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Westminster, May 5th Biweekly

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Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2005
SO anyways enough about the food......
whats happening with the double tournament left brain, right brain kind of duality of man?

pickles...and some...special..sauce..
all over my body.....


Smash Cadet
Dec 14, 2006
I might go but i dont know if i could get a ride .... but if i do go anybody wanna MM for 5$


Smash Journeyman
Nov 15, 2004
NO Alcohole of ANY KIND

If i see any alcohol or any sortI will have to call Nealdts dad up and have him personally kick you out of my house and give you his scary mean look.
Dude....Im bringing the caribbean rum and like a stupid dumb hyphy short bus with like 20 hella hyphy ****, and were definently gunna romp on nealdts dad if he tries to funk...


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2003
San Dimas Ca
We've been holding biweeklies for about 3-4 years and we've gotten many people good. As far as everyone knows, I'm sick of smash and probably sick of getting people really good as i would hope them to be that is why I'm probably going to have this as the last biweekly if not many people show up. It's simple, if not a lot of people appreciate these biweeklies I've hosted to get people good then im simply just going to stop hosting these training biweekly days.

As you know, our biweeklies bring in top competitors such as special guests like mike monkey chu dat or vidjo. With out us these people wouldnt even be here. During the summer i was possibly even going to bring japanese players over here such as Fumi Yoshi, Shu, Kentaross and even Masashi.

If I feel that there is not a lot of people who show up to the next event I'm just going to stop hosting biweeklies all together.

As far as the people who do show up to the next biweeklies, you get first dibbs in Brawl training biweeklies

Chu dat and Vidjo well of course be here for the next biweekly and they will appreciate it if you guys would come and play them

"remember these biweeklies are to train you guys and have fun and of course i've seen good progress thus far"
What's one tournament at your house Ken. Seriously, you're going to threaten all of SoCal because they won't show up to your house for one tournament and would rather merge it to be a larger tournament? I see no reason to pretty much throw hate to all people of SoCal as all they're trying to do is get together for a UNITED smash tournament. It's a cheap attack to me, and all the rest of SoCal.

These biweeklies are suppose to be fun, but the people are suppose to be more fun and respectful as well. If this is what it takes for you to demand respect for SoCal, then by all means you lost any strand of respect you still had from me. I thought you were honestly better than this Ken. To resort to threaten people for having tournaments.

The people who got good and where they are might have started off from you and from the Biweeklies, that's for sure, but honestly to keep good, people have to keep smashing and that's why they form crews. I thank you for what you have done for me in the past.

Why do you honestly hate SoCal for wanting to unite? Why do you want them to worship you? Honestly, I've had this in my mind the whole time, but if you want SoCal to be good, why not just hold smashfests and not charge? You win money from MLG to help pay for things that your parents help you out with. Why do you haev to make it their responsibility instead of your own?


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
What's one tournament at your house Ken. Seriously, you're going to threaten all of SoCal because they won't show up to your house for one tournament and would rather merge it to be a larger tournament? I see no reason to pretty much throw hate to all people of SoCal as all they're trying to do is get together for a UNITED smash tournament. It's a cheap attack to me, and all the rest of SoCal.

These biweeklies are suppose to be fun, but the people are suppose to be more fun and respectful as well. If this is what it takes for you to demand respect for SoCal, then by all means you lost any strand of respect you still had from me. I thought you were honestly better than this Ken. To resort to threaten people for having tournaments.

The people who got good and where they are might have started off from you and from the Biweeklies, that's for sure, but honestly to keep good, people have to keep smashing and that's why they form crews. I thank you for what you have done for me in the past.

Why do you honestly hate SoCal for wanting to unite? Why do you want them to worship you? Honestly, I've had this in my mind the whole time, but if you want SoCal to be good, why not just hold smashfests and not charge? You win money from MLG to help pay for things that your parents help you out with. Why do you haev to make it their responsibility instead of your own?
Can we give this man a round of applause?


Smash Champion
Nov 18, 2004
Tucson Arizona
Now now lets get along people.

Anways, sounds like there's some good competition in socal for the end of the year. I'd like to be there and bring the rest of AZ along, that is unless the "so cal only" rule is still in effect.


