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Weird dreams that you have?


Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2008
New Jersey.
Sorry if it has been done before.

This topic is for you guys to talk about the weirdest dreams you remember.

I'm a little short on time so I'll get back and post mine later on.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Well, I've never neccessarily had any weird dreams except for the fact, the I sometimes see a portion of "the future", in particular in a situation where I will be in, I'm not exactly sure, but i've seen this happen several times, when I'm in the moment, I'll remember being in this particular situation when yet i've never been in it other than my dream.


SiNiStEr MiNiStEr
Apr 18, 2006
i had a weird dream where venom and carnage was chassing me down my staircase thats about 4 feet wide in a public bus.


Smash Master
Oct 1, 2006
I've only had one dream in my life, and I have it about once a week. I used to have it every night, most nights. I'm falling from a really high height onto a field of short cut grass, and just when I hit, I wake up.


Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2008
New Jersey.
Alright, I'm back from class. I've got tons of dreams to talk about...

1) There's a long bridge. It's raining out, and the bridge is flooding. I'm on a bus with a bunch of other people. The bus is being taken hostage by this guy who wants us to help him kill celebrities so he can harvest their souls and bring the bus to the underworld. Dream transports me into this huge golden department store, very ornate. I witness Usher and William Shatner being killed.

2) I'm outside of my school, lying prone in some wooded area, with a M82 sniper rifle in hand. The school doesn't look like my school though, it looks more like a huge factory. My mission is to enter the school and steal some documents. One of the teachers is my go-to person, and I infiltrate the school through door in the west and she gives me the stuff. I'm leaving and my principal catches me, and tells me that he needs to confiscate my rifle...

3) I'm outside with my friends during football practice. Towards the end, one of my friends and myself enter our high school. The layout is different, but I know it's my school. I find stairs leading to a basement, and the basement leads to some lab area where there's a ton of nuclear weapons. I somehow activate them. Ninjas come crashing into the room and kill me. This dream happened 3 times within a week.

4) I'm in a hotel room. There's a hole in the floor. I look into it, there's a ton of zombies underneath me. I take an MP5 and spray them.

5) I'm fighting zombies using a shotgun, except it's really weak and takes like 3 point blank headshots to damage a zombie.

6) I'm in a dark, damp, basement-like area. The room is huge and filled with metal bunkbed frames. No mattresses, just the bed frames. I'm chasing some dude, and I have an uzi. Eventually I turn the corner and see him. I unload the entire clip into his face. He doesn't die. But then maggots fall upon him and devour him.

7) I'm in the middle of NYC with an assault rifle and RPG. I wind up going into an apartment building.

8) I see a white unmarked van. I opened the back doors, and see a collection of weapons. Dream ends.

9) There's a MASSIVE mansion on top of a hill. Very scary. It must be like more than 10 stories high. I go into it with a bunch of friends. We make our way to the attic, where something scary is supposed to be. This dream happens 3 times within a week, and each time we go into the attic. Each successive dream uncovers something new about what's in the attic.

10) Imagine a huge whale. Now cut it in half, right down the middle, lengthwise. Now mount the whale's body on a huge wall (many stories high), head placed on the left, tail to the right. So basically, this whale is some sort of "boss." I, along with a bunch of other people, are on the ground floor. There are rocks leading up to where the whale is. We're throwing stuff at the whale to kill it.

11) I'm in Kim Jong Il's liar. It's steamy and smoky. I have a pistol and I'm chasing him down. I run out of ammo, but his henchman gives me another gun.

12) The next dream takes place in modern day Queens (My grandpa's house). There are cars on the street, etc. But me and my friend are stuck in the Civil War, with Civil War-era weapons. We're with a bunch of people from our army, holed up in my grandpa's house. The confederate army is marching down the street, and we attack them from our fortifications. Wave after wave. Eventually my friend and I go upstairs, destroy the stairs, and hoard as many weapons and ammo as we can, in preparation for the next wave.

13) A girl, who is my friend in the dream (Don't know her in real life though), commits suicide by impaling her head on a ship anchor. She blames it on me. I spend the rest of the dream being sad and wondering what I did wrong. I see more images of random people shooting their brains out.

14) I'm travelling through space with an alien. Our mission is to infiltrate a bunch of spaceports and find their main computer rooms and sabatoge them.

