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want CLOUD STRIFE in brawl? official thread.

Seth'White Fox'

Smash Journeyman
Jun 25, 2006
Inbewteen Corneria, Midgar, Mushroom kingdom, and
XD Can't belive that grammerical error slipped past me. I'm not a very good grammer nazi. English I have failed you!!!

Anyway, I thought LionHeart was an attack not a weapon. Also if it is a weapon imo 7Edge still is greater than it. Its 7 swords in one!!! Thats a sword fanatics dream right there, and I happen to be one. Own 6 swords 2 knifes and I made my own axe, but thats a story for another day.

Leon does have a chance, but you must admit that from all the attatation Cloud is getting Square and Nintendo both would pick him over Squall? I mean Squall deserves some attation as he is the seccound most famous FF hero(not includeing Fighter beceause he's genaric) and has not had near as many apperences as Cloud, but it seems to me that if the copanys had to pick Cloud would get in first.

Sometimes its not always what a gammer wants as what the copany thinks the gamer wants, and right now Square-Enix seems to think we STILL want more Cloud. (Although as a FF7 fan I belive Square-Enix might just be overkilling.)


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
DUDE yo i ain't tryin to bash u or flame u but if u actually have seen how Tidus was and how Cloud was... there is a HUGE DIFFERNCE.... Cloud is THE MAN.... noone from FF8-11 has the potential to even daydream of reaching the status that Cloud has obtained.... Cloud was by far way better then Tidus... i suggest to go replay FF7 and pay attention to the storyline and see how Cloud was and his reactions and the ENEMY HE HAD TO FACE..... Sin was a piece of crap, he was a blob of crap that threw out some lil fish at you to try to kill u.... i personally think that Cloud oversees all......

This is IMO... i just don't think Squall, Tidus, whatever the main in 9 is actually called, and same thing with 11.... i think that 9 was crap, and the same thing with X-2, and 11.... and the way that they have changed the battle system for 12, it is just like an upgraded Zelda game... IMO i wouldn't even dare to get into or try 12 since they changed the battle system, and that was the best system they had goin... IMO
Even though everyone else sorta tore you open with comments I feel I ahve to too. >_> I'm an 7 fanboy but atleast I'm not deluted enough to think cloud is the best thing since sliced bread.

Also 9 sucks? you disgrace final fantasy =x

you probably think the snes titles suck too, in which case you're beyond help. <_<


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
Aiser, BarBino auctualy said in one of his posts that he has played FF1 and FF2. English hates you for not reading it. You make English a sad panda.(<- I have absoultly no idea where I got that from.)
>_> shut up please, lol.

I stopped reading after I got to his post, and thats nice english hates me, english doesn't have a mind so I can't see how it can possible hate me.

The Bino

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2005
Poughkeepsie, New York (Upstate)
Even though everyone else sorta tore you open with comments I feel I ahve to too. >_> I'm an 7 fanboy but atleast I'm not deluted enough to think cloud is the best thing since sliced bread.

Also 9 sucks? you disgrace final fantasy =x

you probably think the snes titles suck too, in which case you're beyond help. <_<
Yes FF9 sucked big BALLZANO!!!!! and i would like to verify that to u b/c everyone that i personally know that plays Final Fantasy games... said that FF9 was CRAP... and i wouldn't go as far as to say that FF9 sucks as hard as FF11 but its close (this is all IMO with some opinions from friends)

I disgrace Final Fantasy? HA is wha i say, i love the way that Final Fantasy has one of the Best storylines in almost every FF game....

SNES was one of my fav systems ( i would say N64 would be my fav (due to the fact of Goldeneye and the massive amount of extremely good games that came out)... I still have almost all of my games for my SNES, i got the original box my SNES came in, the original SNES from when it was first released back in the day, and i still collect the classic games by gettin them off of ebay

Thanx for being a total opptimistic person i appreciated it lol


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
Yes FF9 sucked big BALLZANO!!!!! and i would like to verify that to u b/c everyone that i personally know that plays Final Fantasy games... said that FF9 was CRAP... and i wouldn't go as far as to say that FF9 sucks as hard as FF11 but its close (this is all IMO with some opinions from friends)
Really? you know... who do you talk to? 12 year olds? seriously it was a top seller kay?