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2002
southern cali, orange county

Can we give this man a round of applause?
Unite my ***, everyone is out for their own good at this game and thats the truth. If you want to hold a tourney then hold a tourney, no sweat off our backs. Theres no cheap attacks, we've planned this bi weekly with chu and vidjo comming before in advance before youve even posted your extra tourney youve decided to host on the same date. You want a merge and we say no. whats the problem? In the ec there are multiple tournies going on at the same time at nearby locations but they dont argue. If people dont show up at the bi weeklies we arent going to care enough to ***** about it. If nobody shows up we will stop hosting them and its that simple. You hear eb games complain about game stops ? Hell no they dont. Smash is a business, it can be fun , but theres no fun when people play for money. Else you wouldnt charge either.

oh yeah
Az is welcomed at our bi weekly this year. Merry christmas guys =).


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2003
San Dimas Ca
Unite my ***, everyone is out for their own good at this game and thats the truth. If you want to hold a tourney then hold a tourney, no sweat off our backs. Theres no cheap attacks, we've planned this bi weekly with chu and vidjo comming before in advance before youve even posted your extra tourney youve decided to host on the same date. You want a merge and we say no. whats the problem? In the ec there are multiple tournies going on at the same time at nearby locations but they dont argue. If people dont show up at the bi weeklies we arent going to care enough to ***** about it. If nobody shows up we will stop hosting them and its that simple. You hear eb games complain about game stops ? Hell no they dont. Smash is a business, it can be fun , but theres no fun when people play for money. Else you wouldnt charge either.

oh yeah
Az is welcomed at our bi weekly this year. Merry christmas guys =).
Smash isn't business. To you maybe, but to the community of SoCal, it's about the people and having a good time. Always has been and always will be. You go to MLG's so that's your view of it, but most SoCal doesn't travel for the sake of having jobs.

I posted needing a venue before you ran the biweekly on the 9th. It was up in the air that I was going to hold a tournament since SoCal didn't have one on the 30th. I didn't read on your biweekly list that you were having one on the 30th, so um, yeah, cheap attack to say "We got socal better and if you don't appreciate it, then we'll stop them."

Your view of the people in general is a foul one Mike. You've johned and *****ed your position and so you're no different than Husband or Wife.

The least I ask from you is that you give a reason why you don't want SoCal in one place, and why you don't want SoCal to have a great time. Why do you want to force the views on everyone to see that "Smash is only about money, and we hold these biweeklies so we can take yours." Seriously, if you guys are sick of smash, don't play, don't hold biweeklies, but don't hold your friends hostage to have to attend your tournament so YOU get money.


ken combo
Nov 26, 2002
why not have everyone come to the biweekly instead of san berdadino to unit everyone then?

$5 for singles/ $5 for doubles

no entrance fee. It's cheaper for price, Cooler since we have ac and doesnt have to be too cold once it gets late

and we can have food


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2003
San Dimas Ca
why not have everyone come to the biweekly instead of san berdadino to unit everyone then?
1. You don't have room for the 100 n00bs.

2. Some attendee's are banned from biweeklies

3. I won't yell at people for sitting on the couch.

4. Washington (socal only right?)

5. Southpaw AZ (socal only right?)


ken combo
Nov 26, 2002
1. You don't have room for the 100 n00bs.

2. Some attendee's are banned from biweeklies

3. I won't yell at people for sitting on the couch.
1)100 noobs? you seriously expect 100 people to be at pandatration 3?

2)poor DSF, he should have thought this over long ago

3)hmm I can reassure that some people sat on couches just fine last biweekly


Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2006
Sherman Oaks, CA (Palmdale 4 lyfe)
sorry guys who were hoping the next biweekly is going to be in 2 weeks as thee name "biweekly states"

we will be having it in 4 starting from the last biweekly Dec 9

However this will be the last biweekly of the year 2006 in which Caotic will leave

how sad :( and happy at the same time
:confused: it went from sorry guys no more.........to you better come to the new one or else that means you dont appreciate us. well...if the bi weeklies do get canceled (im not sure what your opinion on a good turnout is) ill just say it was fun while it lasted, and thanks for the good times.


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2003
San Dimas Ca
1)100 noobs? you seriously expect 100 people to be at pandatration 3?