15) I'm in the woods, during the fall. The leaves are different colors, it's fairly chilly out. I find an abandoned farmhouse area. There are rotting corpses hanging on trees. I look into the farmhouse, and I see things that would be in a horror movie: scary girls in white dresses, scary dolls, little demons running around, more dead things and rotting corpses.

16) I'm in the subway. A train hits me. I'm not even on the track, somehow the train derails itself and purposely chases after me. I attempt to dodge the train but it makes sharp turns to keep on my tail. It hits me and I die.

17) I'm in a car on a bridge. It drives off the bridge, into the water. I drown and die.

18) I'm in a huge dark castle place. I'm there with a bunch of other people, and we're on a treasure hunt. It takes a lot of acrobatics and stuff to scale the walls and jump from place to place. I look across and see a tall tower. Someone is trying to climb it, but they're killed by a fire breathing dragon.

19) Here's the one I had last night: It starts out with me and 2 other people. We're apparently teamed up and we're supposed to go around killing demons. I have some energy rifle that can be charged up to let out a huge energy blast. My buddy has a MASSIVE revolver. Like, it's as big as a grown man's torso. Third person has some technical equipment. So we go around and we kill stuff. The guy with the revolver runs out of ammo, so we run back to the gunshop. There's a bad guy inside the shop, and we go in and the revolver guy kills him. I witness this. Now here's the weird part...the next part of the dream has me in the shoes of the guy who got killed by my buddy. I'm no longer the dude carrying the energy rifle. Now I'm hiding in the gunshop, and I know the revolver guy is coming to kill me. But I know that I shouldn't be in there, so I leave and try to run around the block, using the buildings to obscure my killer's view. I think I'm safe, but he apparently jumps over buildings and shoots me.


Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2008
New Jersey.
Wow zerofox, you like guns or something?
Lol. I don't know...

I'm not a violent guy or anything. Actually a lot of girls think I'm a really nice and sensitive guy to be quite honest.

Plus I absolutely adore puppies and other cute animals.

Aside from playing violent video games though, I don't really have too many violent thoughts. So those dreams are kinda weird for me.


Smash Lord
Jul 7, 2008
It's gotta be the violent video games making your dreams like that. I've had dreams influenced by games before too. Like smash bros for example.

I had this dream once that my dad was a grape vine and I had to feed him cat food or he would die. . .
There are others but I'm too lazy. Many of my dreams are just a bunch of random "clips" connected together that make no sense really but it's pretty fun.

One time there were these 6 or 7 doom hamsters. If they were all thrown into a single body of water the world would end. . .

see what I mean?


L o s t - in reality~
Jun 14, 2008
I've only had one dream in my life, and I have it about once a week. I used to have it every night, most nights. I'm falling from a really high height onto a field of short cut grass, and just when I hit, I wake up.
This sounds like a sign. A bad one :(

Weirdest dream I ever had. I went over a waterfall, a fairly large one, but I survived. Once I got back on solid ground I looked around a bit. I noticed the waterfall again and wondered how I survived, I saw that the water was really chalky, I saw a lot of rocks on the rivers edge, I saw a medium sized boat tied to shore (It was a rescue boat and it had the word "Canada" on it and the flag), and there was also a group of people in life jackets standing on a large rock. I wasn't sure if they were actually in trouble or if it was just a practice run because I saw other people that looked similar trying to save them (The boulder was in the middle of the river btw)

Sounds somewhat normal so far right? Well that summer (I'm not sure when the dream happened exactly but it was awhile before summer began) me and my family went to Jasper for about a week. On one of the days we decided to go see a Waterfall. I was excited because I love nature. So we're standing above watching the water rush down for about 30 minutes. I just stared because I thought it was the coolest thing. Eventually we decided to head down to the base of the waterfall where it actually became a river again.

At first everything seemed fine, but then suddenly that dream that I had a few months before flooded back into my head. Everything I saw in that dream I saw at that exact moment in Jasper. I actually got dizzy and almost had to sit down. I saw the chalky water, I saw the rocks, I even saw the boat (Though it was a different color but it still had the "Canada" on it and the flag). The only thing I didn't see was the group of people on the boulder. I can't remember if I even saw the boulder in Jasper, probably not. But I was still amazed, I couldn't believe what just happened. Nearly the entire scenic view I had in my dream was identical.

