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We Like IKE! Or do we...

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Smash Apprentice
Nov 13, 2010
Personally I don't care, I like Ike's new look. It helps set him apart from the other Sword users in roster, and also contrasts him nicely with Marth who has the look of a prince, compared to Ike's look that might be expected from doing mercenary work.

Also, did they forget Ike is the only lord in the series who is not a prince or of noble birth? Given he spent his entire life training with his father, serving as a mercenary, and being in the thick of things, Ike's look makes sense. Do people expect someone who spends his life fighting off thieves and pirates for money to have a slender build like Marth?

Marth's look makes sense, he's a prince who spent his entire life in a palace and was forced to fight due to events outside his control. It's implied Ike has spent almost his entire life either training or fighting, and between POR and RD, kept taking up mercenary work.

Marth and Ike's looks suit their character and backstories. Can we leave it at that?

One other thing I just thought about, while they are mocking Ike's new look, I wonder if they every realized that a good number of gamers in the westthought Marth was a female character when we first saw him? Especially compared to Roy in Melee?

Because I thought Marth was a female characters until I looked up Fire Emblem and found out he was a male character.

The Japanese may not want to mock Ike too much. Marth's had his share of problems too...
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Smash Lord
Oct 24, 2007
Switch FC
4999 6039 1484
I feel like a lot of people here are very quick to crack on the Japanese community players who don't like this brawnier Ike without realizing that...ya know...that's their opinion, and its their right to it.

Just saying, some of you guys' reactions to their reactions of Ike is a little harsh...and hypocritical. They don't like this Ike. They compare him to a gorilla. How is that different from our community criticizing their styles in games and media? Way I see it, they don't like this Ike, I do. Also, I like gorillas. Im a huge fan of Eddie Brock (Venom) and constantly (used to) compare him to a gorilla all the time. I read that article and smiled, because...yeah, this Ike is more muscular. If that makes him an ape, cool. Gorillas are cool. I like this Ike. They don't have to.

I dunno. Maybe don't listen to me. It's just, some of the replies in this topic seem excessive. "They don't like this Ike or think the way we do? They're stupid..." like, ouch.


Smash Lord
Feb 9, 2014
Alberta, Canada
I can understand why Japan is a little iffy with this Ike. I mean, Ike the most different lord there is in Fire Emblem. He a masculine mercenary of non-nobel lineage. This is a drastic difference from Marth, and frankly, they are opposites of the same spectrum. Japan might identify more easily with the more regal Marth, while America identifies more easily with Ike, who was born without any ascribed (born into) advantages, and worked hard to achieve his goals and greatness. What's most important is that both lords fit their designs perfectly, and I love it when video games do this, as it has characters that appeal to both audiences.
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Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
I've actually met a lot of Japanese players who love Gears. And who (un)surprisingly don't know what Fire Emblem is.

I think the change does an excellent job of reflecting their individual styles. Marth being about finesse, while Ike swings a giant banana around.

That said there was probably more than a few players who hated how "broken" Ike was in Brawl. Especially on Wi-Fi.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
The Japanese really prefer bishounen characters, after all... Still, it's lol worthy seeing the Japanese players comparing Ike to a gorilla. If Ike is a gorilla, then what is Donkey Kong?

It's almost like, design-wise, Marth caters to the Japanese audience and Ike to the Western audience. Which is also quite fitting considering most of Marth's games are Japan only, while Ike's games were all released outside of Japan... Then again, Ike's design in Radiant Dawn, which is the basis for this new design, also depicted him as muscular.
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Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
I hate in anime how there is a really thin person and then a person bulging with muscles and 9 feet tall. And not only his the thin person faster and more agile, but at least as strong as the brute but in some cases, even stronger.


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2007
People reacting like that leads me to believe no one there played Radiant Dawn...


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
I hate in anime how there is a really thin person and then a person bulging with muscles and 9 feet tall. And not only his the thin person faster and more agile, but at least as strong as the brute but in some cases, even stronger.
That's anime logic for ya. :p

And by anime, I could mean Japan, since it's not that different for manga or Japanese games overall, exceptions aside. Ironic thing is how Ike was designed by Japanese people, since this design is based on Radiant Dawn, as previously stated on this thread.