I disgrace Final Fantasy? HA is wha i say, i love the way that Final Fantasy has one of the Best storylines in almost every FF game....
what're you sayng?

SNES was one of my fav systems ( i would say N64 would be my fav (due to the fact of Goldeneye and the massive amount of extremely good games that came out)... I still have almost all of my games for my SNES, i got the original box my SNES came in, the original SNES from when it was first released back in the day, and i still collect the classic games by gettin them off of ebay
thats not what I ment, I've seen to many ff7 fanboys who've never even heard of ff4 or 5 or even 6. I kinda assumed that of you.

Thanx for being a total opptimistic person i appreciated it lol[/QUOTE]

The Bino

Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2005
Poughkeepsie, New York (Upstate)
Really? you know... who do you talk to? 12 year olds? seriously it was a top seller kay?

what're you sayng?

thats not what I ment, I've seen to many ff7 fanboys who've never even heard of ff4 or 5 or even 6. I kinda assumed that of you.
All of my friends are in between 16-25 mainly, with some also being in there 30s as well.... It being a top seller doesn't mean anything to me... cuz i can tell u that a crap game can sell alot if u give it the right name.... take a look at the Shop Rite franchise as an example... there isn't anymore REAL Shop Rites... so if a NEW Shop Rite opens up ur really shoppin at a company that just paid for that name, to give itself an edge over the consumers... the consumers know the name from way back, they feel comfortable shopping in a store they have known or seen the name for a while... unlike a store that's BRAND NEW with a new name and everything, ppl feel a lil skepticle bout shopping there..... anyway, The Final Fantasy franchise name is what made that game sell, plus it having upgraded graphics, probably a decent battle system, the LAST Final Fantasy for PSOne, and just cuz its a Final Fantasy game ppl will go out and buy it, especially since 'majority' of ppl that buy the newest Final Fantasy game will buy it just cuz they have played past Final Fantasy games.... its only natural....

Sorry if this seems quite blunt or anything, but i am just trying to get the point accross.... and its pretty much given that we won't agree on anything so i won't state that (if FF9 is a good game to u) FF7 is better then FF9 just cuz of my opinion on the games itself, then i just settle at we have different tastes in how Final Fantasy games are thats all


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2005
All of my friends are in between 16-25 mainly, with some also being in there 30s as well.... It being a top seller doesn't mean anything to me... cuz i can tell u that a crap game can sell alot if u give it the right name.... take a look at the Shop Rite franchise as an example... there isn't anymore REAL Shop Rites... so if a NEW Shop Rite opens up ur really shoppin at a company that just paid for that name, to give itself an edge over the consumers... the consumers know the name from way back, they feel comfortable shopping in a store they have known or seen the name for a while... unlike a store that's BRAND NEW with a new name and everything, ppl feel a lil skepticle bout shopping there..... anyway, The Final Fantasy franchise name is what made that game sell, plus it having upgraded graphics, probably a decent battle system, the LAST Final Fantasy for PSOne, and just cuz its a Final Fantasy game ppl will go out and buy it, especially since 'majority' of ppl that buy the newest Final Fantasy game will buy it just cuz they have played past Final Fantasy games.... its only natural....
You do realise ff8 is seen more as a final fantasy failure then 9, 9 atleast had substance. It combined the new age system, which appeased to newer generation of ff gamers, while it incorperated the older days which so many vets longed for.

no offense to anyone who likes 8, imo it started out rather well then it just got really bad toward the end.

in anycase we're not gonna agree, so whatever lol.


Smash Cadet
Sep 8, 2006
Claremont, NH
If Cloud comes in SSBB, Than other companies are going to want their characters in it as well. Snake I know was a complete shock to everyone including myself. but for Nintendo to add more charcters from other companies wouldn't be good. Move sets wouldn't be a problem I don't think (I can think of a few moves myself)

But like 'Kilroy' said, "let them stay where they belong."