I told my mom right after I realized what just happened. She said a similar thing happened to her when she was younger, which I thought was cool. I've wondered if it would ever happen again, but it didn't, not to the same extent anyways. To this day I try my hardest to remember random dreams like that to see if they ever happen in real life. Except I always forget, but whatever. This was by far the weirdest, and coolest dream I've ever had.


Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2008
New Jersey.
It's gotta be the violent video games making your dreams like that. I've had dreams influenced by games before too. Like smash bros for example.

I had this dream once that my dad was a grape vine and I had to feed him cat food or he would die. . .
There are others but I'm too lazy. Many of my dreams are just a bunch of random "clips" connected together that make no sense really but it's pretty fun.

One time there were these 6 or 7 doom hamsters. If they were all thrown into a single body of water the world would end. . .

see what I mean?
I mean I do play violent video games, but not that often you know?

I have played Doom when I was about 5 years old. I've played Soldier of Fortune before I turned 13. I also have Doom 3, Killer 7, No More Heroes, RE4, but I'd say that those are some of the most violent games that I own. Most of the time I'm playing stuff like Smash Bros, Zelda, Final Fantasy, Pokemon, Tales, etc.

It could have something to do with the early exposure. But honestly, even though I play violent games, I don't own too many and I don't play them all the time.


Smash Lord
Apr 22, 2008
I dreamt I was Mewtwo in the first pokemon movie last night, no lies

I didn't ***** out in the end though, Mewtwo was indeed the greatest pokemon trainer last night


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
Actually this has already been made before...although the old thread is dead now...

The Fail Tracer

The Universal Cosmic Tracer
Dec 28, 2006
Beside myself
Actually this has already been made before...although the old thread is dead now...
Yep, it was done by me. I'll get back once I find my old thread so I can post some of my dreams from there. I've also got a dream journal in my room, so I'll post some dreams from that, too.

EDIT: Here you are.

1.) I went behind a pizza place, and there was a secret factory behind it. Strangely, I have had MANY dreams about this secret factory in different situations. This is just one of them. I got into the factory, but the dreams never show me how I do it. I looked around, and I spotted this blue-colored, winged demon on top of some tall structure. Strangely, he actually flew down to me, and followed me to my grandparent's house. I noticed the demon wasn't with me anymore, but I thought nothing of it, for some reason. I went upstairs into the room where the computer is, and I found my grandma at the computer, looking up stuff.

We had a conversation, but I don't remember what about. Afterwards, I went back outside, and the demon was in the yard. He smiled, and flew through the window of the computer room. Somehow, I was able to fly up to the window to see what he was doing. Finally, he whispered, "When I say this word three times--" and I actually FORGOT what the rest of his sentence was. Then, he said some word that I couldn't understand, and right after the second time he said it, I woke up.

2.) I get a bunch of dreams where I'm falling or I trip. I wake up with a big shock/weird sensation.

3.) I was in a temple, which looked a lot like Ganon's Tower from Ocarina of Time. My friend was with me, and we were both aware that we were inside a video game of some sort, and that if we lost, we would literally die. We proceeded through a door, which was like the doors in Ganon's Tower as well, only they had whale heads on them. We got into the next room, and then did a lot of things that I can't remember at all. After all that, we went outside. We then saw a giant monster thingy smashing the temple. Then, an army of people who were on our side approached us. Some guy (which I think was the leader) said something like, "If that thing smashes the temple before we get that part, then we're doomed!" I have NO idea what the "part" was of, but in my dream, we both seemed to have understood it well. The leader continued, "There's a time limit, and their magic is making it unknown to us! We're all going in with you, and we have to hurry!" My friend and I nodded, and then we saw my friend's dad, who said to him, "Keep them safe, son." By that, I can confirm that he meant to not let all of the troops die. So we went inside, where some debris was falling. All the troopers were shooting at the enemy monsters, and they gave us a signal to go on to the next room. We did so, and then we saw a cross between a walrus and a pig... in a business suit. He pointed at us and said, "Hey, guys, wanna buy something here?" I remember that we really didn't want to buy anything, and we didn't have the time. So we shot him and went into the next room. Afterwards, we saw a a big, huge whale. In a cloak. And I forgot how it all ended.