Compare those:

People reacting like that leads me to believe no one there played Radiant Dawn...
Pretty much this.

(Also, Radiant Dawn was my first FE game.)


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2013
Somewhere magical
The GBA FEs, Path of Radiance, or Awakening are the best places to start for a first FE.

Radiant Dawn isn't ideal since it is a sequel to Path of Radiance. Shadow Dragon is usually not a good game to start with either since its a remake, even though I started with that game and it got me into the series but I am weird lol.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
I always recommend Sacred Stones or Awakening as a first entry for people. Between the two, I would give an edge to Sacred Stones since while it also has some familiar RPG elements like an overworld map with monsters to slay, it actually plays more like Fire Emblem should.

And I'm not talking about the lack of a pair up mechanic. I mean general chapter design entirely. It's a safe place to learn about making the most out of chokeholds and other terrain features.
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Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2013
Somewhere magical
I myself would recommend Path of Radiance as the best FE to start with myself, if I had to narrow it down to one.

Just try not to start with Radiant Dawn or Shadow Dragon if you can help it. xD


Smash Lord
Feb 9, 2014
Alberta, Canada
I always recommend Sacred Stones or Awakening as a first entry for people. Between the two, I would give an edge to Sacred Stones since while it also has some familiar RPG elements like an overworld map with monsters to slay, it actually plays more like Fire Emblem should.

And I'm not talking about the lack of a pair up mechanic. I mean general chapter design entirely. It's a safe place to learn about making the most out of chokeholds and other terrain features.
Okay, I've already tried the demo for Awakening, so I'll go with that.

Back on topic;
So I did some looking around at the in-game design of Ike, and like mimgrim said, Ike is definitely more muscular in SSB4 than in Radiant Dawn.
What do you guys think? Do you like the older, more muscular design of Ike, or the younger, more youthful design? Personally I prefer the older, more muscular design myself.

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
I always recommend Sacred Stones or Awakening as a first entry for people. Between the two, I would give an edge to Sacred Stones since while it also has some familiar RPG elements like an overworld map with monsters to slay, it actually plays more like Fire Emblem should.

And I'm not talking about the lack of a pair up mechanic. I mean general chapter design entirely. It's a safe place to learn about making the most out of chokeholds and other terrain features.
No love for FE7?


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
I myself would recommend Path of Radiance as the best FE to start with myself, if I had to narrow it down to one.
For what it's worth, Path of Radiance is by far and wide my favourite entry in the series, and I have been playing them since FE3. Especially the Japanese version, with a much-needed difficulty option for series veterans.

The Greil Mercenaries are indisputably the best cast of characters the series has ever seen. Even if you don't like a particular member for having a personality that doesn't mesh with your own, you at least cared about them. Compare it them to Chrom and his Shepherds, who largely could have wandered out of any anime.

It also had nigh on perfect chapter design. There is a lot of variety, and very clearly designed tactical considerations for each. Aside from a few maps with an awful lot of walking, the chapters are designed so the units can function together strategically.

The gameplay took the console Fire Emblem formula, refined it, and added just the right amount of new features, such as shoving. It has probably the best skill system as well.

And of course overall I think the story was well-delivered. Even if Radiant Dawn was not perfect, I think the fact it carries on the story from PoR is more than enough reason to play it at least once.

The only thing I could dock off marks on are presentation. The battle animations were a step down from the GBA games, and did not take full advantage of the technology the system had to offer. Compare it to Super Smash Bros Melee, which came out years earlier. The audio department just as well, not only had some iffy tracks, but could have handled some technical aspects better. Neither of these harm or hinder what made the game great, however, so take it with a grain of salt.

All that said, Path of Radiance is a bit of a bother to acquire/play properly for some people, where as Sacred Stones seems more accessible.
No love for FE7?
No. After FE4, it felt like an era of mediocrity (I had never gotten my hands on Thracia 776 until way after it came out).