Seth'White Fox'

Smash Journeyman
Jun 25, 2006
Inbewteen Corneria, Midgar, Mushroom kingdom, and
Aiser,BarBino, thats gone far enough. Please end your bickering so we can move on to the debate at hand.

And for Spaniard364, I belive that the companys wanting characters in isent a problem. What I would see as a problem ,on the other hand, Is each company wanting multiple charcters in. I can see haveing a star from each company not being so bad, but I don't want to see like every Metal Gear charcter in extsistence(SP?) in Super Smash Brothers. When it comes to third partys I think a standard of one per customer would be benifecal.(Unless a certain charcter had some outstanding ablity that would be perfect for the game, that is.)

Also a game that offers third party support ONLY to one company? I would think the other companys would get kinda resentful. That means BAM no more FF remakes for the DS. BAM no chance of multiple Sonic games. I can go on and on.


Smash Cadet
Sep 8, 2006
Claremont, NH
Aiser,BarBino, thats gone far enough. Please end your bickering so we can move on to the debate at hand.

And for Spaniard364, I belive that the companys wanting characters in isent a problem. What I would see as a problem ,on the other hand, Is each company wanting multiple charcters in. I can see haveing a star from each company not being so bad, but I don't want to see like every Metal Gear charcter in extsistence(SP?) in Super Smash Brothers. When it comes to third partys I think a standard of one per customer would be benifecal.(Unless a certain charcter had some outstanding ablity that would be perfect for the game, that is.)

Also a game that offers third party support ONLY to one company? I would think the other companys would get kinda resentful. That means BAM no more FF remakes for the DS. BAM no chance of multiple Sonic games. I can go on and on.
Well. A character from 3rd party companys wouldn't be so bad. Didn't really think of it on that point of view.That was what I meant, Just came out differently, I apologize for not stating that in the first place. They may/may not want other characters in Brawl. It wouldn't really matter I geuss cause either way its Nintendo's choice.

I do see what your saying about other companys getting resentfull, that would just mean Nintendo would have to be more carefull on which companys characters they allow in. I beleive Nintendo will make a successfull game either way. Whoever they choose to put in it, they'll find a way to make it work.


Smash Cadet
Sep 9, 2006
Who cares? But I'm right next to Rick James grind
i'm gonna take a look at this from an overall standpoint, in that though Cloud would rock imo, I don't believe he should be in whether he has a chance or not.

I've played every FF thats been released in the US so far with the exception of XI. From my experiences with the games, I thought FF7 had one of the best plots, (afterwards the story quality seemed to plummet with improved graphics, meh).

FF7 is one of the greatest RPGs of all time, whether or not you are sick of it being "hyped" or "milked", the game itself and its popularity can not be denied. Yes, Cloud has no affiliation with Nintendo except for a cameo. Yes, cloud-fanboys have bred cloud-haters, but one thing can be proven true with everything that is being put out to "Milk" FF7 and its characters. Even after all these years, it still generates good revenue. That's what corporations look for in their product, revenue. Cloud would attract a lot of people to the game just for his presence, even if they made him suck. If people want to play this game though, they need a Wii, so guess what the cause and effect is? Wii sales go up...

I understand the viewpoint of all the people emphasizing that Smash Bros. is SUPPOSED to be about NINTENDO's ALL-STARS, but what's wrong with slipping in somebody for the sole reason to boost sales? Come on, not many people would actually be so stubborn as to refuse the game if Cloud did somehow make the roster, but in all likeliness, more would flock to get it. The more the merrier imo, have fun kicking cloud's @$$ if you hate him so much.

If you want to see a stocked roster full of third party and pointless characters, check out this guy's lineup (photoshopped) I mean, come on, they've got VADER! How's that for third party? :chuckle:

I also understand a viewpoint that whatever space he uses up could be given to some other character. But look at SSBM, Pichu? Was he really necessary? Couldn't his place have been used for a cooler/better nintendo character? Don't get me wrong here, I love Pichu, he's one of my backups, but people that say his place could've been put to better use and they hate on him, don't they just ignore his presence anyway? Was there a consensus fan population that demanded Pichu (I wasn't around then, so I'm not too sure, but probably not)? This would probably be the same case with Cloud. People would complain, but in the end they'd just ignore him. Also to this I bring about the point of gamefaqs character battles. People can say what they want about cloud, in the end, he and Link seem to be the two most popular CHARACTERS in gaming history. What's wrong with bringing a popular character in? The programmers can discriminate all they want against him, they wouldn't have to make him good :cool:

But in the end, I'll have to end up going to the side of Cloud-haters (as much as I like him), because he'd simply be out of place in SSB. FF would seem out of place in SSB. As cool as cloud is, if they were going to take a single FF character, I'd say they should use someone with a weapon that hadn't used yet (screw the swords), a major role in an SNES FF, and was still really cool.


Or generic black mages...they own too :)

Seth'White Fox'

Smash Journeyman
Jun 25, 2006
Inbewteen Corneria, Midgar, Mushroom kingdom, and
DaHellKnights, Thank you for bringing some non hate Cloud conter to the thred. For the most part all I have been seeing is Cloud love and Cloud Hatred, and you bring sanity to the Cloud not in Brawl roster. Congratulations!

I also think he wouldent fit in to well, well auctually I take that back. He would fit in great beceause hes a fighter. More of the reason I would NOT want him in is beceause not that he wouldent fit in but more along the lines of a FF fighter in Brawl would FEEL weird. Maby, however, this would be a step over the hurdle of charcter confussion. Pherhaps letting a major charcter such as Cloud would sorta pave the way for other third partys. After he or another unexpected charcter(Like not from Nintendo ORIGNALY) would make it feel less weird for other companys to try it out for there star character.

But maby I'm thinking to much. Who knows. At the begining I thought it would feel weird, but the more I talk about it I'm starting to think maby we shouldent wait for SSB:4 to let in a major character(My orignal approch), but that he does have a chance.

On the other hand, what if includeing Cloud is to much of a jump. Like if Nintendo let Cloud in all of the sudden there would be a major rush of somapnys wanting a peice. Nintendo might be pressured to have to let them in and then SSB gets crowded. That could lead to an umtimely death of a great series.

I'm still kinda undecied myself, for now I will just keep offering my support and opions. Eaither way Brawl atleast will be a hit, and congrats again for the great post!


Smash Cadet
Sep 9, 2006
Who cares? But I'm right next to Rick James grind
DaHellKnights, Thank you for bringing some non hate Cloud conter to the thred. For the most part all I have been seeing is Cloud love and Cloud Hatred, and you bring sanity to the Cloud not in Brawl roster. Congratulations!

I also think he wouldent fit in to well, well auctually I take that back. He would fit in great beceause hes a fighter. More of the reason I would NOT want him in is beceause not that he wouldent fit in but more along the lines of a FF fighter in Brawl would FEEL weird. Maby, however, this would be a step over the hurdle of charcter confussion. Pherhaps letting a major charcter such as Cloud would sorta pave the way for other third partys. After he or another unexpected charcter(Like not from Nintendo ORIGNALY) would make it feel less weird for other companys to try it out for there star character.

But maby I'm thinking to much. Who knows. At the begining I thought it would feel weird, but the more I talk about it I'm starting to think maby we shouldent wait for SSB:4 to let in a major character(My orignal approch), but that he does have a chance.

On the other hand, what if includeing Cloud is to much of a jump. Like if Nintendo let Cloud in all of the sudden there would be a major rush of somapnys wanting a peice. Nintendo might be pressured to have to let them in and then SSB gets crowded. That could lead to an umtimely death of a great series.

I'm still kinda undecied myself, for now I will just keep offering my support and opions. Eaither way Brawl atleast will be a hit, and congrats again for the great post!
No problems, man.

I see what you mean with Cloud paving the way for a third party fallout, but in my thoughts of common sense, crowding the lineup with foreigners is a completely different thing than letting who is possibly THE most popular character of all time in...If you look at a character and he/she isn't a major marketing buffer, refuse. I don't care how hard other third parties would push, nintendo would just have to say that whoever wasn't worth the repercussions (the series collapsing) Like they always say in school, RESIST PEER PRESSURE :laugh:

BTW, the guy that said FF9 blew chunks, that was the first FF I ever played and i got it when it was already old. That game rocked and made me an RPG fan. Kuja was pretty stupid and smug and girly and...well, you get the point, yeah, and Necron seemed a little pointless at the end, but it worked. Opinion is opinion, but Vivi Ornitier FTW.