Technically, it didn't end. For some reason, I apparently had to get the last "part" from another world. So, I remember walking across a deserted skatepark and into... LUIGI'S MANSION?! Yeah... So I went into the Kitchen, and it turned out that there was a secret room accessible from it. I went in there, and it was a bathroom. There was even a water elemental ghost flying around. I remember saying to myself, "Wow, I forgot all about this room for years!" I also remember that I knew there was a portrait ghost in there. So, a female portrait ghost popped out of the toilet and chased me into another room.

4.) Some random kid walked into my room and erased my Smash Bros. Melee data. Good thing it wasn't real...

5.) I remember back when I was little, and I wanted a four-wheeler REALLY bad. So one night, I had a dream about getting one; my mom said my new four-wheeler was just behind the house if I wanted to go ride it. I ran to it, found it, and rode it around a lot, then I woke up. I probably felt like crying.

6.) I was playing Melee, and I was playing as Foxy versus a level one Falco. You know that glitch where if you run to the end of FD and shine, it will act like a shine and sound like it, but not have a blue hexagon around the character? Well, I was playing on FD, trying to do that glitch. I couldn't pull it off, so I gave up and ran to the middle of the stage and shined, but I held the B button in. All of the sudden, this HUGE orange power bubble formed around my Foxy, and I started flying around the stage (it was kind of like Pikachu's Final Smash). Then, Falco did the same thing, and we started playing "bumper cars" with our power bubbles. It seemed EXTREMELY real. It had the exact same look and graphics and everything, and everything seemed exactly like real life, up until the power bubbles formed. I'm serious!

7.) There was this evil-looking ladybug with pincers that kept saying in a dark and scary voice, "Coookiee... COOOKIIIEE..." over and over again. I don't know how, but something in my dream told me the ladybug was going to kill me.

8.) I remember a guy with sunglasses pointing a pistol at a portrait.

Weeeee. Really long post.


Smash Ace
Mar 23, 2008
I always have a really futuristic cell phone in my dreams. Nomatter what I'm dreaming about, I always pull it out to randomly text my friends lolz.


Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2008
New Jersey.
I always have a really futuristic cell phone in my dreams. Nomatter what I'm dreaming about, I always pull it out to randomly text my friends lolz.
Haha that seems interesting...

Oh, the first disturbing dream I had occured around, oh I don't know, somewhere between 6-9 I would assume.

I was sitting on a couch with my mom. She looked at me and her eye fell out. She was still smiling afterwards.


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
The strangest dream I had was that soap got in my eye when I was taking a shower and my fell out because of it. Another strange one is that I was captured by indians and they put me on a giant pot so they could eat me.


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
Most of my vivid dreams are from things that happened during the day. Like a thing happened with my girlfriend, my fantasy takes over in dreams. I splash around, and karp it all out. Heh.


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2008
The Secret Kingdom
I recently had a dream where I was walking down a hallway and suddenly saw my Physics teacher. He had his foot caught in a bear trap and told me to go to the office for some ointment, because he was allergic to bear traps.


Smash Ace
Mar 23, 2008
^^ Lol I'm allergic to having my foot sheared off by serrated metal bars. Your avi is kind of creepy btw lolz.

Da Shuffla

Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2008
Ah, consistent dream "abilities." Mine is flight, and I can randomly make large buildings appear. Don't ask.

If any of you remember the game "Twisted Metal 3," I had a recurring dream where I would enter Hangar 18 through a portal in D.C. There, I found aliens selling water ice. Bizzare.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 12, 2008
In a circle with Fez, Hyde, Eric and Kelso
The other night I had a dream that my classmates and I went out to this field. In the middle of the field sat a swing. We all stood next to the swing and then some of the guys in my class decided to run into the high grass that was guarded by a big sign that says don't enter unless trimmed. Well they ran in and started to disappear. For some reason I didn't care to much probably cause I was to focused on the flying tree that just floated over everything. After that the dream started to change into a wierd movie thing where I was one of the characters and I was being chased by a police robot but I knew what the robot was doing at all times.