2)poor DSF, he should have thought this over long ago

3)hmm I can reassure that some people sat on couches just fine last biweekly
1) Yes

2) Strange why people hold grudges over... 4 years?

3) "If you sit on the couch, you're banned." (I'm sure those words ring a bell)

Even if we didn't get all the church scrubs who don't know how to wavedash or L-cancel, I'm sure you still wouldn't have enough AC to cool down the house.

Again I ask, why do you charge people for biweeklies if you "want them to get better?" Why do you threaten SoCal with not holding another biweekly? Why haven't you given me a reason why you didn't want to go to SB? It's a larger venue, no man sweat funk near by, and more people. I offered it and I just wanted to hear a response


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
I heard y'all didn't have AC last time, lamlamlam. Many sources said this.

And SB tournies are quite comfortable. It's never hot inside.


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2002
southern cali, orange county

:confused: it went from sorry guys no more.........to you better come to the new one or else that means you dont appreciate us. well...if the bi weeklies do get canceled (im not sure what your opinion on a good turnout is) ill just say it was fun while it lasted, and thanks for the good times.
well if you dont show you dont show we dont have problems with any of that. There will be two tourneys on this date. If you show you show if you dont you dont. Its our choice to stop holding them if we dont get enough people who feel they want to attend. Meaning why hold them? I mean once we stop im sure someone will hold them or pick it up. People need to understand its your choice to attend or not and its our choice to create them or not.


Smash Ace
May 1, 2006
fountain of dreamz
Well it is true that everyone is out for bettering them selves in this it is alot of fun dont get me wrong, but i wouldnt be playing this at a competitive level if it wasnt for the money. We'll see were this goes an let time do wut it does.


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
What's lost in this is that even Chu wanted to go to the SB one, simply because it has more people... it's nothing personal and never has been, but it becomes a question of what ISN'T taken personally by you...


Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2005
Well it is true that everyone is out for bettering them selves in this it is alot of fun dont get me wrong, but i wouldnt be playing this at a competitive level if it wasnt for the money. We'll see were this goes an let time do wut it does.
ehh I would still be at this level without the money because i knwo im never gonna win a tourney i mean come on its socal were the ****! which is exactly why we should have a combined tournament . Anyways if there werent tournements for money i bet half the great players wouldnt play so the whole community would be "worse" but i guess itd equally worse so it doesnt matter ? lol its late:laugh:


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2005
WTF DID U JUST SAY? go to sleep NOW...**** these 14 year olds staying up late and meddling in adult affairs where they dont belong in. ^_^

hmm my take on this is.....
take me on, take on me! takkkkkeeeeeeee meeeeeeeeee on!!! take on me!!!!
i'll beeeeeeeeeee gonnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeee in a daaaay or twooooooooooooo..
Take on me- Aha
one of the classics.


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2002
southern cali, orange county

What's lost in this is that even Chu wanted to go to the SB one, simply because it has more people... it's nothing personal and never has been, but it becomes a question of what ISN'T taken personally by you...
for a guy who posts you dont know crap do you? Chu dat comes down every christmas because we invite him. Without us he wouldnt come down. However once he comes down we take him places meaning if he were to go we would have to drive him.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 4, 2006
Well.... Looks like this iz gonna be the last bi- weekly =( Thankz for holding those bi-weeklies though =)

sowiez i would go to this but... all of socal iz not here... The People of Socal is what makes Tournies truly fun <3

lol i think the money makes the game more fun becuz it brings more competition which is what i look for ^^

so ima just follow what mana said... "if u dont go then u dont go" --- No hard feelings ^^ Oh ya and Merry Xmas !! since we wont see u guyz <(^^)>


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2005
Well.... Looks like this iz gonna be the last bi- weekly =( Thankz for holding those bi-weeklies though =)

sowiez i would go to this but... all of socal iz not here... The People of Socal is what makes Tournies truly fun <3

lol i think the money makes the game more fun becuz it brings more competition which is what i look for ^^

so ima just follow what mana said... "if u dont go then u dont go" --- No hard feelings ^^ Oh ya and Merry Xmas !! since we wont see u guyz <(^^)>
yep yep vince has good words ^^

edit- yea if its the last one then peace ^^ and if not then cool more bi weeklys ^^ so hopefully this all works out so we can all enjoy everythin drama is not good lolz ^^ vince!!!!!!!! your too good lol ur post always make me laugh haha <3


ken combo
Nov 26, 2002
1) Yes

2) Strange why people hold grudges over... 4 years?

