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Westminster, May 5th Biweekly

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Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
What exactly is the reasoning behind not canceling/moving the biweekly? This arguement seems way too intense over something so little.


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2002
southern cali, orange county
your right

People probably wouldnt be complaining the way they are if it wasnt for all the threats. Well, like you said they arent threats since youll probably do it but it kinda puts guilt towards the other people. Majority of so cal likes the biweeklies and saying "We will stop hosting them if you dont attend" kinda worries people. Missing one biweekliy is no sign of disrespect and that shouldnt be a basis of cancelling them all together. You say people arent grateful for your training but im sure they are. Im sure palmdale goes to a majority of the biweeklies and suddenly they plan on missing one, then they are now ungrateful? Ive met palmdale and im sure they would never show any sign of disrectpect towards you or ken. I mean, whats the point of getting ken training if they dont go use it at other tourneys, right?

Im also sure Chu and Vidjo arent coming all that way just for smash, right? Im sure theyre coming to spend time with you guys and christmas. Smash is probably a bonus to them.

And P doesnt represent the smash community. So hating the rest of us because of him is no good
i agree, however, i mean if there arent enough people who decide to attend the bi weekly this time around, next time its going to be the same if more tournaments go up. Thats what im trying to get at here. People have choices and they go where they want. If ken and i see people dont have interest in them anymore we arent going to continue them.


Smash Lord
Jul 26, 2005
San Bernardino/Riverside, California
i agree, however, i mean if there arent enough people who decide to attend the bi weekly this time around, next time its going to be the same if more tournaments go up. Thats what im trying to get at here. People have choices and they go where they want. If ken and i see people dont have interest in them anymore we arent going to continue them.
Alrite, yea, that sounds more reasonable. Just dont base it off of just one biweekly though.


Smash Champion
Dec 10, 2002
southern cali, orange county

What exactly is the reasoning behind not canceling/moving the biweekly? This arguement seems way too intense over something so little.
we cant cancel / move it because during this time of the year most of us has plans. Plans like hanging out with family, relatives , etc etc. For us the best is to have the bi weekly on the 30th and people must know its not to attack pandas tournament. On new years eve the 31st we wouldnt mind having it but its new years family gets together and does ****. If we move it to an earlier date we cant cause i got relatives coming down that weekend and we are going out on vacation. Its stuff like this that is personal and most people wont understand.


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
i agree, however, i mean if there arent enough people who decide to attend the bi weekly this time around, next time its going to be the same if more tournaments go up. Thats what im trying to get at here. People have choices and they go where they want. If ken and i see people dont have interest in them anymore we arent going to continue them.
Yeah, but this is the first time in recent memory it's happened... It's not like every other week people have tournaments overriding or competing with yours. You keep assuming the worse ("next time its going to be the same if more tournaments go up"), and as you see, it creates problems and alienates people.


ken combo
Nov 26, 2002
Yeah, but this is the first time in recent memory it's happened... It's not like every other week people have tournaments overriding or competing with yours. You keep assuming the worse ("next time its going to be the same if more tournaments go up"), and as you see, it creates problems and alienates people.
you don't understand, the christmas biweekly isn't even a biweekly it's a tradition.

Every year usually around the 28-31st weekend Mike and I have been throwing a "SPECIAL CHRISTMAS" Biweekly and bring down people such as mikemonkey, vidjo or chu dat

this time it happens to be AZ, VIDJO and CHU DAT. Having people not come to this biweekly not just makes us sad because the tradition is now broken, it also breaks our hearts because we are trying to give so much. :(

Ultra Luigi

Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2004
Murrieta, CA
I have no say in this other then I’m not going to any of them. I’m a broke ******* right now so there’s no way I’m going to be spending cash I don’t even have. It’s all Neal’s fault for making that report about my farm for being the cause of the e-coli outbreak, now I’m out of a job. :(

So I hope you guys have a good time and happy holidays.


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2003
San Dimas Ca
P shut it already.

