo good !!! i think u rested me like a million times today lol Good shizz ^_^

Wolf - Master Wolfy... holy SHIZ ur peach iz godlike!!! dunno how i pulled it off... i seriously think i got luckyz lol ggz ^_^

Zander - dude, AVC IZ A REAL SCHOOL lol... and Omg ur falco pwnz my marth! ^_^

danimal - LoL such a cool name by the way... and dude lol pikachu O_o iz scary!!!! almost Owned my lil noob marth!!!

Ultra luigi/oops - ur guyz team was too good! but i think u may have given us chances.... =D but then u OwNed my jiggs lol =(

CAOTIC - Ty so much for letting us join the crew battles lol ^_^ and oh em gee.... ur PEACH IZ ****!!!! how are u so good?!?! u must let me know the secret of being Pro!!! ^_^

SA - u two guyz... are seriously Pro!!! how did u get soo good.... after MLG LA lol u guyz have definitely improved soooo much ^_^ good shiz guyz =D

Edreese - !!! ur peach iz too scary!!! but i want to play u!!!! lol so i can see how noob i am!! ^_^ good job on making second place ^_^

Andrew - dude.... ur sheik iz getting even better than it was before!!! stop getting better!!! ur already too goodz!!! =) those were good gamezzzz man!!! nice grabzzz i love em <3

Auriel - why do u have like the sexiest peach ever!!! dude i did good today cuz ur Pro aura was like all over the place and giving me +intelligence so that my mind games were gosu today!!! =D whenever u come back to Pdale... ill try to anwer my phone lolz

EZNJAY - OMFG sowiez!!!! lol i seriously sat here at 1am trying to think of anyone i missed!!! sorriez didnt mean to miss ur GoSu ultra Marth that was pwning mine!!!! lol i think i just needed some sleep then i could remember the prosu ultimate jay marth ^_^ lol but yeh u gotz krazy skillz ionno why u would want to be like mine =D ur marth iz super pro!!! lol its alwayz tight to see ya man... come BACK TO PALMDALE ur welcome anytime ur not goin to Raves lol ^_^

And now for Pdaleeeee <3

ROFL - wtf... i never knw luigi was a MARTH COUNTER!!! lol i lovez u too much.... little piece of advice for anyone... if u argue with ROFL.... press /quit hes too goodz lol

Emerican - you = lil Silent Brettzzz ^_^ i never knew C falcon was the counter to sheikz!!!
i <3 u

Aesis - nigggaaa i avenged u ^_^ and it was super ultra tight to have u at this bi-weekly =)
I <3 u too

SOS - dude... i went double falco on u .... so that u could get dq'ed?!?!?!?! Nooooo!!! lol u gots to get a car =D so then u can pwn it up wit no worriez ^_^

Creepy - o_O U ARE THE PRODIGY OF PALMDALE!!!! YOUR GONNA OWN SOCAL IN NO TIME ^_^ keep practicing !!!! ur link iz too gosu!!! good jobzz in crewzz man!!!! seriously GOOD SHIZZ ^_^

**** - even though u dont have a smashboards account... I <3 u and ur sexy lil daisy (not peach... DAISY)


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2005
UCR - Very good Smash school - got luckly with Knivez and FD lol sorry for being lame >.> [/COLOR][/QUOTE]

sniff...sniff...i will never forgive u. :) i'm gonna travel to australia or jamaica or wherever caotic is from and rematch him on fd till i cant get chain grabbed no more!!

oh and for those who i thought i was crying when i said "sniff sniff", that was actually me sniffing the crack cocaine Mike y gave me.

shout outs-

keith- u need to start to l-cancel and wavedash. you could be so much worse if u just did those 2 things.

Sam- good stuff - we gotta get you to practice more with us and you'll be set!