I think the part about my friends running into the high grass stems from my opinion that most of them don't always think things through. They think more about the now as opposed to the later. An example is, some of them will have a soda a day even though they aren't even doing anything active. Since it tastes good it okay.


crystal skies
Jan 20, 2007
Usually during the night before tournaments, I actually end up dreaming about playing smash.



Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2007
come on sucker lick my battery
so i had this dream that i was with this girl and then we...........

well anyways

strange dreams, i have had a lot. i have had quite a bit with zombies after i read that world war z book.

I had this dream that there was this cloaked figure trying to kill me and a bunch of friends. so i dont remember how we got there, but we ended up at a grocery store, a really tiny one but he was shooting and me and i was dodging the bullets. so in the end i end of tackling him and i became this big hero.

yeah i had a really cool dream once but as the day went on it faded and i was really pelled


Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2008
New Jersey.
Last night, I had a dream that some doctors took out all of my vital organs but I was still walking around. Eventually the doctors put back my organs, but before that, they cut a few of them up. I remember thinking "this is going to hurt tomorrow"


Smash Apprentice
Jul 6, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
I sometimes see a portion of "the future", in particular in a situation where I will be in, I'm not exactly sure, but i've seen this happen several times, when I'm in the moment, I'll remember being in this particular situation when yet i've never been in it other than my dream.
XD I get this too. Its just wierd. It feels like you've done what you're doing before, but you haven't.
I've only had one dream in my life, and I have it about once a week. I used to have it every night, most nights. I'm falling from a really high height onto a field of short cut grass, and just when I hit, I wake up.
Same, except I see a random bed that looks like a spec at first then when I land on it, I'm just awake. It feels strange when you're falling...:ohwell:


Smash Lord
Jul 7, 2008
If you believe in astral projection this will make more sense:

I was having a dream (don't remember what) and then I am hovering above my parents bed (I was like 5 at the time and was sleeping in their bed that night, I think I had a bad dream or something). I saw myself and my parents sleeping, then I fall down into my body and wake up.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2008
Well, I've never neccessarily had any weird dreams except for the fact, the I sometimes see a portion of "the future", in particular in a situation where I will be in, I'm not exactly sure, but i've seen this happen several times, when I'm in the moment, I'll remember being in this particular situation when yet i've never been in it other than my dream.
Yes!! I have that too sometimes. It's so weird.

Da Shuffla

Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2008
Well, I've never neccessarily had any weird dreams except for the fact, the I sometimes see a portion of "the future", in particular in a situation where I will be in, I'm not exactly sure, but i've seen this happen several times, when I'm in the moment, I'll remember being in this particular situation when yet i've never been in it other than my dream.
So true. I'm in a building, and I "know" that I have been there before, and what monster I have to destroy.

Vect0r: ALWAYS, though? Lol.


Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2008
New Jersey.
Hmm, speaking about dreams, how many of you guys dream about video games?

A majority of my dreams involve the games I play on a competitive level.

I've had a few dreams involving Call of Duty. In some dreams I was just playing it, in another I was actually in the game itself, hiding in bushes and shooting people. I had no tournament related dreams, even though I've played in and won several.

I've had some Super Smash Bros Melee/Brawl dreams, just involving me playing the games. I've had a few nightmares where I lost a tournament for some reason. And I've dreamt that I won tournaments (and did in real life).

I've had some Pokemon related dreams too (Just playing them). Don't recall any tournament related dreams, even though I've also played in and won many. I have had nightmares where I found out my competitive teams were absolute **** (low leveled, lame movesets, etc).

I also had a Conker's Bad Fur Day dream (actually 2), even though I don't play that competitively. In both dreams I was a character in the game. The first dream, I was on the roof of some sort of building, and the roof was covered in poo. There was a huge slide (also covered with poo) and I slid down it. In the second dream, I was in some sort of chasm area and was jumping across gaps and stuff...

Interesting fact: My friend in Mississippi (we've never met in person) had a dream that I destroyed him in Melee...


Smash Lord
Aug 4, 2007
In that ruined tower, atop a mountain.
OK, here's a long dream I had once.

I was in a kingdom. Someone (I don't remember who, maybe the king?) gave me a mission where I had to head East. So, I left the village and made my way through the desert.