Ken, we're not here to stop you from running your biweekly. The problem I had is that you claimed the 9th to be the last biweekly of the year, then after I posted the venue situation, you posted you're having another biweekly on the same day.

By all means, feel free to hold the biweekly, I'm not stopping you, but I ask you not to use it as a threat against SoCal. If you don't want to hold another biweekly don't use a low turnout as an excuse. You've had many biweeklies that were less than 8 people and that didn't stop you from holding more, so what changed now? Feel free to hold the biweekly, by all means, but don't try to break apart a foundation us people in SoCal built by threats.

how ****ing dirty sanchez can you get to say something like that. If i truely cared about money I'd go to every single **** socal tournament there was and win and not give a **** about anyone. I wouldnt host biweeklies to help the community get better give private sessions to people like, You, Champ, Hugo, Pha, etc to help them get good.

Even when we went to the triweekly, I gave you more than enough for gas to cover your trip to San diego and back to your house, then even Offered to pay for some people's food at hooters. Like i said before, all the money i win at the biweeklies goes towards my parents for even letting me use "their" house in the first place.

Popularity? I already have too much of that as it is, having random smashers all over aiming but stupid ****

I appreciate socal's support but not all of them cheer for me anyways. Most of them don't care, the ones in socal who actually cheer for me are usually the people in my crew, my friends, or Superfriends

Just because I don't want to merge tournaments doesn't mean im turning my back on socal. You say you lost all once of respect for me because I don't want to merge tournaments, well just because you say something like this, I've lost all once of respect for you.

Because Panda says something like this, im pretty pissed, no one in socal should ever ask me to help them get better

Ken, I can be a much larger **** than this. I'm seriously letting you slide, well more of your brother. The important factor in what I'm talking about that you keep failing to read, is that I don't give 2 ****s about the merger. What pissed me off about it were the threats. I'd be fine if you said, "I really don't feel like going to SB and This is gonna be the last Biweekly I hold." But instead, you told neal that you were going to go, then changed your mind, then pretty much insulted me, along with so many of SoCal by these petty threats.

Seriously, if you viewed this in a more mature way, I wouldn't be as much of an *** as I am now. I give respect to those who equally give it. I gave you my thanks, offered you drinks, offered you many things and you honestly didn't take a thing for granted. I respected that in you. You brother is another issue but I don't feel I should get into it and try starting another feud. If you don't want to play smash, by all means, let the community handle themselves.

If you really feel more comfortable not smashing with random people, then don't. I lost respect in you after the threats, not for denying the merger.

To be more respectful to you, I would have also changed the date on my tournament, as I have done before, so that you can hold one or attend another. The only problem is that I work weekends, and my shop is actually closed on the 30th, so that's why I'm holding it on that day.


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
you don't understand, the christmas biweekly isn't even a biweekly it's a tradition.

Every year usually around the 28-31st weekend Mike and I have been throwing a "SPECIAL CHRISTMAS" Biweekly and bring down people such as mikemonkey, vidjo or chu dat

this time it happens to be AZ, VIDJO and CHU DAT. Having people not come to this biweekly not just makes us sad because the tradition is now broken, it also breaks our hearts because we are trying to give so much. :(
I respect that, though I don't respect the threats.


Oct 29, 2004
WTF is going on here? Here I am chasing wallabies and sheep and my whole country is burning. And all I hear of SoCal is WAAAH WAHHH WAHHHHHHHH.

I should be the one wah wah wahhhing ;)

PS - My first biweekly was a Christmas Special with ChuDat and Vidjo and MikeMonkey. SoCal is lucky to have such nice special guests - what do I get??? SHAZZZZZ!!!! Be grateful what Ken and Mike does guys - that means less drama, llamas.

Stop ****ing complaning, I'm the best Smasher in my continent and that is something worth complaning about LOOOOL


Smash Champion
Aug 20, 2002
Irvine, CA (SoCal)
Go to the biweekly.