Don- great rests and overall performance. ^_^

JTB a.k.a ryan the QUEER?- awesomeness on that kirby combo...all u gotta do is get grabbed... haaha glad u pulled it off...jiggs vs kirby is so broken.

umm ya i think thats all from ucr...hmm

arash/wolf- i hope u enjoyed your birthday, you guys just brighten up my day everytime i see you smile ! :p

Champ you were awesome-possum today. real class all the way not showing up even when people thought you would have.

ken- i'll play falcon.:confused: also thanks for everything(was too lazy to list everything)

mike y- i like touching you, you're big and warm.

mike/mana- thanks for hosting and letting us stay for doubles. too bad dodger made u go sheik in crews.:laugh:

azeem- great performance today in singles and especially crew battles.

edreese- your peach is broken just like your car.:p

fugito/joey- hear u guys still suck. at least you're better than me.

teba/ vincus- good stuff guys, we'll have to play again in singles sometime. guess im gonna have to bankai or something ( thats so overused...i'll go curse seal level 2 instead)seeing as how u guys are stepping it up

to gabe- it was fun seeing your sexy features.:lick:

aesis- dude..u and i are alike in so many ways its scary.
we both started and made a name for ourselves around the same time.
we both like men.
both our names are Alan. (dunno how yours is spelled).
we both got girlfriends ( i got a bf)
and we both like men.

pretty nuts if u ask me..

SOS- that pichu friendly was cool, thanks for the experience. Hope we play someday.

neal-thanks for cheering on UCR even when you didnt.:psycho: ( btw your dog is still the cutest dog)
which brings me to jenny's cat...the talk of the evening..petting that animal felt better than touching the soft back of a naked panda bear...and trust me..i know what it is to get pandatrated.

knives(z)- you dissapointed everyone with your luckluster performance and lack thereof of a robust vocabulary when cheering on crews.

oh and ya.. i have just remembered now... luigi/evil nemesis ( btw that guy from resident evil was strong but looked down-syndromed..constipated..and awfully lonely)- u still deserve a punch in the face for shining mike/mana when he was zelda. its unforgivable and has gotten you officially expelled from the UCR school of smash knowledge, application, and fundamentally theory.

to everyone else i might have forgotten, ____________________.(fill in the blank)


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
Wow I had a lot of fun!

Caotic- Goood stuff today man. Sory that Mana had to interrupt your good flow ;) Today's Ultimate Sanchez rules for the win!!

Mike Y: It was fun teaming man, and it was our first time teaming! we'll do good when we become more familiar with our team behaviors so i dont have to edgehog you and you don't have to spike me. We did good, Boa and teba were a great team and we lost!

Champ: You Didn't win a single match today.
Azeem: Same for you.

Bruce: I'm proud of you man! 9th place. I knew you had it in you, you give ME trouble in our matches. Too bad you couldn't really warm up, otherwise those back airs woulda killed alot more! Sorry that you might be behind on studying now :(

Richard: Good stuff man, dont be so hard on yourself in crews you did your fair part and we REALLY needed you to be here otherwise we couldn't even play!!

Pha: GOOD JOB IN CREWS. Dude, I think you've gotten alot better now!!!

Aesis: Rough stuff facing either other right off the bat. Peach has to rely less on warm ups because her less technical nature, so i think we had a good advantage because of that. Lucky, otherwise it woulda been one of those close epic battles. As always good hanging out! I didn't really meet your girlfriend but tell her I said she's a lucky girl! LOL.

ROFL: Oh man close games. <3 Stichface for the life saving.

Arash: Great birthdya man! Whoever gave you that bowser, that's awesome man. PS- thanks for allowing the ultimate sanchez rule to exist hehe

Wolf: Good seeing you again man but we dind't get to play any matches! nex time for sure. happy birthday i didn't realize it was yours too until i saw you blowing those candles out!! LOL.

Knives: Too bad we had to face each other so early. We didn't play any friendlies, i really wanted to play with you! Tough luck getting Final D against Cao in the crew battle, who knows what would happen if we didn't. Keith, good job in teams, and sorry about the downsmash nastiness in crews, lol.

Vince: We didn't play but you've gotten alot better since i last saw you play along time ago. Scary!! We'll play sometime.

Dodger: Your Kirby is getting better, keep working it! No friendlies for us today...

Teba: Good matches man, I was really motivated for our match cuz Palmdale took usout in teams ;)

Master Sword: You're really good, I scraped by in part thanks to ultimate sanchez!