Smash Lord
Feb 9, 2014
Alberta, Canada
For what it's worth, Path of Radiance is by far and wide my favourite entry in the series, and I have been playing them since FE3. Especially the Japanese version, with a much-needed difficulty option for series veterans.

The Greil Mercenaries are indisputably the best cast of characters the series has ever seen. Even if you don't like a particular member for having a personality that doesn't mesh with your own, you at least cared about them. Compare it them to Chrom and his Shepherds, who largely could have wandered out of any anime.

It also had nigh on perfect chapter design. There is a lot of variety, and very clearly designed tactical considerations for each. Aside from a few maps with an awful lot of walking, the chapters are designed so the units can function together strategically.

The gameplay took the console Fire Emblem formula, refined it, and added just the right amount of new features, such as shoving. It has probably the best skill system as well.

And of course overall I think the story was well-delivered. Even if Radiant Dawn was not perfect, I think the fact it carries on the story from PoR is more than enough reason to play it at least once.

The only thing I could dock off marks on are presentation. The battle animations were a step down from the GBA games, and did not take full advantage of the technology the system had to offer. Compare it to Super Smash Bros Melee, which came out years earlier. The audio department just as well, not only had some iffy tracks, but could have handled some technical aspects better. Neither of these harm or hinder what made the game great, however, so take it with a grain of salt.

All that said, Path of Radiance is a bit of a bother to acquire/play properly for some people, where as Sacred Stones seems more accessible.
No. After FE4, it felt like an era of mediocrity (I had never gotten my hands on Thracia 776 until way after it came out).
I have a first gen Wii, so I'll also try PoR.


Smash Lord
Oct 24, 2007
Switch FC
4999 6039 1484
Okay, I've already tried the demo for Awakening, so I'll go with that.

Back on topic;
So I did some looking around at the in-game design of Ike, and like mimgrim said, Ike is definitely more muscular in SSB4 than in Radiant Dawn.
What do you guys think? Do you like the older, more muscular design of Ike, or the younger, more youthful design? Personally I prefer the older, more muscular design myself.
My 1st FE was Shadow Dragon. Why is that not a recommended game to start?

Also, I like his current, bigger look more. I wanted this FE10 Ike in Brawl and was disappointed when we got the leaner FE9 version instead.


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2013
Somewhere magical
Sacred Stones is no easier to acquire then Path of Radiance. One is a GBA game while the other is a GC game and finding one at a store is super duper hard, I was super lucky to find both games at Gamestops for a good deal, I only had to pay like 20 bucks of PoR and like around 10 bucks for SS. But that was also a couple of years ago. Now the only way to get them physically is mainly through something like Amazon where they are expensive lol.

My 1st FE was Shadow Dragon. Why is that not a recommended game to start?
It's a remake. It's very rough around the edges and is more often then not going to scare someone for the series.

It was my first FE game as well and it got me into the series, but me and you are probably one of the few exceptions lol.
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Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2007
The GBA FEs, Path of Radiance, or Awakening are the best places to start for a first FE.

Radiant Dawn isn't ideal since it is a sequel to Path of Radiance. Shadow Dragon is usually not a good game to start with either since its a remake, even though I started with that game and it got me into the series but I am weird lol.
Gonna have to stop you there- The GBA FEs aged HORRIBLY compared to the newer ones. I played Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn before moving to Shadow Dragon then Awakening. I started the Fire Emblem from the Ambassador Program and i had to put it down because it was SO CLUNKY. The HUD had no information, i would lose battles i thought i was going to win multiple times. If you're planning to start, Awakening or Path of Radiance are your best bet. Shadow Dragon was alright, but those two had GREAT tutorials. Radiant Dawn is only worth it once you've beaten Path of Radiance.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
That's anime logic for ya. :p

And by anime, I could mean Japan, since it's not that different for manga or Japanese games overall, exceptions aside. Ironic thing is how Ike was designed by Japanese people, since this design is based on Radiant Dawn, as previously stated on this thread.

Compare those:

Pretty much this.

(Also, Radiant Dawn was my first FE game.)
I like how the Smash model buffed up his thighs to fill the pants so they do not look as baggy. He does have those big metal boots so giant legs make sense.