For me, going to the biweekly is much more beneficial. If this gets cancelled, all of SoCal will suffer. I'm not going to risk the end of the biweeklies for one fun day. I for one want to improve at this game. Of course fun should be the focus of this game; I wouldn't play Smash if it weren't fun, but I also don't want to remain at scrub level. I'm going to keep improving and wanting to get better as long as there are people who are better than me.

I don't see why it would make any difference to have the "Best of SoCal" at any venue other than Ken/Mike's biweeklies. Put the drama aside, Smash isn't just for money, nobody is out to gain a monopoly on the smash scene. Nobody ever complained about paying $10 before why complain now? Some people may be taking these biweeklies for granted and are getting spoiled by the talent here. If Ken says he can host people then he can host people. If you seriously want to go to another venue simply because it is nicer or the air conditioning is better then think again. I bet you there will be more food here than at SB and for a cheaper price too.

Now normally I wouldn't say anything, because I don't have any harsh feelings towards anybody (and most people probably don't even know who I am), but I want biweeklies to continue and if they're going to stop because people don't show then I'm going to try and get people to come. Honestly it would benefit me more if nobody came and I got to train against guests with incredible talent, but if that means this is the last biweekly then it's no good. When the biweeklies stop everybody is going to realize how much help they've been and they're going to wish they had come to this instead of one random tournament.

So all in all, you can't say you'd rather have fun with other people at one tournament rather than sacrifice the best training you could possibly get in the world. If you want to play with guests from across the country and even from Japan, then come here, if you want one tournament where not even the top players will be attending, then go to SB. Last week ROFL played with the #2 smasher in the nation for as long as you might play at the SB venue in its entirety. Will you really pass up an opportunity that good? Is the other tourney really as important, especially if you can do the exact same thing, crews, singles, doubles, and add the best training you could ever get in a better venue for a better price?


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2006
Guys, I don't even go to these because my parents would shut me down if I even asked, but are you seriously considering destroying the foundation of what I consider to be one of the best smash communities out there? This isn't direced at anyone in particular, I'm just trying to get the point across. There's absolutely no reason to let damaged pride dictate our actions, the only thing, pardon me, the only logical thing to do is to distance ourselves from this situation and look at it from another perspective.

I'm not advertising either tournament, but Ken's seems to be the more foundational one, as it's had several others just like it in years past. Panda's, on the other hand, IMHO, seems to be an unnecessary conflict with Ken's biweekly.

Let me direct to you a question, Panda: Did you not host Double Pandatration on two weekend days? Was your shop closed then as well? I don't see why it's impossible to move the date up, it would certainly dissolve quite a bit of tension. Just a suggestion on my part, though some others may take it further. =/

In the end, I think CAOTIC has the right idea. We've lost sight of what's important about this community, and we can't regain that vitality until we've gone over and righted this wrong. Please keep in mind that this squabble is threatening the balance of this entire community, and don't take this message lightly. So please, talk it over, and do it in such a way that will end up with all those whom it may concern at least being content with what results. Thanks for reading this if you did read it at all.

EDIT: I respectfully request that Manacloud also stop the inflammatory comments...the personal attacks, the hate, it's like Guff in another body. =/

EDIT2: HOLY CRAP. The Breaking of the Fellowship comes on shuffle right as I post this? That's what you call uncanny...


Smash Champion
May 25, 2005
San Diego, CA
Ok I know I'm in no position to through this out as a plan so I won't. But for the sake of gathering community opinions:

Who here would be WILLING and ABLE to attend a Christmas Bi-weekly held on FRIDAY DECEMBER 29th?

Rescheduling seems like the only way to make everyone happy. However Ken and Mike provide a good point why they can't push the bi-weekly back a week because Vidjo, Chu, and AZ can't stick around for that long. At the same time Panda can't push his back a week because of clashing events at the venue. Sooo... the other logical solution is to pull one of the tournaments foward. Since everyone is on break there should be no reason why people can't make it on a Friday. Obviously Panda can't reschedule because they already have the venue reserved for Saturday, and that's set in stone. So this leaves Ken and Mike with the ability to reschedule.