Seth'White Fox'

Smash Journeyman
Jun 25, 2006
Inbewteen Corneria, Midgar, Mushroom kingdom, and
Oh so THATS where Vivi is from. I played KH2 and I was like: "OMG BM!!11! hE 15 fR0|\/| teh FF1!!11!"

Sorry sometimes it sorta comes out. I learned leet beceause I want to read it not speak it, but sometimes I can't help it. :chuckle:

By the way outta sheer curosity, are you on the Cloud for Brawl side, the Cloud stay out of Brwal side, or the neutral side like myself?

Also I suppose your right, Nintendo would probally refuse when it got to far. I mean its not like were gonna have like The King of all Cosmos in Brawl. :chuckle:


Smash Cadet
Sep 9, 2006
Who cares? But I'm right next to Rick James grind
Oh so THATS where Vivi is from. I played KH2 and I was like: "OMG BM!!11! hE 15 fR0|\/| teh FF1!!11!"

Sorry sometimes it sorta comes out. I learned leet beceause I want to read it not speak it, but sometimes I can't help it. :chuckle:

By the way outta sheer curosity, are you on the Cloud for Brawl side, the Cloud stay out of Brwal side, or the neutral side like myself?

Also I suppose your right, Nintendo would probally refuse when it got to far. I mean its not like were gonna have like The King of all Cosmos in Brawl. :chuckle:
I'm inbewteen the absolute NO and the neutral. It'd be cool if he was in, I'd probably pick him up for fun, but I don't personally think the SSB universe is for him.

lol @ not knowing where Vivi was from :laugh: A nine-year-old that pwns everything with uber magic skillz is the ****, especially with his personality to go along with it. There wasn't a file I had in FF9 where Vivi wasn't with my party at EVERY possible moment.


Smash Cadet
Jun 23, 2006
The ghetto of Cape Coral FL
i think barret would fit in better plus he would be the only black guy......
unless they put in mike tyson. he has some nintendo antology

Long live crono!


Smash Cadet
Sep 8, 2006
Claremont, NH
Also, you would have to ask yourself...Lets say Nintendo did put Cloud in SSBB, and not Sephiroth. How many topics on here or Gamefaqs or anywhere else are going to be flooded about how they should have put Sephiroth in. I see just as many Cloud user names as I do Sephiroth user names. How would they choose between them. I think, if I may assume everyone here would think the same thing, that if they put one in, people would DEMAND to put the other in, so they could have an uber Cloud vs. Sephiroth fight. Am I right?

As far as Cloud being in SSBB. I've changed my mind. I thought to myself: Well he wasn't in SSBM, and I do perfectly fine without him. In fact the question of him even entering the Smash universe was never brought to my attention until E3. So whether or not Cloud is in..really won't waver my support of Nintendo. Cause as I said, they'll always find a way to make it work.


Smash Ace
Jul 10, 2006
Santa Cruz, CA
1) The only bad final fantasy was 11 and that's because it wasn't a real final fantasy game.

2) IMO VIII was the best out of the next gen FF games and **** anyone who says it sucks.

3)As for IX, I think it's horribly underrated and not enough people give it the respect it deserves,

4) FF7 is overrated. No one is changing my mind. in my brain this is fact not opinion. I guess to everyon else it's my opinion.

5) Sephiroth cannot be in Brawl he was never on a nintendo console.

6) cloud was BARELY on a nintendo console. He was on a card based spinoff of a playstation game and for god's sake he did NOT have an important role. Cloud's role in the game was no more significant that simba or peter pan. Yes I know cloud was a card, but so was the keyblade. Should the Keyblade be in brawl? should maleficent? oogie boogie? stop me if I'm getting warm.

This whole topic is ridiculous. and yet I cant stop posting on it.