Ultra Luigi: Oh man, I thought i was eliminated and then you saved me! Gotta be careful on those. Fun matches!

Thomas: always happy and fun to hang out with. See you next time! thanks for the 'scary stories' haha.

Mana: See, UCSD Wins!!!! haha. Thanks for having us over at your place! Next time dont interuptt caotic when he's beating me. HEHE.

Ken: Good matches man, I wish i could give you more of a challenge and make it closer, maybe like I did the first time against Falcon, but alas i couldn't. Only the Roy, but Roy can't handle Peach at all. Good stuff #0 on power rankings i propose it hahaa. Thanks alot for hosting the bi weekly and also having the crew battles there, i know it took along time and ate up a lot of time. But it seems like you really liked this bi weekly!


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2005
time for some shoutouts ^_^

this tourney was huge lolz definatly really fun though glad i came out of retirement to play ^^ gave me a new drive to play and get better ^^

ken/mike-thanks for inviting me it was a great tourney good stuff ^^

caotic-your too good XD lol its too bad your leaving soon =/

luigi-sry we did so bad in teams haha its cool though sky pirates FTW~~!~!~! ^^

ROFL-wow dude u clutched crazy style in teams haha and your **** talk is top tierrrrrrrrrz mang ^^

brett-your getting a lot better dude good stuff beating mc rusty haha XD

mcrusty-haha good mm manz i just got lucky ^^ your name sounds like a burger kinda lolz jk XD

fugito-dude haha revengsies from sb ^^ lolz haha naw but ull get me next time man XD or will u ^_~

thomas-wow dude your peach is always tuff lolz good matches man very close set ><

hirshine-your peach is too good now mangz keep at ems XD

aesis-haha always cool seein u manz even if u sent me to losers haha its cool though ill giv u a better match definatly next time ^_^

vince-your too good vince lolz it was cool to finnally play u in a set mang your marth is too clean haha i wanna be like vince now LOL so ill practice up on smash until the raves start up again ^_~ and thanks for menching me in your shoutouts =( lolz j/p

mike y-MIKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE your too good haha always cool seein u mangz definatly next time wel get some matches in ^^

teba-steve is too good lolz i definatly gotta play wit pdale some more good stuff on your placing

wolf-thanks for the ride wolfyz ^^ your music is god tierz lol XD

gabe-always cool chillen with u man thanks for waking us up early for nothing LOL ^^

blitz-this guy is too good lolz cool seein u manz good stuff on your placing next time wel definatly get sum freindlys in

m/f pro-you and evan are even manz LOL keep playing dude u definatly got talent ^^ i just got luckyz

so i think thats about it haha until i see everyone next time XD


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2004
Chino, CA
It was good seeing everyone again after how long? I need to practice more. JTB, EvilNemesis, Knives, you want to help me re-train?

Crew battles are fun and you all know it. So who do I have to pay to host a tourney with crew battles? Everyone wants to see Palmdale vs. Deep Socal. Plus there can be Super Friends and possibly WCS.

Happy birthday to everyone who has a birthday at this time. Now you all know why so many people are born this time of year. Yup yup ^_^

SoCal is the best community huh? We should have a party and invite all of So Cal. Maybe we can have a farewell party to Melee when Brawl is about to come out. It wouldn't be so much about Smash as it would be about the community. SoCal's got the best people hands down!


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2002
southern cali, orange county

the only thing left is wish us all luck for vegas guys. We need everyones support , Wc is going to take this **** from the ec. AFter this year they are going to see more wc players at mlg rankings and finals =).


Smash Cadet
Oct 22, 2006
Pomona, CA
Wow, that was so fun!
Thanks Ken and Mana for setting this up!
Ultra_Luigi: I was watching your matches, you played really well. ^_^
ROFL: Thanks for kicking my a**. =P Your Luigi is good too.