Now as I asked already, this isn't saying that they will but if they did: WHO WOULD BE WILLING AND ABLE TO ATTEND THE CHRISTMAS BI-WEEKLY ON FRIDAY DECEMBER 29th? I'm pretty sure that the Hoangs will be more than willing to help out the SoCal community, so long as enough people are willing to show support. So let's hear it people, who's willing to go on Friday.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Smash drama is almost as bad as marching band drama :p

Back me up on this mike haze :p


Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2003
San Dimas Ca
In all honesty, I don't want people to side with anyone, but be rather neutral about their opinions and express thought. Zephyr, I had that date scheduled for Panda2 about 1 month after Panda1 ended. Before I got into my shop, I told them that there was going to be one weekend that I would request off this year since I already planned it before coming to work with my second family oriented business. Of course that was agreed upon which is why I took it and continued with that tournament.

Had you known that there wasn't a tournament at all on the 30th, you wouldn't be saying that I created this as a form of conflict. Had you known that they did say the 9th was the final biweekly of the year, you wouldn't be saying this.

That also goes to my part, had I known that Ken always held a end of the year biweekly, I wouldn't have made a tournament to end the year. The problem with the situation, (and I hate repeating it but apparently everyone who decides to come into the argument and pretty much try creating more problems) is that I put out word I was going to have a tournament on this day because my shop was closed, and no one posted they were going to have a tournament on that day, until about a week later.

I'm not sure how well you know Mike, but he hates people before he meets them, and dislikes people who voice their own opinion that doesn't follow his. I'm not sure if you realize it, but I got banned from mike (not ken) from OC2 for helping set up. Apparently, they talked the night before OC2 that I was no longer staff and didn't inform me. Now, Azn Lep asked me to help bring in TVs, cubes, and VCRs which I did, and Mike started cusing at me "saying get the **** out panda, you're no longer staff. You're not allowed in here without a wrist band so either pay or get the **** out."

The story that Mike made up was that I came into OC2 DEMANDING my money that I donated. I demanded it after I got treated with so much ****ing disrespect after helping them out the whole year. I held replacement biweeklies while they were in Japan. I moved a date of Panda1 so that Ken can attend, and then Mike ****ing accuses me of stealing 300 dollars when it' was obvious that the total amount missing was 2nd and 3rd prize which was what Mike won there. I had 5 people count the money and put it in a seal envelope.

So, before you start trying to say what happened when, note the facts please. I admit, I recently took cheap shots at Ken, despite I shouldn't have, but my main concern was, why the threats and why the bribes. I don't want to stir up any more beef with them or anyone, as I hate being on bad terms with anyone. If mike and/or ken don't like me or don't care to get along, that's on them, but I'm not going to be telling everyone, "Oh, they're ***** because of this event."

I don't talk behind peoples backs, I just state what exactly happened to those who were there. Quite frankly, I hope their biweekly does do well, and I hope that there isn't conflict between everyone after this. The funny thing about respect, is you have to give it to receive it. If you seriously don't respect the community, the community isn't going to respect you. Don't throw a blanket on them and say "all people are like this." Everyone has their own views on how things are. Forward said it best when he mentioned that Smash is what you want it to be.

Yeah, people would love to win money, but let me direct your attention back to Panda1. I had huge compliments about that tournament. How, it didn't feel like a tournament, and how it was the friendlies, most fun environment they've had with smash. I wanted to recreate that with Panda2 but I got fuccked over by the residency management that I had to butcher the tournament. With 2k6 I wanted to finally recreate what I did in Panda1. That's why I say, I don't really mind if Ken continues to hold the biweekly.

My actions last night were thoughtless and pretty much filled in defense, but I still stand by what I said before. It isn't right to threaten or bribe socal.