Along the way, I came across some... storage facility with guard lights and containers everywhere. I had to sneak across without being spotted by a spotlight, Metal Gear Solid style.

Anyways, made it past that. Came to a stony mountain I had to climb up. As I continued, I came across an old shack. I headed to the shack to investigate it. It was pretty old, and it looked like it could have been a medieval shop at one point in time. A barrel full of wooden swords caught my eye. Then I spotted an older man behind one of the desks.

Man: "I can make you a sword if you'll gather some wood for me. You'll need it for the road up ahead."
Me: "Can't you just use something from those wooden ones in the barrel over there though?"
Man: "Well sure, but... trust me, you'd rather want to fetch some wood yerself. Here, take this."

He gave me a hatchette. I stepped outside of the shack, and noticed it was storming. The rain was pouring down hard. I searched among the trees to see if there was a nice log I could use. I spotted one up a cliff.

I made my way up the cliff, past the mud pulling on me. I hacked away at the log to separate it from the tree as hard as I could, and a lightning bolt nearly struck me. Finally! The log was severed, but the waterflow drifted the log down a stream, and small waterfall. Luckily, it landed in a small pond near the shack. I slid down the waterfall as well, and gave the man the log.

He made a really nice sword for me. It was razor sharp. =D Then a car pulled up outside. I got in the back seat, to find a viking dude next to me. The driver, wearing a suit told me about a mission we had to do. We were to search for a man with a gun in the village, and to eliminate him on sight. He drove us to the village.

It was very crowded. I looked hard, and finally found the man with the gun. It would have been dangerous to just approach him. I decided to take a small detour around the crowd to come up by surprise. I put my hand on my sword, then heard a loud noise.


The viking dude had his mace raised in the air, and the man with the gun looked sorta dazed out.


His mace cracked on the guy's face. The man fell to the ground, passed out.

That's all I remember. =D


Master of Caribou
Aug 24, 2007
Claremont, CA
I had a really bizarre dream a couple nights ago.

So after going to a Brawl tournament at a Quiznos (this was still IRL), people started talking about Togo's and how terrible it was afterwards in the tourney thread. I while later, I had dream where I went on a roadtrip to Norcal to go to a Brawl tournament hosted at a Togo's. I don't remember many details aside from it being horribly run and me being miserable there.


Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2008
New Jersey.
I had a really bizarre dream a couple nights ago.

So after going to a Brawl tournament at a Quiznos (this was still IRL), people started talking about Togo's and how terrible it was afterwards in the tourney thread. I while later, I had dream where I went on a roadtrip to Norcal to go to a Brawl tournament hosted at a Togo's. I don't remember many details aside from it being horribly run and me being miserable there.
Dreamt about something you talked about during the day huh? I recall my dream where I got hit by a train came the night after I was talking with this girl about this music video where people were walking on train tracks, and how it would be dangerous...


Smash Journeyman
Oct 20, 2008
I had the most wonderful dream last night. Too bad it's a dream. I hate having a good dream.
Makes me sad afterwards.


Smash Lord
Sep 6, 2008
New Jersey.
I had the most wonderful dream last night. Too bad it's a dream. I hate having a good dream.
Makes me sad afterwards.
I agree. I think the greatest dream I've ever had occured sometime during high school. There was this girl that I was pretty much absolutely in love with and we were really close friends. Of course I was too afraid to let her know and stuff.

No, my dream didn't involve sexy time.

In my dream I was just together with her, and we both loved each other. And it was the best feeling ever.

On the flipside though, sometimes I have bad dreams and I'm just relieved when I wake up and find out they're not really. Like the dream that I had where some girl committed suicide and blamed it on me...

Da Shuffla

Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2008
I agree. I think the greatest dream I've ever had occured sometime during high school. There was this girl that I was pretty much absolutely in love with and we were really close friends. Of course I was too afraid to let her know and stuff.

No, my dream didn't involve sexy time.

In my dream I was just together with her, and we both loved each other. And it was the best feeling ever.

On the flipside though, sometimes I have bad dreams and I'm just relieved when I wake up and find out they're not really. Like the dream that I had where some girl committed suicide and blamed it on me...
Those dreams are the best, or worst, depending on how you look at it. Those perfect situations that could actually happen. Then, the dream slowly fades away, and you wake up to reality.
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