3) "If you sit on the couch, you're banned." (I'm sure those words ring a bell)

Even if we didn't get all the church scrubs who don't know how to wavedash or L-cancel, I'm sure you still wouldn't have enough AC to cool down the house.

Again I ask, why do you charge people for biweeklies if you "want them to get better?" Why do you threaten SoCal with not holding another biweekly? Why haven't you given me a reason why you didn't want to go to SB? It's a larger venue, no man sweat funk near by, and more people. I offered it and I just wanted to hear a response
1) how big was double pandatration 100 people?

2) yes strangely(not strange to me) as it sounds people can hold grudes until they die

3) no, we let people sit on certain couches, but some are just off limits , there are plenty of chairs for everyone to have a seat

I charge people for biweeklies because there has to be a pot for a tournament. Tournaments with no pot is lame. At the same time they get better. I'm not threatening anyone, it's simple, I host biweeklies because there are a demand for them, if there is no demand im not going to host them anymore and spend my weekeneds doing Lan parties with Nealdt ;). It doesn't matter if I don't want to go to SB, this isn't about me. Larger doesnt always mean better.

no man sweat funk Lol, show me a smash tournament with no man sweat funk nearby, as big as the venue is, everyones always going to crowd around the single last TV to watch an important smash or finals.

Furthermore, I've planned crew battles way long ago that's why i decided to host the crew battles on the 30th since deep socal , superfriends and pdale were never quite free at the same time. I thought 30th would be perfect since it's after finals and im pretty sure everyones free. I would have made an official crew battle anyways...

at pandatration 3, superfriends is going to be Diesuperfriends, Pdale will probably use S.O.S and deep socal apparently has knives. So you tell me, if its all for fun then why do crews always try to recruite the best people to win?

my crew as, Caotic, me, mike, arash, nealdt, azn_lep, and chu dat


Smash Ace
Nov 24, 2005
Palmdale, CA
Mike, chu already asked for a ride in the panda3 thread... and someone already offered to pick up him AND vidjo to take them to panda3...

This whole thing is pretty fkn stupid if you ask me. "training socal" and "smash is a buisness" are not the things that come to mind when i play smash... its all about playing and having fun with your FRIENDS....

I'd be careful mike, while you may be making money by "training" the smash community, your FRIENDS are going to start running in short supply.


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2003
San Dimas Ca
Yo panda !

Dude, iz there any way for u to host this on the 31st aka on sunday ?

Ken is having hiz bi-weekly the same date, and im pretty much guaranteed that im going to be there. Although, i would rather go to this than the bi-weekly, since the turnout seemz bigger. I can't though.

If u are able to host this on sunday, then i can guarantee u that me and vidjogamer will attend

PS: I will ask Arash for a ride, since i know ken won't drive me. IF all else failz, would anyone else like to step up and give me and vidjogamer a ride to this ? =)
K Mike, I proved it. A post after that one chu said was he wanted to see if ken can hold the biweekly on sunday. So, if you want to be fair to your friends, you should let them attend and have a fun time.


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2003
San Dimas Ca

1) how big was double pandatration 100 people?

2) yes strangely(not strange to me) as it sounds people can hold grudes until they die

3) no, we let people sit on certain couches, but some are just off limits , there are plenty of chairs for everyone to have a seat

I charge people for biweeklies because there has to be a pot for a tournament. Tournaments with no pot is lame. At the same time they get better. I'm not threatening anyone, it's simple, I host biweeklies because there are a demand for them, if there is no demand im not going to host them anymore and spend my weekeneds doing Lan parties with Nealdt ;). It doesn't matter if I don't want to go to SB, this isn't about me. Larger doesnt always mean better.

no man sweat funk Lol, show me a smash tournament with no man sweat funk nearby, as big as the venue is, everyones always going to crowd around the single last TV to watch an important smash or finals.