Also, Marth and Ike really have a nice contrast going. A round face versus a more angled face, and a lithe body versus a more solid one. Grace versus Power is apparent with their visual style to match their gameplay differences.
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Smash Lord
Oct 24, 2007
Switch FC
4999 6039 1484
Sacred Stones is no easier to acquire then Path of Radiance. One is a GBA game while the other is a GC game and finding one at a store is super duper hard, I was super lucky to find both games at Gamestops for a good deal, I only had to pay like 20 bucks of PoR and like around 10 bucks for SS. But that was also a couple of years ago. Now the only way to get them physically is mainly through something like Amazon where they are expensive lol.

It's a remake. It's very rough around the edges and is more often then not going to scare someone for the series.

It was my first FE game as well and it got me into the series, but me and you are probably one of the few exceptions lol.
Yeah, I liked Shadow Dragon. A lot. I was pissed that it's follow up didn't get a US release.


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2013
Somewhere magical
Gonna have to stop you there- The GBA FEs aged HORRIBLY compared to the newer ones. I played Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn before moving to Shadow Dragon then Awakening. I started the Fire Emblem from the Ambassador Program and i had to put it down because it was SO CLUNKY. The HUD had no information, i would lose battles i thought i was going to win multiple times. If you're planning to start, Awakening or Path of Radiance are your best bet. Shadow Dragon was alright, but those two had GREAT tutorials. Radiant Dawn is only worth it once you've beaten Path of Radiance.
I have no idea what you are talking about lol.

Maybe it was a problem with the Ambassador Program itself?

I have an actual copy of Sacred Stones and have no idea how it is clunky or how the HUD has no information. It aged pretty well imo.

And the game is piss easy. Seth alone can solo that game by himself on Hard mode. xD
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Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2007
I have no idea what you are talking about lol.

Maybe it was a problem with the Ambassador Program itself?

I have an actual copy of Sacred Stones and have no idea how it is clunky or how the HUD has no information. It aged pretty well imo.

And the game is piss easy. Seth alone can solo that game by himself on Hard mode. xD
Maybe it was a problem with switching weapons then? I honestly can't remember the issue, but i remember there was a glaring issue which caused me to stop playing it.


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2013
Somewhere magical
Switching weapons is the same as in every other FE though?

SS has a bit of a ****ed up RNG, but both of the GBA games have that from what I know, but that's about it lol.


The Strongest
Jul 6, 2004
I have no idea what you are talking about lol.

Maybe it was a problem with the Ambassador Program itself?

I have an actual copy of Sacred Stones and have no idea how it is clunky or how the HUD has no information. It aged pretty well imo.

And the game is piss easy. Seth alone can solo that game by himself on Hard mode. xD
I still enjoy Sacred Stones myself.

A nice variety of maps. It had great music, though limited by the hardware. It can be both a very short or very long game, which is nice since you can decide how much value you want out of the game as the adventure starts to wind down.

I picked it up from the ambassador program. Even though I had beaten the original more than once, I still played through it again. Didn't feel any of the issues @ egaddmario egaddmario experienced. It is true that Awakening had some conveniences that would be nice to have, but we had gone on so long without them just fine.


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2007
I still enjoy Sacred Stones myself.

A nice variety of maps. It had great music, though limited by the hardware. It can be both a very short or very long game, which is nice since you can decide how much value you want out of the game as the adventure starts to wind down.

I picked it up from the ambassador program. Even though I had beaten the original more than once, I still played through it again. Didn't feel any of the issues @ egaddmario egaddmario experienced. It is true that Awakening had some conveniences that would be nice to have, but we had gone on so long without them just fine.
Maybe it's just because i didn't start off with them that i thought the controls were clunky? If you started with them, in theory, you wouldn't see anything wrong with them- only the improvements made later on. So, yeah, I guess you could start with them. I just wasn't a fan.


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2013
Somewhere magical
I started with Shadow Dragon to go onto PoR to go onto RD to go onto SS to go onto Awakening. The controls felt like any other FE game to me.

The only Western release FE game I haven't played is FE7, but I really really want to. It's just so ****ing expensive.
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