Seth'White Fox'

Smash Journeyman
Jun 25, 2006
Inbewteen Corneria, Midgar, Mushroom kingdom, and
Have you read Sakuri's rules yet? MUST have made a apperence, and NO realistic guns. Barret doesen't pass on eaither of those.

Cloud has made a apperence as a SUBPLOT(NOT A CAMEO, A SUBPLOT) in a gameboy advance game called Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories.

Also this next bit is directed tword Dantedemonslayr, but other obsessive haters listlen up!

DanteDemonSlayr, No offence but beceause your a Cloud hater all of your posts have been grosly opoioneted. (MAJOR Spelling error) Unless you can set your mind at a neutral stand point I don't think you can make a insightful post in this petulicular thred.

I'm not saying that you can't make insightful posts, far from that. Its just that your thought that Cloud is overrated (I auctually agree a bit.) has degraded your posts to merely Cloud hate, and other FF game love.(Which has no point in even being in this thred sence were talking about Cloud as a possible charcter.)

I'm not saying I'm a perfect poster eaither. If I went into a pokemon thred it would be loaded with my hate, but thats why I stay away from them.

No one here is trying to change your mind, (execpt the obsessive FF7 fan boys, but you cant change minds if they have lost your own.)and I'm not trying to tell you to leave, but if you could turn down the Cloud hate just a bit we may progress a little farther in this thred. May it be tword Cloud outta Brawl, or not. But if you must coitinue this pointless bickering about Cloud, who in your eye should lick the boots of every other FF charcter, than why not go make a thred about it in genral discussion or whatever its called on this board. Kepp it outta the character discussion please.

If fealings were hurt, than maby you should take that into conderation before posting your posts, but I do aplogise for being so blunt. When something isen't right around me I tend to rant. :chuckle:

O.o Wow listlening to myself I sound like a mod...
Job please?
:chuckle: Just kidding.

Crazy Ace 01

Smash Apprentice
Aug 15, 2006
Manchester, New Hampshire
Without reading anything in this thread besides the first post, my response is:

No, I would not want Cloud in SSBB. Not because I don't like him, not because I hate FFVII. It's because he is just so darn ugly!

:chuckle: Just kidding... the real reason is that I think there are many other Nintendo-based characters that deserve a spot before him in Brawl, such as Diddy Kong, King Dedede, Skull Kid, Krystal, ect.

Edit: After reading the above page, I'm starting to think I shouldn't have posted in this thread. Anyways, to appease the opinionated, the factual, and the derranged, I would just like to state that this post is my opinion. Thank you for your time.

P.S. Hey, Cloud fan-folk, have you seen McFox's Burning Pit of Doom? It includes a character whose name starts with a C and ends with a D. I just want you to know I agree with the pit 100%.

Seth'White Fox'

Smash Journeyman
Jun 25, 2006
Inbewteen Corneria, Midgar, Mushroom kingdom, and
Yeah I've seen it. I don't really care, its his own opinion he can think whatever he likes. Not to metion he started a new thred for spcificly that, and has stayed on topic.

By the way you do know there will be 40+ characters right? I never said let Cloud in first, but maby there will be room left for him when all nintendo options are filled.

I'd like to thank you for your third paragraph, not many dislikers have the will to even state something like that, and for that reason I think you.

Also, you might gain from reading at least 5 pages into a thred and then the 3 most recient posts.(AT THE VERY LEAST) That way you can save yourself from aquard moments, and constant repeating of questions. Not to metion you whole opinion may change, for the better, beceause a petucarly insightful post.

PS: I agree with McClouds post 75%. Most of the characters are good, but some of the burnt ones could be cool. I'm refering to Baby Bowser and Cloud. Also I don't belive in the "No Chance in Hell Characters that Should Be In" part one bit.(Cept Koopa Troopa, and maby MABY the prince).

PPS: But whatever. I'm done preaching good form eddicate, and my own opinions for now. C ya Ima finally beat Devil May Cry 3.(<--- long story for another day. :chuckle:)


Smash Ace
Jul 10, 2006
Santa Cruz, CA
I'm not saying cloud is some horrible character that should be erased from existance. sorry if it came across that way. I'm just saying he REALLY shouldn't be in brawl.

also, if it's coming across as hate, it's just annoyance towards the FF7 fanboys.