Furthermore, I've planned crew battles way long ago that's why i decided to host the crew battles on the 30th since deep socal , superfriends and pdale were never quite free at the same time. I thought 30th would be perfect since it's after finals and im pretty sure everyones free. I would have made an official crew battle anyways...

at pandatration 3, superfriends is going to be Diesuperfriends, Pdale will probably use S.O.S and deep socal apparently has knives. So you tell me, if its all for fun then why do crews always try to recruite the best people to win?

my crew as, Caotic, me, mike, arash, nealdt, azn_lep, and chu dat
1) Counting both days? Panda2 was 64 people. The sudden drop in number count is due to the switch around in venue.

2) And holding a grudge till you die accomplishes what in life?

3) You're not answering questions 4 and 5

You know you're going to win first, so that automatically takes away from 80% of the pot was it? Japan smashers play tournaments with no pot, and well look at them. More consistant and better than most of US right?

Crews recruit the best members because they want good consistant smashers to smash with all the time. Super friends smash all the time together. Deep SoCal smash all the time together (except edrees) and Palmdale smash with each other all the time. If you had the chance to recuit a team of people you can associate with, HAVE FUN, and enjoy the game with you would too.


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2002
southern cali, orange county

K Mike, I proved it. A post after that one chu said was he wanted to see if ken can hold the biweekly on sunday.
the fact is chu and vidjo are comming down because we are inviting them. We are still holding the tournament on the same date meaning chu and vidjo will be there regardless if people offer them rides or not. If either of them disagrees theyll talk to me personally but for now thats how it is.

Emerican if you have a problem of how things work maybe you should see the dark sides of tournaments. This is reality, no matter what host says its for the tourney and people its bull****. You speak as if i make lots of money off these tournaments. Its not guaranteed, i have the same chances like everyone else. As for friends, thats peoples choices. Theres always going to be a pot and theres always going to be people competiting to hold tournies.


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2003
San Dimas Ca
the fact is chu and vidjo are comming down because we are inviting them. We are still holding the tournament on the same date meaning chu and vidjo will be there regardless if people offer them rides or not. If either of them disagrees theyll talk to me personally but for now thats how it is.

Emerican if you have a problem of how things work maybe you should see the dark sides of tournaments. This is reality, no matter what host says its for the tourney and people its bull****. You speak as if i make lots of money off these tournaments. Its not guaranteed, i have the same chances like everyone else. As for friends, thats peoples choices. Theres always going to be a pot and theres always going to be people competiting to hold tournies.
So because vidjo and chu don't want to attend, you're going to hold them hostage pretty much so you can try to get more people for a biweekly? hrm interesting.


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2002
southern cali, orange county

So because vidjo and chu don't want to attend, you're going to hold them hostage pretty much so you can try to get more people for a biweekly? hrm interesting.
hold them hostage? wtf did i say? without me inviting them here they wouldnt go this year. If chu dat wants to come down to attend your tourney he can spend the entire year at your house and same goes for vidjo. They are our guest and nobodies holding them hostage for anything. I can seriously take this up another notch but i wont because i already left it at what it is. If people want to attend your tournament they can and if they want to attend ours they can. The more choices the better instead of having one huge tourney. Whatever is more convenient for people let them choose.


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2005
hey hey, mind u i was in with West Coast Syndicates b4 deepsocal and i woulda stayed, but the group split up. I was friends with champ and everyone knew me from deepsocal so its just another way to train and have fun. i cant have fun if the outcome of the matches is always the same, so yes people will try to group with others relatively close to the same level so they can actually learn, improve, and have fun from one another. i still play with panda..in fact he came over the other day and we played more wii than smash, and azeem was over last night and we had sex...so there.(ok maybe that last part wasnt completely true)


Smash Champion
Nov 18, 2004
Tucson Arizona
Panda: He's not holding them hostage they chose to go to Cali of their free will.

People are saying smash is all about this, or, smash is all about that. Smash is whatever you want it to be about people. I play smash to make money, take fools to school, travel the country, meet people and chill, and have fun while doing it all. If you guys just wanna have smash fests with friends why not open your house?

The fact that ken is even doing this is props enough. Everyone expects him to just feed you guys and change your diapers. He opens his house, and any one in so cal is free to come as long you as pay the entance fee, which is what? $10. That's not a lot at all, and all he asks is that you respect the rules to HIS house.

Anways aside from all that, I wanna attend this tourney because there is gonna be some good competition this time around.


