Perhaps my mind is still in shock, but for now I prefer the Brawl one. I wouldn't be surprised if I learned to later SSB4's version more later.
For now when I see this version of Ike, it just makes me think of someone that tried to combine Brawl Ike and Garen from League Of Legends. Doesn't help that some of these new Ike Pictures has Ike being in the exact same pose as some of the Garen Wallpepers.... My mind is probably just making silly, random connections between 2 Tanky Heavy Sword Users.
Comparison 1
Comparison 2
Purely coincidental I know. I now have to go poke a couple friends and say that now they've infected me with LoL, since they did this kind of comparison to so many characters from other games.
Once again, I prefer Brawl Ike, but Manly Ike is the Ike that Ike deserves.