I'll go on record to say that the idea that any gender should have to be anything in terms of attributes or phyqisue, in a fantasy world or our modern world, is lunacy. A lot of folks in those comments are criticizing Asia for liking so called "effeminate" men, when really, the idea of masculinity and even the idea that masculinity is valuable is subjective, to an extent. We are not in the bronze age anymore. You got lots of scrawny nerds doing lots of wonderful things out there. I can lift literally a tonne with the press of a button.
THAT SAID, Ike being a total BEAST makes sense. Not because he is a man, but because is a warrior. One who leads some of the toughest and certainly the most prestigious mercenaries in all of Tellius, if not the seven realms and Fire Emblem entirely. For someone who wields a massive sword in one hand and moves with such fluidity as he does, one could only have a body of perfection.
And yeah, it's fantasy. You have a toothpick like Cloud who wields a massive iron dildo like it's made out of cardboard. I won't be so silly as to criticize the lack of realism, but I personally prefer that characters look their part. I think it's cooler.