Also, it's just my opinion, but I don't think chain of memories is a big enough role to let cloud in. It's just that his role was so small. yes i know it was a subplot but it was only a smal smal smal chunk of the game. that's why i started listing disney characters, because their subplot was just as big as his. I mean really, if you want a CoM character, Riku would make much more sense (I am in no way supporting riku for brawl lol)

I apologize if this sounds like "cloud hate." I try to keep my posts intelligent and level headed. And I dont HATE cloud, I just dont support him for brawl, and I think he gets a tad more attention than he deserves.

Seth'White Fox'

Smash Journeyman
Jun 25, 2006
Inbewteen Corneria, Midgar, Mushroom kingdom, and
Allright sorry for misunderstanding. I understand your anoyence. I'm even anoyed by FF fan boys, and I'm one of the biggest there are. lol(I saw Advent childern before it was reaslised in japan...Is that bad?)

Also I understand that Clouds role is minor(,but thanks for finally accepting that he plays part in a SUB PLOT insted of a CAMEO) ,but the reason those other characters aren't being sugested is beceause the fan base is smaller than Clouds(,and there are fan boys that have multiple accounts on this site who post lol Cloud ftw!!1!)

The main reason that I want Cloud for Brawl is auctually not beceause I think he's cool.(Although I admit that plays a big role in my decision) The main reason I like Cloud is the possibilty(A high one at that) of a unique moveset.

All of our swords weilders are eaither fast or mid speed. I'd like to see a hevey weight Sword weilder. (I don't count Gannondorf beceause if he has a sword he would be only half sword weilder.) Also he would have some cool magic attacks.

Also I don't belive that if Cloud got Seporth would follow. His fan base may be just as large, but Nintendo has limits. Besides he hasent played a role on any Nintendo concel.

However even after this I still remain neutral/for brawl on this subject.

PS: Im not even going to respond to Kashakunaki beceause of two reasons.
1: How does this look like a joke thred?
2: "kthxbai"

Crazy Ace 01

Smash Apprentice
Aug 15, 2006
Manchester, New Hampshire
It seems to me that every time someone says something pro-Cloud, they are automatically labeled Cloud fanboy, and vice-versa for Cloud-haters.

Also, you might gain from reading at least 5 pages into a thred and then the 3 most recient posts.(AT THE VERY LEAST) That way you can save yourself from aquard moments, and constant repeating of questions. Not to metion you whole opinion may change, for the better, beceause a petucarly insightful post.
White Fox, please learn how to spell before you preach to me on forum edicate. Just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean I am wrong. Also, the number of characters has not been confirmed. Also, I have my settings on 40 posts per page. I didn't post any questions, besides the pit of doom thing, and that was just a joke.

I'd like to thank you for your third paragraph, not many dislikers have the will to even state something like that, and for that reason I think you.
I appreciate that, but I don't dislike Cloud. I think Cloud is a great character. He has a definite personality and style. FFVII was a great game, and Cloud is a worthy Brawl character. He won't get in, simply because he signed up late on the waiting list. And above him are 50+ Nintendo characters, not including the very likely third parties like Sonic. I think it would be great if he was in Brawl. It certainly wouldn't make the game worse. I just think that it won't happen.

It's kind of like wishing you had one million dollars. It would be great, but it probably isn't gonna just happen by itself.

Seth'White Fox'

Smash Journeyman
Jun 25, 2006
Inbewteen Corneria, Midgar, Mushroom kingdom, and
White Fox, please learn how to spell before you preach to me on forum edicate. Just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean I am wrong. Also, the number of characters has not been confirmed. Also, I have my settings on 40 posts per page. I didn't post any questions, besides the pit of doom thing, and that was just a joke.
O.o Woah woah you took that the COMPLETE wrong way!! I was offering a bit of advice so you wouldent have to edit your post in the future.