Thanks for the great day guys. ^_^

Marth/Falco Pro

Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2006
Anaheim, SoCal
m/f pro-you and evan are even manz LOL keep playing dude u definatly got talent ^^ i just got luckyz

so i think thats about it haha until i see everyone next time XD
dang, ur the first person here to memorize who I was and what my boards name was(besides Hirsine and McRusty) Thanks, I gotta try some more to beat evan. I got really lucky to pull off a rising spike on you =D That was the only time I felt happy about my skill the whole day cuz I kept getting owned and los my confidence with every match. Thanks dude, hope to play you again some day.


Smash Cadet
Aug 25, 2004
UCLA, (Fremont, CA)
so shoutouts:
ken/mana: good tourney, thanks for having me

CAOTIC: didn't talk to ya much, but aussie accent is cool ^^, and we won the crew battle for ya lawlz, SD is too good, you and edrees >_> haha added me on Facebook too!

Bruce: nice zelda, got me figured out in the end, and just wooped me lol

UCLA crew: **** nice **** getting second guys especially Alan, 10 stocks off UCSB omg its almost like h4x XD

Xander: sorry i suck at teams =(

global trance = nice matches man, shame u sd'd the first game, gotta hook me up with those techno songs man

UCSD: omg rapage

edrees: played you twice, and you ***** me handily, haha...

Arash/Zander/Wolf: happy bday! even though barely talked to any of you, but that's besides the point

nealdt: you are such a cool guy to talk to haha

Ultra Luigi

Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2004
Murrieta, CA
Yesterday was cool, i had a lot of fun and it was great to see everyone again.

Ken/Mana-Thanks for doing this. Our teams match was fun, i like to see good team work, i really need to work on that.

Oops-Not bad man, we did pretty good for our second time teaming up. Nice hanging out man, see you soon. Work on those Sheik dittos.

Double Ds-LMFAO, we had some great matches. I almost **** myself at the last match. Stop killing each other man.

Teba and Boa-Terrible match for us lol but you guys are too good. I tried to land an up-b on the jiggs and i got a rest on me :laugh:

Aesis-i heard your yells from across the hall lol. i'm sure you had a good time in crews

Blitz-Good matches man, your Peach definitely has improved since the last time i played against you. No falcon but it was still interesting.

Hirsine-You can use so many characters that it's so easy for you to counter. Good matches.

Edreese-Oooooo so close matches, i love it! I had to think differently against you, it was too tough. Hopefully i'll learn from my mistakes nest time lol. Zombie turnips, missfires, up-bs it was awesome, without a doubt the most enjoyable time i had there for singles.

Zander- what can i say, i hope you feel a lot better now. I hope you can make it to my house some times, i want to help you if there's anything i could help you on. Love that laser dance baby!

Dodger-Trust me, i need the kirby practice :) . ****, i was watching some of your matches, crazy kirby, good job man. :cool:

Arash/Zander/Wolf-Happy birthday, that cake was good.

Palmdale-good to see you guys again, sorry i had to go and i didn't have time to play you guys but hopefully some day i can make it to palmdale to get some training.

S.O.S-What can i say, you're too good, simple as that.

Thomas/Jake-Zelda and Jiggs, crazy combination, awesome matches.

People i had the pleasure to talk to and meet, it was great to meet you all.

Cao-i wanted to beat Edreese so i could face you, it was the perfect bracket, nothing but peaches. Aw, maybe i'll get a match before you have to go.

Subway is so rare to me, it's been the third time that i've ate one of those subs, they were good.

Hope to see everyone again, possibly before the year ends, smash is kind of dying on me so idk.

Lates :cool:

If i missed someone i'm sorry, i'm just terrible with remembering things.

Oh yeah, UCSB rocks. Wu, Master Sword, Zander,Rel, Stu, other person i forgot his name. 805 baby! Love the car while lying down experience. It will be a tale to share.