Smash Ace
Nov 24, 2005
Palmdale, CA
-if you live in palmdale, you play smash, and you're not an *******... then you're in our crew.. Palmdale has a huge scene believe it or not, and the palmdale kids that you've come to meet are only known because we travel a little together, and try to represent palmdale as best we can. Like knives said, we all group together to learn and have fun...
-sos moved here from san antonio, didnt know a soul... we picked him up, and immediatly became friends though this game.. IF !!! we used him in the crew battle, we have every right to. He lives here, he plays smash, hes not an *******... so hes in our crew.
-However, we initially planned only "pure palmdale blood" would play.. which included Rofl, Boa, Teba, Aesis, and myself.


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2002
southern cali, orange county

Panda: He's not holding them hostage they chose to go to Cali of their free will.

People are saying smash is all about this, or, smash is all about that. Smash is whatever you want it to be about people. I play smash to make money, take fools to school, travel the country, meet people and chill, and have fun while doing it all. If you guys just wanna have smash fests with friends why not open your house?

The fact that ken is even doing this is props enough. Everyone expects him to just feed you guys and change your diapers. He opens his house, and any one in so cal is free to come as long you as pay the entance fee, which is what? $10. That's not a lot at all, and all he asks is that you respect the rules to HIS house.

Anways aside from all that, I wanna attend this tourney because there is gonna be some good competition this time around.
we arent here to stop anyone from attending your tourney panda. Our bi weeklies have always been the same and we bring good people to them. Hell if people keep asking us why maybe we shouldnt try to bring the japanese over again. Im sure you can get them right panda? Or how about anyone else in so cal? People have different views on things. Everyone seems to want a huge tourney this year and it isnt going to happen. How i see it so cals lucky enough to have various tourneys all over the place and even if it happens to fall on the same day. Its not anyones fault for having to hold a tourney. If players wish to come then its their choice. Kens original post was that if we dont get enough people we wont create them anymore. If people dont show why create them? that means so cal thinks they are good enough to do what they want. Hell i remember just 3 years ago people sucked. If ken and i didnt open our house who would really step it up to hold these tournaments. Ken was the first one to even attend a large scale tourney and even was kind enough to think about so cal as an over all training ground for smash. And now we are nice enough to say hey if u dont like our tournies go somewhere else. I can be downright and just say hey we made your *** good and now if you dont like it do not attend any of our bi weeklies. I could do this right now. But im not like that. All i can say is without us , so cal wouldnt even be recognized for having good players at smash. All i know is after all this , and when brawl comes out there is going to be a new smash scene. Things wont change.


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2003
San Dimas Ca
Panda: He's not holding them hostage they chose to go to Cali of their free will.

People are saying smash is all about this, or, smash is all about that. Smash is whatever you want it to be about people. I play smash to make money, take fools to school, travel the country, meet people and chill, and have fun while doing it all. If you guys just wanna have smash fests with friends why not open your house?

The fact that ken is even doing this is props enough. Everyone expects him to just feed you guys and change your diapers. He opens his house, and any one in so cal is free to come as long you as pay the entance fee, which is what? $10. That's not a lot at all, and all he asks is that you respect the rules to HIS house.

Anways aside from all that, I wanna attend this tourney because there is gonna be some good competition this time around.
I'm not saying I don't respect that, it's the threats is what I'm talking about. You are right that smash is what you want smash to be there is no doubt about that and never will be. It's true that 10 dollars isn't a lot, but it's holding it against the people who go is what I find a problem with.

Chu wants to make everyone happy, and I like that in him. he tries to be the middle guy and I feel bad sometimes, but you are right, the choices he made are his and he has to go under the responsibility of he who houses him. I just find it quite unfair that he would want to attend a tournament and Mike won't let him go.

No one expects Ken to take care of anyone. Not everyone is free to come to these biweeklies. The reason for that is if one bad thing crosses, they burn the bridges. Don't find me completely disrespectful as I have thanked Ken for the things he did for me. Hell, he even gave me money for driving them to San Diego so I respect that in him. Had you known the whole story of it all, it would make more sense to you, but you are only watching from the window.

If Ken wants to stop holding biweeklies because he hates smashing, seriously he should. The thing that I don't agree on is saying "If you don't come, then I'll stop holding biweeklies." There should be more respect to the community and the people of SoCal than a threat.
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