I tried to take some thought into this post, it pretty much sums the truth and what has been going on with my mind.



ken combo
Nov 26, 2002
I have no say in this other then I’m not going to any of them. I’m a broke ******* right now so there’s no way I’m going to be spending cash I don’t even have. It’s all Neal’s fault for making that report about my farm for being the cause of the e-coli outbreak, now I’m out of a job. :(

So I hope you guys have a good time and happy holidays.
noo Ultra it isnt a christmas biweekly without you, I know how it is being dead broke, if some how you can get a ride down here i don't mind spotting you for the biweekly..

Merry christmas :) and i already went over this with you, YOU DONT LIVE ON A FARM

FARMS HAVE PIGS COWS and all those nanimals :chuckle:


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2005
In all honesty, I don't want people to side with anyone, but be rather neutral about their opinions and express thought. Zephyr, I had that date scheduled for Panda2 about 1 month after Panda1 ended. Before I got into my shop, I told them that there was going to be one weekend that I would request off this year since I already planned it before coming to work with my second family oriented business. Of course that was agreed upon which is why I took it and continued with that tournament.

Had you known that there wasn't a tournament at all on the 30th, you wouldn't be saying that I created this as a form of conflict. Had you known that they did say the 9th was the final biweekly of the year, you wouldn't be saying this.

That also goes to my part, had I known that Ken always held a end of the year biweekly, I wouldn't have made a tournament to end the year. The problem with the situation, (and I hate repeating it but apparently everyone who decides to come into the argument and pretty much try creating more problems) is that I put out word I was going to have a tournament on this day because my shop was closed, and no one posted they were going to have a tournament on that day, until about a week later.

I'm not sure how well you know Mike, but he hates people before he meets them, and dislikes people who voice their own opinion that doesn't follow his. I'm not sure if you realize it, but I got banned from mike (not ken) from OC2 for helping set up. Apparently, they talked the night before OC2 that I was no longer staff and didn't inform me. Now, Azn Lep asked me to help bring in TVs, cubes, and VCRs which I did, and Mike started cusing at me "saying get the **** out panda, you're no longer staff. You're not allowed in here without a wrist band so either pay or get the **** out."

The story that Mike made up was that I came into OC2 DEMANDING my money that I donated. I demanded it after I got treated with so much ****ing disrespect after helping them out the whole year. I held replacement biweeklies while they were in Japan. I moved a date of Panda1 so that Ken can attend, and then Mike ****ing accuses me of stealing 300 dollars when it' was obvious that the total amount missing was 2nd and 3rd prize which was what Mike won there. I had 5 people count the money and put it in a seal envelope.

So, before you start trying to say what happened when, note the facts please. I admit, I recently took cheap shots at Ken, despite I shouldn't have, but my main concern was, why the threats and why the bribes. I don't want to stir up any more beef with them or anyone, as I hate being on bad terms with anyone. If mike and/or ken don't like me or don't care to get along, that's on them, but I'm not going to be telling everyone, "Oh, they're ***** because of this event."

I don't talk behind peoples backs, I just state what exactly happened to those who were there. Quite frankly, I hope their biweekly does do well, and I hope that there isn't conflict between everyone after this. The funny thing about respect, is you have to give it to receive it. If you seriously don't respect the community, the community isn't going to respect you. Don't throw a blanket on them and say "all people are like this." Everyone has their own views on how things are. Forward said it best when he mentioned that Smash is what you want it to be.

Yeah, people would love to win money, but let me direct your attention back to Panda1. I had huge compliments about that tournament. How, it didn't feel like a tournament, and how it was the friendlies, most fun environment they've had with smash. I wanted to recreate that with Panda2 but I got fuccked over by the residency management that I had to butcher the tournament. With 2k6 I wanted to finally recreate what I did in Panda1. That's why I say, I don't really mind if Ken continues to hold the biweekly.

My actions last night were thoughtless and pretty much filled in defense, but I still stand by what I said before. It isn't right to threaten or bribe socal.

I tried to take some thought into this post, it pretty much sums the truth and what has been going on with my mind.


good words panda.
finally someones starting to be mature about all this..