Oct 29, 2004
Whoever COULDNT hear Aesis scream at any point across the hall has demented ears XP


ken combo
Nov 26, 2002
sorry guys who were hoping the next biweekly is going to be in 2 weeks as thee name "biweekly states"

we will be having it in 4 starting from the last biweekly Dec 9

However this will be the last biweekly of the year 2006 in which Caotic will leave

how sad :( and happy at the same time


Smash Rookie
Oct 16, 2006
Bay Area, CA
Wowwwww what a fun tournament! :)

I just got home and I feel all smashed out.
I got to take care of things right now, but keep an eye out here for shout-outs and photos early this week. :)


Smash Journeyman
Sep 7, 2005
Knotting Falls, Linistar
Pushed the envelope!!!!!!! 44 people

Dammm. Lots of sweat and chances of the electrcity going out:psycho:
But now we know that the biweeklys can do that many people. I think that should be limit if that many people comes in.

B-day people
Arash:Thanks for the hug! We always need one per day. I didn't expect Ken giving you the Bowser as a gift. Ultimate Sanchez for the win!!

Zander: Hope you get some rest. It's funny that everyone liked strawberry as the ice cream.

Wolf: You should've mentioned your birthday!

Biweekly hosts
Ken: McRusty vs Emerican. And I say thank you for holding these biweeklys with your family and friends. Without you, we there would be no Socal as it is today. Win MLG Vegas!
----> I wish I could go.:( Right in Red Rock casino? My brother lives 5 mins. away, but he's busy so he couldn't house me.

Mike(ManaCloud): http://www.kotaku.com/?refId=212452
This is where that I found the NG Halloween thread. I dunno, but I'll correct myself that it featured the pikachu, not your entry(I can't remember our conversation)
If I picked a the winner, I could not really judge on a art thingy, or art in general.
Likewise, beat the East Coast for us!

Helen: That's funny about the ice cream man looking at the cake title. lol:)
Chu should 've been here!

Neal: I have some curse of hosting any images. Remember the Mozart Mouse and Beethoven Bear that I had for a sig? Expired. So I can only use text and link:(

Conner(MFP): You have improved alot. Just pratice mind games techniques, like Joesph(Ezny Jay) has.

Ezny Jay: I need to play more people and different styles. lol The 4 stock thing, made me wake up and only got 2 stock. That's a good thing:)

Ultra Luigi: I'm tired of Peach really. I don't think I could use the space animals yet in proper use. I don't like being chain throwned upward

Gabe: I didn't embrasses you did I? I get pretty gay when something like happens when I win something that hard. When was the last time we fought? March?

ThomasSexy: We need to team ay least once in a tournament.

Mike Yoon<--- Yoon? :dizzy: We should use Alummi for UC battles

Blitz, E40, SOS, BOA, Teba, thanks for coming! And especially EvilNem. & JTB

Emerican: You over came all odds, espeailly Ken's rotting for Khoa. lol Great Job of showmanship

Khoa: You are not terrible. No more. In fact do you want to team up next time.
Also, I will call everyone who notably in the smash world who has lost to you in a tournament shall be called in the following examples:

Nealt= McNealt or McNeal Sandwhich

Batman Cereal!


List of Bums who did not come:
Hugs:mad: <--- where are you?
Isai:urg: c'mon, aren't you gonna comment about my beautiful skin?
Edit: I forgot about Cao and Pha! I don't have any comments about them, I'm so bad



Smash Ace
Jan 28, 2006
Palmdale/UC Berkeley
sorry guys who were hoping the next biweekly is going to be in 2 weeks as thee name "biweekly states"

we will be having it in 4 starting from the last biweekly Dec 9

However this will be the last biweekly of the year 2006 in which Caotic will leave

how sad :( and happy at the same time
hey just wondering..im dumb and didnt get that. so last biweekly is dec 9? or thats when the next one is.


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2004
Chino, CA
Noooooooo!!!!! Caotic can't leave! He's part of SoCal. He's too funny and he makes the community complete. Well, at least we'll still have My Space. We're gonna miss you.