I appreciate that, but I don't dislike Cloud. I think Cloud is a great character. He has a definite personality and style. FFVII was a great game, and Cloud is a worthy Brawl character. He won't get in, simply because he signed up late on the waiting list. And above him are 50+ Nintendo characters, not including the very likely third parties like Sonic. I think it would be great if he was in Brawl. It certainly wouldn't make the game worse. I just think that it won't happen.
Sakuri did state that ther would be 40+ characters in the game. Im not trying to be mean but I don't belive that there are 50+ eligble nintendo characters. maby 30 after the ones we have now, but not 50. As for the rest I kinda think his chances are low aswell but they are there.

It's kind of like wishing you had one million dollars. It would be great, but it probably isn't gonna just happen by itself.
Exactly, say Nintendo goes and asks for Geno, what is Square-Enix brings up something about Cloud? There was a document that states that Cloud cloud go in if they had an offer. I don't have the link but it is somewhere in this thred.

SuperMajinLink 287

Smash Lord
Dec 23, 2001
San Antonio, Texas
Imagine if they had Sephiroth, he would HAVE to be one of the most overbalanced characters because it wouldn't be right, that guy is a symbol of power, and I mean, seriously, if they made him a joke, and by joke, I mean "balanced", then he would lose that symbolism that he portrays. I'd say just keep Sephiroth out, I could care less if Cloud is in or not but having Squall in would be really interesting because he doesn't make so many freakin' appearences like Cloud does. I'd say have someone other than Cloud in, Squall would be a good candidate. So would Auron, heh.


Smash Cadet
Sep 8, 2006
Claremont, NH
Well I do have to give Majin Link credit for bringing up that Sephiroth is a symbol of enourmous power. But if it would make them , oh lets say a few more thousand dollars, and if Square was fine with it, whats stopping them.

Also, I'm not trying to start any arguments here so please don't take it the wrong way. But Crazy Ace? Was it really neccessary to try to embarass White Fox because he misspelled one or two words? It really doesn't matter how he spells it as long as we can understand what he is trying to say. It might be just me, but I think calling on his misspelling was just a desperate excuse to keep him quiet. You'd be better to just not point it out next time. Then we could all have a little more of a friendly conversation, and stay focused more on the discussion at hand.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, just don't flame them for it...unless its really, extremely dumb & not have any thought to it.


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
Well I do have to give Majin Link credit for bringing up that Sephiroth is a symbol of enourmous power. But if it would make them , oh lets say a few more thousand dollars, and if Square was fine with it, whats stopping them.
Sakurai's rules

Anyway, I think we all know who Square Enix's rep for Brawl is.


Smash Ace
Jul 10, 2006
Santa Cruz, CA
I hate it when people don't read, Auron can't be in beceuase he hasent appeared on a Nintendo consel.
neither has sephiroth. someone who is apparently a source of enormous power. yup.... guy with huge sword.... and he can summon meteors. that could be his brawl move. better finish him off quick. that big rock could be here in like... 3 weeks.


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
Sakuri did state that ther would be 40+ characters in the game.
Unless you can show me where, no he didn't. That seems to be something everybody thinks he said, but I haven't actually seen it anywhere.

And Cloud would be a terrible idea. He has "TECHNICALLY" appeared on a Nintendo system, but he has definitely not been featured on one.

Seth'White Fox'

Smash Journeyman
Jun 25, 2006
Inbewteen Corneria, Midgar, Mushroom kingdom, and
Unless you can show me where, no he didn't. That seems to be something everybody thinks he said, but I haven't actually seen it anywhere.
Hmm.. Well I'll go with you on that one. I auctually haven't seen the quote myself, but the way everybody talks about it it seemed like a fact. Even so, 30-40 characters seems like it would be what Brawl would have.

I still don't see a non-opinionated way of saying that Cloud is a bad character for Brawl. You must admit he fits all the qualifactions of a 3rd party character. Hes a fighter, he has appeared on a Nintendo councel, and he has a large(Sometimes too large) fanbase.

I'm going to compare him to Snake, but not for the reason that he's third party and they could ask for him to be in.

Before Snake became a newcomer, I bet dollars to doughnuts that almost EVERYONE would say basicly what you've just said McFox. Yet hes still there, and Nintendo's going to make him work as a character.

Also you cannot deny the statement that if a offer had been made Cloud would be in Brawl.
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