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2005
haha arash, your banner is a bit outdated.
although at least its not emo like mine(according to neal).
g/j on the burgers btw, that was too funny.


Smash Master
Nov 1, 2005
San Bernardino/pomona
2) lets see if they come if i dont invite them this year. Go define hostage in the dictionary...
o ****...dont go asking P for word definitions...
there's a thread with alan/keith/Neighborhood P argueing using a dictionary over nonsense :dizzy:

i think we can all agree...although his posts are entertaining and somewhat voices out socal's agression...that...
Neighborhood P should really stop posting :laugh:

Knives put it best when he said:
hey neighborhood P, not to be an *** or anything but please do shut up every once in a while. This isnt as big a deal as people are making it to be...things are getting sour real fast and there really is no point. Direct attacks against people for no reason isnt gonna help solve or improve anything about socal, no matter what you are trying to prove.
lets just cool down and let things be for a bit.
i honestly dont think socal wants to turn on ken or mike or anything close to it- it just wouldnt be fair after all they have done. They are good people, with faults, like you and me so cut them some slack with all the negative commentary. It sucks to be in the spotlight and it seems like things arent getting better at all with all these discussions.
i'm not usually serious in smashboards because i personally dont like to get dramatic about things...so if no one has anything valid or helpful to mention, i suggest people keep their opinions to themselves. I for one dont wanna have to pick sides, let alone have people hate me more than they already do.(^_^)


Smash Ace
Sep 27, 2003
Culver City, CA
LOL! Arash and his cliche posts...

Both of the tournament dates are set in stone so this arguing isn't -really- needed. :urg:. I do admit that it sucks though :p.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2006
.................................................... Marching Band drama ? :ohwell: :laugh:
Haha, you have no idea, Romeo...Marching Band drama beats ALL drama. I've been in it deep ever since the start of the season, and now that it's over I'm STILL in deep, partly in regards to this.

I'd encourage people to listen to Azn Lep's post, since I can state for a fact that the dates are NOT set in stone if Socal is willing to attend both tournies. Who would be willing to voice support for a Friday Christmas special?


Smash Journeyman
Sep 7, 2005
Knotting Falls, Linistar
Ok I know I'm in no position to through this out as a plan so I won't. But for the sake of gathering community opinions:

Who here would be WILLING and ABLE to attend a Christmas Bi-weekly held on FRIDAY DECEMBER 29th?

Rescheduling seems like the only way to make everyone happy. However Ken and Mike provide a good point why they can't push the bi-weekly back a week because Vidjo, Chu, and AZ can't stick around for that long. At the same time Panda can't push his back a week because of clashing events at the venue. Sooo... the other logical solution is to pull one of the tournaments foward. Since everyone is on break there should be no reason why people can't make it on a Friday. Obviously Panda can't reschedule because they already have the venue reserved for Saturday, and that's set in stone. So this leaves Ken and Mike with the ability to reschedule.

Now as I asked already, this isn't saying that they will but if they did: WHO WOULD BE WILLING AND ABLE TO ATTEND THE CHRISTMAS BI-WEEKLY ON FRIDAY DECEMBER 29th? I'm pretty sure that the Hoangs will be more than willing to help out the SoCal community, so long as enough people are willing to show support. So let's hear it people, who's willing to go on Friday.
I can go Friday. I don't want anymore arguments.


Smash Lord
Aug 25, 2003
Irvine, CA
I think from now on all negative comments should be directed towards Arash for making the most cliche post these boards have ever seen.

Thanks a lot arash.
there's no point crying over spilled milk:)


Smash Journeyman
Sep 21, 2005
Hirsine is right. No more arguments. I would be happy to attend this on a Friday. Plus if i do go,this will be my first Ken Biweekly to attend. Please push it up one day.PLEASE.PLEASE.PLEASE!!!


Smash Journeyman
May 5, 2006
Torrance, California
Dang I was reading all this drama and realized there's 5 more pages to read!!!(So I gave up and stopped reading them) Wahh holy **** guys this is worse than lifetime TV LOL.
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