Smash Rookie
Jan 24, 2006
This was a fun biweekly, as usual, thanks for including me in the celebration lol sorry for not mentioning my bday :p

Aesis - xD what can i say? too much sheik practice from omar o.o

Danimals - lol at your name, those were fun matches but no johns man, the controller was fine >.>

Too everyone else great seeing you again, but just too lazy right now to type :o


Smash Lord
Aug 25, 2003
Irvine, CA
biggest biweekly evar?

i had a wonderful time, and i'm sure co-bday boys zander and wolf did too:)

the most memorable-

hirsine - glad to finally get you your hug

cao - team bday boy too good

boa + teba - we may have beaten you in teams, but i think you guys are getting way better, as the singles results show:)

mike Y - don't worry, you'll get those palmdale kids next time

neal - stop breaking things! j/k:):) we so shoulda done the alumni crew

and of course the hoangs - loved the presents and cannot thank you guys enough for hosting:)

with that, i'm sorry to say that i can definitely not make it to the caotic biweekly, since i have to travel up to san francisco that weekend (this was planned like months in advance:(), but i'm sure deep socal vs palmdale will be the stuff of legends

that is, if azeem decides to come next time:)


Smash Ace
May 1, 2006
fountain of dreamz
Man this bi-weekly was too fun. Good job ken I'm goin to the next one for sure. Haha as for shout outs here we go.

BoA- I took you in marth dittos a couple times but man your tough them lucky tippers i swear haha. Good job on your placement tho man we gotta play fool haha!

Ken-Your just too good man i gotta play you sometime

Mike y- I gotta get more marth dittos with you sometime

Blitz- Good job at the bi-weekly glad to have one of the top 20 like 5 min away from me haha.

Jay-Fool your too funny good marth dittos haha we gotta smash an chill sometime.

Marth/falco pro-good job you took me by surprise keep working on your haha.

Aesis-Good to see you again man your sheik is C-R-A-Z-Y!

Everyone else i beat keep up the work haha, everyonez got to have a dream


Smash Ace
Nov 24, 2005
Palmdale, CA
first off...
boa vs. mike y = holy ****... i wanna see round 2.

ROFL turned heads like always... 2v1 clutchsies, gj man, you carried my *** in teams. and like BoA said.. ROFL will rapesies you in arguements, just /quit and save yourself, lol.

aesis.. gay *** peaches :(. UCLA did very well though, and i won you 5$

teba.. i didnt want to say anything because you were in the zone!!! taking ken to 3 games was just amazing.

****.. awesome peach debut..


Ken - thanks for everything... even though you bet against me v mcrusty, lol.
Neal - always nice talking to you, awesome IC's
mcrusty - good matches man, people hyped that **** waaaaaaay to much, haha.
Arash, zander, wolf... happy b-day.

Zivilyn Bane

Smash Master
Nov 18, 2004
Springfield, MO
Hey Mana/Ken, what're the chances I can get an invite to the December 9th Bi-Weekly? I know I was invited to one last year but then I couldn't make it. I think I might be able to make this one though... If the question comes up that I'm not SoCal so I can't come, I'd like to say that geographically I'm closer to Socal than Norcal, and plus this year I've been to 5 Socal tournaments, and 0 Norcal tournaments, lol. Hey I've been to more Socal tournaments than Central Cali tournaments!

Let me know, I can bring a TV and a GC.

Also who at this tournament got to play Jobe? He's my peach playing friend. Very fast hands. Mr. Hands they call him.....


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2002
southern cali, orange county

Hey Mana/Ken, what're the chances I can get an invite to the December 9th Bi-Weekly? I know I was invited to one last year but then I couldn't make it. I think I might be able to make this one though... If the question comes up that I'm not SoCal so I can't come, I'd like to say that geographically I'm closer to Socal than Norcal, and plus this year I've been to 5 Socal tournaments, and 0 Norcal tournaments, lol. Hey I've been to more Socal tournaments than Central Cali tournaments!

Let me know, I can bring a TV and a GC.

Also who at this tournament got to play Jobe? He's my peach playing friend. Very fast hands. Mr. Hands they call him.....
hey ziv , yeah sure your a nice guy, wont cause any trouble. You can definitely come to the next bi weekly. Most of the time we want to hold it off from all outsiders due to the fact we want so cal to get better on its own and it doesnt need to have influence on other styles of the game. Im glad u asked though. Most people who want to make it to our bi weeklies just have to ask if they are from out of state or another area of california.
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